#' Get default statistical methods and their associated formats, labels, and indent modifiers
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Utility functions to get valid statistic methods for different method groups
#' (`.stats`) and their associated formats (`.formats`), labels (`.labels`), and indent modifiers
#' (`.indent_mods`). This utility is used across `tern`, but some of its working principles can be
#' seen in [analyze_vars()]. See notes to understand why this is experimental.
#' @param stats (`character`)\cr statistical methods to get defaults for.
#' @details
#' Current choices for `type` are `counts` and `numeric` for [analyze_vars()] and affect `get_stats()`.
#' @note
#' These defaults are experimental because we use the names of functions to retrieve the default
#' statistics. This should be generalized in groups of methods according to more reasonable groupings.
#' @name default_stats_formats_labels
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Get statistics available for a given method
#' group (analyze function). To check available defaults see `tern::tern_default_stats` list.
#' @param method_groups (`character`)\cr indicates the statistical method group (`tern` analyze function)
#' to retrieve default statistics for. A character vector can be used to specify more than one statistical
#' method group.
#' @param stats_in (`character`)\cr statistics to retrieve for the selected method group.
#' @param add_pval (`flag`)\cr should `"pval"` (or `"pval_counts"` if `method_groups` contains
#' `"analyze_vars_counts"`) be added to the statistical methods?
#' @return
#' * `get_stats()` returns a `character` vector of statistical methods.
#' @examples
#' # analyze_vars is numeric
#' num_stats <- get_stats("analyze_vars_numeric") # also the default
#' # Other type
#' cnt_stats <- get_stats("analyze_vars_counts")
#' # Weirdly taking the pval from count_occurrences
#' only_pval <- get_stats("count_occurrences", add_pval = TRUE, stats_in = "pval")
#' # All count_occurrences
#' all_cnt_occ <- get_stats("count_occurrences")
#' # Multiple
#' get_stats(c("count_occurrences", "analyze_vars_counts"))
#' @export
get_stats <- function(method_groups = "analyze_vars_numeric", stats_in = NULL, add_pval = FALSE) {
checkmate::assert_character(stats_in, null.ok = TRUE)
# Default is still numeric
if (any(method_groups == "analyze_vars")) {
method_groups[method_groups == "analyze_vars"] <- "analyze_vars_numeric"
type_tmp <- ifelse(any(grepl("counts", method_groups)), "counts", "numeric") # for pval checks
# Defaults for loop
out <- NULL
# Loop for multiple method groups
for (mgi in method_groups) {
out_tmp <- if (mgi %in% names(tern_default_stats)) {
} else {
stop("The selected method group (", mgi, ") has no default statistical method.")
out <- unique(c(out, out_tmp))
# If you added pval to the stats_in you certainly want it
if (!is.null(stats_in) && any(grepl("^pval", stats_in))) {
stats_in_pval_value <- stats_in[grepl("^pval", stats_in)]
# Must be only one value between choices
checkmate::assert_choice(stats_in_pval_value, c("pval", "pval_counts"))
# Mismatch with counts and numeric
if (any(grepl("counts", method_groups)) && stats_in_pval_value != "pval_counts" ||
any(grepl("numeric", method_groups)) && stats_in_pval_value != "pval") { # nolint
"Inserted p-value (", stats_in_pval_value, ") is not valid for type ",
type_tmp, ". Use ", paste(ifelse(stats_in_pval_value == "pval", "pval_counts", "pval")),
" instead."
# Lets add it even if present (thanks to unique)
add_pval <- TRUE
# Mainly used in "analyze_vars" but it could be necessary elsewhere
if (isTRUE(add_pval)) {
if (any(grepl("counts", method_groups))) {
out <- unique(c(out, "pval_counts"))
} else {
out <- unique(c(out, "pval"))
# Filtering for stats_in (character vector)
if (!is.null(stats_in)) {
out <- intersect(stats_in, out) # It orders them too
# If intersect did not find matches (and no pval?) -> error
if (length(out) == 0) {
"The selected method group(s) (", paste0(method_groups, collapse = ", "), ")",
" do not have the required default statistical methods:\n",
paste0(stats_in, collapse = " ")
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Get formats corresponding to a list of statistics.
#' To check available defaults see `tern::tern_default_formats` list.
#' @param formats_in (named `vector`)\cr inserted formats to replace defaults. It can be a
#' character vector from [formatters::list_valid_format_labels()] or a custom format function.
#' @return
#' * `get_formats_from_stats()` returns a named vector of formats (if present in either
#' `tern_default_formats` or `formats_in`, otherwise `NULL`). Values can be taken from
#' [formatters::list_valid_format_labels()] or a custom function (e.g. [formatting_functions]).
#' @note Formats in `tern` and `rtables` can be functions that take in the table cell value and
#' return a string. This is well documented in `vignette("custom_appearance", package = "rtables")`.
#' @examples
#' # Defaults formats
#' get_formats_from_stats(num_stats)
#' get_formats_from_stats(cnt_stats)
#' get_formats_from_stats(only_pval)
#' get_formats_from_stats(all_cnt_occ)
#' # Addition of customs
#' get_formats_from_stats(all_cnt_occ, formats_in = c("fraction" = c("xx")))
#' get_formats_from_stats(all_cnt_occ, formats_in = list("fraction" = c("xx.xx", "xx")))
#' @seealso [formatting_functions]
#' @export
get_formats_from_stats <- function(stats, formats_in = NULL) {
checkmate::assert_character(stats, min.len = 1)
# It may be a list if there is a function in the formats
if (checkmate::test_list(formats_in, null.ok = TRUE)) {
checkmate::assert_list(formats_in, null.ok = TRUE)
# Or it may be a vector of characters
} else {
checkmate::assert_character(formats_in, null.ok = TRUE)
# Extract global defaults
which_fmt <- match(stats, names(tern_default_formats))
# Select only needed formats from stats
ret <- vector("list", length = length(stats)) # Returning a list is simpler
ret[!] <- tern_default_formats[which_fmt[!]]
out <- setNames(ret, stats)
# Modify some with custom formats
if (!is.null(formats_in)) {
# Stats is the main
common_names <- intersect(names(out), names(formats_in))
out[common_names] <- formats_in[common_names]
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Get labels corresponding to a list of statistics.
#' To check for available defaults see `tern::tern_default_labels` list. If not available there,
#' the statistics name will be used as label.
#' @param labels_in (named `character`)\cr inserted labels to replace defaults.
#' @param row_nms (`character`)\cr row names. Levels of a `factor` or `character` variable, each
#' of which the statistics in `.stats` will be calculated for. If this parameter is set, these
#' variable levels will be used as the defaults, and the names of the given custom values should
#' correspond to levels (or have format `statistic.level`) instead of statistics. Can also be
#' variable names if rows correspond to different variables instead of levels. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @return
#' * `get_labels_from_stats()` returns a named `character` vector of labels (if present in either
#' `tern_default_labels` or `labels_in`, otherwise `NULL`).
#' @examples
#' # Defaults labels
#' get_labels_from_stats(num_stats)
#' get_labels_from_stats(cnt_stats)
#' get_labels_from_stats(only_pval)
#' get_labels_from_stats(all_cnt_occ)
#' # Addition of customs
#' get_labels_from_stats(all_cnt_occ, labels_in = c("fraction" = "Fraction"))
#' get_labels_from_stats(all_cnt_occ, labels_in = list("fraction" = c("Some more fractions")))
#' @export
get_labels_from_stats <- function(stats, labels_in = NULL, row_nms = NULL) {
checkmate::assert_character(stats, min.len = 1)
checkmate::assert_character(row_nms, null.ok = TRUE)
# It may be a list
if (checkmate::test_list(labels_in, null.ok = TRUE)) {
checkmate::assert_list(labels_in, null.ok = TRUE)
# Or it may be a vector of characters
} else {
checkmate::assert_character(labels_in, null.ok = TRUE)
if (!is.null(row_nms)) {
ret <- rep(row_nms, length(stats))
out <- setNames(ret, paste(rep(stats, each = length(row_nms)), ret, sep = "."))
if (!is.null(labels_in)) {
lvl_lbls <- intersect(names(labels_in), row_nms)
for (i in lvl_lbls) out[paste(stats, i, sep = ".")] <- labels_in[[i]]
} else {
which_lbl <- match(stats, names(tern_default_labels))
ret <- stats # The default
ret[!] <- tern_default_labels[which_lbl[!]]
out <- setNames(ret, stats)
# Modify some with custom labels
if (!is.null(labels_in)) {
# Stats is the main
common_names <- intersect(names(out), names(labels_in))
out[common_names] <- labels_in[common_names]
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Format indent modifiers for a given vector/list of statistics.
#' It defaults to 0L for all values.
#' @param indents_in (named `vector`)\cr inserted indent modifiers to replace defaults (default is `0L`).
#' @return
#' * `get_indents_from_stats()` returns a single indent modifier value to apply to all rows
#' or a named numeric vector of indent modifiers (if present, otherwise `NULL`).
#' @examples
#' get_indents_from_stats(all_cnt_occ, indents_in = 3L)
#' get_indents_from_stats(all_cnt_occ, indents_in = list(count = 2L, count_fraction = 5L))
#' get_indents_from_stats(
#' all_cnt_occ,
#' indents_in = list(a = 2L, count.a = 1L, count.b = 5L), row_nms = c("a", "b")
#' )
#' @export
get_indents_from_stats <- function(stats, indents_in = NULL, row_nms = NULL) {
checkmate::assert_character(stats, min.len = 1)
checkmate::assert_character(row_nms, null.ok = TRUE)
# It may be a list
if (checkmate::test_list(indents_in, null.ok = TRUE)) {
checkmate::assert_list(indents_in, null.ok = TRUE)
# Or it may be a vector of integers
} else {
checkmate::assert_integerish(indents_in, null.ok = TRUE)
if (is.null(names(indents_in)) && length(indents_in) == 1) {
out <- rep(indents_in, length(stats) * if (!is.null(row_nms)) length(row_nms) else 1)
if (!is.null(row_nms)) {
ret <- rep(0L, length(stats) * length(row_nms))
out <- setNames(ret, paste(rep(stats, each = length(row_nms)), rep(row_nms, length(stats)), sep = "."))
if (!is.null(indents_in)) {
lvl_lbls <- intersect(names(indents_in), row_nms)
for (i in lvl_lbls) out[paste(stats, i, sep = ".")] <- indents_in[[i]]
} else {
ret <- rep(0L, length(stats))
out <- setNames(ret, stats)
# Modify some with custom labels
if (!is.null(indents_in)) {
# Stats is the main
common_names <- intersect(names(out), names(indents_in))
out[common_names] <- indents_in[common_names]
#' Update labels according to control specifications
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Given a list of statistic labels and and a list of control parameters, updates labels with a relevant
#' control specification. For example, if control has element `conf_level` set to `0.9`, the default
#' label for statistic `mean_ci` will be updated to `"Mean 90% CI"`. Any labels that are supplied
#' via `labels_custom` will not be updated regardless of `control`.
#' @param labels_default (named `character`)\cr a named vector of statistic labels to modify
#' according to the control specifications. Labels that are explicitly defined in `labels_custom` will
#' not be affected.
#' @param labels_custom (named `character`)\cr named vector of labels that are customized by
#' the user and should not be affected by `control`.
#' @param control (named `list`)\cr list of control parameters to apply to adjust default labels.
#' @return A named character vector of labels with control specifications applied to relevant labels.
#' @examples
#' control <- list(conf_level = 0.80, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.83), test_mean = 0.57)
#' get_labels_from_stats(c("mean_ci", "quantiles", "mean_pval")) %>%
#' labels_use_control(control = control)
#' @export
labels_use_control <- function(labels_default, control, labels_custom = NULL) {
if ("conf_level" %in% names(control)) {
labels_default <- sapply(
function(x) {
if (!x %in% names(labels_custom)) {
gsub(labels_default[[x]], pattern = "[0-9]+% CI", replacement = f_conf_level(control[["conf_level"]]))
} else {
if ("quantiles" %in% names(control) && "quantiles" %in% names(labels_default) &&
!"quantiles" %in% names(labels_custom)) { # nolint
labels_default["quantiles"] <- gsub(
"[0-9]+% and [0-9]+", paste0(control[["quantiles"]][1] * 100, "% and ", control[["quantiles"]][2] * 100, ""),
if ("test_mean" %in% names(control) && "mean_pval" %in% names(labels_default) &&
!"mean_pval" %in% names(labels_custom)) { # nolint
labels_default["mean_pval"] <- gsub(
"p-value \\(H0: mean = [0-9\\.]+\\)", f_pval(control[["test_mean"]]), labels_default["mean_pval"]
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Named list of available statistics by method group for `tern`.
#' @format
#' * `tern_default_stats` is a named list of available statistics, with each element
#' named for their corresponding statistical method group.
#' @export
tern_default_stats <- list(
abnormal = c("fraction"),
abnormal_by_baseline = c("fraction"),
abnormal_by_marked = c("count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp"),
abnormal_by_worst_grade = c("count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp"),
abnormal_by_worst_grade_worsen = c("fraction"),
analyze_patients_exposure_in_cols = c("n_patients", "sum_exposure"),
analyze_vars_counts = c("n", "count", "count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp", "fraction", "n_blq"),
analyze_vars_numeric = c(
"n", "sum", "mean", "sd", "se", "mean_sd", "mean_se", "mean_ci", "mean_sei", "mean_sdi", "mean_pval",
"median", "mad", "median_ci", "quantiles", "iqr", "range", "min", "max", "median_range", "cv",
"geom_mean", "geom_mean_ci", "geom_cv"
count_cumulative = c("count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp"),
count_missed_doses = c("n", "count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp"),
count_occurrences = c("count", "count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp", "fraction"),
count_occurrences_by_grade = c("count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp"),
count_patients_with_event = c("n", "count", "count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp", "n_blq"),
count_patients_with_flags = c("n", "count", "count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp", "n_blq"),
count_values = c("n", "count", "count_fraction", "count_fraction_fixed_dp", "n_blq"),
coxph_pairwise = c("pvalue", "hr", "hr_ci", "n_tot", "n_tot_events"),
estimate_incidence_rate = c("person_years", "n_events", "rate", "rate_ci", "n_unique", "n_rate"),
estimate_multinomial_response = c("n_prop", "prop_ci"),
estimate_odds_ratio = c("or_ci", "n_tot"),
estimate_proportion = c("n_prop", "prop_ci"),
estimate_proportion_diff = c("diff", "diff_ci"),
summarize_ancova = c("n", "lsmean", "lsmean_diff", "lsmean_diff_ci", "pval"),
summarize_coxreg = c("n", "hr", "ci", "pval", "pval_inter"),
summarize_glm_count = c("n", "rate", "rate_ci", "rate_ratio", "rate_ratio_ci", "pval"),
summarize_num_patients = c("unique", "nonunique", "unique_count"),
summarize_patients_events_in_cols = c("unique", "all"),
surv_time = c("median", "median_ci", "quantiles", "range_censor", "range_event", "range"),
surv_timepoint = c("pt_at_risk", "event_free_rate", "rate_se", "rate_ci", "rate_diff", "rate_diff_ci", "ztest_pval"),
tabulate_rsp_biomarkers = c("n_tot", "n_rsp", "prop", "or", "ci", "pval"),
tabulate_rsp_subgroups = c("n", "n_rsp", "prop", "n_tot", "or", "ci", "pval"),
tabulate_survival_biomarkers = c("n_tot", "n_tot_events", "median", "hr", "ci", "pval"),
tabulate_survival_subgroups = c("n_tot_events", "n_events", "n_tot", "n", "median", "hr", "ci", "pval"),
test_proportion_diff = c("pval")
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Named vector of default formats for `tern`.
#' @format
#' * `tern_default_formats` is a named vector of available default formats, with each element
#' named for their corresponding statistic.
#' @export
tern_default_formats <- c(
fraction = format_fraction_fixed_dp,
unique = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp,
nonunique = "xx",
unique_count = "xx",
n = "xx.",
count = "xx.",
count_fraction = format_count_fraction,
count_fraction_fixed_dp = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp,
n_blq = "xx.",
sum = "xx.x",
mean = "xx.x",
sd = "xx.x",
se = "xx.x",
mean_sd = "xx.x (xx.x)",
mean_se = "xx.x (xx.x)",
mean_ci = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)",
mean_sei = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)",
mean_sdi = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)",
mean_pval = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)",
median = "xx.x",
mad = "xx.x",
median_ci = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)",
quantiles = "xx.x - xx.x",
iqr = "xx.x",
range = "xx.x - xx.x",
min = "xx.x",
max = "xx.x",
median_range = "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)",
cv = "xx.x",
geom_mean = "xx.x",
geom_mean_ci = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)",
geom_cv = "xx.x",
pval = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)",
pval_counts = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)",
range_censor = "xx.x to xx.x",
range_event = "xx.x to xx.x",
rate = "xx.xxxx",
rate_ci = "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)",
rate_ratio = "xx.xxxx",
rate_ratio_ci = "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)"
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels Named `character` vector of default labels for `tern`.
#' @format
#' * `tern_default_labels` is a named `character` vector of available default labels, with each element
#' named for their corresponding statistic.
#' @export
tern_default_labels <- c(
fraction = "fraction",
unique = "Number of patients with at least one event",
nonunique = "Number of events",
n = "n",
count = "count",
count_fraction = "count_fraction",
count_fraction_fixed_dp = "count_fraction",
n_blq = "n_blq",
sum = "Sum",
mean = "Mean",
sd = "SD",
se = "SE",
mean_sd = "Mean (SD)",
mean_se = "Mean (SE)",
mean_ci = "Mean 95% CI",
mean_sei = "Mean -/+ 1xSE",
mean_sdi = "Mean -/+ 1xSD",
mean_pval = "Mean p-value (H0: mean = 0)",
median = "Median",
mad = "Median Absolute Deviation",
median_ci = "Median 95% CI",
quantiles = "25% and 75%-ile",
iqr = "IQR",
range = "Min - Max",
min = "Minimum",
max = "Maximum",
median_range = "Median (Min - Max)",
cv = "CV (%)",
geom_mean = "Geometric Mean",
geom_mean_ci = "Geometric Mean 95% CI",
geom_cv = "CV % Geometric Mean",
pval = "p-value (t-test)", # Default for numeric
pval_counts = "p-value (chi-squared test)", # Default for counts
rate = "Adjusted Rate",
rate_ratio = "Adjusted Rate Ratio"
# To deprecate ---------
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Quick function to retrieve default formats for summary statistics:
#' [analyze_vars()] and [analyze_vars_in_cols()] principally.
#' @param type (`string`)\cr `"numeric"` or `"counts"`.
#' @return
#' * `summary_formats()` returns a named `vector` of default statistic formats for the given data type.
#' @examples
#' summary_formats()
#' summary_formats(type = "counts", include_pval = TRUE)
#' @export
summary_formats <- function(type = "numeric", include_pval = FALSE) {
"0.9.6", "summary_formats()",
details = 'Use get_formats_from_stats(get_stats("analyze_vars_numeric", add_pval = include_pval)) instead'
met_grp <- paste0(c("analyze_vars", type), collapse = "_")
get_formats_from_stats(get_stats(met_grp, add_pval = include_pval))
#' @describeIn default_stats_formats_labels `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Quick function to retrieve default labels for summary statistics.
#' Returns labels of descriptive statistics which are understood by `rtables`. Similar to `summary_formats`.
#' @param include_pval (`flag`)\cr same as the `add_pval` argument in [get_stats()].
#' @return
#' * `summary_labels` returns a named `vector` of default statistic labels for the given data type.
#' @examples
#' summary_labels()
#' summary_labels(type = "counts", include_pval = TRUE)
#' @export
summary_labels <- function(type = "numeric", include_pval = FALSE) {
"0.9.6", "summary_formats()",
details = 'Use get_labels_from_stats(get_stats("analyze_vars_numeric", add_pval = include_pval)) instead'
met_grp <- paste0(c("analyze_vars", type), collapse = "_")
get_labels_from_stats(get_stats(met_grp, add_pval = include_pval))
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