#' Examine mappings between factor variables in a data-frame
#' \code{mappings} determines the mappings between factor variables in a data-frame
#' In preliminary data analysis prior to statistical modelling, it is often useful to investigate whether there are mappings between factor
#' variables in a data-frame in order to see if any of these factor variables are redundant (i.e., fully determined by other factor variables).
#' This function takes an input data-frame \code{data} and examines whether there are any mappings between the factor variables. (Note that
#' the function will interpret all character variables as factors but will not interpret numeric or logical variables as factors.) The output
#' is a list showing the uniqueness of the binary relations between the factor variables (a logical matrix showing left-uniqueness in the binary
#' relations), the mappings between factor variables, the redundant and non-redundant factor variables, and the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of
#' these mappings (the last element requires the user to have the \code{ggdag} package installed; it is omitted if the package is not installed).
#' If \code{plot = TRUE} the function also returns a plot of the DAG (if \code{ggdag} and \code{ggplot2} packages are installed).
#' Note that the function also allows the user to examine mappings between all variables in the data-frame (i.e., not just the factor variables)
#' by setting \code{all.vars = TRUE}. The output from this analysis should be interpreted with caution; one-to-one mappings between non-factor variables
#' are common (e.g., when two variables are continuous it is almost certain that they will be in a one-to-one mapping), and so the existence of a
#' mapping may not be indicative of variable redundancy.
#' Note on operation: If \code{na.rm = FALSE} then the function analyses the mappings between the factors/variables without removing NA values. In
#' this case an \code{NA} value is treated as a missing value that could be any outcome. Consequently, for purposes of determining whether there
#' is a mapping between the variables, an \code{NA} value is treated as if it were every possible value. The mapping is falsified if there are at
#' least two identical values in the domain (which may include one or more \code{NA} values) that map to different values in the codomain (which
#' may include one or more \code{NA} values).
#' @aliases
#' @param data A data-frame (or an object coercible to a data-frame)
#' @param na.rm Logical value; if \code{TRUE} the function removes \code{NA} values from consideration
#' @param all.vars Logical value; if \code{TRUE} the function only examines factor variables in the data-frame; if \code{FALSE} the function
#' examines all variables in the data-frame (caution is required in interpretation of output)
#' @param plot Logical value; if \code{TRUE} the function plots the DAG for the mappings (requires \code{ggplot2} and \code{ggdag} to work)
#' @return A list object of class 'mappings' giving information on the mappings between the variables
#' @examples
#' DATA <- data.frame(
#' VAR1 = c(0,1,2,2,0,1,2,0,0,1),
#' VAR2 = c('A','B','B','B','A','B','B','A','A','B'),
#' VAR3 = 1:10,
#' VAR4 = c('A','B','C','D','A','B','D','A','A','B'),
#' VAR5 = c(1:5,1:5)
#' )
#' # Apply mappings
#' mappings(DATA, all.vars = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
mappings <- function(data, na.rm = TRUE, all.vars = FALSE, plot = TRUE) {
#Extract data name
DATANAME <- deparse(substitute(data))
#Check input data
DATA <- data <-
if (! { stop('Error: Input is not a data frame') }
#Check input na.rm
if (!is.logical(na.rm)) { stop('Error: Input na.rm should be a logical value') }
if (length(na.rm) != 1) { stop('Error: Input na.rm should be a single logical value') }
#Check input all.vars
if (!is.logical(all.vars)) { stop('Error: Input all.vars should be a logical value') }
if (length(all.vars) != 1) { stop('Error: Input all.vars should be a single logical value') }
#Check input plot
if (!is.logical(plot)) { stop('Error: Input plot should be a logical value') }
if (length(plot) != 1) { stop('Error: Input plot should be a single logical value') }
#Record the factors in the data-frame and reduce to factors (if needed)
n <- ncol(data)
FACTORS <- rep(FALSE, n)
for (i in 1:n) { FACTORS[i] <- ((is.factor(data[, i]))|(is.character(data[, i]))) }
if (!all.vars) {
data <- data[, FACTORS]
n <- ncol(data) }
#Examine uniqueness relations and create output list
NAMES <- colnames(data)
UU <- array(NA, dim = c(n,n))
rownames(UU) <- NAMES
colnames(UU) <- NAMES
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
II <- data[,i]
JJ <- data[,j]
if (na.rm) {
REMOVE <- which(|
if (length(REMOVE) > 0) { II <- II[-REMOVE]; JJ <- JJ[-REMOVE] } }
while ((length(II) > 0) & LU) {
IND <- which(II == II[1])
IND.NA <- which(
if (length(unique(c(JJ[IND], JJ[IND.NA]))) > 1) { LU <- FALSE }
II <- II[-IND]; JJ <- JJ[-IND] }
UU[i,j] <- LU } }
attr(UU, 'factor') <- FACTORS
OUT <- list(uniqueness = UU)
for (i in 1:n) { UU[i,i] <- FALSE }
#Create vector of mappings
MAP <- character(0)
k <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
if (UU[i,j]) {
MAP[k+1] <- paste0(NAMES[i], " \U2192 ", NAMES[j])
k <- k+1 } } }
OUT$mappings <- MAP
#Compute redundancies
RED <- rep(FALSE, n)
for (i in 1:n) { RED[i] <- (sum(UU[FACTORS ,i]) > 0) }
OUT$factor.redundant <- colnames(UU)[FACTORS&RED]
OUT$factor.nonredundant <- colnames(UU)[FACTORS&(!RED)]
OUT$nonfactor <- colnames(UU)[!FACTORS]
#Add class and attributes
class(OUT) <- c('data.mappings', 'list')
attr(OUT, 'na.rm') <- na.rm
attr(OUT, 'all.vars') <- all.vars
attr(OUT, 'dataname') <- DATANAME
#Print plot if requested
if (plot) { }
#Return output
OUT } <- function(x, ...) {
object <- x
#Extract information
DATANAME <- attributes(object)$dataname
FACTORS <- attributes(object$uniqueness)$factor
NA.RM <- attributes(object)$na.rm
RED <- object$factor.redundant
NRED <- object$factor.nonredundant
VARS <- object$nonfactor
MM <- object$mappings
m <- length(MM)
n0 <- length(RED)
n1 <- length(NRED)
n2 <- length(VARS)
n <- n0 + n1
#Print title
cat('\n Mapping analysis for data-frame', DATANAME, 'containing ')
TYPE1 <- min(n, 2)
TYPE2 <- min(n2, 2)
if (TYPE1 == 1) { cat(n, 'factor ') }
if (TYPE1 == 2) { cat(n, 'factors ') }
if ((TYPE1 > 0)&(TYPE2 > 0)) { cat('and ') }
if (TYPE2 == 1) { cat(n2, 'non-factor variable ') }
if (TYPE2 == 2) { cat(n2, 'non-factor variables ') }
if (NA.RM) { cat('(analysis ignores NA values) \n') }
#Print results of mapping function
if (m == 0) { cat('There were no mappings identified \n \n') } else {
if (m == 1) { cat('There was one mapping identified: \n \n') } else {
cat('There were', m, 'mappings identified: \n \n') } }
#Print the mappings
if (m > 0){
ARROW.POSITION <- rep(0, m)
for (i in 1:m) { ARROW.POSITION[i] <- which(strsplit(MM[i], '')[[1]] == '\U2192') }
for (i in 1:m) {
START.SPACE <- strrep(' ', times = MAX.POSITION - ARROW.POSITION[i])
cat(' ', START.SPACE, MM[i], '\n') }
cat('\n') }
#Print the redundant factors
if (n0 > 0) {
cat('Redundant factors: \n \n')
for (i in 1:n0) { cat(' ', RED[i], '\n') }
cat('\n') }
#Print the nonredundant factors
if (n1 > 0) {
cat('Non-Redundant factors: \n \n')
for (i in 1:n1) { cat(' ', NRED[i], '\n') }
cat('\n') }
#Print the other variables
if (n2 > 0) {
cat('Other variables: \n \n')
for (i in 1:n2) { cat(' ', VARS[i], '\n') }
cat('\n') } }
#' Plot components from data mapping
#' This needs \code{ggplot2} and \code{ggdag} to function correctly.
#' @param x a data mapping
#' @param node.size node size
#' @param text.size label size for a node
#' @param line.width line width
#' @param ... not used
#' @returns nothing
#' <- function(x, node.size = 1, text.size = 1, line.width = 1, ...) {
object <- x
#Check inputs
if (!('data.mappings' %in% class(object))) { stop('Error: This print method is for data.mappings objects') }
if (!is.vector(node.size)) { stop('Error: Input node.size should be a single positive value') }
if (!is.numeric(node.size)) { stop('Error: Input node.size should be a single positive value') }
if (length(node.size) != 1) { stop('Error: Input node.size should be a single positive value') }
if (node.size <= 0) { stop('Error: Input node.size should be a single positive value') }
if (!is.vector(text.size)) { stop('Error: Input text.size should be a single positive value') }
if (!is.numeric(text.size)) { stop('Error: Input text.size should be a single positive value') }
if (length(text.size) != 1) { stop('Error: Input text.size should be a single positive value') }
if (text.size <= 0) { stop('Error: Input text.size should be a single positive value') }
if (!is.vector(line.width)) { stop('Error: Input line.width should be a single positive value') }
if (!is.numeric(line.width)) { stop('Error: Input line.width should be a single positive value') }
if (length(line.width) != 1) { stop('Error: Input line.width should be a single positive value') }
if (line.width <= 0) { stop('Error: Input line.width should be a single positive value') }
#Extract information
DATANAME <- attributes(object)$dataname
FACTORS <- attributes(object$uniqueness)$factor
ALL.VARS <- attributes(object)$all.vars
NA.RM <- attributes(object)$na.rm
MM <- object$mappings
m <- length(MM)
if (m == 0) {
message('There were no mappings to print')
} else {
#Check installed packages and load them
GGDAG <- requireNamespace('ggdag', quietly = TRUE)
GGPLOT2 <- requireNamespace('ggplot2', quietly = TRUE)
if (!GGDAG) { stop('Error: Plotting a data.mappings object requires the ggdag package') }
if (!GGPLOT2) { stop('Error: Plotting a data.mappings object requires the ggplot2 package') }
#Create directed acyclic graph (DAG)
UU <- object$uniqueness
NAMES <- colnames(UU)
n <- length(NAMES)
for (i in 1:n) { UU[i,i] <- FALSE }
FORMULAS <- list()
k <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
if (UU[i,j]) {
k <- k+1
FORMULAS[[k]] <- as.formula(paste0(NAMES[j], " ~ ", NAMES[i])) } } }
DAG <- ggdag::tidy_dagitty(DAG)
nnn <- DAG$data$name
DAG$data$Type <- 'Other Variable'
for (i in 1:length(nnn)) {
if (nnn[i] %in% object$factor.redundant) { DAG$data$Type[i] <- 'Redundant Factor' }
if (nnn[i] %in% object$factor.nonredundant) { DAG$data$Type[i] <- 'Non-Redundant Factor' } }
#Create the plot
SUBTITLE <- ifelse(ALL.VARS, ifelse(NA.RM, paste0('(Mappings for all variables in data-frame ', DATANAME, ' --- Analysis ignores NA values) \n'),
paste0('(Mappings for all variables in data-frame ', DATANAME, ') \n')),
ifelse(NA.RM, paste0('(Mappings for all factor variables in data-frame ', DATANAME, ' --- Analysis ignores NA values) \n'),
paste0('(Mappings for all variables in data-frame ', DATANAME, ') \n')))
PLOT <- ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend", colour = "Type"), data = DAG) +
ggdag::geom_dag_point(size = 20*sqrt(node.size)) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(breaks = c('Redundant Factor', 'Non-Redundant Factor', 'Other Variable'),
values = c('green3', 'darkgreen', 'cornflowerblue')) +
ggdag::geom_dag_edges(edge_width = 0.5*line.width) +
ggdag::geom_dag_text(size = 4*sqrt(text.size), colour = 'white') +
ggdag::theme_dag() +
ggplot2::guides(colour = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 10))) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(), legend.position = 'bottom') +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 18, face = 'bold'),
plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10, face = 'bold')) +
ggplot2::ggtitle('Variable Mapping Plot') +
ggplot2::labs(subtitle = SUBTITLE)
#Print the plot
return(PLOT) } }
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