
#  optsol_fluxVarClass.R
#  FBA and friends with R.
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich, Dpt. for Bioinformatics,
#  Institute for Informatics, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany.
#  All right reserved.
#  Email: geliudie@uni-duesseldorf.de
#  This file is part of sybil.
#  Sybil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  Sybil is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# optsol_fluxVarClass

#                  definition of the class optsol_fluxVar                      #

              react    = "reactId"    # reactions to be analyzed
         contains = "optsol_optimizeProb"

#                            setters and getters                               #

# react
setMethod("react", signature(object = "optsol_fluxVar"),
          function(object) {

setReplaceMethod("react", signature(object = "optsol_fluxVar"),
                 function(object, value) {
                     object@react <- value

#                               other methods                                  #

# use barplot? or better hist allow user to set plot to false
#setGeneric("plotRangeVar", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("plotRangeVar"))
setMethod("plotRangeVar", signature(object = "optsol_fluxVar"),
          function(object, ...) {
              range <- (
                  (abs(maxSol(object, lp_obj)) - abs(minSol(object, lp_obj)))
                  /abs(maxSol(object, lp_obj))
              #range <- (abs(maxSol(object, lp_obj)) - abs(minSol(object, lp_obj)))
              #blubber <- hist(range, breaks = 500, ...)
              blubber <- hist(range, ...)
              #        names.arg = react_id(react(object)),
              #        las = 2,
              #        ...)

setMethod("blReact", signature(object = "optsol_fluxVar"),
          function(object, tol = SYBIL_SETTINGS("TOLERANCE")) {
              bl <- abs(minSol(object, "lp_obj")) < tol &
                    abs(maxSol(object, "lp_obj")) < tol

setMethod("minSol", signature(object = "optsol_fluxVar"),
          function(object, slot) {

              if (missing(slot)) {
                  stop("argument 'slot' is missing")

              np <- num_of_prob(object)
              if (np > 1) {
                  ms <- 1 : floor(np/2)
              else {
                  stop("not enough optimization problems")
              #ms <- seq(1, num_of_prob(object), 2)
              command  <- paste("is(",
                                "))", sep = "")
              slottype <- eval(parse(text = command))

              if (is.na(match("Matrix", slottype))) {
                  command <- paste(deparse(substitute(slot)),
                                   ")[ms]", sep = "")
              else {
                  command <- paste(deparse(substitute(slot)),
                                   ")[,ms]", sep = "")
              minimalSolutions <- eval(parse(text = command))

setMethod("maxSol", signature(object = "optsol_fluxVar"),
          function(object, slot) {

              if (missing(slot)) {
                  stop("argument 'slot' is missing")

              np <- num_of_prob(object)
              if (np > 1) {
                  ms <- ceiling((np/2+1) : np) 
              else {
                  stop("not enough optimization problems")

              #ms <- seq(2, num_of_prob(object), 2)
              command  <- paste("is(",
                                "))", sep = "")
              slottype <- eval(parse(text = command))

              if (is.na(match("Matrix", slottype))) {
                  command <- paste(deparse(substitute(slot)),
                                   ")[ms]", sep = "")
              else {
                  command <- paste(deparse(substitute(slot)),
                                   ")[,ms]", sep = "")
              maximalSolutions <- eval(parse(text = command))

#setMethod("[", signature = signature(x = "optsol_fluxVar"),
#    function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
#        if ((missing(i)) || (length(i) == 0)) {
#            return(x)
#        }
#        if (max(i) > length(x)) {
#            stop("subscript out of bounds")
#        }
#        slots <- slotNames(x)
#        isO <- is(x)[1]
#        newClass <- paste(isO, "(",
#                          "solver = \"", solver(x), "\"",
#                          sep = "")
#        newClass <- paste(newClass, ", ",
#                          "nprob = length(i)-1, ",
#                          "lpdir = \"lp_dir(x)\", ",
#                          "ncols = lp_num_cols(x), ",
#                          "nrows = lp_num_rows(x), ",
#                          "objf = \"obj_function(x)\", ",
#                          "fld = ",
#        sep = "")
#        NC_fl <- FALSE
#        if (nfluxes(x) > 1) {
#            NC_fl <- TRUE
#            newClass <- paste(newClass, TRUE, sep = "")
#        }
#        else {
#            newClass <- paste(newClass, FALSE, sep = "")
#        }
#        if ("delmat" %in% slots) {
#            dimdel <- dim(delmat(x))
#            newClass <- paste(newClass, ", delrows = ", dimdel[1], ", delcols = ", dimdel[2], sep = "")
#        }
#        else {
#            NC_delmat <- NA
#        }
#        newClass <- paste(newClass, ")", sep = "")
#        newSol <- eval(parse(text = newClass))
#        method(newSol)    <- method(x)[i]
#        algorithm(newSol) <- algorithm(x)
#        lp_obj(newSol)    <- lp_obj(x)[i]
#        lp_ok(newSol)     <- lp_ok(x)[i]
#        lp_stat(newSol)   <- lp_stat(x)[i]
#        react_id(newSol)  <- react_id(x)
#        allGenes(newSol)  <- allGenes(x)
#        chlb(newSol)      <- chlb(x)[i]
#        chub(newSol)      <- chub(x)[i]
#        dels(newSol)      <- dels(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
#        if (isTRUE(NC_fl)) {
#            fluxes(newSol) <- fluxes(x)[,i, drop = FALSE]
#        }
#        if ("fluxdels" %in% slots) {
#            fluxdels(newSol) <- fluxdels(x)[i]
#        }
#        if ("hasEffect" %in% slots) {
#            hasEffect(newSol) <- hasEffect(x)[i]
#        }
#        if ("delmat" %in% slots) {
#            if (all(is.na(dels(newSol)[1,]))) {
#                delmi <- dels(newSol)[-1,1]
#                delmj <- dels(newSol)[-1,2]
#            }
#            else {
#                delmi <- dels(newSol)[,1]
#                delmj <- dels(newSol)[,2]
#            }
#            delmat(newSol) <- delmat(x)[
#                                        as.character(delmi),
#                                        as.character(delmj),
#                                        drop = FALSE
#                                       ]
#        }
#        return(newSol)
#    }

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "optsol_fluxVar", y = "missing"),
          function(x, y,
                   xlab = "reaction no.",
                   ylab = "flux rate",
                   pch = 20,
                   col = "black",
                   collower, colupper, pchupper, pchlower,
                   dottedline = FALSE,
                   baseline = 0,
                   connect = TRUE,
                   colconnect = "black",
                   ...) {

              if (missing(ylim)) {
                  largest  <- ceiling(max(lp_obj(x)))
                  smallest <- floor(min(lp_obj(x)))
                  ylim <- c(smallest, largest)
              else {
                  largest <- ylim[2]
                  smallest <- ylim[1]
              if (missing(collower)) {
                  collower <- col
              if (missing(colupper)) {
                  colupper <- col

              if (missing(pchlower)) {
                  pchlower <- pch

              if (missing(pchupper)) {
                  pchupper <- pch

              np <- num_of_prob(x)
              num_dots <- np/2
              xdat <- rep(1:num_dots, 2)
              #minfl <- lp_obj(x)[c(seq(1, num_of_prob(x), 2))]
              #maxfl <- lp_obj(x)[c(seq(2, num_of_prob(x), 2))]
              minfl <- lp_obj(x)[1:(np/2)]
              maxfl <- lp_obj(x)[(np/2+1):np]

              plot(xdat, c(minfl, maxfl), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim,
                   col = c(collower, colupper),
                   pch = c(pchlower, pchupper), ...)

              if (isTRUE(connect)) {
                  arrows(1:num_dots, minfl, 1:num_dots, maxfl,
                         length = 0, col = colconnect)

              if (dottedline == TRUE) {
                  segments(c(1:num_dots), rep(smallest, num_dots),
                           c(1:num_dots), minfl,
                           lty = "dotted")

              if (!is.na(baseline)) {
                  points(c(1, num_dots), c(baseline, baseline),
                         type = "s", lty = "dashed")

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