
tgetcal <-
function(tv, # an object of class tverify
                    quad=FALSE # choose linear or quadratic calibration
# first define some utility functions

getopt <- function(p,o)
 pmat <- p
 omat <- o
 initpars <- rep(0,12)
 T <- oldgetT(p,o)       # might want to change this
 initpars[2] <- T[1,1] # I think this is right
 initpars[3] <- T[1,3]
 initpars[8] <- T[3,1]
 initpars[9] <- T[3,3]   
 opt <- nlm(f=costf,p=initpars,pmat,omat,iterlim=1000)
 if (opt$code > 2)
   print("WARNING!! abnormal exit from nlm")

costf <- function(pars=rep(0,12),
                  L = diag(c(1,1,1))/sqrt(2)
   phat <- quadf(pars,pmat)
   costf <- tscore(p=phat,o=omat,L=L) 

getT <- function(p=cbind(.8,.1,.1),
T <- t(solve(t(p)%*%p) %*% (t(p)%*%o))

oldgetT <- function(p=cbind(.8,.1,.1),
		 L = diag(c(1,1,1))/sqrt(2) # Brier score by default
n <- nrow(p)                  # number of points in sample
T <- array(NA,dim=c(3,3))     # initialise transformation matrix		     

t1 <- t(p %*% t(L) ) %*% (p %*% t(L))  #
t2 <- t(p %*% t(L) ) %*% (o %*% t(L))

# now perform "stacking" compatible with using 9-by-1 vector b
# in place of 3-by-3 matrix T

D    <- rbind(
d    <- as.vector(t2)

# solve.QP finds vector b that minimises:
# -t(d) %*% b + 0.5 * t(b) %*% D %*% b
# subject to constraints
# t(A) %*% b >= b_0
# where the first meq of these constraints are strict equalities
if (!is.na( det(D)))
      temp <- solve.QP(Dmat = D,
                       dvec = d,
		       Amat = t(rbind(
 		                      cbind(-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0),
 				      cbind( 0,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0),
 				      cbind( 0, 0,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0,-1),
		       bvec = c(
 		                 rep(-1,3),   # sum to 1
				 rep( 0,9),   # all >= 0
				 rep(-1,9)    # all <= 1
		       meq  = 3)              # first 3 are equalities
# now "unstack" by getting 3-by-3 matrix T from 9-by-1 vector b
      T <- matrix(temp$solution,nrow=3,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)

   for (i in 1:3)
      T[,i] <- tscale(T[,i]) # make sure T is a proper transition matrix

linf <- function(pars,pmat)
   p <- pmat
   phat   <-  p %*% t(pars)
   phat # transformed p vector

quadf <- function(pars,pmat)
   p <- pmat
   if (length(pars) != 12) stop("wrong dimensions for param vector pars in quadf")
   phat   <- NA * p
# this is really a 2d problem so we transform to input space (pi1,pi3) and output
# space (pi1hat,pi3hat)
   pi1    <- rep(NA,nrow(p)) # work vectors in the nonlinear function
   pi3    <- rep(NA,nrow(p))
   pi1hat <- rep(NA,nrow(p))
   pi3hat <- rep(NA,nrow(p))

   eps <- 1.0e-12 # a small number
   for (i in 1:nrow(p))
      for (j in 1:3)
        if (p[i,j] <= 0) p[i,j] <- eps
	if (p[i,j] >= 1) p[i,j] <- 1-eps
      p[i,] <- tscale(p[i,])
   pi1 <- p[,1]
   pi3 <- p[,3]
# chose quadratic as functional form
# but could choose anything here really
   pi1hat <- pars[1] +
             pars[2] * pi1 +
	     pars[3] * pi3 +
	     pars[4] * pi1 * pi1 + 
	     pars[5] * pi1 * pi3 +
	     pars[6] * pi3 * pi3
   pi3hat <- pars[7]  +
             pars[8]  * pi1 +
	         pars[9]  * pi3 +
	         pars[10] * pi1 * pi1 +
	         pars[11] * pi1 * pi3 +
	         pars[12] * pi3 * pi3
   phat[,1] <- pi1hat
   phat[,3] <- pi3hat
   phat[,2] <- 1 - phat[,1] - phat[,3]	
   for (i in 1:nrow(phat))
     phat[i,] <- tscale(phat[i,])
   phat # transformed p vector
   calhexc <- NA * tv$hexc # initialise calibrated hexagon corners
   rel     <- NA * tv$rel
   score   <- NA * tv$score
   if (quad)
      opt     <- getopt(p=tv$pk,o=tv$ok)  # calibrate on raw binned forecasts
      pars    <- opt$estimate               # get parameters 
      phat    <- quadf(pars,tv$pbin) # transform the binned forecasts
      outf    <- quadf      
      pars <- oldgetT(p=tv$pk,o=tv$ok) 
      phat <- linf(pars,tv$pbin) # transform the binned forecasts
      outf <- linf
      opt  <- "linear fit"


   for (c in 1:nrow(tv$pbin))
      rel[c] <- tscore(p=matrix(phat[c,],     nrow=1,ncol=3),
      score[c]     <- tv$unc[c]+rel[c]-tv$res[c]
      if (quad) {calhexc[c,,] <- quadf(pars,tv$hexc[c,,])	}
         else   {calhexc[c,,] <- linf(pars,tv$hexc[c,,])}	                     

unc <- tv$unc
res <- tv$res
Nobs <- tv$Nobs

relbar   <- weighted.mean(rel,Nobs,na.rm=TRUE)    # mean reliability
resbar   <- weighted.mean(res,Nobs,na.rm=TRUE)    # mean resolution 
scorebar <- weighted.mean(score,Nobs,na.rm=TRUE)  # mean score
uncbar   <- weighted.mean(unc,Nobs,na.rm=TRUE)    # mean score

if (quad) {f <- quadf}
else      {f <- linf }

   out <- list(pbin=phat,
	           score=score,        # score
	           unc=unc,            # uncertainty
	           rel=rel,            # reliability
	           res=res,            # resolution
	           scorebar=scorebar,        # score
	           uncbar=uncbar,            # uncertainty
	           relbar=relbar,            # reliability
	           resbar=resbar,            # resolution
	           ncirc=tv$ncirc,        # number of points along side
	           assigned=tv$assigned,  # index of pbin assigned to p
               pk = NA,
               ok = NA,
		       pars = pars,
		       opt = opt,
               f = f
   class(out) <- "tverify"

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