
Defines functions fapply applySeries

Documented in applySeries fapply

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  ../../COPYING

#  applySeries           Applies a function to blocks of a 'timeSeries'
#  fapply                Applies a function to 'timeSeries' windows
#  .applySeries           Applies a function to blocks of a 'timeSeries'
#  .fapply                Applies a function to 'timeSeries' windows

applySeries <-
    function(x, from = NULL, to = NULL, by = c("monthly", "quarterly"),
    FUN = colMeans, units = NULL, format = x@format, zone = x@FinCenter,
    FinCenter = x@FinCenter, recordIDs = data.frame(), title = x@title,
    documentation = x@documentation, ...)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

    # Description:
    #   Apply a function to the margins of a 'timeSeries' object

    # Details:
    #   This function can be used to aggregate and coursen a
    #   'timeSeries' object.

    # Arguments:
    #   x - a 'timeSeries' object to be aggregated
    #   from, to - two 'timeDate' position vectors which size the
    #       blocks
    #   by - calendarical block, only active when both 'from'
    #       and 'to' are NULL
    #   FUN - function to be applied, by default 'colMeans'
    #   units - a character vector with column names, allows to
    #       overwrite the column names of the input 'timeSeries'
    #       object.

    # Value:
    #   Returns a S4 object of class 'timeSeries'.

    # Notes:
    #   The size of the 'moving' window and the selection of an
    #   'adj'-acent endpoint are not needed, all the information
    #   is kept in the 'from' and 'to' position vectors.


    # .Deprecated("aggregate", "timeSeries")

    # Check object:
    if (!inherits(x, "timeSeries"))
        stop("s is not a timeSeries object")

    ###     if (x@format == "counts")
    ###         stop(as.character(match.call())[1],
    ###              " is for time series and not for signal series.")

    # Monthly and Quarterly from and to:
    if (is.null(from) & is.null(to)) {
        if (by[1] == "monthly") {
            # Use monthly blocks:
            from = unique(timeFirstDayInMonth(time(x)))
            to = unique(timeLastDayInMonth(time(x)))
        } else if (by[1] == "quarterly") {
            from = unique(timeFirstDayInQuarter(time(x)))
            to = unique(timeLastDayInQuarter(time(x)))
        } else {
            stop("by must be eiter monthly or quarterly")
        from@FinCenter = to@FinCenter = FinCenter

    # Column Names:
    colNames = units

    # Function:
    fun = match.fun(FUN)

    ###     # Blocks:
    ###     j.pos = as.POSIXct(time(x))
    ###     j.from = as.POSIXct(from)
    ###     j.to = as.POSIXct(to)

    # Blocks:
    j.pos = time(x)
    if (is(j.pos, "timeDate")) {
        j.from = as.timeDate(from)
        j.to = as.timeDate(to)
    } else {
        j.from = as.integer(from)
        j.to = as.integer(to)

    # Iterate:
    pos = time(x)
    rowNames = rownames(x)
    rowBind = NULL
    for (i in seq_len(length(from))) {
        test <- (j.pos >= j.from[i] & j.pos <= j.to[i])
        if (!sum(test)) stop("outsite of range")
        # make sure that cutted is a matrix ...
        cutted = as.matrix(x[test, ])
        # YC : *AND* make sure the matrix is not subbsetted to a vector!!!
        # YC : here it is fine because as.matrix of a timeSeries checks it
        # YC : but prefer to check it one more time at the end of the loop...
        ### if (sum(test)>0) rownames(cutted) <- rowNames[test]
        ans = fun(cutted, ...)
        rowBind = rbind(rowBind, ans)
    stopifnot(NCOL(rowBind) == NCOL(x)) # YC : see above
    # YC : length(to) might not be == NCOL(rowBind)
     if (length(as.character(to)) == NROW(rowBind))
         rownames(rowBind) = as.character(to)

    if (is.null(colNames)) {
        units = x@units
    } else {
        units = colNames }

    # Return Value:
    timeSeries(data = rowBind,  units = units,
        format = format, zone = zone, FinCenter = FinCenter, recordIDs =
        recordIDs, title = title, documentation = documentation, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

fapply <-
function(x, from, to, FUN, ...)
    # .Deprecated("aggregate", "timeSeries")

    # Check x:
    stopifnot(is(x, "timeSeries"))
    if (x@format == "counts")
             " is for time series and not for signal series.")

    # Check for missing form/to:
    if(missing(from)) from = start(x)
    if(missing(to)) to = end(x)

    # Return Value:
    applySeries(x = x, from = from, to = to, FUN = FUN, ...)

# *** OLD ***
# Check if it is still used somewhere ...
# 2022-10-07 GNB : apparently not, commenting out

# .applySeries <-
#     function (x, from = NULL, to = NULL, by = c("monthly", "quarterly"),
#     FUN = colMeans, units = NULL, ...)
# {
#     # Old/Alternative Version
#     # Chreck for 'timeSeries' Object:
#     stopifnot(is.timeSeries(x),
#               is(from, "timeDate") || is.null(from),
#               is(to,   "timeDate") || is.null(to))
#     # Allow for colMeans:
#     if (substitute(FUN) == "colMeans") FUN = "colAvgs"
#     # Monthly and Quarterly from and to:
#     if (is.null(from) & is.null(to)) {
#         by = match.arg(by)
#         if (by == "monthly") {
#             from = unique(timeFirstDayInMonth(time(x)))
#             to = unique(timeLastDayInMonth(time(x)))
#         }
#         else if (by == "quarterly") {
#             from = unique(timeFirstDayInQuarter(time(x)))
#             to = unique(timeLastDayInQuarter(time(x)))
#         }
#         from@FinCenter = to@FinCenter = x@FinCenter
#     }
#     # Start Cutting Process:
#     fun = match.fun(FUN)
#     cutted = NULL
#     i = 1
#     # Find First Interval which is not empty:
#     while (is.null(cutted)) {
#         cutted = cut(x, from[i], to[i])
#         if (!is.null(cutted)) {
#             # Non empty Interval:
#             ans = fun(cutted, ...)
#         }
#         i = i + 1
#     }
#     # Continue up to the end:
#     for (j in seq_len(length(from))) {
#         cutted = cut(x, from[j], to[j])
#         if (!is.null(cutted)) {
#             # Non empty Interval:
#             newAns = fun(cutted, ...)
#             ans = rbind(ans, newAns)
#         }
#     }
#     # Return Value:
#     ans
# }

# *** OLD ***
# Check if it is still used somewhere ...

## removed by GNB
## .fapply <-
## function(x, from, to, FUN, ...)
## {
##     # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
##     # Description:
##     #   Applies a function to 'timeSeries' windows
##     # Details:
##     #   This function can be used to aggregate and coursen a
##     #   'timeSeries' object.
##     # Arguments:
##     #   x - a 'timeSeries' object to be aggregated
##     #   from, to - two 'timeDate' position vectors which size the blocks
##     #   FUN - function to be applied, by default 'colMeans'
##     # Value:
##     #   Returns a S4 object of class 'timeSeries' if FUN returns
##     #   a time series object, otherwise a list, where the entries
##     #   for each window is the output of the function FUN.
##     # Notes:
##     #   The size of the 'moving' window and the selection of an
##     #   'adj'-acent endpoint are not needed, all the information
##     #   is kept in the 'from' and 'to' position vectors.
##     # FUNCTION:
##     # Check object:
##     if (!inherits(x, "timeSeries")) stop("s is not a timeSeries object")
##     # Monthly and Quarterly from and to:
##     if (is.null(from) & is.null(to)) {
##         if (by[1] == "monthly") {
##             # Use monthly blocks:
##             from = unique(timeFirstDayInMonth(time(x)))
##             to = unique(timeLastDayInMonth(time(x)))
##         } else if (by[1] == "quarterly") {
##             from = unique(timeFirstDayInQuarter(time(x)))
##             to = unique(timeLastDayInQuarter(time(x)))
##         } else {
##             stop("by must be eiter monthly or quarterly")
##         }
##         from@FinCenter = to@FinCenter = x@FinCenter
##     }
##     # Column Names:
##     colNames = units
##     # Function:
##     fun = match.fun(FUN)
##     # Blocks:
##     j.pos = as.POSIXct(time(x))
##     j.from = as.POSIXct(from)
##     j.to = as.POSIXct(to)
##     # Iterate:
##     y = series(x)
##     pos = time(x)
##     rowNames = rownames(x)
##     # Compute for the first window ...
##     i = 1
##     test = (j.pos >= j.from[i] & j.pos <= j.to[i])
##     # make sure that cutted is a matrix ...
##     cutted = as.matrix(y[test, ])
##     ### if (sum(test)>0) rownames(cutted) <- rowNames[test]
##     ans = fun(cutted, ...)
##     if (is.timeSeries(ans)) {
##         ## DW can this happen - check ?
##         rowBind = ans
##         for (i in 2L:length(from)) {
##             test = (j.pos >= j.from[1] & j.pos <= j.to[1])
##             # make sure that cutted is a matrix ...
##             cutted = as.matrix(y[test, ])
##             ### if (sum(test)>0) rownames(cutted) <- rowNames[test]
##             ans = fun(cutted, ...)
##             rowBind = rbind(rowBind, ans)
##         }
##         rownames(rowBind) = as.character(to)
##         if (is.null(colNames)) {
##             units = x@units
##         } else {
##             units = colNames
##         }
##         # Return Value:
##         ans = timeSeries(data = rowBind, charvec = as.character(to),
##             units = units, format = format, zone = x@zone, FinCenter =
##             x@FinCenter, recordIDs = x@recordIDs, title = x@title,
##             documentation = x@documentation, ...)
##         return(ans)
##     } else {
##         listBind = list()
##         ## DW [] -> [[]]
##         listBind[[1]] = ans
##         for (i in 2L:length(from)) {
##             test = (j.pos >= j.from[i] & j.pos <= j.to[i])
##             # make sure that cutted is a matrix ...
##             cutted = as.matrix(y[test, ])
##             ### if (sum(test)>0) rownames(cutted) <- rowNames[test]
##             ans = fun(cutted, ...)
##             ## DW [] -> [[]]
##             listBind[[i]] = ans
##         }
##         # Return Value:
##         ans = listBind
##         attr(ans, "control") <- list(x = x, from = from, to = to)
##         return(invisible(ans))
##     }
##     # Return Value:
##     return()
## }


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timeSeries documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:59 p.m.