## labeling
pexpand <- function(par, len, default_value, default_names, choices = NULL) {
if (is.null(par))
par <- default_value
nam <- names(par)
if (!is.null(choices))
par <- sapply(par, match.arg, choices)
if (is.null(nam)) {
default_value <- par
par <- rep(par, length.out = len)
nam <- names(par) <- default_names
} else if (length(nam[nam == ""])) {
default_value <- par[nam == ""]
nam <- nam[nam != ""]
ret <- rep(default_value, length.out = len)
if (!is.null(nam)) {
names(ret) <- default_names
ret[nam] <- par[nam]
labeling_list <- function(gp_text = gpar(),
just = "left",
pos = "left",
lsep = ": ", sep = " ",
offset = unit(c(2, 2), "lines"),
varnames = TRUE,
cols = 2,
...) {
function(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix = "") {
if (is.table(d) || is.structable(d))
d <- dimnames(d)
ld <- length(d)
labeling_border(labels = FALSE, varnames = varnames)(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "margin_bottom", sep = ""))
pos <- unit(switch(pos, left = 0, center = 0.5, 1) / cols, "npc")
ind <- split(seq(ld),, ceiling(ld / cols))[seq(ld)])
for (i in seq_along(ind))
grid.text(x = offset[1] + pos + unit((i - 1) / cols, "npc"),
y = unit(1, "npc") - offset[2],
sapply(d[ind[[i]]], paste, collapse = sep),
sep = lsep,
collapse = "\n"
just = c(just, "top"),
gp = gp_text
class(labeling_list) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_conditional <- function(...) {
function (d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix = "") {
if (is.table(d) || is.structable(d))
d <- dimnames(d)
v <-, length(d))
v[seq(condvars)] <- FALSE
labeling_border(labels = !v, ...)(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
labeling_cells(labels = v, ...)(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
class(labeling_conditional) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_cells <- function(labels = TRUE, varnames = TRUE,
abbreviate_labels = FALSE, abbreviate_varnames = FALSE,
gp_text = gpar(), lsep = ": ", lcollapse = "\n",
just = "center", pos = "center", rot = 0,
margin = unit(0.5, "lines"), clip_cells = TRUE,
text = NULL, ...) {
function(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix = "") {
if (is.table(d) || is.structable(d))
d <- dimnames(d)
dn <- names(d)
ld <- length(d)
## expand parameters
if (length(pos) < 2) pos <- c(pos, pos)
labels <- pexpand(labels, ld, TRUE, dn)
varnames <- pexpand(varnames, ld, TRUE, dn)
abbreviate_labels <- pexpand(abbreviate_labels, ld, FALSE, dn)
abbreviate_varnames <- pexpand(abbreviate_varnames, ld, FALSE, dn)
## margin
if (!is.unit(margin))
margin <- unit(margin, "lines")
prvars <- ifelse(abbreviate_varnames,
function(i) abbreviate(dn[i], abbreviate_varnames[i])),
prvars <- ifelse(varnames, paste(prvars, lsep, sep = ""), "")
if (is.structable(text))
text <- as.table(text)
## draw labels
split <- function(vind = 1, labs = c()) {
n <- d[[vind]]
for (labind in seq_along(n)) {
lab <- c(labs, n[labind])
names(lab) <- names(d)[1:vind]
mlab <- paste(prefix, "cell:", paste(dn[1:vind], lab, sep = "=", collapse = ","),
sep = "")
if (vind < ld)
split(vind + 1, lab)
else {
pushViewport(viewport(width = max(unit(0, "npc"), unit(1, "npc") - 2 * margin),
height = unit(1, "npc") - 2 * margin,
clip = clip_cells))
txt <- if (!is.null(text)) {
lab <- lab[names(dimnames(text))]"[", c(list(text), as.list(lab)))
} else {
prlab <- ifelse(abbreviate_labels,
function(i) abbreviate(lab[i], abbreviate_labels[i])),
prlab <- prlab[labels[1:ld]]
paste(prvars[labels[1:ld]], prlab, sep = "", collapse = lcollapse)
grid.text(if(! txt,
x = switch(pos[1], left =, top = 0, center = 0.5, 1),
y = switch(pos[2], left =, top = 1, center = 0.5, 0),
gp = gp_text, just = just, rot = rot)
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "base", sep = ""))
class(labeling_cells) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_border <- function(labels = TRUE, varnames = labels,
set_labels = NULL, set_varnames = NULL,
tl_labels = NULL, alternate_labels = FALSE,
tl_varnames = NULL,
gp_labels = gpar(fontsize = 12),
gp_varnames = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = 2),
rot_labels = c(0, 90, 0, 90),
rot_varnames = c(0, 90, 0, 90),
pos_labels = "center", pos_varnames = "center",
just_labels = "center", just_varnames = pos_varnames,
boxes = FALSE, fill_boxes = FALSE,
offset_labels = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
offset_varnames = offset_labels,
labbl_varnames = NULL,
labels_varnames = FALSE, sep = ": ",
abbreviate_labs = FALSE, rep = TRUE,
clip = FALSE, ...
) {
## expand parameters that apply to the four table margins
pos_labels <- pexpand(pos_labels, 4, "center", c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
c("left", "center", "right"))
just_labels <- pexpand(just_labels, 4, "center", c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
c("left", "center", "right"))
offset_varnames <- if (!is.unit(offset_varnames))
unit(pexpand(offset_varnames, 4,, 4), c("top","right","bottom","left")), "lines")
rep(offset_varnames, length.out = 4)
offset_labels <- if (!is.unit(offset_labels))
unit(pexpand(offset_labels, 4,, 4), c("top","right","bottom","left")), "lines")
rep(offset_labels, length.out = 4)
rot_labels <- pexpand(rot_labels, 4, c(0, 90, 0, 90),
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"))
if (inherits(gp_varnames, "gpar"))
gp_varnames <- list(gp_varnames)
gp_varnames <- pexpand(gp_varnames, 4, list(gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = 2)),
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"))
rot_varnames <- pexpand(rot_varnames, 4, c(0, 90, 0, 90),
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"))
pos_varnames <- pexpand(pos_varnames, 4, "center",
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
c("left", "center", "right"))
just_varnames <- pexpand(just_varnames, 4, pos_varnames,
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
c("left", "center", "right"))
function(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix = "") {
if (is.table(d) || is.structable(d))
d <- dimnames(d)
dn <- names(d)
ld <- length(d)
## expand table- (i.e., dimensionality)-dependent parameters
clip <- pexpand(clip, ld, TRUE, dn)
labels <- pexpand(labels, ld, TRUE, dn)
labels_varnames <- pexpand(labels_varnames, ld, FALSE, dn)
## tl_labels
def <- logical()
def[split_vertical] <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = sum(split_vertical))
def[!split_vertical] <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = sum(!split_vertical))
tl_labels <- if (is.null(tl_labels))
pexpand(tl_labels, ld, def, dn)
## rep labels
rep <- pexpand(rep, ld, TRUE, dn)
printed <- lapply(d, function(i), length(i)))
## alternate labels
alternate_labels <- pexpand(alternate_labels, ld, FALSE, dn)
## abbreviate
abbreviate_labs <- pexpand(abbreviate_labs, ld, FALSE, dn)
labs <- d
for (i in seq_along(d))
if (abbreviate_labs[i])
labs[[i]] <- abbreviate(labs[[i]], abbreviate_labs[i])
## gp_labels
if (inherits(gp_labels, "gpar"))
gp_labels <- list(gp_labels)
gp_labels <- pexpand(gp_labels, ld, list(gpar(fontsize = 12)), dn)
## varnames
varnames <- pexpand(varnames, ld, labels, dn)
## tl_varnames
if (is.null(tl_varnames) && is.null(labbl_varnames))
tl_varnames <- tl_labels
tl_varnames <- pexpand(tl_varnames, ld, tl_labels, dn)
## labbl_varnames
if (!is.null(labbl_varnames))
labbl_varnames <- pexpand(labbl_varnames, ld, TRUE, dn)
## boxes
boxes <- pexpand(boxes, ld, FALSE, dn)
## fill_boxes
dnl <- sapply(d, length)
fill_boxes <- if (is.atomic(fill_boxes)) {
fill_boxes <- if (is.logical(fill_boxes))
ifelse(pexpand(fill_boxes, ld, FALSE, dn), "grey", NA)
pexpand(fill_boxes, ld, "grey", dn)
col <- rgb2hsv(col2rgb(fill_boxes))
lapply(seq(along.with = dnl),
function(i) if ([i])) "white" else
hsv(h = col["h",i],
s = col["s",i],
v = seq(from = col["v",i],
to = 0.5 * col["v",i],
length.out = dnl[i])
} else {
fill_boxes <- pexpand(fill_boxes, ld, "white", dn)
function(i) pexpand(fill_boxes[[i]], dnl[i], "white", d[[i]])
## precompute spaces
lsp <- tsp <- bsp <- rsp <- 0
labsp <-, ld)
for (i in seq_along(dn)[tl_labels & labels])
labsp[i] <- if (split_vertical[i]) {
if (alternate_labels[i]) bsp <- bsp - 1
tsp <- tsp + 1
} else {
if (alternate_labels[i]) rsp <- rsp + 1
lsp <- lsp - 1
for (i in rev(seq_along(dn)[!tl_labels & labels]))
labsp[i] <- if (split_vertical[i]) {
if (alternate_labels[i]) tsp <- tsp + 1
bsp <- bsp - 1
} else {
if (alternate_labels[i]) lsp <- lsp - 1
rsp <- rsp + 1
if(is.null(labbl_varnames)) {
## varnames in the outer margin
## compute axis names
tt <- bt <- lt <- rt <- ""
for (i in seq_along(dn)) {
var <- if (!is.null(set_varnames) && ![dn[i]]))
if (varnames[i]) {
if (split_vertical[i]) {
if (tl_varnames[i])
tt <- paste(tt, var, sep = if (tt == "") "" else " / ")
bt <- paste(bt, var, sep = if (bt == "") "" else " / ")
} else {
if (tl_varnames[i])
lt <- paste(lt, var, sep = if (lt == "") "" else " / ")
rt <- paste(rt, var, sep = if (rt == "") "" else " / ")
## draw axis names
if (tt != "")
grid.text(tt, y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(tsp + 1, "lines") + offset_varnames[1],
x = switch(pos_varnames[1], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1),
rot = rot_varnames[1], just = just_varnames[1], gp = gp_varnames[[1]])
if (bt != "")
grid.text(bt, y = unit(bsp - 1, "lines") + -1 * offset_varnames[3],
x = switch(pos_varnames[3], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1),
rot = rot_varnames[3], just = just_varnames[3], gp = gp_varnames[[3]])
if (lt != "")
grid.text(lt, x = unit(lsp - 1, "lines") + -1 * offset_varnames[4],
y = switch(pos_varnames[4], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1),
rot = rot_varnames[4], just = just_varnames[4], gp = gp_varnames[[4]])
if (rt != "")
grid.text(rt, x = unit(1, "npc") + unit(rsp + 1, "lines") + offset_varnames[2],
y = switch(pos_varnames[2], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1),
rot = rot_varnames[2], just = just_varnames[2], gp = gp_varnames[[2]])
} else {
## varnames beneath labels
for (i in seq_along(dn)) {
var <- if (!is.null(set_varnames) && ![dn[i]]))
if (varnames[i]) {
if (split_vertical[i]) {
if (tl_labels[i]) {
if (labbl_varnames[i]) {
y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(1 + tsp - labsp[i], "lines") + offset_varnames[1],
x = unit(-0.5, "lines"),
just = "right", gp = gp_varnames[[4]])
} else {
grid.text(var, y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(1 + tsp - labsp[i], "lines") + offset_varnames[1],
x = unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.5, "lines"),
just = "left", gp = gp_varnames[[2]])
} else {
if (labbl_varnames[i]) {
grid.text(var, y = unit(labsp[i], "lines") + -1 * offset_varnames[3],
x = unit(-0.5, "lines"), just = "right",
gp = gp_varnames[[4]])
} else {
grid.text(var, y = unit(labsp[i], "lines") + -1 * offset_varnames[3],
x = unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.5, "lines"),
just = "left", gp = gp_varnames[[2]])
} else {
if (tl_labels[i]) {
if (labbl_varnames[i]) {
grid.text(var, x = unit(lsp - 1 - labsp[i], "lines") + -1 * offset_varnames[4],
y = unit(-0.5, "lines"), just = "right", rot = 90,
gp = gp_varnames[[4]])
} else {
grid.text(var, x = unit(lsp - 1 - labsp[i], "lines") + -1 * offset_varnames[4],
y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.5, "lines"),
just = "left", rot = 90, gp = gp_varnames[[2]])
} else {
if (labbl_varnames[i]) {
grid.text(var, x = unit(1, "npc") + unit(labsp[i], "lines") + offset_varnames[2],
y = unit(-0.5, "lines"),
just = "right", rot = 90, gp = gp_varnames[[4]])
} else {
grid.text(var, x = unit(1, "npc") + unit(labsp[i], "lines") + offset_varnames[2],
y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.5, "lines"),
just = "left", rot = 90, gp = gp_varnames[[2]])
## draw labels
split <- function(vind = 1, root = paste(prefix, "cell:", sep = ""),
left = TRUE, right = TRUE, top = TRUE, bottom = TRUE) {
n <- d[[vind]]
vl <- length(n)
sp <- split_vertical[vind]
labseq <- seq_along(n)
if (!sp) labseq <- rev(labseq)
for (labind in labseq) {
mlab <- paste(root, dn[vind], "=", n[labind], sep = "")
if (labels[vind] && (rep[vind] || !printed[[vind]][labind])) {
lab <- if (!is.null(set_labels) && !is.null(set_labels[[dn[vind]]]))
if (labels_varnames[vind])
lab <- if (!is.null(set_varnames) && ![dn[vind]]))
paste(set_varnames[dn[vind]], lab, sep = sep)
paste(dn[vind], lab, sep = sep)
if (sp) {
if (tl_labels[vind]) {
if (top) {
if (clip[vind])
pushViewport(viewport(height = unit(1, "npc") + 2 * offset_labels[1] +
unit(2 * (2 + tsp - labsp[vind]), "lines"),
clip = "on"))
if (boxes[vind])
grid.rect(height = unit(0.8, "lines"),
y = unit(1, "npc") + offset_labels[1] +
unit(1 + tsp - labsp[vind] - (2 + as.numeric(offset_labels[1]) + tsp - labsp[vind]) * clip[vind], "lines"),
gp = gpar(fill = fill_boxes[[vind]][labind]))
y = unit(1, "npc") + offset_labels[1] +
unit(1 + tsp - labsp[vind] - (2 + as.numeric(offset_labels[1]) + tsp - labsp[vind]) * clip[vind], "lines"),
x = unit(0.15 * switch(pos_labels[1], left =, bottom = 1, center =, centre = 0, -1) * boxes[vind], "lines") +
unit(switch(pos_labels[1], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1), "npc"),
rot = rot_labels[1], just = just_labels[1],
gp = gp_labels[[vind]])
if (clip[vind]) popViewport()
printed[[vind]][labind] <<- TRUE
} else {
if (bottom) {
if (clip[vind])
pushViewport(viewport(height = unit(1, "npc") + 2 * offset_labels[3] +
unit(2 * (1 + abs(labsp[vind])), "lines"),
clip = "on"))
if (boxes[vind])
grid.rect(height = unit(0.8, "lines"),
y = -1 * offset_labels[3] + unit(labsp[vind] + (1 + as.numeric(offset_labels[3]) + abs(labsp[vind])) * clip[vind], "lines"),
gp = gpar(fill = fill_boxes[[vind]][labind]))
y = -1 * offset_labels[3] + unit(labsp[vind] + (1 + as.numeric(offset_labels[3]) + abs(labsp[vind])) * clip[vind], "lines"),
x = unit(0.15 * switch(pos_labels[3], left =, bottom = 1, center =, centre = 0, -1) * boxes[vind], "lines") +
unit(switch(pos_labels[3], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1), "npc"),
rot = rot_labels[3], just = just_labels[3],
gp = gp_labels[[vind]])
if (clip[vind]) popViewport()
printed[[vind]][labind] <<- TRUE
} else {
if (tl_labels[vind]) {
if (left) {
if (clip[vind])
pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "npc") + 2 * offset_labels[4] +
unit(2 * (2 - lsp + labsp[vind]), "lines"),
clip = "on"))
if (boxes[vind])
grid.rect(width = unit(0.8, "lines"),
x = -1 * offset_labels[4] + unit(lsp - 1 - labsp[vind] + (2 - lsp + as.numeric(offset_labels[4]) + labsp[vind]) * clip[vind], "lines"),
gp = gpar(fill = fill_boxes[[vind]][labind]))
x = -1 * offset_labels[4] + unit(lsp - 1 - labsp[vind] + (2 - lsp + as.numeric(offset_labels[4]) + labsp[vind]) * clip[vind], "lines"),
y = unit(0.15 * switch(pos_labels[4], left =, bottom = 1, centre = 0, -1) * boxes[vind], "lines") +
unit(switch(pos_labels[4], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1), "npc"),
rot = rot_labels[4], just = just_labels[4],
gp = gp_labels[[vind]])
if (clip[vind]) popViewport()
printed[[vind]][labind] <<- TRUE
} else {
if (right) {
if (clip[vind])
pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "npc") + 2 * offset_labels[2] +
unit(2 * (1 + abs(labsp[vind])), "lines"),
clip = "on"))
if (boxes[vind])
grid.rect(width = unit(0.8, "lines"),
x = offset_labels[2] + unit(1, "npc") +
unit(labsp[vind] - (1 + as.numeric(offset_labels[2]) + abs(labsp[vind])) * clip[vind], "lines"),
gp = gpar(fill = fill_boxes[[vind]][labind]))
x = offset_labels[2] + unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.1, "lines") +
unit(labsp[vind] - (1 + as.numeric(offset_labels[2]) + abs(labsp[vind])) * clip[vind], "lines"),
y = unit(0.15 * switch(pos_labels[2], left =, bottom = 1, center =, centre = 0, -1) * boxes[vind], "lines") +
unit(switch(pos_labels[2], left =, bottom = 0, center =, centre = 0.5, 1), "npc"),
rot = rot_labels[2], just = just_labels[2],
gp = gp_labels[[vind]])
if (clip[vind]) popViewport()
printed[[vind]][labind] <<- TRUE
if (vind < ld) Recall(vind + 1, paste(mlab, ",", sep = ""),
if (sp) left && labind == 1 else left,
if (sp) right && labind == vl else right,
if (!sp) top && labind == 1 else top,
if (!sp) bottom && labind == vl else bottom)
## patch for alternating labels, part 1
if (any(alternate_labels)) {
## save set_labels
set_labels_hold <- set_labels
## create vanilla set_labels-object
set_labels <- d
## copy old set_labels
if (!is.null(set_labels_hold))
set_labels[names(set_labels_hold)] <- set_labels_hold
## mask half of the labels
for (i in which(alternate_labels))
if (length(d[[i]]) > 1)
set_labels[[i]][seq(2, length(d[[i]]), 2)] <- ""
## patch for alternating labels, part 2
if (any(alternate_labels)) {
## create again vanilla set_labels-object
set_labels <- d
## copy again old set_labels
if (!is.null(set_labels_hold))
set_labels[names(set_labels_hold)] <- set_labels_hold
## clear all non-alternated labels
labels[!alternate_labels] <- FALSE
## mask other half of alternated labels
for (i in which(alternate_labels))
set_labels[[i]][seq(1, length(d[[i]]), 2)] <- ""
## invert tl_labels and labsp
tl_labels <- ! tl_labels
labsp <- -labsp
## label again
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "base", sep = ""))
class(labeling_border) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_doubledecker <- function(lab_pos = c("bottom", "top"),
dep_varname = TRUE,
boxes = NULL,
clip = NULL,
labbl_varnames = FALSE,
rot_labels =, 4),
pos_labels = c("left", "center", "left", "center"),
just_labels = c("left", "left", "left", "center"),
varnames = NULL,
gp_varnames = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = 2),
offset_varnames = c(0, -0.6, 0, 0),
tl_labels = NULL,
...) {
lab_pos <- match.arg(lab_pos)
if (inherits(gp_varnames, "gpar"))
gp_varnames <- list(gp_varnames)
gp_varnames <- pexpand(gp_varnames, 4, list(gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = 2)), c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"))
function(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix = "") {
if (is.table(d) || is.structable(d))
d <- dimnames(d)
ld <- length(d)
dn <- names(d)
## expand dimension parameters
boxes <- pexpand(boxes, ld, c(, ld - 1), FALSE), dn)
clip <- pexpand(clip, ld, c(, ld - 1), FALSE), dn)
varnames <- pexpand(varnames, ld, c(, ld - 1), FALSE), dn)
tl_labels <- pexpand(tl_labels, ld, c( == "top", ld - 1), FALSE), dn)
if (!is.null(labbl_varnames))
labbl_varnames <- pexpand(labbl_varnames, ld, FALSE, dn)
## expand side parameters
rot_labels <- pexpand(rot_labels, 4, c(0, 0, 0, 0),
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"))
pos_labels <- pexpand(pos_labels, 4,
c("left", "center", "left", "center"),
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
c("left", "center", "right"))
just_labels <- pexpand(just_labels, 4,
c("left", "left", "left", "center"),
c("top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
c("left", "center", "right"))
offset_varnames <- if (!is.unit(offset_varnames))
unit(pexpand(offset_varnames, 4,
c(0, -0.6, 0, 0),
c("top","right","bottom","left")), "lines")
rep(offset_varnames, length.out = 4)
labeling_border(boxes = boxes,
clip = clip,
labbl_varnames = labbl_varnames,
rot_labels = rot_labels,
pos_labels = pos_labels,
just_labels = just_labels,
varnames = varnames,
gp_varnames = gp_varnames,
offset_varnames = offset_varnames,
tl_labels = tl_labels,
)(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
if (!(is.logical(dep_varname) && !dep_varname)) {
if (is.null(dep_varname) || is.logical(dep_varname))
dep_varname <- names(d)[length(d)]
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "margin_right", sep = ""))
x = unit(0.5, "lines"), y = unit(1, "npc"), just = c("left","top"),
gp = gp_varnames[[2]])
class(labeling_doubledecker) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_left <- function(rep = FALSE, pos_varnames = "left",
pos_labels = "left", just_labels = "left", ...)
labeling_border(rep = rep, pos_varnames = pos_varnames,
pos_labels = pos_labels, just_labels = just_labels, ...)
class(labeling_left) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_left2 <- function(tl_labels = TRUE, clip = TRUE, pos_varnames = "left",
pos_labels = "left", just_labels = "left", ...)
labeling_border(tl_labels = tl_labels, clip = clip, pos_varnames = pos_varnames,
pos_labels = pos_labels, just_labels = just_labels, ...)
class(labeling_left2) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_cboxed <- function(tl_labels = TRUE, boxes = TRUE, clip = TRUE, pos_labels = "center", ...)
labeling_border(tl_labels = tl_labels, boxes = boxes, clip = clip, pos_labels = pos_labels, ...)
class(labeling_cboxed) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_lboxed <- function(tl_labels = FALSE, boxes = TRUE, clip = TRUE, pos_labels = "left", just_labels = "left", labbl_varnames = FALSE, ...)
labeling_border(tl_labels = tl_labels, boxes = boxes, clip = clip, pos_labels = pos_labels, labbl_varnames = labbl_varnames, just_labels = just_labels, ...)
class(labeling_lboxed) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_values <-
function(value_type = c("observed", "expected", "residuals"),
suppress = NULL, digits = 1, clip_cells = FALSE, ...)
value_type <- match.arg(value_type)
if (value_type == "residuals" && is.null(suppress))
suppress <- 2
if (is.null(suppress))
suppress <- 0
if (length(suppress) == 1)
suppress <- c(-suppress, suppress)
function(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix) {
lookup <- if (value_type == "observed") "x" else value_type
if (!exists(lookup, envir = parent.frame()))
stop(paste("Could not find", dQuote(value_type), "object."))
values <- get(lookup, envir = parent.frame())
values <- ifelse((values > suppress[2]) | (values < suppress[1]),
round(values, digits), NA)
labeling_border(...)(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
labeling_cells(text = values, clip_cells = clip_cells, ...)(d, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
class(labeling_values) <- "grapcon_generator"
labeling_residuals <-
function(suppress = NULL, digits = 1, clip_cells = FALSE, ...)
labeling_values(value_type = "residuals", suppress = suppress,
digits = digits, clip_cells = clip_cells, ...)
class(labeling_residuals) <- "grapcon_generator"
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