
Defines functions use_data_raw check_files_absent get_objs_from_dots use_data

Documented in use_data use_data_raw

#' Create package data
#' `use_data()` makes it easy to save package data in the correct format. I
#' recommend you save scripts that generate package data in `data-raw`: use
#' `use_data_raw()` to set it up. You also need to document exported datasets.
#' @param ... Unquoted names of existing objects to save.
#' @param internal If `FALSE`, saves each object in its own `.rda`
#'   file in the `data/` directory. These data files bypass the usual
#'   export mechanism and are available whenever the package is loaded
#'   (or via [data()] if `LazyData` is not true).
#'   If `TRUE`, stores all objects in a single `R/sysdata.rda` file.
#'   Objects in this file follow the usual export rules. Note that this means
#'   they will be exported if you are using the common `exportPattern()`
#'   rule which exports all objects except for those that start with `.`.
#' @param overwrite By default, `use_data()` will not overwrite existing
#'   files. If you really want to do so, set this to `TRUE`.
#' @param compress Choose the type of compression used by [save()].
#'   Should be one of "gzip", "bzip2", or "xz".
#' @param version The serialization format version to use. The default, 2, was
#'   the default format from R 1.4.0 to 3.5.3. Version 3 became the default from
#'   R 3.6.0 and can only be read by R versions 3.5.0 and higher.
#' @inheritParams base::save
#' @seealso The [data chapter](https://r-pkgs.org/data.html) of [R
#'   Packages](https://r-pkgs.org).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- 1:10
#' y <- 1:100
#' use_data(x, y) # For external use
#' use_data(x, y, internal = TRUE) # For internal use
#' }
use_data <- function(...,
                     internal = FALSE,
                     overwrite = FALSE,
                     compress = "bzip2",
                     version = 2,
                     ascii = FALSE) {

  objs <- get_objs_from_dots(dots(...))

  if (version < 3) {
    use_dependency("R", "depends", "2.10")
  } else {
    use_dependency("R", "depends", "3.5")
  if (internal) {
    paths <- path("R", "sysdata.rda")
    objs <- list(objs)
  } else {
    paths <- path("data", objs, ext = "rda")
    desc <- proj_desc()

    if (!desc$has_fields("LazyData")) {
      ui_done("Setting {ui_field('LazyData')} to \\
              {ui_value('true')} in {ui_path('DESCRIPTION')}")
      desc$set(LazyData = "true")
  check_files_absent(proj_path(paths), overwrite = overwrite)

  ui_done("Saving {ui_value(unlist(objs))} to {ui_value(paths)}")
  if (!internal) ui_todo("Document your data (see {ui_value('https://r-pkgs.org/data.html')})")

  envir <- parent.frame()
    list = objs,
    file = proj_path(paths),
    MoreArgs = list(envir = envir, compress = compress, version = version, ascii = ascii)


get_objs_from_dots <- function(.dots) {
  if (length(.dots) == 0L) {
    ui_stop("Nothing to save.")

  is_name <- vapply(.dots, is.symbol, logical(1))
  if (any(!is_name)) {
    ui_stop("Can only save existing named objects.")

  objs <- vapply(.dots, as.character, character(1))
  duplicated_objs <- which(stats::setNames(duplicated(objs), objs))
  if (length(duplicated_objs) > 0L) {
    objs <- unique(objs)
    ui_warn("Saving duplicates only once: {ui_value(names(duplicated_objs))}")

check_files_absent <- function(paths, overwrite) {
  if (overwrite) {

  ok <- !file_exists(paths)

  if (all(ok)) {

    {ui_path(paths[!ok])} already exist.,
    Use {ui_code('overwrite = TRUE')} to overwrite.

#' @param name Name of the dataset to be prepared for inclusion in the package.
#' @inheritParams use_template
#' @rdname use_data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' use_data_raw("daisy")
#' }
use_data_raw <- function(name = "DATASET", open = rlang::is_interactive()) {
  r_path <- path("data-raw", asciify(name), ext = "R")
  use_directory("data-raw", ignore = TRUE)

    save_as = r_path,
    data = list(name = name),
    ignore = FALSE,
    open = open

  ui_todo("Finish the data preparation script in {ui_value(r_path)}")
  ui_todo("Use {ui_code('usethis::use_data()')} to add prepared data to package")

Try the usethis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

usethis documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:23 p.m.