#' Cox regression helper function for interactions
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Test and estimate the effect of a treatment in interaction with a covariate.
#' The effect is estimated as the HR of the tested treatment for a given level
#' of the covariate, in comparison to the treatment control.
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @param x (`numeric` or `factor`)\cr the values of the covariate to be tested.
#' @param effect (`string`)\cr the name of the effect to be tested and estimated.
#' @param covar (`string`)\cr the name of the covariate in the model.
#' @param mod (`coxph`)\cr the Cox regression model.
#' @param label (`string`)\cr the label to be returned as `term_label`.
#' @param control (`list`)\cr a list of controls as returned by [control_coxreg()].
#' @param ... see methods.
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister")
#' # Testing dataset [survival::bladder].
#' dta_bladder <- with(
#' data = bladder[bladder$enum < 5, ],
#' data.frame(
#' time = stop,
#' status = event,
#' armcd = as.factor(rx),
#' covar1 = as.factor(enum),
#' covar2 = factor(
#' sample(as.factor(enum)),
#' levels = 1:4,
#' labels = c("F", "F", "M", "M")
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' labels <- c("armcd" = "ARM", "covar1" = "A Covariate Label", "covar2" = "Sex (F/M)")
#' formatters::var_labels(dta_bladder)[names(labels)] <- labels
#' dta_bladder$age <- sample(20:60, size = nrow(dta_bladder), replace = TRUE)
#' plot(
#' survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ armcd + covar1, data = dta_bladder),
#' lty = 2:4,
#' xlab = "Months",
#' col = c("blue1", "blue2", "blue3", "blue4", "red1", "red2", "red3", "red4")
#' )
#' @name cox_regression_inter
#' @describeIn cox_regression_inter S3 generic helper function to determine interaction effect.
#' @return
#' * `h_coxreg_inter_effect()` returns a `data.frame` of covariate interaction effects consisting of the following
#' variables: `effect`, `term`, `term_label`, `level`, `n`, `hr`, `lcl`, `ucl`, `pval`, and `pval_inter`.
#' @export
h_coxreg_inter_effect <- function(x,
...) {
UseMethod("h_coxreg_inter_effect", x)
#' @describeIn cox_regression_inter Method for `numeric` class. Estimates the interaction with a `numeric` covariate.
#' @method h_coxreg_inter_effect numeric
#' @param at (`list`)\cr a list with items named after the covariate, every
#' item is a vector of levels at which the interaction should be estimated.
#' @export
h_coxreg_inter_effect.numeric <- function(x,
...) {
betas <- stats::coef(mod)
attrs <- attr(stats::terms(mod), "term.labels")
term_indices <- grep(
pattern = effect,
x = attrs[!grepl("strata\\(", attrs)]
checkmate::assert_vector(term_indices, len = 2)
betas <- betas[term_indices]
betas_var <- diag(stats::vcov(mod))[term_indices]
betas_cov <- stats::vcov(mod)[term_indices[1], term_indices[2]]
xval <- if (is.null(at[[covar]])) {
} else {
effect_index <- !grepl(covar, names(betas))
coef_hat <- betas[effect_index] + xval * betas[!effect_index]
coef_se <- sqrt(
betas_var[effect_index] +
xval ^ 2 * betas_var[!effect_index] + # styler: off
2 * xval * betas_cov
q_norm <- stats::qnorm((1 + control$conf_level) / 2)
effect = "Covariate:",
term = rep(covar, length(xval)),
term_label = paste0(" ", xval),
level = as.character(xval),
n = NA,
hr = exp(coef_hat),
lcl = exp(coef_hat - q_norm * coef_se),
ucl = exp(coef_hat + q_norm * coef_se),
pval = NA,
pval_inter = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' @describeIn cox_regression_inter Method for `factor` class. Estimate the interaction with a `factor` covariate.
#' @method h_coxreg_inter_effect factor
#' @param data (`data.frame`)\cr the data frame on which the model was fit.
#' @export
h_coxreg_inter_effect.factor <- function(x,
...) {
lvl_given <- levels(x)
y <- h_coxreg_inter_estimations(
variable = effect, given = covar,
lvl_var = levels(data[[effect]]),
lvl_given = lvl_given,
mod = mod,
conf_level = 0.95
effect = "Covariate:",
term = rep(covar, nrow(y)),
term_label = paste0(" ", lvl_given),
level = lvl_given,
n = NA,
hr = y[, "hr"],
lcl = y[, "lcl"],
ucl = y[, "ucl"],
pval = NA,
pval_inter = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' @describeIn cox_regression_inter Method for `character` class. Estimate the interaction with a `character` covariate.
#' This makes an automatic conversion to `factor` and then forwards to the method for factors.
#' @method h_coxreg_inter_effect character
#' @note
#' * Automatic conversion of character to factor does not guarantee results can be generated correctly. It is
#' therefore better to always pre-process the dataset such that factors are manually created from character
#' variables before passing the dataset to [rtables::build_table()].
#' @export
h_coxreg_inter_effect.character <- function(x,
...) {
y <- as.factor(x)
x = y,
effect = effect,
covar = covar,
mod = mod,
label = label,
control = control,
data = data,
#' @describeIn cox_regression_inter A higher level function to get
#' the results of the interaction test and the estimated values.
#' @return
#' * `h_coxreg_extract_interaction()` returns the result of an interaction test and the estimated values. If
#' no interaction, [h_coxreg_univar_extract()] is applied instead.
#' @examples
#' mod <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ armcd * covar1, data = dta_bladder)
#' h_coxreg_extract_interaction(
#' mod = mod, effect = "armcd", covar = "covar1", data = dta_bladder,
#' control = control_coxreg()
#' )
#' @export
h_coxreg_extract_interaction <- function(effect,
control) {
if (!any(attr(stats::terms(mod), "order") == 2)) {
y <- h_coxreg_univar_extract(
effect = effect, covar = covar, mod = mod, data = data, control = control
y$pval_inter <- NA
} else {
test_statistic <- c(wald = "Wald", likelihood = "LR")[control$pval_method]
# Test the main treatment effect.
mod_aov <- muffled_car_anova(mod, test_statistic)
sum_anova <- broom::tidy(mod_aov)
pval <- sum_anova[sum_anova$term == effect, ][["p.value"]]
# Test the interaction effect.
pval_inter <- sum_anova[grep(":", sum_anova$term), ][["p.value"]]
covar_test <- data.frame(
effect = "Covariate:",
term = covar,
term_label = unname(labels_or_names(data[covar])),
level = "",
n = mod$n, hr = NA, lcl = NA, ucl = NA, pval = pval,
pval_inter = pval_inter,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Estimate the interaction.
y <- h_coxreg_inter_effect(
covar = covar,
effect = effect,
mod = mod,
label = unname(labels_or_names(data[covar])),
at = at,
control = control,
data = data
rbind(covar_test, y)
#' @describeIn cox_regression_inter Hazard ratio estimation in interactions.
#' @param variable,given (`string`)\cr the name of variables in interaction. We seek the estimation
#' of the levels of `variable` given the levels of `given`.
#' @param lvl_var,lvl_given (`character`)\cr corresponding levels as given by [levels()].
#' @param mod (`coxph`)\cr a fitted Cox regression model (see [survival::coxph()]).
#' @details Given the cox regression investigating the effect of Arm (A, B, C; reference A)
#' and Sex (F, M; reference Female) and the model being abbreviated: y ~ Arm + Sex + Arm:Sex.
#' The cox regression estimates the coefficients along with a variance-covariance matrix for:
#' - b1 (arm b), b2 (arm c)
#' - b3 (sex m)
#' - b4 (arm b: sex m), b5 (arm c: sex m)
#' The estimation of the Hazard Ratio for arm C/sex M is given in reference
#' to arm A/Sex M by exp(b2 + b3 + b5)/ exp(b3) = exp(b2 + b5).
#' The interaction coefficient is deduced by b2 + b5 while the standard error
#' is obtained as $sqrt(Var b2 + Var b5 + 2 * covariance (b2,b5))$.
#' @return
#' * `h_coxreg_inter_estimations()` returns a list of matrices (one per level of variable) with rows corresponding
#' to the combinations of `variable` and `given`, with columns:
#' * `coef_hat`: Estimation of the coefficient.
#' * `coef_se`: Standard error of the estimation.
#' * `hr`: Hazard ratio.
#' * `lcl, ucl`: Lower/upper confidence limit of the hazard ratio.
#' @examples
#' mod <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ armcd * covar1, data = dta_bladder)
#' result <- h_coxreg_inter_estimations(
#' variable = "armcd", given = "covar1",
#' lvl_var = levels(dta_bladder$armcd),
#' lvl_given = levels(dta_bladder$covar1),
#' mod = mod, conf_level = .95
#' )
#' result
#' @export
h_coxreg_inter_estimations <- function(variable,
conf_level = 0.95) {
var_lvl <- paste0(variable, lvl_var[-1]) # [-1]: reference level
giv_lvl <- paste0(given, lvl_given)
design_mat <- expand.grid(variable = var_lvl, given = giv_lvl)
design_mat <- design_mat[order(design_mat$variable, design_mat$given), ]
design_mat <- within(
data = design_mat,
expr = {
inter <- paste0(variable, ":", given)
rev_inter <- paste0(given, ":", variable)
split_by_variable <- design_mat$variable
interaction_names <- paste(design_mat$variable, design_mat$given, sep = "/")
mmat <- stats::model.matrix(mod)[1, ]
mmat[!mmat == 0] <- 0
design_mat <- apply(
X = design_mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
mmat[names(mmat) %in% x[-which(names(x) == "given")]] <- 1
colnames(design_mat) <- interaction_names
coef <- stats::coef(mod)
vcov <- stats::vcov(mod)
betas <- as.matrix(coef)
coef_hat <- t(design_mat) %*% betas
dimnames(coef_hat)[2] <- "coef"
coef_se <- apply(
design_mat, 2,
function(x) {
vcov_el <- as.logical(x)
y <- vcov[vcov_el, vcov_el]
y <- sum(y)
y <- sqrt(y)
q_norm <- stats::qnorm((1 + conf_level) / 2)
y <- cbind(coef_hat, `se(coef)` = coef_se)
y <- apply(y, 1, function(x) {
x["hr"] <- exp(x["coef"])
x["lcl"] <- exp(x["coef"] - q_norm * x["se(coef)"])
x["ucl"] <- exp(x["coef"] + q_norm * x["se(coef)"])
y <- t(y)
y <- by(y, split_by_variable, identity)
y <- lapply(y, as.matrix)
attr(y, "details") <- paste0(
"Estimations of ", variable,
" hazard ratio given the level of ", given, " compared to ",
variable, " level ", lvl_var[1], "."
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