
Defines functions gui_vms_editraw

Documented in gui_vms_editraw

#' Raw VMS Editing GUI
#' The \code{gui_vms_editraw} function implements the graphical user interface for the
#' editing of a raw vms dataset
#' This function, with a raw vms dataset, produces an edited version of it.
#' The user must select, for each mandatory field, the column name where the data is
#' stored.
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#'  After the execution the user is asked where to put the edited file.
#' @usage gui_vms_editraw()

gui_vms_editraw <- function() {

  # Initialization of a "vmsFile" object
  rawfile <- vms_File$new()

  # Initialization of the main window
  vms_editraw_win <- gwindow("Raw VMS file editor", visible = FALSE)

  # Definition of the main group
  group <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = vms_editraw_win)
  # group <- gframe(horizontal = FALSE, container = group1)

  # Load button and file path group
  g1 <- gframe(text = "Loading Options", container = group)
  gsep <- gframe(text = "Separator", container = g1)
  separator <- gradio(c(";", ",", "tab", "space"), container = gsep)
  gdec <- gframe(text = "Decimal", container = g1)
  decimal <- gradio(c(".", ","), container = gdec)
  g1a <- gframe(horizontal = FALSE, container = g1)
  loadbutt <- gbutton("Load Raw VMS data",
    container = g1a,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      rawfile$path <- gfile(type = "open")

      firstline <- readLines(rawfile$path, n = 1)

      col_name <- unlist(strsplit(firstline, switch(svalue(separator), ";" = ";", "," = ",", "tab" = "\t", "space" = " ")))

      set_wdgt_vals(wdgt_w_val, col_name)

  loadtac <- gbutton("Load Raw TACSAT data",
    container = g1a,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      svalue(separator) <- ","
      svalue(decimal) <- "."

      rawfile$path <- gfile(type = "open")

      if (!is.na(rawfile$path)) {
        firstline <- readLines(rawfile$path, n = 1)

        col_name <- unlist(strsplit(firstline, switch(svalue(separator), ";" = ";", "," = ",", "tab" = "\t", "space" = " ")))

        set_wdgt_vals(wdgt_w_val, col_name)

        header <- read.csv(
          file = system.file("extdata/tacsat_format.rawvms", package = "vmsbase"),
          header = F,
          sep = "\n"

        header <- as.character(header[, 1])

        set_wdgt_vals(wdgt_w_val, header)

        set_wdgt_sel(wdgt_lst, header)

  loadOpt <- gbutton("Load Option File",
    container = g1a,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
      header <- read.csv(
        file = gfile(text = "Select option file to read", type = "open"),
        header = F,
        sep = "\n"

      header <- as.character(header[, 1])

      set_wdgt_vals(wdgt_w_val, header)

      set_wdgt_sel(wdgt_lst, header)


  # Vessel label and dropdown list menu
  g2 <- gframe(text = "Vessel ID", container = group)
  vessId <- gcombobox(c("Select column"), container = g2)

  # Latitude label, mode selector, dropdown list menu
  g3up <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = group)
  g3 <- gframe(text = "Latitude", container = g3up)
  latModeSel <- gradio(c("sex", "dec"), container = g3)
  g3a <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = g3, )
  g3b <- gframe(text = "Deg + Min + Sec + Dir", horizontal = TRUE, container = g3a)
  latDeg <- gcombobox(c("Degrees"), container = g3b)
  latMin <- gcombobox(c("Minutes"), container = g3b)
  latSec <- gcombobox(c("Seconds"), container = g3b)
  latDir <- gcombobox(c("Direction"), container = g3b)
  g3c <- gframe(text = "Decimal", horizontal = TRUE, container = g3a)
  latDec <- gcombobox(c("Dec Lat"), container = g3c)
  # Longitude label, mode selector, dropdown list menu
  g4 <- gframe(text = "Longitude", container = g3up)
  lonModeSel <- gradio(c("sex", "dec"), container = g4)
  g4a <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = g4)
  g4b <- gframe(text = "Deg + Min + Sec + Dir", horizontal = TRUE, container = g4a)
  lonDeg <- gcombobox(c("Degrees"), container = g4b)
  lonMin <- gcombobox(c("Minutes"), container = g4b)
  lonSec <- gcombobox(c("Seconds"), container = g4b)
  lonDir <- gcombobox(c("Direction"), container = g4b)
  g4c <- gframe(text = "Decimal", horizontal = TRUE, container = g4a)
  lonDec <- gcombobox(c("Dec Lon"), container = g4c)

  # Time label, mode, dropdown list
  g5 <- gframe(text = "Date & Time", container = group)
  timeModeSel <- gradio(c("UTC", "Date + Time", "Date + H M S"), container = g5)
  g5a <- ggroup(horizontal = F, container = g5)
  g5b <- gframe(text = "Time UTC", horizontal = T, container = g5a)
  timeUtc <- gcombobox(c("UTC Time"), container = g5b)

  g5c <- gframe(text = "Date + Time", horizontal = T, container = g5a)
  timeDate2a <- gcombobox(c("Date"), container = g5c)
  timeDate2b <- gcombobox(c("Time"), container = g5c)

  g5d <- gframe(text = "Date + H + M + S", horizontal = T, container = g5a)
  timeDate <- gcombobox(c("Date"), container = g5d)
  timeHour <- gcombobox(c("Hour"), container = g5d)
  timeMinute <- gcombobox(c("Minute"), container = g5d)
  timeSecond <- gcombobox(c("Second"), container = g5d)

  g5aa <- ggroup(horizontal = F, container = g5)
  g5ab <- gframe(text = "Date Format", horizontal = T, container = g5aa)
  date_frm <- gradio(c("DD/MM/YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY"), horizontal = F, container = g5ab)


  # Speed label, mode selector, dropdown list menu
  g6up <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = group)
  g6 <- gframe(text = "Speed", container = g6up)
  speedModeSel <- gradio(c("Knots", "Km/h"), container = g6)
  speedCol <- gcombobox(c("Speed"), container = g6)
  # Heading label, mode selector, dropdown list menu
  g7 <- gframe(text = "Heading", container = g6up)
  headModeSel <- gradio(c("Rad", "Deg"), container = g7)
  headCol <- gcombobox(c("Heading"), container = g7)

  # Saving, new, append, ok, cancel
  g8 <- gframe(text = "Save & Exit", container = group)
  help_b <- gbutton("Help",
    container = g8,
    handler = function(h, ...) {
        "Loading Options: select the character to consider as Separator and Decimal characters in the raw vms file.
Load raw data: button to select and load the raw vms file.
Load options: button to select and load an option file generated by the raw vms edit tool.
Vessel ID: dropdown list to select the column in the raw vms file with the vessel id information.
Latitude and Longitude: dropdown list to select the column/s in the raw vms file with the lat/lon information.
  There are two possible modalities of input, sexagesimal (degree, minutes, seconds and direction) or decimal.
Date & time: dropdown list to select the column/s in the raw vms file with the date and time information.
  There are two possible modalities of input, UTC (number of days since 01/01/1970) or date & times (date as d/m/y + hour + minutes + seconds).
Speed: dropdown list to select the column in the raw vms file with the speed information and must be specified if this is in kmh or in knots.
Heading: dropdown list to select the column in the raw vms file with the Heading information and must be specified if this is in radiants or degrees.
        title = "Edit Raw VMS Help", icon = c("info")
  saveModeSel <- gradio(c("New", "Append"), horizontal = T, container = g8)
  saveOpt <- gcheckbox(text = "Save format options?", checked = F, container = g8)
  gbutton("ok", container = g8, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(vms_editraw_win) <- FALSE

    if (svalue(saveOpt) == T) {
        file = gfile(text = "Save VMS template file", type = "save", initialfilename = "rawformat.rawvms"),
        sep = ","

    if (svalue(saveModeSel) == "New") {
      rawfile$data <- read.table(
        file = rawfile$path,
        header = TRUE,
        sep = svalue(separator),
        dec = svalue(decimal)
      rep_txt <- ""
      write.table(saveRawVms(rawfile, get_wdgt_vals(wdgt_lst)),
        file = paste(gfile(
          text = "Save edited VMS file",
          type = "save",
          filter = list("VMS files" = list(patterns = c("*.vms")))
        ), ".vms", sep = ""),
        sep = ";",
        dec = ".",
        quote = FALSE,
        row.names = FALSE

    if (svalue(saveModeSel) == "Append") {
      rawfile$data <- read.table(
        file = rawfile$path,
        header = TRUE,
        sep = svalue(separator),
        dec = svalue(decimal)
      rep_txt <- ""
      file = gfile(
        text = "Append VMS file to...",
        type = "save",
        filter = list("VMS Files" = list(patterns = c("*.vms")))
      sep = ";",
      dec = ".",
      quote = FALSE,
      append = T,
      col.names = F,
      row.names = F

    gconfirm(paste("Raw VMS data editing complete!\n\n", rep_txt, sep = ""),
      title = "Confirm",
      icon = "info",
      parent = vms_editraw_win,
      handler = function(h, ...) {

  gbutton("cancel", handler = function(h, ...) {
  }, container = g8)

  wdgt_lst <- c(
    latModeSel, latDeg, latMin, latSec, latDir, latDec,
    lonModeSel, lonDeg, lonMin, lonSec, lonDir, lonDec,
    timeModeSel, timeUtc, timeDate2a, timeDate2b, timeDate, timeHour, timeMinute, timeSecond,
    speedModeSel, speedCol,
    headModeSel, headCol, date_frm

  wdgt_w_val <- c(
    latDeg, latMin, latSec, latDir, latDec,
    lonDeg, lonMin, lonSec, lonDir, lonDec,
    timeUtc, timeDate2a, timeDate2b, timeDate, timeHour, timeMinute, timeSecond,


  visible(vms_editraw_win) <- TRUE

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vmsbase documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6 p.m.