hamming.distance: Compute Hamming distances

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/hamming.distance.R


Compute the Hamming distance (the number of non-overlapping characters) between words of the same length.


hamming.distance(xsource, targets)



A character string to compute the Hamming distance from.


Words to which the Hamming distance must be computed. Must be of type character, or convertible to type character with as.character.


The actual distance computation is performed by stringdist with "method='h'".


An integer vector containing Hamming distances, with names corresponding to targets. Since the Hamming distances is only defined between words of the same length, the output of hamming.distance is only guaranteed to have the same length as targets if all targets have the same length as source.


Emmanuel Keuleers


Hamming, R. W. (1950). Error detecting and error correcting codes. Bell System technical journal, 29(2), 147-160.

See Also

stringdist, hamming.neighbors, coltheart.N



Example output

Loading required package: stringdist
sh: 1: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied
sh: 1: wc: Permission denied
Could not detect number of cores, defaulting to 1.
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
                     a                    a/c                     aa 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   aas                  abaci                  aback 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abacus               abacuses                  abaft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               abandon              abandoned             abandoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           abandonment               abandons                  abase 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abased              abasement                 abases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 abash                abashed                abashes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abashing                abasing                  abate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abated              abatement                 abates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               abating               abattoir              abattoirs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abbess               abbesses                  abbey 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abbeys                  abbot                 abbots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abbreviate            abbreviated            abbreviates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          abbreviating           abbreviation          abbreviations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   abc                   abcs               abdicate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abdicated              abdicates             abdicating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abdication            abdications                abdomen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abdomens              abdominal                 abduct 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abducted              abducting              abduction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abductions                abducts                  abeam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  abed               aberrant             aberration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aberrations                   abet                  abets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               abetted               abetting                abettor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abettors               abeyance                abeyant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 abhor               abhorred             abhorrence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abhorrent              abhorring                 abhors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 abide                 abided                 abides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               abiding              abilities                ability 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abject              abjection             abjections 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abjectly             abjuration            abjurations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abjure                abjured                abjures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abjuring               ablative              ablatives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ablaut                ablauts                 ablaze 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  able                  abler                 ablest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ablution              ablutions                   ably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abnegate              abnegated              abnegates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abnegating             abnegation               abnormal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         abnormalities            abnormality             abnormally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   abo                 aboard                  abode 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abodes                abolish              abolished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abolishes             abolishing              abolition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          abolitionist          abolitionists             abominable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abominably              abominate             abominated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abominates            abominating            abomination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          abominations             aboriginal            aboriginals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aborigine             aborigines                  abort 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               aborted               aborting               abortion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           abortionist           abortionists              abortions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abortive             abortively                 aborts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  abos                 abound               abounded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abounding                abounds                  about 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 above             aboveboard            abracadabra 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abrade                abraded                abrades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abrading               abrasion              abrasions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abrasive             abrasively              abrasives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               abreast                abridge               abridged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abridges              abridging             abridgment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           abridgments                 abroad               abrogate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abrogated              abrogates             abrogating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abrogation            abrogations                 abrupt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abruptly             abruptness                abscess 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abscesses                abscond              absconded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            absconding               absconds                absence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              absences                 absent               absented 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              absentee            absenteeism              absentees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             absenting               absently                absents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               absinth               absolute             absolutely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          absoluteness             absolution             absolutism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               absolve               absolved               absolves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             absolving                 absorb               absorbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             absorbent             absorbents              absorbing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               absorbs             absorption                abstain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abstained              abstainer             abstainers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            abstaining               abstains             abstemious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          abstemiously         abstemiousness             abstention 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           abstentions             abstinence              abstinent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abstract             abstracted           abstractedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           abstracting            abstraction           abstractions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abstracts               abstruse             abstrusely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          abstruseness                 absurd            absurdities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             absurdity               absurdly              abundance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              abundant             abundantly                  abuse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                abused                 abuses                abusing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               abusive              abusively               abutment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             abutments                abysmal              abysmally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 abyss                abysses                 acacia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               acacias               academic           academically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           academicals            academician           academicians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             academics              academies                academy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                accede                acceded                accedes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acceding            accelerando           accelerandos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            accelerate            accelerated            accelerates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accelerating           acceleration            accelerator 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accelerators                 accent               accented 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             accenting                accents             accentuate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accentuated            accentuates           accentuating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accentuation          accentuations                 accept 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         acceptability             acceptable             acceptably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            acceptance            acceptances            acceptation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          acceptations               accepted              accepting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               accepts                 access          accessibility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            accessible              accession             accessions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accessories              accessory              accidence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              accident             accidental           accidentally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             accidents                acclaim              acclaimed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            acclaiming               acclaims            acclamation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             acclimate             acclimated             acclimates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           acclimating            acclimation        acclimatization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           acclimatize           acclimatized           acclimatizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         acclimatizing            acclivities              acclivity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              accolade              accolades            accommodate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accommodated           accommodates          accommodating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       accommodatingly          accommodation         accommodations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accompanied            accompanies          accompaniment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        accompaniments            accompanist           accompanists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             accompany           accompanying             accomplice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accomplices             accomplish           accomplished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accomplishes          accomplishing         accomplishment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       accomplishments                 accord             accordance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              accorded              according            accordingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             accordion             accordions                accords 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                accost               accosted              accosting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               accosts           accouchement          accouchements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               account            accountable            accountably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accountancy             accountant            accountants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             accounted             accounting               accounts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         accoutrements               accredit             accredited 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accrediting              accredits                accrete 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              accreted               accretes              accreting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             accretion             accretions                 accrue 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               accrued                accrues               accruing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            accumulate            accumulated            accumulates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accumulating           accumulation          accumulations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accumulative         accumulatively            accumulator 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          accumulators             accuracies               accuracy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              accurate             accurately               accursed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            accursedly                accurst             accusation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accusations             accusative            accusatives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                accuse                accused                accuser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              accusers                accuses               accusing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            accusingly               accustom             accustomed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           accustoming              accustoms                    ace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               acerbic             acerbities               acerbity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  aces                acetate                 acetic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                acetyl              acetylene                   ache 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ached                  aches             achievable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               achieve               achieved            achievement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          achievements               achieves              achieving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              achilles                 aching                  achoo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  acid                 acidic              acidified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             acidifies                acidify             acidifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               acidity                  acids              acidulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            acidulated             acidulates            acidulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             acidulous            acknowledge           acknowledged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       acknowledgement       acknowledgements           acknowledges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         acknowledging                   acme                   acne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               acolyte               acolytes                aconite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aconites                  acorn                 acorns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acoustic           acoustically              acoustics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          acquaintance          acquaintances       acquaintanceship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     acquaintanceships              acquiesce             acquiesced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          acquiescence            acquiescent          acquiescently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            acquiesces            acquiescing                acquire 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acquired            acquirement           acquirements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acquires              acquiring            acquisition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          acquisitions            acquisitive          acquisitively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       acquisitiveness                 acquit                acquits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             acquittal             acquittals              acquitted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            acquitting                   acre                acreage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 acres                  acrid            acrimonious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         acrimoniously               acrimony                acrobat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             acrobatic          acrobatically             acrobatics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acrobats                acronym               acronyms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             acropolis            acropolises                 across 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acrostic              acrostics                acrylic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              acrylics                    act                  acted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                acting                actinic               actinism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                action             actionable                actions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              activate              activated              activates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            activating             activation                 active 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              actively               activist              activists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            activities               activity                  actor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                actors                actress              actresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  acts                 actual            actualities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             actuality               actually              actuarial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             actuaries                actuary                actuate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              actuated               actuates              actuating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                acuity                 acumen            acupuncture 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 acute                acutely              acuteness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    ad                  adage                 adages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adagio                adagios                   adam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adamancy                adamant             adamantine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adamantly                  adapt           adaptability 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adaptable             adaptation            adaptations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adapted                adapter               adapters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adapting                 adapts                    adc 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   add                  added                addenda 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              addendum                  adder                 adders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                addict               addicted              addicting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             addiction             addictions              addictive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               addicts                 adding               addition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            additional           additionally              additions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              additive              additives                  addle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                addled                 addles                addling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               address              addressed              addressee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            addressees              addresses             addressing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         addressograph         addressographs                   adds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adduce                adduced                adduces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adducing              adenoidal            adenoidally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adenoids                  adept                adeptly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adepts               adequacy               adequate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adequately                 adhere                adhered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adherence               adherent              adherents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adheres               adhering               adhesion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adhesions               adhesive              adhesives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 adieu                 adieux                adipose 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   adj               adjacent             adjectival 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          adjectivally              adjective             adjectives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adjoin               adjoined              adjoining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adjoins                adjourn              adjourned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adjourning            adjournment           adjournments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adjourns                adjudge               adjudged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adjudges              adjudging             adjudicate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adjudicated            adjudicates           adjudicating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          adjudication            adjudicator           adjudicators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adjunct               adjuncts             adjuration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adjurations                 adjure                adjured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adjures               adjuring                 adjust 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adjustable               adjusted               adjuster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adjusters              adjusting             adjustment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adjustments                adjusts               adjutant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adjutants                  adman                 admass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 admen             administer           administered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         administering            administers         administration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       administrations         administrative       administratively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         administrator         administrators              admirable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             admirably                admiral               admirals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           admiralties              admiralty             admiration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                admire                admired                admirer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              admirers                admires               admiring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            admiringly          admissibility             admissible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             admission             admissions                  admit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                admits             admittance               admitted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            admittedly              admitting                  admix 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               admixed                admixes               admixing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             admixture             admixtures               admonish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            admonished             admonishes            admonishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         admonishingly             admonition            admonitions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            admonitory                    ado                  adobe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adolescence             adolescent            adolescents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 adopt                adopted               adopting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adoption              adoptions               adoptive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adopts               adorable               adorably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adoration                  adore                 adored 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adorer                adorers                 adores 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adoring              adoringly                  adorn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adorned               adorning              adornment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adornments                 adorns                adrenal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adrenalin                 adrift                 adroit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              adroitly             adroitness                    ads 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               adulate               adulated               adulates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adulating              adulation               adulator 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adulators              adulatory                  adult 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adulterant            adulterants             adulterate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adulterated            adulterates           adulterating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          adulteration          adulterations              adulterer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adulterers             adulteress           adulteresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adulteries             adulterous               adultery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adulthood                 adults              adumbrate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adumbrated             adumbrates            adumbrating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adumbration           adumbrations                    adv 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               advance               advanced            advancement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              advances              advancing              advantage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            advantaged           advantageous         advantageously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            advantages            advantaging                 advent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adventist             adventists           adventitious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        adventitiously              adventure             adventured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adventurer            adventurers             adventures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         adventuresome            adventuress          adventuresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adventuring            adventurous          adventurously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                adverb              adverbial            adverbially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            adverbials                adverbs            adversaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             adversary                adverse              adversely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           adversities              adversity                 advert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            advertence            advertences              advertent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             advertise             advertised          advertisement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        advertisements             advertiser            advertisers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            advertises            advertising                adverts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                advice                advices           advisability 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             advisable                 advise                advised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             advisedly                adviser               advisers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               advises               advising               advisory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              advocacy               advocate              advocated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             advocates             advocating               advowson 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             advowsons                   adze                  adzes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aegis                   aeon                  aeons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aerate                aerated                aerates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aerating               aeration                 aerial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aerially                aerials              aerobatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aerobatics              aerodrome             aerodromes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aerodynamic        aerodynamically           aerodynamics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aeronaut             aeronautic           aeronautical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aeronautics              aeronauts              aeroplane 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aeroplanes                aerosol               aerosols 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aerospace                 aertex               aesthete 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aesthetes              aesthetic            aesthetical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         aesthetically             aesthetics           aetiological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        aetiologically              aetiology                   afar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            affability                affable                affably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                affair                affairs                 affect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           affectation           affectations               affected 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            affectedly           affectedness              affecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           affectingly              affection           affectionate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        affectionately             affections                affects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              affiance              affianced              affiances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            affiancing              affidavit             affidavits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             affiliate             affiliated             affiliates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           affiliating            affiliation           affiliations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                affine             affinities               affinity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                affirm            affirmation           affirmations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           affirmative          affirmatively           affirmatives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              affirmed              affirming                affirms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 affix                affixed                affixes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              affixing               afflatus                afflict 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             afflicted             afflicting             affliction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           afflictions               afflicts              affluence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              affluent              affluents                 afford 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              afforded              affording                affords 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              afforest          afforestation             afforested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           afforesting              afforests            affranchise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          affranchised           affranchises          affranchising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                affray                affrays              affricate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            affricates                affront              affronted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            affronting               affronts                 afghan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               afghani               afghanis            afghanistan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          afghanistani          afghanistanis                afghans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aficionado            aficionados                 afield 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 afire                 aflame                 afloat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 afoot                  afore         aforementioned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aforesaid           aforethought                  afoul 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                afraid                 afresh                 africa 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               african               africans              afrikaans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             afrikaner             afrikaners                   afro 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 afros                    aft                  after 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            afterbirth              aftercare              afterdamp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aftereffect           aftereffects              afterglow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             afterlife             afterlives              aftermath 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             afternoon             afternoons                 afters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aftershave            aftershaves             aftertaste 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aftertastes           afterthought          afterthoughts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             afterward             afterwards                  again 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               against                  agape                   agar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 agate                 agates                  agave 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                agaves                    age                   aged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  aged                 ageing                ageless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           agelessness               agencies                 agency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                agenda                agendas                  agent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                agents                   ages            agglomerate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          agglomerated           agglomerates          agglomerating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         agglomeration         agglomerations            agglutinate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          agglutinated           agglutinates          agglutinating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         agglutination          agglutinative             aggrandize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aggrandized         aggrandizement            aggrandizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          aggrandizing              aggravate             aggravated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aggravates            aggravating            aggravation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          aggravations              aggregate             aggregated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aggregates            aggregating            aggregation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          aggregations                aggress              aggressed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aggresses             aggressing             aggression 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aggressions             aggressive           aggressively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        aggressiveness              aggressor             aggressors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aggrieve              aggrieved              aggrieves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aggrieving                  aggro                 aghast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 agile                agilely                agility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  agin                agitate               agitated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              agitates              agitating              agitation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            agitations               agitator              agitators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aglow                 agnail               agnostic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           agnosticism              agnostics                    ago 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  agog                agonies                agonize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              agonized               agonizes              agonizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           agonizingly                  agony                  agora 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                agorae            agoraphobia            agoraphobic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          agoraphobics                 agoras               agrarian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 agree              agreeable              agreeably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                agreed               agreeing              agreement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            agreements                 agrees           agricultural 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       agriculturalist       agriculturalists            agriculture 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         agriculturist         agriculturists             agronomist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           agronomists               agronomy                aground 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ague                  agues                     ah 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   aha                  ahead                   ahem 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ahoy                    aid                   aide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aided                  aides                 aiding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  aids               aigrette              aigrettes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ail                  ailed                aileron 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ailerons                 ailing                ailment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ailments                   ails                    aim 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aimed                 aiming                aimless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aimlessly            aimlessness                   aims 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   air                airbase               airbases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                airbed                airbeds             airbladder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           airbladders               airborne               airbrake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             airbrakes                 airbus               airbuses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aircraft            aircraftman            aircraftmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          aircraftsman           aircraftsmen                aircrew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aircrews             aircushion            aircushions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airdrome              airdromes                airdrop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            airdropped            airdropping               airdrops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aired               airedale              airedales 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airfield              airfields                airflow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airforce              airforces               airframe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             airframes                 airgun                airguns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               airhole               airholes             airhostess 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          airhostesses                 airier                airiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                airily                 airing                airings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               airlane               airlanes                airless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             airletter             airletters                airlift 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             airlifted             airlifting               airlifts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               airline               airliner              airliners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airlines                airlock               airlocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               airmail                 airman                 airmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airplane              airplanes              airpocket 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            airpockets                airport               airports 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  airs               airscrew              airscrews 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airshaft              airshafts                airship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airships                airsick            airsickness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              airspace               airspeed               airstrip 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             airstrips               airtight                 airway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               airways               airwoman               airwomen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         airworthiness              airworthy                   airy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aisle                 aisles                  aitch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               aitches                   ajar                 akimbo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  akin                     al              alabaster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 alack               alacrity                  alarm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alarmed               alarming               alarmist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alarmists                 alarms                   alas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   alb                albania               albanian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             albanians              albatross            albatrosses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                albeit                 albino                albinos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  albs                  album                albumen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                albums              alchemist             alchemists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alchemy                alcohol              alcoholic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         alcoholically             alcoholics             alcoholism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alcohols                 alcove                alcoves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 alder               alderman             aldermanic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aldermen                 alders                    ale 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  alee               alehouse              alehouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 alert                alerted               alerting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alertly              alertness                 alerts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ales            alexandrine           alexandrines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                alexia                 alexic                alexics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alfalfa               alfresco                   alga 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 algae                algebra              algebraic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           algebraical          algebraically               algebras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               algeria               algerian              algerians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             algorithm            algorithmic             algorithms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 alias                aliases                  alibi 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                alibis                  alice                  alien 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alienable               alienate              alienated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alienates             alienating             alienation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alienist              alienists                 aliens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                alight               alighted              alighting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alights                  align                aligned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aligning              alignment             alignments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aligns                  alike                aliment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            alimentary               aliments                alimony 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  alit                  alive                 alkali 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alkaline                alkalis                    all 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 allah                  allay                allayed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              allaying                 allays             allegation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           allegations                 allege                alleged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             allegedly                alleges             allegiance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           allegiances               alleging              allegoric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           allegorical          allegorically             allegories 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              allegory             allegretto            allegrettos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               allegro               allegros               alleluia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alleluias               allergen              allergens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              allergic              allergies                allergy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alleviate             alleviated             alleviates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           alleviating            alleviation                  alley 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                alleys               alleyway              alleyways 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alliance              alliances                 allied 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                allies              alligator             alligators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            alliterate            alliterated            alliterates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          alliterating           alliteration           alliterative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        alliteratively               allocate              allocated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             allocates             allocating             allocation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           allocations             allopathic           allopathical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        allopathically              allopathy                  allot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             allotment             allotments                 allots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              allotted              allotting                  allow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             allowable              allowably              allowance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            allowances                allowed               allowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                allows                  alloy                alloyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alloying                 alloys               allspice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                allure                allured             allurement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           allurements                allures               alluring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              allusion              allusions               allusive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            allusively                alluvia               alluvial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alluvium              alluviums                   ally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               allying                almanac               almanacs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              almighty                 almond                almonds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               almoner               almoners                 almost 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  alms                   aloe                  aloes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aloft                  alone                  along 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alongside                  aloof                aloofly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aloofness               alopecia                  aloud 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   alp                 alpaca                alpacas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alpenhorn             alpenhorns             alpenstock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           alpenstocks                  alpha               alphabet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            alphabetic           alphabetical         alphabetically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alphabets                 alphas                 alpine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alpinism               alpinist              alpinists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  alps                already                alright 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                alsace               alsatian              alsatians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  also                  altar             altarpiece 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           altarpieces                 altars                  alter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             alterable             alteration            alterations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             altercate             altercated             altercates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           altercating            altercation           altercations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               altered               altering              alternate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            alternated            alternately             alternates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           alternating            alternation           alternations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           alternative          alternatively           alternatives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            alternator            alternators                 alters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              although              altimeter             altimeters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              altitude              altitudes                   alto 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            altogether                  altos               altruism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             altruisms               altruist             altruistic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        altruistically              altruists                   alum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aluminium               aluminum                 alumna 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alumnae                 alumni                alumnus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              alveolar              alveolars                 always 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               alyssum               alyssums                     am 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  amah                  amahs                amalgam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            amalgamate            amalgamated            amalgamates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          amalgamating           amalgamation          amalgamations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              amalgams             amanuenses             amanuensis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amaryllis            amaryllises                  amass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amassed                amasses               amassing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amateur             amateurish           amateurishly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        amateurishness             amateurism               amateurs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amatory                  amaze                 amazed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amazement                 amazes                amazing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amazingly                 amazon              amazonian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amazons             ambassador          ambassadorial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ambassadors         ambassadorship        ambassadorships 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ambassadress         ambassadresses                  amber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ambergris           ambidextrous         ambidextrously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ambience                ambient            ambiguities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ambiguity              ambiguous            ambiguously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         ambiguousness                  ambit               ambition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ambitions              ambitious            ambitiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         ambitiousness                 ambits            ambivalence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ambivalent           ambivalently                  amble 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ambled                 ambles                ambling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ambrosia              ambulance             ambulances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ambulant              ambuscade             ambuscaded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ambuscades            ambuscading                 ambush 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ambushed               ambushes              ambushing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ame             ameliorate            ameliorated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ameliorates           ameliorating           amelioration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  amen               amenable                  amend 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amendable                amended               amending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amendment             amendments                 amends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amenities                amenity               american 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           americanism           americanisms            americanize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          americanized           americanizes          americanizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             americans             amerindian            amerindians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              amethyst              amethysts                 amhara 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amharic             amiability                amiable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amiably            amicability               amicable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              amicably                   amid              amidships 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                amidst                   amir                  amirs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 amiss                  amity                ammeter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ammeters                   ammo                ammonia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ammoniate             ammoniated             ammoniates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ammoniating               ammonite              ammonites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ammunition                amnesia              amnesties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amnesty                 amoeba                amoebae 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amoebas                amoebic                   amok 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 among                amongst                 amoral 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             amorality                amorous              amorously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           amorousness              amorphous            amorphously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         amorphousness           amortization          amortizations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              amortize              amortized              amortizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            amortizing                 amount                amounts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 amour                 amours                    amp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              amperage                 ampere                amperes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ampersand             ampersands            amphetamine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          amphetamines              amphibian             amphibians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            amphibious           amphitheatre          amphitheatres 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amphora               amphorae               amphoras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ample                 ampler                amplest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         amplification              amplified              amplifier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            amplifiers              amplifies                amplify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            amplifying              amplitude                  amply 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ampoule               ampoules                   amps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              amputate              amputated              amputates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            amputating             amputation            amputations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               amputee               amputees                  amuck 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                amulet                amulets                  amuse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                amused              amusement             amusements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                amuses                amusing                     an 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anachronism           anachronisms          anachronistic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     anachronistically               anaconda              anacondas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anaemia                anaemic            anaemically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anaesthesia            anaesthetic           anaesthetics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anaesthetist          anaesthetists           anaesthetize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         anaesthetized          anaesthetizes         anaesthetizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anagram               anagrams                   anal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              analecta               analects              analgesia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             analgesic             analgesics              analogies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             analogize             analogized             analogizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           analogizing              analogous            analogously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              analogue              analogues                analogy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               analyse               analysed               analyses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              analyses              analysing               analysis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               analyst               analysts               analytic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            analytical           analytically               anapaest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anapaestic              anapaests               anarchic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anarchical           anarchically              anarchism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anarchist            anarchistic        anarchistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anarchists                anarchy               anathema 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anathemas           anathematize          anathematized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         anathematizes         anathematizing             anatomical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anatomically              anatomies              anatomist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anatomists                anatomy               ancestor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ancestors              ancestral             ancestress 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ancestresses             ancestries               ancestry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anchor              anchorage             anchorages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anchored              anchoress            anchoresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anchoring              anchorite             anchorites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anchorman              anchormen                anchors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anchovies                anchovy                ancient 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ancients            ancillaries              ancillary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   and                andante               andantes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               andiron               andirons                andorra 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              andorran              andorrans              androgyne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            androgynes            androgynous              anecdotal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anecdote              anecdotes             anemometer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anemometers                anemone               anemones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 anent                aneroid                   anew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 angel                angelic               angelica 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             angelical            angelically                 angels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               angelus                  anger                angered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              angering                 angers                 angina 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 angle                 angled                 angler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anglers                 angles               anglican 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anglicanism              anglicans              anglicism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anglicisms              anglicize             anglicized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anglicizes            anglicizing                angling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anglomania             anglophile            anglophiles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anglophilia             anglophobe            anglophobes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anglophobia                 angola                angolan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              angolans                 angora                angoras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             angostura                angrier               angriest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               angrily                  angry                  angst 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anguilla              anguillan             anguillans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anguish              anguished                angular 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          angularities             angularity                aniline 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anilines          animadversion         animadversions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            animadvert           animadverted          animadverting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           animadverts                 animal             animalcule 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           animalcules              animalism                animals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               animate               animated               animates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             animating              animation                animism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               animist               animists            animosities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             animosity                 animus                   anis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 anise                aniseed                 anises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ankle                 ankles                 anklet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anklets                   anna               annalist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             annalists                 annals                  annas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anneal               annealed              annealing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anneals                  annex             annexation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           annexations                 annexe                annexed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               annexes               annexing             annihilate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           annihilated            annihilates           annihilating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          annihilation          anniversaries            anniversary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              annotate              annotated              annotates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            annotating             annotation            annotations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              announce              announced           announcement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         announcements              announcer             announcers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             announces             announcing                  annoy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             annoyance             annoyances                annoyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              annoying                 annoys                 annual 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              annually                annuals              annuitant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            annuitants              annuities                annuity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 annul                annular               annulled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             annulling              annulment             annulments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                annuls             annunciate            annunciated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           annunciates           annunciating           annunciation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 anode                 anodes                anodyne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anodynes                 anoint               anointed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anointing             anointment            anointments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anoints              anomalies              anomalous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anomalously                anomaly                   anon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anonym              anonymity              anonymous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anonymously                anonyms              anopheles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anorak                anoraks               anorexia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               another                 answer             answerable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            answerably               answered              answering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               answers                    ant                antacid 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              antacids             antagonism            antagonisms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antagonist           antagonistic       antagonistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           antagonists             antagonize            antagonized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           antagonizes           antagonizing              antarctic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ante               anteater              anteaters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              antecede              anteceded            antecedence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antecedent            antecedents              antecedes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anteceding            antechamber           antechambers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 anted               antedate              antedated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antedates             antedating           antediluvian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         antediluvians                anteing               antelope 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antelopes              antenatal             antenatals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               antenna               antennae               antennas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           antenuptial        antepenultimate       antepenultimates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anterior               anteroom              anterooms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 antes                 anthem                anthems 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anther                anthers                anthill 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anthills            anthologies            anthologist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anthologists            anthologize           anthologized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anthologizes          anthologizing              anthology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anthracite                anthrax        anthropocentric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            anthropoid            anthropoids        anthropological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     anthropologically         anthropologist        anthropologists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anthropology        anthropomorphic       anthropomorphism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       anthropophagous          anthropophagy           antiaircraft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antibiotic         antibiotically            antibiotics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antibodies               antibody             anticipate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anticipated            anticipates           anticipating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anticipation          anticipations           anticipatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anticlerical        anticlericalism             anticlimax 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          anticlimaxes          anticlockwise                 antics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           anticyclone           anticyclones               antidote 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antidotes             antifreeze                antigen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              antigens                antigua               antiguan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antiguans               antihero             antiheroes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         antihistamine         antihistamines              antiknock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               antilog          antilogarithm         antilogarithms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              antilogs           antimacassar          antimacassars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antimatter               antimony           antipathetic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      antipathetically            antipathies              antipathy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         antipersonnel              antipodal             antipodean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antipodes            antiquarian           antiquarians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           antiquaries              antiquary              antiquate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antiquated             antiquates            antiquating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               antique               antiques            antiquities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antiquity            antirrhinum           antirrhinums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antiseptic            antiseptics             antisocial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              antitank             antitheses             antithesis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            antithetic           antithetical         antithetically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             antitoxin             antitoxins             antitrades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                antler                antlers                antonym 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              antonyms                   ants                   anus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anuses                  anvil                 anvils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anxieties                anxiety                anxious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             anxiously                    any              anybodies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               anybody                 anyhow                 anyone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              anyplace                anyroad               anything 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                anyway               anywhere                  aorta 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aortas                  apace                 apache 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               apaches                  apart              apartheid 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             apartment             apartments              apathetic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         apathetically                 apathy                    ape 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  aped               aperient              aperients 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aperitif              aperitifs               aperture 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             apertures                   apes                   apex 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                apexes                aphasia                aphasic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aphasics                  aphid                aphides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aphids                  aphis               aphorism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aphorisms             aphoristic            aphrodisiac 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          aphrodisiacs               apiaries               apiarist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             apiarists                 apiary                 apices 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apiculture                 apiece                  aping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 apish                apishly              apishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aplomb             apocalypse            apocalypses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           apocalyptic        apocalyptically              apocrypha 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apocryphal                 apogee                apogees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apologetic         apologetically            apologetics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              apologia              apologias              apologies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             apologist             apologists              apologize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apologized             apologizes            apologizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               apology             apoplectic         apoplectically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apoplexies               apoplexy             apostasies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              apostasy               apostate              apostates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apostatize            apostatized            apostatizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          apostatizing                apostle               apostles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             apostolic          apostolically             apostrophe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           apostrophes           apostrophize          apostrophized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         apostrophizes         apostrophizing           apothecaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apothecary               apothegm              apothegms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apotheoses             apotheosis                  appal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              appalled              appalling            appallingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                appals               appanage              apparatus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           apparatuses                apparel             apparelled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           apparelling               apparels               apparent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apparently             apparition            apparitions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                appeal               appealed              appealing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           appealingly                appeals                 appear 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appearance            appearances               appeared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             appearing                appears                appease 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              appeased            appeasement               appeases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             appeasing              appellant             appellants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             appellate            appellation           appellations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                append              appendage             appendages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        appendectomies           appendectomy               appended 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appendices           appendicitis              appending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              appendix             appendixes                appends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              appetite              appetites              appetizer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appetizers             appetizing           appetizingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               applaud              applauded             applauding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              applauds               applause                  apple 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             applejack                 apples              appliance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appliances             applicable              applicant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            applicants            application           applications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               applied                applies                  apply 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              applying                appoint              appointed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             appointee             appointees             appointing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           appointment           appointments               appoints 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             apportion            apportioned           apportioning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            apportions                 appose                apposed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               apposes               apposing               apposite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appositely             apposition              appraisal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appraisals               appraise              appraised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             appraiser             appraisers              appraises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appraising            appreciable            appreciably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            appreciate            appreciated            appreciates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          appreciating           appreciation          appreciations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          appreciative         appreciatively              apprehend 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           apprehended           apprehending             apprehends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         apprehensible           apprehension          apprehensions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          apprehensive         apprehensively             apprentice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           apprenticed            apprentices         apprenticeship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       apprenticeships           apprenticing                apprise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              apprised               apprises              apprising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 appro               approach           approachable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            approached             approaches            approaching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             approbate             approbated             approbates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           approbating            approbation            approbatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           appropriate           appropriated          appropriately 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       appropriateness           appropriates          appropriating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         appropriation         appropriations               approval 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               approve               approved               approves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             approving            approvingly                 approx 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           approximate           approximated          approximately 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          approximates          approximating          approximation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        approximations           appurtenance          appurtenances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               apricot               apricots                  april 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aprils                  apron                 aprons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               apropos                   apse                  apses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   apt                  apter                 aptest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aptitude              aptitudes                  aptly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               aptness               aqualung              aqualungs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aquamarine            aquamarines               aquanaut 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aquanauts              aquaplane             aquaplaned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aquaplanes            aquaplaning                aquaria 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aquarium              aquariums               aquarius 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aquariuses                aquatic            aquatically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aquatint              aquatints                aquavit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aqueduct              aqueducts                aqueous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aqueously               aquiline                   arab 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arabesque             arabesques                 arabia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arabian               arabians                 arabic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arabist               arabists                 arable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 arabs               arachnid             arachnidae 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arachnids                arbiter               arbiters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           arbitrament           arbitraments            arbitrarily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         arbitrariness              arbitrary              arbitrate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            arbitrated             arbitrates            arbitrating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           arbitration           arbitrations             arbitrator 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           arbitrators               arboreal               arboreta 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arboretum             arboretums                 arbour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arbours                    arc                 arcade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arcades                arcadia               arcadian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arcadians                 arcane                  arced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  arch         archaeological       archaeologically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         archaeologist         archaeologists            archaeology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               archaic            archaically               archaism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             archaisms              archangel             archangels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            archbishop          archbishopric         archbishoprics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           archbishops             archdeacon         archdeaconries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          archdeaconry            archdeacons            archdiocese 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          archdioceses               archduke              archdukes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                arched                 archer                archers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               archery                 arches             archetypal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             archetype             archetypes           archetypical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        archetypically          archimandrite         archimandrites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arching            archipelago           archipelagos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             architect             architects          architectural 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       architecturally           architecture               archives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             archivist             archivists                 archly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               archway               archways                 arcing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  arcs                 arctic                 ardent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ardently                 ardour                ardours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arduous              arduously            arduousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   are                   area                  areas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 areca                 arecas                  arena 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                arenas                   ares          are<U+0302>te 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        are<U+0302>tes                 argent              argentina 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             argentine             argentines            argentinian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          argentinians                  argon               argonaut 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 argot               arguable               arguably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 argue                 argued                 argues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arguing               argument          argumentation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         argumentative        argumentatively              arguments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 argus                   aria                  arias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  arid                aridity                 aridly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aries                 aright                  arise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                arisen                 arises                arising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         aristocracies            aristocracy             aristocrat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          aristocratic       aristocratically            aristocrats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            arithmetic           arithmetical         arithmetically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         arithmetician         arithmeticians                    ark 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  arks                    arm                 armada 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               armadas              armadillo             armadillos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              armament              armaments               armature 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             armatures                armband               armbands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              armchair              armchairs                  armed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                armful                armfuls                armhole 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              armholes                 armies                 arming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             armistice             armistices                armless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                armlet                armlets                armoire 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              armoires               armorial                 armour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              armoured               armourer              armourers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             armouries                armoury                 armpit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               armpits                   arms                   army 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                arnica                  aroma                 aromas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aromatic           aromatically                  arose 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                around                 arouse                aroused 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arouses               arousing               arpeggio 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arpeggios               arquebus             arquebuses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                arrack                arraign              arraigned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            arraigning            arraignment           arraignments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              arraigns                arrange               arranged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           arrangement           arrangements               arranges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arranging                 arrant                  arras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arrases                  array                arrayed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              arraying                 arrays                arrears 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                arrest               arrested               arrester 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arresters              arresting                arrests 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arrival               arrivals                 arrive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arrived                arrives               arriving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arrogance               arrogant             arrogantly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              arrogate              arrogated              arrogates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            arrogating                  arrow              arrowhead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            arrowheads              arrowroot                 arrows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  arse               arsehole              arseholes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               arsenal               arsenals                arsenic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arsenical                  arses                  arson 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              arsonist              arsonists                    art 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              arterial               arteries       arteriosclerosis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                artery                 artful               artfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            artfulness              arthritic             arthritics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             arthritis                 arthur              artichoke 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            artichokes                article               articled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              articles              articling             articulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           articulated           articulately         articulateness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           articulates           articulating           articulation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                artier                artiest               artifact 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             artifacts               artifice              artificer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            artificers              artifices             artificial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         artificiality           artificially              artillery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              artiness                artisan               artisans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                artist                artiste               artistes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              artistic           artistically               artistry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               artists                artless              artlessly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           artlessness                   arts                   arty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  arum                  arums                  aryan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aryans                     as               asbestos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ascend             ascendancy              ascendant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ascended              ascendent              ascending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ascends              ascension                 ascent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ascents              ascertain          ascertainable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ascertained           ascertaining             ascertains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ascetic              ascetical            ascetically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            asceticism               ascetics             ascribable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ascription                asepsis                aseptic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           aseptically                asexual             asexuality 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             asexually                    ash                ashamed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ashamedly                 ashbin                ashbins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ashcan                ashcans                  ashen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ashes                 ashier                ashiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ashore                ashtray               ashtrays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ashy                   asia                  asian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                asians                asiatic               asiatics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aside                 asides                asinine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ask                askance                  asked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 askew                 asking                   asks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aslant                 asleep                    asp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             asparagus                 aspect                aspects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aspectual            aspectually                  aspen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aspens             asperities               asperity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               asperse               aspersed               asperses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aspersing              aspersion             aspersions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               asphalt              asphalted             asphalting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              asphalts               asphodel              asphodels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              asphyxia             asphyxiate            asphyxiated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           asphyxiates           asphyxiating           asphyxiation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aspic             aspidistra            aspidistras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aspirant              aspirants               aspirate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aspirated              aspirates             aspirating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aspiration            aspirations                 aspire 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               aspired                aspires                aspirin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aspiring               aspirins                   asps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ass                 assail             assailable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assailant             assailants               assailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assailing                assails               assassin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           assassinate           assassinated           assassinates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         assassinating          assassination         assassinations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assassins                assault              assaulted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            assaulting               assaults                  assay 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               assayed                assayer               assayers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assaying                 assays                assegai 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assegais             assemblage            assemblages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assemble              assembled              assembles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            assemblies             assembling               assembly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           assemblyman            assemblymen          assemblywoman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         assemblywomen                 assent               assented 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assenting                assents                 assert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              asserted              asserting              assertion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            assertions              assertive            assertively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         assertiveness                asserts                  asses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                assess               assessed               assesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assessing             assessment            assessments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assessor              assessors                  asset 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                assets             asseverate            asseverated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           asseverates           asseverating           asseveration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         asseverations                asshole               assholes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           assiduities              assiduity              assiduous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           assiduously                 assign             assignable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           assignation           assignations               assigned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assigning             assignment            assignments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               assigns             assimilate            assimilated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           assimilates           assimilating           assimilation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                assist             assistance              assistant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            assistants               assisted              assisting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               assists                 assize                assizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             associate             associated             associates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           associating            association           associations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assonance                 assort               assorted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assorting             assortment            assortments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               assorts                   asst                assuage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assuaged               assuages              assuaging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                assume                assumed                assumes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assuming             assumption            assumptions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             assurance             assurances                 assure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               assured              assuredly                assures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              assuring                  aster               asterisk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            asterisked            asterisking              asterisks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                astern               asteroid              asteroids 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                asters                 asthma              asthmatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         asthmatically             asthmatics             astigmatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           astigmatism                  astir               astonish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            astonished             astonishes            astonishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          astonishment                astound              astounded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            astounding               astounds              astrakhan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                astral                 astray                astride 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           astringency             astringent            astringents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             astrodome             astrodomes              astrolabe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            astrolabes             astrologer            astrologers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          astrological         astrologically              astrology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             astronaut           astronautics             astronauts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            astronomer            astronomers           astronomical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        astronomically              astronomy          astrophysical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        astrophysicist        astrophysicists           astrophysics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                astute               astutely             astuteness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               asunder                 asylum                asylums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            asymmetric           asymmetrical         asymmetrically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             asymmetry                     at               atabrine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               atavism               atavisms              atavistic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                atchoo                    ate                atelier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ateliers                atheism                atheist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             atheistic            atheistical          atheistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              atheists                athirst                athlete 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              athletes               athletic              athletics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               athwart                atishoo               atlantic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 atlas                atlases             atmosphere 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           atmospheres            atmospheric           atmospherics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 atoll                 atolls                   atom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                atomic             atomically                atomize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              atomized               atomizer              atomizers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              atomizes              atomizing                  atoms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                atonal              atonality               atonally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 atone                 atoned              atonement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                atones                atoning                   atop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             atrocious            atrociously             atrocities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              atrocity              atrophied              atrophies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               atrophy             atrophying                attaboy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                attach               attached               attaches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             attaching             attachment            attachments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                attack               attacked               attacker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             attackers              attacking                attacks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                attain             attainable              attainder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              attained              attaining             attainment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           attainments                attains                  attar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               attempt              attempted             attempting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              attempts                 attend             attendance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           attendances              attendant             attendants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              attended              attending                attends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             attention             attentions              attentive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           attentively          attentiveness              attenuate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            attenuated             attenuates            attenuating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           attenuation                 attest            attestation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          attestations               attested              attesting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               attests                  attic                 attics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                attire                attired                attires 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              attiring               attitude              attitudes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          attitudinize          attitudinized          attitudinizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        attitudinizing                 attorn               attorned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              attorney              attorneys              attorning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               attorns                attract              attracted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            attracting             attraction            attractions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            attractive           attractively         attractiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              attracts           attributable              attribute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            attributes            attribution           attributions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           attributive          attributively           attributives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             attrition               atypical             atypically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aubergine             aubergines                aubriet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             aubrietia             aubrietias                 auburn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               auction              auctioned             auctioneer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           auctioneers             auctioning               auctions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             audacious            audaciously               audacity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            audibility                audible                audibly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              audience              audiences                  audio 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            audiometer            audiometers            audiovisual 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 audit                audited               auditing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              audition             auditioned            auditioning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             auditions                auditor             auditorium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           auditoriums               auditors               auditory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                audits                  auger                 augers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 aught                augment           augmentation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         augmentations              augmented             augmenting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              augments                  augur                augured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              auguries               auguring                 augurs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                augury                 august               augustan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              augustly                augusts               augustus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   auk                   auks                   aunt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                auntie                aunties                  aunts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  aura                  aural                aurally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 auras                aureola               aureolas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               aureole               aureoles                auricle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              auricles              auricular             auriferous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aurora                aurorae                auroras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            auscultate            auscultated            auscultates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          auscultating           auscultation          auscultations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              auspices             auspicious           auspiciously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aussie                aussies                austere 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             austerely            austerities              austerity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           australasia           australasian          australasians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             australia             australian            australians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               austria               austrian              austrians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            autarchies               autarchy              autarkies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               autarky              authentic          authentically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          authenticate          authenticated          authenticates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        authenticating         authentication           authenticity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                author              authoress            authoresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         authoritarian       authoritarianism         authoritarians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         authoritative        authoritatively            authorities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             authority          authorization         authorizations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             authorize             authorized             authorizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           authorizing                authors             authorship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                autism               autistic           autistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  auto               autobahn             autobahnen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             autobahns         autobiographic       autobiographical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    autobiographically        autobiographies          autobiography 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           autocracies              autocracy               autocrat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            autocratic         autocratically              autocrats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         autoeroticism            autoerotism               autogiro 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             autogiros              autograph            autographed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          autographing             autographs                automat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              automata               automate              automated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             automates              automatic          automatically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            automatics             automating             automation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            automatism            automatisms              automaton 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            automatons               automats             automobile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           automobiles             autonomies             autonomous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          autonomously               autonomy              autopsies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               autopsy                  autos             autostrada 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           autostradas         autosuggestion                 autumn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              autumnal             autumnally                autumns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           auxiliaries              auxiliary                  avail 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          availability              available              availably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               availed               availing                 avails 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             avalanche             avalanches                avarice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            avaricious           avariciously                  avast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                avatar                avatars                 avaunt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                avenge                avenged                avenger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              avengers                avenges               avenging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 avens                 avenue                avenues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  aver                average               averaged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              averages              averaging                averred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              averring                  avers                 averse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aversion              aversions               aversive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            aversively                  avert                averted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              averting                 averts               aviaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                aviary               aviation                aviator 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              aviators                   avid                avidity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                avidly                avocado               avocados 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             avocation             avocations                 avocet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               avocets                  avoid              avoidable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             avoidance                avoided               avoiding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                avoids            avoirdupois                 avouch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              avouched               avouches              avouching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  avow                 avowal                avowals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                avowed               avowedly                avowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 avows              avuncular            avuncularly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 await                awaited               awaiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                awaits                  awake                 awaken 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              awakened              awakening             awakenings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               awakens                 awakes                awaking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 award                awarded               awarding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                awards                  aware              awareness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 awash                   away                    awe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  awed                 aweigh                 aweing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  awes                awesome            awestricken 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             awestruck                  awful                awfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             awfulness                 awhile                awkward 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             awkwardly            awkwardness                    awl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  awls                 awning                awnings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 awoke                 awoken                   awry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   axe                   axed                   axes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 axing                  axiom              axiomatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         axiomatically                 axioms                   axis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  axle                  axles                axolotl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              axolotls                   ayah                  ayahs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   aye                   ayes                 azalea 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               azaleas                azimuth               azimuths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 azure                      b                     ba 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   baa                  baaed                 baaing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  baas                 babble                babbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               babbler               babblers                babbles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              babbling                   babe                  babel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 babes                 babied                 babies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                baboon                baboons                   babu 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 babus                   baby               babyhood 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               babying                babyish          baccalaureate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        baccalaureates               baccarat              bacchanal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bacchanalian             bacchanals                  baccy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bachelor              bachelors                bacilli 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bacillus                   back               backache 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backaches               backband              backbands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backbench            backbencher           backbenchers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               backbit               backbite              backbiter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            backbiters              backbites             backbiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            backbitten              backboard             backboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backbone              backbones           backbreaking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        backbreakingly               backchat              backcloth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            backcloths               backcomb             backcombed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           backcombing              backcombs               backdate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backdated              backdates             backdating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backdoor              backdoors               backdrop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backdrops                 backed                 backer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               backers               backfire              backfired 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backfires             backfiring             backgammon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            background            backgrounds               backhand 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            backhanded             backhander            backhanders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backhands                backing               backings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backlash               backless                backlog 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backlogs               backmost              backpedal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          backpedalled          backpedalling             backpedals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backroom              backrooms                  backs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         backscratcher         backscratchers               backseat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backseats               backside              backsides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backslid              backslide             backslider 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           backsliders             backslides            backsliding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backspace             backspaced             backspaces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           backspacing              backstage              backstair 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            backstairs               backstay              backstays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            backstroke              backsword             backswords 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              backtalk              backtrack            backtracked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          backtracking             backtracks                 backup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               backups               backward             backwardly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          backwardness              backwards               backwash 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backwater             backwaters              backwoods 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          backwoodsman           backwoodsmen               backyard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             backyards                  bacon               bacteria 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bacterial         bacteriologist        bacteriologists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bacteriology              bacterium                bactria 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bactrian              bactrians                    bad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bade                  badge                 badger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              badgered              badgering                badgers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                badges               badinage                  badly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             badminton                badness                 baffle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baffled             bafflement                baffles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              baffling             bafflingly                    bag 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bagatelle             bagatelles                 bagful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bagfuls                baggage                 bagged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baggier               baggiest                bagging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 baggy                 bagnio                bagnios 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bagpipe               bagpipes                   bags 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bagsful                    bah                bahamas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bahamian              bahamians                bahrain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bahraini              bahrainis                   bail 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bailed                 bailee                bailees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bailey                baileys                bailiff 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bailiffs                bailing               bailment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bailments                 bailor                bailors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bails                  bairn                 bairns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bait                 baited                baiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 baits                  baize                   bake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 baked               bakelite                  baker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bakeries                 bakers                 bakery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bakes                 baking              baksheesh 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             balaclava             balaclavas              balalaika 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            balalaikas                balance               balanced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              balances              balancing              balconied 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             balconies                balcony                   bald 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                balder             balderdash                baldest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               balding                 baldly               baldness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baldric               baldrics                   bale 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baleful              balefully                  bales 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  balk                 balked                balking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 balks                   ball                 ballad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ballade               ballades                ballads 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ballast              ballasted             ballasting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ballasts               ballcock              ballcocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ballerina             ballerinas                 ballet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ballets               ballista              ballistas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ballistic             ballistics                balloon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ballooned             ballooning             balloonist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           balloonists               balloons                 ballot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              balloted              balloting                ballots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ballpoint             ballpoints               ballroom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ballrooms                  balls                  bally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ballyhoo                   balm                balmier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              balmiest                  balms                  balmy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 balsa                 balsam                balsams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                balsas               baluster              balusters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            balustrade            balustrades                bambino 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bambinos                 bamboo                bamboos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bamboozle             bamboozled             bamboozles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bamboozling                    ban                  banal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            banalities               banality                 banana 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bananas                   band                bandage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bandaged               bandages              bandaging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bandanna              bandannas                bandbox 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bandboxes                bandeau               bandeaux 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                banded                bandied                bandier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bandies               bandiest                banding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bandit               banditry                bandits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bandmaster            bandmasters              bandoleer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bandoleers                  bands               bandsman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bandsmen              bandstand             bandstands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bandwagon                  bandy               bandying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bane                baneful              banefully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bang                 banged                 banger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bangers                banging             bangladesh 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bangladeshi           bangladeshis                 bangle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bangles                  bangs                 banian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               banians                 banish               banished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              banishes              banishing             banishment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              banister              banisters                  banjo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                banjos                   bank               bankbill 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bankbills               bankbook              bankbooks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                banked                 banker                bankers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               banking               banknote              banknotes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bankroll              bankrolls               bankrupt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bankruptcies             bankruptcy             bankrupted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bankrupting              bankrupts                  banks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                banned                 banner                banners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               banning                bannock               bannocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 banns                banquet              banqueted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            banqueting               banquets                   bans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               banshee               banshees                 bantam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bantams           bantamweight          bantamweights 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                banter               bantered              bantering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           banteringly                banters                  bantu 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bantus                 baobab                baobabs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baptism              baptismal               baptisms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baptist               baptists                baptize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              baptized               baptizes              baptizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bar                   barb              barbadian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barbadians               barbados              barbarian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barbarians               barbaric           barbarically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barbarism             barbarisms            barbarities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barbarity              barbarize             barbarized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barbarizes            barbarizing              barbarous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           barbarously               barbecue              barbecued 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barbecues             barbecuing                 barbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                barbel                barbels                 barber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barbers               barbican              barbicans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barbitone            barbiturate           barbiturates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 barbs              barcarole             barcaroles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bard                 bardic             bardolatry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bards                   bare               bareback 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barebacked                  bared              barefaced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           barefacedly               barefoot             barefooted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bareheaded             barelegged                 barely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bareness                  barer                  bares 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                barest                bargain              bargained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bargaining               bargains                  barge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                barged                 bargee                bargees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bargeman               bargemen                 barges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barging                 baring               baritone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             baritones                 barium                   bark 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                barked                 barker                barkers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barking                  barks                 barley 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barleycorn            barleycorns                   barm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barmaid               barmaids                 barman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                barmen                  barmy                   barn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              barnacle              barnacles                  barns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barnstorm            barnstormed            barnstormer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          barnstormers           barnstorming             barnstorms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              barnyard              barnyards              barograph 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barographs              barometer             barometers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barometric         barometrically                  baron 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              baronage              baronages               baroness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            baronesses                baronet            baronetcies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             baronetcy               baronets               baronial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              baronies                 barons                 barony 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               baroque               barouche              barouches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barrack              barracked             barracking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              barracks              barracuda             barracudas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barrage               barraged               barrages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barraging                 barred                 barrel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barrelled             barrelling                barrels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                barren             barrenness              barricade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            barricaded             barricades            barricading 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barrier               barriers                barring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             barrister             barristers                 barrow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barrows                   bars              bartender 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bartenders                 barter               bartered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              barterer              barterers              bartering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               barters                 basalt                bascule 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bascules                   base               baseball 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             baseballs              baseboard             baseboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              baseless               baseline              baselines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                basely               basement              basements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              baseness                  baser                  bases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bases                 basest                   bash 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bashed                 bashes                bashful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bashfully            bashfulness                bashing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 basic              basically                 basics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 basil               basilica              basilicas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              basilisk              basilisks                  basin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                basins                  basis                   bask 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                basked                 basket             basketball 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           basketballs              basketful             basketfuls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              basketry                baskets             basketwork 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               basking                  basks                   bass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                basses                 basset                bassets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bassinet              bassinets                bassoon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bassoons                   bast                bastard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        bastardization             bastardize            bastardized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bastardizes           bastardizing               bastards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bastardy                  baste                 basted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bastes              bastinado            bastinadoed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bastinadoes           bastinadoing             bastinados 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               basting                bastion               bastions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bat                  batch                batches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bate                  bated                  bates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bath                  bathe                 bathed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bather                bathers                 bathes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bathing                 bathos               bathrobe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bathrobes               bathroom              bathrooms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 baths                bathtub               bathtubs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bathysphere           bathyspheres                  batik 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                batiks                 bating                batiste 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                batman                 batmen                  baton 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                batons                   bats                batsman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               batsmen              battalion             battalions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                batted                 batten                battens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                batter               battered              batteries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             battering                batters                battery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               battier               battiest              battiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               batting                 battle                battled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            battledore            battledores            battledress 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           battlefield           battlefields           battleground 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         battlegrounds            battlements                battles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            battleship            battleships               battling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                battue                battues                  batty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bauble                baubles                bauxite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bawbee                bawbees                   bawd 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bawdier               bawdiest                bawdily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bawdiness                  bawds                  bawdy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bawl                 bawled                bawling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bawls                    bay                  bayed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                baying                bayonet              bayoneted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bayoneting               bayonets                  bayou 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bayous                   bays                 bazaar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bazaars                bazooka               bazookas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bbc                     bc                     be 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beach            beachcomber           beachcombers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beached                beaches              beachhead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beachheads               beaching              beachwear 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beacon                beacons                   bead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beaded                beadier               beadiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beading               beadings                 beadle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beadles                  beads                  beady 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beagle                beagles               beagling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  beak                 beaker                beakers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beaks                   beam                 beamed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beaming                  beams                   bean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beano                 beanos               beanpole 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beanpoles                  beans              beanstalk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beanstalks                   bear               bearable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bearably                  beard                bearded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bearding              beardless                 beards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bearer                bearers                bearing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bearings                bearish              bearishly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bearishness                  bears               bearskin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bearskins                  beast              beastlier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beastliest            beastliness                beastly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beasts                   beat                 beaten 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beater                beaters               beatific 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          beatifically          beatification         beatifications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beatified              beatifies                beatify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beatifying                beating               beatings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beatitude             beatitudes                beatnik 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beatniks                  beats                   beau 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beaujolais                  beaut              beauteous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           beauteously             beautician            beauticians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beauties             beautified             beautifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beautiful            beautifully               beautify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           beautifying                 beauts                 beauty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beaux                 beaver                beavers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bebop               becalmed                 became 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               because                   beck                 beckon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beckoned              beckoning                beckons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 becks                 become                becomes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              becoming             becomingly                    bed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bedaub               bedaubed              bedaubing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedaubs                 bedbug                bedbugs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bedclothes                 bedded                bedding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bedeck               bedecked              bedecking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedecks                bedevil             bedevilled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bedevilling            bedevilment               bedevils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bedew                bedewed               bedewing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bedews              bedfellow             bedfellows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bedimmed                 bedlam                bedlams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedouin               bedouins                 bedpan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedpans                bedpost               bedposts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bedraggled              bedridden                bedrock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedroom               bedrooms                   beds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedside               bedsides                 bedsit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedsits              bedsitter             bedsitters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedsore               bedsores              bedspread 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bedspreads               bedstead              bedsteads 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bedtime               bedtimes                    bee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beech                beeches                   beef 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beefcake              beefeater             beefeaters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beefed                beefier               beefiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beefing                  beefs              beefsteak 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beefsteaks                  beefy                beehive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beehives                beeline                   been 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  beep                  beeps                   beer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beerier               beeriest                  beers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beery                   bees                beeswax 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beeswaxed              beeswaxes             beeswaxing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  beet                 beetle                beetled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beetles               beetling               beetroot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beetroots                  beets                 beeves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                befall               befallen              befalling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               befalls                 befell                  befit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                befits               befitted              befitting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           befittingly                  befog               befogged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             befogging                 befogs                 before 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beforehand                 befoul               befouled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             befouling                befouls               befriend 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            befriended            befriending              befriends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              befuddle              befuddled              befuddles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            befuddling                    beg                  begad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 began                  begat                  beget 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                begets               begetter              begetters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             begetting                 beggar               beggared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beggaring           beggarliness               beggarly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beggarman              beggarmen                beggars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           beggarwoman            beggarwomen                beggary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                begged                begging                  begin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beginner              beginners              beginning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beginnings                 begins                  begon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                begone                begonia               begonias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               begorra                  begot               begotten 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               begrime               begrimed               begrimes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             begriming               begrudge              begrudged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             begrudges             begrudging                   begs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beguile               beguiled            beguilement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              beguiles              beguiling            beguilingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 begum                 begums                  begun 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                behalf                 behave                behaved 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               behaves               behaving              behaviour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          behaviourism           behaviourist          behaviourists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                behead               beheaded              beheading 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beheads                 beheld               behemoth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             behemoths                 behest                behests 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                behind             behindhand                behinds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                behold               beholden               beholder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beholders              beholding                beholds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                behove                behoved                behoves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              behoving                  beige                  being 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beings                bejewel             bejewelled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bejewelling               bejewels               belabour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            belaboured            belabouring              belabours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               belated              belatedly                  belay 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               belayed               belaying                 belays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 belch                belched                belches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              belching                beldame               beldames 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beleaguer            beleaguered           beleaguering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beleaguers               belfries                 belfry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               belgian               belgians                belgium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 belie                 belied                 belief 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beliefs                 belies             believable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            believably                believe               believed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              believer              believers               believes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             believing                belisha               belittle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             belittled              belittles             belittling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bell             belladonna            belladonnas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bellboy               bellboys                  belle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                belles             bellflower            bellflowers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bellhop               bellhops              bellicose 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bellicosity                bellies           belligerence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          belligerency            belligerent           belligerents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bellow               bellowed              bellowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bellows                  bells                  belly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bellyful              bellyfuls                 belong 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              belonged              belonging             belongings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               belongs                beloved                  below 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  belt                 belted                belting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 belts                beltway               beltways 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               belying                 bemoan               bemoaned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bemoaning                bemoans                 bemuse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bemused                bemuses               bemusing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ben                  bench                bencher 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              benchers                benches                   bend 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bended                bending                  bends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beneath               benedick              benedicks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              benedict            benedictine           benedictines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           benediction           benedictions             benedictus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           benefaction           benefactions             benefactor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           benefactors           benefactress         benefactresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              benefice              beneficed            beneficence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beneficent           beneficently              benefices 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            beneficial           beneficially          beneficiaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           beneficiary             beneficing                benefit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             benefited             benefiting               benefits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           benevolence             benevolent           benevolently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bengal              bengalese                bengali 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bengalis              benighted            benightedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                benign              benignant            benignantly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           benignities              benignity               benignly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 benin               beninese                   bens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bent                  bents               benumbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            benzedrine                benzene                benzine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                benzol               bequeath             bequeathed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bequeathing              bequeaths                bequest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bequests                 berate                berated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               berates               berating                bereave 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bereaved            bereavement           bereavements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bereaves              bereaving                 bereft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 beret                 berets                   berg 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bergs               beriberi                   berk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 berks                bermuda               bermudan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bermudans                berries                  berry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               berserk                  berth                berthed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              berthing                 berths                  beryl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beryls                beseech              beseeched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beseeches             beseeching           beseechingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                beseem               beseemed              beseeming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               beseems                  beset                 besets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             besetting                 beside                besides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               besiege               besieged               besieger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             besiegers               besieges              besieging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               besmear              besmeared             besmearing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              besmears               besmirch             besmirched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            besmirches            besmirching                  besom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                besoms               besotted               besought 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bespangled            bespattered                bespeak 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bespeaking               bespeaks                bespoke 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bespoken                   best                 bested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bestial           bestialities             bestiality 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bestially             bestiaries               bestiary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               besting                 bestir              bestirred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bestirring                bestirs                 bestow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bestowal               bestowed              bestowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bestows                bestrew              bestrewed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bestrewing               bestrewn               bestrews 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bestrid             bestridden               bestride 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bestrides             bestriding               bestrode 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bests                    bet                   beta 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                betake                betaken                betakes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              betaking                  betas                  betel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bethel                bethels                bethink 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bethinking               bethinks              bethought 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                betide                betimes                betoken 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             betokened             betokening               betokens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                betook                 betray               betrayal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             betrayals               betrayed               betrayer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             betrayers              betraying                betrays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               betroth              betrothal             betrothals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             betrothed             betrothing               betroths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bets                 betted                 better 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bettered              bettering             betterment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               betters                betting                between 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               betwixt                  bevel               bevelled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bevelling                 bevels               beverage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             beverages                 bevies                   bevy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bewail               bewailed              bewailing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bewails                 beware               bewilder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bewildered            bewildering           bewilderment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bewilders                bewitch              bewitched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bewitches             bewitching           bewitchingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bey                 beyond                   beys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bezique                  bhang                 bhutan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bhutani               bhutanis                   bias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                biases                biassed                biasses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              biassing                    bib                 bibbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bibbing                  bible                 bibles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              biblical             biblically          bibliographer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        bibliographers         bibliographies           bibliography 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bibliophile           bibliophiles                   bibs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bibulous              bicameral                 bicarb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bicarbonate          bicentenaries            bicentenary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bicentennial          bicentennials                 biceps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bicker               bickered              bickering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bickers                bicycle               bicycled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bicycles              bicycling              bicyclist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bicyclists                    bid               biddable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bidden                 bidder                bidders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bidding                   bide                  bidet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bidets                   bids               biennial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            biennially              biennials                   bier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 biers                   biff                 biffed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               biffing                  biffs                bifocal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bifocals              bifurcate             bifurcated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bifurcates            bifurcating            bifurcation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bifurcations                    big               bigamist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bigamists               bigamous             bigamously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bigamy                 bigger                biggest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bighead               bigheads                  bight 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bights                bigness                  bigot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bigoted              bigotedly              bigotries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bigotry                 bigots                 bigwig 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bigwigs                  bijou                 bijoux 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bike                  biked                  bikes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                biking                 bikini                bikinis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bilabial              bilabials              bilateral 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bilateralism            bilaterally             bilberries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bilberry                   bile                  bilge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bilharzia              bilingual             bilinguals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bilious            biliousness                   bilk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bilked                bilking                  bilks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bill              billboard             billboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                billed                 billet               billeted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             billeting                billets               billfold 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             billfolds               billhook              billhooks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              billiard              billiards                billies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               billing           billingsgate                billion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              billions              billionth             billionths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                billow               billowed              billowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               billows                billowy             billposter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           billposters            billposting                  bills 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           billsticker           billstickers                  billy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              billycan              billycans                biltong 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bimetallic            bimetallism              bimonthly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bin                 binary                   bind 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                binder              binderies                binders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bindery                binding               bindings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 binds               bindweed                   bine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bines                  binge                 binges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bingo               binnacle              binnacles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             binocular             binoculars               binomial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             binomials                   bins           biochemistry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         biodegradable             biographer            biographers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            biographic           biographical         biographically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           biographies              biography             biological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          biologically              biologist             biologists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               biology                 bionic               bioscope 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bioscopes              biosphere          biotechnology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                biotic             bipartisan              bipartite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 biped                 bipeds                biplane 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              biplanes                  birch                birched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               birches               birching                   bird 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                birdie                birdies               birdlime 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 birds               birdseed                biretta 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              birettas                   biro                  biros 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 birth               birthday              birthdays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             birthmark             birthmarks             birthplace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           birthplaces              birthrate             birthrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            birthright            birthrights                 births 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               biscuit               biscuits                 bisect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bisected              bisecting              bisection 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bisects               bisexual            bisexuality 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bisexually              bisexuals                 bishop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bishopric             bishoprics                bishops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bismuth                  bison                 bisons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bisque                 bistro                bistros 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bit                  bitch                bitched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bitches               bitchier              bitchiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bitchily             bitchiness               bitching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bitchy                   bite                  bites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                biting               bitingly                   bits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bitten                 bitter               bitterer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bitterest               bitterly                bittern 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bitterness               bitterns                bitters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bittersweet                bittier               bittiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bittiness                  bitty                bitumen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bituminous                bivalve               bivalves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bivouac             bivouacked            bivouacking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bivouacs               biweekly                    biz 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bizarre              bizarrely                bizonal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  blab                blabbed                blabber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blabbered             blabbering           blabbermouth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         blabbermouths               blabbers               blabbing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blabs                  black             blackamoor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blackamoors              blackball            blackballed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          blackballing             blackballs           blackberries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackberry          blackberrying              blackbird 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackbirds             blackboard            blackboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          blackcurrant          blackcurrants                blacked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blacken              blackened             blackening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blackens                blacker               blackest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackguard           blackguarded          blackguarding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          blackguardly            blackguards              blackhead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackheads               blacking              blackjack 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackjacks               blackleg            blacklegged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          blacklegging              blacklegs              blacklist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blacklisted           blacklisting             blacklists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blackly              blackmail            blackmailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blackmailer           blackmailers           blackmailing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackmails              blackness               blackout 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blackouts                 blacks             blackshirt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blackshirts             blacksmith            blacksmiths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blackthorn            blackthorns                bladder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bladders                  blade                 blades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  blae            blaeberries              blaeberry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  blah                  blame                 blamed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blameless            blamelessly          blamelessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blames        blameworthiness            blameworthy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blaming                 blanch               blanched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blanches              blanching             blancmange 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blancmanges                  bland                blander 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blandest               blandish             blandished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blandishes            blandishing          blandishments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blandly              blandness                  blank 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blanker               blankest                blanket 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blanketed             blanketing               blankets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blankly              blankness                 blanks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blare                 blared                 blares 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blaring                blarney              blaspheme 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blasphemed             blasphemer            blasphemers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blasphemes            blasphemies            blaspheming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blasphemous          blasphemously              blasphemy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blast                blasted               blasting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blasts                blatant              blatantly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blather              blathered             blathering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blathers                  blaze                 blazed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blazer                blazers                 blazes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blazing                 blazon               blazoned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blazoning               blazonry                blazons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bleach               bleached               bleacher 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bleachers               bleaches              bleaching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bleak                bleaker               bleakest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bleakly               blearier              bleariest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blearily             bleariness                 bleary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bleat                bleated               bleating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bleats                   bled                  bleed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bleeder               bleeders               bleeding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bleeds                  bleep                bleeped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bleeping                 bleeps                blemish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blemished              blemishes             blemishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blench               blenched               blenches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blenching                  blend                blended 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blender               blenders               blending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blends                  blent                  bless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blessed                blessed              blessedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blessedness                blesses               blessing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blessings                blether              blethered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blethering               blethers                   blew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blight               blighted               blighter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blighters              blighting                blights 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blimey                  blimp               blimpish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blimps                  blind                blinded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blinder               blinders               blindest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blindfold            blindfolded           blindfolding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blindfolds               blinding                blindly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blindness                 blinds                  blink 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blinked              blinkered               blinkers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blinking                 blinks                   blip 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blips                  bliss               blissful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blissfully           blissfulness                blister 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blistered             blistering           blisteringly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blisters                 blithe               blithely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blithering             blithesome                  blitz 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blitzed                blitzes               blitzing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blizzard              blizzards                  bloat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bloated                bloater               bloaters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bloating                 bloats                   blob 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blobs                   bloc                  block 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blockade              blockaded              blockades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blockading               blockage              blockages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blockbuster           blockbusters                blocked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blockhead             blockheads             blockhouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blockhouses               blocking                 blocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blocs                  bloke                 blokes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blond                 blonde                blonder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blondes               blondest                 blonds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blood              bloodbath             bloodbaths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         bloodcurdling                blooded             bloodhound 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bloodhounds               bloodier              bloodiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bloodily             bloodiness               blooding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bloodless            bloodlessly          bloodlessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bloodlust                 bloods              bloodshed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bloodshot             bloodstain           bloodstained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bloodstains             bloodstock            bloodstream 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bloodstreams            bloodsucker           bloodsuckers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        bloodthirstily       bloodthirstiness           bloodthirsty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bloody                  bloom                bloomed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bloomer               bloomers               blooming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blooms                blossom              blossomed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blossoming               blossoms                   blot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                blotch               blotches              blotchier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blotchiest                blotchy                  blots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blotted                blotter               blotters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blotting                 blotto                 blouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blouses                   blow               blowback 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blowbacks                 blower                blowers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blowflies                blowfly                blowgun 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blowguns               blowhard              blowhards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blowhole              blowholes                blowier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blowiest                blowing               blowlamp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blowlamps                  blown                blowout 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blowouts               blowpipe              blowpipes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blows              blowtorch            blowtorches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blowy                 blowzy                blubber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blubbered             blubbering               blubbers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bludgeon             bludgeoned            bludgeoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bludgeons                   blue                bluebag 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bluebags              bluebeard             bluebeards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bluebell              bluebells            blueberries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blueberry               bluebird              bluebirds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bluebottle            bluebottles               bluecoat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bluecoats                  blued               bluefish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bluefishes             bluejacket            bluejackets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bluejay               bluejays               blueness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blueprint             blueprints                  bluer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blues                 bluest           bluestocking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         bluestockings                  bluff                bluffed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bluffer               bluffers               bluffing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bluffly              bluffness                 bluffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bluing                 bluish                blunder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           blunderbuss          blunderbusses              blundered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blunderer             blunderers             blundering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blunders                  blunt                blunted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blunter               bluntest               blunting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bluntly              bluntness                 blunts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  blur                  blurb                 blurbs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               blurred               blurring                  blurs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 blush                blushed                blushes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              blushing             blushingly                bluster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             blustered              blusterer             blusterers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            blustering               blusters               blustery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    bo                    boa                   boar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 board                boarded                boarder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boarders               boarding          boardinghouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        boardinghouses              boardroom             boardrooms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boards              boardwalk             boardwalks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boars                   boas                  boast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boasted                boaster               boasters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boastful             boastfully           boastfulness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boasting                 boasts                   boat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boated                 boater                boaters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boathouse             boathouses                boating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boatman                boatmen                  boats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boatswain             boatswains                    bob 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bobbed                bobbies                 bobbin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bobbing                bobbins                  bobby 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bobcat                bobcats               bobolink 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bobolinks                   bobs                bobsled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bobsledded            bobsledding               bobsleds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bobsleigh            bobsleighed           bobsleighing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bobsleighs                bobtail              bobtailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bobtails                  boche                 boches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bock                  bocks                    bod 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bode                  boded                  bodes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bodice                bodices                 bodies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bodily                 boding                bodings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bodkin                bodkins                   bods 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  body              bodyguard             bodyguards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bodyline               bodywork                   boer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boers                 boffin                boffins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bog                  bogey                bogeyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bogeying                 bogeys                boggier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boggiest                 boggle                boggled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boggles               boggling                  boggy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bogs                  bogus                    boh 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bohemia               bohemian              bohemians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  boil                 boiled                 boiler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boilers             boilersuit            boilersuits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boiling                  boils             boisterous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          boisterously         boisterousness                   bold 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bolder                boldest               boldface 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boldfaced                 boldly               boldness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bole                 bolero                boleros 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boles                bolivia               bolivian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bolivians                   boll                bollard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bollards               bollocks                  bolls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boloney              bolshevik             bolsheviks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bolshevism               bolshier              bolshiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bolshy                bolster              bolstered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bolstering               bolsters                   bolt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bolted               bolthole              boltholes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bolting                  bolts                   bomb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bombard              bombarded             bombardier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bombardiers             bombarding            bombardment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bombardments               bombards                bombast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bombastic          bombastically                 bombed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bomber                bombers                bombing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bombproof                  bombs              bombshell 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bombshells              bombsight             bombsights 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bombsite              bombsites                bonanza 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bonanzas                 bonbon                bonbons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bond                bondage                 bonded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bondholder            bondholders                bonding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bonds                   bone                  boned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bonehead             boneheaded              boneheads 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boneless               bonemeal                  boner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boners                  bones             bonesetter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bonesetters             boneshaker            boneshakers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bonfire               bonfires                  bongo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bongos               bonhomie                 bonier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boniest                 boning                 bonito 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bonitos                bonkers                 bonnet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bonnets                bonnier               bonniest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bonnily                  bonny                 bonsai 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bonus                bonuses                   bony 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bonzer                    boo                   boob 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boobed                boobies                boobing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boobs                  booby                 boodle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boodles                  booed                 boogie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boogies                 boohoo               boohooed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boohooing                boohoos                 booing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  book               bookable             bookbinder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         bookbinderies            bookbinders            bookbindery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bookbinding               bookcase              bookcases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bookclub              bookclubs                 booked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bookend               bookends                 bookie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bookies                booking               bookings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bookish              bookishly            bookishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bookkeeper            bookkeepers            bookkeeping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               booklet               booklets              bookmaker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bookmakers               bookmark             bookmarker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bookmarkers              bookmarks             bookmobile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bookmobiles              bookplate             bookplates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 books             bookseller            booksellers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bookshop              bookshops              bookstall 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bookstalls               bookwork               bookworm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bookworms                   boom                 boomed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boomerang            boomeranged           boomeranging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            boomerangs                booming                  booms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  boon                  boons                   boor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boorish              boorishly            boorishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boors                   boos                  boost 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boosted                booster               boosters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boosting                 boosts                   boot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bootblack             bootblacks                 booted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bootee                bootees                  booth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                booths                booting               bootlace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bootlaces                bootleg             bootlegged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bootlegger            bootleggers            bootlegging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bootlegs               bootless                  boots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bootstraps                  booty                  booze 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boozed                 boozer                boozers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boozes                boozier               booziest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boozily              booziness                boozing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boozy                    bop                 bopeep 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bopped                 bopper                boppers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bopping                   bops                boracic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                borage                  borax               bordeaux 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bordello              bordellos                 border 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bordered               borderer              borderers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bordering             borderland            borderlands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            borderline            borderlines                borders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bore                  bored                boredom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              borehole              boreholes                  borer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                borers                  bores                  boric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boring                   born                  borne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boron                borough               boroughs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                borrow               borrowed               borrower 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             borrowers              borrowing             borrowings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               borrows                 borsch                borscht 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               borstal               borstals                 borzoi 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               borzois                   bosh                   bosk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bosks                  bosky                  bosom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bosoms                 bosomy                   boss 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bossed                 bosses                bossier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bossiest              bossiness                bossing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bossy                 boston              botanical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              botanist              botanists               botanize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             botanized              botanizes             botanizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                botany                  botch                botched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               botcher               botchers                botches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              botching                   both                 bother 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           botheration               bothered              bothering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bothers             bothersome                 bottle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bottled              bottleful             bottlefuls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bottleneck            bottlenecks                bottles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bottlesful               bottling                 bottom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bottomless                bottoms               botulism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boudoir               boudoirs               bouffant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        bougainvillaea        bougainvillaeas          bougainvillea 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        bougainvilleas                  bough                 boughs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bought          bouillabaisse               bouillon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bouillons                boulder               boulders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boulevard             boulevards                 bounce 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bounced                bouncer               bouncers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bounces               bouncier              bounciest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bouncily             bounciness               bouncing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bouncy                  bound             boundaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boundary                bounded                bounden 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bounder               bounders               bounding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boundless            boundlessly          boundlessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bounds              bounteous            bounteously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         bounteousness               bounties              bountiful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bountifully                 bounty                bouquet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bouquets                bourbon               bourbons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bourgeois            bourgeoisie           bourgeoisies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bourn                 bourns                 bourse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bourses                   bout               boutique 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             boutiques                  bouts               bouzouki 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bouzoukis                 bovine                 bovril 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bovver                    bow                bowdler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bowdlerize            bowdlerized            bowdlerizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bowdlerizing                  bowed                  bowel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bowels                  bower              bowerbird 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bowerbirds                 bowers                  bowie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bowing                   bowl                 bowled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bowler                bowlers                bowlful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bowlfuls                bowline               bowlines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bowling                  bowls               bowlsful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bowman                 bowmen                   bows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bowser                bowsers                bowshot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bowshots               bowsprit              bowsprits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bowwow                bowwows                    box 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boxed                  boxer                 boxers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 boxes                 boxful                boxfuls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                boxing                boxwood                    boy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boycott              boycotted             boycotting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boycotts              boyfriend             boyfriends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               boyhood               boyhoods                 boyish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              boyishly             boyishness                   boys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    br                    bra                  brace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                braced               bracelet              bracelets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                braces                bracing                bracken 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bracket              bracketed             bracketing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brackets               brackish           brackishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bract                 bracts                   brad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bradawl               bradawls                  brads 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  brae                  braes                   brag 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           braggadocio           braggadocios               braggart 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             braggarts                bragged               bragging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brags                brahmin               brahmins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 braid                braided               braiding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                braids                braille                  brain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brainchild          brainchildren                brained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brainier              brainiest             braininess 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              braining              brainless            brainlessly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brainpan              brainpans                 brains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brainstorm            brainstorms              brainwash 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           brainwashed            brainwashes           brainwashing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         brainwashings              brainwave             brainwaves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brainy                 braise                braised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               braises               braising                  brake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                braked               brakeman               brakemen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brakes                braking                bramble 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brambles                   bran                 branch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              branched               branches              branchier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            branchiest              branching                branchy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brand                branded               brandied 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brandies               branding               brandish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brandished             brandishes            brandishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brands                 brandy              brandying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bras                  brash                brasher 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brashest                brashly              brashness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brass               brassard              brassards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brasserie             brasseries                brasses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brassier              brassiere             brassieres 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brassiest                 brassy                   brat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brats                bravado               bravados 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brave                 braved                bravely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                braver                bravery                 braves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bravest                braving                  bravo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bravos                bravura                  brawl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brawled                brawler               brawlers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brawling                 brawls                  brawn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brawnier              brawniest             brawniness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brawny                   bray                 brayed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               braying                  brays                  braze 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brazed                 brazen               brazenly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brazes                brazier               braziers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brazil              brazilian             brazilians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brazing                    bre                 breach 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breached               breaches              breaching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bread            breadbasket           breadbaskets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            breadboard            breadboards             breadcrumb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           breadcrumbs                breaded             breadfruit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           breadfruits              breadline             breadlines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               breadth               breadths            breadthways 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           breadthwise            breadwinner           breadwinners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 break              breakable             breakables 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breakage              breakages              breakaway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            breakaways              breakdown             breakdowns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               breaker               breakers              breakfast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           breakfasted           breakfasting             breakfasts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breaking              breakneck               breakout 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             breakouts                 breaks           breakthrough 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         breakthroughs                breakup               breakups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            breakwater            breakwaters                  bream 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                breams                 breast             breastbone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           breastbones               breasted              breastfed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            breastfeed          breastfeeding            breastfeeds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             breasting            breastplate           breastplates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               breasts           breaststroke             breastwork 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           breastworks                 breath            breathalyse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          breathalysed           breathalyser          breathalysers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          breathalyses          breathalysing                breathe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breathed               breather              breathers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breathes              breathier             breathiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             breathily            breathiness              breathing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            breathless           breathlessly         breathlessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               breaths           breathtaking         breathtakingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               breathy                   bred                 breech 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breeches                  breed                breeder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breeders               breeding                 breeds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                breeze            breezeblock           breezeblocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               breezed                breezes               breezier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             breeziest               breezily             breeziness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              breezing                 breezy                   bren 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brens               brethren                  breve 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                breves                 brevet                brevets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            breviaries               breviary                brevity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  brew                 brewed                 brewer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             breweries                brewers                brewery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brewing                  brews                  briar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                briars               bribable                  bribe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bribed                bribery                 bribes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bribing                  brick               brickbat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brickbats             brickfield            brickfields 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brickkiln             brickkilns             bricklayer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bricklayers            bricklaying                 bricks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brickwork              brickyard             brickyards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bridal                  bride              bridecake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bridecakes             bridegroom            bridegrooms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brides             bridesmaid            bridesmaids 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bridge                bridged             bridgehead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bridgeheads                bridges             bridgework 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bridging                 bridle                bridled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bridles               bridling                   brie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brief              briefcase             briefcases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               briefed                briefer               briefest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              briefing              briefings                briefly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                briefs                   brig                brigade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brigades              brigadier             brigadiers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brigand             brigandage               brigands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brigantine            brigantines                 bright 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brighten             brightened            brightening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brightens               brighter              brightest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brightly             brightness                  brigs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brill             brilliance             brilliancy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brilliant           brilliantine            brilliantly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brilliants                 brills                   brim 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brimful                brimmed               brimming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brims              brimstone               brindled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brine                 brines                  bring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bringing                 brings                brinier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              briniest                  brink           brinkmanship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brinks          brinksmanship                  briny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brioche               brioches              briquette 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            briquettes                  brisk                brisker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              briskest                brisket                briskly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             briskness                bristle               bristled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bristles              bristlier             bristliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bristling                bristly               bristols 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  brit                britain              britannic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               british              britisher             britishers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                briton                britons                brittle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brittler              brittlest                 broach 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              broached               broaches              broaching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 broad              broadcast            broadcasted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           broadcaster           broadcasters           broadcasting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            broadcasts             broadcloth                broaden 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             broadened             broadening               broadens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               broader               broadest              broadloom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            broadlooms                broadly            broadminded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         broadmindedly        broadmindedness              broadness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                broads             broadsheet            broadsheets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             broadside             broadsides             broadsword 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           broadswords              broadways              broadwise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brocade               brocaded               brocades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brocading               broccoli               brochure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brochures                 brogue                brogues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 broil                broiled                broiler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              broilers               broiling                 broils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 broke                 broken               brokenly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brokenness                 broker              brokerage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brokers               brollies                 brolly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bromide               bromides                bromine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bronchi               bronchia              bronchial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bronchitic             bronchitis               bronchus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bronco                broncos            brontosauri 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          brontosaurus                  bronx                 bronze 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bronzed                bronzes               bronzing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brooch               brooches                  brood 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brooded                brooder               brooders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              broodier              broodiest               broodily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            broodiness               brooding                 broods 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                broody                  brook                brooked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brooking                 brooks                  broom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brooms             broomstick            broomsticks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 broth                brothel               brothels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brother            brotherhood           brotherhoods 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         brotherliness              brotherly               brothers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                broths               brougham              broughams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brought               brouhaha                   brow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              browbeat             browbeaten            browbeating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             browbeats                  brown                browned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               browner               brownest                brownie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              brownies               browning                 browns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brownstone            brownstones                  brows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                browse                browsed                browses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              browsing            brucellosis                  bruin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bruise                bruised                bruiser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bruisers                bruises               bruising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brunch               brunches                 brunei 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bruneian              bruneians               brunette 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brunettes                  brunt                  brush 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               brushed                brushes               brushing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brushwood              brushwork                brusque 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brusquely            brusqueness               brussels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                brutal            brutalities              brutality 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         brutalization              brutalize             brutalized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            brutalizes            brutalizing               brutally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 brute                 brutes                brutish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             brutishly                 bubble                bubbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bubbles               bubblier              bubbliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bubbling                 bubbly              buccaneer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            buccaneers                   buck              buckboard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            buckboards                 bucked                 bucket 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bucketed              bucketful             bucketfuls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bucketing                buckets                bucking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                buckle                buckled                buckler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bucklers                buckles               buckling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buckram                  bucks               buckshee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              buckshot               buckskin              buckteeth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bucktooth              buckwheat                bucolic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bucolically               bucolics                    bud 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                budded                 buddha               buddhism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              buddhist              buddhists                buddies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               budding                  buddy                  budge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                budged             budgerigar            budgerigars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                budges                 budget              budgetary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              budgeted              budgeting                budgets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                budgie                budgies                budging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  buds                   buff                buffalo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             buffaloes                 buffed                 buffer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              buffered              buffering                buffers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                buffet               buffeted              buffeting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buffets                buffing                buffoon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            buffoonery               buffoons                  buffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bug                bugaboo               bugaboos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bugbear               bugbears                 bugged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bugger               buggered              buggering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buggers                buggery                buggies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bugging                  buggy               bughouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bughouses                  bugle                 bugled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bugler                buglers                 bugles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bugling                bugrake               bugrakes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bugs                   buhl                  build 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               builder               builders               building 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             buildings                 builds                buildup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              buildups                  built                   bulb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bulbous                  bulbs                 bulbul 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bulbuls               bulgaria              bulgarian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bulgarians                  bulge                 bulged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bulges                bulgier               bulgiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bulgily              bulginess                bulging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bulgy                   bulk               bulkhead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bulkheads                bulkier               bulkiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bulkily              bulkiness                  bulks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bulky                   bull                bulldog 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bulldogs               bulldoze              bulldozed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bulldozer             bulldozers              bulldozes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            bulldozing                 bulled                 bullet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bulletin              bulletins            bulletproof 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bullets              bullfight            bullfighter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bullfighters           bullfighting             bullfights 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bullfinch            bullfinches               bullfrog 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bullfrogs             bullheaded           bullheadedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        bullheadedness                bullied                bullies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bulling                bullion             bullnecked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bullock               bullocks               bullring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bullrings                  bulls               bullshit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bullshits            bullshitted           bullshitting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bully               bullyboy              bullyboys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bullying                bulrush              bulrushes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bulwark               bulwarks                    bum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bumble              bumblebee             bumblebees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bumbled                bumbles               bumbling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bumboat               bumboats                   bumf 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bummed                 bummer                bummers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bumming                   bump                 bumped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bumper                bumpers                bumpier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bumpiest                bumpily              bumpiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bumping                bumpkin               bumpkins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bumps              bumptious            bumptiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         bumptiousness                  bumpy                   bums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   bun                   buna                  bunch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bunched                bunches               bunching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bundle                bundled                bundles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bundling                   bung              bungaloid 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bungalow              bungalows                 bunged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bunghole              bungholes                bunging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bungle                bungled                bungler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bunglers                bungles               bungling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bungs                 bunion                bunions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bunk                 bunked                 bunker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bunkered              bunkering                bunkers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bunkhouse             bunkhouses                bunking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bunks                 bunkum                bunnies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bunny                   buns                 bunsen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bunting                   buoy               buoyancy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buoyant              buoyantly                 buoyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buoying                  buoys             burberries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              burberry                 burble                burbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burbles               burbling                 burden 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              burdened              burdening                burdens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            burdensome         burdensomeness                burdock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              burdocks                 bureau          bureaucracies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           bureaucracy             bureaucrat           bureaucratic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      bureaucratically            bureaucrats                bureaux 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burette               burettes                   burg 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burgeon              burgeoned             burgeoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              burgeons                burgess              burgesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 burgh                burgher               burghers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                burghs                burglar             burglaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           burglarious             burglarize            burglarized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           burglarizes           burglarizing               burglars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              burglary                 burgle                burgled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burgles               burgling            burgomaster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          burgomasters                  burgs               burgundy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                burial                burials                 buried 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                buries                  burke                 burked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                burkes                burking                 burlap 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             burlesque             burlesqued             burlesques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           burlesquing                burlier               burliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 burly                  burma                burmese 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  burn                 burned                 burner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burners                burning                burnish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             burnished              burnishes             burnishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burnous               burnouse              burnouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 burns                  burnt                   burp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                burped                burping                  burps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  burr                 burred                burring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 burro                 burros                 burrow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              burrowed              burrowing                burrows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 burrs                 bursar              bursaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bursars                bursary                  burst 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bursting                 bursts                burthen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             burthened             burthening               burthens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                burton                burtons                burundi 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             burundian             burundians                   bury 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               burying                    bus                busbies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 busby                  bused                  buses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  bush             bushbabies               bushbaby 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bushed                 bushel                bushels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bushes                bushier               bushiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bushiness                bushman                bushmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             bushwhack            bushwhacked            bushwhacker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          bushwhackers           bushwhacking             bushwhacks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bushy                 busied                 busier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                busies                busiest                 busily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              business             businesses           businesslike 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           businessman            businessmen          businesswoman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         businesswomen                 busing                   busk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                busked                 busker                buskers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               busking                  busks                 busman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                busmen                   bust                bustard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bustards                 busted                 buster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               busting                 bustle                bustled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bustles               bustling                  busts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  busy             busybodies               busybody 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               busying               busyness                    but 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                butane                  butch                butcher 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             butchered             butchering               butchers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              butchery                butches                 butler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               butlers                   butt                 butted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                butter             butterbean            butterbeans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             buttercup             buttercups               buttered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         butterfingers            butterflies              butterfly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             butteries              buttering             buttermilk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               butters           butterscotch                buttery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               butting                buttock               buttocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                button               buttoned             buttonhole 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           buttonholed            buttonholes           buttonholing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            buttonhook            buttonhooks              buttoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buttons             buttonwood            buttonwoods 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              buttress             buttressed             buttresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           buttressing                  butts                  buxom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   buy                  buyer                 buyers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                buying                   buys                   buzz 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buzzard               buzzards                 buzzed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                buzzer                buzzers                 buzzes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               buzzing                     by                    bye 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  byes                 bygone                bygones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 bylaw                 bylaws                 bypass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              bypassed               bypasses              bypassing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                bypath                bypaths                 byplay 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  byre                  byres                 byroad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               byroads              bystander             bystanders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 byway                 byways                 byword 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               bywords                      c                    c/o 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    ca                    cab                  cabal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cabals                cabaret               cabarets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cabbage               cabbages                cabbies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cabby              cabdriver             cabdrivers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 caber                 cabers                  cabin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cabinet               cabinets                 cabins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cable                 cabled              cablegram 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cablegrams                 cables                cabling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cabman                 cabmen               caboodle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caboose               cabooses              cabriolet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cabriolets                   cabs               cabstand 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cabstands                  cacao                 cacaos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cache                 cached                 caches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cachet                cachets                caching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cachou                cachous                 cackle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cackled                cackler               cacklers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cackles               cackling            cacophonies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cacophonous              cacophony                  cacti 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cactus               cactuses                    cad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cadaver             cadaverous               cadavers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                caddie                caddied                caddies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caddish                  caddy               caddying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cadence               cadences                cadenza 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cadenzas                  cadet                 cadets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cadge                 cadged                 cadger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cadgers                 cadges                cadging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cadmium                  cadre                 cadres 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cads             caerphilly                 caesar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             caesarean             caesareans                caesura 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caesuras              cafeteria             cafeterias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  caff               caffeine                  caffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                caftan                caftans                   cage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 caged                  cages                  cagey 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cagier                cagiest                 cagily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caginess                 caging                cagoule 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cagoules                cahoots                 caiman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caimans                 caique                caiques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cairn                 cairns                caisson 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caissons                 cajole                cajoled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cajolery                cajoles               cajoling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cake                  caked                  cakes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                caking               calabash             calabashes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             calaboose             calabooses               calamine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            calamities             calamitous               calamity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                calcic              calcified              calcifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calcify             calcifying            calcination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calcine               calcined               calcines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             calcining                calcium             calculable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            calculably              calculate             calculated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            calculates            calculating            calculation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          calculations             calculator            calculators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calculi               calculus             calculuses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              calendar              calendars               calender 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            calendered            calendering              calenders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calends                   calf               calfskin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             calibrate             calibrated             calibrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           calibrating            calibration           calibrations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calibre               calibres                 calico 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                caliph              caliphate             caliphates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caliphs                   calk                 calked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calking                  calks                   call 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 calla                 callas                callboy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              callboys                 called                 caller 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               callers           calligrapher          calligraphers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         calligraphist         calligraphists            calligraphy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calling               callings               calliope 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             calliopes               calliper              callipers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          callisthenic          callisthenics            callosities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             callosity                callous              callously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           callousness                 callow             callowness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 calls                 callus               calluses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  calm                 calmed                 calmer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calmest                calming                 calmly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              calmness                  calms                calomel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calorie               calories              calorific 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            calumniate            calumniated            calumniates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          calumniating              calumnies                calumny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             calvaries                calvary                  calve 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                calved                 calves                 calvin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               calving              calvinism              calvinist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            calvinists                calyces                calypso 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              calypsos                  calyx                    cam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           camaraderie                 camber               cambered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cambering                cambers               cambodia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cambodian             cambodians                cambric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cambridge                   came                  camel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             camelhair               camellia              camellias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                camels              camembert             camemberts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cameo                 cameos                 camera 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cameraman              cameramen                cameras 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cameroon            cameroonian           cameroonians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                camion                camions               camisole 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             camisoles               camomile             camouflage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           camouflaged            camouflages           camouflaging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  camp               campaign             campaigned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            campaigner            campaigners            campaigning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             campaigns              campanile             campaniles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         campanologist         campanologists            campanology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             campanula             campanulas                 camped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                camper                campers               campfire 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             campfires             campground            campgrounds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               camphor             camphorate            camphorated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           camphorates           camphorating                camping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               campion               campions                  camps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              campsite              campsites                 campus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              campuses                   cams               camshaft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             camshafts                    can                 canada 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              canadian              canadians                  canal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          canalization               canalize              canalized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             canalizes             canalizing                 canals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canard                canards               canaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canary                canasta                 cancan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cancans                 cancel           cancellation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         cancellations              cancelled             cancelling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cancels                 cancer              cancerous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cancerously                cancers                candela 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            candelabra            candelabras            candelabrum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          candelabrums               candelas            candescence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            candescent                 candid            candidacies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             candidacy              candidate             candidates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           candidature           candidatures               candidly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               candied                candies                 candle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           candlelight              candlemas            candlepower 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               candles            candlestick           candlesticks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            candlewick            candlewicks                candour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 candy             candyfloss           candyflosses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              candying              candytuft             candytufts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cane                  caned                  canes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canine                canines                 caning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              canister              canisters                 canker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cankered              cankering              cankerous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cankers                  canna               cannabis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cannas                 canned             cannelloni 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             canneries                cannery               cannibal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cannibalism          cannibalistic            cannibalize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cannibalized           cannibalizes          cannibalizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cannibals                cannier               canniest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cannily                canning                 cannon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cannonade             cannonades             cannonball 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cannonballs               cannoned              cannoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cannons                 cannot                  canny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 canoe                 canoed               canoeing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              canoeist              canoeists                 canoes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 canon              canonical             canonicals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          canonization          canonizations               canonize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             canonized              canonizes             canonizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canons               canoodle              canoodled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             canoodles             canoodling               canopies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canopy                   cans                  canst 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cant                 cantab           cantabrigian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         cantabrigians              cantaloup             cantaloups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cantankerous         cantankerously       cantankerousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cantata               cantatas                 canted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               canteen               canteens                 canter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cantered              cantering                canters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              canticle              canticles             cantilever 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cantilevers                canting                  canto 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canton               cantoned              cantoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cantonment            cantonments                cantons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cantor                cantors                 cantos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cants                 canuck                canucks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canvas               canvases                canvass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             canvassed              canvasses             canvassing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                canyon                canyons                    cap 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          capabilities             capability                capable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               capably              capacious            capaciously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         capaciousness             capacities               capacity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             caparison            caparisoned           caparisoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            caparisons                   cape                  caper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               capered               capering                 capers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 capes            capillaries            capillarity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             capillary                capital             capitalism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            capitalist           capitalistic            capitalists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        capitalization        capitalizations             capitalize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           capitalized            capitalizes           capitalizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              capitals             capitation            capitations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               capitol             capitulate            capitulated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           capitulates           capitulating           capitulation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         capitulations                  capon                 capons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                capped                capping              capriccio 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            capriccios                caprice               caprices 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            capricious           capriciously         capriciousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             capricorn             capricorns                   caps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              capsicum              capsicums                capsize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              capsized               capsizes              capsizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               capstan               capstans                capsule 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              capsules                captain              captained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            captaining               captains                caption 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              captions               captious             captiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          captiousness              captivate             captivated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            captivates            captivating            captivation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               captive               captives              captivity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                captor                captors                capture 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              captured               captures              capturing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   car                 carafe                carafes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caramel               caramels               carapace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             carapaces                  carat                 carats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caravan             caravanned            caravanning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caravans          caravansaries            caravansary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          caravanserai          caravanserais                caraway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caraways                carbide                carbine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carbines           carbohydrate          carbohydrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carbolic                 carbon              carbonate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            carbonated             carbonates            carbonating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           carbonation               carbonic          carboniferous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         carbonization         carbonizations              carbonize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            carbonized             carbonizes            carbonizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carbons            carborundum                 carboy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carboys              carbuncle             carbuncles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carburet             carbureted            carbureting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             carburets            carburettor           carburettors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carcass              carcasses             carcinogen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           carcinogens              carcinoma             carcinomas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           carcinomata                   card               cardamom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cardboard                 carded                cardiac 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cardigan              cardigans               cardinal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cardinals                carding             cardiogram 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cardiograms            cardiograph           cardiographs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cardpunch            cardpunches                  cards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cardsharp            cardsharper           cardsharpers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cardsharps                   care                  cared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                careen               careened              careening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               careens                 career               careered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             careering              careerism              careerist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            careerists                careers               carefree 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               careful              carefully            carefulness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             careladen               careless             carelessly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          carelessness                  cares                 caress 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caressed               caresses              caressing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           caressingly                  caret              caretaker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            caretakers                 carets               careworn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cargo                cargoes                caribou 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caribous             caricature            caricatured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           caricatures           caricaturing           caricaturist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         caricaturists                 caries               carillon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             carillons                 caring                carious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  carl              carmelite             carmelites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carmine               carmines                carnage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                carnal               carnally              carnation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            carnations              carnelian             carnelians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carnival              carnivals              carnivore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            carnivores            carnivorous                  carob 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                carobs                  carol               carolled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caroller              carollers              carolling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                carols                carotid               carousal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carouse               caroused               carousel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             carousels               carouses              carousing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  carp                 carpal                carpals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                carped              carpenter             carpenters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             carpentry                 carpet              carpetbag 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          carpetbagger          carpetbaggers             carpetbags 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carpeted              carpeting                carpets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 carpi                carping                carport 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carports                  carps                 carpus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carriage              carriages            carriageway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          carriageways                carried                carrier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carriers                carries                carrion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                carrot                carrots                carroty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 carry               carryall              carryalls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carrycot              carrycots               carrying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carryout              carryouts                   cars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carsick            carsickness                   cart 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cartage                 carted                 cartel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cartels                 carter                carters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             carthorse             carthorses              cartilage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cartilages          cartilaginous                carting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cartographer          cartographers            cartography 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                carton                cartons                cartoon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cartooned             cartooning             cartoonist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cartoonists               cartoons              cartridge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cartridges                  carts              cartwheel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cartwheeled           cartwheeling             cartwheels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 carve                 carved                 carver 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               carvers                 carves                carving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              carvings               caryatid              caryatids 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cascade               cascaded               cascades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cascading                cascara                   case 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              casebook              casebooks                  cased 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                casein               casement              casements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caseous                  cases               casework 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            caseworker            caseworkers                   cash 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cashable                 cashed                 cashes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cashew                cashews                cashier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cashiered             cashiering               cashiers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cashing               cashmere                 casing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               casings                 casino                casinos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cask                 casket                caskets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 casks                 casque                casques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cassava              casserole             casseroles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cassette              cassettes                cassock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cassocks            cassowaries              cassowary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cast              castanets               castaway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             castaways                  caste            castellated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                caster                casters                 castes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             castigate             castigated             castigates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           castigating            castigation           castigations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               casting               castings                 castle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               castled                castles               castling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               castoff               castoffs               castrate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             castrated              castrates             castrating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            castration            castrations                  casts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                casual               casually             casualness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               casuals             casualties               casualty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               casuist              casuistic            casuistical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         casuistically            casuistries              casuistry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              casuists                    cat              cataclysm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cataclysmic             cataclysms               catacomb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catacombs             catafalque            catafalques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               catalan              catalepsy             cataleptic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cataleptics              catalogue             catalogued 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            catalogues            cataloguing              catalonia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               catalpa               catalpas              catalysis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              catalyst              catalysts              catalytic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catamaran             catamarans               catapult 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            catapulted            catapulting              catapults 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cataract              cataracts                catarrh 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catarrhal            catastrophe           catastrophes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          catastrophic       catastrophically              catatonia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            catatonias              catatonic             catatonics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               catcall              catcalled             catcalling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              catcalls                  catch                catcher 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              catchers                catches               catchier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catchiest               catchily               catching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catchment             catchments             catchpenny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           catchphrase           catchphrases                catchup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catchword             catchwords                 catchy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catechism             catechisms              catechist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            catechists              catechize             catechized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            catechizes            catechizing            categorical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         categorically             categories             categorize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           categorized            categorizes           categorizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              category                  cater                catered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caterer               caterers               catering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           caterpillar           caterpillars                 caters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             caterwaul            caterwauled           caterwauling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            caterwauls                catfish              catfishes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                catgut              catharses              catharsis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cathartic             cathartics              cathedral 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cathedrals              catherine               catheter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catheters                cathode               cathodes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              catholic            catholicism            catholicity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             catholics                 catkin                catkins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                catnap                catnaps                 catnip 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cats                 catsup                catsups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cattier               cattiest                cattily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cattiness                cattish                 cattle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 catty                catwalk               catwalks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caucasia              caucasian             caucasians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caucasus                 caucus               caucused 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caucuses              caucusing                 caudal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              caudally                 caught                   caul 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cauldron              cauldrons            cauliflower 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cauliflowers                  cauls                 causal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             causality               causally              causation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             causative            causatively             causatives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cause                 caused              causeless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           causelessly               causerie              causeries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                causes               causeway              causeways 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               causing                caustic              caustical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           caustically               caustics              cauteries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cauterize             cauterized             cauterizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cauterizing                cautery                caution 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cautionary              cautioned             cautioning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cautions               cautious             cautiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cautiousness              cavalcade             cavalcades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cavalier             cavalierly              cavaliers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cavalry             cavalryman             cavalrymen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cave                 caveat                caveats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               caveman                cavemen                 cavern 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cavernous            cavernously                caverns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 caves                 caviar                  cavil 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cavilled               caviller              cavillers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cavilling                 cavils               cavities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cavity                 cavort               cavorted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cavorting                cavorts                    caw 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cawed                 cawing                   caws 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cayenne                     cc                  cease 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ceased              ceaseless            ceaselessly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ceases                ceasing                  cedar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cedars                   cede                  ceded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cedes                cedilla               cedillas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ceding                ceiling               ceilings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             celandine             celandines              celebrant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            celebrants              celebrate             celebrated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            celebrates            celebrating            celebration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          celebrations            celebrities              celebrity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              celerity                 celery              celestial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              celibacy               celibate              celibates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cell                 cellar              cellarage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cellarages                cellars                cellist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cellists                  cello             cellophane 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cellos                  cells               cellular 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             celluloid              cellulose                celsius 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  celt                 celtic                  celts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cement               cemented              cementing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cements             cemeteries               cemetery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cenotaph              cenotaphs                  cense 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                censed                 censer                censers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                censes                censing                 censor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              censored              censoring             censorious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          censoriously         censoriousness                censors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            censorship                censure               censured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              censures              censuring                 census 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              censuses                   cent                centaur 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              centaurs                centavo               centavos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           centenarian           centenarians            centenaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             centenary             centennial           centennially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           centennials             centigrade            centigrades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             centigram             centigrams                centime 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              centimes             centimetre            centimetres 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             centipede             centipedes                central 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            centralism         centralization        centralizations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            centralize            centralized            centralizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          centralizing              centrally               centrals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                centre            centreboard           centreboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               centred            centrepiece           centrepieces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               centres                centric            centrifugal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            centrifuge            centrifuges               centring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           centripetal               centrist              centrists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cents              centuries              centurion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            centurions                century               cephalic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ceramic               ceramics                 cereal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cereals              cerebella             cerebellum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cerebellums               cerebral             cerebrally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cerebrate             cerebrated             cerebrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cerebrating            cerebration               cerebrum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cerebrums             ceremonial           ceremonially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ceremonials             ceremonies            ceremonious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         ceremoniously        ceremoniousness               ceremony 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cerise                cerises                   cert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               certain              certainly            certainties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             certainty            certifiable            certificate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          certificated           certificates          certificating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         certification         certifications              certified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             certifies                certify             certifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             certitude                  certs               cerulean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cervical               cervices                 cervix 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cervixes              cessation                cession 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cessions                cesspit               cesspits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cesspool              cesspools               cetacean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cetaceans                chablis                chablis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chaconne              chaconnes                   chad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chadian               chadians                  chafe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chafed                 chafer                chafers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chafes                  chaff                chaffed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chaffinch            chaffinches               chaffing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chaffs                chafing                chagrin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chagrined             chagrining               chagrins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chain                chained               chaining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chains                  chair                chaired 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chairing               chairman           chairmanship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         chairmanships               chairmen            chairperson 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chairpersons                 chairs             chairwoman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chairwomen                 chaise                chaises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chalet                chalets                chalice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chalices                  chalk                chalked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chalkier              chalkiest             chalkiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chalking               chalkpit              chalkpits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chalks                 chalky              challenge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            challenged             challenger            challengers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            challenges            challenging          challengingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chamber            chamberlain           chamberlains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chambermaid           chambermaids             chamberpot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chamberpots               chambers              chameleon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chameleons               chammies                 chammy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chamois                  champ              champagne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             champaign             champaigns                champed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              champers               champing               champion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            championed            championing              champions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          championship          championships                 champs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chance                chanced                chancel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         chancelleries            chancellery             chancellor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chancellors               chancels             chanceries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chancery                chances               chancier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chanciest             chanciness               chancing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chancy             chandelier            chandeliers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chandler              chandlers                 change 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         changeability             changeable         changeableness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            changeably                changed              changeful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            changeless           changelessly             changeling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           changelings                changes               changing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               channel             channelled            channelling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              channels                  chant                chanted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chanterelle           chanterelles            chanticleer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chanting              chantries                chantry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chants                  chaos                chaotic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chaotically                   chap                 chapel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chapelgoer            chapelgoers                chapels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chaperon             chaperoned            chaperoning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chaperons             chapfallen               chaplain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chaplaincies             chaplaincy              chaplains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chaplet               chaplets                chapped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chapping                  chaps                chapter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chapters                   char              charabanc 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            charabancs              character         characteristic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    characteristically        characteristics       characterization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     characterizations           characterize          characterized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         characterizes         characterizing          characterless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            characters                charade               charades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              charcoal                  chard                 chards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                charge             chargeable                charged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               charger               chargers                charges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              charging                charier               chariest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               charily                chariot             charioteer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           charioteers               chariots               charisma 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             charismas             charismata            charismatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       charismatically             charitable             charitably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             charities                charity              charivari 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            charladies               charlady              charlatan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            charlatans             charleston            charlestons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               charlie               charlock              charlocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             charlotte             charlottes                  charm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               charmed                charmer               charmers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              charming             charmingly                 charms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               charnel               charnels                charred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              charring                  chars                  chart 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               charted                charter              chartered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chartering               charters               charting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chartism               chartist              chartists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chartreuse                 charts              charwoman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             charwomen                  chary              charybdis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chase                 chased                 chaser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chasers                 chases                chasing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chasm                 chasms                chassis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chaste               chastely                chasten 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chastened             chastening               chastens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chaster               chastest               chastise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chastised           chastisement              chastises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chastising               chastity               chasuble 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chasubles                   chat             chatelaine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chatelaines                  chats                chatted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chattel               chattels                chatter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chatterbox           chatterboxes              chattered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chatterer             chatterers             chattering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chatters               chattier              chattiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chatting                 chatty              chauffeur 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chauffeured           chauffeuring             chauffeurs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chauffeuse            chauffeuses             chauvinism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chauvinist           chauvinistic       chauvinistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chauvinists                   chaw                 chawed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chawing                  chaws        cha<U+0302>teau 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      cha<U+0302>teaux                  cheap                cheapen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cheapened             cheapening               cheapens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cheaper               cheapest              cheapjack 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cheaply              cheapness             cheapskate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cheapskates                  cheat                cheated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheating                 cheats                  check 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             checkbook             checkbooks                checked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               checker           checkerboard          checkerboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              checkers               checking              checklist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            checklists              checkmate             checkmated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            checkmates            checkmating               checkoff 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              checkout              checkouts             checkpoint 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           checkpoints              checkrail             checkrails 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             checkrein             checkreins              checkroom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            checkrooms                 checks                checkup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              checkups                cheddar                  cheek 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cheekbone             cheekbones                cheeked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheekier              cheekiest               cheekily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cheekiness               cheeking                 cheeks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cheeky                  cheep                cheeped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheeping                 cheeps                  cheer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cheered               cheerful             cheerfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cheerfulness               cheerier              cheeriest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheerily             cheeriness               cheering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cheerio            cheerleader           cheerleaders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cheerless            cheerlessly          cheerlessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cheers                 cheery                 cheese 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cheesecake            cheesecakes            cheesecloth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cheeseparing                cheeses                cheetah 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheetahs                   chef                  chefs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  chem               chemical             chemically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chemicals                chemise               chemises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chemist              chemistry               chemists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chemotherapy               chenille                 cheque 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chequebook            chequebooks                chequer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chequered             chequering               chequers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cheques                cherish              cherished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cherishes             cherishing                cheroot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheroots               cherries                 cherry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cherub               cherubic           cherubically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cherubim                cherubs                chervil 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cheshire                  chess             chessboard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chessboards               chessman               chessmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chest           chesterfield          chesterfields 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chestier              chestiest               chestily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chestnut              chestnuts                 chests 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chesty              chevalier             chevaliers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chevron               chevrons                   chew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chewed                chewing                  chews 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   chi                chianti            chiaroscuro 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chiaroscuros                   chic                chicane 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chicaned            chicaneries              chicanery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chicanes              chicaning                chicano 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chicanos                 chichi                  chick 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chicken            chickenfeed         chickenhearted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    chickenheartedness             chickenpox               chickens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chickpea              chickpeas                 chicks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chickweed                 chicle                 chicly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chicory                   chid                chidden 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chide                 chided                 chides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chiding                  chief                chiefly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chiefs              chieftain          chieftaincies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chieftaincy             chieftains          chieftainship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        chieftainships           chieftancies             chieftancy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chiffon             chiffonier            chiffoniers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chigger               chiggers                chignon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chignons                 chigoe                chigoes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chihuahua             chihuahuas              chilblain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chilblained             chilblains                  child 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          childbearing             childbirth              childhood 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            childhoods               childish             childishly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          childishness              childless              childlike 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              children                  chile                chilean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chileans                  chill                chilled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chiller               chillers                 chilli 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chillier               chillies              chilliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chilliness               chilling                 chills 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chilly                  chime                 chimed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chimera               chimeras               chimeric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chimerical           chimerically                 chimes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chiming                chimney          chimneybreast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        chimneybreasts           chimneypiece          chimneypieces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chimneypot            chimneypots               chimneys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chimneystack          chimneystacks           chimneysweep 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        chimneysweeper        chimneysweepers          chimneysweeps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chimp             chimpanzee            chimpanzees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chimps                   chin                  china 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chinatown             chinatowns              chinaware 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chinchilla            chinchillas                  chine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chines                chinese                  chink 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chinked               chinking                 chinks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chinless                chinook               chinooks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chins              chinstrap             chinstraps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chintz                chinwag                   chip 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chipboard               chipmunk              chipmunks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chipped            chippendale                chipper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chippies               chipping              chippings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chippy                  chips             chiromancy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chiropodist           chiropodists              chiropody 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chiropractic           chiropractor          chiropractors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chirp                chirped               chirpier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chirpiest               chirpily             chirpiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chirping                 chirps                 chirpy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chirrup              chirruped             chirruping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chirrups                   chis                 chisel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chiselled              chiseller             chisellers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chiselling                chisels                   chit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chitchat                  chits             chivalrous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chivalrously               chivalry                  chive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chives                chivied                chivies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chivy               chivying                chloric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chloride              chlorides             chlorinate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chlorinated            chlorinates           chlorinating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chlorination               chlorine             chloroform 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          chloroformed          chloroforming            chloroforms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chlorophyll                   choc                  chock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chocked               chocking                 chocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chocolate             chocolates                  chocs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                choice               choicely             choiceness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               choicer                choices               choicest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 choir               choirboy              choirboys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           choirmaster           choirmasters                 choirs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 choke                 choked                 choker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chokers                 chokes                choking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 choky                 choler                cholera 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              choleric           cholerically            cholesterol 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chomp                chomped               chomping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chomps                 choose                chooses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              choosier              choosiest               choosing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                choosy                   chop             chopfallen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chophouse             chophouses                chopped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chopper               choppers               choppier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             choppiest             choppiness               chopping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                choppy                  chops              chopstick 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chopsticks                 choral                chorale 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chorales                  chord                 chords 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chore          choreographer         choreographers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          choreography                 chores                chorine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chorines              chorister             choristers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chortle               chortled               chortles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chortling                 chorus               chorused 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              choruses              chorusing                  chose 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chosen                   chow                chowder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chows                 christ               christen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           christendom             christened            christening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          christenings              christens              christian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          christianity             christians             christlike 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             christmas            christmases          christmastide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         christmastime              chromatic          chromatically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chrome               chromium             chromosome 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chromosomes                chronic            chronically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chronicle             chronicled             chronicler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chroniclers             chronicles            chronicling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chronograph           chronographs          chronological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       chronologically           chronologies             chronology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chronometer           chronometers              chrysalis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           chrysalises          chrysanthemum         chrysanthemums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  chub               chubbier              chubbiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            chubbiness                 chubby                  chubs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chuck                chucked               chucking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chuckle               chuckled               chuckles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chuckling                 chucks                   chug 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               chugged               chugging                  chugs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chukka                chukkas                chukker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chukkers                   chum                chummed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              chummier              chummiest               chumming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chummy                  chump                 chumps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 chums                  chunk               chunkier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             chunkiest                 chunks                 chunky 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                church               churched               churches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            churchgoer            churchgoers              churching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            churchings           churchwarden          churchwardens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            churchyard            churchyards                  churl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              churlish             churlishly           churlishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                churls                  churn                churned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              churning                 churns                  chute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                chutes                chutney               chutneys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    ci                    cia                 cicada 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cicadas                 cicala                cicalas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cicatrice             cicatrices               cicatrix 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cicerone               ciceroni                    cid 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cider             ciderpress           ciderpresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ciders                    cif                  cigar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cigarette             cigarettes                 cigars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cinch                cinched                cinches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cinching               cinchona              cinchonas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cincture              cinctures                 cinder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cinderella            cinderellas                cinders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cine                 cinema                cinemas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cinematic          cinematograph         cinematographs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        cinematography               cinnamon             cinquefoil 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cinquefoils                 cipher               ciphered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ciphering                ciphers                  circa 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             circadian                 circle                circled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               circles                circlet               circlets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              circling                circuit             circuitous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          circuitously               circuits               circular 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           circularize           circularized           circularizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         circularizing              circulars              circulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            circulated             circulates            circulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           circulation           circulations            circulatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            circumcise            circumcised            circumcises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          circumcising           circumcision          circumcisions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         circumference         circumferences        circumferential 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            circumflex           circumflexes         circumlocution 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       circumlocutions         circumlocutory         circumnavigate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       circumnavigated        circumnavigates       circumnavigating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      circumnavigation      circumnavigations           circumscribe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         circumscribed          circumscribes         circumscribing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       circumscription       circumscriptions            circumspect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        circumspection          circumspectly           circumstance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         circumstances         circumstantial       circumstantially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            circumvent           circumvented          circumventing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         circumvention            circumvents                 circus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              circuses                 cirque                cirques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cirrhosis                 cirrus                cistern 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cisterns                citadel               citadels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              citation              citations                   cite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cited                  cites                 cities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                citing                citizen              citizenry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              citizens            citizenship                 citric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                citron                citrons                citrous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                citrus               citruses                   city 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 civet                 civets                  civic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                civics                  civil               civilian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             civilians             civilities               civility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          civilization          civilizations               civilize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             civilized              civilizes             civilizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               civilly                civvies                  clack 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clacked               clacking                 clacks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  clad                  claim               claimant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             claimants                claimed               claiming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                claims           clairvoyance            clairvoyant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          clairvoyants                   clam               clambake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clambakes                clamber              clambered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clambering               clambers                clammed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clammier              clammiest               clammily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clamminess               clamming                 clammy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clamorous            clamorously                clamour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clamoured             clamouring               clamours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clamp              clampdown             clampdowns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clamped               clamping                 clamps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clams              clamshell             clamshells 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  clan            clandestine          clandestinely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       clandestineness                  clang                clanged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clanger               clangers               clanging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clangorous           clangorously               clangour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clangs                  clank                clanked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clanking                 clanks               clannish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clannishly           clannishness                  clans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clansman               clansmen                   clap 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clapboard             clapboards                clapped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clapper           clapperboard          clapperboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clappers               clapping                  claps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              claptrap                 claque                claques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                claret          clarification         clarifications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clarified              clarifies                clarify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clarifying               clarinet              clarinets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          clarinettist          clarinettists                clarion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clarions                clarity               clartier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clartiest                 clarts                 clarty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clash                clashed                clashes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clashing                  clasp                clasped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clasping                 clasps                  class 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               classed                classes                classic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             classical           classicalism            classically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            classicism             classicist            classicists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              classics               classier              classiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          classifiable         classification        classifications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            classified             classifies               classify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           classifying               classing              classless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         classlessness              classmate             classmates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             classroom             classrooms                 classy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clatter              clattered             clattering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clatters                 clause                clauses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        claustrophobia         claustrophobic        claustrophobics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clave             clavichord            clavichords 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clavicle              clavicles                   claw 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clawed                clawing                  claws 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  clay                 clayey               claymore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             claymores                  clean                cleaned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cleaner               cleaners               cleanest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cleaning              cleanlier             cleanliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cleanliness                cleanly              cleanness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cleans                cleanse               cleansed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cleanser              cleansers               cleanses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cleansing                cleanup               cleanups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clear              clearance             clearances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cleared                clearer               clearest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clearing          clearinghouse         clearinghouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clearings                clearly              clearness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clearout                 clears               clearway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clearways                  cleat                 cleats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cleavage              cleavages                 cleave 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cleaved                cleaver               cleavers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cleaves               cleaving                   clef 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clefs                  cleft                 clefts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clematis               clemency                clement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clements                 clench               clenched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clenches              clenching           clerestories 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clerestory                 clergy              clergyman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clergymen                 cleric               clerical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clerically                clerics               clerihew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clerihews                  clerk                clerked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clerking                 clerks                 clever 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cleverer              cleverest               cleverly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cleverness                   clew                 clewed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clewing                  clews                  click 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clicked               clicking                 clicks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                client              clientele                clients 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cliff            cliffhanger           cliffhangers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cliffs            climacteric           climacterics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             climactic                climate               climates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              climatic             climatical           climatically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           climatology                 climax               climaxed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              climaxes              climaxing                  climb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               climbed                climber               climbers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              climbing                 climbs                  clime 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                climes                 clinch               clinched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clincher              clinchers               clinches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clinching                  cline                 clines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cling               clingier              clingiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clinging                 clings                 clingy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clinic               clinical             clinically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clinics                  clink                clinked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clinker               clinkers               clinking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clinks                   clip              clipboard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clipboards                clipped                clipper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clippers                clippie               clippies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clipping              clippings                  clips 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clique                cliques                cliquey 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cliquier              cliquiest               cliquish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cliquishness               clitoris             clitorises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cloak                cloaked               cloaking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cloakroom             cloakrooms                 cloaks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clobber              clobbered             clobbering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clobbers                 cloche                cloches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clock                clocked               clocking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clocks              clockwise              clockwork 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  clod               cloddish             cloddishly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cloddishness             clodhopper            clodhoppers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clods                   clog                clogged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cloggier              cloggiest               clogging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cloggy                  clogs               cloister 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cloistered            cloistering              cloisters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clone                 clones                   clop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clopped               clopping                  clops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 close                 closed              closedown 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            closedowns            closefisted                closely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             closeness               closeout              closeouts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                closer                 closes                closest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                closet               closeted              closeting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               closets                closing                closure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              closures                   clot                  cloth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clothe                clothed                clothes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         clothesbasket         clothesbaskets           clotheshorse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         clotheshorses            clothesline           clotheslines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clothespin            clothespins               clothier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clothiers               clothing                 cloths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clots                clotted               clotting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cloture               clotures                  cloud 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cloudbank             cloudbanks             cloudburst 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cloudbursts                clouded               cloudier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cloudiest             cloudiness               clouding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cloudless                 clouds                 cloudy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clout                clouted               clouting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clouts                  clove                 cloven 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clover             cloverleaf           cloverleaves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clovers                 cloves                  clown 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clowned               clowning               clownish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clownishly           clownishness                 clowns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cloy                 cloyed                cloying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cloys                   club              clubbable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clubbed               clubbing               clubfeet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clubfoot             clubfooted              clubhouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            clubhouses                  clubs                  cluck 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               clucked               clucking                 clucks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  clue               clueless                  clues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clump                clumped               clumping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clumps               clumsier              clumsiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clumsily             clumsiness                 clumsy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 clung                  clunk                clunked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              clunking                 clunks                cluster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clustered             clustering               clusters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                clutch               clutched               clutches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             clutching                clutter              cluttered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cluttering               clutters                     cm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coach           coachbuilder          coachbuilders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coached                coaches               coaching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coachman               coachmen              coachwork 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coachworks              coadjutor             coadjutors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coagulant             coagulants              coagulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coagulated             coagulates            coagulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           coagulation           coagulations                   coal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coalbunker            coalbunkers                 coaled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coalesce              coalesced            coalescence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          coalescences             coalescent              coalesces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coalescing               coalface              coalfaces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coalfield             coalfields               coalhole 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coalholes              coalhouse             coalhouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coaling              coalition             coalitions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coalmine              coalmines                  coals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           coalscuttle           coalscuttles                coaming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coamings                 coarse               coarsely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coarsen              coarsened             coarseness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coarsening               coarsens                coarser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coarsest                  coast                coastal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coasted                coaster               coasters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coastguard            coastguards         coastguardsman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        coastguardsmen               coasting              coastline 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coastlines                 coasts              coastwise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coat                 coated                 coatee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coatees                coating               coatings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coats               coauthor              coauthors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coax                 coaxed                 coaxes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coaxing              coaxingly               coaxings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cob                 cobalt                 cobber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cobble                cobbled                cobbler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cobblers                cobbles            cobblestone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cobblestones               cobbling                  cobra 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cobras                   cobs                 cobweb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cobwebs                   coca                cocaine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cocas               coccyges                 coccyx 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cochineal                cochlea               cochleae 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cochleas                   cock                cockade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cockades               cockatoo              cockatoos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cockchafer            cockchafers               cockcrow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cockcrows                 cocked                 cocker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cockerel              cockerels                cockers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cockeyed              cockfight           cockfighting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cockfights              cockhorse             cockhorses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cockier               cockiest              cockiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cocking                 cockle                cockles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cockleshell           cockleshells                cockney 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cockneys                cockpit               cockpits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cockroach            cockroaches                  cocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cockscomb             cockscombs               cocksure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cocktail              cocktails                  cocky 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coco                  cocoa                 cocoas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coconut               coconuts                 cocoon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cocooned              cocooning                cocoons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cocos                cocotte               cocottes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cod                   coda                  codas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                codded                codding                 coddle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coddled                coddles               coddling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  code                  coded                codeine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 codes                  codex                codfish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             codfishes                 codger                codgers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               codices                codicil               codicils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          codification          codifications               codified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              codifies                 codify              codifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coding                 codlin                codling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              codlings                codlins               codpiece 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             codpieces                   cods             codswallop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coed                  coeds            coeducation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         coeducational            coefficient           coefficients 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coelacanth            coelacanths                coequal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coequally               coequals                 coerce 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coerced                coerces               coercing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coercion               coercive             coercively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          coerciveness              coeternal            coeternally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coeval                coevals                coexist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coexisted            coexistence             coexistent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coexisting               coexists                 coffee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coffeepot             coffeepots                coffees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coffer              cofferdam             cofferdams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coffers                 coffin                coffins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cog                cogency                 cogent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cogently               cogitate              cogitated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cogitates             cogitating             cogitation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cognac                cognacs                cognate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cognates              cognition             cognizance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cognizant                cognize               cognized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cognizes              cognizing               cognomen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cognomens            cognoscenti                   cogs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cogwheel              cogwheels                cohabit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cohabitation              cohabited             cohabiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cohabits                 cohere                cohered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coherence              coherency               coherent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coherently                coheres               cohering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cohesion               cohesive             cohesively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cohesiveness                 cohort                cohorts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coif               coiffeur              coiffeurs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coiffure              coiffured              coiffures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coifs                  coign                   coil 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coiled                coiling                  coils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coin                coinage               coinages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coincide              coincided            coincidence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          coincidences             coincident           coincidental 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        coincidentally              coincides             coinciding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coined                 coiner                coiners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coining                  coins                   coir 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coital                coition                 coitus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coke                  coked                  cokes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coking                    col                   cola 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colander              colanders                   cold 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                colder                coldest                 coldly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coldness                  colds               coleslaw 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coley                 coleys                  colic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               colicky                colitis            collaborate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          collaborated           collaborates          collaborating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         collaboration       collaborationism       collaborationist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     collaborationists           collaborator          collaborators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               collage               collages               collapse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             collapsed              collapses            collapsible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            collapsing                 collar             collarbone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           collarbones               collared              collaring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               collars                collate               collated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            collateral               collates              collating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             collation             collations              colleague 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            colleagues                collect              collected 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           collectedly             collecting             collection 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           collections             collective           collectively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           collectives           collectivism       collectivization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          collectivize          collectivized          collectivizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        collectivizing              collector             collectors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              collects                colleen               colleens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               college               colleges             collegiate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               collide               collided               collides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             colliding                 collie                collier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            collieries               colliers               colliery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               collies                collins              collision 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            collisions              collocate             collocated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            collocates            collocating            collocation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          collocations             colloquial          colloquialism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        colloquialisms           colloquially             colloquies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colloquy                collude               colluded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colludes              colluding              collusion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             collusive           collywobbles                cologne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colombia              colombian             colombians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 colon                colonel               colonels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colonial            colonialism            colonialist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          colonialists              colonials               colonies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colonist              colonists           colonization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              colonize              colonized              colonizer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            colonizers              colonizes             colonizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             colonnade             colonnaded             colonnades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                colons                 colony               colorado 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coloration             coloratura               colossal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            colossally                colossi               colossus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            colossuses              colostrum                 colour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coloured              coloureds             colourfast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        colourfastness              colourful              colouring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            colourless           colourlessly         colourlessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               colours                   cols                   colt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coltish              coltishly            coltishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 colts              columbine             columbines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                column              columnist             columnists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               columns                   coma                  comae 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 comas               comatose                   comb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                combat              combatant             combatants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             combative            combatively                combats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             combatted             combatting                 combed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                comber                combers            combination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          combinations          combinatorial                combine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              combined               combines                combing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             combining                  combo                 combos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 combs                combust              combusted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           combustible           combustibles             combusting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            combustion               combusts                   come 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              comeback              comebacks                comecon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              comedian              comedians             comedienne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comediennes               comedies               comedown 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             comedowns                 comedy               comelier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             comeliest             comeliness                 comely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 comer                 comers                  comes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            comestible            comestibles                  comet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                comets                comfier               comfiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                comfit                comfits                comfort 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comfortable            comfortably              comforted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             comforter             comforters             comforting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comfortless               comforts                comfrey 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 comfy                  comic                comical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             comically                 comics              cominform 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coming                comings              comintern 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              comities                 comity                  comma 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               command             commandant            commandants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commanded             commandeer           commandeered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         commandeering            commandeers              commander 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            commanders             commanding            commandment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commandments               commando              commandos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              commands                 commas            commemorate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commemorated           commemorates          commemorating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         commemoration         commemorations          commemorative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              commence              commenced           commencement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         commencements              commences             commencing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               commend            commendable            commendably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commendation          commendations           commendatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commended             commending               commends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         commensurable          commensurably           commensurate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               comment           commentaries             commentary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            commentate            commentated            commentates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commentating            commentator           commentators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commented             commenting               comments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              commerce             commercial          commercialism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         commercialize         commercialized         commercializes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       commercializing           commercially            commercials 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                commie                commies            commination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          comminations            comminatory              commingle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            commingled             commingles            commingling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         commiseration         commiserations              commissar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commissariat          commissariats           commissaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            commissars             commissary             commission 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        commissionaire        commissionaires           commissioned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commissioner          commissioners          commissioning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           commissions                 commit             commitment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           commitments                commits              committal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            committals              committed              committee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          committeeman           committeemen             committees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        committeewoman         committeewomen             committing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               commode               commodes             commodious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          commodiously            commodities              commodity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commodore             commodores                 common 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commonage             commonalty               commoner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commoners              commonest               commonly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            commonness            commonplace           commonplaces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               commons           commonwealth          commonwealths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commotion             commotions               communal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               commune               communed               communes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          communicable           communicably            communicant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          communicants            communicate           communicated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          communicates          communicating          communication 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        communications          communicative              communing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             communion             communions              communism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             communist            communistic             communists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           communities              community             commutable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commutate             commutated             commutates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           commutating            commutation           commutations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           commutative             commutator            commutators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               commute               commuted               commuter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             commuters               commutes              commuting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               compact              compacted             compacting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             compactly            compactness               compacts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             companies              companion          companionable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            companions          companionship           companionway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         companionways                company             comparable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            comparably            comparative          comparatively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          comparatives                compare               compared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compares              comparing             comparison 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comparisons            compartment          compartmental 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      compartmentalize      compartmentalized      compartmentalizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    compartmentalizing           compartments                compass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             compassed              compasses             compassing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            compassion          compassionate        compassionately 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         compatibility             compatible             compatibly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            compatriot            compatriots                compeer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compeers                 compel              compelled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            compelling           compellingly                compels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compendious          compendiously             compendium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compendiums             compensate            compensated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compensates           compensating           compensation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         compensations           compensatory                compere 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compered               comperes              compering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               compete               competed             competence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            competency              competent            competently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              competes              competing            competition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          competitions            competitive          competitively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       competitiveness             competitor            competitors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compilation           compilations                compile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compiled               compiler              compilers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compiles              compiling            complacence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           complacency             complacent           complacently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              complain            complainant           complainants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            complained             complainer            complainers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           complaining          complainingly              complains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             complaint             complaints           complaisance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           complaisant          complaisantly             complement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         complementary           complemented          complementing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           complements               complete              completed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            completely           completeness              completes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            completing             completion                complex 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             complexes             complexion            complexions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          complexities             complexity             compliance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             compliant            compliantly             complicate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           complicated          complicatedly        complicatedness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           complicates           complicating           complication 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         complications             complicity               complied 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              complies             compliment          complimentary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          complimented          complimenting            compliments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compline                 comply              complying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 compo              component             components 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               comport              comported             comporting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comportment               comports                 compos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               compose               composed             composedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              composer              composers               composes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             composing              composite             composites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           composition           compositions             compositor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compositors                compost              composted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            composting               composts              composure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               compote               compotes               compound 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            compounded            compounding              compounds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            comprehend           comprehended          comprehending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comprehends      comprehensibility         comprehensible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         comprehension         comprehensions          comprehensive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       comprehensively      comprehensiveness         comprehensives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              compress             compressed             compresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       compressibility           compressible            compressing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compression             compressor            compressors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              comprise              comprised              comprises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            comprising             compromise            compromised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           compromises           compromising            comptometer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          comptometers             compulsion            compulsions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            compulsive           compulsively         compulsiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          compulsorily             compulsory            compunction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           computation           computations                compute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              computed               computer            computerize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          computerized           computerizes          computerizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             computers               computes              computing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               comrade              comradely               comrades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           comradeship           comradeships                   coms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   con            concatenate           concatenated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          concatenates          concatenating          concatenation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        concatenations                concave            concavities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concavity                conceal              concealed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concealing            concealment               conceals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               concede               conceded               concedes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conceding                conceit              conceited 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conceitedly          conceitedness               conceits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conceivable            conceivably               conceive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conceived              conceives             conceiving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           concentrate           concentrated           concentrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         concentrating          concentration         concentrations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concentric                concept             conception 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conceptions               concepts             conceptual 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         conceptualize         conceptualized         conceptualizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       conceptualizing           conceptually                concern 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concerned            concernedly             concerning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              concerns                concert              concerted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           concertedly            concertgoer           concertgoers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concertina           concertinaed          concertinaing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           concertinas             concerting          concertmaster 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        concertmasters               concerto              concertos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              concerts             concession         concessionaire 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       concessionaires            concessions             concessive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 conch                conches             conchology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concierge             concierges             conciliate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conciliated            conciliates           conciliating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conciliation           conciliatory                concise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concisely            conciseness              concision 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              conclave              conclaves               conclude 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concluded              concludes             concluding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conclusion            conclusions             conclusive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conclusively                concoct              concocted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concocting             concoction            concoctions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              concocts           concomitance          concomitances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           concomitant          concomitantly           concomitants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               concord            concordance           concordances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concordant              concordat             concordats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              concords              concourse             concourses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              concrete              concreted             concretely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concretes             concreting             concretion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           concretions            concubinage              concubine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concubines          concupiscence           concupiscent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                concur              concurred            concurrence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          concurrences             concurrent           concurrently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concurring                concurs                concuss 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             concussed              concusses             concussing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            concussion            concussions                condemn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          condemnation          condemnations              condemned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            condemning               condemns           condensation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         condensations               condense              condensed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             condenser             condensers              condenses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            condensing             condescend           condescended 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         condescending        condescendingly            condescends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         condescension         condescensions                condign 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             condignly              condiment             condiments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             condition            conditional          conditionally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conditionals            conditioned           conditioning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conditions             condolence            condolences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                condom            condominium           condominiums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               condoms            condonation           condonations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               condone               condoned               condones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             condoning                 condor                condors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conducive          conduciveness                conduct 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conductance              conducted             conducting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conduction             conductive         conductivities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conductivity              conductor             conductors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conductress          conductresses               conducts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               conduit               conduits                   cone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cones                 confab              confabbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            confabbing                confabs            confabulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confabulated           confabulates          confabulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         confabulation         confabulations             confection 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confectioner        confectioneries          confectioners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         confectionery            confections          confederacies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           confederacy            confederate           confederated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confederates          confederating          confederation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        confederations                 confer             conference 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conferences             conferment            conferments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conferred             conferring                confers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               confess              confessed            confessedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             confesses             confessing             confession 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confessional          confessionals            confessions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             confessor             confessors               confetti 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             confidant             confidants                confide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confided             confidence            confidences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             confident           confidential      confidentialities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       confidentiality         confidentially            confidently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confides              confiding            confidingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         configuration         configurations                confine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confined            confinement           confinements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confines              confining                confirm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confirmation          confirmations              confirmed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            confirming               confirms             confiscate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           confiscated            confiscates           confiscating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confiscation          confiscations           confiscatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         conflagration         conflagrations               conflate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conflated              conflates             conflating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conflation            conflations               conflict 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conflicted            conflicting              conflicts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            confluence            confluences              confluent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               conform            conformable            conformably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conformance           conformation          conformations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conformed             conforming             conformist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conformists             conformity               conforms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confound             confounded           confoundedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           confounding              confounds        confraternities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         confraternity       confre<U+0300>re      confre<U+0300>res 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confront          confrontation         confrontations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            confronted            confronting              confronts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             confucian           confucianism             confucians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             confucius                confuse               confused 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            confusedly               confuses              confusing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           confusingly              confusion            confutation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          confutations                confute               confuted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              confutes              confuting                  conga 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                congas                congeal              congealed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            congealing               congeals              congenial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           congenially             congenital           congenitally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                conger                congers                congest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             congested             congesting             congestion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              congests           conglomerate          conglomerated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         conglomerates         conglomerating         conglomeration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       conglomerations                  congo              congolese 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              congrats           congratulate          congratulated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         congratulates         congratulating         congratulation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       congratulations         congratulatory             congregate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           congregated            congregates           congregating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          congregation         congregational      congregationalism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    congregationalisms      congregationalist     congregationalists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         congregations               congress             congresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         congressional            congressman            congressmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         congresswoman          congresswomen             congruence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             congruent            congruently            congruities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             congruity              congruous            congruously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 conic                conical              conically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                conies                conifer             coniferous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              conifers                   conj            conjectural 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conjecture            conjectured            conjectures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conjecturing                conjoin              conjoined 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conjoining               conjoins               conjoint 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conjointly               conjugal             conjugally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conjugate             conjugated             conjugates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conjugating            conjugation           conjugations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              conjunct            conjunction           conjunctions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conjunctiva           conjunctivae           conjunctivas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conjunctive           conjunctives         conjunctivitis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conjuncts            conjuncture           conjunctures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conjuration           conjurations                conjure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              conjured               conjurer              conjurers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              conjures              conjuring                   conk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                conked                 conker                conkers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               conkers                conking                  conks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               connect              connected             connecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            connection            connections             connective 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           connectives               connects                 conned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               conning             connivance                connive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              connived               connives              conniving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           connoisseur           connoisseurs            connotation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          connotations            connotative          connotatively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               connote               connoted               connotes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             connoting              connubial                conquer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conquered             conquering              conqueror 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conquerors               conquers               conquest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conquests           conquistador         conquistadores 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         conquistadors                 conrad                   cons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        consanguineous          consanguinity             conscience 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consciences          conscientious        conscientiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     conscientiousness              conscious            consciously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         consciousness              conscript            conscripted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conscripting           conscription             conscripts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consecrate            consecrated            consecrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consecrating           consecration          consecrations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consecutive          consecutively              consensus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               consent              consented             consenting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              consents            consequence           consequences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consequent          consequential        consequentially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consequently          conservancies            conservancy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conservation        conservationist       conservationists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conservatism           conservative         conservatively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         conservatives          conservatoire         conservatoires 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        conservatories           conservatory               conserve 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conserved              conserves             conserving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              consider           considerable           considerably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           considerate          considerately        considerateness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         consideration         considerations             considered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           considering              considers                consign 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             consigned              consignee             consignees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consigning            consignment           consignments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             consignor             consignors               consigns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consistence           consistences          consistencies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consistency             consistent           consistently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consistorial           consistories             consistory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consolable            consolation           consolations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consolatory                console               consoled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              consoles            consolidate           consolidated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consolidates          consolidating          consolidation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        consolidations              consoling                consols 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consonance              consonant             consonants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               consort              consortia             consortium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consortiums               consorts             conspectus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conspectuses            conspicuous          conspicuously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       conspicuousness           conspiracies             conspiracy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conspirator         conspiratorial       conspiratorially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conspirators               conspire              conspired 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conspires             conspiring              constable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            constables         constabularies           constabulary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             constancy               constant             constantly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             constants            constellate           constellated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          constellates          constellating          constellation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        constellations            consternate           consternated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consternates          consternating          consternation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            constipate            constipated            constipates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          constipating           constipation         constituencies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          constituency            constituent           constituents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            constitute            constituted            constitutes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          constituting           constitution         constitutional 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     constitutionalism      constitutionalist     constitutionalists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     constitutionalize     constitutionalized     constitutionalizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
   constitutionalizing       constitutionally        constitutionals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         constitutions           constitutive              constrain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           constrained          constrainedly           constraining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            constrains             constraint            constraints 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             constrict            constricted           constricting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          constriction          constrictions           constrictive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           constrictor           constrictors             constricts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             construct            constructed           constructing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          construction         constructional          constructions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          constructive         constructively       constructiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           constructor           constructors             constructs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              construe              construed              construes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            construing        consubstantiate       consubstantiated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      consubstantiates      consubstantiating      consubstantiation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                consul               consular              consulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consulates                consuls             consulship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consulships                consult          consultancies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consultancy             consultant            consultants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consultation          consultations           consultative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             consulted             consulting               consults 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               consume               consumed               consumer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             consumers               consumes              consuming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            consummate            consummated           consummately 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           consummates           consummating           consummation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         consummations            consumption            consumptive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          consumptives                contact              contacted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contacting               contacts              contagion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contagions             contagious           contagiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        contagiousness                contain              contained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             container       containerization           containerize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         containerized          containerizes         containerizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            containers             containing            containment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              contains            contaminate           contaminated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contaminates          contaminating          contamination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        contaminations           contaminator          contaminators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               contemn              contemned             contemning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              contemns            contemplate           contemplated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contemplates          contemplating          contemplation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         contemplative        contemporaneous      contemporaneously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        contemporaries           contemporary               contempt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contemptible           contemptibly           contemptuous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        contemptuously                contend              contended 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             contender             contenders             contending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              contends                content              contented 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contentedly             contenting             contention 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contentions            contentious          contentiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       contentiousness            contentment               contents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conterminous                contest            contestable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contestant            contestants              contested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contesting               contests                context 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              contexts             contextual           contextually 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contiguity             contiguous           contiguously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        contiguousness             continence              continent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           continental           continentals             continents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         contingencies            contingency             contingent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contingently            contingents               continua 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             continual            continually            continuance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          continuation          continuations               continue 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             continued              continues             continuing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            continuity               continuo              continuos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            continuous           continuously              continuum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               contort              contorted             contorting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contortion          contortionist         contortionists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contortions               contorts                contour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             contoured             contouring               contours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contraband             contrabass           contrabasses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         contraception          contraceptive         contraceptives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              contract             contracted           contractible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contractile            contracting            contraction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contractions             contractor            contractors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             contracts            contractual          contractually 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contradict           contradicted          contradicting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         contradiction         contradictions          contradictory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contradicts      contradistinction      contradistinguish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
   contradistinguished    contradistinguishes   contradistinguishing 
                    NA                     NA                     20 
              contrail              contrails         contraindicate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       contraindicated        contraindicates       contraindicating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      contraindication      contraindications              contralto 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contraltos            contraption           contraptions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contrapuntal         contrapuntally          contrarieties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contrariety             contrarily           contrariness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contrariwise               contrary               contrast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contrasted            contrasting              contrasts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contravene            contravened            contravenes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contravening          contravention         contraventions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contretemps             contribute            contributed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           contributes           contributing           contribution 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         contributions            contributor           contributors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contributory               contrite             contritely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contrition            contrivance           contrivances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              contrive              contrived              contriver 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            contrivers              contrives             contriving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               control           controllable             controlled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            controller            controllers            controlling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              controls          controversial       controversialism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      controversialist      controversialists        controversially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         controversies            controversy             controvert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          controverted         controvertible          controverting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           controverts            contumacies           contumacious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        contumaciously              contumacy            contumelies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          contumelious         contumeliously              contumely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               contuse               contused               contuses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             contusing              contusion             contusions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             conundrum             conundrums            conurbation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conurbations             convalesce            convalesced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         convalescence           convalescent          convalescents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           convalesces           convalescing             convection 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             convector             convectors                convene 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              convened               convener              conveners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              convenes            convenience           conveniences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            convenient           conveniently              convening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               convent            conventicle           conventicles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            convention           conventional      conventionalities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       conventionality         conventionally            conventions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              convents               converge              converged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           convergence           convergences             convergent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             converges             converging             conversant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conversation         conversational      conversationalist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    conversationalists       conversationally          conversations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         conversazione         conversaziones          conversazioni 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              converse              conversed             conversely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             converses             conversing             conversion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conversions                convert              converted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             converter             converters         convertibility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           convertible           convertibles             converting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              converts                 convex            convexities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             convexity               convexly                 convey 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            conveyance            conveyancer           conveyancers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           conveyances           conveyancing               conveyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              conveyer              conveyers              conveying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               conveys                convict              convicted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            convicting             conviction            convictions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              convicts               convince              convinced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             convinces            convincible             convincing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          convincingly              convivial         convivialities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          conviviality            convivially            convocation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          convocations                convoke               convoked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              convokes              convoking              convolute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            convoluted           convolutedly             convolutes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           convoluting            convolution           convolutions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              convolve              convolved              convolves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            convolving            convolvulus          convolvuluses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                convoy               convoyed              convoying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               convoys               convulse              convulsed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             convulses             convulsing             convulsion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           convulsions             convulsive           convulsively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                conway                   cony                    coo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cooed                 cooing                   cook 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cookbook              cookbooks                 cooked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cooker                cookers                cookery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cookhouse             cookhouses                 cookie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cookies                cooking                cookout 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cookouts                  cooks                   cool 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coolant               coolants                 cooled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cooler                coolers                coolest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coolie                coolies                cooling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coolish                 coolly               coolness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cools                   coon                  coons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coop                 cooper              cooperate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cooperated             cooperates            cooperating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cooperation                coopers                  coops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coordinate            coordinates                   coos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  coot                  coots                    cop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cope                 copeck                copecks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coped             copernican             copernicus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 copes              copestone             copestones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                copied                 copier                copiers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                copies                copilot               copilots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coping                copings            copingstone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          copingstones                copious              copiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                copped                 copper               coppered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            copperhead            copperheads              coppering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           copperplate                coppers            coppersmith 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          coppersmiths                coppery                coppice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coppices                copping                  copra 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cops                  copse                 copses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  copt                 coptic                  copts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                copula                copulas               copulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             copulated              copulates             copulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            copulation             copulative            copulatives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  copy               copybook              copybooks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               copyboy               copyboys                copycat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              copycats               copydesk              copydesks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              copygirl              copygirls               copyhold 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            copyholder            copyholders              copyholds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               copying                copyist               copyists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             copyright            copyrighted           copyrighting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            copyrights             copywriter            copywriters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coquetries               coquetry               coquette 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coquettes             coquettish           coquettishly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cor                coracle               coracles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coral                 corals                 corbel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               corbels                   cord                cordage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                corded                cordial           cordialities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cordiality              cordially               cordials 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cording                cordite                 cordon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cordons                  cords               corduroy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corduroys                   core                  cored 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         coreligionist         coreligionists                  corer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                corers                  cores           corespondent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         corespondents                  corgi                 corgis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coriander             corianders                 coring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               corinth             corinthian            corinthians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cork                corkage                 corked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                corker                corkers                corking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 corks              corkscrew             corkscrews 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  corm              cormorant             cormorants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 corms                   corn                corncob 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corncobs              corncrake             corncrakes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cornea                corneal                corneas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                corned              cornelian             cornelians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                corner               cornered              cornering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               corners            cornerstone           cornerstones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cornet                cornets              cornfield 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cornfields              cornflake             cornflakes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cornflour             cornflower            cornflowers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cornice               cornices                cornier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corniest                corning                cornish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cornpone                  corns             cornstarch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cornucopia            cornucopias               cornwall 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 corny                corolla            corollaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corollary               corollas                 corona 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coronae             coronaries               coronary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coronas             coronation            coronations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coroner               coroners                coronet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coronets                corpora               corporal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corporals              corporate            corporately 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           corporation           corporations              corporeal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           corporeally                  corps                 corpse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               corpses             corpulence             corpulency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corpulent                 corpus              corpuscle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            corpuscles               corpuses                 corral 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corralled             corralling                corrals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               correct              corrected             correcting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            correction            corrections           correctitude 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            corrective           correctively            correctives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             correctly            correctness               corrects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             correlate             correlated             correlates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           correlating            correlation           correlations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           correlative           correlatives             correspond 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          corresponded         correspondence        correspondences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         correspondent         correspondents          corresponding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       correspondingly            corresponds               corridor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corridors                 corrie                corries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            corrigenda            corrigendum             corrigible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           corroborate           corroborated           corroborates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         corroborating          corroboration          corroborative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          corroborator          corroborators             corroboree 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           corroborees                corrode               corroded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corrodes              corroding              corrosion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             corrosive            corrosively          corrosiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            corrosives              corrugate             corrugated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            corrugates            corrugating            corrugation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          corrugations                corrupt              corrupted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        corruptibility            corruptible             corrupting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            corruption              corruptly            corruptness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corrupts                corsage               corsages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               corsair               corsairs                  corse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corselet              corselets                 corses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                corset               corseted                corsets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cortege               corteges                 cortex 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cortical               cortices              cortisone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corundum              coruscate             coruscated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coruscates            coruscating            coruscation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              corvette              corvettes                   cory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cos                   cosh                 coshed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coshes                coshing                 cosier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cosies                cosiest          cosignatories 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cosignatory                 cosily                 cosine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cosines               cosiness               cosmetic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cosmetician           cosmeticians              cosmetics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cosmic             cosmically            cosmogonies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cosmogony            cosmologies              cosmology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cosmonaut             cosmonauts           cosmopolitan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         cosmopolitans            cosmopolite           cosmopolites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cosmos               cosmoses                 cosset 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cosseted              cosseting                cossets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cost                costard               costards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                costed                 coster           costermonger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         costermongers                costers                costing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              costings                costive               costlier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             costliest             costliness                 costly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 costs                costume               costumer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             costumers               costumes              costumier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            costumiers                   cosy                    cot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cotangent             cotangents                   cote 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coterie               coteries            coterminous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         coterminously                  cotes               cotilion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cotilions              cotillion             cotillions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cots                cottage               cottager 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cottagers               cottages                 cottar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cottars                 cotton             cottonseed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cottonseeds             cottontail            cottontails 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cotyledon             cotyledons                  couch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              couchant                couched                couches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             couchette             couchettes               couching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cougar                cougars                  cough 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coughed               coughing                 coughs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 could                couldst                coulter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coulters                council             councillor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           councillors         councillorship        councillorships 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              councils                counsel             counselled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           counselling             counsellor            counsellors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              counsels                  count              countable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             countdown             countdowns                counted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           countenance           countenanced           countenances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         countenancing                counter                counter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            counteract           counteracted          counteracting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         counteraction         counteractions            counteracts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         counterattack        counterattacked        counterattacker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      counterattackers       counterattacking         counterattacks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     counterattraction     counterattractions         counterbalance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       counterbalanced        counterbalances       counterbalancing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          counterblast          counterblasts           counterclaim 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         counterclaims       counterclockwise              countered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      counterespionage            counterfeit          counterfeited 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         counterfeiter         counterfeiters         counterfeiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          counterfeits            counterfoil           counterfoils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            countering    counterintelligence        counterirritant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      counterirritants            countermand          countermanded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        countermanding           countermands           countermarch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        countermarched         countermarches        countermarching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        countermeasure        countermeasures            countermine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          countermined           countermines          countermining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           countermove           countermoves       counteroffensive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     counteroffensives           counteroffer          counteroffers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           counterpane           counterpanes            counterpart 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          counterparts            counterplot           counterplots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        counterplotted        counterplotting           counterpoint 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         counterpoints           counterpoise          counterpoised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         counterpoises         counterpoising               counters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           countersank            countersign          countersigned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        countersigning           countersigns            countersink 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        countersinking           countersinks            countersunk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          countertenor          countertenors            countervail 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         countervailed         countervailing           countervails 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              countess             countesses               counties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              counting          countinghouse         countinghouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             countless              countries            countrified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               country             countryman             countrymen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           countryside           countrywoman           countrywomen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                counts                 county                   coup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coupe                 coupes                 couple 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coupled                couples                couplet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              couplets               coupling              couplings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coupon                coupons                  coups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               courage             courageous           courageously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        courageousness              courgette             courgettes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               courier               couriers                 course 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coursed                courser               coursers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               courses               coursing                  court 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               courted              courteous            courteously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         courteousness              courtesan             courtesans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            courtesies               courtesy             courthouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           courthouses               courtier              courtiers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              courting              courtlier             courtliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           courtliness                courtly              courtroom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            courtrooms                 courts              courtship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            courtships              courtyard             courtyards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              couscous             couscouses                 cousin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cousinly                cousins                  couth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               couture              couturier             couturiers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cove                  coven               covenant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            covenanted            covenanting              covenants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                covens               coventry                  cover 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              coverage                covered               covering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             coverings               coverlet              coverlets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                covers                 covert               covertly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coverts                  coves                  covet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coveted               coveting               covetous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            covetously           covetousness                 covets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 covey                 coveys                    cow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                coward              cowardice           cowardliness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cowardly                cowards                cowbell 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cowbells                 cowboy                cowboys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cowcatcher            cowcatchers                  cowed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cower                cowered               cowering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cowers                cowgirl               cowgirls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cowhand               cowhands                cowheel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cowheels                cowherd               cowherds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cowhide               cowhides               cowhouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cowhouses                 cowing                   cowl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cowled                cowlick               cowlicks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cowling               cowlings                  cowls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cowman                 cowmen                 cowpat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cowpats                 cowpox                 cowrie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cowries                   cows                cowshed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cowsheds                cowskin               cowskins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cowslip               cowslips                    cox 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coxcomb               coxcombs                  coxed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coxes                 coxing               coxswain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            coxswained            coxswaining              coxswains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   coy                  coyer                 coyest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 coyly                coyness                 coyote 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               coyotes                  coypu                 coypus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    cp                    cpa                   crab 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crabbed                crabbed              crabbedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crabbedness               crabbier              crabbiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crabbing                 crabby              crabgrass 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crabs               crabways               crabwise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crack           crackbrained              crackdown 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crackdowns                cracked                cracker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crackers               cracking                crackle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crackled               crackles            crackleware 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crackling               crackpot              crackpots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cracks              cracksman              cracksmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crackup               crackups                 cradle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cradled                cradles               cradling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 craft                crafted               craftier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             craftiest               craftily             craftiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crafting                 crafts              craftsman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         craftsmanship              craftsmen                 crafty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  crag                cragged               craggier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             craggiest                 craggy                  crags 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cragsman               cragsmen                  crake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crakes                   cram                crammed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crammer               crammers               cramming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cramp                cramped               cramping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crampon               crampons                 cramps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crams            cranberries              cranberry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crane                 craned                 cranes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crania                cranial              cranially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               craning                cranium               craniums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crank                cranked               crankier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crankiest               cranking                 cranks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crankshaft            crankshafts                 cranky 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crannied               crannies                 cranny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  crap                  crape                 crapes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crapped               crappier              crappiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crapping                 crappy                  craps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crash                crashed                crashes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crashing                  crass                crassly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crassness                  crate                 crated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crater                craters                 crates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crating                 cravat                cravats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crave                 craved                 craven 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cravenly             cravenness                cravens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                craves                craving               cravings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crawfish             crawfishes                  crawl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crawled                crawler               crawlers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crawling                 crawls               crayfish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crayfishes                 crayon               crayoned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crayoning                crayons                  craze 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crazed                 crazes                crazier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              craziest                crazily              craziness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crazing                  crazy                  creak 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               creaked               creakier              creakiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creakily             creakiness               creaking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                creaks                 creaky                  cream 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               creamed                creamer             creameries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creamers               creamery               creamier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             creamiest             creaminess               creaming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                creams                 creamy                 crease 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               creased                creases               creasing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                create                created                creates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creating               creation              creations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creative             creatively           creativeness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            creativity                creator               creators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creature              creatures               credence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           credentials            credibility               credible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              credibly                 credit             creditable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            creditably               credited              crediting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creditor              creditors                credits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 credo                 credos            credulities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             credulity              credulous            credulously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         credulousness                  creed                 creeds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 creek                 creeks                  creel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                creels                  creep                creeper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creepers               creepier              creepiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              creepily             creepiness               creeping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                creeps                 creepy                cremate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cremated               cremates              cremating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cremation             cremations             crematoria 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crematories            crematorium           crematoriums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crematory             crenellate            crenellated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crenellates           crenellating                 creole 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               creoles               creosote              creosoted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             creosotes             creosoting                  crepe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crepes              crepitate             crepitated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crepitates            crepitating            crepitation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          crepitations                  crept            crepuscular 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crescendo             crescendos               crescent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crescents                  cress                  crest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crested            crestfallen               cresting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crests             cretaceous                 cretin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cretinous                cretins               cretonne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crevasse              crevasses                crevice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crevices                   crew                 crewed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crewing                crewman             crewmember 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crewmembers                crewmen                  crews 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        cre<U+0300>che        cre<U+0300>ches                   crib 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cribbage                cribbed               cribbing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cribs                  crick                cricked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cricket              cricketer             cricketers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crickets               cricking                 cricks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cried                  crier                 criers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cries                 crikey                  crime 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crimed                 crimes               criminal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            criminally              criminals                criming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         criminologist         criminologists            criminology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crimp                crimped               crimping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crimplene                 crimps                crimson 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crimsoned             crimsoning               crimsons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cringe                cringed                cringes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cringing                crinkle               crinkled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crinkles              crinklier             crinkliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crinkliness              crinkling                crinkly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crinoid               crinoids              crinoline 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crinolines                 cripes                cripple 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crippled               cripples              crippling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crises                 crisis                  crisp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crisped                crisper               crispest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crispier              crispiest             crispiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crisping                crisply              crispness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crisps                 crispy             crisscross 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          crisscrossed           crisscrosses          crisscrossing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              criteria              criterion             criterions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                critic               critical             critically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             criticism             criticisms              criticize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            criticized             criticizes            criticizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               critics               critique              critiques 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               critter               critters                  croak 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               croaked               croaking                 croaks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crochet              crocheted             crocheting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crochets                  crock                crocked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crockery               crocking                 crocks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crocodile             crocodiles                 crocus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crocuses                  croft                crofter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crofters                 crofts              croissant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            croissants               cromlech              cromlechs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crone                 crones                cronies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crony                  crook                crooked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crooked              crookedly            crookedness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crooking                 crooks                  croon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crooned                crooner               crooners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crooning                 croons                   crop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cropped                cropper               croppers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cropping                  crops                croquet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             croquette             croquettes                  crore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crores                crosier               crosiers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cross               crossbar              crossbars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crossbeam             crossbeams           crossbencher 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         crossbenchers           crossbenches             crossbones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crossbow              crossbows              crossbred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crossbreds             crossbreed          crossbreeding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crossbreeds             crosscheck           crosschecked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         crosschecking            crosschecks           crosscountry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          crosscurrent          crosscurrents               crosscut 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crosscuts                 crosse                crossed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crosser                crosses               crossest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crosseyed              crossfire             crossfires 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crossing              crossings              crosskeys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crossly              crossness              crossover 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crossovers             crosspatch           crosspatches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crosspiece            crosspieces               crossply 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crossroad             crossroads              crosstree 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crosstrees              crosswalk             crosswalks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crosswind             crosswinds              crosswise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crossword             crosswords                 crotch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crotches               crotchet              crotchets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crotchety                 crouch               crouched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crouches              crouching                  croup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              croupier              croupiers                 croups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                croupy                crouton               croutons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  crow                crowbar               crowbars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crowd                crowded            crowdedness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crowding                 crowds                 crowed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crowfoot              crowfoots                crowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crown                crowned               crowning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crowns                  crows                crucial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crucially               crucible              crucibles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crucified              crucifies               crucifix 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crucifixes            crucifixion           crucifixions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cruciform                crucify             crucifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crude                crudely                 cruder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crudest              crudities                crudity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cruel               crueller              cruellest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cruelly              cruelness              cruelties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cruelty                  cruet                 cruets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cruise                cruised                cruiser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cruisers                cruises               cruising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crumb                crumble               crumbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crumbles              crumblier             crumbliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crumbling                crumbly                 crumbs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crummier              crummiest                 crummy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crumpet               crumpets                crumple 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crumpled               crumples              crumpling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crunch               crunched               crunches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crunchier             crunchiest              crunching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crunchy                crupper               cruppers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crusade               crusaded               crusader 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crusaders               crusades              crusading 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cruse                 cruses                  crush 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crushed                crushes               crushing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            crushingly                  crust             crustacean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           crustaceans                crusted               crustier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crustiest               crustily             crustiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                crusts                 crusty                 crutch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              crutches                   crux                 cruxes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cruzeiro              cruzeiros                    cry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             crybabies                crybaby                 crying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 crypt                cryptic              cryptical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cryptically             cryptogram            cryptograms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         cryptographer         cryptographers          cryptographic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     cryptographically           cryptography                 crypts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               crystal            crystalline        crystallization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      crystallizations            crystallize           crystallized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          crystallizes          crystallizing               crystals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cub                   cuba                  cuban 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cubans              cubbyhole             cubbyholes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cube                  cubed                  cubes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cubic                cubical                cubicle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cubicles                 cubing                 cubism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cubist                cubists                  cubit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cubits                   cubs                cuckold 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cuckolded             cuckolding              cuckoldry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cuckolds                 cuckoo                cuckoos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cucumber              cucumbers                    cud 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cuddle                cuddled                cuddles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cuddlesome               cuddlier              cuddliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cuddling                 cuddly                 cudgel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cudgelled             cudgelling                cudgels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cue                   cues                   cuff 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cuffed                cuffing                  cuffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cuirass              cuirasses             cuirassier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cuirassiers                cuisine               culinary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cull                 culled              cullender 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cullenders                culling                  culls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           culmination           culminations                culotte 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              culottes            culpability               culpable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              culpably                culprit               culprits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cult             cultivable              cultivate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cultivated             cultivates            cultivating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cultivation             cultivator            cultivators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cults               cultural             culturally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               culture               cultured               cultures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               culvert               culverts                 cumber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cumbered              cumbering                cumbers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cumbersome               cumbrous                  cumin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cummerbund            cummerbunds             cumulation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cumulations             cumulative           cumulatively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cumuli            cumulonimbi           cumulonimbus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        cumulonimbuses                cumulus              cuneiform 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          cunnilinctus            cunnilingus                cunning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cunningly                   cunt                  cunts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cup              cupbearer             cupbearers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cupboard              cupboards                cupcake 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cupcakes                 cupful                cupfuls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cupid               cupidity                 cupids 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cupola                cupolas                  cuppa 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cuppas                 cupped                cupping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cupric                   cups                    cur 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            curability                curable                curably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              curacies                 curacy                 curate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curates               curative               curative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             curatives                curator               curators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           curatorship           curatorships                   curb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                curbed                curbing                  curbs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  curd                 curdle                curdled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curdles               curdling                  curds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cure                  cured                  cures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             curettage                curette               curetted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              curettes              curetting                 curfew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curfews                  curia                 curiae 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                curing                  curio                 curios 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           curiosities              curiosity                curious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             curiously                   curl                 curled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                curler                curlers                 curlew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curlews               curlicue              curlicues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curlier               curliest              curliness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curling                  curls                  curly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            curmudgeon            curmudgeons                currant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              currants             currencies               currency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               current              currently               currents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             curricula             curriculum            curriculums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curried                curries                currish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             currishly                  curry               currying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  curs                  curse                 cursed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cursed               cursedly                 curses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cursing                cursive              cursively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cursorily                cursory                  curst 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  curt                curtail              curtailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            curtailing            curtailment           curtailments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              curtails                curtain              curtained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            curtaining               curtains                 curter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               curtest                 curtly               curtness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              curtsied               curtsies                 curtsy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             curtsying             curvaceous           curvaceously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             curvature                  curve                 curved 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                curves                curving                cushier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cushiest              cushiness                cushion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cushioned             cushioning               cushions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cushy                   cusp               cuspidor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cuspidors                  cusps                   cuss 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cussed                 cussed               cussedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cussedness                 cusses                cussing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               custard               custards              custodial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             custodian             custodians          custodianship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               custody                 custom            customarily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             customary               customer              customers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           customhouse           customhouses                customs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   cut              cutaneous                cutaway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cutaways                cutback               cutbacks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cute                 cutely               cuteness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cuter                 cutest                cuticle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cuticles                cutlass              cutlasses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cutler                cutlers                cutlery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cutlet                cutlets                 cutout 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cutouts               cutpurse              cutpurses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cuts                 cutter                cutters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cutthroat             cutthroats                cutting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cuttingly               cuttings                 cuttle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cuttlefish           cuttlefishes                cuttles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cutworm               cutworms                    cwm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  cwms                    cwt                cyanide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cybernetic         cybernetically            cybernetics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cyclamate             cyclamates               cyclamen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cyclamens                  cycle                 cycled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                cycles                 cyclic               cyclical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            cyclically                cycling                cyclist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cyclists                cyclone               cyclones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cyclonic            cyclopaedia           cyclopaedias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cyclopean                cyclops             cyclostyle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cyclostyled            cyclostyles           cyclostyling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cyclotron             cyclotrons                 cygnet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               cygnets               cylinder              cylinders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           cylindrical          cylindrically                 cymbal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cymbalist             cymbalists                cymbals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cynic                cynical              cynically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cynicism              cynicisms                 cynics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cynosure              cynosures                cypress 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             cypresses                cyprian                cypriot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cypriots                 cyprus                  cyril 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cyrillic                   cyst               cystitis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 cysts             cytologist            cytologists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              cytology                   czar                czarina 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              czarinas                  czars                  czech 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          czechoslovak         czechoslovakia        czechoslovakian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      czechoslovakians          czechoslovaks                 czechs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                     d                    dab                 dabbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dabbing                 dabble                dabbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dabbler               dabblers                dabbles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dabbling               dabchick              dabchicks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dabs                   dace                  dacha 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dachas              dachshund             dachshunds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dacoit              dacoities                dacoits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dacoity                 dactyl               dactylic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dactylics                dactyls                    dad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               daddies                  daddy                   dado 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dados                   dads                 daemon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              daemonic           daemonically                daemons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              daffodil              daffodils                   daft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dafter                daftest                 daftly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              daftness                 dagger                daggers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dago                  dagos          daguerreotype 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        daguerreotypes                   dahl                 dahlia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dahlias                   dail                dailies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 daily               daintier               dainties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             daintiest               daintily             daintiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dainty               daiquiri              daiquiris 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dairies                  dairy               dairying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dairymaid             dairymaids               dairyman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dairymen                   dais                 daises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               daisies                  daisy                   dale 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dales               dalesman               dalesmen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dalliance                dallied                dallies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dally               dallying               dalmatia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dalmatian             dalmatians                    dam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                damage                damaged                damages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              damaging              damascene             damascened 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            damascenes            damascening                 damask 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dame                  dames                 dammed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               damming                   damn               damnable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              damnably              damnation                 damned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             damnedest                damning                  damns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              damocles                   damp                 damped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dampen               dampened              dampening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dampens                 damper                dampers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dampest                damping                dampish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                damply               dampness                  damps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dams                 damsel                damsels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                damson                damsons                  dance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                danced                 dancer                dancers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dances                dancing              dandelion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dandelions                 dander                dandier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dandies               dandiest              dandified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dandifies                dandify             dandifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dandle                dandled                dandles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dandling               dandruff                  dandy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dane                  danes                 danger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dangerous            dangerously                dangers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dangle                dangled                dangles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dangling                 daniel                daniels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                danish                   dank                 danker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dankest               dankness                  danny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                daphne                daphnes                 dapper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dapple                dappled                dapples 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dappling                   dare                  dared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             daredevil             daredevils                  dares 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               daresay                 daring               daringly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dark                 darken               darkened 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             darkening                darkens                 darker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               darkest                darkies                 darkly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              darkness               darkroom              darkrooms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 darky                darling               darlings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  darn                 darned                darning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 darns                   dart              dartboard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dartboards                 darted                darting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dartmoor                  darts                   dash 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dashboard             dashboards                 dashed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dashes                dashing              dashingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  data                datable                   date 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dated               dateless               dateline 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             datelines                  dates                 dating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dative                datives                  datum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  daub                 daubed                 dauber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               daubers                daubing                  daubs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              daughter             daughterly              daughters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 daunt                daunted               daunting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dauntless            dauntlessly                 daunts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dauphin               dauphins              davenport 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            davenports                  davit                 davits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  davy                 dawdle                dawdled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dawdler               dawdlers                dawdles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dawdling                   dawn                 dawned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dawning                  dawns                    day 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dayboy                dayboys               daybreak 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              daydream             daydreamed             daydreamer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           daydreamers            daydreaming              daydreams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               daygirl               daygirls               daylight 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dayroom               dayrooms                   days 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               daytime                   daze                  dazed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dazedly                  dazes                 dazing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dazzle                dazzled                dazzles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dazzling                     dc                    ddt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deacon              deaconess            deaconesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deacons                   dead                 deaden 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deadened              deadening                deadens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deadlier              deadliest               deadline 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deadlines             deadliness               deadlock 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deadlocks                 deadly                deadpan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deadweight               deadwood                   deaf 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deafen               deafened              deafening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deafens                 deafer                deafest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deafness                   deal                 dealer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dealers                dealing               dealings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 deals                  dealt                   dean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deaneries                deanery                  deans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dear                 dearer                dearest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dearies                 dearly               dearness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dears                 dearth                  deary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 death               deathbed              deathbeds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deathblow             deathblows              deathless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deathlessly              deathlike                deathly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deaths             deathwatch           deathwatches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   deb                  debag               debagged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             debagging                 debags                 debark 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           debarkation           debarkations               debarked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             debarking                debarks                 debase 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               debased             debasement            debasements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               debases               debasing              debatable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                debate                debated                debater 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              debaters                debates               debating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               debauch              debauched              debauchee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            debauchees           debaucheries             debauchery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             debauches             debauching              debenture 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            debentures             debilitate            debilitated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           debilitates           debilitating               debility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 debit                debited               debiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                debits               debonair                 debone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deboned                debones               deboning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               debouch              debouched              debouches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            debouching                debrief              debriefed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            debriefing               debriefs                 debris 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  debs                   debt                 debtor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               debtors                  debts                  debug 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              debugged              debugging                 debugs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                debunk               debunked               debunker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             debunkers              debunking                debunks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 debut              debutante             debutantes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               debuted               debuting                 debuts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                decade              decadence               decadent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            decadently              decadents                decades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decalogue                 decamp               decamped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decamping                decamps                 decant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              decanted               decanter              decanters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decanting                decants             decapitate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decapitated            decapitates           decapitating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          decapitation          decapitations            decarbonize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          decarbonized           decarbonizes          decarbonizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          decasyllabic           decasyllable          decasyllables 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decathlon             decathlons                  decay 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               decayed               decaying                 decays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               decease               deceased               deceases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deceasing                 deceit              deceitful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deceitfully          deceitfulness                deceits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deceive               deceived               deceiver 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deceivers               deceives              deceiving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deceivingly             decelerate            decelerated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decelerates           decelerating               december 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decembers              decencies                decency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                decent               decently       decentralization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          decentralize          decentralized          decentralizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        decentralizing              deception             deceptions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deceptive            deceptively          deceptiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               decibel               decibels                 decide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               decided              decidedly                decides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deciding              deciduous                decimal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        decimalization             decimalize            decimalized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decimalizes           decimalizing              decimally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              decimals               decimate              decimated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decimates             decimating             decimation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              decipher           decipherable             deciphered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deciphering              deciphers               decision 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decisions               decisive             decisively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          decisiveness                   deck              deckchair 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deckchairs                 decked               deckhand 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deckhands                decking                 deckle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deckles                  decks                declaim 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             declaimed             declaiming               declaims 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           declamation           declamations            declamatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            declarable            declaration           declarations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           declaratory                declare               declared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              declares              declaring       declassification 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     declassifications           declassified           declassifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            declassify          declassifying             declension 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           declensions            declination           declinations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               decline               declined               declines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             declining            declivities              declivity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              declutch             declutched             declutches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           declutching              decoction             decoctions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                decode                decoded                decoder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              decoders                decodes               decoding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                decoke                decoked                decokes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              decoking         decolonization             decolonize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decolonized            decolonizes           decolonizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decompose             decomposed             decomposes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decomposing          decomposition         decompositions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            decompress           decompressed           decompresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         decompressing          decompression           decongestant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         decongestants          decontaminate         decontaminated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        decontaminates        decontaminating        decontamination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decontrol           decontrolled          decontrolling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            decontrols               decorate              decorated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decorates             decorating             decoration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decorations             decorative           decoratively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decorator             decorators               decorous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            decorously                decorum                  decoy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               decoyed               decoying                 decoys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              decrease              decreased              decreases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            decreasing                 decree                decreed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             decreeing                decrees               decrepit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           decrepitude                decried                decries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 decry               decrying               dedicate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dedicated            dedicatedly              dedicates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dedicating             dedication            dedications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deduce                deduced                deduces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deducible               deducing                 deduct 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deducted             deductible              deducting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deduction             deductions              deductive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deductively                deducts                   deed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deedpoll              deedpolls                  deeds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  deem                 deemed                deeming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 deems                   deep                 deepen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deepened              deepening                deepens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deeper                deepest                 deeply 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deepness                   deer               deerskin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deerskins            deerstalker           deerstalkers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   def                 deface                defaced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defacement            defacements                defaces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defacing              defalcate             defalcated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defalcates            defalcating            defalcation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          defalcations             defamation             defamatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                defame                defamed                defames 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defaming                default              defaulted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defaulter             defaulters             defaulting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defaults             defeasible                 defeat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defeated              defeating              defeatism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defeatist             defeatists                defeats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defecate              defecated              defecates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defecating             defecation            defecations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                defect               defected              defecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defection             defections              defective 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           defectively          defectiveness               defector 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defectors                defects                defence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           defenceless          defencelessly        defencelessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defences                 defend              defendant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defendants               defended               defender 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defenders              defending                defends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defensible             defensibly              defensive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           defensively          defensiveness                  defer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deference            deferential          deferentially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deferment             deferments               deferred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deferring                 defers               defiance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               defiant              defiantly           deficiencies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deficiency              deficient            deficiently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deficit               deficits                 defied 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                defies                 defile                defiled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defilement                defiler               defilers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               defiles               defiling              definable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                define                defined                defines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defining               definite             definitely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            definition            definitions             definitive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          definitively                deflate               deflated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deflates              deflating              deflation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          deflationary                deflect              deflected 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deflecting             deflection            deflections 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deflects               deflower             deflowered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deflowering              deflowers              defoliant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defoliants              defoliate             defoliated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defoliates            defoliating            defoliation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deforest          deforestation             deforested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deforesting              deforests                 deform 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deformation           deformations               deformed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deforming            deformities              deformity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deforms                defraud              defrauded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defrauding               defrauds                 defray 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              defrayal              defrayals               defrayed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defraying             defrayment            defrayments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               defrays                defrock              defrocked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defrocking               defrocks                defrost 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             defrosted              defroster             defrosters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            defrosting               defrosts                   deft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                defter                deftest                 deftly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deftness                defunct                 defuse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               defused                defuses               defusing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  defy                defying                degauss 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             degaussed              degausses             degaussing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            degeneracy             degenerate            degenerated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           degenerates           degenerating           degeneration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          degenerative         degeneratively            degradation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          degradations                degrade               degraded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              degrades              degrading                 degree 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               degrees                 dehorn               dehorned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dehorning                dehorns         dehumanization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dehumanize            dehumanized            dehumanizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dehumanizing              dehydrate             dehydrated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dehydrates            dehydrating            dehydration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deification                deified                deifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 deify               deifying                  deign 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deigned               deigning                 deigns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 deism                  deist                 deists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deities                  deity                 deject 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dejected             dejectedly              dejecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dejection                dejects                  dekko 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 delay                delayed               delaying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                delays             delectable             delectably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           delectation             delegacies               delegacy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              delegate              delegated              delegates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            delegating             delegation            delegations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                delete                deleted            deleterious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         deleteriously                deletes               deleting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deletion              deletions                   delf 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 delft              delftware             deliberate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deliberated           deliberately         deliberateness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deliberates           deliberating           deliberation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         deliberations           deliberative             delicacies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              delicacy               delicate             delicately 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          delicatessen          delicatessens              delicious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deliciously          deliciousness                delight 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             delighted             delightful           delightfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            delighting               delights                delimit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            delimitate            delimitated            delimitates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          delimitating           delimitation          delimitations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             delimited             delimiting               delimits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             delineate             delineated             delineates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           delineating            delineation           delineations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         delinquencies            delinquency             delinquent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           delinquents             deliquesce            deliquesced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         deliquescence           deliquescent            deliquesces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          deliquescing              delirious            deliriously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              delirium                deliver            deliverance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          deliverances              delivered              deliverer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deliverers             deliveries             delivering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              delivers               delivery            deliveryman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deliverymen                   dell                  dells 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               delouse               deloused               delouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             delousing                 delphi               delphian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               delphic             delphinium            delphiniums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 delta                 deltas                 delude 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deluded                deludes               deluding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deluge                deluged                deluges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deluging               delusion              delusions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              delusive             delusively               delusory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 delve                 delved                 delves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               delving        demagnetization            demagnetize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          demagnetized           demagnetizes          demagnetizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             demagogic          demagogically              demagogue 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demagoguery             demagogues               demagogy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                demand               demanded              demanding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               demands              demarcate             demarcated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            demarcates            demarcating            demarcation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                demean               demeaned              demeaning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             demeanour                demeans                 dement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              demented             dementedly              dementing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dements               demerara                demerit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              demerits                demesne               demesnes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               demigod            demigoddess          demigoddesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              demigods               demijohn              demijohns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      demilitarization           demilitarize          demilitarized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         demilitarizes         demilitarizing           demimondaine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         demimondaines              demimonde                 demise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                demist               demisted               demister 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             demisters              demisting                demists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  demo                  demob               demobbed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             demobbing         demobilization             demobilize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demobilized            demobilizes           demobilizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                demobs            democracies              democracy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              democrat             democratic         democratically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       democratization            democratize           democratized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          democratizes          democratizing              democrats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demographer           demographers            demographic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            demography               demolish             demolished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            demolishes            demolishing             demolition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demolitions                  demon         demonetization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       demonetizations             demonetize            demonetized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demonetizes           demonetizing               demoniac 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            demoniacal           demoniacally              demoniacs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               demonic            demonically                 demons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       demonstrability           demonstrable           demonstrably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demonstrate           demonstrated           demonstrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         demonstrating          demonstration         demonstrations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         demonstrative        demonstratively         demonstratives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          demonstrator          demonstrators         demoralization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            demoralize            demoralized            demoralizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          demoralizing                  demos                 demote 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               demoted                demotes                demotic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              demoting               demotion              demotions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 demur                 demure               demurely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            demureness               demurred              demurring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                demurs        demystification            demystified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           demystifies              demystify           demystifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   den                 denary      denationalization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         denationalize         denationalized         denationalizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       denationalizing              denatured               deniable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deniably                 denial                denials 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                denied                 denier                 denies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             denigrate             denigrated             denigrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           denigrating            denigration                  denim 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                denims                denizen               denizens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            denominate            denominated            denominates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          denominating           denomination         denominational 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         denominations            denominator           denominators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            denotation            denotations             denotative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                denote                denoted                denotes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              denoting             denouement            denouements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              denounce              denounced              denounces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            denouncing                   dens                  dense 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               densely              denseness                 denser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               densest              densities                density 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dent                 dental                dentals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dented             dentifrice                denting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dentist              dentistry               dentists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dents                denture               dentures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            denudation                 denude                denuded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               denudes               denuding             denunciate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           denunciated            denunciates           denunciating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          denunciation          denunciations                   deny 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               denying                 deodar                deodars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deodorant             deodorants              deodorize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deodorized             deodorizes            deodorizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                depart               departed              departing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            department           departmental            departments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               departs              departure             departures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                depend          dependability             dependable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dependably              dependant             dependants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dependence           dependencies             dependency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dependent            dependently                 depict 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              depicted              depicting              depiction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            depictions                depicts             depilation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           depilations           depilatories             depilatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deplane               deplaned               deplanes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deplaning                deplete               depleted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              depletes              depleting              depletion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deplorable             deplorably                deplore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deplored               deplores              deploring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deploy               deployed              deploying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deployment            deployments                deploys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deponent              deponents             depopulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           depopulated            depopulates           depopulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          depopulation                 deport            deportation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          deportations               deported               deportee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deportees              deporting             deportment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deports                 depose                deposed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deposes               deposing                deposit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deposited             depositing             deposition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           depositions              depositor           depositories 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            depositors             depository               deposits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 depot                 depots            depravation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deprave               depraved               depraves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             depraving            depravities              depravity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deprecate             deprecated             deprecates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deprecating          deprecatingly            deprecation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deprecatory             depreciate            depreciated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           depreciates           depreciating           depreciation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          depreciatory              depredate             depredated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            depredates            depredating            depredation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          depredations                depress              depressed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             depresses             depressing           depressingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            depression            depressions             depressive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           depressives            deprivation           deprivations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deprived                  depth                 depths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deputation            deputations                 depute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deputed                deputes               deputies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deputing               deputize              deputized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deputizes             deputizing                 deputy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                derail               derailed              derailing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            derailment            derailments                derails 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               derange               deranged            derangement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          derangements               deranges              deranging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                derate                derated                derates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              derating                derbies                  derby 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              derelict            dereliction              derelicts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         derequisition        derequisitioned       derequisitioning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        derequisitions             derestrict           derestricted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         derestricting            derestricts                 deride 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               derided                derides               deriding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              derision               derisive             derisively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            derisorily               derisory              derivable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            derivation            derivations             derivative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          derivatively            derivatives             dermatitis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dermatologist         dermatologists            dermatology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              derogate              derogated              derogates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            derogating             derogation           derogatorily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            derogatory                derrick               derricks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  derv                dervish              dervishes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            desalinate            desalinated            desalinates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          desalinating           desalination         desalinization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            desalinize            desalinized            desalinizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          desalinizing                 desalt               desalted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             desalting                desalts                descale 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              descaled               descales              descaling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               descant               descants                descend 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            descendant            descendants              descended 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            descending               descends                descent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              descents            describable               describe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             described              describes             describing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              descried               descries            description 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          descriptions            descriptive          descriptively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       descriptiveness                 descry              descrying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             desecrate             desecrated             desecrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           desecrating            desecration            desegregate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          desegregated           desegregates          desegregating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         desegregation        desensitization            desensitize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          desensitized           desensitizes          desensitizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                desert                 desert               deserted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deserter              deserters              deserting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             desertion             desertions                deserts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deserts                deserve               deserved 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            deservedly               deserves              deserving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deservingly              desiccant             desiccants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             desiccate             desiccated             desiccates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           desiccating             desiderata            desideratum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                design              designate             designated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            designates            designating            designation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          designations               designed             designedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              designer              designers              designing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               designs           desirability              desirable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             desirably                 desire                desired 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               desires               desiring               desirous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                desist               desisted              desisting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               desists                   desk                  desks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deskwork               desolate              desolated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            desolately              desolates             desolating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            desolation                despair              despaired 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            despairing           despairingly               despairs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             desperado            desperadoes              desperate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           desperately            desperation             despicable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            despicably                despise               despised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              despises              despising                despite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               despoil              despoiled             despoiling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              despoils                despond              desponded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           despondency             despondent           despondently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            desponding               desponds                 despot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              despotic           despotically              despotism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            despotisms                despots                dessert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              desserts           dessertspoon        dessertspoonful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      dessertspoonfuls          dessertspoons       dessertspoonsful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           destination           destinations                destine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              destined               destines              destinies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             destining                destiny              destitute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           destitution                destroy              destroyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             destroyer             destroyers             destroying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              destroys               destruct             destructed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       destructibility           destructible            destructing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           destruction            destructive          destructively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       destructiveness              destructs              desuetude 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           desultorily              desultory                 detach 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detachable               detached             detachedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              detaches              detaching             detachment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           detachments                 detail               detailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             detailing                details                 detain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              detained               detainee              detainees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             detaining                detains                 detect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detectable               detected              detecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             detection              detective             detectives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              detector              detectors                detects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             detention             detentions                  deter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             detergent             detergents            deteriorate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          deteriorated           deteriorates          deteriorating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         deterioration           determinable            determinant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          determinants            determinate          determination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         determinative         determinatives              determine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            determined             determiner            determiners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            determines            determining            determinism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         deterministic               deterred             deterrence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deterrent             deterrents              deterring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deters                 detest             detestable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detestably            detestation           detestations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              detested              detesting                detests 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dethrone              dethroned           dethronement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dethronements              dethrones             dethroning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              detonate              detonated              detonates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detonating             detonation            detonations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             detonator             detonators                 detour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              detoured              detouring                detours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detraction            detractions              detractor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detractors                detrain              detrained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            detraining               detrains        detribalization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           detribalize           detribalized           detribalizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         detribalizing              detriment            detrimental 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         detrimentally               detritus                  deuce 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                deuced               deucedly                 deuces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           deuteronomy            deutschmark           deutschmarks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             devaluate             devaluated             devaluates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           devaluating            devaluation           devaluations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               devalue               devalued               devalues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             devaluing              devastate             devastated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            devastates            devastating          devastatingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           devastation                develop              developed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             developer             developers             developing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           development          developmental        developmentally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          developments               develops               deviance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deviances             deviancies               deviancy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               deviant               deviants                deviate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              deviated               deviates              deviating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             deviation           deviationism           deviationist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         deviationists             deviations                 device 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               devices                  devil               devilish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            devilishly           devilishness               devilled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             devilling              devilment             devilments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             devilries                devilry                 devils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               devious              deviously            deviousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                devise                devised                devises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              devising         devitalization             devitalize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           devitalized            devitalizes           devitalizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                devoid             devolution                devoted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             devotedly                devotee               devotees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              devotion             devotional              devotions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                devour               devoured              devouring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               devours                 devout               devoutly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            devoutness                    dew                dewdrop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dewdrops                 dewier                dewiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dewily               dewiness                 dewlap 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dewlaps                dewpond               dewponds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dewy              dexterity              dexterous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dexterously               dextrose               dextrous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dhoti                 dhotis                   dhow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dhows               diabetes               diabetic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diabetics               diabolic             diabolical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          diabolically              diacritic            diacritical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            diacritics                 diadem                diadems 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diaereses              diaeresis               diagnose 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diagnosed              diagnoses             diagnosing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diagnosis             diagnostic               diagonal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            diagonally              diagonals                diagram 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          diagrammatic         diagrammatical       diagrammatically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diagrams                   dial                dialect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dialectal            dialectally              dialectic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dialectical           dialectician          dialecticians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dialectics               dialects                dialled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dialling               dialogue              dialogues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dials               diameter              diameters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diametrical          diametrically                diamond 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diamonds                  diane                 diaper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               diapers             diaphanous              diaphragm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            diaphragms              diarchies                diarchy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               diaries                diarist               diarists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diarrhoea                  diary               diaspora 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                diatom                diatoms               diatonic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diatribe              diatribes                    dib 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dibbed                 dibber                dibbers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dibbing                 dibble                dibbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dibbles               dibbling                   dibs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dice                  diced                  dices 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dicey            dichotomies              dichotomy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dicier                diciest                 dicing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dick                dickens                 dicker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dickered              dickering                dickers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dickier                dickies               dickiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dicks                  dicky              dickybird 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dickybirds                  dicta             dictaphone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dictaphones                dictate               dictated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dictates              dictating              dictation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dictations               dictator            dictatorial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dictatorially              dictators           dictatorship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dictatorships                diction           dictionaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dictionary                 dictum                dictums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   did               didactic           didactically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                diddle                diddled                diddles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diddling                  didst                    die 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  died                diehard               diehards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dies                 diesel                diesels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  diet                dietary                 dieted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dietetic              dietetics              dietician 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dieticians                dieting                  diets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                differ               differed             difference 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           differences              different           differential 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         differentials          differentiate         differentiated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        differentiates        differentiating        differentiation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      differentiations            differently              differing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               differs              difficult           difficulties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            difficulty             diffidence              diffident 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diffidently               diffract             diffracted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diffracting            diffraction              diffracts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               diffuse               diffused              diffusely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diffuseness               diffuses              diffusing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diffusion                    dig                 digest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              digested          digestibility             digestible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             digesting              digestion             digestions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             digestive                digests                 digger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               diggers                digging               diggings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 digit                digital                 digits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dignified              dignifies                dignify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dignifying            dignitaries              dignitary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dignities                dignity                digraph 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              digraphs                digress              digressed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             digresses             digressing             digression 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           digressions                   digs                   dike 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 diked                  dikes                 diking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dilapidate            dilapidated            dilapidates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dilapidating           dilapidation          dilapidations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dilate                dilated                dilates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dilating               dilation               dilatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dildo                 dildos                dilemma 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dilemmas             dilettante             dilettante 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dilettantes             dilettanti              diligence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diligent             diligently                   dill 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dilute                diluted                dilutes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diluting               dilution              dilutions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dim                   dime              dimension 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dimensional             dimensions                  dimes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diminish             diminished             diminishes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diminishing             diminuendo            diminuendos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            diminution            diminutions             diminutive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diminutives                 dimity                  dimly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dimmed                 dimmer                dimmest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dimming                dimness                 dimple 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dimpled                dimples               dimpling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dims                 dimwit                dimwits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   din                  dinar                 dinars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dine                  dined                  diner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                diners                  dines               dingdong 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dinghies                 dinghy                dingier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dingiest                dingily              dinginess 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dingle                dingles                  dingo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dingoes                  dingy                 dining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dinkier               dinkiest                 dinkum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dinky                 dinned                 dinner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dinners                dinning               dinosaur 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dinosaurs                   dins                   dint 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dints               diocesan              diocesans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               diocese               dioceses                dioxide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dioxides                    dip             diphtheria 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diphthong             diphthongs                diploma 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diplomacy               diplomas               diplomat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            diplomatic         diplomatically            diplomatist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          diplomatists              diplomats                 dipped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dipper                dippers                dipping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dips             dipsomania            dipsomaniac 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dipsomaniacs               dipstick              dipsticks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dipswitch            dipswitches                diptych 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diptychs                   dire                 direct 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              directed              directing              direction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           directional             directions              directive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            directives               directly             directness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              director            directorate           directorates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           directories              directors           directorship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         directorships              directory                directs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               direful              direfully                  direr 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                direst                  dirge                 dirges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dirigible             dirigibles                   dirk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dirks                 dirndl                dirndls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dirt                dirtied                dirtier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dirties               dirtiest                dirtily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dirty               dirtying           disabilities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disability                disable               disabled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disablement           disablements               disables 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disabling               disabuse              disabused 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disabuses             disabusing           disadvantage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       disadvantageous      disadvantageously          disadvantages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disaffect            disaffected           disaffecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disaffection             disaffects           disaffiliate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disaffiliated          disaffiliates         disaffiliating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disafforest       disafforestation          disafforested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disafforesting           disafforests               disagree 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disagreeable       disagreeableness           disagreeably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disagreed            disagreeing           disagreement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disagreements              disagrees               disallow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disallowed            disallowing              disallows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disappear          disappearance         disappearances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disappeared           disappearing             disappears 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disappoint           disappointed         disappointedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disappointing        disappointingly         disappointment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       disappointments            disappoints         disapprobation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disapproval             disapprove            disapproved 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disapproves           disapproving         disapprovingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                disarm            disarmament               disarmed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disarming                disarms             disarrange 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disarranged         disarrangement            disarranges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disarranging               disarray             disarrayed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disarraying              disarrays           disassociate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disassociated          disassociates         disassociating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disaster              disasters             disastrous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disastrously                disavow              disavowal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disavowals              disavowed             disavowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disavows                disband              disbanded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disbanding            disbandment               disbands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                disbar             disbarment              disbarred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disbarring                disbars              disbelief 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disbelieve            disbelieved            disbeliever 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disbelievers            disbelieves           disbelieving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                disbud              disbudded             disbudding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               disbuds              disburden            disburdened 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disburdening             disburdens               disburse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disbursed           disbursement          disbursements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disburses             disbursing                   disc 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               discard              discarded             discarding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              discards                discern              discerned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discernible            discernibly             discerning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discernment               discerns              discharge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discharged             discharges            discharging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disciple              disciples           discipleship 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disciplinarian        disciplinarians           disciplinary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discipline            disciplined            disciplines 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disciplining               disclaim             disclaimed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disclaimer            disclaimers            disclaiming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disclaims               disclose              disclosed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             discloses             disclosing             disclosure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disclosures                  disco              discolour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        discolouration        discolourations            discoloured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discolouring             discolours              discomfit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discomfited           discomfiting             discomfits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discomfiture             discomfort            discomforts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discommode            discommoded            discommodes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discommoding             discompose            discomposed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discomposes           discomposing           discomposure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disconcert           disconcerted          disconcerting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       disconcertingly            disconcerts             disconnect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disconnected         disconnectedly          disconnecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disconnection         disconnections            disconnects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disconsolate         disconsolately             discontent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discontented         discontentedly          discontenting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        discontentment        discontentments            discontents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        discontinuance            discontinue           discontinued 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discontinues          discontinuing        discontinuities 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         discontinuity          discontinuous        discontinuously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               discord            discordance             discordant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discordantly               discords                 discos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discotheque           discotheques               discount 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discounted         discountenance        discountenanced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       discountenances       discountenancing            discounting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             discounts             discourage            discouraged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        discouragement        discouragements            discourages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discouraging         discouragingly              discourse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discourses           discourteous         discourteously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      discourteousness          discourtesies            discourtesy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              discover           discoverable             discovered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discoverer            discoverers            discoveries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discovering              discovers              discovery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             discredit          discreditable          discreditably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discredited           discrediting             discredits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              discreet             discreetly          discrepancies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discrepancy             discrepant               discrete 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            discretely           discreteness             discretion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         discretionary           discriminate          discriminated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         discriminates         discriminating         discrimination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        discriminatory                  discs             discursive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          discursively         discursiveness                 discus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              discuses                discuss              discussed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             discusses             discussing             discussion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           discussions                disdain              disdained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disdainful           disdainfully             disdaining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disdains                disease               diseased 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diseases              disembark         disembarkation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disembarked           disembarking             disembarks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      disembarrassment            disembodied            disembodies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disembody           disembodying             disembowel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disembowelled         disembowelling            disembowels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disembroil           disembroiled          disembroiling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disembroils             disenchant           disenchanted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disenchanting         disenchantment            disenchants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disencumber          disencumbered         disencumbering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disencumbers               disendow             disendowed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disendowing           disendowment              disendows 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disenfranchise        disenfranchised        disenfranchises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      disenfranchising              disengage             disengaged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disengagement             disengages            disengaging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disentangle           disentangled        disentanglement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disentangles          disentangling         disequilibrium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disestablish         disestablished         disestablishes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       disestablishing       disestablishment              disfavour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disfavoured           disfavouring             disfavours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disfigure             disfigured          disfigurement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disfigurements             disfigures            disfiguring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disforest         disforestation            disforested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disforesting             disforests           disfranchise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disfranchised       disfranchisement          disfranchises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disfranchising               disfrock             disfrocked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disfrocking              disfrocks               disgorge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disgorged              disgorges             disgorging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disgrace              disgraced            disgraceful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disgracefully              disgraces             disgracing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disgruntle            disgruntled            disgruntles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disgruntling               disguise              disguised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disguises             disguising                disgust 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disgusted            disgustedly             disgusting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disgustingly               disgusts                   dish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dishabille          disharmonious             disharmony 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dishcloth             dishcloths             dishearten 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disheartened          disheartening         disheartenment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       disheartenments            disheartens                 dished 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dishes            dishevelled                dishful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dishfuls                dishier               dishiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dishing              dishonest           dishonesties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dishonestly             dishonesty              dishonour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dishonourable          dishonourably            dishonoured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dishonouring             dishonours                dishorn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dishorned             dishorning               dishorns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dishwasher            dishwashers              dishwater 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dishy            disillusion          disillusioned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disillusioning        disillusionment       disillusionments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disillusions           disincentive          disincentives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disinclination             disincline            disinclined 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disinclines           disinclining              disinfect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disinfectant          disinfectants            disinfected 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disinfecting           disinfection             disinfects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disinfest         disinfestation            disinfested 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disinfesting             disinfests           disinflation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       disinflationary           disingenuous         disingenuously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      disingenuousness             disinherit         disinheritance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disinherited          disinheriting            disinherits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disintegrate          disintegrated          disintegrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disintegrating         disintegration        disintegrations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disinter          disinterested        disinterestedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     disinterestedness           disinterment          disinterments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disinterred           disinterring              disinters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disjoint             disjointed           disjointedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disjointedness            disjointing              disjoints 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disjunction           disjunctions            disjunctive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dislike               disliked               dislikes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disliking              dislocate             dislocated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dislocates            dislocating            dislocation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dislocations               dislodge              dislodged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dislodgement              dislodges             dislodging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disloyal             disloyally           disloyalties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disloyalty                 dismal               dismally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dismantle             dismantled          dismantlement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dismantles            dismantling                dismast 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dismasted             dismasting               dismasts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dismay               dismayed              dismaying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dismays              dismember            dismembered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dismembering          dismemberment             dismembers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dismiss              dismissal             dismissals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dismissed              dismisses             dismissing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dismount             dismounted            dismounting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dismounts           disobedience            disobedient 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disobediently                disobey              disobeyed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disobeying               disobeys              disoblige 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disobliged             disobliges            disobliging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disobligingly               disorder             disordered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disordering         disorderliness             disorderly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disorders        disorganization            disorganize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disorganized           disorganizes          disorganizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disorient           disorientate          disorientated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disorientates         disorientating         disorientation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disoriented           disorienting             disorients 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                disown               disowned              disowning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               disowns              disparage             disparaged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disparagement         disparagements             disparages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disparaging          disparagingly              disparate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disparately            disparities              disparity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dispassionate        dispassionately      dispassionateness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dispatch             dispatched             dispatches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dispatching                 dispel              dispelled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dispelling                dispels         dispensability 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dispensable           dispensaries             dispensary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dispensation          dispensations               dispense 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dispensed              dispenser             dispensers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dispenses             dispensing              dispersal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dispersals               disperse              dispersed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disperses             dispersing             dispersion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dispirit             dispirited           dispiritedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dispiriting              dispirits               displace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             displaced           displacement          displacements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             displaces             displacing                display 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             displayed             displaying               displays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             displease             displeased             displeases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           displeasing          displeasingly            displeasure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               disport              disported             disporting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disports             disposable               disposal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dispose               disposed               disposes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disposing            disposition           dispositions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dispossess           dispossessed           dispossesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dispossessing          dispossession               disproof 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disproofs          disproportion       disproportionate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    disproportionately               disprove              disproved 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disproves             disproving             disputable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disputably              disputant             disputants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disputation           disputations           disputatious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        disputatiously                dispute               disputed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disputes              disputing       disqualification 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     disqualifications           disqualified           disqualifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disqualify          disqualifying               disquiet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disquieted            disquieting          disquietingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disquiets            disquietude           disquisition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         disquisitions              disregard            disregarded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disregarding             disregards              disrelish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disrelished            disrelishes           disrelishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disremember          disremembered         disremembering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disremembers              disrepair           disreputable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      disreputableness           disreputably              disrepute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disrespect          disrespectful        disrespectfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               disrobe               disrobed               disrobes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disrobing                disrupt              disrupted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disrupting             disruption            disruptions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disruptive           disruptively               disrupts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       dissatisfaction           dissatisfied           dissatisfies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissatisfy          dissatisfying                dissect 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dissected             dissecting             dissection 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dissections               dissects              dissemble 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissembled             dissembler            dissemblers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissembles            dissembling            disseminate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          disseminated           disseminates          disseminating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dissemination             dissension            dissensions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dissent              dissented              dissenter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissenters             dissenting               dissents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dissertation          dissertations             disservice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           disservices               dissever             dissevered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dissevering              dissevers             dissidence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dissident             dissidents             dissimilar 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       dissimilarities          dissimilarity           dissimilarly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dissimilitude            dissimulate           dissimulated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dissimulates          dissimulating          dissimulation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        dissimulations              dissipate             dissipated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissipates            dissipating            dissipation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissociate            dissociated            dissociates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          dissociating           dissociation          dissolubility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissoluble              dissolute            dissolutely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         dissoluteness            dissolution           dissolutions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dissolve              dissolved              dissolves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissolving             dissonance            dissonances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dissonant            dissonantly               dissuade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dissuaded              dissuades             dissuading 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dissuasion                distaff               distaffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                distal               distally               distance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             distanced              distances             distancing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               distant              distantly               distaste 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           distasteful          distastefully        distastefulness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             distastes              distemper            distempered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          distempering             distempers                distend 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             distended             distending               distends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            distension            distensions                 distil 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          distillation          distillations              distilled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             distiller           distilleries             distillers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            distillery             distilling                distils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              distinct            distinction           distinctions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           distinctive          distinctively        distinctiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            distinctly           distinctness            distinguish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       distinguishable          distinguished          distinguishes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        distinguishing                distort              distorted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            distorting             distortion            distortions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              distorts               distract             distracted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          distractedly            distracting            distraction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          distractions              distracts               distrain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            distrained            distraining              distrains 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             distraint               distrait             distraught 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              distress             distressed             distresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           distressful          distressfully            distressing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         distressingly             distribute            distributed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           distributes           distributing           distribution 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        distributional          distributions           distributive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        distributively            distributor           distributors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              district              districts               distrust 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            distrusted            distrustful          distrustfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       distrustfulness            distrusting              distrusts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               disturb            disturbance           disturbances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disturbed             disturbing               disturbs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              disunion               disunite              disunited 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             disunites             disuniting               disunity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                disuse                disused             disyllabic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            disyllable            disyllables                  ditch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ditched                ditches               ditching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dither               dithered              dithering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dithers                ditties                  ditto 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dittos                  ditty               diuretic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diuretics                diurnal              diurnally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              divagate              divagated              divagates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            divagating             divagation            divagations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 divan                 divans                   dive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dived                  diver                diverge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diverged             divergence            divergences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          divergencies             divergency              divergent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           divergently               diverges              diverging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                divers                 divers                diverse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diversely        diversification            diversified 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           diversifies              diversify           diversifying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             diversion           diversionary           diversionist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         diversionists             diversions              diversity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                divert               diverted           divertimenti 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          divertimento          divertimentos              diverting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           divertingly         divertissement        divertissements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               diverts                  dives                 divide 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               divided               dividend              dividends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dividers                divides               dividing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            divination            divinations                 divine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               divined               divinely                diviner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              diviners                divines                 diving 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           divingboard           divingboards               divining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            divinities               divinity              divisible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              division              divisions               divisive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            divisively           divisiveness                divisor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              divisors                divorce               divorced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              divorces              divorcing                  divot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                divots                divulge               divulged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            divulgence            divulgences               divulges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             divulging                divvied                divvies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 divvy               divvying                  dixie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dixieland                 dixies                    diy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dizzied                dizzier                dizzies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dizziest                dizzily              dizziness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dizzy               dizzying                     dj 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              djibouti             djiboutian            djiboutians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 djinn                 djinns                    dna 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    do                 dobbin                dobbins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   doc                 docile               docility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dock                 docked                 docker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dockers                 docket               docketed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             docketing                dockets                docking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 docks               dockyard              dockyards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                doctor               doctoral              doctorate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            doctorates               doctored              doctoring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doctors            doctrinaire           doctrinaires 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doctrinal           doctrinarian          doctrinarians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doctrine              doctrines               document 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         documentaries            documentary          documentation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            documented            documenting              documents 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dodder               doddered               dodderer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dodderers              doddering            dodderingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dodders                doddery                 doddle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doddles                  dodge                 dodged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dodgem                dodgems                 dodger 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dodgers                 dodges                dodgier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dodgiest                dodging                  dodgy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dodo                  dodos                    doe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  doer                  doers                   does 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doeskin               doeskins                   doff 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                doffed                doffing                  doffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dog                dogcart               dogcarts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dogcatcher            dogcatchers                   doge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doges               dogfight              dogfights 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dogfish              dogfishes                 dogged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dogged               doggedly             doggedness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doggerel                doggies                dogging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doggo                doggone               doggoned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doggy               doghouse                  dogie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dogies                 dogleg                doglegs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dogma                 dogmas               dogmatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dogmatical           dogmatically              dogmatics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dogmatism              dogmatist             dogmatists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dogmatize             dogmatized             dogmatizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dogmatizing                   dogs             dogsbodies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dogsbody               dogteeth               dogtooth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dogtrot               dogwatch             dogwatches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dogwood               dogwoods                doilies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doily                  doing                 doings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doldrums                   dole                doleful 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dolefully            dolefulness                  doles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  doll                 dollar                dollars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dollhouse             dollhouses                dollies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dollop                dollops                  dolls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dolly                 dolmen                dolmens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dolorous             dolorously                 dolour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dolphin               dolphins                   dolt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doltish              doltishly                  dolts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                domain                domains                   dome 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 domed                  domes               domestic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          domestically            domesticate           domesticated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          domesticates          domesticating          domestication 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           domesticity              domestics               domicile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             domiciled              domiciles            domiciliary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            domiciling              dominance               dominant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dominantly              dominants               dominate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dominated              dominates             dominating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            domination               domineer             domineered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           domineering              domineers                dominic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dominica              dominican             dominicans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dominie               dominies               dominion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dominions                 domino               dominoes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   don                 donate                donated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               donates               donating               donation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             donations                   done                 donjon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               donjons                 donkey                donkeys 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            donkeywork                 donned                donning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               donnish              donnishly                  donor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                donors                   dons                 doodle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doodlebug             doodlebugs                doodled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doodles               doodling                   doom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                doomed                dooming                  dooms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doomsday                   door               doorbell 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doorbells               doorcase              doorcases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doorframe             doorframes             doorhandle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           doorhandles             doorkeeper            doorkeepers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doorknob              doorknobs            doorknocker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          doorknockers                doorman                doormat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doormats                doormen               doornail 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doorplate             doorplates                  doors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           doorscraper           doorscrapers               doorstep 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doorsteps               doorstop            doorstopper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          doorstoppers              doorstops                doorway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doorways                   dope                  doped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dopes                  dopey                 dopier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dopiest                 doping                  doric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dories                   dorm                dormant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dormer                dormers                dormice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dormitories              dormitory               dormouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dorms                 dorsal                   dory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dos                 dosage                dosages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dose                  dosed                  doses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dosing                   doss                 dosser 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dossers              dosshouse             dosshouses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dossier               dossiers                   dost 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dot                 dotage                 dotard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dotards                   doth                 doting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dotingly                   dots                 dotted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dottier               dottiest                dotting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dottle                  dotty                 double 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doubled                doubles                doublet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           doublethink               doublets               doubling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doubloon              doubloons                 doubly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doubt                doubted                doubter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doubters               doubtful             doubtfully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doubting              doubtless                 doubts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                douche                douches                  dough 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doughier              doughiest               doughnut 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             doughnuts              doughtier             doughtiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               doughty                 doughy                   dour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dourer                dourest                 dourly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 douse                 doused                 douses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dousing                   dove                dovecot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dovecote              dovecotes               dovecots 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doves               dovetail             dovetailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dovetailing              dovetails                dowager 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dowagers                dowdier               dowdiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dowdily              dowdiness                  dowdy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dowel                 dowels                  dower 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dowered               dowering                 dowers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  down               downbeat              downbeats 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              downcast            downdraught           downdraughts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                downed                 downer                downers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              downfall              downgrade             downgraded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            downgrades            downgrading            downhearted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         downheartedly               downhill                downier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              downiest                downing               downpour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             downpours              downright          downrightness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 downs              downstage              downstair 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            downstairs             downstream               downtown 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           downtrodden               downward              downwards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              downwind                  downy                dowries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dowry                  dowse                 dowsed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dowser                dowsers                 dowses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dowsing             doxologies               doxology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 doyen                doyenne               doyennes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                doyens                   doze                  dozed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dozen                 dozens                  dozes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dozier                doziest                 dozily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              doziness                 dozing                   dozy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dpt                     dr                   drab 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drabber               drabbest                 drably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drabness                 drachm                drachma 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drachmae               drachmas                drachms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 draco              draconian                  draft 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drafted                draftee               draftees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drafting              draftings                 drafts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  drag                dragged               draggier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             draggiest               dragging                draggle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              draggled               draggles              draggling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                draggy                dragnet               dragnets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dragoman              dragomans                 dragon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dragonflies              dragonfly                dragons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dragoon               dragoons                  drags 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drain               drainage                drained 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              draining              drainpipe             drainpipes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drains                  drake                 drakes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dram                  drama                 dramas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dramatic           dramatically              dramatics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dramatist             dramatists          dramatization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        dramatizations              dramatize             dramatized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dramatizes            dramatizing                  drams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drank                  drape                 draped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                draper              draperies                drapers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drapery                 drapes                draping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drastic            drastically                   drat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drats                dratted               dratting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               draught           draughtboard          draughtboards 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            draughtier            draughtiest               draughts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           draughtsman            draughtsmen               draughty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  draw               drawback              drawbacks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            drawbridge            drawbridges                 drawer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drawers                drawing               drawings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drawl                drawled               drawling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drawls                  drawn                  draws 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            drawstring            drawstrings                   dray 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drays                  dread                dreaded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dreadful             dreadfully           dreadfulness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dreading            dreadnought           dreadnoughts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dreads                  dream              dreamboat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dreamboats                dreamed                dreamer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dreamers               dreamier              dreamiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dreamily             dreaminess               dreaming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dreamland             dreamlands              dreamless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dreamlessly              dreamlike                 dreams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dreamt             dreamworld            dreamworlds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dreamy                  drear               drearier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dreariest               drearily             dreariness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dreary                 dredge                dredged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dredger               dredgers                dredges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dredging                  dregs                 drench 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drenched               drenches              drenching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            drenchings                  dress               dressage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dressed                dresser               dressers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dresses               dressier              dressiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dressing              dressings             dressmaker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dressmakers            dressmaking                 dressy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  drew                dribble               dribbled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dribbler              dribblers               dribbles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dribbling                driblet               driblets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dried                  drier                  dries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                driest                  drift               driftage 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drifted                drifter               drifters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drifting               driftnet              driftnets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drifts              driftwood                  drill 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drilled               drilling                 drills 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drily                  drink              drinkable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drinker               drinkers               drinking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drinks                   drip                dripped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dripping                  drips                  drive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drivel              drivelled              driveller 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            drivellers             drivelling                drivels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                driven                 driver                drivers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drives               driveway              driveways 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               driving                drizzle               drizzled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drizzles              drizzling                drizzly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drogue                drogues                  droll 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               droller             drolleries               drollery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drollest              drollness                 drolly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dromedaries              dromedary                  drone 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                droned                 drones                droning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 drool                drooled               drooling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drools                  droop                drooped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drooping             droopingly                 droops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  drop               dropkick             dropkicked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dropkicking              dropkicks                droplet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              droplets                dropout               dropouts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dropped                dropper               droppers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dropping              droppings                  drops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dropsical                 dropsy              droshkies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               droshky                  dross                drought 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              droughts                  drove                 drover 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drovers                 droves                  drown 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drowned               drowning                 drowns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drowse                drowsed                drowses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drowsier              drowsiest               drowsily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            drowsiness               drowsing                 drowsy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  drub                drubbed               drubbing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             drubbings                  drubs                 drudge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drudged               drudgery                drudges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drudging                   drug                drugged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               drugget               druggets               drugging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              druggist              druggists                  drugs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             drugstore             drugstores                  druid 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                druids                   drum               drumbeat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             drumbeats               drumfire               drumhead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             drumheads                drummed                drummer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drummers               drumming                  drums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             drumstick             drumsticks                  drunk 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drunkard              drunkards                drunken 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             drunkenly            drunkenness                drunker 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              drunkest                 drunks                  drupe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drupes                    dry                  dryad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dryads                  dryer                 dryers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                drying                dryness                   dual 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dub                 dubbed                 dubbin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dubbined                dubbing              dubbining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dubbins              dubieties                dubiety 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dubious              dubiously            dubiousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dubitable                   dubs                  ducal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ducat                 ducats                   duce 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               duchess              duchesses                duchies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 duchy                   duck               duckbill 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             duckbills             duckboards                 ducked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ducking               duckings               duckling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ducklings                  ducks               duckweed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ducky                   duct                ductile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ductiles              ductility                  ducts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dud                   dude                  dudes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dudgeon                   duds                    due 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  duel                duelled                dueller 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              duellers               duelling               duellist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             duellists                  duels                 duenna 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               duennas                   dues                   duet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 duets                   duff                 duffel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                duffer                duffers                  duffs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dug                 dugong                dugongs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dugout                dugouts                   dugs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  duke                dukedom               dukedoms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dukes                 dulcet               dulcimer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dulcimers                   dull                dullard 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dullards                 dulled                 duller 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dullest                dulling               dullness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dulls                  dully                   duly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dumb               dumbbell              dumbbells 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dumber                dumbest              dumbfound 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dumbfounded           dumbfounding             dumbfounds 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dumbly               dumbness             dumbwaiter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dumbwaiters                 dumdum                dumdums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dummies                  dummy                   dump 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dumped                 dumper                dumpers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dumpier               dumpiest              dumpiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dumping               dumpling              dumplings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dumps                  dumpy                    dun 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dunce                 dunces             dunderhead 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dunderheads                   dune                  dunes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dung               dungaree              dungarees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dungeon               dungeons               dunghill 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dunghills                   dunk                 dunked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dunking                  dunks                 dunned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dunner                dunnest                dunning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  duns                    duo             duodecimal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               duodena               duodenal               duodenum 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             duodenums               duologue              duologues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  duos                   dupe                  duped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dupes                 duping                 duplex 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             duplicate             duplicated             duplicates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           duplicating            duplication           duplications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            duplicator            duplicators              duplicity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            durability                durable               durables 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               durably               duration              durations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                durbar                durbars                 duress 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 durex                 during                  durst 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dusk                duskier               duskiest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             duskiness                  dusky                   dust 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dustbin               dustbins               dustbowl 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             dustbowls               dustcart              dustcarts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dustcoat              dustcoats                 dusted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                duster                dusters                dustier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dustiest                dusting               dustless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dustman                dustmen                dustpan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dustpans                  dusts              dustsheet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dustsheets                 dustup                dustups 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dusty                  dutch               dutchman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dutchmen                duteous               dutiable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                duties                dutiful              dutifully 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dutifulness                   duty                  duvet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                duvets                  dwarf                dwarfed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dwarfing               dwarfish                 dwarfs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dwell                dwelled                dweller 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dwellers               dwelling              dwellings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dwells                  dwelt                dwindle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dwindled               dwindles              dwindling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   dye                   dyed                 dyeing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  dyer                  dyers                   dyes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dyestuff              dyestuffs               dyeworks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dying                dynamic              dynamical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           dynamically               dynamics               dynamism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dynamite              dynamited              dynamites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dynamiting                 dynamo                dynamos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                dynast               dynastic              dynasties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               dynasts                dynasty                   dyne 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 dynes              dysentery               dyslexia 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              dyslexic              dyspepsia              dyspeptic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            dyspeptics              dystrophy                      e 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  each                  eager                eagerer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eagerest                eagerly              eagerness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 eagle                 eagles                 eaglet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eaglets                    ear                earache 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              earaches                eardrop               eardrops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eardrum               eardrums                  eared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                earful                   earl                earldom 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              earldoms                earlier               earliest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             earliness                earlobe               earlobes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 earls                  early                earmark 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             earmarked             earmarking               earmarks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earmuff               earmuffs                   earn 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                earned                 earner                earners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earnest              earnestly            earnestness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earning               earnings                  earns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              earphone              earphones               earpiece 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             earpieces                earplug               earplugs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earring               earrings                   ears 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earshot                  earth             earthbound 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earthed                earthen            earthenware 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              earthier              earthiest             earthiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              earthing              earthling             earthlings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earthly               earthnut              earthnuts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            earthquake            earthquakes                 earths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          earthshaking         earthshakingly              earthwork 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            earthworks              earthworm             earthworms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                earthy                 earwax                 earwig 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               earwigs                   ease                  eased 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 easel                 easels                  eases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                easier                easiest                 easily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              easiness                 easing                   east 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eastbound                 easter               easterly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eastern              easterner             easterners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           easternmost                easters               eastward 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eastwards                   easy              easygoing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   eat                eatable               eatables 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 eaten                  eater                 eaters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eating                   eats                  eaves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eavesdrop           eavesdropped           eavesdropper 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         eavesdroppers          eavesdropping             eavesdrops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ebb                  ebbed                 ebbing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ebbs                ebbtide               ebbtides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ebonite                  ebony             ebullience 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ebullient            ebulliently              eccentric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         eccentrically         eccentricities           eccentricity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            eccentrics           ecclesiastic         ecclesiastical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      ecclesiastically          ecclesiastics                    ecg 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               echelon               echelons                   echo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                echoed                 echoes                echoing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eclectic           eclectically            eclecticism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eclectics                eclipse               eclipsed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eclipses              eclipsing               ecliptic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eclogue               eclogues             ecological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ecologically              ecologist             ecologists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ecology               economic             economical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          economically              economics              economies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             economist             economists              economize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            economized             economizes            economizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               economy              ecosystem             ecosystems 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ecstasies                ecstasy               ecstatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ecstatically                    ect              ectoplasm 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ecuador             ecuadorian            ecuadorians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ecumenical          ecumenicalism           ecumenically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eczema                   edam                  edams 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eddied                 eddies                   eddy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eddying              edelweiss                   eden 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  edge                  edged                  edges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              edgeways               edgewise                 edgier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               edgiest                 edgily                 edging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               edgings                   edgy              edibility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                edible                edibles                  edict 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                edicts            edification                edifice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              edifices                edified                edifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 edify               edifying                   edit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                edited                editing                edition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              editions                 editor              editorial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          editorialize          editorialized          editorializes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        editorializing            editorially             editorials 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               editors             editorship                  edits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              educable                educate               educated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              educates              educating              education 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           educational         educationalist        educationalists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         educationally           educationist          educationists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              educator              educators                  educe 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                educed                 educes                educing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   eec                    eeg                    eel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  eels                  eerie                 eerier 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eeriest                 eerily               eeriness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   eff                 efface                effaced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effacement                effaces               effacing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                effect               effected              effecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             effective            effectively          effectiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effectives                effects              effectual 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          effectuality            effectually          effectualness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effectuate            effectuated            effectuates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          effectuating                  effed             effeminacy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effeminate           effeminately                effendi 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              effendis             effervesce            effervesced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         effervescence           effervescent         effervescently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           effervesces           effervescing                 effete 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effeteness            efficacious          efficaciously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          efficacities             efficacity               efficacy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            efficiency              efficient            efficiently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              effigies                 effigy                 effing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effloresce            effloresced          efflorescence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          efflorescent            effloresces           efflorescing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              effluent              effluents                 efflux 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              effluxes                 effort             effortless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          effortlessly         effortlessness                efforts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          effronteries             effrontery                   effs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            effulgence              effulgent            effulgently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                effuse                effused                effuses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              effusing               effusion              effusions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              effusive             effusively           effusiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   eft                   efts            egalitarian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        egalitarianism           egalitarians                    egg 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eggbeater             eggbeaters                 eggcup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eggcups                egghead               eggheads 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eggnog               eggplant              eggplants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  eggs               eggshell              eggshells 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eglantine             eglantines                    ego 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            egocentric         egocentrically          egocentricity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                egoism                 egoist               egoistic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            egoistical           egoistically                egoists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  egos                egotism                egotist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             egotistic            egotistical          egotistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              egotists                egotrip             egotripped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           egotripping               egotrips              egregious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           egregiously                 egress               egresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 egret                 egrets                  egypt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              egyptian              egyptians                     eh 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 eider              eiderdown             eiderdowns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eiders                  eight               eighteen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eighteens             eighteenth            eighteenths 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eighth                eighths               eighties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eightieth             eightieths             eightpence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           eightpences             eightpenny                 eights 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eightsome             eightsomes                 eighty 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            eisteddfod            eisteddfods                 either 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ejaculate             ejaculated             ejaculates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ejaculating            ejaculation           ejaculations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 eject                ejected               ejecting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ejection              ejections                ejector 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ejectors                 ejects                    ekg 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    el              elaborate             elaborated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           elaborately          elaborateness             elaborates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           elaborating            elaboration           elaborations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 eland                 elands                 elapse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elapsed                elapses               elapsing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elastic           elasticities             elasticity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           elastoplast                  elate                 elated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                elates                elating                elation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elbow                elbowed               elbowing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             elbowroom                 elbows                  elder 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elder           elderberries             elderberry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           elderflower           elderflowers                elderly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                elders                 elders                 eldest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elect                elected               electing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              election            electioneer          electioneered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        electioneering           electioneers              elections 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elective              electives                elector 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             electoral             electorate            electorates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              electors                electra               electric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            electrical           electrically            electrician 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          electricians            electricity             electricly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       electrification            electrified            electrifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             electrify           electrifying      electrocardiogram 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
    electrocardiograms     electrocardiograph    electrocardiographs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      electrochemistry            electrocute           electrocuted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          electrocutes          electrocuting          electrocution 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        electrocutions              electrode             electrodes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
  electroencephalogram  electroencephalograms  electroencephalograph 
                     0                     NA                     NA 
electroencephalographs           electrolysis            electrolyte 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          electrolytes          electromagnet        electromagnetic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      electromagnetism         electromagnets               electron 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            electronic            electronics              electrons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          electroplate          electroplated          electroplates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        electroplating                 elects           eleemosynary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elegance                elegant              elegantly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elegiac              elegiacal            elegiacally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elegiacs                elegies                  elegy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               element              elemental           elementarily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            elementary               elements               elephant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         elephantiasis            elephantine              elephants 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elevate               elevated               elevates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             elevating              elevation             elevations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elevator              elevators                 eleven 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elevens              elevenses               eleventh 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             elevenths                    elf                  elfin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                elfish               elfishly             elfishness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                elicit            elicitation           elicitations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elicited              eliciting                elicits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elide                 elided                 elides 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eliding            eligibility               eligible 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eligibly              eliminate             eliminated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            eliminates            eliminating            elimination 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          eliminations                elision               elisions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elite                 elites                elitism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elitist               elitists                 elixir 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elixirs              elizabeth            elizabethan 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          elizabethans                    elk               elkhound 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             elkhounds                   elks                ellipse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ellipses               ellipses               ellipsis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elliptic             elliptical           elliptically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   elm                   elms              elocution 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          elocutionary           elocutionist          elocutionists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              elongate              elongated              elongates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            elongating             elongation            elongations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elope                 eloped              elopement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            elopements                 elopes                eloping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eloquence               eloquent             eloquently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   els                   else              elsewhere 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             elucidate             elucidated             elucidates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           elucidating            elucidation           elucidations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           elucidatory                  elude                 eluded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eludes                eluding                elusion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elusive              elusively            elusiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elusory                  elver                 elvers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 elves                 elvish                elysian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               elysium               emaciate              emaciated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emaciates             emaciating             emaciation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emanation             emanations             emancipate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           emancipated            emancipates           emancipating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          emancipation            emancipator           emancipators 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            emasculate            emasculated            emasculates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          emasculating           emasculation          emasculations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                embalm               embalmed               embalmer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embalmers              embalming             embalmment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               embalms                 embank               embanked 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embanking             embankment            embankments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               embanks                embargo              embargoed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embargoes             embargoing               embargos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                embark            embarkation           embarkations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              embarked              embarking                embarks 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embarrass            embarrassed            embarrasses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          embarrassing         embarrassingly          embarrassment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        embarrassments              embassies                embassy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embattled                  embed               embedded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embedding                 embeds              embellish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           embellished            embellishes           embellishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         embellishment         embellishments                  ember 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                embers               embezzle              embezzled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          embezzlement          embezzlements              embezzler 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            embezzlers              embezzles             embezzling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              embitter             embittered            embittering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          embitterment              embitters               emblazon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            emblazoned            emblazoning              emblazons 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                emblem             emblematic         emblematically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emblems               embodied               embodies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            embodiment            embodiments                 embody 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embodying               embolden             emboldened 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           emboldening              emboldens               embolism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embolisms             embonpoint              embosomed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                emboss               embossed               embosses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embossing              embowered                embrace 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              embraced               embraces              embracing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embrasure             embrasures              embrocate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            embrocated             embrocates            embrocating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           embrocation           embrocations              embroider 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           embroidered           embroidering             embroiders 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            embroidery                embroil              embroiled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            embroiling               embroils                 embryo 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             embryonic                embryos                  emcee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                emceed               emceeing                 emcees 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 emend             emendation            emendations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emended               emending                 emends 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emerald               emeralds                 emerge 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emerged              emergence            emergencies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emergency               emergent                emerges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emerging               emeritus                  emery 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                emetic                emetics               emigrant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emigrants               emigrate              emigrated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emigrates             emigrating             emigration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           emigrations               eminence               eminence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eminences                eminent              eminently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  emir                emirate               emirates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 emirs             emissaries               emissary 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emission              emissions                   emit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 emits                emitted               emitting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           emmenthaler              emollient             emollients 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emolument             emoluments                  emote 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                emoted                 emotes                emoting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emotion              emotional           emotionalism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         emotionalisms            emotionally            emotionless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         emotionlessly        emotionlessness               emotions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emotive              emotively                empanel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            empanelled            empanelling               empanels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               empathy                emperor               emperors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emphases               emphasis              emphasize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            emphasized             emphasizes            emphasizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emphatic           emphatically              emphysema 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                empire                empires                empiric 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             empirical            empirically             empiricism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            empiricist            empiricists            emplacement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          emplacements                emplane               emplaned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emplanes              emplaning                 employ 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            employable               employed               employee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             employees               employer              employers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             employing             employment                employs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emporia               emporium              emporiums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               empower              empowered             empowering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              empowers                empress              empresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emptied                emptier                empties 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emptiest                emptily              emptiness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 empty               emptying              empurpled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              empyreal               empyrean                    emu 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               emulate               emulated               emulates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emulating              emulation                emulous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             emulously             emulsified             emulsifies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emulsify            emulsifying               emulsion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            emulsioned            emulsioning              emulsions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              emulsive                   emus                 enable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enabled                enables               enabling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 enact                enacted               enacting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enactment             enactments                 enacts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enamel              enamelled             enamelling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enamels             enamelware                enamour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enamoured              enamoured             enamouring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enamours                 encamp               encamped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             encamping             encampment            encampments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               encamps            encapsulate           encapsulated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          encapsulates          encapsulating                 encase 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               encased                encases               encasing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             encaustic             encephalic           encephalitis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enchain              enchained             enchaining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enchainment               enchains                enchant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enchanted              enchanter             enchanters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enchanting           enchantingly            enchantment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          enchantments            enchantress          enchantresses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enchants               encipher             enciphered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enciphering              enciphers               encircle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             encircled           encirclement              encircles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            encircling                enclave               enclaves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enclose               enclosed               encloses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enclosing              enclosure             enclosures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                encode                encoded                encodes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              encoding                encomia               encomium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             encomiums              encompass            encompassed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           encompasses           encompassing                 encore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               encored                encores               encoring 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             encounter            encountered           encountering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            encounters              encourage             encouraged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         encouragement         encouragements             encourages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           encouraging          encouragingly               encroach 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            encroached             encroaches            encroaching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          encroachment          encroachments                encrust 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          encrustation          encrustations              encrusted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            encrusting               encrusts               encumber 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            encumbered            encumbering              encumbers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           encumbrance           encumbrances             encyclical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           encyclicals           encyclopedia          encyclopedias 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          encyclopedic       encyclopedically                    end 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              endanger             endangered            endangering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             endangers              endearing            endearingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            endearment            endearments              endeavour 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           endeavoured           endeavouring             endeavours 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ended                endemic               endemics 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ending                endings                 endive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               endives                endless              endlessly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             endocrine                endorse               endorsed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           endorsement           endorsements               endorses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             endorsing                  endow                endowed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              endowing              endowment             endowments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                endows               endpaper              endpapers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ends                  endue                 endued 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                endues                enduing              endurable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             endurance                 endure                endured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               endures               enduring             enduringly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               endways                endwise                  enema 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enemas                enemies                  enemy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             energetic          energetically               energies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              energize              energized              energizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            energizing                 energy               enervate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enervated              enervates             enervating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enfeeble              enfeebled           enfeeblement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enfeebles             enfeebling               enfilade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enfiladed              enfilades             enfilading 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enfold               enfolded              enfolding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enfolds                enforce            enforceable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enforced            enforcement               enforces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enforcing            enfranchise           enfranchised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       enfranchisement           enfranchises          enfranchising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                engage                engaged             engagement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           engagements                engages               engaging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            engagingly               engender             engendered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           engendering              engenders                 engine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              engineer             engineered            engineering 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             engineers                engines                english 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            englishman             englishmen           englishwoman 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          englishwomen                engraft              engrafted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            engrafting               engrafts                engrave 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              engraved               engraver              engravers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              engraves              engraving             engravings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               engross              engrossed              engrosses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            engrossing           engrossingly                 engulf 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              engulfed              engulfing                engulfs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enhance               enhanced            enhancement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          enhancements               enhances              enhancing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enigma                enigmas              enigmatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enigmatical          enigmatically                 enjoin 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enjoined              enjoining                enjoins 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 enjoy              enjoyable              enjoyably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enjoyed               enjoying              enjoyment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enjoyments                 enjoys               enkindle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enkindled              enkindles             enkindling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enlarge               enlarged            enlargement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          enlargements               enlarges              enlarging 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enlighten            enlightened           enlightening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         enlightenment             enlightens                 enlist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enlisted              enlisting             enlistment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enlistments                enlists                enliven 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enlivened             enlivening               enlivens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enmesh               enmeshed               enmeshes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enmeshing               enmities                 enmity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ennoble               ennobled            ennoblement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ennobles              ennobling                  ennui 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ennuis             enormities               enormity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enormous             enormously           enormousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enough                enounce               enounced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enounces              enouncing                enplane 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enplaned               enplanes              enplaning 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enrage                enraged                enrages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enraging              enrapture             enraptured 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enraptures            enrapturing                 enrich 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enriched               enriches              enriching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enrichment                  enrol                enroled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enroling              enrolment             enrolments 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                enrols             ensanguine            ensanguined 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           ensanguines           ensanguining               ensconce 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ensconced              ensconces             ensconcing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ensemble              ensembles               enshrine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enshrined              enshrines             enshrining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enshroud             enshrouded            enshrouding 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enshrouds                 ensign                ensigns 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ensilage                 ensile                ensiled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ensiles               ensiling                enslave 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enslaved            enslavement               enslaves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enslaving                ensnare               ensnared 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ensnares              ensnaring                  ensue 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ensued                 ensues                ensuing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ensure                ensured                ensures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ensuring                 entail               entailed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entailing                entails               entangle 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entangled           entanglement          entanglements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entangles             entangling                entente 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              ententes                  enter                entered 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enteric               entering              enteritis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enterprise            enterprises           enterprising 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        enterprisingly                 enters              entertain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           entertained            entertainer           entertainers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          entertaining         entertainingly          entertainment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        entertainments             entertains                enthral 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enthralled            enthralling          enthrallingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enthrals               enthrone              enthroned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          enthronement          enthronements              enthrones 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enthroning                enthuse               enthused 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              enthuses             enthusiasm            enthusiasms 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enthusiast           enthusiastic       enthusiastically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enthusiasts              enthusing                 entice 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enticed             enticement            enticements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               entices               enticing             enticingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                entire               entirely               entirety 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              entities                entitle               entitled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           entitlement           entitlements               entitles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entitling                 entity                 entomb 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              entombed              entombing             entombment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           entombments                entombs          entomological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          entomologist          entomologists             entomology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entourage             entourages               entrails 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               entrain              entrained             entraining 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              entrains               entrance              entranced 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entrances             entrancing                entrant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              entrants                 entrap             entrapment 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           entrapments              entrapped             entrapping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               entraps                entreat              entreated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            entreaties             entreating           entreatingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              entreats               entreaty               entrench 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            entrenched             entrenches            entrenching 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          entrenchment          entrenchments       entrepo<U+0302>t 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
     entrepo<U+0302>ts           entrepreneur        entrepreneurial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         entrepreneurs               entresol              entresols 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               entries                entropy                entrust 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             entrusted             entrusting               entrusts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 entry                entwine               entwined 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              entwines              entwining              enumerate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enumerated             enumerates            enumerating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enumeration           enumerations              enunciate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enunciated             enunciates            enunciating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           enunciation           enunciations                envelop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              envelope              enveloped              envelopes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enveloping            envelopment               envelops 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               envenom              envenomed             envenoming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              envenoms               enviable               enviably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                envied                 envies                envious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             enviously                environ              environed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            environing            environment          environmental 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      environmentalism       environmentalist      environmentalists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       environmentally           environments               environs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              envisage              envisaged              envisages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            envisaging               envision             envisioned 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           envisioning              envisions                  envoy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                envoys                   envy                envying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             envyingly                 enwrap              enwrapped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            enwrapping                enwraps                 enzyme 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               enzymes                epaulet               epaulets 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             ephemeral            ephemerally                   epic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              epically              epicentre             epicentres 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 epics                epicure              epicurean 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            epicureans               epicures               epicurus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              epidemic              epidemics              epidermis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           epidiascope           epidiascopes             epiglottis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          epiglottises                epigram           epigrammatic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      epigrammatically               epigrams               epilepsy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             epileptic             epileptics               epilogue 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             epilogues               epiphany             episcopacy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             episcopal           episcopalian          episcopalians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               episode               episodes               episodic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          episodically                epistle               epistles 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            epistolary                epitaph               epitaphs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               epithet               epithets                epitome 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              epitomes              epitomize             epitomized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            epitomizes            epitomizing                  epoch 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                epochs                 eponym              eponymous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eponyms                  epsom             equability 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               equable                equably                  equal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          equalitarian          equalitarians               equality 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          equalization               equalize              equalized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             equalizes             equalizing               equalled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             equalling                equally                 equals 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            equanimity                 equate                equated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               equates               equating               equation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             equations                equator             equatorial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          equatorially              equerries                equerry 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            equestrian            equestrians            equidistant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           equilateral            equilibrium                 equine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           equinoctial                equinox              equinoxes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 equip               equipage              equipages 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             equipment              equipoise             equipoises 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              equipped              equipping                 equips 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             equitable              equitably             equitation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              equities                 equity            equivalence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          equivalences             equivalent           equivalently 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           equivalents              equivocal            equivocally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            equivocate            equivocated            equivocates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          equivocating           equivocation          equivocations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                    er                    era             eradicable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eradicate             eradicated             eradicates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           eradicating            eradication             eradicator 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  eras                  erase                 erased 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eraser                erasers                 erases 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               erasing                erasure               erasures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   ere                  erect                erected 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              erectile               erecting               erection 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             erections                erectly              erectness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                erects                eremite               eremites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   erg                   ergo              ergonomic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ergonomics                   ergs                eritrea 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eritrean              eritreans                 ermine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               ermines                  erode                 eroded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                erodes                eroding              erogenous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               erosion                erosive                 erotic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               erotica             erotically              eroticism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   err                 errand                errands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                errant                 errata                erratic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           erratically                erratum                  erred 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                erring              erroneous            erroneously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 error                 errors                   errs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ersatz                   erse               eructate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eructated              eructates             eructating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            eructation            eructations                erudite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eruditely              erudition                  erupt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               erupted               erupting               eruption 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eruptions                 erupts             erysipelas 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              escalate              escalated              escalates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            escalating             escalation            escalations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             escalator             escalators               escalope 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             escalopes              escapable               escapade 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             escapades                 escape                escaped 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               escapee               escapees             escapement 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           escapements                escapes               escaping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              escapism               escapist              escapists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          escapologist          escapologists             escapology 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                escarp               escarped              escarping 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            escarpment            escarpments                escarps 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        eschatological            eschatology                 eschew 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eschewed              eschewing                eschews 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                escort               escorted              escorting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               escorts             escritoire            escritoires 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                escudo                escudos             escutcheon 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           escutcheons                 eskimo                eskimos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              esoteric           esoterically                    esp 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              espalier               especial             especially 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             esperanto                 espied                 espies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             espionage              esplanade             esplanades 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              espousal              espousals                espouse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              espoused               espouses              espousing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              espresso              espressos                 esprit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  espy                espying                esquire 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 essay                essayed               essaying 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              essayist              essayists                 essays 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               essence               essences              essential 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           essentially             essentials              establish 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           established            establishes           establishing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         establishment         establishments              estaminet 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            estaminets                 estate                estates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                esteem               esteemed              esteeming 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               esteems                  ester                 esters 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             estimable               estimate              estimated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             estimates             estimating             estimation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             estimator             estimators               estrange 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             estranged           estrangement          estrangements 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             estranges             estranging              estuaries 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               estuary                   etch                 etched 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                etcher                etchers                 etches 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               etching               etchings                eternal 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eternally             eternities               eternity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ether               ethereal             ethereally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ethic                ethical              ethically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                ethics               ethiopia              ethiopian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ethiopians                 ethnic               ethnical 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            ethnically           ethnographer          ethnographers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ethnographic       ethnographically            ethnography 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ethnological         ethnologically            ethnologist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          ethnologists              ethnology                  ethos 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ethyl                 ethyls               etiolate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             etiolated              etiolates             etiolating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            etiolation              etiquette           etymological 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        etymologically            etymologies            etymologist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          etymologists              etymology             eucalyptus 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          eucalyptuses              eucharist            eucharistic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                euclid              euclidean                eugenic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           eugenically               eugenics               eulogies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eulogist             eulogistic         eulogistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eulogists               eulogize              eulogized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eulogizes             eulogizing                 eulogy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eunuch                eunuchs              euphemism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            euphemisms            euphemistic        euphemistically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             euphonies             euphonious              euphonium 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            euphoniums                euphony               euphoria 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              euphoric           euphorically                euphues 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              euphuism                eurasia               eurasian 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eurasians                 eureka             eurhythmic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           eurhythmics              eurhythmy               eurocrat 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eurocrats             eurodollar            eurodollars 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                europe               european              europeans 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eustachio             euthanasia               evacuate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evacuated              evacuates             evacuating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            evacuation            evacuations                evacuee 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evacuees                  evade                 evaded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                evades                evading               evaluate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evaluated              evaluates             evaluating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            evaluation            evaluations               evanesce 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evanesced            evanescence             evanescent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evanesces             evanescing                evangel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evangelic            evangelical         evangelicalism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          evangelicals             evangelism             evangelist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          evangelistic            evangelists            evangelists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            evangelize            evangelized            evangelizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          evangelizing               evangels              evaporate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            evaporated             evaporates            evaporating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           evaporation           evaporations                evasion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evasions                evasive              evasively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           evasiveness                    eve                   even 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                evened                evening                evening 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evenings                 evenly               evenness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 evens               evensong                  event 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eventful             eventfully           eventfulness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eventide                 events               eventual 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         eventualities            eventuality             eventually 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  ever              evergreen             evergreens 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           everlasting          everlastingly               evermore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 every              everybody               everyday 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              everyone             everyplace             everything 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            everywhere                   eves                  evict 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               evicted               evicting               eviction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evictions                 evicts               evidence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evidenced              evidences             evidencing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               evident              evidently                   evil 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evildoer              evildoers                eviller 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evillest                 evilly                  evils 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                evince                evinced                evinces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evincing             eviscerate            eviscerated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           eviscerates           eviscerating              evocation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            evocations              evocative                  evoke 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                evoked                 evokes                evoking 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             evolution           evolutionary             evolutions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                evolve                evolved                evolves 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              evolving                    ewe                   ewer 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 ewers                   ewes                     ex 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exacerbate            exacerbated            exacerbates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exacerbating           exacerbation          exacerbations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 exact                exacted               exacting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exactingly               exaction              exactions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exactitude                exactly              exactness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exacts             exaggerate            exaggerated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         exaggeratedly            exaggerates           exaggerating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exaggeration          exaggerations                  exalt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exaltation                exalted              exaltedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exalting                 exalts                   exam 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           examination           examinations                examine 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              examined               examiner              examiners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              examines              examining                example 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              examples                  exams             exasperate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exasperated          exasperatedly            exasperates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exasperating         exasperatingly           exasperation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              excavate              excavated              excavates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            excavating             excavation            excavations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excavator             excavators                 exceed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exceeded              exceeding            exceedingly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exceeds                  excel               excelled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            excellence            excellences             excellency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excellent            excellently              excelling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                excels              excelsior                 except 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              excepted              excepting              exception 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         exceptionable            exceptional          exceptionally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exceptions                excepts                excerpt 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              excerpts                 excess               excesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excessive            excessively               exchange 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exchangeable              exchanged              exchanges 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exchanging              exchequer                 excise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               excised              exciseman              excisemen 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               excises               excising               excision 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excisions           excitability              excitable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                excite                excited              excitedly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            excitement            excitements                excites 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exciting             excitingly                exclaim 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exclaimed             exclaiming               exclaims 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exclamation           exclamations            exclamatory 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exclude               excluded               excludes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excluding              exclusion              exclusive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exclusively          exclusiveness             exclusives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            excogitate            excogitated            excogitates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          excogitating           excogitation          excogitations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         excommunicate         excommunicated         excommunicates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       excommunicating        excommunication       excommunications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excoriate             excoriated             excoriates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           excoriating            excoriation           excoriations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excrement            excrescence           excrescences 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            excrescent                excreta                excrete 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              excreted               excretes              excreting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excretion             excretions             excruciate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           excruciated            excruciates           excruciating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        excruciatingly              exculpate             exculpated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exculpates            exculpating            exculpation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             excursion           excursionist          excursionists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            excursions              excusable              excusably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                excuse                excused                excuses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              excusing              execrable              execrably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              execrate              execrated              execrates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            execrating             execration            execrations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             executant             executants                execute 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              executed               executes              executing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             execution            executioner           executioners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            executions              executive             executives 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              executor              executors              executrix 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           executrixes               exegeses               exegesis 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exemplary        exemplification       exemplifications 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exemplified            exemplifies              exemplify 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exemplifying                 exempt               exempted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exempting              exemption             exemptions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exempts               exercise              exercised 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exercises             exercising                  exert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exerted               exerting               exertion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exertions                 exerts                   exes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exeunt             exhalation            exhalations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exhale                exhaled                exhales 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exhaling                exhaust              exhausted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exhausting             exhaustion             exhaustive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exhaustively         exhaustiveness               exhausts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exhibit              exhibited             exhibiting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exhibition           exhibitioner          exhibitioners 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         exhibitionism          exhibitionist        exhibitionistic 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        exhibitionists            exhibitions              exhibitor 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exhibitors               exhibits             exhilarate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exhilarated            exhilarates           exhilarating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        exhilaratingly           exhilaration                 exhort 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exhortation           exhortations               exhorted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exhorting                exhorts             exhumation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exhumations                 exhume                exhumed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exhumes               exhuming               exigence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exigences             exigencies               exigency 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exigent              exigently               exiguous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exiguously           exiguousness                  exile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exiled                 exiles                exiling 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 exist                existed              existence 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            existences               existent            existential 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        existentialism         existentialist        existentialists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              existing                 exists                   exit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exited                exiting                  exits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exodus              exogamous                exogamy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exonerate             exonerated             exonerates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exonerating            exoneration            exorbitance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exorbitant           exorbitantly               exorcism 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exorcisms               exorcist              exorcists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exorcize              exorcized              exorcizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exorcizing                 exotic             exotically 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                expand             expandable               expanded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             expanding                expands                expanse 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              expanses              expansion              expansive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expansively          expansiveness              expatiate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expatiated             expatiates            expatiating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expatriate            expatriated            expatriates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expatriating                 expect             expectance 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expectancies             expectancy              expectant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expectantly            expectation           expectations 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              expected              expecting            expectorant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expectorants            expectorate           expectorated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expectorates          expectorating                expects 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expedience             expediency              expedient 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expediently             expedients               expedite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             expedited              expedites             expediting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expedition          expeditionary            expeditions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expeditious          expeditiously                  expel 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              expelled              expelling                 expels 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                expend             expendable               expended 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             expending            expenditure           expenditures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               expends                expense               expenses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             expensive            expensively             experience 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           experienced            experiences           experiencing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            experiment           experimental         experimentally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       experimentation           experimented          experimenting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           experiments                 expert              expertise 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              expertly             expertness                experts 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               expiate               expiated               expiates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             expiating              expiation             expiration 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                expire                expired                expires 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              expiring                 expiry                explain 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             explained              explainer             explainers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            explaining               explains            explanation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          explanations            explanatory              expletive 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expletives             explicable             explicably 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             explicate             explicated             explicates 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           explicating               explicit             explicitly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          explicitness                explode               exploded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              explodes              exploding                exploit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exploitation              exploited              exploiter 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exploiters             exploiting               exploits 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exploration           explorations            explorative 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exploratory                explore               explored 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              explorer              explorers               explores 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exploring              explosion             explosions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             explosive            explosively          explosiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            explosives                   expo               exponent 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exponential              exponents                 export 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exportable            exportation               exported 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exporter              exporters              exporting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exports                  expos                 expose 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exposed                exposes               exposing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            exposition            expositions            expostulate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expostulated           expostulates          expostulating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         expostulation         expostulations               exposure 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             exposures                expound              expounded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expounding               expounds                express 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             expressed              expresses             expressing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expression          expressionism          expressionist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        expressionists         expressionless       expressionlessly 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expressions             expressive           expressively 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        expressiveness              expressly             expressway 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expressways            expropriate           expropriated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expropriates          expropriating          expropriation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          expropriator          expropriators              expulsion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expulsions                expunge               expunged 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              expunges              expunging              expurgate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            expurgated             expurgates            expurgating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           expurgation           expurgations              exquisite 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exquisitely          exquisiteness                 extant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
        extemporaneous       extemporaneously     extemporaneousness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         extemporarily            extemporary              extempore 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       extemporization       extemporizations            extemporize 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extemporized           extemporizes          extemporizing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                extend               extended              extending 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               extends              extension             extensions 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             extensive            extensively          extensiveness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                extent              extenuate             extenuated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extenuates            extenuating            extenuation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extenuations               exterior        exteriorization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exteriorize           exteriorized           exteriorizes 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         exteriorizing              exteriors            exterminate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          exterminated           exterminates          exterminating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         extermination               external        externalization 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      externalizations            externalize           externalized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          externalizes          externalizing             externally 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             externals          exterritorial                extinct 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extinction             extinguish         extinguishable 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extinguished           extinguisher          extinguishers 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extinguishes          extinguishing              extirpate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extirpated             extirpates            extirpating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           extirpation                  extol               extolled 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             extolling                 extols              extortion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extortionate         extortionately            extortioner 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extortioners           extortionist          extortionists 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extortions                  extra                extract 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             extracted             extracting             extraction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           extractions               extracts        extracurricular 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extraditable              extradite             extradited 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extradites            extraditing            extradition 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extraditions          extrajudicial           extramarital 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extramural             extraneous           extraneously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
       extraordinarily          extraordinary            extrapolate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          extrapolated           extrapolates          extrapolating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                extras           extrasensory       extraterrestrial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
      extraterritorial           extravagance          extravagances 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           extravagant          extravagantly           extravaganza 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         extravaganzas                extreme              extremely 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              extremes              extremism              extremist 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extremists            extremities              extremity 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extricable              extricate             extricated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extricates            extricating            extrication 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             extrinsic           extroversion              extrovert 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extroverts                extrude               extruded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              extrudes              extruding              extrusion 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            extrusions             exuberance              exuberant 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           exuberantly                  exude                 exuded 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                exudes                exuding                  exult 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              exultant             exultantly             exultation 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               exulted               exulting                 exults 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   eye                eyeball               eyeballs 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eyebath               eyebaths                eyebrow 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eyebrows            eyecatching                 eyecup 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eyecups                   eyed                eyedrop 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eyedrops                 eyeful                eyefuls 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eyeglass             eyeglasses                 eyeing 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eyelash              eyelashes                eyeless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eyelet                eyelets                 eyelid 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eyelids               eyeliner               eyepiece 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eyepieces                   eyes                eyeshot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              eyesight                eyesore               eyesores 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             eyestrain               eyeteeth               eyetooth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               eyewash             eyewitness           eyewitnesses 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  eyot                  eyots                  eyrie 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                eyries                      f                     fa 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                   fab                 fabian                fabians 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 fable                 fabled                 fables 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                fabric              fabricate             fabricated 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            fabricates            fabricating            fabrication 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          fabrications                fabrics               fabulous 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            fabulously                   face              facecloth 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            facecloths                  faced               faceless 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 facer                 facers                  faces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 facet              facetious            facetiously 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
         facetiousness                 facets                 facial 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              facially                facials                 facile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              facilely             facileness             facilitate 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
           facilitated            facilitates           facilitating 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
          facilitation             facilities               facility 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                facing                facings              facsimile 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            facsimiles                   fact                faction 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              factions               factious             factitious 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                factor               factored              factories 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             factoring              factorize             factorized 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            factorizes            factorizing                factors 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               factory               factotum              factotums 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 facts                factual              factually 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             faculties                faculty                    fad 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               faddier               faddiest                faddily 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               faddish              faddishly                  faddy 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  fade                  faded                fadeout 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              fadeouts                  fades                 fading 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  fads                 faecal                 faeces 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               faeries                  faery                    fag 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                fagged                fagging                 faggot 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               faggots                   fags             fahrenheit 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               faience                   fail                 failed 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               failing              failingly               failings 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 fails                failure               failures 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  fain                  faint                fainted 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               fainter               faintest               fainting 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               faintly              faintness                 faints 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                  fair                 fairer                fairest 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
            fairground            fairgrounds                fairies 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
               fairish                 fairly               fairness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 fairs                fairway               fairways 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                 fairy              fairyland             fairylands 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             fairytale             fairytales                  faith 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
              faithful             faithfully           faithfulness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
             faithless            faithlessly          faithlessness 
                    NA                     NA                     NA 
                faiths                   fake                  faked 
                    NA                     NA      

vwr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:23 a.m.