
Defines functions tsWrite tsScan addDate annualizedGrowth.default annualizedGrowth percentChange.default percentChange ytoypc diffLog.default diffLog tfOnePlot tfplot.default tfplot

Documented in addDate annualizedGrowth annualizedGrowth.default diffLog diffLog.default percentChange percentChange.default tfOnePlot tfplot tfplot.default tsScan tsWrite ytoypc

#  tfplot provides generic methods for plotting time series objects. 
# Plot methods will probably do some processing
#  and eventually call tfOnePlot for each panel.

tfplot <- function(x, ...)  UseMethod("tfplot")

tfplot.default <- function(x, ..., tf=tfspan(x , ...), start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf),
	Title=NULL, title=Title, subtitle=NULL,
	lty = 1:5, lwd = 1, pch = 1, col = 1:6, cex = NULL,
	xlab=NULL, ylab=seriesNames(x), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
	graphs.per.page=5, par=NULL, reset.screen=TRUE,
	Xaxis="auto", L1=NULL,
	YaxisL=TRUE, YaxisR=FALSE, Yaxis.lab.rot = "vertical",
	lastObs=FALSE, source=NULL,
	footnote=NULL, footnoteLeft=footnote, footnoteRight=NULL,
	legend=NULL, legend.loc="topleft")
    {#  ... before other args means abbreviations do not work, but otherwise
     # positional matching seems to kick in and an object to be plotted gets used
     #  for start.
     if (!is.tframed(x)) {
       if (is.matrix(x) || is.vector(x)) x <- ts(x)
       else return(plot(x))
     if(inherits(x, "TSmodel"))
        stop("tfplot does not know how to plot a model. ",
             "Consider simulating the model: tfplot(simulate(model)) ",
             "or evaluating the model with data: tfplot(l(model, data)).")
     if( !is.numeric(x) )
        stop("tfplot.default does not know how to plot this object.")
     old.par <- par(par)
     mr <- par()$mar
     names <- seriesNames(x)
     Ngraphs <- min(length(series), graphs.per.page)
     if( (!is.list(xlim)) && (2 == length(xlim)))
              xlim <- rep(list(xlim), length(series))
     if( (!is.list(ylim)) && (2 == length(ylim)))
              ylim <- rep(list(ylim), length(series))
     if(reset.screen)  {
        par(mfcol = c(Ngraphs, 1), mar=mr, no.readonly=TRUE)
#     tf <- tframe(tfwindow(x, start=start, end=end))
# would be nice if this could expand tf (tfwindow only truncates - need a
# replacement that expands too.)
     N <- nseries(x)
     if(length(xlab)          < N) xlab          <- rep(xlab, N)
     if(length(subtitle)      < N) subtitle      <- rep(subtitle, N)
     if(length(footnoteRight) < N) footnoteRight <- rep(footnoteRight, N)
     if(length(footnoteLeft)  < N) footnoteLeft  <- rep(footnoteLeft, N)
     if(length(source)        < N) source        <- rep(source, N)
     if(length(legend)        < N) legend        <- rep(legend, N)
     if(length(legend.loc)    < N) legend.loc    <- rep(legend.loc, N)
     if(length(YaxisR)        < N) YaxisR        <- rep(YaxisR, N)
     for (i in series)
       {if(mode(i)=="character") i <- match(i, names)
	z <-  selectSeries(x, series=i)
        for (d in list(...))
    	   z <- tbind(z, selectSeries(d, series=i)) 
	lgd <- if (is.matrix(legend))legend[,i] else legend
	tfOnePlot(z, tf=tf, start=start, end=end, subtitle=subtitle[i],
	          lty=lty, lwd=lwd, pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex,
		  xlab=xlab[i], ylab=ylab[i], xlim=xlim[[i]], ylim=ylim[[i]],
		  Xaxis=Xaxis, L1=L1,
		  YaxisL=YaxisL, YaxisR=YaxisR[i], Yaxis.lab.rot=Yaxis.lab.rot,
		  splitPane=splitPane,lastObs=lastObs, source=source[i],
		  footnoteLeft=footnoteLeft[i], footnoteRight=footnoteRight[i],
		  legend=lgd, legend.loc=legend.loc[i])
        if(!is.null(title) && (i==1) && (is.null(options()$PlotTitles)
                || options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = title)	

tfOnePlot <- function(x, tf=tframe(x), start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf), 
         Title=NULL, title=Title, subtitle=NULL, lty=1:5, lwd=1, pch=1, col=1:6, cex=NULL,
        xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, par=NULL,
	Xaxis="auto", L1=NULL,
	YaxisL=TRUE, YaxisR=FALSE, Yaxis.lab.rot = "vertical",
	footnote=NULL, footnoteLeft=footnote, footnoteRight=NULL,
	legend=NULL, legend.loc="topleft"){
  if (inherits(x, "zooreg")) x <- as.ts(x)
  old.par <- par(par)
  mr <- par()$mar

  if (!is.tframed(x)) plot(x, start=start, end=end, 
              lty=lty, lwd=lwd, pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex,
              xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
  else {
      #if(is.null(source)) source <- 
     #        if(is.null(options("TSsource"))) NULL else(options()$TSsource)(x)
     if (!is.null(start)) x <- tfwindow(x, start=start, warn=FALSE)
     if (!is.null(end))   x <- tfwindow(x, end=end, warn=FALSE)
     if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- ""
     if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- paste(seriesNames(x), collapse="  ")
     if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
     tline <- time(x)
     if( inherits(tline, "ts")) tline <- unclass(tline)
     # formerly matplot with tline not a matrix was used, but this does
     # not plot (non-ts) dates as well as plot().
     if (lastObs) {
 	dt <- end(x)
	if(!is.null(frequency(x))) {
	  if(frequency(x) == 12)
	      dt <- paste(c("Jan", "Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul",
 	          "Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[dt[2]],dt[1], collapse=" ")
 	  else if(frequency(x) == 4)
	      dt <- paste(c("Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4")[dt[2]],dt[1], collapse=" ")
 	last <- paste("Last observation:", dt)
     # zoo freq==1 could be anything, so let zoo handle it
     noAuto <- inherits(x, "zoo") ||is.null(Xaxis) || !(frequency(x) %in% c(1,4,12))
     N <- nseries(x)
     if (1 == N) dim(x) <- c(length(x),1)
     else {
        if (length(lty) < N) lty <- rep(lty,length.out=N)
        if (length(lwd) < N) lwd <- rep(lwd,length.out=N)
        if (length(pch) < N) pch <- rep(pch,length.out=N)
        if (length(col) < N) col <- rep(col,length.out=N)

     # add extra space for titles with a new line character
     m3 <- mr[3]
     if (is.character(title)    && grepl("\n", title))    m3 <- m3 + 1 
     if (is.character(subtitle) && grepl("\n", subtitle)) m3 <- m3 + 1 
     mr[3] <- m3
        plot(tline, x[,1], type="l", lty=lty, lwd=lwd, pch=pch, col=col, 
	    cex=cex, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
   	    xaxt = if(noAuto) "s" else "n", yaxt = "n")
   	if (2 <= N) for (i in 2:N) lines(tline, x[,i],
   	  type="l", lty=lty[i], lwd=lwd[i], pch=pch[i], col=col[i])

   	#if(noAuto) axis(side=1) in some cases this does not seem to work
	#as well as specifying plot(xaxt = "s" )
	  if("auto" == Xaxis) tfXaxis(tline, L1=L1)
   	  else stop("Xaxis specification invalid.")

   	tfYaxis(YaxisL=YaxisL, YaxisR=YaxisR, Yaxis.lab.rot=Yaxis.lab.rot)
     else { # splitPane
	mrL <- mrR <- mr
	mrL[4] <- 0
	mrR[2] <- 0
	if (YaxisR) mrR[4] <- mrR[4] + 1  # add for right labels (default is 2.1 )
	#mn <- min(x)
    	#mn <- mn - 0.01 * abs(mn)
    	#mx <- max(x)
    	#mx <- mx  + 0.01 * abs(mx)
    	#left side, screen(1)
    	par(fig=c(0, .65, 0,1), mar=mrL)
   	plot(tline, x[,1], type="l", lty=lty, lwd=lwd, pch=pch, col=col, 
	    cex=cex, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, 
   	    xaxt = if(noAuto) "s" else "n", yaxt = "n")
   	if (2 <= N) for (i in 2:N) lines(tline, x[,i],
   	  type="l", lty=lty[i], lwd=lwd[i], pch=pch[i], col=col[i])

	  if("auto" == Xaxis) tfXaxis(tline, L1=L1)
   	  else stop("Xaxis specification invalid.")

   	tfYaxis(YaxisL=YaxisL, YaxisR=FALSE, Yaxis.lab.rot=Yaxis.lab.rot)
   	#right side, screen(2)
   	b  <-  tfwindow(x, start=tline[length(tline)] -(splitPane-1)/frequency(x))
   	bt <- time(b)
   	if( inherits(bt, "ts")) bt <- unclass(bt)
	par(fig=c(.7, 1, 0,1), new=TRUE, mar=mrR)
	plot(bt, b[,1], type="l", lty=lty, lwd=lwd, pch=pch, col=col, 
	    cex=cex, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, 
   	    xaxt = if(noAuto) "s" else "n", yaxt = "n")
   	if (2 <= N) for (i in 2:N) lines(bt, b[,i],
   	  type="l", lty=lty[i], lwd=lwd[i], pch=pch[i], col=col[i])

	  if("auto" == Xaxis) tfXaxis(bt, L1=L1)
   	  else stop("Xaxis specification invalid.")

   	tfYaxis(YaxisL=FALSE, YaxisR=YaxisR, Yaxis.lab.rot=Yaxis.lab.rot)
	# Now set back to full device for title and footnotes.
	# setting usr works around what appears to be  bug. (The footnotes
	# do not get set properly relative to the center.)
	par(fig=c(0, 1, 0,1), new=FALSE, mar=mr, usr=c(0,1,0,1))
  if (!is.null(title) && (is.null(options()$PlotTitles) ||
      options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = title)      
  if (!is.null(subtitle) && (is.null(options()$PlotSubtitles) ||
      options()$PlotSubtitles)) title(main = subtitle, line=0.5, 
        cex.main=0.8 *par("cex.main"), font.main=0.5 *par("font.main"))       
  if (!is.null(source) && (is.null(options()$PlotSources) ||
               mtext(source, side=1, line = 2, adj=0, cex=0.7)    
  if (lastObs) mtext(last,   side=1, line = 2, adj=1, cex=0.7)
   # footnote will go on another line with \n
  if (!is.null(footnoteLeft) && (is.null(options()$PlotFootnotes) ||
           mtext(footnoteLeft, side=1, line = 3, adj=0, cex=0.7)      
  if (!is.null(footnoteRight) && (is.null(options()$PlotFootnotes) ||
           mtext(footnoteRight, side=1, line = 3, adj=1, cex=0.7)     
  if (!is.null(legend)) legend(legend.loc, inset = c(0.05, .05), 
     col=col, lty=lty, cex=0.7, legend=legend)

tfYaxis <- function (YaxisL=TRUE, YaxisR=FALSE, Yaxis.lab.rot = "vertical" ) {
   if (Yaxis.lab.rot == "vertical" )   las <- 3
   if (Yaxis.lab.rot == "horizontal" ) las <- 1
   ysc <- par()$yaxp
   if(ysc[3] < 10) blank <- FALSE else TRUE #unlabelled intermediate tick marks
   if (! blank) {
      # calculate tick marks in between labeled ones. If the labels are at intervals of 
      #   5 ..9 this should give 1. At 0.5 ... 0.9 this should give 0.1
      by <- 10^(ceiling(log10(((ysc[2] - ysc[1]) / ysc[3]))-1))
      at1 <- seq(ysc[1], ysc[2], by = by)
   if (YaxisL) {
      axis(side = 2, las=las)
      if (! blank) axis(side = 2, at= at1, tcl=-0.3, labels=FALSE)
   if ((is.numeric(YaxisR)) || YaxisR) { # numeric or T
      scR <- axis(side = 4, las=las, labels=!is.numeric(YaxisR))
      if (is.numeric(YaxisR))
        axis(side = 4, las=las, at=scR, labels=as.graphicsAnnot(YaxisR * scR))
      if (! blank) axis(side = 4, at= at1, tcl=-0.3, labels=FALSE)

tfXaxis <- function (x, L1 = NULL) {
   at1 <- time(x)
   fr <- frequency(x)
   mgp1 <- 0.5  # ignored with lab1 FALSE
   mgp2 <- 1.2  # ignored with lab1 FALSE
   # note that fr not in these cases is usually given to UseMethod in tfOnePlot
   # and should never call tfXaxis.
   if (is.null(fr))  stop("frequency must not be null for auto axis calculation.")
   else if (fr == 1 ) {
     blank <- TRUE 
     at2 <- at1
   else if (fr == 4 ) {
     if(is.null(L1)) L1 <- c("Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4")
     at2 <- unique(floor(at1))
     blank <- length(at2) > 8 
   else if (fr == 12) {
     if(is.null(L1)) L1 <- c("J","F","M","A","M","J","J","A","S","O","N","D")
     at2 <- unique(floor(at1))
     blank <- length(at2) > 4 
   else stop("frequency ", fr, "is not handled by auto axis calculation.")

   # omit period labels when it gets too crowded    
   if (blank) lab1 <- FALSE # omit period labels
   else {
     lab1 <- rep(L1, length.out=fr * length(at2))
     # arrange for not starting in first period of year
     s <- fr - sum(at1 < (1 + at2[1] - 1e-5)) # less eps because date may fail < for Jan
     if (0 < s)  lab1 <- lab1[-seqN(s)]
     lab1 <- lab1[seqN(Tobs(x))]
   axis(side = 1, at = at1,   cex.axis=0.6, labels = lab1, mgp = c(3, mgp1, 0))
   axis(side = 1, at = at2,	  tcl=-0.8, labels = FALSE)
   axis(side = 1, at = 0.5 + at2, tcl=0,    labels=at2, mgp = c(3, mgp2, 0))

diffLog <- function(obj, lag = 1, base = exp(1),
              names=paste("diff of log of ", seriesNames(obj))) 
diffLog.default <- function(obj, lag = 1, base = exp(1),
              names=paste("diff of log of ", seriesNames(obj)))
{#Calculate the difference from lag periods prior for log of data.
 obj <- diff(log(obj, base = base), lag = lag)
 if(is.null(options()$ModSeriesNames) || options()$ModSeriesNames)
        seriesNames(obj) <- names

# Note 1. This is generic so methods can be defined on series within an object,
# as in TSdata and TSestModel. For different types of series, eg zoo, it
# should not be necessary to define methods for this, that should be done with
# lower level utilities like tfL and diff, which should be used here.
ytoypc <- function(obj, names=paste("y to y %ch", seriesNames(obj))) 
ytoypc.default <- function (obj, names=paste("y to y %ch", seriesNames(obj)) ){
   obj <- percentChange(obj, lag = tffrequency(obj))
   if(is.null(options()$ModSeriesNames) || options()$ModSeriesNames)
        seriesNames(obj) <- names

# See Note 1 above
percentChange <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("percentChange")

percentChange.default <- function(obj, base=NULL, lag=1, 
      cumulate=FALSE, e=FALSE, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   cls <- class(obj)
   # note next has to be applied to a shorter object in the end
   #if (is.tframed(obj)) tf <- list(end=tfend(obj), frequency=tffrequency(obj))
   #else tf <- NULL
   if (!is.tframed(obj)) stop("percentChange only works on tframed objects.")
   tf <- tframe(diff(obj, lag=lag)) # not very efficient
   if (is.null(dim(obj)))
     {vec <- TRUE
      obj <- matrix(obj, length(obj),1)
   else vec <- FALSE
   mm <- unclass(rbind(base,obj))
   if (any(cumulate))
          mm[,cumulate] <-apply(mm[,cumulate,drop=FALSE],2,cumsum)
   if (any(e)) mm[,e] <- exp(mm[,e,drop=FALSE])
   N <- NROW(mm)
   pchange <-100*(mm[(lag+1):N,,drop=FALSE] - 
   if (vec) pchange <- pchange[,1]
   tframed(pchange, tf) 

# See Note 1 above
annualizedGrowth <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("annualizedGrowth")

annualizedGrowth.default <- function(obj, lag=1, freqLagRatio=frequency(obj)/lag,
        names=paste("Annual Growth of", seriesNames(obj)), ...) {
  if (!is.tframed(obj)) stop("annualizedGrowth only works on tframed objects.")
  d <- tfL(obj, p= lag)
  r <- 100*((obj / d )^freqLagRatio - 1)
  if(is.null(options()$ModSeriesNames) || options()$ModSeriesNames)
        seriesNames(r) <- names
  tframed(r, tframe(diff(obj, lag=lag))) # not very efficient

addDate <- function(date, periods, freq)
  {if (is.null(periods)) periods <- 0
   c(date[1]+(date[2]+periods-1)%/%freq, 1+(date[2]+periods-1)%%freq)

tsScan <- function(file="", skip=1, nseries=1, sep=",", 
           na.strings=c("NA", "NC", "ND"), ...)
   {# all args passed to scan. Expects a file with (default one) title line 
    # to skip and data in three columns (default separated with commas):
    #   year, period, data[;1], data[;2], ..., data[;nseries]
    # and builds a ts with freq set to max(period)
    z <- scan(file=file, skip=skip, what=as.list(c(seq(2), double(nseries))),
              sep=sep, na.strings=na.strings, ...)
    zz <- NULL
     for  (i in 1:nseries) zz <- cbind(zz, z[[2+i]])
    ts(zz, start=c(z[[1]][1], z[[2]][1]), frequency=max(z[[2]]))

tsWrite <- function(x, file="data", header=TRUE, sep=",", digits=16)
   {# all args passed to scan. Expects a ts or mts.
    # write file with (default one) title line. 
    # then data in three columns (efault separated with commas):
    #   year, period, data[;1], data[;2], ...
    if (header) write(paste("year", "period", 
                   paste(seriesNames(x), collapse=sep),sep=sep), file=file)
    yr  <- floor(time(x))
    pr  <- 1+ (time(x) %% 1) * frequency(x)
    dg <- options(digits=digits)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    write(t(cbind(yr, pr, x)), file=file, ncolumns = 2 + ncol(x), sep=sep, append=header)

tfVisPlot <- function (x, tf = tframe(x), start = tfstart(tf), end = tfend(tf), 
                  options=list(title=NULL), ...){   
    # x a multivariate series. ... passed to gvisLineChart
    if (!is.null(start)) x <- tfwindow(x, start = start, warn = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(end))   x <- tfwindow(x, end = end, warn = FALSE)
    tm <- time(x)
    y <- floor(time(tm))
    if (frequency(x) == 4) {
    	p <- cycle(tm)
    	pp <- c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")[p]
    	dt <- paste(pp, y)
    	seriesData <- data.frame(date = dt, x)
    else if (frequency(x) == 12) {
    	p <- cycle(tm)
    	pp <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", 
    	    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")[p]
    	dt <- paste(pp, y)
    	seriesData <- data.frame(date = dt, x)
    else seriesData <- data.frame(date = tm, x)
    nm <- seriesNames(x)
    names(seriesData) <- c("date", nm)
    if (!requireNamespace("googleVis")) stop("tfVisPlot requires googleVis")
    else  plot(googleVis::gvisLineChart(seriesData, xvar="date", yvar=nm,
         options=options, ...))
    cat("look for chart in web browser.\n")

Try the tfplot package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tfplot documentation built on June 3, 2021, 1:07 a.m.