#' Proportion estimation
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The analyze function [estimate_proportion()] creates a layout element to estimate the proportion of responders
#' within a studied population. The primary analysis variable, `vars`, indicates whether a response has occurred for
#' each record. See the `method` parameter for options of methods to use when constructing the confidence interval of
#' the proportion. Additionally, a stratification variable can be supplied via the `strata` element of the `variables`
#' argument.
#' @inheritParams prop_strat_wilson
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @param .stats (`character`)\cr statistics to select for the table. Run `get_stats("estimate_proportion")`
#' to see available statistics for this function.
#' @param method (`string`)\cr the method used to construct the confidence interval
#' for proportion of successful outcomes; one of `waldcc`, `wald`, `clopper-pearson`,
#' `wilson`, `wilsonc`, `strat_wilson`, `strat_wilsonc`, `agresti-coull` or `jeffreys`.
#' @param long (`flag`)\cr whether a long description is required.
#' @seealso [h_proportions]
#' @name estimate_proportion
#' @order 1
#' @describeIn estimate_proportion Statistics function estimating a
#' proportion along with its confidence interval.
#' @param df (`logical` or `data.frame`)\cr if only a logical vector is used,
#' it indicates whether each subject is a responder or not. `TRUE` represents
#' a successful outcome. If a `data.frame` is provided, also the `strata` variable
#' names must be provided in `variables` as a list element with the strata strings.
#' In the case of `data.frame`, the logical vector of responses must be indicated as a
#' variable name in `.var`.
#' @return
#' * `s_proportion()` returns statistics `n_prop` (`n` and proportion) and `prop_ci` (proportion CI) for a
#' given variable.
#' @examples
#' # Case with only logical vector.
#' rsp_v <- c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
#' s_proportion(rsp_v)
#' # Example for Stratified Wilson CI
#' nex <- 100 # Number of example rows
#' dta <- data.frame(
#' "rsp" = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nex, TRUE),
#' "grp" = sample(c("A", "B"), nex, TRUE),
#' "f1" = sample(c("a1", "a2"), nex, TRUE),
#' "f2" = sample(c("x", "y", "z"), nex, TRUE),
#' stringsAsFactors = TRUE
#' )
#' s_proportion(
#' df = dta,
#' .var = "rsp",
#' variables = list(strata = c("f1", "f2")),
#' conf_level = 0.90,
#' method = "strat_wilson"
#' )
#' @export
s_proportion <- function(df,
conf_level = 0.95,
method = c(
"waldcc", "wald", "clopper-pearson",
"wilson", "wilsonc", "strat_wilson", "strat_wilsonc",
"agresti-coull", "jeffreys"
weights = NULL,
max_iterations = 50,
variables = list(strata = NULL),
long = FALSE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!is.null(variables$strata)) {
# Checks for strata
if (missing(df)) stop("When doing stratified analysis a data.frame with specific columns is needed.")
strata_colnames <- variables$strata
checkmate::assert_character(strata_colnames, null.ok = FALSE)
strata_vars <- stats::setNames(as.list(strata_colnames), strata_colnames)
assert_df_with_variables(df, strata_vars)
strata <- interaction(df[strata_colnames])
strata <- as.factor(strata)
# Pushing down checks to prop_strat_wilson
} else if (checkmate::test_subset(method, c("strat_wilson", "strat_wilsonc"))) {
stop("To use stratified methods you need to specify the strata variables.")
if (checkmate::test_atomic_vector(df)) {
rsp <- as.logical(df)
} else {
rsp <- as.logical(df[[.var]])
n <- sum(rsp)
p_hat <- mean(rsp)
prop_ci <- switch(method,
"clopper-pearson" = prop_clopper_pearson(rsp, conf_level),
"wilson" = prop_wilson(rsp, conf_level),
"wilsonc" = prop_wilson(rsp, conf_level, correct = TRUE),
"strat_wilson" = prop_strat_wilson(rsp,
correct = FALSE
"strat_wilsonc" = prop_strat_wilson(rsp,
correct = TRUE
"wald" = prop_wald(rsp, conf_level),
"waldcc" = prop_wald(rsp, conf_level, correct = TRUE),
"agresti-coull" = prop_agresti_coull(rsp, conf_level),
"jeffreys" = prop_jeffreys(rsp, conf_level)
"n_prop" = formatters::with_label(c(n, p_hat), "Responders"),
"prop_ci" = formatters::with_label(
x = 100 * prop_ci, label = d_proportion(conf_level, method, long = long)
#' @describeIn estimate_proportion Formatted analysis function which is used as `afun`
#' in `estimate_proportion()`.
#' @return
#' * `a_proportion()` returns the corresponding list with formatted [rtables::CellValue()].
#' @export
a_proportion <- make_afun(
.formats = c(n_prop = "xx (xx.x%)", prop_ci = "(xx.x, xx.x)")
#' @describeIn estimate_proportion Layout-creating function which can take statistics function arguments
#' and additional format arguments. This function is a wrapper for [rtables::analyze()].
#' @return
#' * `estimate_proportion()` returns a layout object suitable for passing to further layouting functions,
#' or to [rtables::build_table()]. Adding this function to an `rtable` layout will add formatted rows containing
#' the statistics from `s_proportion()` to the table layout.
#' @examples
#' dta_test <- data.frame(
#' USUBJID = paste0("S", 1:12),
#' ARM = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 4),
#' AVAL = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 4)
#' )
#' basic_table() %>%
#' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#' estimate_proportion(vars = "AVAL") %>%
#' build_table(df = dta_test)
#' @export
#' @order 2
estimate_proportion <- function(lyt,
conf_level = 0.95,
method = c(
"waldcc", "wald", "clopper-pearson",
"wilson", "wilsonc", "strat_wilson", "strat_wilsonc",
"agresti-coull", "jeffreys"
weights = NULL,
max_iterations = 50,
variables = list(strata = NULL),
long = FALSE,
na_str = default_na_str(),
nested = TRUE,
show_labels = "hidden",
table_names = vars,
.stats = NULL,
.formats = NULL,
.labels = NULL,
.indent_mods = NULL) {
extra_args <- list(
conf_level = conf_level, method = method, weights = weights, max_iterations = max_iterations,
variables = variables, long = long, ...
afun <- make_afun(
.stats = .stats,
.formats = .formats,
.labels = .labels,
.indent_mods = .indent_mods
afun = afun,
na_str = na_str,
nested = nested,
extra_args = extra_args,
show_labels = show_labels,
table_names = table_names
#' Helper functions for calculating proportion confidence intervals
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Functions to calculate different proportion confidence intervals for use in [estimate_proportion()].
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @inheritParams estimate_proportion
#' @return Confidence interval of a proportion.
#' @seealso [estimate_proportion], descriptive function [d_proportion()],
#' and helper functions [strata_normal_quantile()] and [update_weights_strat_wilson()].
#' @name h_proportions
#' @describeIn h_proportions Calculates the Wilson interval by calling [stats::prop.test()].
#' Also referred to as Wilson score interval.
#' @examples
#' rsp <- c(
#' )
#' prop_wilson(rsp, conf_level = 0.9)
#' @export
prop_wilson <- function(rsp, conf_level, correct = FALSE) {
y <- stats::prop.test(
correct = correct,
conf.level = conf_level
#' @describeIn h_proportions Calculates the stratified Wilson confidence
#' interval for unequal proportions as described in \insertCite{Yan2010-jt;textual}{tern}
#' @param strata (`factor`)\cr variable with one level per stratum and same length as `rsp`.
#' @param weights (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr weights for each level of the strata. If `NULL`, they are
#' estimated using the iterative algorithm proposed in \insertCite{Yan2010-jt;textual}{tern} that
#' minimizes the weighted squared length of the confidence interval.
#' @param max_iterations (`count`)\cr maximum number of iterations for the iterative procedure used
#' to find estimates of optimal weights.
#' @param correct (`flag`)\cr whether to include the continuity correction. For further information, see for example
#' for [stats::prop.test()].
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Yan2010-jt}{tern}
#' @examples
#' # Stratified Wilson confidence interval with unequal probabilities
#' set.seed(1)
#' rsp <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, TRUE)
#' strata_data <- data.frame(
#' "f1" = sample(c("a", "b"), 100, TRUE),
#' "f2" = sample(c("x", "y", "z"), 100, TRUE),
#' stringsAsFactors = TRUE
#' )
#' strata <- interaction(strata_data)
#' n_strata <- ncol(table(rsp, strata)) # Number of strata
#' prop_strat_wilson(
#' rsp = rsp, strata = strata,
#' conf_level = 0.90
#' )
#' # Not automatic setting of weights
#' prop_strat_wilson(
#' rsp = rsp, strata = strata,
#' weights = rep(1 / n_strata, n_strata),
#' conf_level = 0.90
#' )
#' @export
prop_strat_wilson <- function(rsp,
weights = NULL,
conf_level = 0.95,
max_iterations = NULL,
correct = FALSE) {
checkmate::assert_logical(rsp, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_factor(strata, len = length(rsp))
tbl <- table(rsp, strata)
n_strata <- length(unique(strata))
# Checking the weights and maximum number of iterations.
do_iter <- FALSE
if (is.null(weights)) {
weights <- rep(1 / n_strata, n_strata) # Initialization for iterative procedure
do_iter <- TRUE
# Iteration parameters
if (is.null(max_iterations)) max_iterations <- 10
checkmate::assert_int(max_iterations, na.ok = FALSE, null.ok = FALSE, lower = 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(weights, lower = 0, upper = 1, any.missing = FALSE, len = n_strata)
sum_weights <- checkmate::assert_int(sum(weights))
if (as.integer(sum_weights + 0.5) != 1L) stop("Sum of weights must be 1L.")
xs <- tbl["TRUE", ]
ns <- colSums(tbl)
use_stratum <- (ns > 0)
ns <- ns[use_stratum]
xs <- xs[use_stratum]
ests <- xs / ns
vars <- ests * (1 - ests) / ns
strata_qnorm <- strata_normal_quantile(vars, weights, conf_level)
# Iterative setting of weights if they were not set externally
weights_new <- if (do_iter) {
update_weights_strat_wilson(vars, strata_qnorm, weights, ns, max_iterations, conf_level)$weights
} else {
strata_conf_level <- 2 * stats::pnorm(strata_qnorm) - 1
ci_by_strata <- Map(
function(x, n) {
# Classic Wilson's confidence interval
suppressWarnings(stats::prop.test(x, n, correct = correct, conf.level = strata_conf_level)$
x = xs,
n = ns
lower_by_strata <- sapply(ci_by_strata, "[", 1L)
upper_by_strata <- sapply(ci_by_strata, "[", 2L)
lower <- sum(weights_new * lower_by_strata)
upper <- sum(weights_new * upper_by_strata)
# Return values
if (do_iter) {
conf_int = c(
lower = lower,
upper = upper
weights = weights_new
} else {
conf_int = c(
lower = lower,
upper = upper
#' @describeIn h_proportions Calculates the Clopper-Pearson interval by calling [stats::binom.test()].
#' Also referred to as the `exact` method.
#' @examples
#' prop_clopper_pearson(rsp, conf_level = .95)
#' @export
prop_clopper_pearson <- function(rsp,
conf_level) {
y <- stats::binom.test(
x = sum(rsp),
n = length(rsp),
conf.level = conf_level
#' @describeIn h_proportions Calculates the Wald interval by following the usual textbook definition
#' for a single proportion confidence interval using the normal approximation.
#' @param correct (`flag`)\cr whether to apply continuity correction.
#' @examples
#' prop_wald(rsp, conf_level = 0.95)
#' prop_wald(rsp, conf_level = 0.95, correct = TRUE)
#' @export
prop_wald <- function(rsp, conf_level, correct = FALSE) {
n <- length(rsp)
p_hat <- mean(rsp)
z <- stats::qnorm((1 + conf_level) / 2)
q_hat <- 1 - p_hat
correct <- if (correct) 1 / (2 * n) else 0
err <- z * sqrt(p_hat * q_hat) / sqrt(n) + correct
l_ci <- max(0, p_hat - err)
u_ci <- min(1, p_hat + err)
c(l_ci, u_ci)
#' @describeIn h_proportions Calculates the Agresti-Coull interval. Constructed (for 95% CI) by adding two successes
#' and two failures to the data and then using the Wald formula to construct a CI.
#' @examples
#' prop_agresti_coull(rsp, conf_level = 0.95)
#' @export
prop_agresti_coull <- function(rsp, conf_level) {
n <- length(rsp)
x_sum <- sum(rsp)
z <- stats::qnorm((1 + conf_level) / 2)
# Add here both z^2 / 2 successes and failures.
x_sum_tilde <- x_sum + z^2 / 2
n_tilde <- n + z^2
# Then proceed as with the Wald interval.
p_tilde <- x_sum_tilde / n_tilde
q_tilde <- 1 - p_tilde
err <- z * sqrt(p_tilde * q_tilde) / sqrt(n_tilde)
l_ci <- max(0, p_tilde - err)
u_ci <- min(1, p_tilde + err)
c(l_ci, u_ci)
#' @describeIn h_proportions Calculates the Jeffreys interval, an equal-tailed interval based on the
#' non-informative Jeffreys prior for a binomial proportion.
#' @examples
#' prop_jeffreys(rsp, conf_level = 0.95)
#' @export
prop_jeffreys <- function(rsp,
conf_level) {
n <- length(rsp)
x_sum <- sum(rsp)
alpha <- 1 - conf_level
l_ci <- ifelse(
x_sum == 0,
stats::qbeta(alpha / 2, x_sum + 0.5, n - x_sum + 0.5)
u_ci <- ifelse(
x_sum == n,
stats::qbeta(1 - alpha / 2, x_sum + 0.5, n - x_sum + 0.5)
c(l_ci, u_ci)
#' Description of the proportion summary
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is a helper function that describes the analysis in [s_proportion()].
#' @inheritParams s_proportion
#' @param long (`flag`)\cr whether a long or a short (default) description is required.
#' @return String describing the analysis.
#' @export
d_proportion <- function(conf_level,
long = FALSE) {
label <- paste0(conf_level * 100, "% CI")
if (long) label <- paste(label, "for Response Rates")
method_part <- switch(method,
"clopper-pearson" = "Clopper-Pearson",
"waldcc" = "Wald, with correction",
"wald" = "Wald, without correction",
"wilson" = "Wilson, without correction",
"strat_wilson" = "Stratified Wilson, without correction",
"wilsonc" = "Wilson, with correction",
"strat_wilsonc" = "Stratified Wilson, with correction",
"agresti-coull" = "Agresti-Coull",
"jeffreys" = "Jeffreys",
stop(paste(method, "does not have a description"))
paste0(label, " (", method_part, ")")
#' Helper function for the estimation of stratified quantiles
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function wraps the estimation of stratified percentiles when we assume
#' the approximation for large numbers. This is necessary only in the case
#' proportions for each strata are unequal.
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @inheritParams prop_strat_wilson
#' @return Stratified quantile.
#' @seealso [prop_strat_wilson()]
#' @examples
#' strata_data <- table(data.frame(
#' "f1" = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, TRUE),
#' "f2" = sample(c("x", "y", "z"), 100, TRUE),
#' stringsAsFactors = TRUE
#' ))
#' ns <- colSums(strata_data)
#' ests <- strata_data["TRUE", ] / ns
#' vars <- ests * (1 - ests) / ns
#' weights <- rep(1 / length(ns), length(ns))
#' strata_normal_quantile(vars, weights, 0.95)
#' @export
strata_normal_quantile <- function(vars, weights, conf_level) {
summands <- weights^2 * vars
# Stratified quantile
sqrt(sum(summands)) / sum(sqrt(summands)) * stats::qnorm((1 + conf_level) / 2)
#' Helper function for the estimation of weights for `prop_strat_wilson()`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function wraps the iteration procedure that allows you to estimate
#' the weights for each proportional strata. This assumes to minimize the
#' weighted squared length of the confidence interval.
#' @inheritParams prop_strat_wilson
#' @param vars (`numeric`)\cr normalized proportions for each strata.
#' @param strata_qnorm (`numeric(1)`)\cr initial estimation with identical weights of the quantiles.
#' @param initial_weights (`numeric`)\cr initial weights used to calculate `strata_qnorm`. This can
#' be optimized in the future if we need to estimate better initial weights.
#' @param n_per_strata (`numeric`)\cr number of elements in each strata.
#' @param max_iterations (`integer(1)`)\cr maximum number of iterations to be tried. Convergence is always checked.
#' @param tol (`numeric(1)`)\cr tolerance threshold for convergence.
#' @return A `list` of 3 elements: `n_it`, `weights`, and `diff_v`.
#' @seealso For references and details see [prop_strat_wilson()].
#' @examples
#' vs <- c(0.011, 0.013, 0.012, 0.014, 0.017, 0.018)
#' sq <- 0.674
#' ws <- rep(1 / length(vs), length(vs))
#' ns <- c(22, 18, 17, 17, 14, 12)
#' update_weights_strat_wilson(vs, sq, ws, ns, 100, 0.95, 0.001)
#' @export
update_weights_strat_wilson <- function(vars,
max_iterations = 50,
conf_level = 0.95,
tol = 0.001) {
it <- 0
diff_v <- NULL
while (it < max_iterations) {
it <- it + 1
weights_new_t <- (1 + strata_qnorm^2 / n_per_strata)^2
weights_new_b <- (vars + strata_qnorm^2 / (4 * n_per_strata^2))
weights_new <- weights_new_t / weights_new_b
weights_new <- weights_new / sum(weights_new)
strata_qnorm <- strata_normal_quantile(vars, weights_new, conf_level)
diff_v <- c(diff_v, sum(abs(weights_new - initial_weights)))
if (diff_v[length(diff_v)] < tol) break
initial_weights <- weights_new
if (it == max_iterations) {
warning("The heuristic to find weights did not converge with max_iterations = ", max_iterations)
"n_it" = it,
"weights" = weights_new,
"diff_v" = diff_v
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