### This function does a lot of stuff to detect influential cases
#' Detecting influential cases in regression analyses
#' This function combines a number of criteria for determining whether a
#' datapoint is an influential case in a regression analysis. It then sum the
#' criteria to compute an index of influentiality. A list of cases with an
#' index of influentiality of 1 or more is then displayed, after which the
#' regression analysis is repeated without those influantial cases. A
#' scattermatrix is also displayed, showing the density curves of each
#' variable, and in the scattermatrix, points that are colored depending on how
#' influential each case is.
#' @param formula The formule of the regression analysis.
#' @param data The data to use for the analysis.
#' @return A \code{regrInfluential} object, which, if printed, shows the
#' influential cases, the regression analyses repeated without those cases, and
#' the scatter matrix.
#' @author Gjalt-Jorn Peters & Marwin Snippe
#' Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <>
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' regrInfluential(mpg ~ hp, mtcars);
#' @export regrInfluential
regrInfluential <- function(formula, data) {
### Create object for results and store input
res <- list(input = as.list(environment()), intermediate = list(),
output = list())
### Get variables in formula
res$intermediate$variableNames <- all.vars(formula)
### Store temporary dataframe
res$intermediate$dat <-
data.frame(na.omit(data[, res$intermediate$variableNames]));
### Compute outcomes of influence measures
res$intermediate$influence.measures <-
influence.measures(lm(formula, data=res$intermediate$dat));
### Add to dataframe
res$intermediate$dat <- data.frame(res$intermediate$dat,
indexOfInfluentiality = rowSums(res$intermediate$influence.measures$is.inf));
### Generate scattermatrix showing index fo influentiality
res$output$plot <-
ggpairs(data=res$intermediate$dat[, c(res$intermediate$variableNames, 'indexOfInfluentiality')],
lower=list(continuous=function(data, mapping, ...) {
res <- ggplot(data=data, mapping=mapping) +
geom_point(position="jitter") +
scale_colour_gradient(low='green', high='red') +
### Conduct regression analyses for all levels of indexOfInfluentiality
### higher than 0
res$output$regrObjects <- list();
for (levelOfInfluentiality in sort(unique(res$intermediate$dat$indexOfInfluentiality), decreasing=TRUE)[
sort(unique(res$intermediate$dat$indexOfInfluentiality), decreasing=TRUE)>0]) {
res$output$regrObjects[[levelOfInfluentiality]] <-
data=res$intermediate$dat[res$intermediate$dat$indexOfInfluentiality <= levelOfInfluentiality, ]);
### Store dataframe with influential cases
res$output$dat.diagnostics <-
res$intermediate$dat[res$intermediate$dat$indexOfInfluentiality > 0, ];
class(res) <- 'regrInfluential';
print.regrInfluential <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nRegression analyses, repeated without influential cases:\n");
for (currentRegr in sort(1:length(x$output$regrObjects), decreasing=TRUE)) {
if (!is.null(x$output$regrObjects[[currentRegr]])) {
cat("\n-- Omitting all cases marked as influential by",
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