
Defines functions vcrpart_formula_delEnv vcrpart_formula vcrpart_formula_eta vcrpart_formula_terms.vc vcrpart_formula_terms.re vcrpart_formula_terms.fe vcrpart_fitted contr.wsum ge ce re vc fe vcrpart_value_space vcrpart_copy formatMatrix deparseCall appendDefArgs addEmptyChar

Documented in ce contr.wsum fe ge re vc

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:          Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:          rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:            2018-02-04
## Description:
## General utility functions for the 'vcrpart' package.
## most of the functions are not exported and documented inline.
## Functions:
## neglogLik2.glm:        compute the -2 times likelihood error of
##                        a 'glm' object.
## addEmptyChar:          add empty spaces to a character
## appendDefArgs:         over-write default arguments
## deparseCall:           convert a 'call' into a 'character'
## formatMatrix:          format matrices for print functions
## vcrpart_copy:          duplicate R objects
## vcrpart_value_space:   extract the values space of data data.frame
## fe, vc, re, ce, ge     special terms for formulas. Are exported.
## contr.wsum:            compute weighted sum contrasts
## vcrpart_fitted:        extract model fitted values
## vcrpart_formula_terms.fe extract the fixed effect terms 
## vcrpart_formula_terms.re extract the random effect terms
## vcrpart_formula_terms.vc extract the 'by' terms
## vcrpart_formula_eta:   constructs a formula for linear predictors
## vcrpart_formula_cond:  constructs a formula for contitioning variables
## vcrpart_formula:       extracts a list of predictor formulas
## vcrpart_formula_delEnv: deletes environments of lists of formulas
##                        from vcrpart_formula.
## Last modifications:
## 2017-08-14: - add the functions 'vcrpart_formula_terms.fe'
##               'vcrpart_formula_terms.re' and
##               'vcrpart_formula_terms.vc'. Used in 'tvcm' and
##               'tvcm_formula'.
## 2015-09-02: - modified 'vcrpart_formula_eta' for implementation of
##               gaussian mixed model.
##             - set for baseline model as default category-specific
##               effects. 
## 2015-06-01: corrected bug of 'vcrpart_formula' in cases where a
##             effect modifier has the variable name 'x'. Now I call
##             it 'fTerm'.
## 2015-01-20: change defaults for random effect specification
## 2014-11-10: exported function 'contr.wsum'
## 2014-09-08: partial substitution of 'rep' by 'rep.int'
## 2014-09-07: added 'vcrpart_fitted' function to avoid replicated
##             definitions of the same function.
## 2014-09-04: removed 'adj' option in 'vc'
## 2014-08-29: add the 'adj' argument to 'vc' to adjust the selection
##             if the number of predictors per vc() term varies.
## 2014-08-27: allow character vectors in 'vc' terms
## 2014-07-31: - added to possibility to remove the intercept
##               directly in the formula by a '-1'
##             - now more than one varying intercepts are
##               allowed to be specificed (the only case in which
##               this was critical was when using 'sctest = TRUE',
##               and this is not checked in 'tvcm' itself)
## 2014-06-17: modified documentation style:
## 2014-06-17: new function 'vcrpart_copy' that duplicates objects
## 2014-06-17: removed 'vcrpart_slot' after converting 'olmm'
##             class to a S3 class
## 2014-06-03: modify 'tvcm_formula' to allow component-wise
##             trees
## To do:
## - 
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Add empty spaces to characters to have the same length.
##' @param x       character vector.
##' @param nchar   integer. The size per string.
##' @param justify "left" or "right". The place where the spaces
##'                should be added.
##' @return A character vector.
addEmptyChar <- function(x, nchar, justify = "left") {
  for (i in 1:length(x))
    if (justify == "left") {
      x[i] <- paste(x[i], paste(rep.int(" ", nchar - nchar(x[i])),
                                collapse = ""), sep = "")
    } else if (justify == "right") {
      x[i] <- paste(paste(rep.int(" ", nchar - nchar(x[i])),
                          collapse = ""), x[i], sep = "")

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Over-writes default- with user-specified arguments
##' @param args    a list of user-specified arguments.
##' @param default a list of default arguments.
##' @return A list with arguments.
appendDefArgs <- function(args, default) {
  if (is.null(args)) return(default)
  subs <- setdiff(names(default), names(args))
  if (length(subs) > 0)
    for (i in subs) args[[i]] <- default[[i]] 

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Converts a call slot into a character. The function is
##' used for summary and print functions.
##' @param x slot of a call, e.g., call$formula.
##' @return A character.
deparseCall <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(character())
  rval <- paste(deparse(x), collapse = "\n")
  if (grepl("structure(list(", rval, fixed = TRUE)) rval <- character()

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Format colnames etc. of a matrix for pretty prints.
##' @param x a matrix
##' @return A matrix.
formatMatrix <- function(x, ...) {
  rowNames <- rownames(x)
  colNames <- colnames(x)
  if (is.null(rowNames)) rowNames <- rep.int("", nrow(x))
  if (!is.null(colNames)) rowNames <- append("", rowNames)
  rowNames <- addEmptyChar(rowNames, max(nchar(rowNames)))
  rval <- format(x, ...)
  if (!is.null(colNames)) {
    for (i in 1L:ncol(rval))
      if (nchar(colNames[i]) < max(nchar(rval[i])))
        colNames[i] <- addEmptyChar(colNames[i], max(nchar(rval[i])), "right")
    for (i in 1L:ncol(rval)) 
      for (j in 1L:nrow(rval)) 
        if (nchar(rval[j, i]) < nchar(colNames[i]))
          rval[j, i] <- addEmptyChar(rval[j, i], nchar(colNames[i]), "right")
    rval <- rbind(colNames, rval)
  rval <- cbind(rowNames, rval)
  rval <- apply(rval, 1, paste, collapse = "  ")
  rval <- paste(rval, "\n", sep = "")
  rval <- paste(rval, collapse = "")

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Duplicate R objects
##' Duplicates an R object such that any modification on the
##' values of the copied object will not change the values
##' of the original object. This function may be used to
##' protect values of the source object when modifying the
##' copied object within a '.Call' call.
##' @param x the R object to be duplicated.
##' @return A list with arguments.
##' @details used in 'tvcm_fit_loss'
vcrpart_copy <- function(x)
  return(.Call("vcrpart_duplicate", x, PACKAGE = "vcrpart"))

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Extract the values space of data data.frame.
##' @param data  a data.frame.
##' @param neval the maximum number of values to be evaluated
##'    for numeric vectors. 
##' @return A list with values of the variables in 'data'
vcrpart_value_space <- function(data, neval = 50L) {
  FUN <- function(x, neval) {
    rval <- sort(unique(x))
    if (is.numeric(x) && length(rval) > neval) {
      rval <- as.double(quantile(rval, seq(0,1,length.out = neval)))
    if (is.factor(x)) rval <- droplevels(rval)
  return(lapply(as.list(data), FUN, neval = neval))

fe <- function(formula, intercept = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.logical(intercept) | is.character(intercept))
  stopifnot(length(intercept) == 1L)
  if (is.logical(intercept))
    intercept <- ifelse(intercept, "ce", "none")
  mc <- match.call()
  if (missing(formula)) {
    formula <- if (intercept == "none") "-1" else "1"
  } else {
    formula <- deparse(mc$formula, 500L)
  eta <- formula(paste("~", formula))
  return(list(eta = eta, cond = ~1, intercept = intercept, type = "fe"))

vc <- function(..., by, intercept = missing(by), 
               nuisance = character()) {
    stopifnot(is.logical(intercept) | is.character(intercept))
    if (is.logical(intercept))
        intercept <- ifelse(intercept, "ce", "none")
    if (!intercept %in% c("none", "ce", "ge"))
        stop("'intercept' in 'fe' must be a logical or one of 'none', ",
             "'ce' or 'ge'.")
    mc <- match.call()
    eta <- if (missing(by))
               formula(~1) else formula(paste("~", deparse(mc$by, 500L)))
    if ((intercept == "ce" & length(all.vars(eta)) == 0L) |
        (intercept == "none")) nuisance <- setdiff(nuisance, "(Intercept)")
    nuisance <- intersect(nuisance, c("(Intercept)", all.vars(eta)))
    subs <- if (is.null(names(mc)))
                2:length(mc) else which(names(mc) == "")[-1L]
    if (length(subs) < 1L) stop("no effect modifiers in 'vc'.")
    cond <- "~"
    for (i in subs) {
        if (i != subs[1L]) cond <- paste(cond, "+")
        isChar <-
            inherits(try(eval.parent(mc[[i]]), silent = TRUE), "character")
        if (isChar) {
            cond <- paste(cond, paste(eval.parent(mc[[i]]), collapse = "+"))
        } else {
            cond <- paste(cond, deparse(mc[[i]], 500L))
    cond <- formula(cond)
    return(list(eta = eta, cond = cond, intercept = intercept,
                nuisance = nuisance, type = "vc"))

re <- function(formula, intercept = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.logical(intercept) | is.character(intercept))
  if (is.logical(intercept))
    intercept <- ifelse(intercept, "ge", "none")
  if (!intercept %in% c("none", "ce", "ge"))
      stop("'intercept' in 'fe' must be a logical or one of 'none', ",
           "'ce' or 'ge'")
  mc <- match.call()
  formula <- gsub(" ", "", deparse(mc$formula, 500L))
  formula <- strsplit(formula, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
  if (length(formula) < 2L) stop("no grouping factor 'subject' in 're'.")
  if (length(formula) > 2L) stop("'formula' in 're' is missspecified.")
  cond <- formula(paste("~", formula[2]))
  if (length(all.vars(formula(paste("~", cond)))) > 1L)
    stop("maximum one grouping factor 'subject' is allowed in 're'")
  if (formula[1L] == "") formula[1L] <- "1"
  eta <- formula(paste("~", formula[1L]))
  return(list(eta = eta, cond = cond, intercept = intercept, type = "re"))

ce <- function(formula) {
  mc <- match.call()
  formula <- deparse(mc$formula, 500L)
  formula <- formula(paste("~", formula))
  return(attr(terms(formula, keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels"))

ge <- function(formula) {
  mc <- match.call()
  formula <- deparse(mc$formula, 500L)
  formula <- formula(paste("~", formula))
  return(attr(terms(formula, keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels"))

contr.wsum <- function(x, weights = rep.int(1.0, length(x)),
                       sparse = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == length(weights))
  con <- NULL
  if (nlevels(x) > 1L) {     
      con <- contr.sum(levels(x), sparse = sparse)
      tab <- tapply(weights, x, sum)
      tab <- c(con[nrow(con),1:ncol(con)] * tab[-length(tab)] /
      con[nrow(con),1:ncol(con)] <- tab
      colnames(con) <- levels(x)[1:(nlevels(x) - 1)]

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Extract model fitted values
##' Extracts model fitted values. The function essentially
##' calls 'predict' and deletes 'newdata' if supplied
##' @param object  a fitted object.
##' @param ...     further arguments passed to predict
##' @return A matrix of fitted values.
##' @details Substitutes 'fitted.fvcm', 'fitted.tvcm' and
##'    'fitted.olmm'
vcrpart_fitted <- function(object, ...) {
  call <- call(name = "predict", object = object)
  dotargs <- list(...)
  dotargs$newdata <- NULL
  for (arg in names(dotargs)) call[[arg]] <- list(...)[[arg]]

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Utility function for \code{vcrpart_formula}
##' Extracts the components of fixed effects.
##' @param formList an list as produced by \code{vcrpart_formula}.
##' @param effect either \code{"ce"} or \code{"ge"}.
##' @return a character vector with model terms (no intercepts).
##' @details used in \code{tvcm_formula}.
vcrpart_formula_terms.fe <- function(formList, effect) {
    feTerms <- formList$fe$eta[[effect]]
    if (is.null(feTerms)) {
        rval <- character()
    } else {
        rval <- attr(terms(feTerms, keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels")

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Utility function for \code{vcrpart_formula}
##' Extracts the components of random effects.
##' @param formList an list as produced by \code{vcrpart_formula}.
##' @param effect either \code{"ce"} or \code{"ge"}.
##' @return a character vector with model terms (no intercepts).
##' @details used in \code{tvcm_formula}.
vcrpart_formula_terms.re <- function(formList, effect) {
    if (is.null(formList$re)) {
        rval <- character()
    } else  {
        rval <-
            attr(terms(formList$re$eta[[effect]], keep.order = TRUE),

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Utility function for \code{vcrpart_formula}
##' Extracts the 'by' variables.
##' @param formList an list as produced by \code{vcrpart_formula}.
##' @param effect either \code{"ce"} or \code{"ge"}.
##' @param root logical vector
##' @return a character vector with model terms (no intercepts).
##' @details used in \code{tvcm_formula} and \code{tvcm}.
vcrpart_formula_terms.vc <- function(formList, effect, root) {
    if (is.null(formList$vc)) {
        rval <- character()
    } else {
        rval <- lapply(
            function(x) {
                attr(terms(x$eta[[effect]], keep.order = TRUE),
        for (i in 1:length(root)) {
            if (root[i]) {
                rval[[i]] <- rval[[i]][rval[[i]] !=
                                       paste0("Node", LETTERS[i])]
                rval[[i]] <- gsub("Node[A-Z]:", "", rval[[i]])    
        rval <- unlist(rval)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Utility function for \code{vcrpart_formula}
##' Constructs a formula for the linear predictor.
##' @param x       a formula.
##' @param fit     the fitting function, e.g., olmm() or glm()
##' @param env     environment for evaluating the formula.
##' @return A formula.
##' @details Used in \code{vcrpart_formula}.
vcrpart_formula_eta <- function(x, family, env) {
    terms <- terms(x$eta,
                   specials = c("fe", "vc", "re", "ce", "ge"),
                   keep.order = TRUE)
    if (length(unlist(attr(terms, "specials")[c("fe", "vc", "re")])) > 0)
        stop("'", x$type, "' term contains 'fe', 'vc' or 're' terms.")
    rval <- attr(terms, "term.labels")
    termFact <- rownames(attr(terms, "factors"))
    if (x$type %in% c("fe", "re", "vc") & inherits(family, "family.olmm")) {
        ## extract the terms for 'olmm' objects which may include
        ## terms width 'ge()' and 'ce'
        ## extract terms
        if (length(rval) > 0L) {
            checkOperators <- function(x) {
                x <- gsub(" ", "", x)
                return(grepl(":", x, fixed = TRUE) |
                       grepl("*", x, fixed = TRUE) |
                       grepl("%in%", x))
            subsCe <- rval %in% termFact[attr(terms, "specials")$ce]
            ceTerms <-
                              function(fTerm) eval(parse(text = fTerm))))
            if (x$type == "vc" && any(sapply(ceTerms, checkOperators)))
                stop("the ':', '*' and '%in%' operators are not allowed",
                     "for the 'by' argument in 'vc' terms.")
            subsGe <- rval %in% termFact[attr(terms, "specials")$ge]
            geTerms <-
                              function(fTerm) eval(parse(text = fTerm)))) 
            if (x$type == "vc" && any(sapply(geTerms, checkOperators)))
                stop("the ':', '*' and '%in%' operators are not allowed",
                     "for the 'by' argument in 'vc' terms.")

            ## This code distinguishes between the models and their random
            ## effect specification. For the cumulative and the adjacent
            ## model, use global effects, and for the cumulative model
            ## use category specific effects
            if (family$family %in% c("cumulative", "adjacent")) {
                geTerms <- c(geTerms, rval[!subsGe & !subsCe])
            } else if (family$family %in% c("gaussian")) {
                if (any(subsCe) | any(subsGe))
                    warning("'ce()' and 'ge()' terms ",
                            "are ignored if family = '",
                            family$family, "'")
                ceTerms <- c(ceTerms, geTerms, rval[!subsGe & !subsCe])
                subsCe <- rep(TRUE, length(ceTerms))
                subsGe <- rep(FALSE, length(rval))
                geTerms <- NULL          
            } else {
                ceTerms <- c(ceTerms, rval[!subsGe & !subsCe])
            ## old
            ## geTerms <- c(geTerms, rval[!subsGe & !subsCe]) # ? better
            rval <- list(paste(ceTerms, collapse = "+"),
                         paste(geTerms, collapse = "+"))
        } else {
            rval <- list("", "")
        ## set intercepts
        if (family$family %in% c("baseline", "gaussian"))
            x$intercept <- "ce"    
        if (x$intercept == "none") {
            int <- list(switch(x$type, fe = "-1", re = "-1", vc = "1"),
                        switch(x$type, fe = "1", re = "-1", vc = "1"))
        } else if (x$intercept == "ge") {
            ## notice that this option is disabled for 'fe' and 'vc' terms
            int <- list(switch(x$type, fe = "1", re = "-1", vc = "1"),
                        switch(x$type, fe = "1", re = "1",
                               vc = paste("Node", x$name, sep = "")))
        } else if (x$intercept == "ce") {
            int <- list(switch(x$type, fe = "1", re = "1",
                               vc = paste("Node", x$name, sep = "")),
                        switch(x$type, fe = "1", re = "-1", vc = "1"))
        rval <- lapply(1L:2L, function(i) {
            if (rval[[i]] == "")
            if (int[[i]] != "1")
                return(paste(int[[i]], rval[[i]], sep = "+"))
        if (x$type == "re" && family$family == "cumulative" &&
            x$intercept == "ce")
            stop("category-specific random effects are not ",
                 "available for the cumulative model.")
        if (x$type %in% c("vc", "re") &&
            (rval[[1L]] == "-1" & rval[[2L]] == "-1"))
            stop("the term '", x$type, "' is misspecified any may be",
                 "dropped from the specification")
        ## set formulas
        rval <- lapply(paste("~", rval, sep = "") , as.formula)
        if (x$type == "re") {
            int <- sapply(rval, function(x) attr(terms(x), "intercept"))
            if (all(int == 1L)) rval[[1L]] <- update(rval[[1L]], ~ . - 1)

        ## check if operators or interactions are used for 'vc' terms
        if (x$type == "vc")
        ## incorporate 'Node'
        if (x$type == "vc") {
            ## add 'Node' to all terms
            addNode <- function(x, name) {
                terms <- attr(terms(x, keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels")
                termsNew <- paste("Node", name, ":", terms, sep = "")
                if (length(terms) > 0L) {
                    x <- update(x, paste("~.-",paste(terms, collapse = "-")))
                    x <- update(x, paste("~.+",paste(termsNew,
                                                     collapse = "+")))
            rval <- lapply(rval, addNode, name = x$name)
    } else {
        if (x$type == "vc") {
            terms <- attr(terms(x$eta, keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels")
            if (length(terms) > 0L)
                terms <- paste("Node", x$name, ":", terms, sep = "")
            intercept <- x$intercept
            if (x$intercept != "none")
                terms <- c(paste("Node", x$name, sep = ""), terms)
            if (length(terms) == 0L) terms <- "1"
            rval <- list(~1, as.formula(paste("~",
                                              paste(terms, collapse = "+"))))
        } else {
            rval <- list(~1, x$eta)
    environment(rval[[1L]]) <- env
    environment(rval[[2L]]) <- env
    names(rval) <- c("ce", "ge")

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Utility function for \code{\link{vcrpart_formula}}
##' Constructs a formula of conditioning variables, which are
##' the moderators for \code{\link{vc}} terms and the grouping
##' factors for \code{\link{re}} terms.
##' @param x       a formula.
##' @param family  the model family, e.g., cumulative()
##' @param env     environment for evaluating the formula.
##' @return A formula.
##' @details Used in \code{vcrpart_formula}.
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

vcrpart_formula_cond <- function (x, family, env) {
    rval <- x$cond
    environment(rval) <- env

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Construct a formula for \code{\link{tvcm}}, \code{\link{fvcm}}
##' and \code{\link{olmm}} calls
##' Evaluates input formulas for \code{\link{tvcm}},
##' \code{\link{fvcm}} and \code{\link{olmm}} and returns a
##' list with component wise linear formulas for constructing
##' model matrices.
##' @param formula the original formula.
##' @param family  the model family, e.g., cumulative()
##' @param env     environment for evaluating the formula.
##' @return A list with sublists of formulas.
##' @details Used in \code{\link{fvcm}}, \code{\link{predict.fvcm}},
##' \code{\link{olmm}}, \code{\link{predict.olmm}},
##' \code{\link{tvcm}}, \code{tvcm_get_node},
##' \code{\link{prune.tvcm}}.
vcrpart_formula <- function(formula, family = cumulative(),
                            env = parent.frame()) {

    ## get response variable
    yName <- deparse(lhs(formula))
    if (is.null(yName)) yName <- character()

    ## get formula terms
    types <- c("fe", "vc", "re")
    terms <- terms(formula, specials = types, keep.order = TRUE)
    termLabs <- attr(terms, "term.labels")
    termFac <- attr(terms, "factors")
    type <- rep.int("NA", length(termLabs))
    if (length(type) > 0L)
        for (tp in types)
            type[colSums(termFac[attr(terms, "specials")[[tp]],,
                                 drop=FALSE]) > 0] <- tp 
    getInt <- function(x) eval(parse(text = x))$intercept
    getNPred <- function(x) length(all.vars(eval(parse(text = x))$eta))
    getTerms1 <- function(x, which) {
        x <- eval(parse(text = x))[[which]]
        attr(terms(formula(paste("~", x)), keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels")
    ## 'fe' terms
    if (any(type == "fe")) {
        feInt <- unique(unlist(lapply(termLabs[type == "fe"], getInt)))
    } else {
        feInt <- "ce"
    if (length(feInt) > 1L) feInt <- "none"
    feInt <- feInt == "ce"
    feInt <- feInt & attr(terms(formula), "intercept") == 1L
    termLabs[type == "NA"] <-
        paste("fe(", termLabs[type == "NA"], ")", sep = "")
    type[type == "NA"] <- "fe"  
    feTerms <- unlist(lapply(termLabs[type == "fe"],
                             getTerms1, which = "eta"))
    if (length(feTerms) == 0) feTerms <- "1"
    feTerms <- paste("fe(", paste(feTerms, collapse = " + "),
                     ", intercept = ", feInt, ")", sep = "")
    feTerms <- eval(parse(text = feTerms))
    feTerms$cond <- vcrpart_formula_cond(feTerms, family, env)
    feTerms$eta <- vcrpart_formula_eta(feTerms, family, env)
    ## 'vc' terms
    if (any(type == "vc")) {
        vcTerms <- termLabs[type == "vc"]
        vcInt <- unlist(lapply(vcTerms, getInt))
        if (inherits(family, "family")) vcInt[vcInt == "ge"] <- "ce" 
        nPred <- unlist(lapply(vcTerms, getNPred))
        if (feTerms$intercept == "none") {
            direct <- vcInt == "ce"
            direct <- direct &
                unlist(lapply(vcTerms, function(fTerm) !"(Intercept)" %in%
                                       eval(parse(text = fTerm))$nuisance))
            subs <- which(direct)[1L]
        } else {
            subs <- c()
        direct <- rep.int(FALSE, length(vcTerms)); direct[subs] <- TRUE;
        if (any(direct)) {
            ord <- order(as.integer(!direct))
            direct <- direct[ord]
            vcTerms <- vcTerms[ord]
        vcTerms <- lapply(vcTerms, function(fTerm) eval(parse(text = fTerm)))
        names(vcTerms) <- LETTERS[1:length(vcTerms)]
        for (pid in seq_along(vcTerms)) {
            vcTerms[[pid]]$name <- names(vcTerms)[pid]
            vcTerms[[pid]]$cond <-
                vcrpart_formula_cond(vcTerms[[pid]], family, env)
            vcTerms[[pid]]$eta <-
                vcrpart_formula_eta(vcTerms[[pid]], family, env)
            subsInt <- vcTerms[[pid]]$nuisance == "(Intercept)"
            vcTerms[[pid]]$nuisance[subsInt] <-
                paste("Node", LETTERS[pid], sep = "")
            vcTerms[[pid]]$nuisance[!subsInt] <-
                paste("Node", LETTERS[pid], ":",
                      vcTerms[[pid]]$nuisance[!subsInt], sep = "")
            vcTerms[[pid]]$direct <- direct[pid]
    } else {
        vcTerms <- NULL
    ## 're' terms
    if (sum(type == "re") > 1L) {
        reCond <- unique(unlist(lapply(termLabs[type == "re"],
                                       getTerms1, which = "cond")))
        if (length(reCond) > 1L)
            stop("non-unique subject factor in 're' terms.")
        reInt <- unique(unlist(lapply(termLabs[type == "re"], getInt)))
        if (length(reInt) == 0L) feInt <- "ge"
        if (length(reInt) > 1L) stop("non-unique 'intercept' in 're' terms.")
        reTerms <- unlist(lapply(termLabs[type == "re"],
                                 getTerms1, which = "eta"))
        reTerms <- paste("re(", paste(reTerms, collapse = " + "), "|",
                         reCond, ", intercept = '", reInt, "')", sep = "")
    } else {
        reTerms <- termLabs[type == "re"]
        if (length(reTerms) == 0L) reTerms <- NULL
    if (!is.null(reTerms)) {
        reTerms <- eval(parse(text = reTerms))
        reTerms$cond <- vcrpart_formula_cond(reTerms, family, env)
        reTerms$eta <- vcrpart_formula_eta(reTerms, family, env)
    rval <- list(fe = feTerms,
                 vc = vcTerms,
                 re = reTerms)
    ## add original formula
    rval$original <- as.formula(formula, env = env)
    ## formula with all variables
    getVars <- function(x) {
        FUN <- function(x) {
            rval <- c(all.vars(x$eta$ce),
            rval <- rval[rval != paste("Node", x$name, sep = "")]
        if ("type" %in% names(x)) {
            rval <- rval <- FUN(x)
        } else {
            rval <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN))
    allVars <- unique(unlist(lapply(rval[1L:3L], getVars)))
    if (length(allVars) == 0L) allVars <- "1"
    yVars <- if (length(yName) > 0)
                 all.vars(formula(paste("~", yName))) else character()
    rval$allVars <-
        paste(yVars, "~", paste(allVars, collapse = " + "))
    rval$allVars <- as.formula(rval$allVars, env = env)
    ## formula with all terms of partitioning variables
    if (!is.null(rval$vc)) {
        condTerms <-
            lapply(rval$vc, function(x) attr(terms(x$cond), "term.labels"))
        rval$condTerms <- as.formula(
            paste("~", paste(unique(unlist(condTerms)), collapse = " + ")),
            env = env)
    } else {  
        rval$condTerms <- formula(~ 1, env = env)
    ## formula with all terms
    getTerms2 <- function(x) {
        FUN <- function(x) {
            rval <- c(attr(terms(x$eta$ce), "term.labels"),
                      attr(terms(x$eta$ge), "term.labels"),
                      attr(terms(x$cond), "term.labels"))
            rval <- gsub("Node[A-Z]+:", "", rval)
            rval <- rval[rval != paste("Node", x$name, sep = "")]
        if ("type" %in% names(x)) {
            rval <- rval <- FUN(x)
        } else {
            rval <- unlist(lapply(x, FUN))
    allTerms <- unique(unlist(lapply(rval[1L:3L], getTerms2)))
    if (length(allTerms) == 0L) allTerms <- "1"
    rval$allTerms <-
        paste(yName, "~", paste(allTerms, collapse = " + "))
    rval$allTerms <- as.formula(rval$allTerms, env = env)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Delete the environments of formulas in
##' \code{\link{vcrpart_formula}}
##' @param formList a list of formulas as produced by
##'    \code{\link{vcrpart_formula}}.
##' @return A list of formulas.
vcrpart_formula_delEnv <- function(formList) {
    if (!is.null(formList$fe)) {
        environment(formList$fe$eta$ce) <- NULL
        environment(formList$fe$eta$ge) <- NULL
    for (pid in seq_along(formList$vc)) {
        environment(formList$vc[[pid]]$eta$ce) <- NULL
        environment(formList$vc[[pid]]$eta$ge) <- NULL
        environment(formList$vc[[pid]]$cond$ce) <- NULL
        environment(formList$vc[[pid]]$cond$ge) <- NULL
    if (!is.null(formList$fe)) {
        environment(formList$fe$eta$ce) <- NULL
        environment(formList$fe$eta$ge) <- NULL
    environment(formList$original) <- NULL
    environment(formList$all) <- NULL

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vcrpart documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.