
Defines functions vpc_cat

Documented in vpc_cat

#' VPC function for categorical
#' Creates a VPC plot from observed and simulation data for categorical variables.
#' @param sim a data.frame with observed data, containing the independent and dependent variable, a column indicating the individual, and possibly covariates. E.g. load in from NONMEM using \link{read_table_nm}
#' @param obs a data.frame with observed data, containing the independent and dependent variable, a column indicating the individual, and possibly covariates. E.g. load in from NONMEM using \link{read_table_nm}
#' @param psn_folder instead of specifying "sim" and "obs", specify a PsN-generated VPC-folder
#' @param bins either "density", "time", or "data", "none", or one of the approaches available in classInterval() such as "jenks" (default) or "pretty", or a numeric vector specifying the bin separators.
#' @param n_bins when using the "auto" binning method, what number of bins to aim for
#' @param bin_mid either "mean" for the mean of all timepoints (default) or "middle" to use the average of the bin boundaries.
#' @param obs_cols observation dataset column names (list elements: "dv", "idv", "id", "pred")
#' @param sim_cols simulation dataset column names (list elements: "dv", "idv", "id", "pred")
#' @param show what to show in VPC (obs_ci, pi, pi_as_area, pi_ci, obs_median, sim_median, sim_median_ci)
#' @param software name of software platform using (e.g. nonmem, phoenix)
#' @param ci confidence interval to plot. Default is (0.05, 0.95)
#' @param uloq Number or NULL indicating upper limit of quantification. Default is NULL.
#' @param lloq Number or NULL indicating lower limit of quantification. Default is NULL.
#' @param plot Boolean indicting whether to plot the ggplot2 object after creation. Default is FALSE.
#' @param xlab label for x-axis
#' @param ylab label for y-axis
#' @param title title
#' @param smooth "smooth" the VPC (connect bin midpoints) or show bins as rectangular boxes. Default is TRUE.
#' @param vpc_theme theme to be used in VPC. Expects list of class vpc_theme created with function vpc_theme()
#' @param facet either "wrap", "columns", or "rows"
#' @param labeller ggplot2 labeller function to be passed to underlying ggplot object
#' @param vpcdb boolean whether to return the underlying vpcdb rather than the plot
#' @param verbose show debugging information (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @return a list containing calculated VPC information (when vpcdb=TRUE), or a ggplot2 object (default)
#' @export
#' @seealso \link{sim_data}, \link{vpc}, \link{vpc_tte}, \link{vpc_cens}
#' @examples
#' ## See vpc.ronkeizer.com for more documentation and examples
#' library(vpc)
#' # simple function to simulate categorical data for single individual
#' sim_id <- function(id = 1) {
#'   n <- 10
#'   logit <- function(x) exp(x) / (1+exp(x))
#'   data.frame(id = id, time = seq(1, n, length.out = n),
#'              dv = round(logit((1:n) - n/2 + rnorm(n, 0, 1.5))) )
#' }
#' ## simple function to simulate categorical data for a trial
#' sim_trial <- function(i = 1, n = 20) { # function to simulate categorical data for a trial
#'   data.frame(sim = i, do.call("rbind", lapply(1:n, sim_id)))
#' }
#' ## simulate single trial for 20 individuals
#' obs <- sim_trial(n = 20)
#' ## simulate 200 trials of 20 individuals
#' sim <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:200, sim_trial, n = 20))
#' ## Plot categorical VPC
#' vpc_cat(sim = sim, obs = obs)
vpc_cat  <- function(sim = NULL,
                     obs = NULL,
                     psn_folder = NULL,
                     bins = "jenks",
                     n_bins = "auto",
                     bin_mid = "mean",
                     obs_cols = NULL,
                     sim_cols = NULL,
                     software = "auto",
                     show = NULL,
                     ci = c(0.05, 0.95),
                     uloq = NULL,
                     lloq = NULL,
                     xlab = NULL,
                     ylab = NULL,
                     title = NULL,
                     smooth = TRUE,
                     vpc_theme = NULL,
                     facet = "wrap",
                     labeller = NULL,
                     plot = TRUE,
                     vpcdb = FALSE,
                     verbose = FALSE) {

  if(is.null(obs) & is.null(sim)) {
    stop("At least a simulation or an observation dataset are required to create a plot!")
  if(!is.null(psn_folder)) {
    if(!is.null(obs)) {
      obs <- read_table_nm(paste0(psn_folder, "/m1/", dir(paste0(psn_folder, "/m1"), pattern="original.npctab")[1]))
    if(!is.null(sim)) {
      sim <- read_table_nm(paste0(psn_folder, "/m1/", dir(paste0(psn_folder, "/m1"), pattern="simulation.1.npctab")[1]))
    software = "nonmem"
  if (!is.null(obs)) {
    software_type <- guess_software(software, obs)
  } else {
    software_type <- guess_software(software, sim)

  ## define what to show in plot
  show <- replace_list_elements(show_default, show)

  ## define column names
  cols <- define_data_columns(sim, obs, sim_cols, obs_cols, software_type)
  if(!is.null(obs)) {
    old_class <- class(obs)
    class(obs) <- c(software_type, old_class)
  if(!is.null(sim)) {
    old_class <- class(sim)
    class(sim) <- c(software_type, old_class)

  ## parse data into specific format
  if(!is.null(obs)) {
    obs <- filter_dv(obs, verbose)
    obs <- format_vpc_input_data(obs, cols$obs, lloq, uloq, strat = NULL, bins, FALSE, 0, "observed", verbose)
  if(!is.null(sim)) {
    sim <- filter_dv(sim, verbose)
    sim <- format_vpc_input_data(sim, cols$sim, lloq, uloq, strat = NULL, bins, FALSE, 0, "simulated", verbose)
    sim$sim <- add_sim_index_number(sim, id = "id")

  if (class(bins) != "numeric") {
    if(!is.null(obs)) {
      bins <- auto_bin(obs, bins, n_bins)
    } else { # get from sim
      bins <- auto_bin(sim, bins, n_bins)
    if (is.null(bins)) {
      msg("Automatic binning unsuccessful, try increasing the number of bins, or specify vector of bin separators manually.", verbose)
  bins <- unique(bins)
  if(!is.null(obs)) {
    obs <- bin_data(obs, bins, "idv")
  if(!is.null(sim)) {
    sim <- bin_data(sim, bins, "idv")

  ## parsing
  fact_perc <- function(x, fact) { sum(x == fact) / length(x) } # below lloq, default
  obs$dv <- as.factor(obs$dv)
  lev <- levels(obs$dv)
  if (!is.null(sim)) {
    tmp1 <- sim %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(sim, bin) 
    for (i in seq(lev)) {
      if (i == 1) {
        aggr_sim <- tmp1 %>% 
          dplyr::summarise(fact_perc(dv, lev[i]))
      } else {
          aggr_sim <- dplyr::bind_cols(aggr_sim, tmp1 %>% 
                              dplyr::summarise(fact_perc(dv, lev[i])) %>%
                              dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                              dplyr::select(-sim, -bin))
    aggr_sim <- dplyr::bind_cols(aggr_sim, tmp1 %>% 
                        dplyr::summarise(mean(idv)) %>% 
                        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                        dplyr::select(-sim, -bin))
    colnames(aggr_sim) <- c("sim", "bin", paste0("fact_", lev), "mn_idv")
    tmp3 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(aggr_sim, names_to = "strat", cols = paste0("fact_", lev)) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(sim, strat, bin) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(strat = stringr::str_replace(strat, "fact_", ""))
    vpc_dat <- tmp3 %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(strat, bin) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(q50.low = quantile(value, ci[1]),
                       q50.med = quantile(value, 0.5),
                       q50.up = quantile(value, ci[2]),
                       bin_mid = mean(mn_idv)) %>%
    vpc_dat$bin_min <- rep(bins[1:(length(bins)-1)], length(unique(vpc_dat$strat)))[vpc_dat$bin]
    vpc_dat$bin_max <- rep(bins[2:length(bins)], length(unique(vpc_dat$strat)))[vpc_dat$bin]
    if(bin_mid == "middle") {
      vpc_dat$bin_mid <- apply(cbind(vpc_dat$bin_min, vpc_dat$bin_max), 1, mean)
  } else {
    vpc_dat <- NULL
  if(!is.null(obs)) {
    tmp <- obs %>% dplyr::group_by(bin)
    for (i in seq(lev)) {
      if (i == 1) {
        aggr_obs <- tmp %>% 
          dplyr::summarise(fact_perc(dv, lev[i]))
      } else {
        aggr_obs <- cbind(aggr_obs, tmp %>% 
                            dplyr::summarise(fact_perc(dv, lev[i])) %>% 
                            dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                            dplyr::select(-bin) )
    tmp1 <- cbind(aggr_obs,  tmp %>% 
                               dplyr::summarise(mean(idv)) %>%
                               dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    colnames(tmp1) <- c("bin", paste0("fact_", lev), "bin_mid")
    tmp2 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(tmp1, names_to = "strat", cols = paste0("fact_", lev)) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(strat, bin) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(strat = stringr::str_replace(strat, "fact_", ""))
    tmp2$bin_min <- rep(bins[1:(length(bins)-1)], length(unique(tmp2$strat)) )[tmp2$bin]
    tmp2$bin_max <- rep(bins[2:length(bins)], length(unique(tmp2$strat)) )[tmp2$bin]
    if(bin_mid == "middle") {
      tmp2$bin_mid <- apply(dplyr::bind_cols(tmp2$bin_min, tmp2$bin_max), 1, mean)
    aggr_obs <- tmp2
    colnames(aggr_obs)[4] <- "obs50"
  } else {
    aggr_obs <- NULL

  ## plotting starts here
  show$median_ci = FALSE
  show$obs_dv = FALSE
  show$obs_ci = FALSE
  show$sim_median = TRUE
  show$sim_median_ci = TRUE
  show$pi_as_area = FALSE
  show$pi_ci = FALSE
  show$pi = FALSE
  vpc_db <- list(sim = sim,
                 vpc_dat = vpc_dat,
                 stratify = "strat", # the stratification is the various categories!
                 stratify_original = "strat",
                 aggr_obs = aggr_obs,
                 obs = obs,
                 bins = bins,
                 facet = facet,
                 labeller = labeller,
                 type = "categorical",
                 xlab = xlab,
                 ylab = ylab)
  if(vpcdb) {
  } else {
    pl <- plot_vpc(db = vpc_db,
                   show = show,
                   vpc_theme = vpc_theme,
                   smooth = smooth,
                   log_y = FALSE,
                   title = title)
    pl <- pl + ggplot2::ylim(c(0,1))

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vpc documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:44 p.m.