
Defines functions list_files

#' Read In Multiple Files From a Directory
#' Read in multiple files from a directory and create a
#' [base::data.frame()].
#' @param path Path to the directory.
#' @param pattern An optional regular expression. Only file names which match
#' the regular expression will be returned.
#' @param doc.col A string naming the document columns (i.e., file names sans
#' file extension).
#' @param all.files Logical.   If `FALSE`, only the names of visible files
#' are returned. If `TRUE`, all file names will be returned.
#' @param recursive Logical. Should the listing recurse into directories?
#' @param ignore.case logical.  If `TRUE` case in the `pattern` argument 
#' will be ignored.
#' @return Returns a [base::data.frame()] with file names as a document
#' column and content as a text column.
#' @param verbose Logical. Should Each iteration of the read-in be reported.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to read_document functions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read_dir(system.file("docs/Maas2011/pos", package = "textreadr"))
#' read_dir(system.file("docs/Maas2011", package = "textreadr"), recursive=TRUE)
#' }
read_dir <- function (path, pattern = NULL, doc.col = "document", all.files = FALSE, 
    recursive = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    to_read_in <- list_files(path, all.files = all.files, full.names = TRUE, 
        recursive = recursive)

    if (!is.null(pattern)) to_read_in <- grep(pattern, to_read_in, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = TRUE, perl=TRUE)

    if (identical(character(0), to_read_in)) {
        stop("The following location does not appear to contain files:\n   -", path)
    len <- length(to_read_in)
    nms <- base_name(to_read_in)
    text <- stats::setNames(
        #lapply(to_read_in, read_document, ...),
        Map(function(x, i, nm){
            if (verbose) loop_counter(i, len, nm)
            read_document(x, ...)
        }, to_read_in, seq_along(to_read_in), nms),

    errs <- sapply(text, inherits, "try-error")
    if (sum(errs) > 0) {
        warning(sprintf("The following files failed to read in and were removed:\n%s", 
            paste(paste0("  -", to_read_in[errs]), collapse = "\n")))
        text <- text[!errs]
        to_read_in <- to_read_in[!errs]        

    nulls <- unname(unlist(lapply(text, is.null)))
    if (sum(nulls) > 0) {
        warning(sprintf("The following files failed to read in and were removed:\n%s", 
            paste(paste0("  -", to_read_in[nulls]), collapse = "\n")))
        text <- text[!nulls]

    out <- textshape::tidy_list(text, doc.col)
    class(out) <- c("textreadr", "data.frame")

# read_document <- function(x, ...){
#     try(switch(tools::file_ext(x),
#         docx = {textshape::combine(read_docx(x, ...))},
#         pdf = {textshape::combine(read_pdf(x, ...)[["text"]])},
#         txt = textshape::combine(suppressWarnings(readLines(x, ...)))
#     ))
# }

list_files <- function(path=".", pattern=NULL, all.files=FALSE, full.names=TRUE,
    ignore.case=FALSE, recursive=FALSE) {

    # use full.names=TRUE to pass to file.info
    all <- list.files(path, pattern, all.files, full.names=TRUE, recursive=recursive, ignore.case)
    fls <- all[!file.info(all)$isdir]
    ## determine whether to return full names or just dir names
    if(isTRUE(full.names)) return(fls)

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textreadr documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 5:06 p.m.