#' Summary of training sessions
#' @aliases trackeRdataSummary
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{trackeRdata}}.
#' @param session A numeric vector of the sessions to be summarised,
#' defaults to all sessions.
#' @param moving_threshold A named vector of 3 speeds above which an
#' athlete is considered moving, given in the unit of the speed
#' measurements in \code{object}. If \code{NULL} (default), the
#' speeds are taken to be \code{c(cycling = 2, running = 1,
#' swimming = 0.5)}. See Details.
#' @param unit_reference_sport The sport to inherit units from
#' (default is taken to be the most frequent sport in
#' \code{object}).
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @details
#' The default speed thresholds are 1 m/s for running (3.6 km/h; slow
#' walking), 2 m/s for cycling (7.2 km/h) for cycling and 0.5 m/s
#' (1.8km/h) for swimming. For reference, the preferred walking speed
#' for humans is around 1.4 m/s (Bohannon, 1997).
#' The units for the computed summaries match those of the sport
#' specified by \code{unit_reference_sport}.
#' If \code{object} has thresholds then the thresholds that match
#' those of the sport specified by \code{unit_reference_sport} are
#' applied to the respective summaries.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{trackeRdataSummary}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.trackeRdataSummary}}
#' @references
#' Bohannon RW (1997). 'Comfortable and Maximum Walking Speed of
#' Adults Aged 20--79 Years: Reference Values and Determinants.' Age
#' and Ageing, 26(1), 15--19. doi: 10.1093/ageing/26.1.15.
#' @examples
#' data('runs', package = 'trackeR')
#' runSummary <- summary(runs, session = 1:2)
#' ## print summary
#' runSummary
#' print(runSummary, digits = 3)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## change units
#' change_units(runSummary, variable = 'speed', unit = 'km_per_h')
#' ## plot summary
#' runSummaryFull <- summary(runs)
#' plot(runSummaryFull)
#' plot(runSummaryFull, group = c('total', 'moving'),
#' what = c('avgSpeed', 'distance', 'duration', 'avgHeartRate', "total_elevation_gain"))
#' }
#' @export
summary.trackeRdata <- function(object,
session = NULL,
moving_threshold = NULL,
unit_reference_sport = NULL,
...) {
units <- get_units(object)
sports <- get_sport(object)
oper <- get_operations(object)
thres <- oper$threshold
files <- attr(object, "file")
if (is.null(unit_reference_sport)) {
unit_reference_sport <- find_unit_reference_sport(object)
## Match units to those of unit_reference_sport
un <- collect_units(units, unit_reference_sport)
for (va in unique(un$variable)) {
units$unit[units$variable == va] <- un$unit[un$variable == va]
## Change threshold units
if (!is.null(thres)) {
thres <- change_units(thres, units$variable, units$unit, units$sport)
## Uniformize thresholds (Check again if that's indeed what we need here)
for (va in unique(un$variable)) {
inds <- thres$variable == va & thres$sport == unit_reference_sport
if (any(inds)) {
thres$lower[thres$variable == va] <- thres$lower[inds]
thres$upper[thres$variable == va] <- thres$upper[inds]
oper$threshold <- thres
## convert moving_threshold
if (is.null(moving_threshold)) {
moving_threshold <- c(cycling = 2, running = 1, swimming = 0.5)
speed_unit <- un$unit[un$variable == "speed"]
if (speed_unit != "m_per_s") {
conversion <-"m_per_s", speed_unit, sep = "2"))
moving_threshold <- conversion(moving_threshold)
## select sessions
if (is.null(session)) {
session <-
object <- object[session]
## Change units to those of unit_reference_sport
object <- changeUnits(object, units$variable, units$unit, units$sport)
## session times
session_start <- as.POSIXct(sapply(object, function(x) min(index(x))), origin = "1970-01-01")
session_end <- as.POSIXct(sapply(object, function(x) max(index(x))), origin = "1970-01-01")
## distance
distance <- sapply(object, function(x) {
d <- zoo::coredata(x$distance)
if (all( {
else {
max(d, na.rm = TRUE)
## session length (unit set by units)
duration_unit <- un$unit[un$variable == "duration"]
du <- switch(duration_unit, "s" = "secs", "min" = "mins", "h" = "hours", "d" = "days")
duration <- difftime(session_end, session_start, units = du)
## Get session durations moving and convert their units to duration_unit
duration_moving <- lapply(session, function(sess) {
sp <- sports[sess]
out <- timeAboveThreshold(object[[sess]]$speed, threshold = moving_threshold[sp], ge = FALSE)
units(out) <- du
duration_moving <-"c", duration_moving)
## average speed
distance_unit <- un$unit[un$variable == "distance"]
speed_unit <- strsplit(units$unit[un$variable == "speed"], split = "_per_")[[1]]
convert_distance <-, speed_unit[1], sep = "2"))
distance_s <- convert_distance(distance)
convert_duration <-, speed_unit[2], sep = "2"))
duration_s <- convert_duration(as.numeric(duration))
avg_speed <- distance_s/duration_s
## average speed moving
duration_moving_s <- convert_duration(as.numeric(duration_moving))
avg_speed_moving <- distance_s/duration_moving_s
## average pace
pace_unit <- strsplit(un$unit[un$variable == "pace"], split = "_per_")[[1]]
convert_distance <-, pace_unit[2], sep = "2"))
distance_p <- convert_distance(distance)
convert_duration <-, pace_unit[1], sep = "2"))
duration_p <- convert_duration(as.numeric(duration))
avg_pace <- duration_p/distance_p
## average pace moving
duration_moving_p <- convert_duration(as.numeric(duration_moving))
avg_pace_moving <- duration_moving_p/distance_p
## work to rest ratio (rest time is duration - duration_moving)
work2rest <- as.numeric(duration_moving)/as.numeric(duration - duration_moving)
weightedMeans <- function(x, th, which) {
n <- nrow(x)
z <- coredata(x)[-n, c(which, "speed")]
p <- ncol(z)
nams <- colnames(z)
dt <- as.numeric(diff(index(x)))
i <- 1 -
m <- as.numeric(z[, "speed"] > th)
w <- dt * i
w_moving <- w * m
w_resting <- w * (1 - m)
overall <- .colSums(z * w, n - 1, p, na.rm = TRUE) / .colSums(w, n - 1, p, na.rm = TRUE)
moving <- .colSums(z * w_moving, n - 1, p, na.rm = TRUE) / .colSums(w_moving, n - 1, p, na.rm = TRUE)
resting <- .colSums(z * w_resting, n - 1, p, na.rm = TRUE) / .colSums(w_resting, n - 1, p, na.rm = TRUE)
names(overall) <- nams
names(moving) <- paste0(nams, "_moving")
names(resting) <- paste0(nams, "_resting")
ret <- c(overall, moving, resting)
ret[] <- NA
summaries <- sapply(seq_along(object), function(j) {
sp <- sports[j]
out <- weightedMeans(object[[j]],
which = c("cadence_running", "cadence_cycling", "power", "heart_rate", "altitude", "temperature"),
th = moving_threshold[sp])
c(out, total_elevation_gain = object[[j]][nrow(object[[j]]), "cumulative_elevation_gain"])
## ADD: maxima in addition to averages? calories? splits per km?
ret <- data.frame(session = session,
sessionStart = session_start,
sessionEnd = session_end,
distance = distance,
duration = duration,
durationMoving = duration_moving,
avgSpeed = avg_speed,
avgSpeedMoving = avg_speed_moving,
avgPace = avg_pace,
avgPaceMoving = avg_pace_moving,
avgCadenceRunning = summaries["cadence_running", ],
avgCadenceCycling = summaries["cadence_cycling", ],
avgAltitude = summaries["altitude", ],
avgAltitudeMoving = summaries["altitude_moving", ],
avgCadenceRunningMoving = summaries["cadence_running_moving", ],
avgCadenceCyclingMoving = summaries["cadence_cycling_moving", ],
avgPower = summaries["power", ],
avgPowerMoving = summaries["power_moving", ],
avgHeartRate = summaries["heart_rate", ],
avgTemperature = summaries["temperature", ],
avgHeartRateMoving = summaries["heart_rate_moving", ],
avgHeartRateResting = summaries["heart_rate_resting", ],
wrRatio = work2rest,
total_elevation_gain = summaries["total_elevation_gain", ],
sport = sports[session],
file = files[session], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Replace inf and NaN with NA
ret[sapply(ret, function(x) is.infinite(x) |] <- NA
duration_units <- units(ret$duration)
duration_moving_units <- units(ret$durationMoving)
## Apply thresholds (will only enter loop if there are thresholds on the object)
lims <- unique(thres[thres$variable %in% un$variable, c("variable", "lower", "upper")])
for (j in {
low <- lims[j, "lower"]
upp <- lims[j, "upper"]
cvar <- lims[j, "variable"]
vars <- grep(cvar, names(ret), = TRUE)
ret[, vars] <- sapply(ret[, vars], function(x) {
x[x < low | x > upp] <- NA
ret$duration <- as.difftime(ret$duration, units = duration_units)
ret$durationMoving <- as.difftime(ret$durationMoving, units = duration_moving_units)
attr(ret, "operations") <- oper
attr(ret, "units") <- units
attr(ret, "moving_threshold") <- moving_threshold
attr(ret, "unit_reference_sport") <- attr(un, "unit_reference_sport")
class(ret) <- c("trackeRdataSummary", class(ret))
#' Print method for session summaries.
#' @param x An object of class \code{trackeRdataSummary}.
#' @param ... Not used, for compatibility with generic summary method only.
#' @param digits Number of digits to be printed.
#' @export
print.trackeRdataSummary <- function(x, ..., digits = 2) {
units <- get_units(x)
units <- collect_units(units, unit_reference_sport = attr(x, "unit_reference_sport"))
sports <- get_sport(x)
for (i in seq_len(length(x$session))) {
cat("\n *** Session", x$session[i], ":", sports[i], "***\n")
cat("\n Session times:",
format(x$sessionStart[i], format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
format(x$sessionEnd[i], format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\n ")
round(x$distance[i], digits), units$unit[units$variable == "distance"],
"\n ")
round(as.numeric(x$duration[i]), digits), units(x$duration[i]),
"\n ")
cat("Moving time:",
round(x$durationMoving[i], digits), units(x$durationMoving[i]),
"\n ")
cat("Average speed:",
round(x$avgSpeed[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable == "speed"],
"\n ")
cat("Average speed moving:",
round(x$avgSpeedMoving[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable == "speed"],
"\n ")
unitDist4pace <- strsplit(units$unit[units$variable == "pace"], split = "_per_")[[1]][2]
avgPace <- floor(x$avgPace[i] * 100)/100
cat(paste0("Average pace (per 1 ", unitDist4pace, "):"), paste(floor(avgPace),
round(avgPace%%1 * 60, 0), sep = ":"), "min:sec\n ")
avgPaceMoving <- floor(x$avgPaceMoving[i] * 100)/100
cat(paste0("Average pace moving (per 1 ", unitDist4pace, "):"), paste(floor(avgPaceMoving),
round(x$avgPaceMoving[i]%%1 * 60, 0), sep = ":"), "min:sec\n ")
cat("Average cadence running:", round(x$avgCadenceRunning[i], digits = digits),
units$unit[units$variable == "cadence_running"], "\n ")
cat("Average cadence cycling:", round(x$avgCadenceCycling[i], digits = digits),
units$unit[units$variable == "cadence_cycling"], "\n ")
cat("Average cadence running moving:", round(x$avgCadenceRunningMoving[i], digits = digits),
units$unit[units$variable == "cadence_running"], "\n ")
cat("Average cadence cycling moving:", round(x$avgCadenceCyclingMoving[i], digits = digits),
units$unit[units$variable == "cadence_cycling"], "\n ")
cat("Average power:", round(x$avgPower[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable ==
"power"], "\n ")
cat("Average power moving:", round(x$avgPowerMoving[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable ==
"power"], "\n ")
cat("Average heart rate:", round(x$avgHeartRate[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable ==
"heart_rate"], "\n ")
cat("Average heart rate moving:", round(x$avgHeartRateMoving[i], digits = digits),
units$unit[units$variable == "heart_rate"], "\n ")
cat("Average heart rate resting:", round(x$avgHeartRateResting[i], digits = digits),
units$unit[units$variable == "heart_rate"], "\n ")
cat("Average temperature:", round(x$avgTemperature[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable ==
"temperature"], "\n ")
cat("Total elevation gain:",
round(x$total_elevation_gain[i], digits = digits), units$unit[units$variable == "altitude"],
"\n ")
cat("Work to rest ratio:", round(x$wrRatio[i], digits), "\n")
mt <- attr(x, "moving_threshold")
cat("\n Moving thresholds:",
paste0(format(mt, digits = digits), " (", names(mt), ")"),
units$unit[units$variable == "speed"], "\n")
cat(" Unit reference sport:",
attr(x, "unit_reference_sport"), "\n")
#' Fortify a trackeRdataSummary object for plotting with ggplot2.
#' @param model The \code{\link{trackeRdata}} object.
#' @param data Ignored.
#' @param melt Logical. Should the data be melted into long format
#' instead of the default wide format?
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @export
fortify.trackeRdataSummary <- function(model, data, melt = FALSE, ...) {
ret <- data.frame(model)
if (melt) {
basic <- ret[, c("session", "sessionStart", "sessionEnd")]
varsTotal <- c("distance", "duration", "avgSpeed", "avgPace", "avgCadenceRunning",
"avgCadenceCycling", "avgPower", "avgHeartRate", "avgAltitude", "avgTemperature",
varsMoving <- c("duration", "avgSpeed", "avgPace", "avgCadenceRunning",
"avgCadenceCycling", "avgAltitude",
"avgPower", "avgHeartRate")
varsResting <- c("avgHeartRate")
dfTotal <- data.frame(basic[rep(seq_along(ret$session), times = length(varsTotal)),
], variable = rep(varsTotal, each = nrow(ret)), value = unlist(ret[, varsTotal]),
type = "total")
dfMoving <- data.frame(basic[rep(seq_along(ret$session), times = length(varsMoving)),
], variable = rep(varsMoving, each = nrow(ret)), value = unlist(ret[, paste0(varsMoving,
"Moving")]), type = "moving")
dfResting <- data.frame(basic[rep(seq_along(ret$session), times = length(varsResting)),
], variable = rep(varsResting, each = nrow(ret)), value = unlist(ret[, paste0(varsResting,
"Resting")]), type = "resting")
ret <- rbind(dfTotal, dfMoving, dfResting)
#' Plot an object of class \code{\link{trackeRdataSummary}}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{trackeRdataSummary}.
#' @param date Should the date or the session number be used on the abscissa?
#' @param what Name of variables which should be plotted. Default is all. A vector with at least one of \code{"distance"}, \code{"duration"}, \code{"avgSpeed"}, \code{"avgPace"}, \code{"avgCadenceRunning"}, \code{"avgCadenceCycling"}, \code{"avgAltitude"}, \code{"avgPower"}, \code{"avgHeartRate"}, \code{"avgTemperature"}, \code{"wrRatio"}, \code{"total_elevation_gain"}, and \code{NULL}, in which case all variables are plotted.
#' @param group Which group of variables should be plotted? This can either be
#' \code{total} or \code{moving}. Default is both.
#' @param trend Should a smooth trend be plotted?
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.trackeRdata}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data('runs', package = 'trackeR')
#' runSummary <- summary(runs)
#' plot(runSummary)
#' plot(runSummary, date = FALSE, group = 'total',
#' what = c('distance', 'duration', 'avgSpeed'))
#' }
#' @export
plot.trackeRdataSummary <- function(x,
date = TRUE,
what = NULL,
group = NULL,
trend = TRUE,
...) {
nsessions <- length(unique(x$session))
ndates <- length(unique(x$sessionStart))
units <- getUnits(x)
units <- collect_units(units, unit_reference_sport = attr(x, "unit_reference_sport"))
## subsets on variables and type
dat <- fortify(x, melt = TRUE)
if (!is.null(what)) {
dat <- subset(dat, variable %in% what)
if (!is.null(group)) {
dat <- subset(dat, type %in% group)
## remove empty factor levels
dat$variable <- factor(dat$variable)
# dat$type <- factor(dat$type)
## clean up: if there are only NA observations for a variable, the (free) y-scale cannot
## be determined
empty <- tapply(dat$value, dat$variable, function(x) all(
if (any(empty))
dat <- subset(dat, !(variable %in% names(empty)[empty]))
## single session
if (nsessions < 2) {
dat$sessionStart <- format(dat$sessionStart, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
dat$session <- factor(dat$session)
## x axis
if (date) {
dat$xaxis <- dat$sessionStart
xlab <- "Date"
else {
dat$xaxis <- dat$session
xlab <- "Session"
## (basic) plot
p <- ggplot(dat)
if (date & ndates < nsessions)
stop("All sessions must have unique starting times. Try date = FALSE instead.")
## color palette comes from colorspace::rainbow_hcl(3, c = 70)[c(2,1,3)] [1] '#5EB3F0'
## '#F68BA2' '#76BD58' an alternative from
## scale_colour_manual(values = c('total' = '#1b9e77', 'moving' = '#d95f02',
## 'resting' = '#7570b3'))
## possibly add lines for 2 or more sessions
if (nsessions > 1) {
if (trend) {
p <- p + geom_line(stat = "smooth",
method = "gam",
formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs", k = 5),
aes_(x = quote(xaxis), y = quote(value), color = quote(type)),
alpha = 0.5, size = 1,
se = FALSE,
na.rm = TRUE)
p <- p +
geom_point(aes_(x = quote(xaxis), y = quote(value), color = quote(type)), alpha = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE) +
labs(x = xlab, y = "") +
## guides(color = guide_legend(title = "Type")) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c(total = "#76BD58", moving = "#F68BA2", resting = "#5EB3F0"))
## facets
lab_sum <- function(series) {
series <- as.character(series)
concept <- switch(series, avgPace = "pace", avgSpeed = "speed", distance = "distance",
duration = "duration", avgPower = "power", avgCadenceRunning = "cadence_running",
avgCadenceCycling = "cadence_cycling",
avgHeartRate = "heart_rate",
avgAltitude = "altitude",
avgTemperature = "temperature",
total_elevation_gain = "total elevation gain")
if (series == "total_elevation_gain") {
thisunit <- units$unit[units$variable == "altitude"]
else {
thisunit <- units$unit[units$variable == concept]
prettyUnit <- prettifyUnits(thisunit)
ret <- switch(series,
distance = paste0("distance \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
duration = paste0("duration \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgSpeed = paste0("avg speed \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgPace = paste0("avg pace \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgCadenceRunning = paste0("avg cadence \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgCadenceCycling = paste0("avg cadence \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgPower = paste0("avg power \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgHeartRate = paste0("avg heart rate \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgAltitude = paste0("avg altitude \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
avgTemperature = paste0("avg temperature \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
total_elevation_gain = paste0("total elevation gain \n [", prettyUnit, "]"),
wrRatio = "work-to-rest \n ratio")
lab_sum <- Vectorize(lab_sum)
p <- p +
facet_grid("variable ~ .", scales = "free_y", labeller = labeller(variable = lab_sum)) ## +
## add bw theme and position of legend
p <- p + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "top")
#' Timeline plot for \code{\link{trackeRdataSummary}} objects
#' @rdname timeline
#' @export
timeline.trackeRdataSummary <- timeline.trackeRdata
#' @export
"[.trackeRdataSummary" <- function(x, i, j, drop = TRUE, ...) {
units <- getUnits(x)
x <-
ret <- x[i, , drop = drop]
attr(ret, "units") <- units
class(ret) <- c("trackeRdataSummary", class(ret))
#' @rdname nsessions
#' @export
nsessions.trackeRdataSummary <- function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname session_times
#' @export
session_times.trackeRdataSummary <- function(object,
session = NULL,
...) {
if (is.null(session)) {
session <- seq_along(object)
}[session])[, c("sessionStart", "sessionEnd")]
#' @rdname session_duration
#' @export
session_duration.trackeRdataSummary <- function(object,
session = NULL,
...) {
if (is.null(session)) {
session <- seq_along(object)
#' @rdname get_sport
#' @export
get_sport.trackeRdataSummary <- function(object,
session = NULL,
...) {
if (is.null(session)) {
session <-
object[session, ]$sport
#' Get the units of the variables in an \code{trackeRdataSummary} object
#' @param object An object of class \code{trackeRdataSummary}.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @export
get_units.trackeRdataSummary <- function(object, ...) {
attr(object, "units")
#' Change the units of the variables in an \code{trackeRdataSummary} object
#' @param object An object of class \code{trackeRdataSummary}.
#' @param variable A vector of variables to be changed. Note, these are expected to be
#' concepts like 'speed' rather than variable names like 'avgSpeed' or 'avgSpeedMoving'.
#' @param unit A vector with the units, corresponding to variable.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @export
change_units.trackeRdataSummary <- function(object,
...) {
no_variable <- missing(variable)
no_unit <- missing(unit)
if (no_unit & no_variable) {
else {
## NOTE: variable is expected to contain concepts like 'speed' rather than variable
## names like 'avgSpeed' or 'avgSpeedMoving'.
concept <- variable
units <- get_units(object)
current <- collect_units(units, unit_reference_sport = attr(object, "unit_reference_sport"))
p <- length(variable)
if (length(unit) == p) {
## no need for collect_units as this is already done in summary
mt <- attr(object, "moving_threshold")
object <-
for (i in concept) {
variables <- names(object)[grep(pattern = i, names(object), = TRUE)]
currentUnit <- current$unit[current$variable == i] ## $concept
newUnit <- unit[which(concept == i)]
if (currentUnit != newUnit) {
conversion <-, newUnit, sep = "2"))
## convert summary statistics
for (v in variables) {
object[, v] <- conversion(object[, v])
if (v == "avgAltitude") {
object[, "total_elevation_gain"] <- conversion(object[, "total_elevation_gain"])
## convert moving threshold
if (i == "speed")
mt <- conversion(mt)
## update units
current$unit[current$variable == i] <- newUnit
## update units in units
for (va in current$variable) {
units$unit[units$variable == va] <- current$unit[current$variable == va]
## update units attribute and return
attr(object, "units") <- units
attr(object, "moving_threshold") <- mt
class(object) <- c("trackeRdataSummary", class(object))
else {
stop("variable and unit should have the same length.")
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