
# Bayesian Regression and Adaptive Sampling with Gaussian Process Trees
# Copyright (C) 2005, University of California
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (rbgramacy@ams.ucsc.edu)

## tgp.read.traces:
## read the traces contained in the files written by the tgp C-side,
## process them as appropriate, and then delete the trace files
## returning a tgptraces-class object

"tgp.read.traces" <-
  function(n, nn, d, corr, verb, rmfiles=TRUE)
  trace <- list()
  if(verb >= 1) cat("\nGathering traces\n")
  ## read the parameter traces for each XX location
  trace$XX <- tgp.read.XX.traces(nn, d, corr, verb, rmfiles)

  ## read trace of hierarchical parameters
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_hier_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$hier <- read.table("trace_hier_1.out", header=TRUE)
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_hier_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  hier-params done\n")
  ## read trace of linear area calulations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_linarea_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$linarea <- read.table("trace_linarea_1.out", header=TRUE)
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_linarea_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  linarea done\n")
  ## read full trace of partitions
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_parts_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$parts <- read.table("trace_parts_1.out")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_parts_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  parts done\n")
  ## read the posteriors and weights as a function of height
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_post_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$post <- read.table("trace_post_1.out", header=TRUE)
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_post_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  posts done\n")

  ## read the weights adjusted for ess
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_wlambda_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$post$wlambda <- scan("trace_wlambda_1.out", quiet=TRUE)
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_wlambda_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  lambda done\n")

  ## predictions at data (X) locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_Zp_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$preds$Zp <- read.table("trace_Zp_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$Zp) <- paste("X", 1:n, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_Zp_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  Zp done\n")

  ## kriging means at data (X) locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_Zpkm_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$preds$Zp.km <- read.table("trace_Zpkm_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$Zp.km) <- paste("X", 1:n, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_Zpkm_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  Zp.km done\n")

  ## kriging vars at data (X) locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_Zpks2_1.out", sep=""))) {
    trace$preds$Zp.ks2 <- read.table("trace_Zpks2_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$Zp.ks2) <- paste("XX", 1:n, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_Zpks2_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  Zp.ks2 done\n")
  ## predictions at XX locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_ZZ_1.out", sep="")) && nn>0) {
    trace$preds$ZZ <- read.table("trace_ZZ_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$ZZ) <- paste("XX", 1:nn, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_ZZ_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  ZZ done\n")

  ## kriging means at XX locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_ZZkm_1.out", sep="")) && nn>0) {
    trace$preds$ZZ.km <- read.table("trace_ZZkm_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$ZZ.km) <- paste("XX", 1:nn, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_ZZkm_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  ZZ.km done\n")

  ## kriging vars at XX locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_ZZks2_1.out", sep="")) && nn>0) {
    trace$preds$ZZ.ks2 <- read.table("trace_ZZks2_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$ZZ.ks2) <- paste("XX", 1:nn, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_ZZks2_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  ZZ.ks2 done\n")

  ## Ds2x samples at the XX locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_Ds2x_1.out", sep="")) && nn>0) {
    trace$preds$Ds2x <- read.table("trace_Ds2x_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$Ds2x) <- paste("XX", 1:nn, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_Ds2x_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  Ds2x done\n")
  ## improv samples at the XX locations
  if(file.exists(paste("./", "trace_improv_1.out", sep="")) && nn>0) {
    trace$preds$improv <- read.table("trace_improv_1.out", header=FALSE)
    names(trace$preds$improv) <- paste("XX", 1:nn, sep="")
    if(rmfiles) unlink("trace_improv_1.out")
    if(verb >= 1) cat("  improv done\n")

  ## assign class tgptraces to the returned object
  class(trace) <- "tgptraces"


## tgp.read.XX.traces
## particular function for reading the trace_XX_1.out file
## which contains traces of all GP (Base Model) parameters
## according to each XX location -- and then removes the file.

"tgp.read.XX.traces" <-
function(nn, dim, corr, verb=1, rmfiles=TRUE)

  ## do nothing if there is no XX trace file
  file <- paste("./", "trace_XX_1.out", sep="")
  if(! file.exists(file)) return(NULL)
  ## calculate and count the names to the traces
  nam <- names(read.table(file, nrows=0, header=TRUE))
  count <- length(nam)
  nam <- nam[2:length(nam)]

  ## read the rest of the trace file
  tr <- t(matrix(scan(file, quiet=TRUE, skip=1), nrow=count))
  if(rmfiles) unlink(file)

  if(nn > 0) {
    traces <- list()

    for(i in 1:nn) {

      ## make tr into a matrix if it has only one entry (vector)
      if(is.null(dim(tr))) tr <- matrix(tr, nrow=1)
      ## find those rows which correspond to XX[i,]
      o <- tr[,1] == i
      ## print(c(sum(o), nrow(tr)))
      ## progress meter, overstimate % done, because things speed up
      if(verb >= 1) {
        if(i==nn) cat("  XX 100% done  \r")
        else cat(paste("  XX ", round(100*log2(sum(o))/log2(nrow(tr))),
                       "% done   \r", sep=""))
      ## save the ones for X[i,]
      traces[[i]] <- data.frame(tr[o,2:count])
      ## remove the XX[i,] ones from t
      if(i!=nn) tr <- tr[!o,]
      ## reorder the trace file, and get rid of first column
      ## they could be out of order if using pthreads
      ## indx <- c(traces[[i+1]][,1] + 1)
      ## traces[[i+1]] <- traces[[i+1]][indx,2:(ncol-1)]
      ## assign the names
      if(sum(o) == 1) traces[[i]] <- t(traces[[i]])
      names(traces[[i]]) <- nam       

    if(verb >= 1) cat("\n")
  } else {
    if(verb >= 1) {
        cat(paste("  no XX ", "traces\n", sep=""))
    traces <- NULL;


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tgp documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:22 p.m.