
Defines functions .lagpol3 .lagpol2 .lagpol1 .lagpol0 .update.lagpol .parcounter polyexpand factorize.lagpol is.lagpol.list is.lagpol admreg.lagpol printLagpolList printLagpol print.lagpol as.character.lagpol roots.default roots.lagpol inv.lagpol as.lagpol lagpol

Documented in as.lagpol inv.lagpol lagpol printLagpol printLagpolList roots.default roots.lagpol

## tfarima/R/lagpol.R
## Jose L Gallego (UC)

#' Lag polynomials
#' \code{lagpol} creates a lag polynomial of the form \eqn{(1 - coef_1 B^s - ...
#' - coef_d B^sd)^p}. This class of lag polynomials is defined by a vector of d
#' coefficients c(coef_1, ..., coef_d), the powers s and p, and a vector of k
#' parameters c(param_1, ..., param_k). The vector c(coef_1, ..., coef_d) is
#' actually a vector of math expressions to compute the value of each
#' coefficient in terms of the parameters.
#' @param param a vector/list of named parameters.
#' @param coef a vector of math expressions.
#' @param s the seasonal period, integer.
#' @param p the power of lag polynomial, integer.
#' @param lags a vector of lags for sparse polynomials.
#' @return \code{lagpol} returns an object of class "lagpol" with the following
#'   components: \describe{ \item{coef}{Vector of coefficients c(coef_1, ...,
#'   coef_p) provided to create the lag polynomial.}
#'   \item{pol}{Base lag polynomial, c(1, -coef_1, ..., -coef_d).}
#'   \item{Pol}{Power lag polynomial when p > 1.} }
#' @examples
#' lagpol(param = c(phi = 0.8) )
#' lagpol(param = c(phi1 = 1.2, phi2 = -0.6), s = 4)
#' lagpol(param = c(delta = 1), p = 2)
#' @export
lagpol <- function(param = NULL, s = 1, p = 1, lags = NULL, coef = NULL) 
  if ( is.numeric(param) ) param <- as.list(param)
  else if ( is.null(param) ) param <- list()
  else if (!is.list(param)) stop("'param' argument must be a list")
  param <- param[!duplicated(names(param))]
  names <- names(param)
  if (is.null(names) && is.null(coef)) stop("unnamed parameters")
  if (is.null(coef)) coef <- names(param)
  coef <- lapply(coef, function(x) parse(text = x))
  cc <- sapply(coef, function(x) eval(x, envir = param))
  s <- as.integer(s)
  p <- as.integer(p)
  ncoef <- length(cc)
  if (!is.null(lags)) {
    lags <- unique(sort(lags))
    if ( length(lags) != ncoef) stop("Invalid vector of lags")
  } else {
    lags <- (1:ncoef) * s
  nlags <- length(lags)
  pol <- c(1, rep(0, lags[nlags]))
  pol[lags+1] <- -cc
  if (p > 1) Pol <- as.vector( polyraiseC(pol, p) )
  else Pol <- pol
  names(pol) <- paste("[B", 0:(length(pol)-1), "]", sep = "")
  names(Pol) <- paste("[B", 0:(length(Pol)-1), "]", sep = "")
  lp <- list(pol = pol, Pol = Pol, d = length(pol) - 1, s = s, p = p, 
              lags = lags, nlags = nlags, param = param, 
              k = length(param), coef = coef, ncoef = ncoef)
  class(lp) <- c("lagpol")
  if (!admreg.lagpol(lp, FALSE)) warning("Roots inside the unit circle")

# Exported methods of lagpol

#' Lag polynomial
#' \code{as.lagpol} converts a numeric vector c(1, -a_1, \dots, -a_d) into 
#' a lag polynomial \eqn{(1 - a_1 B - ... - a_p B^p)}.
#' @param pol a numeric vector.
#' @param p integer power.
#' @return An object of class \code{lagpol}.
#' @examples
#' as.lagpol(c(1, -0.8))
#' as.lagpol(c(1, 0, 0, 0, -0.8))
#' @export 
as.lagpol <- function(pol, p = 1) {
  if (is.lagpol(pol)) return(pol)
  pol <- as.numeric(pol)
  stopifnot(pol[1] == 1)
  k <- length(pol) - 1
  if (k == 0) return(NULL)
  pol[1] <- 0
  lags <- pol != 0
  pol <- -pol[lags]
  lags <- (0:k)[lags]
  if (length(lags) < 1) return(NULL)
  names(pol) <- paste("a", lags, sep = "")
  lp <- lagpol(pol, lags = lags, p = p)

#' Inverse of a lag polynomial
#' \code{inv} inverts a lag polynomial until the indicated lag.
#' @param lp an object of class \code{lagpol}.
#' @param lag.max largest order of the inverse lag polynomial.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return \code{inv} returns a numeric vector with the coefficients
#' of the inverse lag polynomial truncated at lag.max.  
#' @examples
#' inv(as.lagpol(c(1, 1.2, -0.8))) 
#' @export
inv <- function (lp, ...) { UseMethod("inv") }

#' @rdname inv
#' @export
inv.lagpol <- function(lp, lag.max = 10, ...) {
  if (is.lagpol(lp)) p <- lp$Pol
  else if(is.numeric(lp) & length(lp) > 1) p <- lp
  else stop("error: lp must be a lag polynomial")
  lp <- as.numeric( polyratioC(1, p, lag.max) )
  names(lp) <- paste("[B", 0:(length(lp)-1), "]", sep = "")

#' Roots of a lag polynomial
#' \code{roots.lagpol} computes the roots of a lag polynomial.
#' @param x an object of class \code{lagpol}.
#' @param table logical. If TRUE, it returns a  five columns table showing the
#'   real and imaginary parts, the modulus, the frequency and the period of each
#'   root.
#' @param ... additional arguments.   
#' @return A vector or a table.
#' @examples
#' roots(c(1, 1.2, -0.8))
#' @export
roots.lagpol <- function(x, table = TRUE, ...) {
  m <- 1
  if (is.lagpol(x)) {
    if (x$nlags == 1 && x$pol[x$d+1] == -1) {
      f <- 2*pi/x$d
      r <- sapply(0:(x$d-1), function(k) complex(1, cos(f*k), sin(f*k)))
    } else r <- polyroot(x$pol)
    m <- x$p
  } else if(is.numeric(x) & length(x) > 1) {
    r <- polyroot(x)
  } else {
    stop("error: x must be a lag polynomial")
  if (table) { # to compare if two roots are almost equal
    eq <- function (x, y, tol = 1e-5) { 
      if (all(abs(x - y) < tol)) return(TRUE)
    f <- acos( Re(r)/Mod(r) )/(2.0*pi)
    t <- cbind(Re(r), Im(r), Mod(r), f, 1/f, m)
    nr <- nrow(t)
    indx <- rep(TRUE, nr)
    if (nr > 1) { # remove repeated roots
      t <- t[order(t[, 4]), ] # roots ordered by frequency
      for (i in 1:nr) {
        if (indx[i] & i < nr) {
          for (j in (i+1):nr) {
            if ( eq(t[j, 4], t[i, 4]) ) {
              if( eq(t[j, 1:2], t[i, 1:2]) ) {
                t[i, 6] <- t[i, 6] + t[j, 6]
                indx[j] <- FALSE
            } else {
      t <- t[indx, ]
    if (!is.matrix(t))
      t <- matrix(t, nrow = length(t)/6, ncol = 6)
    colnames(t) <- 
      c("Real", "Imaginary", "Modulus", "Frequency", "Period", "Mult.")
  return(rep(r, m))

#' @rdname roots.lagpol
#' @export
roots.default <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.lagpol.list(x)) {
    lapply(x, roots)
  } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
  } else {
    warning("x must be a lagpol object")

# Based on as.character.polynomial() function from
# Bill Venables and Kurt Hornik and Martin Maechler (2019). polynom: A
# Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial
# Manipulations. R package version 1.4-0.
# #' @export
as.character.lagpol <- function(lp, digits = 2, pol = FALSE, eq = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.lagpol(lp)) {
    if (pol) p <- lp$pol
    else p <- lp$Pol
  } else p <- lp
  p <- signif(p, digits = digits)
  d <- length(p) - 1
  names(p) <- 0:d
  p <- p[p != 0]
  if (length(p) == 0) return("0")
  signs <- ifelse(p < 0, "- ", "+ ")
  if (signs[1] == "+ ") signs[1] <- ""
  np <- names(p)
  p <- as.character(abs(p))
  p[p == "1" & np != "0"] <- ""
  if (eq) pow <- paste("B'^", np, "*'", sep = "")
  else pow <- paste("B^", np, sep = "")
  pow[np == "0"] <- ""
  pow[np == "1"] <- "B"
  #stars <- rep.int("*", length(p))
  #stars[p == "" | pow == ""] <- ""
  #p <- paste(signs, p, stars, pow, sep = "", collapse = " ")
  paste(signs, p, pow, sep = "", collapse = " ")

#' @export
print.lagpol <- function(x, digits = 2, ...){
  if (is.lagpol(x)) {
    if (x$d == 0) {
    if (x$p > 1) {
      p <- paste("(", as.character.lagpol(x, digits, TRUE), ")^",
                 x$p, " = ", sep = "")
      p <- paste(p, as.character.lagpol(x, digits, FALSE), sep = "")
    } else {
      p <- as.character.lagpol(x, digits, FALSE)
  } else p <- as.character.lagpol(x, digits, FALSE)
  pc <- nchar(p)
  ow <- max(35, getOption("width"))
  m2 <- 0
  while(m2 < pc) {
    m1 <- m2 + 1
    m2 <- min(pc, m2 + ow)
    if(m2 < pc)
      while(substring(p, m2, m2) != " " && m2 > m1 + 1)
        m2 <- m2 - 1
    cat(substring(p, m1, m2), "\n")

#' Print numeric vector as a lagpol object
#' @param pol numeric vectors with the coefficients of a normalized polynomial.
#' @param digits number of decimals.
#' @export
printLagpol <- function(pol, digits = 2){
  if (is.lagpol(pol)) {
  } else {
    w0 <- pol[1]
    pol[1] <- 1
    pol <- as.lagpol(pol)
    pol$pol[1] <- w0
    pol$Pol[1] <- w0
    print.lagpol(pol, digits = digits)

#' Print a list of lagpol objects
#' @param llp a list of \code{lagpol} objects.
#' @param digits number of decimals.
#' @export
printLagpolList <- function(llp, digits = 2){
  k <- length(llp)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    lp <- llp[[i]]
    if (is.lagpol(lp)) {
      if (lp$d == 0) {
      if (lp$p > 1) {
        p <- paste("(", as.character.lagpol(lp, digits, TRUE), ")^",
                   lp$p, " = ", sep = "")
        p <- paste(p, as.character.lagpol(lp, digits, FALSE), sep = "")
      } else {
        p <- as.character.lagpol(lp, digits, FALSE)
    } else p <- as.character.lagpol(lp, digits, FALSE)
    if (i > 1) txt <- paste(txt, "   [", i, "] ", p, sep = "")
    else txt <- paste("[1] ", p, sep = "")
  pc <- nchar(txt)
  ow <- max(35, getOption("width"))
  m2 <- 0
  while(m2 < pc) {
    m1 <- m2 + 1
    m2 <- min(pc, m2 + ow)
    if(m2 < pc)
      while(substring(txt, m2, m2) != " " && m2 > m1 + 1)
        m2 <- m2 - 1
    cat(substring(txt, m1, m2), "\n")

# Non-exported and hidden functions

# Admissible region
# \code{admreg.lagpol} checks if the parameters of a lag polynomial take
# admissible values.
# @param lp an object of class \code{lagpol}.
# @param ar logical. If TRUE, roots must be outside unit circle; if FALSE, roots
#   can also be on unit circle.
# @return \code{TRUE} for admissible values and \code{FALSE} for not admissible
#   values.
# @note While roots of AR polynomials must lie inside of unit circle, those of
#   MA polynomials can lie on the unit circle.
# @examples
# p1 <- lagpol(param = c(phi = 1.0))
# pol <- admreg(p1, out = FALSE)
admreg.lagpol <- function(lp, ar = TRUE) {
  if(!all(is.finite(lp$pol))) return(FALSE)
  if (ar) {
    if (lp$k == 1) {
      if (abs(lp$pol[lp$d+1]) < 1) return(TRUE)
      else return(FALSE)
    phi1 <- -lp$pol[lp$lags[1]+1]
    if (lp$nlags == 1) { # first order
      if (abs(phi1) < 1.0) return(TRUE)
      else return(FALSE)
    if (lp$nlags == 2 & lp$lags[2] == lp$lags[1] + lp$s) { # second order
      phi2 <- -lp$pol[lp$lags[2]+1]
      if (abs(phi2) < 1 & phi2+phi1 < 1 & phi2-phi1 < 1) return(TRUE)
      else return(FALSE)
  } else {
    if (lp$k <= 1) {
      if (abs(lp$pol[lp$d+1]) > 1) return(FALSE)
      else return(TRUE)
    phi1 <- -lp$pol[lp$lags[1]+1]
    if (lp$nlags == 1) { # first order
      if (abs(phi1) > 1.0) return(FALSE)
      else return(TRUE)
    if (lp$nlags == 2 & lp$lags[2] == lp$lags[1] + lp$s) { # second order
      phi2 <- -lp$pol[lp$lags[2]+1]
      if (abs(phi2) > 1 | phi2 + phi1 > 1 | phi2 - phi1 > 1) return(FALSE)
      else return(TRUE)
  # general polynomial
  if (ar) {
    if( all( Mod(polyroot(lp$pol)) > 1) ) return(TRUE)
    else return(FALSE)
  } else {
    if( all( Mod(polyroot(lp$pol)) >= 1) ) return(TRUE)
    else return(FALSE)

is.lagpol <- function(lp) {
  return(inherits(lp, "lagpol"))

is.lagpol.list <- function(lpl) {
  if(!base::is.list(lpl)) return(FALSE)
  all( sapply(lpl, is.lagpol) )

# Lag polynomial factorization
# \code{polyfactors} extracts the simplifying factors of a polynomial
#  in the lag operator.
# @param pol an object of class \code{lagpol}.
# @return \code{polyfactors} returns a list with the simplifying factors
# of the lag polynomial.  
# @examples
# polyfactors( polyexpand( c(1, 1.2, -0.8), c(1, -2, 1) ) ) 
factorize.lagpol <- function(lp) {
  t <- polyrootsC(lp$pol)
  f <- -1
  k <- 1
  p <- apply(t, 1, function(x) {
    if (f != x[4]) {
      f <<- x[4]
      param <- x[3]
      coef.name <- paste("f", k, sep = "")
      k <<- k + 1
      if (k == 0.5) {
        coef <- c(paste("-abs(", coef.name, ")", sep = ""))
      } else if (k < 0.0000001) {
        coef <- c(paste("abs(", coef.name, ")", sep = ""))
      } else {
        coef <- c(paste("-2*cos(2*pi*", f, ")*sqrt(abs(", coef.name, "))", 
                        sep = ""), paste("-abs(", coef.name, ")", sep = ""))
      return(lagpol(param = param, coef = coef, p = x[6] + lp$p - 1))
  p = p[!sapply(p, is.null)]

# Expand a list of lag polynomials
# \code{polyexpand} multiplies two or more lag polynomials. 
# @param ... list of lag polynomials.
# @ return A numeric vector
# @examples
# p1 <- as.lagpol(c(1, -0.8))
# p2 <- as.lagpol(c(1, 0, 0, 0, -0.8))
# pol <- polyexpand(p1, p2)
polyexpand <- function(...) {
  pols <- list(...)
  n <- length(pols)
  # check if ... is a list
  if (n==1) {
    if (inherits(pols[[1]], "list")) {
      pols <- pols[[1]]
      n <- length(pols)
      if (n == 0) return(1)
    } else if(is.null(pols[[1]]))
  pol <- pols[[1]]
  if (is.lagpol(pol)){
    pol <- pol$Pol
  if (n==1) {
  for(i in 2:n){
      pol <- polymultC(pol, pols[[i]]$Pol)
      pol <- polymultC(pol, pols[[i]])
  pol <- as.numeric(pol)
  names(pol) <- paste("[B", 0:(length(pol)-1), "]", sep = "")

.parcounter <- function(llp, coef.name) {
  if (is.null(llp)) return(0)
  param <- lapply(llp, function(x) x$param)
  param <- unlist(param)
  if (is.null(param)) return(0)
  param <- param[!duplicated(names(param))]
  nm <- names(param)
  nm <- nm[startsWith(nm, coef.name)]
  if (!is.null(nm)) {
    i <- as.numeric(gsub(coef.name, "", nm)) 
    i <- i[is.numeric(i)]
    if (length(i) > 0) return(max(i))
    else return(0)
  } else {

# Update lag polynomials
# \code{.update.lagpol} is a hidden function to update the values
# of the parameters of a lag polynomial.
# @param lp an object of class \code{lagpol}..
# @param param new vector of parameters.
# @return an object of class \code{lagpol}.
# @note This hidden function is called by the \code{fit.um} function to 
# estimate multiplicative ARIMA(p, d, q) models.
.update.lagpol <- function(lp, param) {
  lp$param[] <- param[names(lp$param)]
  cc <- sapply(lp$coef, function(x) eval(x, envir = lp$param))
  lp$pol[lp$lags+1] <- -cc
  if (lp$p > 1) lp$Pol <- as.vector( polyraiseC(lp$pol, lp$p) )
  else lp$Pol <- lp$pol 

## Internal helper functions to create lag polynomials
# .lagpol0(), .lagpol1(), .lagpol2(), .lagpol3() 

# Main helper function to create lag polynomials
# \code{.lagpol0} is an internal helper function to simplify the creation of lag
# polynomials providing for each lagpol:
# (1) the orders (d, s, p), 
# (2) the literal equation, e.g., 1 - 0.8B, 
# (3) the seasonal period s or frequency k/s for special lag polynomials 
# AR/I/MA(s-1) or AR/I/MA(2) with restricted frequency.
# @param op info about the lag polynomials, integers or character.
# @param type the type of operators: "ar", "i" or "ma".
# @param coef.name prefix name for the parameters.
# @param counter index for parameters.
# @param envir environment in which the function arguments are evaluated.
#    If NULL the calling environment of this function will be used.
# @return A list of lag polynomials.
# @note This hidden helper function is called by the um function to create
#   multiplicative ARIMA(p, d, q) models.
# @seealso \link{lagpol}
.lagpol0 <- function(op, type, coef.name, counter = 1, envir=NULL) {

  if (is.null (envir)) envir <- parent.frame ()
  if (is.character(op)) {
    op <- gsub(" ", "", op)
    if (regexpr("B", op)[1] > 1) {
      if (!startsWith(op, "(")) op <- paste("(", op, ")", sep = "")
      op <- .lagpol2(op, type, coef.name, counter, envir=envir)
      op <- .lagpol3(op, type, coef.name, counter, envir=envir)

  if (is.lagpol(op)) return(list(op))
  if (is.lagpol.list(op)) return(op)
  if (is.numeric(op) || all(sapply(op, is.numeric))) {
    op <- .lagpol1(op, type, coef.name, counter)    
    if (is.null(op)) return(NULL)
    if (is.lagpol(op)) op <- list(op)

  if (is.list(op)) {
    l <- lapply(op, function(x) {
      lp <- .lagpol0(x, type, coef.name, counter, envir=envir)
      if (type != "i") {
        if (!is.list(lp)) lp <- list(lp)
        counter <<- .parcounter(lp, coef.name) + 1
    if (!is.lagpol(l[[1]])) l <- unlist(l, recursive = FALSE)
  stop("invalid lag operators")

# Helper function to create lag polynomials
# \code{.lagpol1} creates a list of lag polynomials from a list of orders c(d,
# s, p), where (d, s, p) are the orders of a lag polynomial in B^s of degree d
# raised to the power d, \eqn{(1 - coef_1 B^s - ... - coef_d B^sd)^p}. By
# default, s and p are equal to 1. The values and names of the parameters are
# assigned by the own function.
# @param orders a list containing the orders of one or several polynomials.
# @inheritParams .lagpol0
# @return A list of lag polynomials.
# @seealso \link{.lagpol0}
.lagpol1 <- function(orders, type, coef.name = "", counter = 1) {
  if (is.numeric(orders)) {
    if (orders[1] == 0) return(NULL)
    orders <- list(orders)
  if (coef.name == "") coef.name <- "a"
  if (counter < 0) counter <- abs(counter)
  j <- counter
  llp <- lapply(orders, function(x) {
    l <- length(x)
    d <- x[1]
    if (l == 1) {
      s <- 1
      p <- 1
    } else if (l == 2) {
      s <- as.integer(x[2])
      p <- 1
    } else if (l == 3) {
      s <- as.integer(x[2])
      p <- as.integer(x[3])
    } else stop("wrong orders for lagpol")
    if (d < 0||s < 1 || p < 1) stop("wrong orders for lagpol")
    if (d < 1) {
      if (type == "ar") param <- 0.5
      else if (type == "ma") param <- 0.6
      else if (type == "i") param <- 1
      else stop(paste("invalid ", type, " operator"))
      coef <- paste("-abs(", coef.name, j, ")", sep = "" )
      if (d != 0.5) {
        coef <- c( paste("-2*cos(2*pi*", d, ")*sqrt(abs(", coef.name, j, "))",
                         sep = "" ), coef )
      names(param) <- paste(coef.name, j, sep = "" )
      j <<- j + 1
      lagpol(param = param, s = s, p = p, coef = coef)
    } else {
      if (type == "ar") param <- as.list(c(rep(0.01, d-1), 0.1))
      else if (type == "ma") param <- as.list(c(rep(0.02, d-1), 0.2))
      else if (type == "i") { 
        param <- as.list(1)
        p <- p + d - 1
      } else stop(paste("invalid ", type, " operator"))
      names(param) <- paste(coef.name, j:(j+length(param)-1), sep = "" )
      j <<- j + length(param)
      if (type == "i") lagpol(coef = param, s = s, p = p)
      else lagpol(param = param, s = s, p = p)

# Helper function to create special lag polynomials
# \code{.lagpol2} creates a list of lag polynomials from their textual
# equations.
# @param str equations of of the lag polynomials, character.
# @inheritParams .lagpol0
# @return A list of lag polynomials.
# @seealso \link{.lagpol0}
.lagpol2 <- function(str, type, coef.name = "", counter = 1, envir=envir) {

  if (is.null (envir)) envir <- parent.frame ()
  if (!startsWith(str, "1")) {
    if (coef.name == "") coef.name <- "a"
    l <- gregexpr("\\(", str)[[1]]
    r <- gregexpr("\\)", str)[[1]]
    n <- length(l)
    stopifnot(length(r) == n)
    txt <- list()
    start <- l[1]+1
    if (n > 1) { 
      for (i in 2:n) {
        if (l[i] > r[i-1]) {
          txt1 <- substr(str, start, l[i]-1)
          if (endsWith(txt1, ")")) txt1 <- substr(txt1, 1, nchar(txt1)-1)
          txt <- c(txt, txt1)
          start <- l[i]+1
    n <- nchar(str)
    if (endsWith(str, ")")) n <- n-1
    txt <- c(txt, substr(str, start = start, stop = n))
    ll <- lapply(txt, .lagpol2, type=type, coef.name=coef.name, counter=counter, envir=envir)
    if (counter < 0) counter <- abs(counter)
    j <- counter
    ll <- lapply(ll, function(x) {
      param <- x[[1]]
      names(param) <- paste(coef.name, j:(j+length(param)-1), sep = "" )
      j <<- j + length(param)
      if (type == "i") 
        lagpol(coef = param, lags = x[[2]], s = x[[3]], p = x[[4]])
        lagpol(param = param, lags = x[[2]], s = x[[3]], p = x[[4]])
  # Check if first term is equal to 1
  i <- regexpr("\\+", str)[1]
  j <- regexpr("\\-", str)[1]
  if ( (j < 0) | (i < j & i > 0) )
    j <- i
  stopifnot(j > 1)
  txt <- substr(str, start = 1, stop = j-1)
  i <- eval(parse(text = txt), envir)
  stopifnot(as.integer(i) == 1)
  str <- substr(str, start = j, stop = nchar(str))

  # Power of the lag polynomial
  i <- regexpr("\\)[1-9]", str)[1]
  if (i > 1) {
    txt <- substr(str, i+1, nchar(str))
    p <- eval(parse(text = txt), envir)
    str <- substr(str, 1, i-1)
  } else {
    i <- regexpr("\\)\\^[1-9]", str)[1]
    if (i > 1) {
      txt <- substr(str, i+2, nchar(str))
      p <- eval(parse(text = txt), envir)
      str <- substr(str, 1, i-1)
    } else {
      p <- 1
  # Vector of coefficients  
  str <- gsub("\\*B", "B", str)
  str <- gsub("B\\^", "B", str)
  a <- list(1)
  lags <- 0
  repeat {
    i <- regexpr("B", str, fixed = TRUE)[1]
    if (i < 1) break
    if (!(startsWith(str, "+") | startsWith(str, "-")))
      stop("Invalid lag polynomial")
    txt <- substr(str, start = 1, stop = i-1)
    if (nchar(txt)>1)
      b <- eval(parse(text = txt), envir)
    else if (txt == "-")
      b <- -1
      b <- 1
    a <- c(a, list(-b))
    if ((i+1) <= nchar(str)){
      str <- substr(str, start = i+1, stop = nchar(str))
      i <- regexpr("\\+", str)[1]
      j <- regexpr("\\-", str)[1]
      if ( (j < 0) | (i < j & i > 0) ) j <- i
      if (j > 1) 
        txt <- substr(str, start = 1, stop = j-1)      
      else if (j==1)
        txt <- "1"
      else {
        txt <- substr(str, start = 1, stop = nchar(str))
        j <- nchar(str)
      lags <- c(lags, as.integer(txt))
      str <- substr(str, start = j, stop = nchar(str))
    else {
      lags <- c(lags, 1)
  lags <- lags[-1]
  a[[1]] <- NULL
  s <- lags[1]
  if (s > 1) {
    if (any(lags%%s != 0)) s <- 1
  return(list(a, lags, s, p))

# Helper function to create special lag polynomials
# \code{.lagpol3} creates a list of special lag polynomials: (1) AR/I/MA(s-1)
# polynomials or (2) AR/I/MA(2) polynomial with a specific frequency k/s, where
# s is the seasonal period.
# @param str seasonal perior or frequency, character.
# @inheritParams .lagpol0
# @return A list of lag polynomials.
# @seealso \link{.lagpol0}
.lagpol3 <- function(str, type, coef.name = "", counter = 1, envir=NULL) {

  if (is.null (envir)) envir <- parent.frame ()
  if (type == "ar") param <- 0.3
  else if (type == "ma") param <- 0.6
  else if (type == "i") param <- 1
  else stop(paste("invalid ", type, " operator"))

  if (coef.name == "") coef.name <- "a"
  f <- lapply(str, function(x) {
    eval(parse(text = x), envir)
  f <- unlist(f)

  if (length(str) == 1) {
    k <- gregexpr("\\)\\/", str)[[1]] # several frequencies, (0:6)/12
    if (length(k) == 1 && k[1] > 0) {
      txt <- substr(str, k[1]+2, nchar(str))
      s <- eval(parse(text = txt), envir)
      if (s < 2) s <- 1
    } else {
      k <- gregexpr("\\/", str)[[1]] # single frequency 0/12
      if (length(k) == 1 && k[1] > 0) {
        txt <- substr(str, k[1]+1, nchar(str))
        s <- eval(parse(text = txt), envir)
        if (s < 2) s <- 1
      } else s <- 1
  } else s <- 1
  lp <- lapply(f, function(x) {
    coef <- paste(coef.name, counter, sep = "" )
    names(param) <- coef
    counter <<- counter + 1
    if (x > 1) {
      x <- as.integer(x)
      if (x > 1) {
        coef <- paste("-abs(", coef, "^(", 1:(x-1), "/", x, "))", sep = "")
      } else {
        x <- abs(x)
        coef <- paste("-abs(", coef, "^(", 1:(x-1), "/", x-1, "))", sep = "")
      lagpol(param = param, coef = coef)
    } else if (x > 0 && x < 0.5) {
      if (s > 1) {
        coef1 <- paste(2*cos(2*pi*x), "*", coef, "^(1/", s, ")", sep = "")
        coef2 <- paste("-", coef, "^(2/", s, ")",  sep = "")
      } else {
        coef1 <- paste(2*cos(2*pi*x), "*sqrt(", coef, ")", sep = "")
        coef2 <- paste("-", coef, sep = "")
      lagpol(param = param, coef = c(coef1, coef2))
    } else if (x == 0.5) {
      if (s > 1) {
        coef1 <- paste("-abs(", coef, ")^(1/", s, ")", sep = "")
      } else  {
        coef1 <- paste("-abs(", coef, ")", sep = "")
      lagpol(param = param, coef = coef1)
    } else if (x == 0) {
      if (s > 1) {
        coef1 <- paste("abs(", coef, ")^(1/", s, ")", sep = "")
      } else  {
        coef1 <- paste("abs(", coef, ")", sep = "")
      lagpol(param = param, coef = coef1)
    } else stop("invalid operator")

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