#' Repeats a dataset count times.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param count (Optional.) An integer value representing the number of times
#' the elements of this dataset should be repeated. The default behavior (if
#' `count` is `NULL` or `-1`) is for the elements to be repeated indefinitely.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_repeat <- function(dataset, count = NULL) {
count = as_integer_tensor(count)
#' Randomly shuffles the elements of this dataset.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param buffer_size An integer, representing the number of elements from this
#' dataset from which the new dataset will sample.
#' @param seed (Optional) An integer, representing the random seed that will be
#' used to create the distribution.
#' @param reshuffle_each_iteration (Optional) A boolean, which if true indicates
#' that the dataset should be pseudorandomly reshuffled each time it is iterated
#' over. (Defaults to `TRUE`). Not used if TF version < 1.15
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_shuffle <- function(dataset, buffer_size, seed = NULL, reshuffle_each_iteration = NULL) {
if (!is.null(reshuffle_each_iteration) && tensorflow::tf_version() < "1.15")
warning("reshuffle_each_iteration is only used with TF >= 1.15", call. = FALSE)
args <- list(
buffer_size = as_integer_tensor(buffer_size),
seed = as_integer_tensor(seed)
if (tensorflow::tf_version() >= "1.15")
args[["reshuffle_each_iteration"]] <- reshuffle_each_iteration
as_tf_dataset($shuffle, args))
#' Shuffles and repeats a dataset returning a new permutation for each epoch.
#' @inheritParams dataset_shuffle
#' @inheritParams dataset_repeat
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_shuffle_and_repeat <- function(dataset, buffer_size, count = NULL, seed = NULL) {
validate_tf_version("1.8", "dataset_shuffle_and_repeat")
#' Combines consecutive elements of this dataset into batches.
#' The components of the resulting element will have an additional outer
#' dimension, which will be `batch_size` (or `N %% batch_size` for the last
#' element if `batch_size` does not divide the number of input elements `N`
#' evenly and `drop_remainder` is `FALSE`). If your program depends on the
#' batches having the same outer dimension, you should set the `drop_remainder`
#' argument to `TRUE` to prevent the smaller batch from being produced.
#' @note If your program requires data to have a statically known shape (e.g.,
#' when using XLA), you should use `drop_remainder=TRUE`. Without
#' `drop_remainder=TRUE` the shape of the output dataset will have an unknown
#' leading dimension due to the possibility of a smaller final batch.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param batch_size An integer, representing the number of consecutive elements
#' of this dataset to combine in a single batch.
#' @param drop_remainder (Optional.) A boolean, representing whether the last
#' batch should be dropped in the case it has fewer than `batch_size`
#' elements; the default behavior is not to drop the smaller batch.
#' @param num_parallel_calls (Optional.) A scalar integer, representing the
#' number of batches to compute asynchronously in parallel. If not specified,
#' batches will be computed sequentially. If the value `tf$data$AUTOTUNE` is
#' used, then the number of parallel calls is set dynamically based on
#' available resources.
#' @param deterministic (Optional.) When `num_parallel_calls` is specified, if
#' this boolean is specified (`TRUE` or `FALSE`), it controls the order in
#' which the transformation produces elements. If set to `FALSE`, the
#' transformation is allowed to yield elements out of order to trade
#' determinism for performance. If not specified, the
#' `` option (`TRUE` by default)
#' controls the behavior. See `dataset_options()` for how to set dataset
#' options.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_batch <-
function(dataset, batch_size, drop_remainder = FALSE, num_parallel_calls=NULL, deterministic=NULL) {
args <- capture_args(, list(
batch_size = as_integer_tensor
), ignore = "dataset")
as_tf_dataset($batch, args))
#' A transformation that buckets elements in a `Dataset` by length
#' @details
#' Elements of the `Dataset` are grouped together by length and then are padded
#' and batched.
#' This is useful for sequence tasks in which the elements have variable
#' length. Grouping together elements that have similar lengths reduces the
#' total fraction of padding in a batch which increases training step
#' efficiency.
#' Below is an example to bucketize the input data to the 3 buckets
#' "[0, 3), [3, 5), [5, Inf)" based on sequence length, with batch size 2.
#' @param dataset A `tf_dataset`
#' @param element_length_func function from element in `Dataset` to `tf$int32`,
#' determines the length of the element, which will determine the bucket it
#' goes into.
#' @param bucket_boundaries integers, upper length boundaries of the buckets.
#' @param bucket_batch_sizes integers, batch size per bucket. Length should be
#' `length(bucket_boundaries) + 1`.
#' @param padded_shapes Nested structure of `tf.TensorShape` (returned by [`tensorflow::shape()`])
#' to pass to ``. If not provided, will use
#' `dataset.output_shapes`, which will result in variable length dimensions
#' being padded out to the maximum length in each batch.
#' @param padding_values Values to pad with, passed to
#' ``. Defaults to padding with 0.
#' @param pad_to_bucket_boundary bool, if `FALSE`, will pad dimensions with unknown
#' size to maximum length in batch. If `TRUE`, will pad dimensions with
#' unknown size to bucket boundary minus 1 (i.e., the maximum length in
#' each bucket), and caller must ensure that the source `Dataset` does not
#' contain any elements with length longer than `max(bucket_boundaries)`.
#' @param no_padding boolean, indicates whether to pad the batch features (features
#' need to be either of type `tf.sparse.SparseTensor` or of same shape).
#' @param drop_remainder (Optional.) A logical scalar, representing
#' whether the last batch should be dropped in the case it has fewer than
#' `batch_size` elements; the default behavior is not to drop the smaller
#' batch.
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the operation.
#' @seealso
#' + <>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dataset <- list(c(0),
#' c(1, 2, 3, 4),
#' c(5, 6, 7),
#' c(7, 8, 9, 10, 11),
#' c(13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20),
#' c(21, 22)) %>%
#' lapply(as.array) %>% lapply(as_tensor, "int32") %>%
#' lapply(tensors_dataset) %>%
#' Reduce(dataset_concatenate, .)
#' dataset %>%
#' dataset_bucket_by_sequence_length(
#' element_length_func = function(elem) tf$shape(elem)[1],
#' bucket_boundaries = c(3, 5),
#' bucket_batch_sizes = c(2, 2, 2)
#' ) %>%
#' as_array_iterator() %>%
#' iterate(print)
#' # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#' # [1,] 1 2 3 4
#' # [2,] 5 6 7 0
#' # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
#' # [1,] 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0
#' # [2,] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
#' # [,1] [,2]
#' # [1,] 0 0
#' # [2,] 21 22
#' }
dataset_bucket_by_sequence_length <-
padded_shapes = NULL,
padding_values = NULL,
pad_to_bucket_boundary = FALSE,
no_padding = FALSE,
drop_remainder = FALSE,
name = NULL)
args <- capture_args(, list(
bucket_boundaries = as_integer_list,
bucket_batch_sizes = as_integer_list,
padded_shapes = as_tensor_shapes
), ignore = "dataset")$bucket_by_sequence_length, args)
#' Caches the elements in this dataset.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param filename String with the name of a directory on the filesystem to use
#' for caching tensors in this Dataset. If a filename is not provided, the
#' dataset will be cached in memory.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_cache <- function(dataset, filename = NULL) {
if (is.null(filename))
filename <- ""
if (!is.character(filename))
stop("filename must be a character vector")
dataset$cache(tf$constant(filename, dtype = tf$string))
#' Creates a dataset by concatenating given dataset with this dataset.
#' @note Input dataset and dataset to be concatenated should have same nested
#' structures and output types.
#' @param dataset,... `tf_dataset`s to be concatenated
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_concatenate <- function(dataset, ...) {
for (other in list(...))
dataset <- dataset$concatenate(other)
#' Creates a dataset with at most count elements from this dataset
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param count Integer representing the number of elements of this dataset that
#' should be taken to form the new dataset. If `count` is -1, or if `count` is
#' greater than the size of this dataset, the new dataset will contain all
#' elements of this dataset.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_take <- function(dataset, count) {
as_tf_dataset(dataset$take(count = as_integer_tensor(count)))
#' A transformation that stops dataset iteration based on a predicate.
#' @param dataset A TF dataset
#' @param predicate A function that maps a nested structure of tensors (having
#' shapes and types defined by `self$output_shapes` and `self$output_types`)
#' to a scalar `tf.bool` tensor.
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the operation.
#' @details
#' Example usage:
#' ```` r
#' range_dataset(from = 0, to = 10) %>%
#' dataset_take_while( ~ .x < 5) %>%
#' as_array_iterator() %>%
#' iterate(simplify = FALSE) %>% str()
#' #> List of 5
#' #> $ : num 0
#' #> $ : num 1
#' #> $ : num 2
#' #> $ : num 3
#' #> $ : num 4
#' ````
#' @return A TF Dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_take_while <- function(dataset, predicate, name = NULL) {
name = name))
#' Map a function across a dataset.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param map_func A function mapping a nested structure of tensors (having
#' shapes and types defined by [output_shapes()] and [output_types()] to
#' another nested structure of tensors. It also supports `purrr` style
#' lambda functions powered by [rlang::as_function()].
#' @param num_parallel_calls (Optional) An integer, representing the
#' number of elements to process in parallel If not specified, elements will
#' be processed sequentially.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_map <- function(dataset, map_func, num_parallel_calls = NULL) {
dtype <- if (tensorflow::tf_version() >= "2.3") tf$int64 else tf$int32
map_func = as_py_function(map_func),
num_parallel_calls = as_integer_tensor(num_parallel_calls, dtype)
#' Fused implementation of dataset_map() and dataset_batch()
#' Maps `map_func`` across batch_size consecutive elements of this dataset and then combines
#' them into a batch. Functionally, it is equivalent to map followed by batch. However, by
#' fusing the two transformations together, the implementation can be more efficient.
#' @inheritParams dataset_map
#' @inheritParams dataset_batch
#' @param num_parallel_batches (Optional) An integer, representing the number of batches
#' to create in parallel. On one hand, higher values can help mitigate the effect of
#' stragglers. On the other hand, higher values can increase contention if CPU is
#' scarce.
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_map_and_batch <- function(dataset,
num_parallel_batches = NULL,
drop_remainder = FALSE,
num_parallel_calls = NULL) {
validate_tf_version("1.8", "dataset_map_and_batch")
#' Maps map_func across this dataset and flattens the result.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param map_func A function mapping a nested structure of tensors (having
#' shapes and types defined by [output_shapes()] and [output_types()] to a
#' dataset.
#' @return A dataset
#' @export
dataset_flat_map <- function(dataset, map_func) {
#' Creates a Dataset that prefetches elements from this dataset.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param buffer_size An integer, representing the maximum number elements that
#' will be buffered when prefetching.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_prefetch <- function(dataset, buffer_size = tf$data$AUTOTUNE) {
#' A transformation that prefetches dataset values to the given `device`
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param device A string. The name of a device to which elements will be prefetched
#' (e.g. "/gpu:0").
#' @param buffer_size (Optional.) The number of elements to buffer on device.
#' Defaults to an automatically chosen value.
#' @return A dataset
#' @note Although the transformation creates a dataset, the transformation must be the
#' final dataset in the input pipeline.
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_prefetch_to_device <- function(dataset, device, buffer_size = NULL) {
validate_tf_version("1.8", "dataset_prefetch_to_device")
device = device,
buffer_size = as_integer_tensor(buffer_size)
#' Filter a dataset by a predicate
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param predicate A function mapping a nested structure of tensors (having
#' shapes and types defined by [output_shapes()] and [output_types()] to a
#' scalar `tf$bool` tensor.
#' @return A dataset composed of records that matched the predicate.
#' @details Note that the functions used inside the predicate must be
#' tensor operations (e.g. `tf$not_equal`, `tf$less`, etc.). R
#' generic methods for relational operators (e.g. `<`, `>`, `<=`,
#' etc.) and logical operators (e.g. `!`, `&`, `|`, etc.) are
#' provided so you can use shorthand syntax for most common
#' comparisions (this is illustrated by the example below).
#' @family dataset methods
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' dataset <- text_line_dataset("mtcars.csv", record_spec = mtcars_spec) %>%
#' dataset_filter(function(record) {
#' record$mpg >= 20
#' })
#' dataset <- text_line_dataset("mtcars.csv", record_spec = mtcars_spec) %>%
#' dataset_filter(function(record) {
#' record$mpg >= 20 & record$cyl >= 6L
#' })
#' }
#' @export
dataset_filter <- function(dataset, predicate) {
#' Creates a dataset that skips count elements from this dataset
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param count An integer, representing the number of elements of this dataset
#' that should be skipped to form the new dataset. If count is greater than
#' the size of this dataset, the new dataset will contain no elements. If
#' count is -1, skips the entire dataset.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_skip <- function(dataset, count) {
as_tf_dataset(dataset$skip(count = as_integer_tensor(count)))
#' Maps map_func across this dataset, and interleaves the results
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param map_func A function mapping a nested structure of tensors (having
#' shapes and types defined by [output_shapes()] and [output_types()] to a
#' dataset.
#' @param cycle_length The number of elements from this dataset that will be
#' processed concurrently.
#' @param block_length The number of consecutive elements to produce from each
#' input element before cycling to another input element.
#' @details
#' The `cycle_length` and `block_length` arguments control the order in which
#' elements are produced. `cycle_length` controls the number of input elements
#' that are processed concurrently. In general, this transformation will apply
#' `map_func` to `cycle_length` input elements, open iterators on the returned
#' dataset objects, and cycle through them producing `block_length` consecutive
#' elements from each iterator, and consuming the next input element each time
#' it reaches the end of an iterator.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' dataset <- tensor_slices_dataset(c(1,2,3,4,5)) %>%
#' dataset_interleave(cycle_length = 2, block_length = 4, function(x) {
#' tensors_dataset(x) %>%
#' dataset_repeat(6)
#' })
#' # resulting dataset (newlines indicate "block" boundaries):
#' c(1, 1, 1, 1,
#' 2, 2, 2, 2,
#' 1, 1,
#' 2, 2,
#' 3, 3, 3, 3,
#' 4, 4, 4, 4,
#' 3, 3,
#' 4, 4,
#' 5, 5, 5, 5,
#' 5, 5,
#' )
#' }
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_interleave <- function(dataset, map_func, cycle_length, block_length = 1) {
map_func = as_py_function(map_func),
cycle_length = as_integer_tensor(cycle_length),
block_length = as_integer_tensor(block_length)
#' Creates a dataset that includes only 1 / num_shards of this dataset.
#' This dataset operator is very useful when running distributed training, as it
#' allows each worker to read a unique subset.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param num_shards A integer representing the number of shards operating in
#' parallel.
#' @param index A integer, representing the worker index.
#' @return A dataset
#' @family Dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_shard <- function(dataset, num_shards, index) {
num_shards = as_integer_tensor(num_shards),
index = as_integer_tensor(index)
#' Combines consecutive elements of this dataset into padded batches.
#' @details
#' This transformation combines multiple consecutive elements of the input
#' dataset into a single element.
#' Like [`dataset_batch()`], the components of the resulting element will
#' have an additional outer dimension, which will be `batch_size` (or
#' `N %% batch_size` for the last element if `batch_size` does not divide the
#' number of input elements `N` evenly and `drop_remainder` is `FALSE`). If
#' your program depends on the batches having the same outer dimension, you
#' should set the `drop_remainder` argument to `TRUE` to prevent the smaller
#' batch from being produced.
#' Unlike [`dataset_batch()`], the input elements to be batched may have
#' different shapes, and this transformation will pad each component to the
#' respective shape in `padded_shapes`. The `padded_shapes` argument
#' determines the resulting shape for each dimension of each component in an
#' output element:
#' * If the dimension is a constant, the component will be padded out to that
#' length in that dimension.
#' * If the dimension is unknown, the component will be padded out to the
#' maximum length of all elements in that dimension.
#' See also `tf$data$experimental$dense_to_sparse_batch`, which combines
#' elements that may have different shapes into a `tf$sparse$SparseTensor`.
#' @inheritParams dataset_batch
#' @param batch_size An integer, representing the number of
#' consecutive elements of this dataset to combine in a single batch.
#' @param padded_shapes (Optional.) A (nested) structure of
#' `tf.TensorShape` (returned by [`tensorflow::shape()`]) or
#' `tf$int64` vector tensor-like objects representing the shape to which
#' the respective component of each input element should be padded prior
#' to batching. Any unknown dimensions will be padded to the maximum size
#' of that dimension in each batch. If unset, all dimensions of all
#' components are padded to the maximum size in the batch. `padded_shapes`
#' must be set if any component has an unknown rank.
#' @param padding_values (Optional.) A (nested) structure of scalar-shaped
#' `tf.Tensor`, representing the padding values to use for the respective
#' components. `NULL` represents that the (nested) structure should be padded
#' with default values. Defaults are `0` for numeric types and the empty
#' string `""` for string types. The `padding_values` should have the same
#' (nested) structure as the input dataset. If `padding_values` is a single
#' element and the input dataset has multiple components, then the same
#' `padding_values` will be used to pad every component of the dataset.
#' If `padding_values` is a scalar, then its value will be broadcasted
#' to match the shape of each component.
#' @param drop_remainder (Optional.) A boolean scalar, representing
#' whether the last batch should be dropped in the case it has fewer than
#' `batch_size` elements; the default behavior is not to drop the smaller
#' batch.
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the operation. Requires tensorflow version >= 2.7.
#' @returns A tf_dataset
#' @export
#' @family dataset methods
#' @seealso
#' - <>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' A <- range_dataset(1, 5, dtype = tf$int32) %>%
#' dataset_map(function(x) tf$fill(list(x), x))
#' # Pad to the smallest per-batch size that fits all elements.
#' B <- A %>% dataset_padded_batch(2)
#' B %>% as_array_iterator() %>% iterate(print)
#' # Pad to a fixed size.
#' C <- A %>% dataset_padded_batch(2, padded_shapes=5)
#' C %>% as_array_iterator() %>% iterate(print)
#' # Pad with a custom value.
#' D <- A %>% dataset_padded_batch(2, padded_shapes=5, padding_values = -1L)
#' D %>% as_array_iterator() %>% iterate(print)
#' # Pad with a single value and multiple components.
#' E <- zip_datasets(A, A) %>% dataset_padded_batch(2, padding_values = -1L)
#' E %>% as_array_iterator() %>% iterate(print)
#' }
dataset_padded_batch <-
padded_shapes = NULL,
padding_values = NULL,
drop_remainder = FALSE,
name = NULL) {
args <- capture_args(, list(
batch_size = as_integer_tensor,
padded_shapes = as_tensor_shapes
), ignore = "dataset")
as_tf_dataset($padded_batch, args))
#' A transformation that resamples a dataset to a target distribution.
#' @param dataset A `tf.Dataset`
#' @param class_func A function mapping an element of the input dataset to a
#' scalar `tf.int32` tensor. Values should be in `[0, num_classes)`.
#' @param target_dist A floating point type tensor, shaped `[num_classes]`.
#' @param initial_dist (Optional.) A floating point type tensor, shaped
#' `[num_classes]`. If not provided, the true class distribution is estimated
#' live in a streaming fashion.
#' @param seed (Optional.) Integer seed for the resampler.
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the operation.
#' @return A `tf.Dataset`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' initial_dist <- c(.5, .5)
#' target_dist <- c(.6, .4)
#' num_classes <- length(initial_dist)
#' num_samples <- 100000
#' data <-, num_samples, prob = initial_dist, replace = TRUE)
#' dataset <- tensor_slices_dataset(data)
#' tally <- c(0, 0)
#' `add<-` <- function (x, value) x + value
#' # tfautograph::autograph({
#' # for(i in dataset)
#' # add(tally[as.numeric(i)]) <- 1
#' # })
#' dataset %>%
#' as_array_iterator() %>%
#' iterate(function(i) {
#' add(tally[i]) <<- 1
#' }, simplify = FALSE)
#' # The value of `tally` will be close to c(50000, 50000) as
#' # per the `initial_dist` distribution.
#' tally # c(50287, 49713)
#' tally <- c(0, 0)
#' dataset %>%
#' dataset_rejection_resample(
#' class_func = function(x) (x-1) %% 2,
#' target_dist = target_dist,
#' initial_dist = initial_dist
#' ) %>%
#' as_array_iterator() %>%
#' iterate(function(element) {
#' names(element) <- c("class_id", "i")
#' add(tally[element$i]) <<- 1
#' }, simplify = FALSE)
#' # The value of tally will be now be close to c(75000, 50000)
#' # thus satisfying the target_dist distribution.
#' tally # c(74822, 49921)
#' }
dataset_rejection_resample <-
initial_dist = NULL,
seed = NULL,
name = NULL)
require_tf_version("2.7", "dataset_rejection_resample")
args <- capture_args(,
list(class_func = as_py_function,
seed = as_integer_tensor),
ignore = "dataset")
as_tf_dataset($rejection_resample, args))
#' A transformation that discards duplicate elements of a Dataset.
#' Use this transformation to produce a dataset that contains one instance of
#' each unique element in the input (See example).
#' @note This transformation only supports datasets which fit into memory and
#' have elements of either tf.int32, tf.int64 or tf.string type.
#' @param dataset A tf.Dataset.
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the operation.
#' @return A tf.Dataset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' c(0, 37, 2, 37, 2, 1) %>% as_tensor("int32") %>%
#' tensor_slices_dataset() %>%
#' dataset_unique() %>%
#' as_array_iterator() %>% iterate() %>% sort()
#' # [1] 0 1 2 37
#' }
dataset_unique <- function(dataset, name=NULL) {
require_tf_version("2.6", "dataset_unique")
args <- list()
args$name <- name
as_tf_dataset($unique, args))
#' Prepare a dataset for analysis
#' Transform a dataset with named columns into a list with features (`x`) and
#' response (`y`) elements.
#' @inheritParams dataset_decode_delim
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param x Features to include. When `named_features` is `FALSE` all features
#' will be stacked into a single tensor so must have an identical data type.
#' @param y (Optional). Response variable.
#' @param named `TRUE` to name the dataset elements "x" and "y", `FALSE` to
#' not name the dataset elements.
#' @param named_features `TRUE` to yield features as a named list; `FALSE` to
#' stack features into a single array. Note that in the case of `FALSE` (the
#' default) all features will be stacked into a single 2D tensor so need to
#' have the same underlying data type.
#' @param batch_size (Optional). Batch size if you would like to fuse the
#' `dataset_prepare()` operation together with a `dataset_batch()` (fusing
#' generally improves overall training performance).
#' @inheritParams dataset_map_and_batch
#' @return A dataset. The dataset will have a structure of either:
#' - When `named_features` is `TRUE`: `list(x = list(feature_name = feature_values, ...), y = response_values)`
#' - When `named_features` is `FALSE`: `list(x = features_array, y = response_values)`,
#' where `features_array` is a Rank 2 array of `(batch_size, num_features)`.
#' Note that the `y` element will be omitted when `y` is `NULL`.
#' @seealso [input_fn()][input_fn.tf_dataset()] for use with \pkg{tfestimators}.
#' @export
dataset_prepare <- function(dataset, x, y = NULL, named = TRUE, named_features = FALSE,
parallel_records = NULL,
batch_size = NULL,
num_parallel_batches = NULL,
drop_remainder = FALSE) {
# validate dataset
if (!is_dataset(dataset))
stop("Provided dataset is not a TensorFlow Dataset")
# default to null response_col
response_col <- NULL
# get features
col_names <- column_names(dataset)
eq_features <- rlang::enquo(x)
# attempt use of tidyselect. if there is an error it could be because 'x'
# is a formula. in that case attempt to parse the formula
feature_col_names <- tryCatch({
tidyselect::vars_select(col_names, !! eq_features)
error = function(e) {
x <- get_expr(eq_features)
if (is_formula(x)) {
data <- lapply(column_names(dataset), function(x) "")
names(data) <- column_names(dataset)
data <-
parsed <- parse_formula(x, data)
if (!is.null(parsed$response))
response_col <<- match(parsed$response, col_names)
} else {
stop(e$message, call. = FALSE)
# get column indexes
feature_cols <- match(feature_col_names, col_names)
# get response if specified
if (!missing(y) && is.null(response_col)) {
eq_response <- rlang::enquo(y)
response_name <- tidyselect::vars_select(col_names, !! eq_response)
if (length(response_name) > 0) {
if (length(response_name) != 1)
stop("Invalid response column: ", paste(response_name))
response_col <- match(response_name, col_names)
# mapping function
map_func <- function(record) {
# `make_csv_dataset` returns an ordered dict instead of a `dict`
# which in turn doesn't get automatically converted by reticulate.
if (inherits(record, "python.builtin.dict"))
record <- reticulate::py_to_r(record)
# select features
record_features <- record[feature_cols]
# apply names to features if named
if (named_features) {
names(record_features) <- feature_col_names
# otherwise stack features into a single tensor
} else {
record_features <- unname(record_features)
# determine the axis based on the shape of the tensor
# (unbatched tensors will be scalar with no shape,
# so will stack on axis 0)
shape <- record_features[[1]]$get_shape()$as_list()
axis <- length(shape)
record_features <- tf$stack(record_features, axis = axis)
# massage the record into the approriate structure
if (!is.null(response_col)) {
record <- list(record_features, record[[response_col]])
if (named)
names(record) <- c("x", "y")
else {
record <- list(record_features)
if (named)
names(record) <- c("x")
# return the record
# call appropriate mapping function
if (is.null(batch_size)) {
dataset <- dataset %>%
dataset_map(map_func = map_func,
num_parallel_calls = parallel_records)
} else {
dataset <- dataset %>%
dataset_map_and_batch(map_func = map_func,
batch_size = batch_size,
num_parallel_batches = num_parallel_batches,
drop_remainder = drop_remainder,
num_parallel_calls = parallel_records)
# return dataset
#' Unbatch a dataset
#' Splits elements of a dataset into multiple elements.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the operation.
#' @export
dataset_unbatch <- function(dataset, name = NULL) {
#' Add the tf_dataset class to a dataset
#' Calling this function on a dataset adds the "tf_dataset" class to the dataset
#' object. All datasets returned by functions in the \pkg{tfdatasets} package
#' call this function on the dataset before returning it.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @return A dataset with class "tf_dataset"
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as_tf_dataset <- function(dataset) {
# validate dataset
if (!is_dataset(dataset))
stop("Provided dataset is not a TensorFlow Dataset")
# add class if needed
if (!inherits(dataset, "tf_dataset"))
class(dataset) <- c("tf_dataset", class(dataset))
# return
#' Combines input elements into a dataset of windows.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param size representing the number of elements of the input dataset to
#' combine into a window.
#' @param shift epresenting the forward shift of the sliding window in each
#' iteration. Defaults to `size`.
#' @param stride representing the stride of the input elements in the sliding
#' window.
#' @param drop_remainder representing whether a window should be dropped in
#' case its size is smaller `than window_size`.
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_window <- function(dataset, size, shift = NULL, stride = 1,
drop_remainder = FALSE) {
size = as_integer_tensor(size),
shift = as_integer_tensor(shift),
stride = as_integer_tensor(stride),
drop_remainder = drop_remainder
#' Collects a dataset
#' Iterates throught the dataset collecting every element into a list.
#' It's useful for looking at the full result of the dataset.
#' Note: You may run out of memory if your dataset is too big.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param iter_max Maximum number of iterations. `Inf` until the end of the
#' dataset
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_collect <- function(dataset, iter_max = Inf) {
if (tensorflow::tf_version() < "2.0")
stop("dataset_collect requires TF 2.0", call.=FALSE)
it <- reticulate::as_iterator(dataset)
out <- list()
i <- 0
while(!is.null(x <- reticulate::iter_next(it))) {
i <- i + 1
out[[i]] <- x
if (i >= iter_max) break
#' Reduces the input dataset to a single element.
#' The transformation calls reduce_func successively on every element of the input dataset
#' until the dataset is exhausted, aggregating information in its internal state.
#' The initial_state argument is used for the initial state and the final state is returned as the result.
#' @param dataset A dataset
#' @param initial_state An element representing the initial state of the transformation.
#' @param reduce_func A function that maps `(old_state, input_element)` to new_state.
#' It must take two arguments and return a new element.
#' The structure of new_state must match the structure of initial_state.
#' @return A dataset element.
#' @family dataset methods
#' @export
dataset_reduce <- function(dataset, initial_state, reduce_func) {
dataset$reduce(initial_state, reduce_func)
#' Get or Set Dataset Options
#' @param dataset a tensorflow dataset
#' @param ... Valid values include:
#' + A set of named arguments setting options. Names of nested attributes can
#' be separated with a `"."` (see examples). The set of named arguments can be
#' supplied individually to `...`, or as a single named list.
#' + a `tf$data$Options()` instance.
#' @return If values are supplied to `...`, returns a `` with the
#' given options set/updated. Otherwise, returns the currently set options for
#' the dataset.
#' @details The options are "global" in the sense they apply to the entire
#' dataset. If options are set multiple times, they are merged as long as
#' different options do not use different non-default values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # pass options directly:
#' range_dataset(0, 10) %>%
#' dataset_options(
#' experimental_deterministic = FALSE,
#' threading.private_threadpool_size = 10
#' )
#' # pass options as a named list:
#' opts <- list(
#' experimental_deterministic = FALSE,
#' threading.private_threadpool_size = 10
#' )
#' range_dataset(0, 10) %>%
#' dataset_options(opts)
#' # pass a instance
#' opts <- tf$data$Options()
#' opts$experimental_deterministic <- FALSE
#' opts$threading$private_threadpool_size <- 10L
#' range_dataset(0, 10) %>%
#' dataset_options(opts)
#' # get currently set options
#' range_dataset(0, 10) %>% dataset_options()
#' }
dataset_options <- function(dataset, ...) {
user_opts <- list(...)
options <- tf$data$Options()
# accept a packed list of arguments, don't required for programming
if(is.null(names(user_opts)) &&
length(user_opts) == 1 &&
user_opts <- user_opts[[1]]
for (i in seq_along(user_opts)) {
name <- names(user_opts)[i]
val <- user_opts[[i]]
if (inherits(val, c("",
""))) {
options <- options$merge(val)
# special convenience hooks for some known options, with a no-op fallback
transform <- switch(name,
"threading.private_threadpool_size" = as.integer,
"threading.max_intra_op_parallelism" = as.integer,
"experimental_distribute.num_devices" = as.integer,
val <- transform(val)
# change names like "" to an R expression like
# `options$foo$bar$baz`, but with some semblance of safety by avoiding
# parse(), using as.symbol() on user supplied names, and constructing the
# call we want directly. We do this to avoid hand-coding a recursive impl
# using py_set_attr(), and let the R's `$<-` method do the recursion.
target <- Reduce(
function(x, y) substitute(x$y, list(x = x, y = as.symbol(y))),
strsplit(name, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]],
init = quote(options))
expr <- substitute(target <- val, list(target = target))
#' Get Dataset length
#' Returns the length of the dataset.
#' @param x a `` object.
#' @return Either `Inf` if the dataset is infinite, `NA` if the dataset length
#' is unknown, or an R numeric if it is known.
#' @export
#' @importFrom tensorflow tf_version
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' range_dataset(0, 42) %>% length()
#' # 42
#' range_dataset(0, 42) %>% dataset_repeat() %>% length()
#' # Inf
#' range_dataset(0, 42) %>% dataset_repeat() %>%
#' dataset_filter(function(x) TRUE) %>% length()
#' # NA
#' }
length.tf_dataset <- function(x) {
if (tf_version() >= "2.3") {
l <- x$cardinality()$numpy()
car_inf <- tf$data$INFINITE_CARDINALITY
car_unk <- tf$data$UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY
} else {
l <- tf$data$experimental$cardinality(x)$numpy()
car_inf <- tf$data$experimental$INFINITE_CARDINALITY
car_unk <- tf$data$experimental$UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY
if (l == car_inf)
else if (l == car_unk)
#' @export
#' @rdname length.tf_dataset <- length.tf_dataset
#' Enumerates the elements of this dataset
#' @details It is similar to python's `enumerate`, this transforms a sequence of
#' elements into a sequence of `list(index, element)`, where index is an integer
#' that indicates the position of the element in the sequence.
#' @param dataset A tensorflow dataset
#' @param start An integer (coerced to a `tf$int64` scalar `tf.Tensor`),
#' representing the start value for enumeration.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dataset <- tensor_slices_dataset(100:103) %>%
#' dataset_enumerate()
#' iterator <- reticulate::as_iterator(dataset)
#' reticulate::iter_next(iterator) # list(0, 100)
#' reticulate::iter_next(iterator) # list(1, 101)
#' reticulate::iter_next(iterator) # list(2, 102)
#' reticulate::iter_next(iterator) # list(3, 103)
#' reticulate::iter_next(iterator) # NULL (iterator exhausted)
#' reticulate::iter_next(iterator) # NULL (iterator exhausted)
#' }
dataset_enumerate <- function(dataset, start=0L) {
#' Creates a `Dataset` of pseudorandom values
#' @details
#' The dataset generates a sequence of uniformly distributed integer values (dtype int64).
#' @param seed (Optional) If specified, the dataset produces a deterministic
#' sequence of values.
#' @export
random_integer_dataset <- function(seed = NULL) {
if (tf_version() >= "2.6")
#' A transformation that scans a function across an input dataset
#' @details
#' This transformation is a stateful relative of `dataset_map()`.
#' In addition to mapping `scan_func` across the elements of the input dataset,
#' `scan()` accumulates one or more state tensors, whose initial values are
#' `initial_state`.
#' @param dataset A tensorflow dataset
#' @param initial_state A nested structure of tensors, representing the initial
#' state of the accumulator.
#' @param scan_func A function that maps `(old_state, input_element)` to
#' `(new_state, output_element)`. It must take two arguments and return a
#' pair of nested structures of tensors. The `new_state` must match the
#' structure of `initial_state`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' initial_state <- as_tensor(0, dtype="int64")
#' scan_func <- function(state, i) list(state + i, state + i)
#' dataset <- range_dataset(0, 10) %>%
#' dataset_scan(initial_state, scan_func)
#' reticulate::iterate(dataset, as.array) %>%
#' unlist()
#' # 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45
#' }
dataset_scan <- function(dataset, initial_state, scan_func) {
if(tf_version() >= "2.6")
as_tf_dataset(dataset$scan(initial_state, as_py_function(scan_func)))
else {
tf$data$experimental$scan(initial_state, as_py_function(scan_func))
#' Persist the output of a dataset
#' @details
#' The snapshot API allows users to transparently persist the output of their
#' preprocessing pipeline to disk, and materialize the pre-processed data on a
#' different training run.
#' This API enables repeated preprocessing steps to be consolidated, and allows
#' re-use of already processed data, trading off disk storage and network
#' bandwidth for freeing up more valuable CPU resources and accelerator compute
#' time.
#' has detailed design documentation of this feature.
#' Users can specify various options to control the behavior of snapshot,
#' including how snapshots are read from and written to by passing in
#' user-defined functions to the `reader_func` and `shard_func` parameters.
#' `shard_func` is a user specified function that maps input elements to
#' snapshot shards.
# If `shard_func` is not supplied, the equivalent action is performed:
#' ```R
#' NUM_SHARDS <- parallel::detectCores()
#' dataset %>%
#' dataset_enumerate() %>%
#' dataset_snapshot(
#' "/path/to/snapshot/dir",
#' shard_func = function(index, ds_elem) x %% NUM_SHARDS) %>%
#' dataset_map(function(index, ds_elem) ds_elem)
#' ```
#' `reader_func` is a user specified function that accepts a single argument:
#' a Dataset of Datasets, each representing a "split" of elements of the
#' original dataset. The cardinality of the input dataset matches the
#' number of the shards specified in the `shard_func`. The function
#' should return a Dataset of elements of the original dataset.
#' Users may want specify this function to control how snapshot files should be
#' read from disk, including the amount of shuffling and parallelism.
#' Here is an example of a standard reader function a user can define. This
#' function enables both dataset shuffling and parallel reading of datasets:
#' ````R
#' user_reader_func <- function(datasets) {
#' num_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
#' datasets %>%
#' dataset_shuffle(num_cores) %>%
#' dataset_interleave(function(x) x, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE)
#' }
#' dataset <- dataset %>%
#' dataset_snapshot("/path/to/snapshot/dir",
#' reader_func = user_reader_func)
#' ````
#' By default, snapshot parallelizes reads by the number of cores available on
#' the system, but will not attempt to shuffle the data.
#' @param dataset A tensorflow dataset
#' @param path Required. A directory to use for storing/loading the snapshot to/from.
#' @param compression Optional. The type of compression to apply to the snapshot
#' written to disk. Supported options are `"GZIP"`, `"SNAPPY"`, `"AUTO"` or
#' `NULL` (values of `""`, `NA`, and `"None"` are synonymous with `NULL`)
#' Defaults to `AUTO`, which attempts to pick an appropriate compression
#' algorithm for the dataset.
#' @param reader_func Optional. A function to control how to read data from
#' snapshot shards.
#' @param shard_func Optional. A function to control how to shard data when writing
#' a snapshot.
#' @export
dataset_snapshot <- function(dataset, path, compression=c("AUTO", "GZIP", "SNAPPY", "None"),
reader_func=NULL, shard_func=NULL) {
if(identical(compression, ""))
compression <- NULL
else if(!is.null(compression)) {
compression <- match.arg(compression)
if(compression == "None")
compression <- NULL
if (!is.null(reader_func))
reader_func <- as_py_function(reader_func)
if (!is.null(shard_func))
shard_func <- as_py_function(shard_func)
args <- list(path, compression=compression,
reader_func = reader_func,
shard_func = shard_func)
if(tf_version() >= "2.6")$snapshot, args)
dataset$apply($data$experimental$snapshot, args))
#' Convert tf_dataset to an iterator that yields R arrays.
#' @param dataset A tensorflow dataset
#' @return An iterable. Use [`iterate()`] or [`iter_next()`] to access values from the iterator.
#' @export
as_array_iterator <- function(dataset) {
#' Group windows of elements by key and reduce them
#' @details This transformation maps each consecutive element in a dataset to a
#' key using `key_func()` and groups the elements by key. It then applies
#' `reduce_func()` to at most `window_size_func(key)` elements matching the same
#' key. All except the final window for each key will contain
#' `window_size_func(key)` elements; the final window may be smaller.
#' You may provide either a constant `window_size` or a window size determined
#' by the key through `window_size_func`.
#' ````r
#' window_size <- 5
#' dataset <- range_dataset(to = 10) %>%
#' dataset_group_by_window(
#' key_func = function(x) x %% 2,
#' reduce_func = function(key, ds) dataset_batch(ds, window_size),
#' window_size = window_size
#' )
#' it <- as_array_iterator(dataset)
#' while (!is.null(elem <- iter_next(it)))
#' print(elem)
#' #> tf.Tensor([0 2 4 6 8], shape=(5), dtype=int64)
#' #> tf.Tensor([1 3 5 7 9], shape=(5), dtype=int64)
#' ````
#' @param dataset a TF Dataset
#' @param key_func A function mapping a nested structure of tensors (having
#' shapes and types defined by `self$output_shapes` and `self$output_types`)
#' to a scalar `tf.int64` tensor.
#' @param reduce_func A function mapping a key and a dataset of up to
#' `window_size` consecutive elements matching that key to another dataset.
#' @param window_size A `tf.int64` scalar `tf.Tensor`, representing the number
#' of consecutive elements matching the same key to combine in a single batch,
#' which will be passed to `reduce_func`. Mutually exclusive with
#' `window_size_func`.
#' @param window_size_func A function mapping a key to a `tf.int64` scalar
#' `tf.Tensor`, representing the number of consecutive elements matching the
#' same key to combine in a single batch, which will be passed to
#' `reduce_func`. Mutually exclusive with `window_size`.
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the Tensorflow operation.
#' @seealso
#' + <>
#' @export
dataset_group_by_window <-
function(dataset, key_func, reduce_func,
window_size = NULL,
window_size_func = NULL,
name = NULL) {
window_size_func <- as_py_function(window_size_func)
key_func = as_py_function(key_func),
reduce_func = as_py_function(reduce_func),
window_size = as_integer_tensor(window_size),
window_size_func = window_size_func,
name = name
#' Get the single element of the dataset.
#' The function enables you to use a TF Dataset in a stateless "tensor-in
#' tensor-out" expression, without creating an iterator. This facilitates the
#' ease of data transformation on tensors using the optimized TF Dataset
#' abstraction on top of them.
#' For example, consider a `preprocess_batch()` which would take as an input
#' a batch of raw features and returns the processed feature.
#' ```r
#' preprocess_one_case <- function(x) x + 100
#' preprocess_batch <- function(raw_features) {
#' batch_size <- dim(raw_features)[1]
#' ds <- raw_features %>%
#' tensor_slices_dataset() %>%
#' dataset_map(preprocess_one_case, num_parallel_calls = batch_size) %>%
#' dataset_batch(batch_size)
#' as_tensor(ds)
#' }
#' raw_features <- array(seq(prod(4, 5)), c(4, 5))
#' preprocess_batch(raw_features)
#' ````
#' In the above example, the batch of `raw_features` was converted to a TF
#' Dataset. Next, each of the raw_feature cases in the batch was mapped using
#' the preprocess_one_case and the processed features were grouped into a single
#' batch. The final dataset contains only one element which is a batch of all
#' the processed features.
#' Note: The dataset should contain only one element. Now, instead of creating
#' an iterator for the dataset and retrieving the batch of features, the
#' `as_tensor()` function is used to skip the iterator creation process and
#' directly output the batch of features.
#' This can be particularly useful when your tensor transformations are
#' expressed as TF Dataset operations, and you want to use those transformations
#' while serving your model.
#' @param x A TF Dataset
#' @param name (Optional.) A name for the TensorFlow operation.
#' @param ... passed on to `tensorflow::as_tensor()`
#' @seealso
#' + <>
#' @export
#' @rdname as_tensor.tf_dataset
#' @aliases get_single_element
#' @importFrom tensorflow as_tensor <- function(x, ..., name = NULL) {
tensor <- x$get_single_element(name = name)
tensorflow::as_tensor(tensor, ..., name = name)
#' @rdname as_tensor.tf_dataset
#' @export <- function(x, ...)
as.array(, ...))
#' @export
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