### SIMPER: contributions of species on overall dissimilarity with
### emphasis on among-group dissimilarities. Generate full
### dissimilarity matrix first and then subsample.
`simper` <-
function(comm, group, permutations = 999, parallel = 1, ...)
## parallel processing not yet implemented
if (!missing(parallel))
.NotYetUsed("parallel", error = FALSE)
EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
comm <- as.matrix(comm)
## take lower triangle without as.dist overhead
tri <- outer(seq_len(nrow(comm)), seq_len(nrow(comm)), ">")
## Species contributions of differences needed for every species,
## but denominator is constant. Bray-Curtis is actually
## manhattan/(mean(rowsums)) and this is the way we collect data
rs <- rowSums(comm)
rs <- outer(rs, rs, "+")[tri]
spcontr <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(comm)),
function(i) as.vector(vegdist(comm[, i, drop = FALSE], "man")))
## Bray-Curtis
spcontr <- sweep(spcontr, 1, rs, "/")
colnames(spcontr) <- colnames(comm)
outlist <- NULL
## Averages of species contributions
## Case 1: overall differences without grouping
if (missing(group) || length(unique(group)) == 1) {
nperm <- 0
permat <- NULL
average <- colMeans(spcontr)
overall <- sum(average)
sdi <- apply(spcontr, 2, sd)
ord <- order(average, decreasing = TRUE)
cusum <- cumsum(average[ord])/overall
outlist[["total"]] <- list(species = colnames(comm),
average = average, overall = overall,
sd = sdi, ratio = average/sdi,
ava = NULL, avb = NULL, ord = ord,
cusum = cusum, p = NULL)
} else {
## Case 2: two or more groups
comp <- t(combn(as.character(unique(group)), 2))
## data averages by group (do we need these?)
spavg <- apply(comm, 2, function(x) tapply(x, group, mean))
## function to match constrasts
contrmatch <- function(X, Y, patt)
X != Y & X %in% patt & Y %in% patt
for (i in seq_len(nrow(comp))) {
tmat <- outer(group, group, FUN=contrmatch, patt=comp[i,])
take <- tmat[tri]
average <- colMeans(spcontr[take,,drop=FALSE])
overall <- sum(average)
sdi <- apply(spcontr[take,,drop=FALSE], 2, sd)
ratio <- average/sdi
ord <- order(average, decreasing = TRUE)
cusum <- cumsum(average[ord])/overall
ava <- spavg[comp[i,1],]
avb <- spavg[comp[i,2],]
## Permutation tests for average
permat <- getPermuteMatrix(permutations, nrow(comm))
nperm <- nrow(permat)
if (nperm) {
Pval <- rep(1, ncol(comm))
for (k in seq_len(nperm)) {
take <- tmat[permat[k,],permat[k,]][tri]
Pval <- Pval + ((colMeans(spcontr[take,,drop = FALSE]) - EPS) >= average)
Pval <- Pval/(nperm+1)
if (anyNA(ratio))
Pval[] <- NA
} else {
Pval <- NULL
## output
outlist[[paste(comp[i,], collapse="_")]] <-
list(species = colnames(comm), average = average,
overall = overall, sd = sdi, ratio = ratio, ava = ava,
avb = avb, ord = ord, cusum = cusum, p = Pval)
class(outlist) <- "simper"
attr(outlist, "permutations") <- nperm
attr(outlist, "control") <- attr(permat, "control")
`print.simper` <-
function(x, ...)
cat("cumulative contributions of most influential species:\n\n")
cusum <- lapply(x, function(z) z$cusum)
spec <- lapply(x, function(z) z$species[z$ord])
for (i in seq_along(cusum)) {
names(cusum[[i]]) <- spec[[i]]
## this probably fails with empty or identical groups that have 0/0 = NaN
out <- lapply(cusum, function(z) z[seq_len(min(which(z >= 0.7)))])
`summary.simper` <-
function(object, ordered = TRUE, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
if (ordered) {
out <- lapply(object, function(z)
data.frame(cbind(average = z$average, sd = z$sd, ratio = z$ratio,
ava = z$ava, avb = z$avb)[z$ord, ]))
cusum <- lapply(object, function(z) z$cusum)
for(i in seq_along(out)) {
out[[i]]$cumsum <- cusum[[i]]
if(!is.null(object[[i]]$p)) {
out[[i]]$p <- object[[i]]$p[object[[i]]$ord]
else {
out <- lapply(object, function(z)
data.frame(cbind(average = z$average, sd = z$sd, ratio = z$ratio,
ava = z$ava, avb = z$avb, p = z$p)))
attr(out, "digits") <- digits
attr(out, "permutations") <- attr(object, "permutations")
attr(out, "control") <- attr(object, "control")
class(out) <- "summary.simper"
function(x, digits = attr(x, "digits"), ...)
for (nm in names(x)) {
cat("\nContrast:", nm, "\n\n")
printCoefmat(x[[nm]], digits = digits, has.Pvalue = TRUE,
zap.ind = seq_len(ncol(x[[nm]])), ...)
if (!is.null(attr(x, "control")))
cat(howHead(attr(x, "control")))
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