
Defines functions tvcm_control tvcm tvcglm_control tvcglm tvcolmm_control tvcolmm

Documented in tvcglm tvcglm_control tvcm tvcm_control tvcolmm tvcolmm_control

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:      Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:      rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:        2017-08-19
## Description:
## The 'tvcm' function
## tvcolmm         convenience function for 'tvcm'
## tvcolmm_control control function for 'tvcolmm'
## tvcglm          convenience function for 'tvcm'
## tvcglm_control  control function for 'tvglm'
## tvcm            the main fitting function
## tvcm_control    control function for 'tvcm'
## Last modifications:
## 2017-08-19: allow for '...' in 'fvcolmm_control' and 'fvcglm_control'
## 2017-08-17: simplify functions 'tvcolmm_control' and 'tvcglm_control'.
## 2017-08-14: add better check for if 'by' variables are numeric 
## 2017-08-12: added 'verbose' argument to 'tvcglm_control' and
##             'tvcolmm_control' 
## 2017-01-19: added the argument 'fitargs'
## 2015-12-28: added the argument 'fast' to 'tvcglm_control'.
## 2015-11-31: enable the setting 'mtry <- Inf'
## 2015-10-30: set default 'na.action = na.omit' on 'tvcm'
## 2015-06-01: - give a warning when no 'vc' terms are specified.
## 2014-12-08: - enable 'sctest = FALSE' in 'tvcolmm_control'
##             - remove checks on length of argument list, which is
##               not necessary because R assigns the argument names
##               automatically
## 2014-11-05: - set seed at start of 'tvcm' and re-establish old seed
##               at the end
## 2014-10-23: - improved extraction of fitting arguments (see 'fitargs')
##             - added 'tvcolmm_control' and 'tvcglm_control' to better
##               distinguish between the articles.
## 2014-09-20: - add argument 'ninupute' the 'tvcm_control'
## 2014-09-19: - do not call 'cvloss' if no varying coefficients
## 2014-09-17: - defined definition of penalization
##             - deleted parameter 'maxoverstep'
##             - added parameters 'mindev', 'cp'
## 2014-09-08: - resolved a problem with 'offset'
##             - removed the environment from the model, which
##               require a lot of memory
## 2014-09-06: - incorporate automatic cross-validation and pruning
## 2014-09-04: - assign only those arguments of '...' to 'fit'
##               that appear in 'formals(fit)'
## 2014-08-02: - the 'formula' slot is now a list of formulas as
##               produced by 'vcrpart_formula'. The modification
##               was due to acceleration techniques ('vcrpart_formula'
##               is usually slow!)
## 2014-08-29: - implement adjustment of deviance by number
##               of predictor of coefficient-group
## 2014-07-31: - set 'sctest = FALSE' as the default
##             - return an error if multiple trees and 'sctest = TRUE'
##             - check if global intercept is removed if
##               intercepts are tested with coef. const. tests
##             - add new arguments 'dfsplit' and 'maxoverstep'
##               to 'tvcm_control'
##             - add new stopping criteria based on 'dfsplit'
##               and 'maxoverstep'
## 2014-06-26: incorporate new function 'tvcm_grow_setsplits'
## 2014-06-16: allow coefficient-wise trees
## To do:
## -
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

tvcolmm <- function(formula, data, family = cumulative(),
                    weights, subset, offset, na.action = na.omit,
                    control = tvcolmm_control(), ...) {
    mc <- match.call()
    mc[[1L]] <- as.name("tvcm")
    if (!"family" %in% names(mc) &
        (length(mc) < 4L |
         length(mc) >= 4L &&
         !inherits(eval.parent(mc[[4L]]), "family.olmm")))
        mc$family <- formals(tvcolmm)$family
    if (!"control" %in% names(mc) &
        (length(mc) < 9L |
         length(mc) >= 9L &&
         !inherits(eval.parent(mc[[4L]]), "tvcm_control")))
        mc$control <- formals(tvcolmm)$control
    mc$fit <- "olmm"

tvcolmm_control <- function(sctest = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, bonferroni = TRUE,
                            minsize = 50, maxnomsplit = 5, maxordsplit = 9,
                            maxnumsplit = 9, fast = TRUE,
                            trim = 0.1, estfun.args = list(), nimpute = 5,
                            seed = NULL, maxstep = 1e3,
                            verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    ## get call
    mc <- match.call()
    ## build call for 'tvcm_control'
    mc[[1L]] <- as.name("tvcm_control")
    def <- formals(tvcolmm_control) # get defaults
    def[names(def) == "..."] <- NULL
    def <- lapply(def, function(x) if (is.name(x)) eval(x) else x)
    mc[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))] <- def[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))]

tvcglm <- function(formula, data, family,
                   weights, subset, offset, na.action = na.omit,
                   control = tvcglm_control(), ...) { 
    mc <- match.call()
    mc[[1L]] <- as.name("tvcm")
    if (!"control" %in% names(mc))
        mc$control <- formals(tvcglm)$control
    if ("fit" %in% names(list(...)))
        warning("inputs for 'fit' in 'tvcglm' are ignored. ",
                "'fit' is set to 'glm'.")
    mc$fit <- "glm"

tvcglm_control <- function(minsize = 30, mindev = 2.0,
                           maxnomsplit = 5, maxordsplit = 9, maxnumsplit = 9,
                           cv = TRUE, folds = folds_control("kfold", 5),
                           prune = cv, fast = TRUE, center = fast,
                           maxstep = 1e3, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    ## get call
    mc <- match.call()
    ## checks
    if (!is.null(mc$sctest) && mc$sctest && (cv | mindev > 0))
        warning("'sctest = TRUE' is typically used in conjunction with ",
                "'cv = FALSE' and 'mindev = 0.0'.")
    ## build call for 'tvcm_control'
    mc <- match.call()
    mc[[1L]] <- as.name("tvcm_control")
    def <- formals(tvcglm_control) # get defaults
    def[names(def) == "..."] <- NULL
    def <- lapply(def, function(x) if (is.name(x)) eval(x) else x)
    mc[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))] <- def[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))]

tvcm <- function(formula, data, fit, family, 
                 weights, subset, offset, na.action = na.omit,
                 control = tvcm_control(),
                 fitargs, ...) {
    ## get specified arguments
    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    ## check and set arguments  
    if (control$verbose) cat("* checking arguments ... ")
    stopifnot(inherits(formula, "formula"))
    stopifnot(inherits(control, "tvcm_control"))
    ## set seed
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) runif(1)
    oldSeed <- get(".Random.seed", mode = "numeric", envir = globalenv())
    if (!is.null(control$seed)) set.seed(control$seed)
    RNGstate <- .Random.seed
    ## check and set 'family'
    if (missing(family)) stop("no 'family'.")
    if (is.character(family)) {
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
    } else if (is.function(family)) {
        family <- family()
    if (!class(family) %in% c("family", "family.olmm"))
        stop("'family' not recognized")
    ## check and set 'fit'
    if (missing(fit)) {
        if (missing(family)) stop("no 'family'.")
        fit <- switch(class(family),
                      family.olmm = "olmm",
                      family = "glm",
                      stop("no 'fit' function"))
    } else {
        if (is.function(fit)) fit <- deparse(mc$fit)
    if (!fit %in% c("glm", "olmm")) stop("'fit' not recognized.")
    if (fit != "olmm") control$estfun <- NULL
    ## check and set 'fitargs'
    if (missing(fitargs)) {
        fitargs <- list()
    } else {
      if (!is.list(fitargs)) stop("'fitargs' must be a list.")
    ## set formulas
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK\n* setting formulas ... ")
    if (any(grepl("Right", all.vars(formula)) |
            grepl("Left", all.vars(formula)) |
            grepl("Node", all.vars(formula)) |
            grepl("fTerm", all.vars(formula))))
        if (any(substr(all.vars(formula), 1, 4) == "Node"))
            stop("'Node', 'Left', 'Right' and 'fTerm' are reserved ",
                 "labels and cannot be used as variable names ",
                 "(or substrings of).")
    env <- environment(eval.parent(mc$formula))
    formList <- vcrpart_formula(formula, family, env)
    nPart <- length(formList$vc)  
    if (nPart < 1L) {
        control$cv <- FALSE
        warning("no 'vc' terms. Return a linear model")
    direct <- any(sapply(formList$vc, function(x) x$direct))
    if (length(direct) == 0L) direct <- FALSE
    control$direct <- direct
    vcRoot <- rep(TRUE, nPart)
    ff <- tvcm_formula(formList, vcRoot, family, env)
    ## extract model frames
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK\n* extracting model frames ... ")

    m <- match(c("data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mc), 0L)
    md <- mc[c(1L, m)]
    md$formula <- formList$allVars
    md$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    md[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")  
    md <- eval.parent(md)
    ## check if there are categorical variables among the predictors
    etaVars <- unlist(lapply(formList$vc, function(x) {
        lapply(x$eta, function(x) all.vars(x))
    etaVars <- intersect(etaVars, colnames(md)) 
    if (any(subs <- !sapply(md[, etaVars, drop = FALSE], is.numeric)))
        stop("variables in 'by' of 'vc' terms must be numeric. ",
             "Use 'model.matrix' to manually convert the categorical ",
             "variables to numeric predictors. Please check ",
             "the variables: ",
             paste0("'", etaVars[subs], "'", collapse = ","), ".")    
    ## set whether coefficient constancy tests are used    
    if (control$sctest) {
        if (nPart > 1L)
            stop("coefficient constancy tests can be used only ",
                 "if a single 'vc' term is specified.")
        if (!is.null(formList$vc) && (formList$vc[[1L]]$direct &
                                      formList$fe$intercept != "none"))
            stop("if 'sctest = TRUE', a varying intercept allowed only ",
                 "if the global intercept is removed. Use something like ",
                 "'formula = y ~ fe(..., intercept = FALSE) + vc(...)'")
    ## create a call
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK\n* setting arguments ... ")
    weights <- model.weights(md)
    if (missing(offset)) offset <- NULL
    if (!is.null(offset) & !is.null(model.offset(md)))
        stop("duplicated specification of 'offset'.")
    if (!is.null(model.offset(md))) offset <- model.offset(md)
    mcall <- list(name = as.name(fit),
                  formula = quote(ff$full),
                  family = quote(family),
                  data = quote(md))
    fitfunargs <-
               olmm = union(names(formals(olmm)),
               glm = union(names(formals(glm)),
    mce <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    dotargs <- setdiff(names(mce), names(mc))
    dotargs <- intersect(fitfunargs, dotargs)
    dotargs <- setdiff(dotargs, names(fitargs))
    dotargs <- list(...)[dotargs]
    fitargs <- fitargs[intersect(fitfunargs, names(fitargs))]
    fitargs <- append(fitargs, dotargs)
    mcall[names(fitargs)] <- fitargs
    mode(mcall) <- "call"
    mcall$weights <- weights
    mcall$offset <- offset    
    environment(mcall) <- environment()
    ## call root model
    model <- tvcm_grow_fit(mcall, doFit = FALSE)

    ## check if any of the vc-predictors are not numeric
    vcTerms <- unique(c(
        vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ce", vcRoot),
        vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ge", vcRoot)))
    vcTerms <- intersect(vcTerms, colnames(model.frame(model)))
    vcSubs <-  sapply(vcTerms,
                      function(v) !is.numeric(model.frame(model)[, v]))
    if (any(vcSubs))
        stop("found non-numeric 'by' variables. Check the formula terms: ",
             paste0(vcTerms[vcSubs], collapse = ", "))
    ## set 'parm' for the root node
    control <- tvcm_grow_setcontrol(control, model, formList, vcRoot, FALSE)
    ## set imputation in 'control'
    if (!inherits(model, "olmm") | inherits(model, "olmm") &&
        length(unique(table(model$subject))) == 1L) 
        control$nimpute <- 1L
    ## specify which coefficients are considered as 'nuisance' parameters
    if (control$verbose && control$sctest)
        if (length(control$estfun$nuisance) > 0L)
            cat("\n\tnuisance parameters: ",
                paste(paste("'", control$estfun$nuisance, "'", sep = ""),
                      collapse = ", ", sep = ""))
    if (control$verbose && !control$sctest)
        if (length(unlist(control$nuisance)) > 0L)
            cat("\n\tnuisance terms:",
                paste(paste("'", unlist(control$nuisance), "'", sep = ""),
                      collapse = ", ", sep = ""))
    ## check partitioning variables
    partData <- model.frame(formList$condTerms, md)
    if (any(sapply(partData, function(x) !(is.factor(x) | is.numeric(x)))))
        stop("partitioning variables must be either of class 'numeric' or ",
             "(ordered) 'factor'.")    
    ## replicates the required structure of 'tvcm' objects
    object <- structure(list(data = partData,
                             info = list(
                                 call = mc,
                                 mcall = mcall,                             
                                 formula = formList,
                                 data = md,
                                 direct = direct,
                                 fit = fit,
                                 family = family,
                                 control = control,
                                 model = model,
                                 dotargs = dotargs)),
                        class = "tvcm")

    ## grow the tree
    if (control$cv) {
        if (control$verbose)
            cat("\n* starting partitioning and cross validation ...\n")
        ## prepare the call
        cvCall <- list(name = as.name("cvloss"),
                       object = quote(object),
                       folds = quote(control$folds),
                       type = "loss",
                       original = TRUE, 
                       verbose = FALSE,
                       papply = quote(control$papply))
        papplyArgs <- intersect(names(formals(control$papply)),
        papplyArgs <- setdiff(papplyArgs, names(args))
        cvCall[papplyArgs] <- control[papplyArgs]
        mode(cvCall) <- "call"
        ## call cvloss
        tree <- eval(cvCall)
        if (control$verbose)
            cat("\nestimated cp =",
                format(tree$info$cv$cp.hat, digits = 3), "\n")
    } else {
        ## call directly 'tvcm_grow'
        if (control$verbose) cat("\n* starting partitioning ...\n")
        tree <- tvcm_grow(object)
    ## pruning
    if (control$prune && inherits(tree, "tvcm")) {
        if (control$verbose) cat("\n* pruning ... ")
        tree <- prune(tree,
                      cp = tree$info$cv$cp.hat,
                      papply = control$papply)
        if (control$verbose) cat("OK")
    if (control$verbose) {
        cat("\n\nFitted model:\n")
    ## reset seed
    assign(".Random.seed", oldSeed, envir=globalenv())
    if (control$verbose)
        cat("* computations finished, return object\n")

tvcm_control <-
    function(minsize = 30, mindev = ifelse(sctest, 0.0, 2.0),
             sctest = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, bonferroni = TRUE,
             trim = 0.1, estfun.args = list(), nimpute = 5, 
             maxnomsplit = 5, maxordsplit = 9, maxnumsplit = 9,
             maxstep = 1e3, maxwidth = Inf, maxdepth = Inf,
             lossfun = neglogLik2, ooblossfun = NULL, fast = TRUE,
             cp = 0.0, dfpar = 0.0, dfsplit = 1.0, 
             cv = !sctest, folds = folds_control("kfold", 5),
             prune = cv, papply = mclapply, papply.args = list(),
             center = fast, seed = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
        mc <- match.call()
        ## check available arguments
        stopifnot(is.null(minsize) |
                  (is.numeric(minsize) && all(minsize > 0)))
        stopifnot(is.numeric(mindev) && length(mindev) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.logical(sctest) && length(sctest) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha) && length(alpha) == 1L &&
                  alpha >= 0.0 && alpha <= 1.0)
        stopifnot(is.logical(bonferroni) && length(bonferroni) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(trim) && length(trim) == 1L &&
                  trim >= 0.0 & trim < 0.5)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(nimpute) &&
                  length(nimpute) == 1L && nimpute > 0)
        nimpute <- max(1.0, round(nimpute))
        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxnomsplit) &&
                  length(maxnomsplit) == 1L && maxnomsplit > 0L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxordsplit) &&
                  length(maxordsplit) == 1L && maxordsplit > 0L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxnumsplit) &&
                  length(maxnumsplit) == 1L && maxnumsplit > 0L)

        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxstep) &&
                  length(maxstep) == 1L && maxstep >= 0L)
        maxstep <- min(maxstep, .Machine$integer.max)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxwidth) && all(maxwidth > 0L))
        maxwidth <- min(maxwidth, .Machine$integer.max)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxdepth) &&  all(maxdepth >= 0))
        maxdepth <- min(maxdepth, .Machine$integer.max)
        stopifnot(is.null(ooblossfun) | is.function(ooblossfun))
        stopifnot(is.logical(fast) && length(fast) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(cp) && length(cp) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(dfpar) && length(dfpar) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(dfsplit) && length(dfsplit) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.logical(cv) && length(cv) == 1L)
        stopifnot(inherits(folds, "folds"))
        stopifnot(is.logical(prune) && length(prune) == 1L)
        if (!cv & prune) stop("'prune = TRUE' requires 'cv = TRUE'")
        stopifnot(is.logical(center) && length(center) == 1L)
        stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1L)
        ## set the default parameters for 'gefp.estfun' calls
        estfun.args <- appendDefArgs(estfun.args, list(predecor = TRUE,
                                                       nuisance = NULL,
                                                       silent = FALSE))
        if (!is.null(estfun.args$level) &&
            estfun.args$level != "observation")
            warning("'level' argument for 'estfun' is set to 'observation'")
        estfun.args$level <- "observation"
        ## check and set 'papply'
        stopifnot(is.character(papply) | is.function(papply))
        if (is.function(papply)) {
            if ("papply" %in% names(mc)) {
                papply <- deparse(mc$papply)
            } else {
                papply <- deparse(formals(tvcm_control)$papply)
        ## check hidden arguments
        mtry <- ifelse(is.null(list(...)$mtry),
                       .Machine$integer.max,  list(...)$mtry)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(mtry) && length(mtry) == 1L && mtry > 0L)
        if (mtry != round(mtry) && mtry < Inf) {
            mtry <- as.integer(mtry)
            warning("'mtry' was set to ", mtry)
        ## ensure backward compability
        if ("maxevalsplit" %in% names(list(...)))
            maxnumsplit <- list(...)$maxevalsplit
        if ("minbucket" %in% names(list(...)))
            minsize <- list(...)$minbucket
        functional.factor <- ifelse(
            "functional.factor" %in% names(list(...)),
            list(...)$functional.factor, "LMuo")
        functional.ordered <- ifelse(
            "functional.ordered" %in% names(list(...)),
            list(...)$functional.ordered, "LMuo")
        functional.numeric <- ifelse(
            "functional.numeric" %in% names(list(...)),
            list(...)$functional.numeric, "supLM")
        ## create a list of parameters of class 'tvcm_control'
            list(minsize = minsize,     
                 mindev = mindev,
                 sctest = sctest,
                 alpha = alpha,
                 bonferroni = bonferroni,
                 trim = trim,
                 estfun.args = estfun.args,
                 nimpute = nimpute,
                 maxnomsplit = as.integer(maxnomsplit),
                 maxordsplit = as.integer(maxordsplit),
                 maxnumsplit = as.integer(maxnumsplit),
                 maxstep = as.integer(maxstep),
                 maxwidth = as.integer(maxwidth),
                 maxdepth = as.integer(maxdepth),
                 lossfun = lossfun,
                 ooblossfun = ooblossfun,
                 fast = fast,
                 cp = cp,
                 dfpar = dfpar,
                 dfsplit = dfsplit,
                 cv = cv,
                 folds = folds,
                 prune = prune,
                 papply = papply,
                 papply.args = papply.args,
                 center = center,
                 verbose = verbose,
                 mtry = mtry,     
                 parm = NULL, intercept = NULL,
                 seed = seed,
                 functional.factor = "LMuo",
                 functional.ordered = "LMuo",
                 functional.numeric = "supLM"),
            class = "tvcm_control"))

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