
Defines functions writeCSS html.tabular toHTML CSSclassname htmlNumeric

Documented in htmlNumeric html.tabular toHTML writeCSS

htmlify <- function (x) # Taken from the tools package
    fsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x) 
       gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
    x <- fsub("&", "&amp;", x)
    x <- fsub("---", "&mdash;", x)
    x <- fsub("--", "&ndash;", x)
    x <- fsub("``", "&ldquo;", x)
    x <- fsub("''", "&rdquo;", x)
    x <- gsub("`([^']+)'", "&lsquo;\\1&rsquo;", x, perl=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)
    x <- fsub("`", "'", x)
    x <- fsub("<", "&lt;", x)
    x <- fsub(">", "&gt;", x)
    x <- fsub("\"\\{\"", "\"{\"", x)
    x <- fsub("\"", "&quot;", x)

htmlNumeric <- function(chars, minus=TRUE, leftpad=TRUE, rightpad=TRUE) {
    regexp <- "^( *)([-]?)([^ -][^ ]*)( *)$"
    leadin <- sub(regexp, "\\1", chars)
    sign <- sub(regexp, "\\2", chars)
    rest <- sub(regexp, "\\3", chars)
    tail <- sub(regexp, "\\4", chars)
    figurespace <- "&#x2007;"
    minussign <- "&minus;"
    if (minus && any(neg <- sign == "-")) {
    	if (any(leadin[!neg] == ""))
    	    leadin <- sub("^", " ", leadin)
    	leadin[!neg] <- sub(" ", "", leadin[!neg])
    	sign[!neg] <- figurespace
    	sign[neg] <- minussign
    if (leftpad && any(ind <- leadin != "")) 
    	leadin[ind] <- gsub(" ", figurespace, leadin[ind])
    if (rightpad && any(ind <- tail != ""))
    	tail[ind] <- gsub(" ", figurespace, tail[ind])
    paste(leadin, sign, rest, tail, sep="")

CSSclassname <- function(just) 
    ifelse(just == "l", "left",
    ifelse(just == "c", "center",
    ifelse(just == "r", "right", just)))

toHTML <- function(object, file = "", 
                         options = NULL, id = NULL, 
                         append = FALSE, 
                   browsable = TRUE, ...) {

  if (!is.null(options)) {
    saveopts <- do.call(table_options, options)
    on.exit(table_options(saveopts), add=TRUE)
  opts <- table_options()
  output <- character()
  mycat <- function(...) output <<- c(output, unlist(list(...)))
  defjust <- opts$justification
  blankhead <- "  <th>&nbsp;</th>\n"
  classes <- chars <- format(object, html = TRUE, minus = opts$HTMLminus, 
                             leftpad = opts$HTMLleftpad, 
                             rightpad = opts$HTMLrightpad, ...) # format without justification
  classes[] <- ""
  vjust <- attr(object, "justification")
  vjust[is.na(vjust)] <- defjust
  ind <- vjust != defjust
  classes[ind] <- sprintf(' class="%s"', CSSclassname(vjust[ind]))
  chars[chars == ""] <- "&nbsp;"
  chars[] <- sprintf("  <td%s>%s</td>\n", classes, chars)
  rowClasses <- rowLabels <- attr(object, "rowLabels")
  rowClasses[] <- ""
  nleading <- ncol(rowLabels)
  rowLabels[is.na(rowLabels)] <- "&nbsp;"
  rjust <- attr(rowLabels, "justification")
  rjust[is.na(rjust)] <- opts$rowlabeljustification
  ind <- rjust != defjust
  rowClasses[ind] <- sprintf(' class="%s"', CSSclassname(rjust[ind]))
  rowLabels[] <- sprintf( "  <th%s>%s</th>\n", rowClasses, rowLabels)
  colnamejust <- attr(rowLabels, "colnamejust")
  colnamejust <- rep(colnamejust, length.out=nleading)
  colnameClasses <- colnames(rowLabels)
  colnameClasses[] <- ""
  ind <- is.na(colnamejust)
  colnamejust[ind] <- defjust
  ind <- colnamejust != defjust
  colnameClasses[ind] <- sprintf(' class="%s"', CSSclassname(colnamejust[ind]))
  colnames(rowLabels) <- sprintf("  <th%s>%s</th>\n", colnameClasses, colnames(rowLabels))
  clabels <- attr(object, "colLabels")
  cjust <- attr(clabels, "justification")
  ind <- is.na(cjust)
  cjust[ind] <- defjust
  multi <- matrix(0, nrow(clabels), ncol(clabels))
  prevmulti <- rep(0, nrow(multi))
  for (i in rev(seq_len(ncol(multi)))) {
    ind <- is.na(clabels[,i])
    multi[!ind, i] <- 1 + prevmulti[!ind]
    prevmulti[ind] <- 1 + prevmulti[ind]
    prevmulti[!ind] <- 0
  colspan <- ifelse(multi < 2, "", sprintf(' colspan="%d"', multi))
  class <-   ifelse(cjust == defjust | multi == 0, "", sprintf(' class="%s"', CSSclassname(cjust)))
  clabels[clabels == ""] <- "&nbsp;"
  clabels <- ifelse(multi == 0, "", sprintf('  <th%s%s>%s</th>\n', colspan, class, clabels))
  rowLabelHeadings <- matrix(blankhead, nrow(clabels), ncol(rowLabels))
  rowLabelHeadings[nrow(clabels),] <- colnames(rowLabels)
  if (opts$doHTMLheader) {
    head <- sub("CHARSET", localeToCharset(), opts$HTMLhead, fixed=TRUE)
  if (opts$doCSS) {
    if (is.null(id)) 
      css <- gsub("#ID ", "", opts$CSS, fixed=TRUE)
      css <- gsub("#ID", paste0("#", id), opts$CSS, fixed=TRUE)
  if (opts$doHTMLbody)
  if (opts$doBegin) {
    if (is.null(id)) 
      id <- ""
      id <- sprintf(' id="%s"', id)
    mycat(sprintf('<table%s %s>\n', id, opts$HTMLattributes))
  if (!is.null(opts$HTMLcaption))
    mycat(sprintf('<caption>%s</caption>\n', opts$HTMLcaption))
  if (opts$doHeader) {
    rows <- apply(cbind(rowLabelHeadings, clabels), 1, paste0, collapse="")
    mycat(sprintf('<tr class="%s">\n%s</tr>\n', CSSclassname(defjust), rows))
  if (opts$doFooter && !is.null(opts$HTMLfooter)) {
  if (opts$doBody) {
    rows <- apply(cbind(rowLabels, chars), 1, paste0, collapse="")
    mycat(sprintf('<tr class="%s">\n%s</tr>\n', CSSclassname(defjust), rows))
  if (opts$doEnd)
  result <- browsable(HTML(output), value = browsable)
  if (!identical(file, "")) {
    if (is.character(file)) {
      file <- file(file, open = if (append) "at" else "wt")
    writeLines(output, file)
  } else

html.tabular <- function(object, ...) {
  toHTML(object, ...)  

writeCSS <- function(CSS = htmloptions()$CSS, id = NULL) {
  if (is.null(id)) 
    css <- gsub("#ID ", "", CSS, fixed=TRUE)
    css <- gsub("#ID", paste0("#", id), CSS, fixed=TRUE)

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tables documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:07 a.m.