
Defines functions newsummarymodel newsummarymodel.binary newsummarymodel.contin newsummarymodel.categor def_regs_subset

# Classes that control modelling of the multivariate joint probability model P(sA|sW).
# **********
# TO DO (ContinSummaryModel)
# x) (low priority) see how to generalize to pooled fits, k-specific fits, etc (use subset definitions + ?)
# **********
# TO DO (ContinSummaryModel, binirize)
# * (***BUG***) Currently make.bins_mtx_1 fails on binary A with automatic bin detection (all values are placed in last (2nd) bin)
# * Implement regression for categorical outvar: the process is identical to contin, except that normalize, define.intervals() & discretize() is skipped
# * Need to test that make.bins_mtx_1 will do the right thing when x_cat is (0, ..., ncats) instead of (1, ..., ncats) (IT SHOULD WORK)

#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that

# Generic S3 constructor for the summary model classes:
newsummarymodel <- function(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...) { UseMethod("newsummarymodel") }
# Summary model constructor for binary outcome sA[j]:
newsummarymodel.binary <- function(reg, ...) {
  # if (gvars$verbose) print("Calling BinOutModel constructor for binary outcome: " %+% reg$outvar)
  BinOutModel$new(reg = reg, ...)
# Summary model constructor for continuous outcome sA[j]:
newsummarymodel.contin <- function(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...) {
  # if (gvars$verbose) print("Calling ContinSummaryModel constructor for continuous outcome:" %+% reg$outvar)
  ContinSummaryModel$new(reg = reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0 = DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...)

# Summary model constructor for categorical outcome sA[j]:
newsummarymodel.categor <- function(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...) {
  # if (gvars$verbose) print("Calling CategorSummaryModel constructor for categorical outcome: " %+% reg$outvar)
  CategorSummaryModel$new(reg = reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0 = DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class that defines regression models evaluating P(sA|sW), for summary measures (sW,sA)
#' This R6 class defines fields and methods that controls all the parameters for non-parametric 
#'  modeling and estimation of multivariate joint conditional probability model \code{P(sA|sW)} for summary measures \code{(sA,sW)}.
#'  Note that \code{sA} can be multivariate and any component of \code{sA[j]} can be either binary, categorical or continuous.
#'  The joint probability for \code{P(sA|sA)} = \code{P(sA[1],...,sA[k]|sA)} is first factorized as
#'  \code{P(sA[1]|sA)} * \code{P(sA[2]|sA, sA[1])} * ... * \code{P(sA[k]|sA, sA[1],...,sA[k-1])},
#'  where each of these conditional probability models is defined by a new instance of a \code{\link{SummariesModel}} class
#'  (and a corresponding instance of the \code{RegressionClass} class).
#'  If \code{sA[j]} is binary, the conditional probability \code{P(sA[j]|sW,sA[1],...,sA[j-1])} is evaluated via logistic regression model.
#'  When \code{sA[j]} is continuous (or categorical), its estimation will be controlled by a new instance of 
#'  the \code{\link{ContinSummaryModel}} class (or the \code{\link{CategorSummaryModel}} class), as well as the accompanying new instance of the 
#'  \code{RegressionClass} class. The range of continuous \code{sA[j]} will be fist partitioned into \code{K} bins and the corresponding \code{K}
#'  bin indicators (\code{B_1,...,B_K}), with \code{K} new instances of \code{\link{SummariesModel}} class, each instance defining a
#'  single logistic regression model for one binary bin indicator outcome \code{B_j} and predictors (\code{sW, sA[1],...,sA[k-1]}).
#'  Thus, the first instance of \code{RegressionClass} and \code{SummariesModel} classes will automatically 
#'  spawn recursive calls to new instances of these classes until the entire tree of binary logistic regressions that defines 
#'  the joint probability \code{P(sA|sW)} is build.
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{outvar.class}} - Character vector indicating a class of each outcome var: \code{bin} / \code{cont} / \code{cat}.
#' \item{\code{outvar}} - Character vector of regression outcome variable names.
#' \item{\code{predvars}} - Either a pool of all character predictors (\code{sW}) or regression-specific predictor names.
#' \item{{reg_hazard}} - Logical, if TRUE, the joint probability model P(outvar | predvars) is factorized as 
#'    \\prod_{j}{P(outvar[j] | predvars)} for each j outvar (for fitting hazard).
#' \item{\code{subset}} - Subset expression (later evaluated to logical vector in the envir of the data).
#' \item{\code{ReplMisVal0}} - Logical, if TRUE all gvars$misval among predicators are replaced with with gvars$misXreplace (0).
#' \item{\code{nbins}} - Integer number of bins used for a continuous outvar, the intervals are defined inside 
#'  \code{ContinSummaryModel$new()} and then saved in this field.
#' \item{\code{bin_nms}} - Character vector of column names for bin indicators.
#' \item{\code{useglm}} - Logical, if TRUE then fit the logistic regression model using \code{\link{glm.fit}},
#'    if FALSE use \code{\link{speedglm.wfit}}..
#' \item{\code{parfit}} - Logical, if TRUE then use parallel \code{foreach::foreach} loop to fit and predict binary logistic 
#'    regressions (requires registering back-end cluster prior to calling the fit/predict functions)..
#' \item{\code{bin_bymass}} - Logical, for continuous outvar, create bin cutoffs based on equal mass distribution.
#' \item{\code{bin_bydhist}} - Logical, if TRUE, use dhist approach for bin definitions.  See Denby and Mallows "Variations on the 
#'    Histogram" (2009)) for more..
#' \item{\code{max_nperbin}} - Integer, maximum number of observations allowed per one bin.
#' \item{\code{pool_cont}} - Logical, pool binned continuous outvar observations across bins and only fit only regression model 
#'    across all bins (adding bin_ID as an extra covaraite)..
#' \item{\code{outvars_to_pool}} - Character vector of names of the binned continuous outvars, should match \code{bin_nms}.
#' \item{\code{intrvls.width}} - Named numeric vector of bin-widths (\code{bw_j : j=1,...,M}) for each each bin in \code{self$intrvls}. 
#'    When \code{sA} is not continuous, \code{intrvls.width} IS SET TO 1. When sA is continuous and this variable \code{intrvls.width} 
#'    is not here, the intervals are determined inside \code{ContinSummaryModel$new()} and are assigned to this variable as a list, 
#'    with \code{names(intrvls.width) <- reg$bin_nms}. Can be queried by \code{BinOutModel$predictAeqa()} as: \code{intrvls.width[outvar]}.
#' \item{\code{intrvls}} - Numeric vector of cutoffs defining the bins or a named list of numeric intervals for \code{length(self$outvar) > 1}.
#' \item{\code{cat.levels}} - Numeric vector of all unique values in categorical outcome variable. 
#'    Set by \code{\link{CategorSummaryModel}} constructor.
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(outvar.class = gvars$sVartypes$bin,
#'                   outvar, predvars, subset, intrvls,
#'                   ReplMisVal0 = TRUE,
#'                   useglm = getopt("useglm"),
#'                   parfit = getopt("parfit"),
#'                   nbins = getopt("nbins"),
#'                   bin_bymass = getopt("bin.method")%in%"equal.mass",
#'                   bin_bydhist = getopt("bin.method")%in%"dhist",
#'                   max_nperbin = getopt("maxNperBin"),
#'                   pool_cont = getopt("poolContinVar")}}{Uses the arguments to instantiate an object of R6 class and define the future regression model.}
#'   \item{\code{ChangeManyToOneRegresssion(k_i, reg)}}{ Take a clone of a parent \code{RegressionClass} (\code{reg}) for \code{length(self$outvar)} regressions
#'    and set self to a single univariate \code{k_i} regression for outcome \code{self$outvar[[k_i]]}.}
#'   \item{\code{ChangeOneToManyRegresssions(regs_list)}}{ Take the clone of a parent \code{RegressionClass} for univariate (continuous outvar) regression
#'     and set self to \code{length(regs_list)} bin indicator outcome regressions.}
#'   \item{\code{resetS3class()}}{...}
#' }
#' @section Active Bindings:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{S3class}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{get.reg}}{...}
#' }
#' @export
RegressionClass <- R6Class("RegressionClass",
  class = TRUE,
  portable = TRUE,
  public = list(
    outvar.class = character(),    # vector for classes of the outcome vars: bin / cont / cat
    outvar = character(),          # vector of regression outcome variable names
    predvars = character(),        # either a pool of all predictors (sW) or regression-specific predictor names
    reg_hazard = FALSE,            # If TRUE, the joint P(outvar|predvars) is factorized as \prod_{j}{P(outvar[j] | predvars)} for each j outvar (for fitting hazard)
    subset = NULL,                 # subset expression (later evaluated to logical vector in the envir of the data)
    ReplMisVal0 = TRUE,            # if TRUE all gvars$misval among predicators are replaced with with gvars$misXreplace (0)
    nbins = NULL,                  # actual nbins used, for cont. outvar, defined in ContinSummaryModel$new()
    bin_nms = NULL,                # column names for bin indicators
    useglm = logical(),            # TRUE to fit reg with glm.fit(), FALSE to fit with speedglm.wfit
    parfit = logical(),            # TRUE for fitting binary regressions in parallel
    bin_bymass = logical(),        # for cont outvar, create bin cutoffs based on equal mass distribution?
    bin_bydhist = logical(),       # if TRUE, use dhist approach for bin definitions
    max_nperbin = integer(),       # maximum n observations allowed per binary bin
    pool_cont = logical(),         # Pool binned cont outvar obs into long format (adding bin_ID as a covaraite)
    outvars_to_pool = character(), # Names of the binned continuous sVars, should match bin_nms
    intrvls.width = 1L,            # Named vector of bin-widths (bw_j : j=1,...,M) for each each bin in self$intrvls
                                   # When sA is not continuous, intrvls.width IS SET TO 1.
                                   # When sA is continuous, intrvls.width is SET TO self$intrvls.width INSIDE ContinSummaryModel$new() with names(intrvls.width) <- reg$bin_nms
                                   # CAN BE QUERIED BY BinOutModel$predictAeqa() as: intrvls.width[outvar]
    intrvls = numeric(),           # Vector of numeric cutoffs defining the bins or a named list of numeric intervals (for length(self$outvar) > 1)
    levels = NULL,
    # family = NULL,               # (NOT IMPLEMENTED) to run w/ other than "binomial" family
    # form = NULL,                 # (NOT IMPLEMENTED) reg formula, if provided run using the usual glm / speedglm functions
    initialize = function(outvar.class = gvars$sVartypes$bin,
                          outvar, predvars, subset, intrvls,
                          ReplMisVal0 = TRUE, # Needed to add ReplMisVal0 = TRUE for case sA = (netA, sA[j]) with sA[j] continuous, was causing an error otherwise:
                          useglm = getopt("useglm"),
                          parfit = getopt("parfit"),
                          nbins = getopt("nbins"),
                          bin_bymass = getopt("bin.method")%in%"equal.mass",
                          bin_bydhist = getopt("bin.method")%in%"dhist",
                          max_nperbin = getopt("maxNperBin"),
                          pool_cont = getopt("poolContinVar")
                          ) {
      assert_that(length(outvar.class) == length(outvar))

      self$outvar.class <- outvar.class
      self$outvar <- outvar
      self$predvars <- predvars
      self$ReplMisVal0 <- ReplMisVal0

      self$useglm <- useglm
      self$parfit <- parfit

      self$nbins <- nbins
      self$bin_bymass <- bin_bymass
      self$bin_bydhist <- bin_bydhist
      self$max_nperbin <- max_nperbin
      self$pool_cont <- pool_cont

      n_regs <- length(outvar)

      if (!missing(intrvls)) {
        assert_that(length(outvar) == length(intrvls))
        assert_that(all(names(intrvls) %in% outvar))
        self$intrvls <- intrvls
      } else {
        self$intrvls <- NULL

      self$levels <- NULL

      if (!missing(subset)) {
        self$subset <- subset
        if (length(subset) < n_regs) {
          self$subset <- rep_len(subset, n_regs)
        } else if (length(subset) > n_regs) {
          # ... TO FINISH ...
          if (!is.logical(subset)) stop("not implemented")
          # increase n_regs to all combinations of (n_regs x subset)
      } else {
        self$subset <- rep_len(list(TRUE), n_regs)

    # take the clone of a parent RegressionClass (reg) for length(self$outvar) regressions
    # and set self to a single univariate k_i regression for outcome self$outvar[[k_i]]
    ChangeManyToOneRegresssion = function(k_i, reg) {
      if (missing(reg)) stop("reg must be also specified when k_i is specified")
      assert_that(k_i <= length(reg$outvar))

      n_regs <- length(reg$outvar)
      self$outvar.class <- reg$outvar.class[[k_i]] # Class of the outcome var: binary, categorical, continuous:
      self$outvar <- reg$outvar[[k_i]] # An outcome variable that is being modeled:

      if (self$reg_hazard) {
        # when modeling bin hazard indicators, no need to condition on previous outcomes as they will all be degenerate
        self$predvars <- reg$predvars # Regression covars (predictors):
      } else {
        self$predvars <- c(reg$outvar[-c(k_i:n_regs)], reg$predvars) # Regression covars (predictors):

      # the subset is a list when RegressionClass specifies several regression models at once,
      # obtain the appropriate subset for this regression k_i and set it to self
      if (is.list(reg$subset)) {
        self$subset <- reg$subset[[k_i]]
      if (is.list(reg$intrvls)) {
        outvar_idx <- which(names(reg$intrvls) %in% self$outvar)
        self$intrvls <- reg$intrvls[[outvar_idx]]
      self$S3class <- self$outvar.class # Set class on self for S3 dispatch...

    # take the clone of a parent RegressionClass for univariate (cont outvar) regression
    # and set self to length(regs_list) bin indicator outcome regressions
    ChangeOneToManyRegresssions = function(regs_list) {
      self$outvar.class <- regs_list$outvar.class # Vector of class(es) of outcome var(s): binary, categorical, continuous
      self$outvar <- regs_list$outvar # An outcome variable that is being modeled:
      self$predvars <- regs_list$predvars
      self$subset <- regs_list$subset

    resetS3class = function() class(self) <- c("RegressionClass", "R6")


  active = list(
    # For S3 dispatch on newsummarymodel():
    S3class = function(newclass) {
      if (!missing(newclass)) {
        if (length(newclass) > 1) stop("cannot set S3 class on RegressionClass with more than one outvar variable")
        if (length(class(self)) > 2) stop("S3 dispatch class on RegressionClass has already been set")
        class(self) <- c(class(self), newclass)
      } else {

    get.reg = function() {
      list(outvar.class = self$outvar.class,
          outvar = self$outvar,
          predvars = self$predvars,
          subset = self$subset)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class for fitting and predicting model P(sA|sW) under g.star or g.0
#' This R6 class Class for defining, fitting and predicting the probability model 
#'  \code{P(sA|sW)} under \code{g_star} or under \code{g_0} for summary measures 
#'  (\code{sW,sA}). Defines and manages the factorization of the multivariate conditional
#'  probability model \code{P(sA=sa|...)} into univariate regression models 
#'  \code{sA[j] ~ sA[j-1] + ... + sA[1] + sW}. The class \code{self$new} method automatically
#'  figures out the correct joint probability factorization into univariate conditional
#'  probabilities based on name ordering provided by (\code{sA_nms}, \code{sW_nms}).
#'  When the outcome variable \code{sA[j]} is binary, this class will automatically call 
#'  a new instance of \code{\link{BinOutModel}} class.
#'  Provide \code{self$fit()} function argument \code{data} as a \code{\link{DatNet.sWsA}} class object. 
#'  This data will be used for fitting the model \code{P(sA|sW)}.
#'  Provide \code{self$fit()} function argument \code{newdata} (also as \code{DatNet.sWsA} class) for predictions of the type
#'  \code{P(sA=1|sW=sw)}, where \code{sw} values are coming from \code{newdata} object. 
#'  Finally, provide \code{self$predictAeqa} function \code{newdata} argument 
#'  (also \code{DatNet.sWsA} class object) for getting the likelihood predictions \code{P(sA=sa|sW=sw)}, where 
#'  both, \code{sa} and \code{sw} values are coming from \code{newdata} object.
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{n_regs}} - .
#' \item{\code{parfit_allowed}} - .
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(reg, ...)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{length}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{getPsAsW.models}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{getcumprodAeqa}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{copy.fit(SummariesModel)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{fit(data)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{predict(newdata)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{predictAeqa(newdata, ...)}}{...}
#' }
#' @section Active Bindings:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{wipe.alldat}}{...}
#' }
#' @export
SummariesModel <- R6Class(classname = "SummariesModel",
	portable = TRUE,
	class = TRUE,
	public = list(
		n_regs = integer(),        # total no. of reg. models (logistic regressions)
    parfit_allowed = FALSE,    # allow parallel fit of multivar outvar when 1) reg$parfit = TRUE & 2) all.outvar.bin = TRUE
    initialize = function(reg, ...) {
			self$n_regs <- length(reg$outvar) # Number of sep. logistic regressions to run
      all.outvar.bin <-  all(reg$outvar.class %in% gvars$sVartypes$bin)

      if (reg$parfit & all.outvar.bin & (self$n_regs > 1)) self$parfit_allowed <- TRUE

      if (gvars$verbose) {
        print("New instance of SummariesModel:")
        print("Outcomes: " %+% paste(reg$outvar, collapse = ", "))
        print("Predictors: " %+% paste(reg$predvars, collapse = ", "))
        print("No. of regressions: " %+% self$n_regs)
        print("All outcomes binary? " %+% all.outvar.bin)
        if (self$parfit_allowed) print("Performing parallel fits: " %+% self$parfit_allowed)

      # factorize the joint into univariate regressions, by dimensionality of the outcome variable (sA_nms):
			for (k_i in 1:self$n_regs) {
        reg_i <- reg$clone()
        reg_i$ChangeManyToOneRegresssion(k_i, reg)
        # Calling the constructor for the summary model P(sA[j]|\bar{sA}[j-1], sW}), dispatching on reg_i class
        PsAsW.model <- newsummarymodel(reg = reg_i, ...)
				private$PsAsW.models <- append(private$PsAsW.models, list(PsAsW.model))
				names(private$PsAsW.models)[k_i] <- "P(sA|sW)."%+%k_i

		length = function(){ base::length(private$PsAsW.models) },
		getPsAsW.models = function() { private$PsAsW.models },  # get all summary model objects (one model object per outcome var sA[j])
		getcumprodAeqa = function() { private$cumprodAeqa },  # get joint prob as a vector of the cumulative prod over j for P(sA[j]=a[j]|sW)

    # # **********************************************************************
    # # TO DO: Add $copy.fit(SummariesModel) method that will propagate copy all the model fits down the line
    # copy.fit = function(SummariesModel) {},
    # # **********************************************************************

    fit = function(data) {
      # serial loop over all regressions in PsAsW.models:
      if (!self$parfit_allowed) {
        for (k_i in seq_along(private$PsAsW.models)) {
          private$PsAsW.models[[k_i]]$fit(data = data)
      # parallel loop over all regressions in PsAsW.models:
      } else if (self$parfit_allowed) {
        val <- checkpkgs(pkgs=c("foreach", "doParallel", "matrixStats"))
        mcoptions <- list(preschedule = FALSE)
        # NOTE: Each fitRes[[k_i]] will contain a copy of every single R6 object that was passed by reference ->
        # *** the size of fitRes is 100x the size of private$PsAsW.models ***
        fitRes <- foreach::foreach(k_i = seq_along(private$PsAsW.models), .options.multicore = mcoptions) %dopar% {
          private$PsAsW.models[[k_i]]$fit(data = data)
        # copy the fits one by one from BinOutModels above into private field for BinOutModels
        for (k_i in seq_along(private$PsAsW.models)) {

    # TO DO rename to:
    # predictP_1 = function(newdata) { # P(A^s=1|W^s=w^s): uses private$m.fit to generate predictions
		predict = function(newdata) {
		  if (missing(newdata)) {
        stop("must provide newdata")
      # serial loop over all regressions in PsAsW.models:
      if (!self$parfit_allowed) {
		    for (k_i in seq_along(private$PsAsW.models)) {
		      private$PsAsW.models[[k_i]]$predict(newdata = newdata)
      # parallel loop over all regressions in PsAsW.models:
      } else if (self$parfit_allowed) {
        val <- checkpkgs(pkgs=c("foreach", "doParallel", "matrixStats"))
        mcoptions <- list(preschedule = FALSE)
        # NOTE: Each predRes[[k_i]] will contain a copy of every single R6 object that was passed by reference ->
        # *** the size of fitRes is 100x the size of private$PsAsW.models ***
        predRes <- foreach::foreach(k_i = seq_along(private$PsAsW.models), .options.multicore = mcoptions) %dopar% {
          private$PsAsW.models[[k_i]]$predict(newdata = newdata)
        # copy the predictions one by one from BinOutModels above into private field for BinOutModels
        for (k_i in seq_along(private$PsAsW.models)) {

		# WARNING: This method cannot be chained together with other methods (s.a, class$predictAeqa()$fun())
		# Uses daughter objects (stored from prev call to fit()) to get predictions for P(sA=obsdat.sA|sW=sw)
		# Invisibly returns the joint probability P(sA=sa|sW=sw), also saves it as a private field "cumprodAeqa"
    # P(A^s=a^s|W^s=w^s) - calculating the likelihood for obsdat.sA[i] (n vector of a's):
    predictAeqa = function(newdata, ...) {
			n <- newdata$nobs
      if (!self$parfit_allowed) {
			 cumprodAeqa <- rep.int(1, n)
       # loop over all regressions in PsAsW.models:
			 for (k_i in seq_along(private$PsAsW.models)) {
				    cumprodAeqa <- cumprodAeqa * private$PsAsW.models[[k_i]]$predictAeqa(newdata = newdata, ...)
      } else if (self$parfit_allowed) {
        val <- checkpkgs(pkgs=c("foreach", "doParallel", "matrixStats"))
        mcoptions <- list(preschedule = TRUE)
        probAeqa_list <- foreach::foreach(k_i = seq_along(private$PsAsW.models), .options.multicore = mcoptions) %dopar% {
          private$PsAsW.models[[k_i]]$predictAeqa(newdata = newdata, ...)
        # cbind_t <- system.time(
          probAeqa_mat <- do.call('cbind', probAeqa_list)
          # )
        # rowProds_t <- system.time(
          cumprodAeqa <- matrixStats::rowProds(probAeqa_mat)
          # )
      private$cumprodAeqa <- cumprodAeqa

	active = list(
    # recursively call all saved daughter model fits and wipe out any traces of saved data
    wipe.alldat = function() {
      for (k_i in seq_along(private$PsAsW.models)) {

	private = list(
    deep_clone = function(name, value) {
      # if value is is an environment, quick way to copy:
      # list2env(as.list.environment(value, all.names = TRUE), parent = emptyenv())
      # if a list of R6 objects, make a deep copy of each:
      if (name == "PsAsW.models") {
        lapply(value, function(PsAsW.model) PsAsW.model$clone(deep=TRUE))
      # to check the value is an R6 object:
      } else if (inherits(value, "R6")) {
      } else {
        # For all other fields, just return the value
		PsAsW.models = list(),
		fitted.pbins = list(),
		cumprodAeqa = NULL

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# same code in ContinSummaryModel$new and CategorSummaryModel$new replaced with outside function:
# Define subset evaluation for new bins:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def_regs_subset <- function(self) {
  bin_regs <- self$reg$clone() # instead of defining new RegressionClass now cloning parent reg object and then ADDING new SETTINGS
  bin_regs$reg_hazard <- TRUE # don't add degenerate bins as predictors in each binary regression
  if (!self$reg$pool_cont) {
    add.oldsubset <- TRUE
    new.subsets <- lapply(self$reg$bin_nms,
                              function(var) {
                                res <- var
                                if (add.oldsubset) res <- c(res, self$reg$subset)

    new.sAclass <- as.list(rep_len(gvars$sVartypes$bin, self$reg$nbins))
    names(new.sAclass) <- self$reg$bin_nms
    bin_regs$ChangeOneToManyRegresssions(regs_list = list(outvar.class = new.sAclass,
                                                          outvar = self$reg$bin_nms,
                                                          predvars = self$reg$predvars,
                                                          subset = new.subsets))
  # Same but when pooling across bin indicators:
  } else {
    bin_regs$outvar.class <- gvars$sVartypes$bin
    bin_regs$outvar <- self$outvar
    bin_regs$outvars_to_pool <- self$reg$bin_nms
    if (gvars$verbose)  {
      print("pooled bin_regs$outvar: "); print(bin_regs$outvar)
      print("bin_regs$outvars_to_pool: "); print(bin_regs$outvars_to_pool)
      print("bin_regs$subset: "); print(bin_regs$subset)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class for fitting and predicting joint probability for a univariate continuous summary measure sA[j]
#' This R6 class defines and fits a conditional probability model \code{P(sA[j]|sW,...)} for a univariate 
#'  continuous summary measure \code{sA[j]}. This class inherits from \code{\link{SummariesModel}} class.
#'  Defines the fitting algorithm for a regression model \code{sA[j] ~ sW + ...}. 
#'  Reconstructs the likelihood \code{P(sA[j]=sa[j]|sW,...)} afterwards.
#'  Continuous \code{sA[j]} is discretized using either of the 3 interval cutoff methods, 
#'  defined via \code{\link{RegressionClass}} object \code{reg} passed to this class constructor.
#'  The fitting algorithm estimates the binary regressions for hazard \code{Bin_sA[j][i] ~ sW}, 
#'  i.e., the probability that continuous \code{sA[j]} falls into bin \code{i}, \code{Bin_sA[j]_i},
#'  given that \code{sA[j]} does not belong to any prior bins \code{Bin_sA[j]_1, ..., Bin_sA[j]_{i-1}}.
#'  The dataset of discretized summary measures (\code{BinsA[j]_1,...,BinsA[j]_M}) is created 
#'  inside the passed \code{data} or \code{newdata} object while discretizing \code{sA[j]} into \code{M} bins.
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{reg}} - .
#' \item{\code{outvar}} - .
#' \item{\code{intrvls}} - .
#' \item{\code{intrvls.width}} - .
#' \item{\code{bin_weights}} - .
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, DatNet.sWsA.gstar, ...)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{fit(data)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{predict(newdata)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{predictAeqa(newdata)}}{...}
#' }
#' @section Active Bindings:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cats}}{...}
#' }
#' @export
ContinSummaryModel <- R6Class(classname = "ContinSummaryModel",
  inherit = SummariesModel,
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    reg = NULL,
    outvar = character(),     # the name of the continous outcome var (sA[j])
    intrvls = NULL,
    intrvls.width = NULL,
    bin_weights = NULL,
    # Define settings for fitting contin sA and then call $new for super class (SummariesModel)
    initialize = function(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, DatNet.sWsA.gstar, ...) {
      self$reg <- reg
      self$outvar <- reg$outvar
      if (is.null(reg$intrvls)) {
        self$intrvls <- DatNet.sWsA.g0$detect.sVar.intrvls(reg$outvar,
                                                      nbins = self$reg$nbins,
                                                      bin_bymass = self$reg$bin_bymass,
                                                      bin_bydhist = self$reg$bin_bydhist,
                                                      max_nperbin = self$reg$max_nperbin)
        if (!missing(DatNet.sWsA.gstar)) {
          gstar.intrvls <- DatNet.sWsA.gstar$detect.sVar.intrvls(reg$outvar,
                                                      nbins = self$reg$nbins,
                                                      bin_bymass = self$reg$bin_bymass,
                                                      bin_bydhist = self$reg$bin_bydhist,
                                                      max_nperbin = self$reg$max_nperbin)
          self$intrvls <- unique(sort(union(self$intrvls, gstar.intrvls)))
        # Define the number of bins (no. of binary regressions to run),
        # new outvar var names (bin names); all predvars remain unchanged;
        self$reg$intrvls <- self$intrvls
      } else {
        self$intrvls <- self$reg$intrvls
      self$reg$nbins <- length(self$intrvls) - 1
      self$reg$bin_nms <- DatNet.sWsA.g0$bin.nms.sVar(reg$outvar, self$reg$nbins)
      # Save bin widths in reg class (naming the vector entries by bin names):
      self$intrvls.width <- diff(self$intrvls)
      self$intrvls.width[self$intrvls.width <= gvars$tolerr] <- 1
      self$reg$intrvls.width <- self$intrvls.width
      names(self$reg$intrvls.width) <- names(self$intrvls.width) <- self$reg$bin_nms
      if (gvars$verbose)  {
        print("ContinSummaryModel outcome: "%+%self$outvar)
        # print("ContinSummaryModel reg$nbins: " %+% self$reg$nbins)
      bin_regs <- def_regs_subset(self = self)
      super$initialize(reg = bin_regs, ...)

    # Transforms data for continous outcome to discretized bins sA[j] -> BinsA[1], ..., BinsA[M] and calls $super$fit on that transformed data
    # Gets passed redefined subsets that exclude degenerate Bins (prev subset is defined for names in sA - names have changed though)
    fit = function(data) {
      # Binirizes & saves binned matrix inside DatNet.sWsA
      data$binirize.sVar(name.sVar = self$outvar, intervals = self$intrvls, nbins = self$reg$nbins, bin.nms = self$reg$bin_nms)
      if (gvars$verbose) {
        print("performing fitting for continuous outcome: " %+% self$outvar)
        print("freq counts by bin for continuous outcome: "); print(table(data$ord.sVar))
        print("binned dataset: "); print(head(cbind(data$ord.sVar, data$dat.bin.sVar), 5))
      super$fit(data) # call the parent class fit method
      if (gvars$verbose) message("fit for outcome " %+% self$outvar %+% " succeeded...")
      data$emptydat.bin.sVar # wiping out binirized mat in data DatNet.sWsA object...
      self$wipe.alldat # wiping out all data traces in ContinSummaryModel...
    # TO DO: rename to:
    # predictP_1 = function(newdata) { # P(A^s=1|W^s=w^s): uses private$m.fit to generate predictions
    predict = function(newdata) {
      if (missing(newdata)) {
        stop("must provide newdata")
      if (gvars$verbose) print("performing prediction for continuous outcome: " %+% self$outvar)
      # mat_bin doesn't need to be saved (even though its invisibly returned); mat_bin is automatically saved in datnet.sW.sA - a potentially dangerous side-effect!!!
      newdata$binirize.sVar(name.sVar = self$outvar, intervals = self$intrvls, nbins = self$reg$nbins, bin.nms = self$reg$bin_nms)
      newdata$emptydat.bin.sVar # wiping out binirized mat in newdata DatNet.sWsA object...
    # Convert contin. sA vector into matrix of binary cols, then call parent class method: super$predictAeqa()
    # Invisibly return cumm. prob P(sA=sa|sW=sw)
    predictAeqa = function(newdata) { # P(A^s=a^s|W^s=w^s) - calculating the likelihood for obsdat.sA[i] (n vector of a's)
      newdata$binirize.sVar(name.sVar = self$outvar, intervals = self$intrvls, nbins = self$reg$nbins, bin.nms = self$reg$bin_nms)
      if (gvars$verbose) print("performing prediction for categorical outcome: " %+% self$outvar)
      bws <- newdata$get.sVar.bw(name.sVar = self$outvar, intervals = self$intrvls)
      self$bin_weights <- (1 / bws) # weight based on 1 / (sVar bin widths)
      # Option 1: ADJUST FINAL PROB by bw.j TO OBTAIN density at a point f(sa|sw) = P(sA=sa|sW=sw):
      cumprodAeqa <- super$predictAeqa(newdata = newdata) * self$bin_weights
      # Alternative 2: ALso integrate the difference of sA value and its left most bin cutoff: x - b_{j-1} and pass it
      # This is done so that we can integrate the constant hazard all the way to the value of x:
        # * (1 - bw.j.sA_diff*(1/self$bin_weights)*probA1) (discrete)
        # * exp(-bw.j.sA_diff*(1/self$bin_weights)*probA1) (continuous)
      # bw.j.sA_diff <- newdata$get.sVar.bwdiff(name.sVar = self$outvar, intervals = self$intrvls)
      # cumprodAeqa <- super$predictAeqa(newdata = newdata, bw.j.sA_diff = bw.j.sA_diff) * self$bin_weights
      newdata$emptydat.bin.sVar # wiping out binirized mat in newdata object...
      self$bin_weights <- NULL # wiping out self$bin_weights...
      self$wipe.alldat # wiping out all data traces in ContinSummaryModel...
      private$cumprodAeqa <- cumprodAeqa
  active = list(
    cats = function() {seq_len(self$reg$nbins)}

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class for fitting and predicting joint probability for a univariate categorical summary measure sA[j]
#' This R6 class defines and fits a conditional probability model \code{P(sA[j]|sW,...)} for a univariate 
#'  categorical summary measure \code{sA[j]}. This class inherits from \code{\link{SummariesModel}} class.
#'  Defines the fitting algorithm for a regression model \code{sA[j] ~ sW + ...}. 
#'  Reconstructs the likelihood \code{P(sA[j]=sa[j]|sW,...)} afterwards.
#'  Categorical \code{sA[j]} is first redefined into \code{length(levels)} bin indicator variables, where 
#'  \code{levels} is a numeric vector of all unique categories in \code{sA[j]}.
#'  The fitting algorithm estimates the binary regressions for hazard for each bin indicator, \code{Bin_sA[j][i] ~ sW}, 
#'  i.e., the probability that categorical \code{sA[j]} falls into bin \code{i}, \code{Bin_sA[j]_i},
#'  given that \code{sA[j]} does not fall in any prior bins \code{Bin_sA[j]_1, ..., Bin_sA[j]_{i-1}}.
#'  The dataset of bin indicators (\code{BinsA[j]_1,...,BinsA[j]_M}) is created 
#'  inside the passed \code{data} or \code{newdata} object when defining \code{length(levels)} bins for \code{sA[j]}.
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{reg}} - .
#' \item{\code{outvar}} - .
#' \item{\code{levels}} - .
#' \item{\code{nbins}} - .
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{fit(data)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{predict(newdata)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{predictAeqa(newdata)}}{...}
#' }
#' @section Active Bindings:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cats}}{...}
#' }
#' @export
CategorSummaryModel <- R6Class(classname = "CategorSummaryModel",
  inherit = SummariesModel,
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    reg = NULL,
    outvar = character(),     # the name of the categorical outcome var (sA[j])
    levels = numeric(),       # all unique values for sA[j] sorted in increasing order
    nbins = integer(),
    # Define settings for fitting cat sA and then call $new for super class (SummariesModel)
    initialize = function(reg, DatNet.sWsA.g0, ...) {
      self$reg <- reg
      self$outvar <- reg$outvar
      # Define the number of bins (no. of binary regressions to run) based on number of unique levels for categorical sVar:
      # all predvars remain unchanged
      if (is.null(reg$levels)) {
        self$levels <- self$reg$levels <- DatNet.sWsA.g0$detect.cat.sVar.levels(reg$outvar)
      } else {
        self$levels <- self$reg$levels
      self$nbins <- self$reg$nbins <- length(self$levels)
      self$reg$bin_nms <- DatNet.sWsA.g0$bin.nms.sVar(reg$outvar, self$reg$nbins)
      if (gvars$verbose)  {
        print("CategorSummaryModel outcome: "%+%self$outvar)
        # print("CategorSummaryModel reg$levels: "); print(self$reg$levels)
        # print("CategorSummaryModel reg$nbins: " %+% self$reg$nbins)
      bin_regs <- def_regs_subset(self = self)
      super$initialize(reg = bin_regs, ...)
    # Transforms data for categorical outcome to bin indicators sA[j] -> BinsA[1], ..., BinsA[M] and calls $super$fit on that transformed data
    # Gets passed redefined subsets that exclude degenerate Bins (prev subset is defined for names in sA - names have changed though)
    fit = function(data) {
      # Binirizes & saves binned matrix inside DatNet.sWsA for categorical sVar
      data$binirize.cat.sVar(name.sVar = self$outvar, levels = self$levels)
      if (gvars$verbose) {
        print("performing fitting for categorical outcome: " %+% self$outvar)
        print("freq counts by bin for categorical outcome: "); print(table(data$get.sVar(self$outvar)))
        print("binned dataset: "); print(head(cbind(sA = data$get.sVar(self$outvar), data$dat.bin.sVar), 5))
      super$fit(data) # call the parent class fit method
      if (gvars$verbose) message("fit for " %+% self$outvar %+% " var succeeded...")
      data$emptydat.bin.sVar # wiping out binirized mat in data DatNet.sWsA object...
      self$wipe.alldat # wiping out all data traces in ContinSummaryModel...

    # TO DO: rename to:
    # predictP_1 = function(newdata) { # P(A^s=1|W^s=w^s): uses private$m.fit to generate predictions
    predict = function(newdata) {
      if (missing(newdata)) {
        stop("must provide newdata")
      if (gvars$verbose) print("performing prediction for categorical outcome: " %+% self$outvar)
      newdata$binirize.cat.sVar(name.sVar = self$outvar, levels = self$levels)
      newdata$emptydat.bin.sVar # wiping out binirized mat in newdata DatNet.sWsA object...

    # Invisibly return cumm. prob P(sA=sa|sW=sw)
    # P(A^s=a^s|W^s=w^s) - calculating the likelihood for obsdat.sA[i] (n vector of a's):
    predictAeqa = function(newdata) {
      if (gvars$verbose) print("performing prediction for categorical outcome: " %+% self$outvar)
      newdata$binirize.cat.sVar(name.sVar = self$outvar, levels = self$levels)
      cumprodAeqa <- super$predictAeqa(newdata = newdata)
      newdata$emptydat.bin.sVar # wiping out binirized mat in newdata object...
      self$wipe.alldat # wiping out all data traces in ContinSummaryModel...
      private$cumprodAeqa <- cumprodAeqa
  active = list(
    cats = function() {seq_len(self$reg$nbins)}

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