
Defines functions use_news_heading use_news_md

Documented in use_news_md

#' Create a simple `NEWS.md`
#' This creates a basic `NEWS.md` in the root directory.
#' @inheritParams use_template
#' @seealso The [other markdown files
#'   section](https://r-pkgs.org/other-markdown.html) of [R
#'   Packages](https://r-pkgs.org).
#' @export
use_news_md <- function(open = rlang::is_interactive()) {

  version <- if (is_dev_version()) "(development version)" else proj_version()

  on_cran <- !is.null(cran_version())

  if (on_cran) {
    init_bullet <- "Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package."
  } else {
    init_bullet <- "Initial CRAN submission."

    data = list(
      Package = project_name(),
      Version = version,
      InitialBullet = init_bullet
    open = open

  git_ask_commit("Add NEWS.md", untracked = TRUE, paths = "NEWS.md")

use_news_heading <- function(version) {
  news_path <- proj_path("NEWS.md")
  if (!file_exists(news_path)) {

  news <- read_utf8(news_path)
  title <- glue("# {project_name()} {version}")

  if (title == news[[1]]) {

  development_title <- glue("# {project_name()} (development version)")
  if (development_title == news[[1]]) {
    news[[1]] <- title

    ui_done("Replacing development heading in NEWS.md")
    return(write_utf8(news_path, news))

  ui_done("Adding new heading to NEWS.md")
  write_utf8(news_path, c(title, "", news))

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usethis documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:53 a.m.