
Defines functions encode tiny_line tiny_bar tiny_density tiny_histogram plot_tt_lazy plot_tt

Documented in plot_tt

#' Insert images and inline plots into tinytable objects
#' The `plot_tt()` function allows for the insertion of images and inline plots into
#' tinytable objects. This function can handle both local and web-based images.
#' @param x A tinytable object.
#' @param i Integer vector, the row indices where images are to be inserted. If `NULL`,
#'    images will be inserted in all rows.
#' @param j Integer vector, the column indices where images are to be inserted. If `NULL`,
#'    images will be inserted in all columns.
#' @param height Numeric, the height of the images in the table in em units.
#' @param asp Numeric, aspect ratio of the plots (height / width).
#' @param color string Name of color to use for inline plots (passed to the `col` argument base `graphics` plots in `R`).
#' @param xlim Numeric vector of length 2.
#' @param fun  String or function to generate inline plots.
#' - String: "histogram", "density", "bar", "line"
#' - Functions that return `ggplot2` objects.
#' - Functions that return another function which generates a base `R` plot, ex: `function(x) {function() hist(x)}`
#' - See the tutorial on the `tinytable` website for more information.
#' @param data a list of data frames or vectors to be used by the plotting functions in `fun`.
#' @param images Character vector, the paths to the images to be inserted. Paths are relative to the main table file or Quarto (Rmarkdown) document.
#' @param assets Path to the directory where generated assets are stored. This path is relative to the location where a table is saved.
#' @param ... Extra arguments are passed to the function in `fun`. Important: Custom plotting functions must always have `...` as an argument.
#' @return A modified tinytable object with images or plots inserted.
#' @details The `plot_tt()` can insert images and inline plots into tables.
#' @export
plot_tt <- function(x,
                    i = NULL,
                    j = NULL,
                    fun = NULL,
                    data = NULL,
                    color = "black",
                    xlim = NULL,
                    height = 1,
                    asp = 1 / 3,
                    images = NULL,
                    assets = "tinytable_assets",
                    ...) {
  jval <- sanitize_j(j, x)
  assert_integerish(i, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_numeric(height, len = 1, lower = 0)
  assert_numeric(asp, len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  assert_class(x, "tinytable")

  ival <- if (is.null(i)) seq_len(nrow(x)) else i

  len <- length(ival) * length(jval)

  assert_list(data, len = len, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_character(images, len = len, null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(images) && length(images) != len) {
    msg <- sprintf("`images` must match the dimensions of `i` and `j`: length %s.", len)
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(fun) && !is.null(images)) {
    stop("`fun` and `images` cannot be used together.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(fun) && is.null(data)) {
    stop("Please specify `data`.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.character(fun)) {
    assert_choice(fun, c("histogram", "density", "bar", "line"))
  } else {
    assert_function(fun, null.ok = TRUE)

  # built-in plots
  if (identical(fun, "histogram")) {
    fun <- rep(list(tiny_histogram), length(data))
  } else if (identical(fun, "density")) {
    fun <- rep(list(tiny_density), length(data))
  } else if (identical(fun, "line")) {
    fun <- rep(list(tiny_line), length(data))
  } else if (identical(fun, "bar")) {
    for (idx in seq_along(data)) {
      assert_numeric(data[[idx]], len = 1, name = "data[[1]]")
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
      xlim <- c(0, max(unlist(data)))
    fun <- rep(list(tiny_bar), length(data))
  } else {
    fun <- rep(list(fun), length(data))

  # needed when rendering in tempdir()
  cal <- list(
    x = x,
    i = ival,
    j = jval,
    asp = asp,
    data = data,
    fun = fun,
    color = color,
    xlim = xlim,
    height = height,
    images = images,
    assets = assets)
  cal <- c(cal, list(...))
  cal <- do.call(call, cal)

  x@lazy_plot <- c(x@lazy_plot, list(cal))


plot_tt_lazy <- function(x,
                         i = NULL,
                         j = NULL,
                         height = 1,
                         asp = 1 / 3,
                         fun = NULL,
                         color = NULL,
                         data = NULL,
                         xlim = NULL,
                         images = NULL,
                         assets = "tinytable_assets",
                         ...) {
  out <- x@table_dataframe

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    images <- NULL

    if(isTRUE(x@output == "html") && isTRUE(x@portable)) {
        path_full <- tempdir()
        assets <- tempdir()
    } else {
      path_full <- file.path(x@output_dir, assets)

    if (!dir.exists(path_full)) {
    for (idx in seq_along(data)) {
      fn <- paste0(get_id(), ".png")
      fn_full <- file.path(path_full, fn)
      fn <- file.path(assets, fn)
      images[idx] <- fn

      plot_fun <- fun[[idx]]
      if (!"..." %in% names(formals(plot_fun))) {
        stop("Inline plotting function must have `...` as argument. See tutorial on the `tinytable` website for examples.", call. = FALSE)
      p <- plot_fun(data[[idx]], xlim = xlim, color = color, ...)

      # ggplot2
      if (inherits(p, "ggplot")) {
          filename = fn_full,
          width = 1, height = asp,
          units = "in"

        # base R
      } else if (is.function(p)) {
        grDevices::png(fn_full, width = 1000, height = 1000 * asp)
        op <- graphics::par()
        graphics::par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        graphics::par(mar = op$mar)

        # sanity check
      } else {
        msg <- "The functions in the `fun` list must return a function or a `ggplot2` object. See the tutorial online for examples: https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/tinytable"
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

  if (isTRUE(x@output == "latex")) {
    cell <- "\\includegraphics[height=%sem]{%s}"
    cell <- sprintf(cell, height, images)
  } else if(isTRUE(x@output == "html") && isTRUE(x@portable)) {

    http <- grepl("^http", trimws(images))
    images[!http] <- encode(images[!http])
    cell <- sprintf('<img src="%s" style="height: %sem;">', images, height)
  } else if (isTRUE(x@output == "html")) {
    cell <- ifelse(
      grepl("^http", trimws(images)),
      '<img src="%s" style="height: %sem;">',
      '<img src="./%s" style="height: %sem;">')
    cell <- sprintf(cell, images, height)
  } else if (isTRUE(x@output == "markdown")) {
    cell <- "![](%s){ height=%s }"
    cell <- sprintf(cell, images, height * 16)
  } else if (isTRUE(x@output == "typst")) {
    cell <- '#image("%s")'
    cell <- sprintf(cell, images)
  } else if (isTRUE(x@output == "dataframe")) {
    cell <- "%s"
    cell <- sprintf(cell, images)
  } else {
    stop("here be dragons")

  out[i, j] <- cell

  x@table_dataframe <- out


tiny_histogram <- function(d, color = "black", ...) {
  function() graphics::hist(d, col = color, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)

tiny_density <- function(d, color = "black", ...) {
  function() {
    d <- stats::density(stats::na.omit(d))
    graphics::plot(d, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, col = color)
    graphics::polygon(d, col = color)

tiny_bar <- function(d, color = "black", xlim = 0:1, ...) {
  function() {
    graphics::barplot(d, horiz = TRUE, col = color, xlim = xlim)

tiny_line <- function(d, xlim = 0:1, color = "black", ...) {
  function() {
    if (!inherits(d, "data.frame") || !"x" %in% names(d) || !"y" %in% names(d)) {
      stop("The data to plot a `line` must be a data frame with columns `x` and `y`.", call. = FALSE)
    plot(d$x, d$y, type = "l", col = color, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, lwd = 50)

encode <- function(images) {
  ext <- tools::file_ext(images)

  if(any(ext == "")) stop("Empty image extensions are not allowed", call. = FALSE)

  encoded <- sapply(images, base64enc::base64encode)
  sprintf("data:image/%s;base64, %s", ext, encoded)

Try the tinytable package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tinytable documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 5:06 p.m.