#' Difference test for two proportions
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The analyze function [test_proportion_diff()] creates a layout element to test the difference between two
#' proportions. The primary analysis variable, `vars`, indicates whether a response has occurred for each record. See
#' the `method` parameter for options of methods to use to calculate the p-value. Additionally, a stratification
#' variable can be supplied via the `strata` element of the `variables` argument.
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @param method (`string`)\cr one of `chisq`, `cmh`, `fisher`, or `schouten`; specifies the test used
#' to calculate the p-value.
#' @param .stats (`character`)\cr statistics to select for the table. Run `get_stats("test_proportion_diff")`
#' to see available statistics for this function.
#' @seealso [h_prop_diff_test]
#' @name prop_diff_test
#' @order 1
#' @describeIn prop_diff_test Statistics function which tests the difference between two proportions.
#' @return
#' * `s_test_proportion_diff()` returns a named `list` with a single item `pval` with an attribute `label`
#' describing the method used. The p-value tests the null hypothesis that proportions in two groups are the same.
#' @keywords internal
s_test_proportion_diff <- function(df,
variables = list(strata = NULL),
method = c("chisq", "schouten", "fisher", "cmh")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
y <- list(pval = "")
if (!.in_ref_col) {
assert_df_with_variables(df, list(rsp = .var))
assert_df_with_variables(.ref_group, list(rsp = .var))
rsp <- factor(
c(.ref_group[[.var]], df[[.var]]),
levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE")
grp <- factor(
rep(c("ref", "Not-ref"), c(nrow(.ref_group), nrow(df))),
levels = c("ref", "Not-ref")
if (!is.null(variables$strata) || method == "cmh") {
strata <- variables$strata
strata_vars <- stats::setNames(as.list(strata), strata)
assert_df_with_variables(df, strata_vars)
assert_df_with_variables(.ref_group, strata_vars)
strata <- c(interaction(.ref_group[strata]), interaction(df[strata]))
tbl <- switch(method,
cmh = table(grp, rsp, strata),
table(grp, rsp)
y$pval <- switch(method,
chisq = prop_chisq(tbl),
cmh = prop_cmh(tbl),
fisher = prop_fisher(tbl),
schouten = prop_schouten(tbl)
y$pval <- formatters::with_label(y$pval, d_test_proportion_diff(method))
#' Description of the difference test between two proportions
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is an auxiliary function that describes the analysis in `s_test_proportion_diff`.
#' @inheritParams s_test_proportion_diff
#' @return A `string` describing the test from which the p-value is derived.
#' @export
d_test_proportion_diff <- function(method) {
meth_part <- switch(method,
"schouten" = "Chi-Squared Test with Schouten Correction",
"chisq" = "Chi-Squared Test",
"cmh" = "Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test",
"fisher" = "Fisher's Exact Test",
stop(paste(method, "does not have a description"))
paste0("p-value (", meth_part, ")")
#' @describeIn prop_diff_test Formatted analysis function which is used as `afun` in `test_proportion_diff()`.
#' @return
#' * `a_test_proportion_diff()` returns the corresponding list with formatted [rtables::CellValue()].
#' @keywords internal
a_test_proportion_diff <- make_afun(
.formats = c(pval = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)"),
.indent_mods = c(pval = 1L)
#' @describeIn prop_diff_test Layout-creating function which can take statistics function arguments
#' and additional format arguments. This function is a wrapper for [rtables::analyze()].
#' @return
#' * `test_proportion_diff()` returns a layout object suitable for passing to further layouting functions,
#' or to [rtables::build_table()]. Adding this function to an `rtable` layout will add formatted rows containing
#' the statistics from `s_test_proportion_diff()` to the table layout.
#' @examples
#' dta <- data.frame(
#' rsp = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, TRUE),
#' grp = factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 50)),
#' strata = factor(rep(c("V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"), each = 20))
#' )
#' # With `rtables` pipelines.
#' l <- basic_table() %>%
#' split_cols_by(var = "grp", ref_group = "B") %>%
#' test_proportion_diff(
#' vars = "rsp",
#' method = "cmh", variables = list(strata = "strata")
#' )
#' build_table(l, df = dta)
#' @export
#' @order 2
test_proportion_diff <- function(lyt,
variables = list(strata = NULL),
method = c("chisq", "schouten", "fisher", "cmh"),
na_str = default_na_str(),
nested = TRUE,
var_labels = vars,
show_labels = "hidden",
table_names = vars,
.stats = NULL,
.formats = NULL,
.labels = NULL,
.indent_mods = NULL) {
extra_args <- list(variables = variables, method = method, ...)
afun <- make_afun(
.stats = .stats,
.formats = .formats,
.labels = .labels,
.indent_mods = .indent_mods
afun = afun,
var_labels = var_labels,
na_str = na_str,
nested = nested,
extra_args = extra_args,
show_labels = show_labels,
table_names = table_names
#' Helper functions to test proportion differences
#' Helper functions to implement various tests on the difference between two proportions.
#' @param tbl (`matrix`)\cr matrix with two groups in rows and the binary response (`TRUE`/`FALSE`) in columns.
#' @return A p-value.
#' @seealso [prop_diff_test()] for implementation of these helper functions.
#' @name h_prop_diff_test
#' @describeIn h_prop_diff_test Performs Chi-Squared test. Internally calls [stats::prop.test()].
#' @keywords internal
prop_chisq <- function(tbl) {
checkmate::assert_integer(c(ncol(tbl), nrow(tbl)), lower = 2, upper = 2)
tbl <- tbl[, c("TRUE", "FALSE")]
if (any(colSums(tbl) == 0)) {
stats::prop.test(tbl, correct = FALSE)$p.value
#' @describeIn h_prop_diff_test Performs stratified Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test. Internally calls
#' [stats::mantelhaen.test()]. Note that strata with less than two observations are automatically discarded.
#' @param ary (`array`, 3 dimensions)\cr array with two groups in rows, the binary response
#' (`TRUE`/`FALSE`) in columns, and the strata in the third dimension.
#' @keywords internal
prop_cmh <- function(ary) {
checkmate::assert_integer(c(ncol(ary), nrow(ary)), lower = 2, upper = 2)
checkmate::assert_integer(length(dim(ary)), lower = 3, upper = 3)
strata_sizes <- apply(ary, MARGIN = 3, sum)
if (any(strata_sizes < 5)) {
warning("<5 data points in some strata. CMH test may be incorrect.")
ary <- ary[, , strata_sizes > 1]
stats::mantelhaen.test(ary, correct = FALSE)$p.value
#' @describeIn h_prop_diff_test Performs the Chi-Squared test with Schouten correction.
#' @seealso Schouten correction is based upon \insertCite{Schouten1980-kd;textual}{tern}.
#' @keywords internal
prop_schouten <- function(tbl) {
checkmate::assert_integer(c(ncol(tbl), nrow(tbl)), lower = 2, upper = 2)
tbl <- tbl[, c("TRUE", "FALSE")]
if (any(colSums(tbl) == 0)) {
n <- sum(tbl)
n1 <- sum(tbl[1, ])
n2 <- sum(tbl[2, ])
ad <- diag(tbl)
bc <- diag(apply(tbl, 2, rev))
ac <- tbl[, 1]
bd <- tbl[, 2]
t_schouten <- (n - 1) *
(abs(prod(ad) - prod(bc)) - 0.5 * min(n1, n2))^2 /
(n1 * n2 * sum(ac) * sum(bd))
1 - stats::pchisq(t_schouten, df = 1)
#' @describeIn h_prop_diff_test Performs the Fisher's exact test. Internally calls [stats::fisher.test()].
#' @keywords internal
prop_fisher <- function(tbl) {
checkmate::assert_integer(c(ncol(tbl), nrow(tbl)), lower = 2, upper = 2)
tbl <- tbl[, c("TRUE", "FALSE")]
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