
Defines functions flatten5 sinfotolist is.code flatten4 pfs_list_collapse as.list.ScriptNodeInfo as.list.FeatureSet generateDefTags RawFilesFeatureSet RmdFeatureSet .cleanHeader DFFeatureSet .makeSummaryTable .makeClassesTab GraphicsFeatureSet TrellisFeatureSet GGplotFeatureSet PlotFeatureSet ObjFeatureSet getTopS3Class getBaseS3Class collapsed_cline_args scrape_descr dir_path_pair collapse_to_str

Documented in as.list.FeatureSet as.list.ScriptNodeInfo DFFeatureSet GGplotFeatureSet GraphicsFeatureSet ObjFeatureSet PlotFeatureSet RmdFeatureSet TrellisFeatureSet

#' @include Classes.R Generics.R PlotWrapper.R

## ' @title Collapse a list to a comma-delimited character vector
## ' @param l A list
## ' @param with.names A boolean indicating whether the list is named. False by default.
## ' @return A comma-delimited character vector
collapse_to_str <- function(l, with.names=FALSE) {
    if (with.names) {
        l <- sapply(l, function(x) paste(names(x), x, sep = " = "),
            simplify = FALSE)
    l.new <- sapply(names(l), 
        function(x) paste(x, 
                paste(l[[x]], collapse=", "), "defaults"),
            sep=": "))
    names(l.new) <- NULL

# from start.dir, go up the specified number of directories (>=0)
# and report back the directory's name and path
# as a data.frame rowb
dir_path_pair <- function(dirs.up, start.dir = getwd()) {
    new.path <- normalizePath(paste(
        paste(rep("..", dirs.up), collapse = .Platform$file.sep),
        sep = .Platform$file.sep))
    c(pkg.name = basename(new.path),
        pkg.dir = dirname(new.path))

scrape_descr <- function(start_dir = getwd(), fields = c("Package", "Title", "Description"),
                         verbose = FALSE) {

    curdir = normalizePath(start_dir)
    res = list()
    while(!curdir %in% c(normalizePath("~/"), normalizePath("/"))) {
        dfile = file.path(curdir, "DESCRIPTION")
        if(file.exists(dfile)) {
            dsc = as.data.frame(read.dcf(dfile, fields), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            res = c(res, list(as.list(dsc)))
        curdir = normalizePath(file.path(curdir, "../"))


collapsed_cline_args = function() paste(commandArgs(), collapse = " ")

##because S3, grumble mumble
getBaseS3Class = function(x) tail(class(x), 1)
getTopS3Class = function(x) head(class(x), 1)

#' @title FeatureSet contstructors
#' @description Constructors for different typed FeatureSet subclasses. These
#' should only be used when customizing metadata extraction, i.e., in custom
#' makeFeatureSet methods. Not intended to be called directly by end users.
#' Because the arguments listed here unavoidably map to class slots, and because
#' most of them should NOT be set directly even in customization code, they are
#' semi-internal implementation details and are subject to change. 
#' Arguments described as 'Do not manually set' have default values
#' that should be used in virtually all cases. Overriding these in
#' custom makeFeatureSet methods can lead to undefined behavior by the
#' trackr system.
#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @param object object to extract metadata from
#' @param code The code which generated the object. Do not manually
#'     set
#' @param codeinfo Do not manually set
#' @param klass The class of the object. Do not manually set
#' @param tags Tags to associate with the object
#' @param user The user who recorded the object. Do not manually set
#' @param uniqueid The uniqueID for the result. Do not manually
#'     set. EVER.
#' @param regdate The registration date/time. Do not manually set
#' @param analysispkg The analysis R package in which the session was
#'     run. Do not manually set
#' @param analysisfile The .R file code was executed from to create
#'     the object. Do not manually set
#' @param rstudioproject The RStudio project in which the object was
#'     created. Do not manually set
#' @param fsetklass The FeatureSet subclass being created. This should
#'     be overridden with custom FeatureSet subclasses
#' @param isplot Is the object a plot. Do not manually set.
#' @param generatedin The uniqueID of a parent result (e.g. an RMD
#'     report the object was generated within). Do not manually set
#' @param clineargs The command-line arguments passed to the R session
#'     in which the object was recorded. Do not manually set.
#' @param resultURI An optional character value which defines a
#'     location within a hierarchical grouping for results tracked by
#'     trackr. E.g. \code{'/groups/Becker/HousingData/analysis3'}
#' @param provtable A ProvStoreDF object containing "value lineage"
#'     provenance information
#' @param ... For ObjFeatureSet and RmdFeatureSet, unused. For Other
#'     constructors, passed to the parent constructor.
#' @return An object of a class that inherits from FeatureSet
#' @export
ObjFeatureSet = function(  object,
                         code = as.character(parseCode(object)),
                         codeinfo = CodeDepends::getInputs(parseCode(code)),
                         klass = getTopS3Class(object),
                         uniqueid = gen_hash_id(object),
                         ## XXX IDifficult to ensure tags(object) and
                         ## generateTags(object) always included without
                         ## overriding/duplicating when I Call this to
                         ## resucitate a  feature set out of a db record
                         ## Hopefully the unique call below does it.
                         tags = character(),
                         user = unname(Sys.info()["user"]),
                         regdate = Sys.time(),
                         analysispkg = scrape_descr(),
                         analysisfile = .analysisFileOrNA(),
                         rstudioproject = .rstudioProjOrNA(),
                         fsetklass = "ObjFeatureSet" ,
                         isplot= FALSE,
                         generatedin = character(),
                         clineargs = commandArgs(),
                         resultURI = character(),
                         provtable = ProvStoreDF(),
                         ...) {
    tags <- unique(c(tags, tags(object), generateTags(object)))
        object = object,
        code = code,
        codeinfo = codeinfo,
        uniqueid = uniqueid,
        tags = tags,
        user = user,
        regdate = regdate,
        analysispkg = analysispkg,
        klass = class(object),
        analysisfile = analysisfile,
        rstudioproject = rstudioproject,
        fsetklass = fsetklass,
        isplot = isplot,
        generatedin = generatedin,
        sessioninfo = sessionInfo(),
        resultURI = resultURI,
        provtable = provtable)

#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @param package The plotting package used to create a plot. 
#' @export
PlotFeatureSet = function(object, fsetklass = "PlotFeatureSet",
                          package = NA_character_,
                          ...) {
    innerobj = ObjFeatureSet(object = object, fsetklass = fsetklass,
                             isplot = TRUE,
    new("PlotFeatureSet", innerobj,
        grouping = groupInfo(object),
        ## .Object@varlabels$group$panel = panelInfo(object)
        ## .Object@panel$var.levels = collapse_to_str(.Object@panel$var.levels)
        ## .Object@varlabels$group$panel$var.levels = collapse_to_str(.Object@panel$var.levels)
        vartypes = dataTypes(object),
        ## .Object@vartypes$panel = paste(.Object@vartypes$panel, collapse = ", ")
        titles = titles(object),
        data = fullData(object),
        annotationtext = annotationText(object),
        nobs = nObs(object),
        varlabels = dataLabels(object),
        coordsys = coordSystem(object),
        haslegend = hasLegend(object),
        package = package)

#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @export
GGplotFeatureSet = function(object, fsetklass = "GGplotFeatureSet",...) {

    ## beef up the ggplot object with some theme info
    ## (this assumes the user hasn't changed the default theme 
    ## between plot creation and plot registration...)
    if(length(object$theme)==0) {
        object$theme <- ggplot2::theme_get()

    innerobj = PlotFeatureSet(object = object,
                              fsetklass = fsetklass,
                              package = "ggplot2",
    new("GGplotFeatureSet", innerobj,
        # geom = list(type = paste(names(geomObject(object)), collapse=", "),
        geom = geomObject(object),
            # list(type = names(geomObject(object)),
            # params = collapse_to_str(geomObject(object), with.names = TRUE))

        # stat = list(type = paste(names(statTransform(object)), collapse=", "),
        stat = statTransform(object),
            # list(type = names(statTransform(object)),
            # params = collapse_to_str(statTransform(object), with.names = TRUE))

        # position = list(type = paste(names(position(object)), collapse=", "),
        # position = list(type = names(position(object)),
        #     params = collapse_to_str(position(object), with.names = TRUE))
        position = position(object),

        num.layers = nLayers(object)

#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @export
TrellisFeatureSet = function(object, fsetklass = "TrellisFeatureSet", ...) {

    innerobj = PlotFeatureSet(object = object,
                              fsetklass = fsetklass,
                              package = "lattice",
    ## no new semantics, just needed package and fsetklass labeling
    new("TrellisFeatureSet", innerobj)

#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @export
GraphicsFeatureSet = function(object, fsetklass = "GraphicsFeatureSet", ...) {

    innerobj = PlotFeatureSet(object = object,
                              fsetklass = fsetklass,
                              package = "graphics",
    ## no new semantics, just needed package and fsetklass labeling
    new("GraphicsFeatureSet", innerobj)

.makeClassesTab = function(df) {
    paste(names(df), sapply(df, getTopS3Class), sep =":")

.makeSummaryTable = function(v) {
    s = summary(v)
    paste(names(s), s, sep=":")

#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @param vars Do not manually set
#' @param varclasses Do not manually set
#' @param varsummaries Do not manually set
#' @param nobs Do not manually set
#' @export
DFFeatureSet = function(object, fsetklass = "DFFeatureSet",
                        vars = names(object),
                        varclasses = .makeClassesTab(object),
                        varsummaries = structure(lapply(object, .makeSummaryTable), names = names(object)),
                        nobs = nrow(object),
                        ...) {
    innerobj = ObjFeatureSet(object = object, fsetklass = fsetklass, ...)
    new("DFFeatureSet", innerobj,
        vars = vars,
        varclasses = varclasses,
        varsummaries = varsummaries,
        nobs = nobs

##' @name trackr_knit_env
##' @title Internal details
##' @description This environment should never be manipulated or
##'     interacted with directly by end users. It is exported only due
##'     the vagaries of how parts of trackr are implemented.
##' @export
trackr_knit_env = new.env()


.cleanHeader = function(headermat) {
    headermat$title = NULL
    headermat$author = NULL
    headermat$resultURI = NULL
    headermat$recvars = NULL
    ## we just don't care about these ones
    headermat$output = NULL
    headermat$vignette = NULL

#' @rdname fset_constructors
#' @param rmdfile The (input) RMD file
#' @param outputfile the path to the woven report
#' @param chunks The code and text chunks of the dynamic document
#' @param numouts Do not manually set
#' @param numplots Do not manually set
#' @param titles Do not manually set
#' @param author Do not manually set
#' @param textkeywords Keywords extracted from the text
#' @param codekeywords Keywords extracted from the code
#' @param outputids Do not manually set
#' @param objrecords Do not manually set. EVER.
#' @param objtdb The (temporary) trackerdb where individual displayed
#'     outputs were recorded during the weaving process.
#' @param rmdfileid Id associated with the input .Rmd file. Do not
#'     manually set. EVER.
#' @param figurefiles image files of plot as figures for woven
#'     report. Do not manually set.
RmdFeatureSet = function(rmdfile,
                         rmdfileid = gen_hash_id(readLines(rmdfile)),
                         numouts = length(trackr_backend(objtdb)),
                         numplots = sum(sapply(objrecords, function(x) x$isplot)),
                         titles = "", 
                         author = "",
                         textkeywords = character(), ## XXX TODO
                         codekeywords = character(), ## XXX TODO
                         outputids = sapply(objrecords, function(x) x$uniqueid,
                         ## begin duplicated from ObjFeatureSet constructor :(
                         tags = character(),
                         user = unname(Sys.info()["user"]),
                         regdate = Sys.time(),
                         analysispkg = scrape_descr(),
                         analysisfile = .analysisFileOrNA(),
                         rstudioproject = .rstudioProjOrNA(),
                         fsetklass = "RmdFeatureSet" ,
                         ## end duplicated ^^
                         objrecords = findRecords(".", db = objtdb),
                         figurefiles = NA_character_,
                         resultURI = "",
                         ...) {
    if(file.exists(rmdfile)) {
        headermat = yaml_front_matter(rmdfile)
    }else {
        headermat = list()
    if(nchar(titles) == 0 && !is.null(headermat$title)) {
        titles = headermat$title

    if(nchar(author) == 0 && !is.null(headermat$author)) {
        author = headermat$author


    if(nchar(resultURI) == 0 && !is.null(headermat$resultURI)) {
        resultURI = headermat$resultURI

    ## we already used these don't want them showing up twice
    headermat = .cleanHeader(headermat)
    ## headermat$title = NULL
    ## headermat$author = NULL
    ## headermat$resultURI = NULL
    ## headermat$record = NULL
    ## ## we just don't care about these ones
    ## headermat$output = NULL
    ## headermat$vignette = NULL
    con = textConnection("tangletxt", "w", local=TRUE)
    on.exit(close(con), add=TRUE)

    knitr::knit(input = rmdfile, output = con, tangle=TRUE)
    ## the braces make it one "script node" [[1]] gets the info for that one node
    scrinfo = getInputs(readScript(txt = c("{", tangletxt, "}")))[[1]]

    ## XXX TODO take this out and fix it a better way someday...
    names(outputids) = NULL
        ## XXX this is only inputs, what we actually want is outputs
        ## BUT RMD reports very often have their date in them
        ## which may or may not make them a "different report"
        uniqueid = uniqueid, ##gen_hash_id(readLines(rmdfile)),
        rmdfileid = rmdfileid,
        chunks = chunks, numouts = numouts, numplots = numplots,
        titles = titles, author = author, textkeywords = textkeywords,
        codekeywords = codekeywords,
        inputfiles = scrinfo@files,
        outputids= outputids,
        fullcode = tangletxt,
        fullcodeinfo = scrinfo,
        rmdfile = rmdfile,
        tags = tags,
        user = user,
        regdate = regdate,
        analysispkg = analysispkg,
        analysisfile = analysisfile,
        rstudioproject = rstudioproject,
        outfile = outputfile,
        fsetklass = fsetklass,
        sessioninfo = sessionInfo(),
        figurefiles = figurefiles,
        isplot = FALSE,
        resultURI = resultURI,
        extramdata = headermat)

RawFilesFeatureSet = function( object,
                             origfiles = object,
                         code = character(),
                         codeinfo = CodeDepends::getInputs(parseCode(code)),
                         uniqueid = fileHash(object),
                         ## XXX IDifficult to ensure tags(object) and
                         ## generateTags(object) always included without
                         ## overriding/duplicating when I Call this to
                         ## resucitate a  feature set out of a db record
                         ## Hopefully the unique call below does it.
                         tags = character(),
                         user = unname(Sys.info()["user"]),
                         regdate = Sys.time(),
                         analysispkg = scrape_descr(),
                         analysisfile = .analysisFileOrNA(),
                         rstudioproject = .rstudioProjOrNA(),
                         fsetklass = "RawFileFeatureSet" ,
                         isplot= FALSE,
                         generatedin = character(),
                         clineargs = commandArgs(),
                         resultURI = character(),
                         provtable = ProvStoreDF(),
                         ...) {
    tags <- unique(c(tags, tags(object), generateTags(object)))
        path = object,
        origfiles = origfiles,
        code = code,
        codeinfo = codeinfo,
        uniqueid = uniqueid,
        tags = tags,
        user = user,
        regdate = regdate,
        analysispkg = analysispkg,
        analysisfile = analysisfile,
        rstudioproject = rstudioproject,
        fsetklass = fsetklass,
        isplot = isplot,
        generatedin = generatedin,
        sessioninfo = sessionInfo(),
        resultURI = resultURI,
        provtable = provtable)

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from an object of class ggplot.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "ggplot"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        GGplotFeatureSet( object = object,
            fsetklass = "GGplotFeatureSet",

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from an object of class trellis.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "trellis"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
    TrellisFeatureSet( fsetklass = "TrellisFeatureSet",
        object = object, 

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from an object of class gTree.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "gTree"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
            object = object,
            fsetklass = "GraphicsFeatureSet",

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from an object of class recordedplot.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "recordedplot"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        temp.plot.file <- tempfile(pattern = "Rplots", fileext = ".pdf")
        plot2 <- grid::grid.grab()
        makeFeatureSet(plot2, ...)

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from an unevaluated expression.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "expression"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
                plot2 <- eval(object)
                makeFeatureSet(plot2, code = object)
            }, error = function(c) {
                msg <- conditionMessage(c)

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from a call.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "call"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        plot2 <- as.expression(object)
        makeFeatureSet(plot2, ...)

# @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a ObjFeatureSet from a character vector representing a call to create a plot.
## setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
##     signature = signature(object = "character"),
##     definition = function(object, ...) {
##         plot2 <- parse(text = object)
##         makeFeatureSet(plot2, ...)
##     }
## )

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet No-op if we already have a ObjFeatureSet
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "FeatureSet"),
    definition = function(object, ...) object

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Catch-all for attempted construction of a ObjFeatureSet from an object not of class ggplot or trellis.
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet", 
    signature = signature(object = "ANY"),
    definition = function(object, ...) {
    cls = class(object)
    ssum = capture.output(str(object, max.level=1))
        object = object,
        fsetklass = "ObjFeatureSet",

##setOldClass(c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

#' @describeIn makeFeatureSet Construct a DFFeatureSet from a data.frame
setMethod(f = "makeFeatureSet",
    signature = signature(object = "data.frame"),
    function(object, ...) {
        object = object,
        fsetklass = "DFFeatureSet",
## separate so people can call it in their custom tag generators
generateDefTags = function(object) {
    ret = character()
    if(length(class(object)) > 1) { #S3 class shenanigans
        ret["base.s3.class"] = getBaseS3Class(object)
        ret["full.s3.class.list"] = paste(class(object), collapse = ", ")

## by default we only do a few things
setMethod(f = "generateTags", "ANY", generateDefTags)

## setMethod(f = "initialize", 
##     signature = "ObjFeatureSet", 
##     definition = function(.Object, object, ..., tags = NULL, code = NULL, fsetklass = "") {

##     if(is.null(code))
##         code = object #we can get code from some objs...
##     .Object@code <- paste(parseCode(code), collapse="\n")
##     .Object@codeinfo <- CodeDepends::getInputs(parseCode(.Object@code))
##     .Object@uniqueid = gen_hash_id(object)
##     .Object@tags <- c(tags, tags(object), generateTags(object))
##     .Object@object = object
##     .Object@user = unname(Sys.info()["user"])
##     .Object@regdate = Sys.time()
##     .Object@analysispkg = scrape_descr()
##     .Object@klass = getTopS3Class(object)
##     .Object@analysisfile = .analysisFileOrNA()
##     .Object@rstudioproject = .rstudioProjOrNA()
##     .Object@fsetklass = fsetklass
##     .Object
##                                         #callNextMethod(.Object, object = object, ...) 
## })

# @title Constructor method for an object of class ObjFeatureSet.
# @name ObjFeatureSet
# @rdname ObjFeatureSet
# @param .Object An object of (super)class ObjFeatureSet.
# @param object A plot object of class ggplot or trellis.
# @param ... Other named arguments which are sent on to the PlotWrapper constructor.
# @param tags A character vector of tags to add to the new object.
# @return A ObjFeatureSet object.
# @param wait A numeric value indicating how long to wait (in seconds) before returning from a Solr add.  No wait by default.  Set this to >0 for adding plots to Solr database via *apply.
## setMethod(f = "initialize", 
##     signature = "PlotFeatureSet", 
##     definition = function(.Object, object, ..., tags = NULL, wait = 0, code = NULL) {

##     .Object@grouping <- groupInfo(object)
##     ## .Object@varlabels$group$panel <- panelInfo(object)
##     ## .Object@panel$var.levels <- collapse_to_str(.Object@panel$var.levels)
##     ## .Object@varlabels$group$panel$var.levels <- collapse_to_str(.Object@panel$var.levels)
##     .Object@vartypes <- dataTypes(object)
##     ## .Object@vartypes$panel <- paste(.Object@vartypes$panel, collapse = ", ")
##     .Object@titles <- titles(object)
##     .Object@data <- fullData(object)
##     .Object@annotationtext <- annotationText(object)
##     .Object@nobs <- nObs(object)
##     .Object@varlabels <- dataLabels(object)
##     .Object@coordsys <- coordSystem(object)
##     .Object@haslegend <- hasLegend(object)
##     .Object@isplot <- TRUE
##     if (wait>0) {
##         message("Pausing...")
##         Sys.sleep(wait)
##     }
##     callNextMethod(.Object, object = object, code = code, tags = tags, ...) #calls ObjFeatureSet
## })

# @title Initialize a GGplotFeatureSet
# @name GGplotFeatureSet
# @rdname GGplotFeatureSet
# @param .Object An object of (super)class GGplotFeatureSet.
# @param object A plot object of class ggplot.
# @param ... Other named arguments which are sent on to the ObjFeatureSet constructor.
# @return A GGplotFeatureSet object.
## setMethod(f = "initialize", 
##     signature = "GGplotFeatureSet", 
##     definition = function(.Object, object, ...) {

##         # beef up the ggplot object with some theme info
##         # (this assumes the user hasn't changed the default theme 
##         # between plot creation and plot registration...)
##         if(length(object$theme)==0) {
##             object$theme <- ggplot2::theme_get()
##         }

##         # .Object@geom <- list(type = paste(names(geomObject(object)), collapse=", "),
##         .Object@geom <- geomObject(object)
##             # list(type = names(geomObject(object)),
##             # params = collapse_to_str(geomObject(object), with.names = TRUE))

##         # .Object@stat <- list(type = paste(names(statTransform(object)), collapse=", "),
##         .Object@stat <- statTransform(object)
##             # list(type = names(statTransform(object)),
##             # params = collapse_to_str(statTransform(object), with.names = TRUE))

##         # .Object@position <- list(type = paste(names(position(object)), collapse=", "),
##         # .Object@position <- list(type = names(position(object)),
##         #     params = collapse_to_str(position(object), with.names = TRUE))
##         .Object@position <- position(object)

##         .Object@num.layers <- nLayers(object)
##     .Object@package <- "ggplot"

##         callNextMethod(.Object, object = object, ...) # calls PlotFeatureSet
##     }
## )

# @title Initialize a TrellisFeatureSet
# @name TrellisFeatureSet
# @rdname TrellisFeatureSet
# @param .Object An object of (super)class TrellisFeatureSet.
# @param object A plot object of class trellis.
# @param ... Other named arguments which are sent on to the ObjFeatureSet constructor.
# @return A TrellisFeatureSet object.
## setMethod(f = "initialize", 
##     signature = "TrellisFeatureSet", 
##     definition = function(.Object, object, ...) {

##         # do extra stuff for a trellis object
##     .Object@package <-  "lattice"
##         callNextMethod(.Object, object = object, ...) # calls PlotFeatureSet
##     }
## )

## setMethod(f = "initialize", 
##     signature = "GraphicsFeatureSet", 
##     definition = function(.Object, object = object, ...) {

##         # do extra stuff for a base graphics (recorded) object
##     .Object@package <- "graphics"

##     callNextMethod(.Object, object = object, ...) # calls PlotFeatureSet
##     }
## )

## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16247583/inheritance-in-r
# ObjFeatureSet <- function(object = NULL, ...) {
# makeFeatureSet <- function(object = NULL, ...) {

#     if (inherits(object, "ggplot")) {
#         new("GGplotFeatureSet", object, ..., 
#             package = "ggplot2", regdate = Sys.time())
#     } else if(inherits(object, "trellis")) {
#         new("TrellisFeatureSet", object, ..., 
#             package = "lattice", regdate = Sys.time())
#     } else {
#         warning("ObjFeatureSet constructor not implemented for objects of type: ", 
#             paste(class(object), collapse=", "), ".")
#         NULL
#     }
# }

## Utility methods for ObjFeatureSet -----------------------------------------

## Implementation of show method for ObjFeatureSet class

# setMethod(f = "show",
#     signature = "ObjFeatureSet",
#     definition = function(object) {
#         callNextMethod() # call the show method for PlotWrapper
#     }
# )

# ## Implementation of summary method for ObjFeatureSet class

# setMethod(f = "summary",
#     signature = "ObjFeatureSet",
#     definition = function(object) {
#         callNextMethod()
#     }          
# )

##' @name as.list
##' @title Convert objects to lists
##' @description Convert objects to lists.
##' @param x The object to convert to a list.
##' @param ... Other named arguments (currently unused).
##' @return A list.
##' @rdname as-methods
##' @method as.list FeatureSet
##' @aliases as.list,FeatureSet-method
##' @export
as.list.FeatureSet <- function(x, ...) {
    out =  lapply(slotNames(x), function(nm) slot(x, nm))
    names(out) <- slotNames(x)
    out$regdate <- format(x@regdate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    out$regtime <- format(x@regdate, "%H:%M:%S")
    out$regdatetime <- format(x@regdate, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        out$code <- unlist(lapply(objCode(x)@.Data, function(i) paste(deparse(i), collapse="")))
        out$code <- objCode(x)
    out$codeinfo <- lapply(codeInfo(x), as.list)
    out$codeinfo$functions = names(out$codeinfo$functions) 

    keys <- unique(unlist(lapply(out$codeinfo, names)))
    out$codeinfo <- setNames(do.call(mapply, c(FUN=c, lapply(out$codeinfo, `[`, keys))), keys)
    out$codeinfo <- sapply(out$codeinfo, unique)

##setAs(from = "ObjFeatureSet",
setAs(from = "FeatureSet", 
    to = "list", 
    def = function(from) {

setAs(from = "RmdFeatureSet",
      to = "list",
      def = function(from) {
    ret = as.list.FeatureSet(from)
    ret$fullcodeinfo = as.list(ret$fullcodeinfo)
    ret$fullcodeinfo$functions = names(ret$fullcodeinfo$functions)
    ## keys <- unique(unlist(lapply(ret$fullcodeinfo, names)))
    ## ret$fullcodeinfo = setNames(do.call(mapply, c(FUN=c, lapply(ret$fullcodeinfo, `[`, keys))), keys)
    ## ret$fullcodeinfo <- sapply(ret$fullcodeinfo, unique)

##' @rdname as-methods
##' @export
##' @method as.list ScriptNodeInfo
as.list.ScriptNodeInfo <- function(x, ...) {
    ret = lapply(slotNames(x), function(i) slot(x, i))
    names(ret) = slotNames(x)

setAs(from = "ScriptNodeInfo", 
    to = "list", 
    def = function(from) {

.elstocollapse = c("user", "package", "regdatetime",
                   "titles", "varlabels", "grouping",
                   "num.objs", "haslegend",
                   "coordsys", "vartypes",
                   "annotationtext", "analysispkg",
                   "tags", "code", "codeinfo",
                   "isplot", "klass", "geom", "stat",
                   "position", "num.layers",
                   ## RMD attributes
                   "author", "textkeywords",
## ' @title Collapse particular fields of a ObjFeatureSet to delimited character vectors.
## ' @param pfs An object of (super)class ObjFeatureSet.
## ' @return A list.
pfs_list_collapse <- function(pfs) {
    l <- as(pfs, "list")
    l <- l[names(l) %in% .elstocollapse]
    l$titles <- paste(l$titles, collapse="; ")
    l$varlabels$x <- paste(l$varlabels$x, collapse="; ")
    l$varlabels$y <- paste(l$varlabels$y, collapse="; ")
    l$varlabels$group$panel <- paste(l$varlabels$group$panel, collapse="; ")
    l$grouping$panel$vars <- paste(l$grouping$panel$vars, collapse="; ")
    l$grouping$panel$levels <- paste(l$grouping$panel$levels, collapse="; ")
    l$code <- paste(l$code, collapse="; ")

    if(length(l$geom$type)>0) {
        l$geom$type <- paste(l$geom$type, collapse = ", ")
        l$geom$params <- paste(collapse_to_str(l$geom$params, with.names=TRUE), collapse = "; ")
    if(length(l$stat$type)>0) {
        l$stat$type <- paste(l$stat$type, collapse = ", ")
        l$stat$params <- paste(collapse_to_str(l$stat$params, with.names=TRUE), collapse = "; ")
    if(length(l$position$type)>0) {
        l$position$type <- paste(l$position$type, collapse = ", ")
        l$position$params <- paste(collapse_to_str(l$position$params, with.names=TRUE), collapse = "; ")
    if(length(l$grouping$levels)>1) {
        l$grouping$levels <- paste(l$grouping$levels, collapse = "; ")
    # these will need to be generalized!
    # theoretically any var.type could have length>1
    if((!is.null(l$vartypes$group$panel)) & (length(l$vartypes$group$panel)>1)) {
        l$vartypes$group$panel <- paste(l$vartypes$group$panel, collapse = ", ")
    if(length(l$codeinfo)>0) {
        codeinfo.fields <- names(l$codeinfo[[1]])
        l$codeinfo <- sapply(codeinfo.fields, function(i)
                function(x) paste(x[[i]], collapse = ", ")),
            collapse = "; "), simplify = FALSE)

## ## the recommended approach is to define the S3 method and 
## ## supply the identical function as the definition of the S4 method.

## #' @title Export a ObjFeatureSet as a data.frame.
## #' @param row.names NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame. Missing values are not allowed. Only applicable in conjunction with long = FALSE.
## #' @param optional Currently unused in this implementation.
## #' @param long A boolean indicating whether the data.frame should be returned in 'long' (rather than 'wide') format.
## #' @return A data.frame.
## #' @method as.data.frame ObjFeatureSet
## #' @rdname as-methods
## #' @export
## as.data.frame.ObjFeatureSet <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ..., long = FALSE) {
##     df <- NULL
##     l <- pfs_list_collapse(x)
##     if(long) {
##         ## long format - this is maybe not ideal...
##         ## would eventually include plot ID as a column, as well
##         df <- data.frame(
##             id = uniqueID(x),
##             feature = names(unlist(l)), value = unlist(l))
##         rownames(df) <- row.names
##         df <- df[!is.na(df$value),]
##     } else {
##         # note that this makes everything into a string
##         # wide format
##         df <- data.frame(id = uniqueID(x),
##             t(unlist(l)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##     }
##     return(df)
## }

## setAs(from = "ObjFeatureSet", 
##     to = "data.frame", 
##     def = function(from) {
##         as.data.frame.ObjFeatureSet(from)
##     }
## )

# setMethod(f = "as.data.frame", 
#     signature = "ObjFeatureSet", 
#     def = function(object, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, long=FALSE, ...) {
#         df <- NULL
#         if(long) {
#             ## long format - this is maybe not ideal...
#             ## would eventually include plot ID as a column, as well
#             l <- pfs_list_collapse(object)
#             df <- data.frame(
#                 id = uniqueID(object),
#                 feature = names(unlist(l)), value = unlist(l))
#             rownames(df) <- NULL
#             df <- df[!is.na(df$value),]
#         } else {
#             df <- as(object, "data.frame")
#         }
#         return(df)
#     }
# )

## returns T/F if plot meets criteria
## can be used on ObjFeatureSets that have been converted to a list or data.frame
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/8142955
flatten4 <- function(x) {
    while(any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) {
        x <- lapply(x, function(x) if(is.list(x)) x else list(x))
        x <- unlist(x, recursive=FALSE) 
    code.type <- sapply(x, is.function)
    if(length(which(code.type))>0) {
        x[code.type] <- paste(deparse(x[[which(code.type)]]), collapse="")

is.code = function(x) is.function(x) || is.expression(x) || is.call(x) || is.name(x)

sinfotolist = function(sinfo) {
    ret = sinfo
    rv = sinfo$R.version
    names(rv)[names(rv) == "svn rev"] = "svnrev"
    ret$R.version = unlist(rv)
    ret$otherPkgs = unname(sapply(sinfo$otherPkgs, function(x) paste(x$Package, x$Version, sep=":")))
    ret$loadedOnly = unname(sapply(sinfo$loadedOnly, function(x) paste(x$Package, x$Version, sep=":")))


flatten5 <- function(x) {
    x$object <- NULL
    x$data <- NULL
    if(is(x$sessioninfo, "sessionInfo"))
        x$sessioninfo = sinfotolist(x$sessioninfo)
    if(is(x$provtable, "ProvStoreDF") &&
       nrow(provdata(x$provtable)) > 0) {
        prv = x$provtable
        df = provdata(prv)
        df$outputvarhash = paste0(hashprefix(prv), ":", df$outputvarhash)
        inds = nzchar(df$inputvarhash)
        df$inputvarhash[inds] = paste0(hashprefix(prv), ":", df$inputvarhash[inds])
        x$provtable = toJSON(df)
    } else {
        warning("got a provtable field I don't understand. NULLing it.")
        x$provtable = NULL

    ## flatten the extramdata catchall slot
    if(!is.null(x$extramdata)) {
        ## this pushes the elements of x$extramdata up one level to be
        ## top-level list elements
        tmp = x$extramdata
        x$extramdata = NULL
        x = c(x, tmp)
    while(any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) {
        x <- lapply(x, function(x) if(is.list(x)) x else list(x))
        x <- unlist(x, recursive=FALSE) 
    code.type <- sapply(x, is.code)
    if(length(which(code.type))>0) {
        x[code.type] <- lapply(x[code.type], function(y)
            paste(deparse(y), collapse="\n"))

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trackr documentation built on May 24, 2021, 5:09 p.m.