
Defines functions is.DefineSummariesClass isValidAndUnreservedName capture.exprs def.sW def.sA eval.standardize.expr

Documented in def.sA def.sW

# Class for defining, parsing and evaluating the summary measures.
# Expressions sVar.exprs are evaluated in the environment of a given data.frame.

  # **********************************************************************
  # TODO: Consider adding argument Anode to def.sA function
  # **********************************************************************
  # II) sVar naming:
  #todo 7 (sVar_evaluator, sVar.name) +0: Check that the resulting column names in sVar are all unique!
  #todo 28 (sVar_evaluator) +0: Consider returning sVar.res_l instead of mat.sVar, also see if there are faster alternatives to cbind
    # (i.e., pre-allocating sVar.mat); perform benchmarks to see if there is any noticable benefit
  #todo 42 ('+..DefineSummariesClass') +0: Allow adding character vector summary measures for sVar2, s.a., 
  # def.sW(W2[[1:Kmax]]) + "netW3_sum = rowSums(W3[[1:Kmax]]"

is.DefineSummariesClass <- function(obj) "DefineSummariesClass" %in% class(obj)
# Useful function for testing if a name is a valid R object name:
isValidAndUnreservedName <- function(string) {
  make.names(string) == string 	# make.names converts any string into a valid R object name

capture.exprs <- function(...) {
  sVar.exprs <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
  if (length(sVar.exprs)>0) { # deparse into characters when expr is.call, but keep as-is otherwise
    sVar.exprs <- lapply(sVar.exprs, function(x) if (is.character(x)) {x} else {deparse(x)})
  # if not a single argument was named, names attribute of sVar.exprs will be null => add names attribute
  if (is.null(names(sVar.exprs))) names(sVar.exprs) <- rep_len("", length(sVar.exprs))
  if (length(sVar.exprs)!=0 && any(names(sVar.exprs)%in%"")) {
    message("Some summary measures were not named, automatic column name(s) will be generated during evaluation")

#' Define Summary Measures sA and sW
#' Define and store summary measures \code{sW} and \code{sA} that can be later processed inside 
#'  \code{\link{eval.summaries}} or \code{\link{tmlenet}} functions.
#'  \code{def.sW} and \code{def.sA} return an \code{R6} object of class \code{\link{DefineSummariesClass}}
#'  which stores the user-defined summary measure functions of the baseline covariates \code{W}
#'  and exposure \code{A}, which can be later evaluated inside the environment of the input \code{data} data frame.
#'  Note that calls to \code{def.sW} must be used for defining the summary measures that are functions 
#'  of \strong{only the baseline covariates \code{W}}, while calls to \code{def.sA} must be used
#'  for defining the summary measures that are functions of both, \strong{the baseline covariates \code{W}
#'  and exposure \code{A}}.
#'  Each summary measure is specified as an evaluable R expression or a string that can be parsed into 
#'  an evaluable R expression. Any variable name that exists as a named column in the input \code{data}
#'  data frame can be used as part of these expressions.
#'  Separate calls to \code{def.sW/def.sA} functions can be aggregated into a single collection with '+' function, 
#'  e.g., \code{def.sW(W1)+def.sW(W2)}.
#'  A special syntax is allowed inside these summary expressions:  
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \code{'Var[[index]]'} - will index the friend covariate values of the variable \code{Var}, e.g., 
#'    \code{'Var[[1]]'} will pull the covariate value of \code{Var} for the first friend, \code{'Var[[Kmax]]'}
#'    of the last friend, and
#'    \code{'Var[[0]]'} is equivalent to writing \code{'Var'} itself (indexes itself).
#'  }
#'  A special argument named \code{replaceNAw0} can be also passed to the \code{def.sW}, \code{def.sA} functions:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \code{replaceNAw0 = TRUE} - automatically replaces all the missing network covariate values 
#'  (\code{NA}) with \code{0}.
#'  }
#'  One can then test the evaluation of these summary measures by either passing the returned 
#'  \code{\link{DefineSummariesClass}} object to function \code{\link{eval.summaries}} or by calling the 
#'  internal method \code{eval.nodeforms(data.df, netind_cl)} on the result returned by \code{def.sW} or \code{def.sA}.
#'  Each separate argument to \code{def.sW} or \code{def.sA} represents a new summary measure.
#'  The user-specified argument name defines the name of the corresponding summary measure 
#'  (where the summary measure represents the result of the evaluation of the corresponding R expression specified by the argument).
#'  When a particular argument is unnamed, the summary measure name
#'  will be generated automatically (see Details, Naming Conventions and Examples below).
#' @section Details:
#' The R expressions passed to these functions are evaluated later inside \code{\link{tmlenet}} or 
#'  \code{\link{eval.summaries}} functions,
#'  using the environment of the input data frame, which is enclosed within the user-calling environment.
#' Note that when observation \code{i} has only \code{j-1} friends, the \code{i}'s value of \code{"W_netFj"} is
#'  automatically set to \code{NA}. 
#'  This can be an undersirable behavior in some circumstances, in which case one can automatically replace all such
#'  \code{NA}'s with \code{0}'s by setting the argument \code{replaceMisVal0 = TRUE} when calling functions 
#'  \code{def.sW} or \code{def.sA}, i.e., \code{def.sW(W[[1]], replaceMisVal0 = TRUE)}.
#' @section Naming conventions:
#' Naming conventions for summary measures with no user-supplied name (e.g., \code{def.sW(W1)}).
#' ....................................
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item If only one unique variable name is used in the summary expression (only one parent), use the variable 
#'    name itself to name the summary measure;
#'  \item If there is more than 1 unique variable name (e.g., \code{"W1+W2"}) in the summary expression, throw an exception 
#'    (user must always supply summary measure names for such expressions).
#'  }
#' Naming conventions for the evaluation results of summary measures defined by \code{def.sW} & \code{def.sA}.
#' ....................................
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item When summary expression evaluates to a vector result, the vector is first converted to a 1 col matrix,
#'    with column name set equal to the summary expression name;
#'  \item When the summary measure evaluates to a matrix result and the expression has only one unique variable 
#'    name (one parent), the matrix column names are generated as follows: for the expressions such as \code{"Var"}
#'    or \code{"Var[[0]]"}, the column names \code{"Var"} are assigned
#'    and for the expressions such as \code{"Var[[j]]"}, the column names \code{"Var_netFj"} are assigned.
#'  \item When the summary measure (e.g., named \code{"SummName"}) evaluates to a matrix and either: 1) there is
#'    more than one unique variable name used inside the expression (e.g., \code{"A + 2*W"}),
#'    or 2) the resulting matrix has empty (\code{""}) column names, the column names are assigned according to the
#'    convention:
#'    \code{"SummName.1"}, ..., \code{"SummName.ncol"},
#'    where \code{"SummName"} is replaced by the actual summary measure name and \code{ncol} is the number of columns
#'    in the resulting matrix.
#'  }
#' @param ... Named R expressions or character strings that specify the formula for creating the summary measures.
#' @return R6 object of class \code{DefineSummariesClass} which can be passed as an argument to \code{eval.summaries}
#'  and \code{tmlenet} functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{eval.summaries}} for
#'  evaluation and validation of the summary measures,
#'  \code{\link{tmlenet}} for estimation,
#'  \code{\link{DefineSummariesClass}} for details on how the summary measures are stored and evaluated.
#' @example tests/examples/2_defsWsA_examples.R
#' @export
def.sW <- function(...) {
  # call outside fun that parses ... and assigns empty names "" if the names attribute not set:
  sVar.exprs <- capture.exprs(...)
  sVar.exprs <- c(sVar.exprs, list(nF="nF")) # add nF node (vector with counts of friends):
  node_evaluator <- DefineSummariesClass$new(type = "sW")
  node_evaluator$set.user.env(user.env = parent.frame())
  node_evaluator$set.new.exprs(exprs_list = sVar.exprs)

#' @rdname def.sW
#' @export
def.sA <- function(...) {
  # call outside fun that parses ... and assigns empty names "" if the names attribute not set:
  sVar.exprs <- capture.exprs(...)
  node_evaluator <- DefineSummariesClass$new(type = "sA")
  node_evaluator$set.user.env(user.env = parent.frame())
  node_evaluator$set.new.exprs(exprs_list = sVar.exprs)

# S3 method '+' for adding two DefineSummariesClass objects
# Summary measure lists in both get added as c(,) into the summary measures in sVar1 object
#' @rdname def.sW
#' @param sVar1 An object returned by a call to \code{def.sW} or \code{def.sA} functions.
#' @param sVar2 An object returned by a call to \code{def.sW} or \code{def.sA} functions.
#' @export
`+.DefineSummariesClass` <- function(sVar1, sVar2) {
  assert_that(all.equal(sVar1$type, sVar2$type))
  # remove duplicate nF node from sVar1 (keep the one in sVar2)
  if (sVar1$type %in% "sW") {
    sVar1 <- sVar1$remove.expr(SummaryName = "nF")
  sVar1$add.new.exprs(NewSummaries = sVar2)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Standardize all names (and fill-in the empty names) according TO THE *SAME* *NAMING* *CONVENTION*;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
eval.standardize.expr <- function(expr.idx, self, data.df) {
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # First evaluate the expression result:
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  evalres <- eval.nodeform.out(expr.idx = expr.idx, self = self, data.df = data.df)
  expr_char <- self$exprs_list[[expr.idx]] # expression itself as string
  expr_nm <- names(self$exprs_list)[expr.idx] # current expression name
  expr_parents <- evalres[["par.nodes"]] # names of parents vars for this expression
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # no user-supplied argument name, hence need to name this expression:
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # flag TRUE if user did not provide an argument name for self$exprs_list[expr.idx]:
  expr_noname <- (names(self$exprs_list)[expr.idx] %in% "")
  if (expr_noname && (length(expr_parents)>1)) {
    stop("must name complex expressions that involve more than one variable: " %+% expr_char)
  } else if (expr_noname && !is.null(expr_parents) && is.character(expr_parents)) {
    message("assigning a name '" %+% expr_parents %+% "' to expression: " %+% expr_char)
    expr_nm <- expr_parents
  } else if (expr_noname) stop(expr_char%+% ": parents are null or not a character vector")
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # convert vectors to columns, name the matrix columns according to the same naming convention:
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  # evaluation result:
  # if result a vector: convert to one-col matrix assign a name: names(self$exprs_list)[expr.idx] = expr_parents
  if (is.vector(evalres[["evaled_expr"]])) {
     expr_res <- matrix(data = evalres[["evaled_expr"]], ncol = 1)
     colnames(expr_res) <- expr_nm
     return(list(new_expr_name = expr_nm, evaled_expr = expr_res, par.nodes = evalres[["par.nodes"]]))
  # for matrix results: if column names exist (!is.null(colnames(expr_res))): DO NOTHING
  # if column names don't exist (is.null(colnames(expr_res))) or some are empty strings "":
  } else if (is.matrix(evalres[["evaled_expr"]])) {
    if (is.null(colnames(evalres[["evaled_expr"]])) || (any(colnames(evalres[["evaled_expr"]])%in%"")) || (length(expr_parents)>1)) {
      # assign names by convention: <- expr_nm%+%"."%+%c(1:ncol(expr_res))
      colnames(evalres[["evaled_expr"]]) <- expr_nm%+%"."%+%c(1:ncol(evalres[["evaled_expr"]]))
    return(list(new_expr_name = expr_nm, evaled_expr = evalres[["evaled_expr"]], par.nodes = evalres[["par.nodes"]]))
  } else {
    # if result is not a vector or matrix: throw an exception
    stop(expr_char%+% ": summary measure result type is " %+%class(evalres[["evaled_expr"]])%+%"; only matrix or a vector results are supported")

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class for parsing and evaluating user-specified summary measures (in \code{exprs_list})
#' This \pkg{R6} class that inherits from \code{} can parse and evaluate (given the input data frame) the summary measures defined by functions 
#'  \code{\link{def.sW}} and \code{\link{def.sA}}. 
#'  The object of this class is generally instantiated by calling functions \code{def.sA} or \code{def.sW}.
#'  The summary expressions (stored in \code{exprs_list}) are evaluated in the environment of the input data.frame.
#'  Note that the evaluation results of the summary measures are never stored inside this class, 
#'  data can be stored only inside \code{\link{DatNet}} and \code{\link{DatNet.sWsA}} \pkg{R6} classes.
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{type}} - Type of the summary measure, \code{sW} or \code{sA}, determined by the calling functions \code{\link{def.sW}} or \code{\link{def.sA}}.
#' \item{\code{exprs_list}} - Deparsed list of summary expressions (as strings).
#' \item{\code{new_expr_names}} - The summary measure names, if none were provided by the user these will be 
#'  evaluated on the basis of variable names used in the summary expression itself.
#' \item{\code{sVar.names.map}} - Named list that maps the user specified summary measure names to the corresponding matrix column names
#'  from the summary measure evaluation result.
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(type)}}{Instantiate a new object of class \code{DefineSummariesClass} by providing a type, \code{"sW"} or \code{"sA"}.}
#'   \item{\code{set.new.exprs(exprs_list)}}{Sets the internal summary measure expressions to the list provided in \code{exprs_list}.}
#'   \item{\code{add.new.exprs(NewSummaries)}}{Adds new internal summary measure expressions to the existing ones, \code{NewSummaries} 
#'    must be an object of class \code{DefineSummariesClass} (to enable \code{Object1 + Object2} syntax).}
#'   item{\code{remove.expr(SummaryName)}}{Remove expression by name (for removing duplicate 'nF' expressions for repeated calls with def.sW()+def.sW()).}
#'   \item{\code{eval.nodeforms(data.df, netind_cl)}}{Evaluate the expressions one by one, standardize all names according to one naming
#'    convention (described in \code{\link{def.sW}}), \code{cbind}ing results together into one output matrix. \code{data.df} is the input 
#'    data.frame and \code{netind_cl} is the input network stored in an object of class \code{\link[simcausal]{NetIndClass}}.}
#'   \item{\code{df.names(data.df)}}{List of variables in the input data \code{data.df} gets assigned to a special
#'    variable (\code{ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0}).}
#' }
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
DefineSummariesClass <- R6Class("DefineSummariesClass",
  class = TRUE,
  portable = TRUE,
  inherit = Define_sVar,
  public = list(
    type = NA,                      # "sW" or "sA" depending on which functions called the constructor: def.sW or def.sA
    exprs_list = list(),            # list of expressions in character strings, with attribute "names" set to the user-supplied names of the expressions
    new_expr_names = list(),        # re-evaluated summary measure names, if non provided by the user these will be evaluated on the basis of variable names used in the expression
    sVar.names.map = list(),        # the map between user-supplied expression (argument names) to the column names of each expression in self$exprs_list

    initialize = function(type) {
      self$type <- type

    # define new summary measures to be evaluated later:
    # will define 1) self$exprs_list; 2) self$asis.flags; 3) self$ReplMisVal0; 4) self$sVar.misXreplace
    # initialize the map from self$exprs_list to variable names in each expression (column names)
    set.new.exprs = function(exprs_list) {
      self$sVar.names.map <- vector(mode="list", length = length(self$exprs_list))

    # add summary measures to existing ones (to enable Object1 + Object2 syntax):
    add.new.exprs = function(NewSummaries) {
      self$exprs_list <- c(self$exprs_list, NewSummaries$exprs_list)
      self$asis.flags <- c(self$asis.flags, NewSummaries$asis.flags)
      self$ReplMisVal0 <- c(self$ReplMisVal0, NewSummaries$ReplMisVal0)
      self$sVar.misXreplace <- c(self$sVar.misXreplace, NewSummaries$sVar.misXreplace)
      self$sVar.names.map <- c(self$sVar.names.map, NewSummaries$sVar.names.map)

    # remove existing summary measure
    # to enable overwriting nF summary measure in Object1 with nF summary measure from Object2
    # when doing Object1 + Object2 syntax.
    remove.expr = function(SummaryName) {
      assert_that(is.character(SummaryName) && (length(SummaryName)==1L) && (!SummaryName%in%""))
      if (any(names(self$exprs_list) %in% SummaryName)) {
        remove_idx <- which(names(self$exprs_list)%in% SummaryName)
        self$exprs_list <- self$exprs_list[-remove_idx]
        self$asis.flags <- self$asis.flags[-remove_idx]
        self$ReplMisVal0 <- self$ReplMisVal0[-remove_idx]
        self$sVar.misXreplace <- self$sVar.misXreplace[-remove_idx]
        self$sVar.names.map <- self$sVar.names.map[-remove_idx]

    # Evaluate the expressions one by one, standardize all names according to one naming convention,
    # cbinding results together into one output matrix
    eval.nodeforms = function(data.df, netind_cl) {
      if (missing(netind_cl) && is.null(self$netind_cl)) stop("must specify netind_cl arg at least once")
      if (!missing(netind_cl)) self$netind_cl <- netind_cl
      self$Kmax <- self$netind_cl$Kmax
      self$Nsamp <- nrow(data.df)

      sVar.res_l <- lapply(seq_along(self$exprs_list), eval.standardize.expr, self = self, data.df = data.df)
      self$new_expr_names <- lapply(sVar.res_l, '[[', 'new_expr_name')
      names(self$new_expr_names) <- unlist(self$new_expr_names)

      names(sVar.res_l) <- names(self$new_expr_names)
      names(self$exprs_list) <- names(self$new_expr_names)

      # assign self$sVar.names.map based on newly standardized summary names:
      self$sVar.names.map <- lapply(sVar.res_l, function(x) colnames(x[["evaled_expr"]]))
      names(self$sVar.names.map) <- names(self$new_expr_names)

      # 1) remove all duplicate summary measures (by name), keeping the ones that were added last:
      if (length(unique(names(self$new_expr_names))) < length(names(self$new_expr_names))) {
        duplic_idx <- duplicated(self$new_expr_names, fromLast = TRUE)
        message("warning: detected duplicate summary measure names, (" %+%
                paste0(self$new_expr_names[duplic_idx], collapse=",") %+%
                "), all duplicates starting from first to last will be removed...")
        sVar.res_l <- sVar.res_l[-duplic_idx]
        self$sVar.names.map <- self$sVar.names.map[-duplic_idx]
        self$new_expr_names <- self$new_expr_names[-duplic_idx]
        self$exprs_list <- self$exprs_list[-duplic_idx]

      mat.sVar <- do.call("cbind", lapply(sVar.res_l, function(x) x[["evaled_expr"]]))

      # 2) remove duplicate columns, keeping the ones that were added last:
      if (length(unique(colnames(mat.sVar))) < length(colnames(mat.sVar))) {
        duplic_idx <- duplicated(colnames(mat.sVar), fromLast = TRUE)
        message("warning: detected duplicate column names in summary evaluation matrix, (" %+%
                paste0(colnames(mat.sVar)[duplic_idx], collapse=",") %+%
                "), all duplicates starting from first to last will be removed...")
        mat.sVar <- mat.sVar[,!duplic_idx]

    # List of variable names from data.df with special var name (ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0):
    df.names = function(data.df) {
      return(list(ANCHOR_ALLVARNMS_VECTOR_0 = colnames(data.df)))

  active = list(
    placeholder = function() {}

  private = list(
    privplaceholder = function() {}

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