
Defines functions gui_vms_db_dep

Documented in gui_vms_db_dep

#' VMS DB Depth Assignment GUI
#' The \code{gui_vms_db_dep} function implements the graphical user interface for the
#'  VMS Assign Depth routine.
#' This function, with a VMS database,
#'  assigns depths to VMS interpolated points according to positions on the 3D spline
#'  of XYZ bathymetry data downloaded from NOAA servers.
#' @param vms_db_name The path of a VMS DataBase
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#' @usage gui_vms_db_dep(vms_db_name = "")

gui_vms_db_dep <- function(vms_db_name = "") {
  vms_DB <- vms_DB$new()
  vms_DB$db <- vms_db_name
  thebo <- numeric(4)

  vms_db_dep_win <- gwindow("VMS Data Enhancer Utility - Depth", visible = FALSE)

  # Assign depth
  dep_g <- gframe(horizontal = FALSE, container = vms_db_dep_win)
  dep_g2 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = dep_g)
  gimage(system.file("ico/go-down-3.png", package = "vmsbase"), container = dep_g2)
  proglab_dep <- glabel("Assign Depth", container = dep_g2)

  dep_g3 <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = dep_g)

  vms_db_f <- gframe(text = "VMS DB file", horizontal = TRUE, container = dep_g3)
  sel_vms_f <- glabel("Select VMS DB file", container = vms_db_f)
  gimage(system.file("ico/folder-blue.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- gfile(
        text = "Select VMS DataBase file",
        type = "open",
        filter = list("VMS DB file" = list(patterns = c("*.vms.sqlite")))
      #           svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])
      thebo <<- as.numeric(sqldf("select max(LON), min(LON), max(LAT), min(LAT) from intrp", dbname = vms_DB$db))

      maps::map("world", xlim = extendrange(thebo[2:1], f = 0.1), ylim = extendrange(thebo[4:3], f = 0.1), col = "honeydew3", bg = "lightsteelblue1", fill = T)

      abline(v = thebo[1], col = "firebrick")
      abline(v = thebo[2], col = "firebrick")
      abline(h = thebo[3], col = "firebrick")
      abline(h = thebo[4], col = "firebrick")

      enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
      enabled(start_off) <- TRUE
      enabled(set_g) <- TRUE
  gimage(system.file("ico/application-exit-5.png", package = "vmsbase"),
    container = vms_db_f,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      vms_DB$db <- ""
      enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
      enabled(start_off) <- FALSE
      enabled(set_g) <- FALSE
      svalue(sel_vms_f) <- "Select VMS DB file"

  res_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = dep_g3)
  glabel("Set Resolution", container = res_g)
  use_res <- gdroplist(1:4,
    selected = 2, container = res_g

  set_g <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = dep_g)
  glabel("Method", container = set_g)
  use_alg <- gdroplist(c("Slow & Light", "Fast & Heavy"),
    selected = 2, container = set_g

  bbox_bu <- gbutton(text = "Custom B-Box", container = set_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    g_bd <- gwindow(title = "Custom Bounding Box Editor", height = 250, width = 450)

    bbox_exp <- ggroup(container = g_bd, horizontal = TRUE)
    bbo_input <- gframe(text = "Bounding Box Limits", container = bbox_exp, horizontal = FALSE)
    bbox_lay <- glayout(container = bbo_input)
    bbox_lay[1, 2] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
    glabel("Max Lat", container = bbox_lay[1, 2])
    ma_la <- gspinbutton(from = -90, to = 90, by = 0.5, value = thebo[3], container = bbox_lay[1, 2], handler = function(h, ...) {
      map(ifelse(((svalue(ma_lo) - svalue(mi_lo)) < 15) | ((svalue(ma_la) - svalue(mi_la)) < 15), "worldHires", "world"),
        fill = T, col = "honeydew3", bg = "lightsteelblue1", mar = c(6, 6, 0, 0),
        xlim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo)), f = 0.05),
        ylim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la)), f = 0.05)
      title(main = "VMSbase - BBox Viewer", line = 0.3)
      title(xlab = "Lon", ylab = "Lat", line = 2)
      rect(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_lo), svalue(ma_la), border = "cornflowerblue", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
    bbox_lay[2, 1] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
    glabel("Min Lon", container = bbox_lay[2, 1])
    mi_lo <- gspinbutton(from = -180, to = 180, by = 0.5, value = thebo[2], container = bbox_lay[2, 1], handler = function(h, ...) {
      map(ifelse(((svalue(ma_lo) - svalue(mi_lo)) < 15) | ((svalue(ma_la) - svalue(mi_la)) < 15), "worldHires", "world"),
        fill = T, col = "honeydew3", bg = "lightsteelblue1", mar = c(6, 6, 0, 0),
        xlim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo)), f = 0.05),
        ylim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la)), f = 0.05)
      title(main = "VMSbase - BBox Viewer", line = 0.3)
      title(xlab = "Lon", ylab = "Lat", line = 2)
      rect(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_lo), svalue(ma_la), border = "cornflowerblue", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
    bbox_lay[2, 3] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
    glabel("Max Lon", container = bbox_lay[2, 3])
    ma_lo <- gspinbutton(from = -180, to = 180, by = 0.5, value = thebo[1], container = bbox_lay[2, 3], handler = function(h, ...) {
      map(ifelse(((svalue(ma_lo) - svalue(mi_lo)) < 15) | ((svalue(ma_la) - svalue(mi_la)) < 15), "worldHires", "world"),
        fill = T, col = "honeydew3", bg = "lightsteelblue1", mar = c(6, 6, 0, 0),
        xlim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo)), f = 0.05),
        ylim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la)), f = 0.05)
      title(main = "VMSbase - BBox Viewer", line = 0.3)
      title(xlab = "Lon", ylab = "Lat", line = 2)
      rect(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_lo), svalue(ma_la), border = "cornflowerblue", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
    bbox_lay[3, 2] <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE)
    glabel("Min Lat", container = bbox_lay[3, 2])
    mi_la <- gspinbutton(from = -90, to = 90, by = 0.5, value = thebo[4], container = bbox_lay[3, 2], handler = function(h, ...) {
      map(ifelse(((svalue(ma_lo) - svalue(mi_lo)) < 15) | ((svalue(ma_la) - svalue(mi_la)) < 15), "worldHires", "world"),
        fill = T, col = "honeydew3", bg = "lightsteelblue1", mar = c(6, 6, 0, 0),
        xlim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo)), f = 0.05),
        ylim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la)), f = 0.05)
      title(main = "VMSbase - BBox Viewer", line = 0.3)
      title(xlab = "Lon", ylab = "Lat", line = 2)
      rect(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_lo), svalue(ma_la), border = "cornflowerblue", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")

    gbutton(text = "\nAccept\n", container = bbo_input, handler = function(h, ...) {
      thebo[1] <<- svalue(ma_lo)
      thebo[2] <<- svalue(mi_lo)
      thebo[3] <<- svalue(ma_la)
      thebo[4] <<- svalue(mi_la)



    theplot <- ggraphics(container = bbox_exp, width = 350, height = 200)

    map(ifelse(((svalue(ma_lo) - svalue(mi_lo)) < 15) | ((svalue(ma_la) - svalue(mi_la)) < 15), "worldHires", "world"),
      fill = T, col = "honeydew3", bg = "lightsteelblue1", mar = c(6, 6, 0, 0),
      xlim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(ma_lo)), f = 0.05),
      ylim = extendrange(c(svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_la)), f = 0.05)

    title(main = "VMSbase - BBox Viewer", line = 0.3)
    title(xlab = "Lon", ylab = "Lat", line = 2)
    rect(svalue(mi_lo), svalue(mi_la), svalue(ma_lo), svalue(ma_la), border = "cornflowerblue", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
  enabled(set_g) <- FALSE

  infolab_dep <- glabel("\n", container = dep_g)

  theplot <- ggraphics(container = dep_g, width = 450, height = 350)


  start_b <- gbutton("Start Online\nDepth Annotation", container = dep_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(res_g) <- FALSE
    enabled(vms_db_f) <- FALSE
    enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
    enabled(start_off) <- FALSE
    cat("\n  7 - ", thebo, sep = "|")
    if (sqldf("select count(*) from intrp", dbname = vms_DB$db)[1, 1] > 0) {
      sqldf("drop table if exists p_depth", dbname = vms_DB$db)
      sqldf("CREATE TABLE p_depth(i_id INT, vess_id INT, DEPTH REAL)", dbname = vms_DB$db)

      #       thebo <- as.numeric(sqldf("select max(LON), min(LON), max(LAT), min(LAT) from track", dbname = vms_DB$db))

      if (svalue(use_alg) == "Slow & Light") {
        xmax <- thebo[1]
        xmin <- thebo[2]
        ymax <- thebo[3]
        ymin <- thebo[4]

        xrange <- extendrange(thebo[1:2], f = 0.05)
        yrange <- extendrange(thebo[3:4], f = 0.05)

        l_x <- xrange[2] - xrange[1]
        l_y <- yrange[2] - yrange[1]

        area <- l_x * l_y

        max_dim <- 0.25

        l_xp <- sqrt(max_dim / (l_y / l_x))
        l_yp <- sqrt(max_dim / (l_x / l_y))

        xblock <- ceiling(l_x / l_xp)
        yblock <- ceiling(l_y / l_yp)

        cat("\n---   Area divided in ", xblock * yblock, " blocks   ---\n")
        cou <- 1
        for (m in 1:yblock)
          for (n in 1:xblock)
            new_xmin <- xmin + (l_xp * (n - 1))
            new_xmax <- xmin + (l_xp * n)
            new_ymin <- ymin + (l_yp * (m - 1))
            new_ymax <- ymin + (l_yp * m)

            pings <- fn$sqldf("select ROWID, * from intrp where LON > `new_xmin` and LON < `new_xmax` and LAT > `new_ymin` and LAT < `new_ymax`", dbname = vms_DB$db)

            if (nrow(pings) == 0) {
              # cat("\nSkipped block [", m, ",", n, "]\n", sep = "")
              svalue(infolab_dep) <- paste("Skipped block [", m, ",", n, "]\n",
                "N. ", cou, " of ", xblock * yblock, " blocks",
                sep = ""
              cou <- cou + 1
            cat("\nAnalyzing block [", m, ",", n, "]\n", sep = "")
            svalue(infolab_dep) <- paste("Analyzing block [", m, ",", n, "]\n",
              "N. ", cou, " of ", xblock * yblock, " blocks",
              sep = ""

            bat_blo <- getNOAA.bathy(new_xmin - 0.1,
              new_xmax + 0.1,
              new_ymin - 0.1,
              new_ymax + 0.1,
              resolution = svalue(use_res)

            blues <- c("lightsteelblue4", "lightsteelblue3", "lightsteelblue2", "lightsteelblue1")
            plot(bat_blo, image = TRUE, land = TRUE, lwd = 0.1, bpal = list(c(0, max(bat_blo), "grey"), c(min(bat_blo), 0, blues)))
            plot(bat_blo, deep = 0, shallow = 0, step = 0, lwd = 0.4, add = TRUE)

            #             plot(bat_blo, image = T)

            points(pings[, "LON"], pings[, "LAT"], pch = 20, col = "firebrick")

            xlon <- rep(as.numeric(rownames(bat_blo)), length(as.numeric(colnames(bat_blo))))
            ylat <- rep(as.numeric(colnames(bat_blo)), each = length(as.numeric(rownames(bat_blo))))
            zdep <- as.numeric(bat_blo)
            cat("Calculating Spln\n", sep = "")
            SplineD <- Tps(cbind(xlon, ylat), zdep, lon.lat = TRUE)
            rm(bat_blo, zdep, xlon, ylat)
            cat("Predicting dpt", sep = "")
            if (nrow(pings) <= 10000) {
              cat(" - ", sep = "")
              dept <- as.numeric(predict(SplineD, pings[, c("LON", "LAT")]))
              dep_v <- as.data.frame(cbind(pings[, "rowid"], pings[, "I_NCEE"], dept))
              sqldf("insert into p_depth select * from `dep_v`", dbname = vms_DB$db)
              rm(dept, dep_v)
            } else {
              nPin <- ceiling(nrow(pings) / 10000)
              for (pi in 1:nPin)
                cat(".", sep = "")
                r1 <- 10000 * (pi - 1) + 1
                r2 <- min(nrow(pings), r1 + 10000 - 1)
                dept <- as.numeric(predict(SplineD, pings[r1:r2, c("LON", "LAT")]))
                dep_v <- as.data.frame(cbind(pings[r1:r2, "rowid"], pings[r1:r2, "I_NCEE"], dept))
                sqldf("insert into p_depth select * from `dep_v`", dbname = vms_DB$db)
                rm(dept, dep_v)
            cat(" - Completed!\n", sep = "")
            cou <- cou + 1
        cat("\n\n   ---   End Assign Depth   ---\n", sep = "")
      } else {
        xmax <- thebo[1]
        xmin <- thebo[2]
        ymax <- thebo[3]
        ymin <- thebo[4]

          xmin = thebo[2],
          xmax = thebo[1],
          ymin = thebo[4],
          ymax = thebo[3],
          resolut = svalue(use_res),
          the_db = vms_DB$db

      gconfirm("VMS DB Depth Annotation Completed!",
        title = "Confirm",
        icon = "info",
        parent = vms_db_dep_win,
        handler = function(h, ...) {
    } else {
      gconfirm("Interpolated track data not available\n\nRun Interpolation first!",
        title = "Error",
        icon = "error",
        parent = vms_db_dep_win,
        handler = function(h, ...) {
  enabled(start_b) <- FALSE

  start_off <- gbutton("Start Offline\nDepth Annotation", container = dep_g, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(res_g) <- FALSE
    enabled(vms_db_f) <- FALSE
    enabled(start_b) <- FALSE
    enabled(start_off) <- FALSE
    cat("\n  7 - ", thebo, sep = "|")

    sel_bath <- gfile(
      text = "Select Bathymetry file downloaded with Get Isobath tool",
      type = "open",
      filter = list("Bathymetry file" = list(patterns = c("*.sqlitebathy.rData")))

    my_bat <- readRDS(sel_bath)

    if (sqldf("select count(*) from intrp", dbname = vms_DB$db)[1, 1] > 0) {
      sqldf("drop table if exists p_depth", dbname = vms_DB$db)
      sqldf("CREATE TABLE p_depth(i_id INT, vess_id INT, DEPTH REAL)", dbname = vms_DB$db)

      xmax <- thebo[1]
      xmin <- thebo[2]
      ymax <- thebo[3]
      ymin <- thebo[4]

        bat_all = my_bat,
        xmin = thebo[2],
        xmax = thebo[1],
        ymin = thebo[4],
        ymax = thebo[3],
        the_db = vms_DB$db,
        the_bbo = thebo

      gconfirm("VMS DB Depth Annotation Completed!",
        title = "Confirm",
        icon = "info",
        parent = vms_db_dep_win,
        handler = function(h, ...) {
    } else {
      gconfirm("Interpolated track data not available\n\nRun Interpolation first!",
        title = "Error",
        icon = "error",
        parent = vms_db_dep_win,
        handler = function(h, ...) {
  enabled(start_off) <- FALSE

  if (vms_DB$db != "") {
    #    svalue(sel_vms_f) <- strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])]
    svalue(sel_vms_f) <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "\\\\")[[1]])], strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(vms_DB$db, "/")[[1]])])
    enabled(start_b) <- TRUE
    enabled(start_off) <- TRUE

  visible(vms_db_dep_win) <- TRUE

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vmsbase documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6 p.m.