
Defines functions `getCentroids` `centroids.cca`

`centroids.cca` <-
    function(x, mf, wt)
    if (is.null(mf) || is.null(x))
    facts <- sapply(mf, is.factor) | sapply(mf, is.character)
    if (!any(facts))
    mf <- mf[, facts, drop = FALSE]
    ## Explicitly exclude NA as a level
    mf <- droplevels(mf, exclude = NA)
    if (missing(wt) || is.null(wt))
        wt <- rep(1, nrow(mf))
    ind <- seq_len(nrow(mf))
    workhorse <- function(x, wt)
        colSums(x * wt) / sum(wt)
    ## As NA not a level, centroids only for non-NA levels of each factor
    tmp <- lapply(mf, function(fct)
                  tapply(ind, fct, function(i) workhorse(x[i,, drop=FALSE], wt[i])))
    tmp <- lapply(tmp, function(z) sapply(z, rbind))
    pnam <- labels(tmp)
    out <- NULL
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
        nm <- unlist(sapply(pnam,
                            function(nm) paste(nm, names(tmp[[nm]]), sep="")),
        out <- matrix(unlist(tmp), nrow=1, dimnames = list(NULL, nm))
    } else {
        for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
            colnames(tmp[[i]]) <- paste(pnam[i], colnames(tmp[[i]]),
                                        sep = "")
            out <- cbind(out, tmp[[i]])
    out <- t(out)
    colnames(out) <- colnames(x)

### cca.centroids is used by all constrained ordination methods and
### factorfit (via envfit). All constrained ordinations sanitize the
### results is the same way, and instead of having the same code in
### all functions, let's have it here.

## @param ord ordConstrained result object.
## @param mframe Data frame, possibly with factors for which centroids
## are needed.

`getCentroids` <-
    function(ord, mframe)
    if (is.null(ord$CCA) || ord$CCA$rank < 1)
    centroids <- centroids.cca(ord$CCA$wa, mframe, ord$rowsum)
    if (!is.null(ord$CCA$alias))
        centroids <- unique(centroids)
    ## See that there really are centroids
    if (!is.null(centroids)) {
        rs <- rowSums(centroids^2)
        centroids <- centroids[rs > 1e-04,, drop = FALSE]
        if (length(centroids) == 0)
            centroids <- NULL

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