system_new: Create New 'system.txt' File

View source: R/ubiquity.r

system_newR Documentation

Create New system.txt File


Copy a blank template (system_file="template") file to the working directory or an example by specifying the following:

  • "template" - Empty system file template

  • "adapt" - Parent/metabolite model taken from the adapt manual used in estimation examples [ADAPT]

  • "two_cmt_cl" - Two compartment model parameterized in terms of clearances

  • "one_cmt_cl" - One compartment model parameterized in terms of clearances

  • "two_cmt_micro" - Two compartment model parameterized in terms of rates (micro constants)

  • "one_cmt_micro" - One compartment model parameterized in terms of rates (micro constants)

  • "mab_pk" - General compartmental model of mAb PK from Davda 2014 [DG]

  • "pbpk" - PBPK model of mAb disposition in mice from Shah 2012 [SB]

  • "pbpk_template" - System parameters from Shah 2012 [SB] have been defined for all species along with the set notation to be used as a template for developing models with physiological parameters

  • "pwc" - Example showing how to make if/then or piece-wise continuous variables

  • "tmdd" - Model of antibody with target-mediated drug disposition

  • "tumor" - Transit tumor growth model taken from Lobo 2002 [LB]


  file_name = "system.txt",
  system_file = "template",
  overwrite = FALSE,
  output_directory = getwd()



name of the new file to create


name of the system file to copy


if TRUE the new system file will overwrite any existing files present


getwd() directory where system file will be placed



  • [ADAPT] Adapt 5 Users Guide

  • [DG] Davda et. al. mAbs (2014) 6(4):1094-1102 \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.4161/mabs.29095")}

  • [LB] Lobo, E.D. & Balthasar, J.P. AAPS J (2002) 4, 212-222 \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1208/ps040442")}

  • [SB] Shah, D.K. & Betts, A.M. JPKPD (2012) 39 (1), 67-86 \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/s10928-011-9232-2")}


TRUE if the new file was created and FALSE otherwise


# To create an example system file named example_system.txt:
system_new(system_file      = "mab_pk", 
           file_name        = "system_example.txt", 
           overwrite        = TRUE,  
           output_directory = tempdir())

ubiquity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:02 p.m.