
Defines functions scrub_environment as_map compact merge_lists default_tol multiline split_by_line fansi_align in_ci is_numeric attrs short_val friendly_type friendly_type_of oo_type

oo_type <- function(x) {
  if (is.object(x)) {
    if (isS4(x)) {
    } else {
      if (inherits(x, "R6")) {
      } else {
  } else {

friendly_type_of <- function(x) {
  if (is_missing(x)) {

  if (!is.object(x)) {

  if (!isS4(x)) {
    if (inherits(x, "R6")) {
      klass <- paste(setdiff(class(x), "R6"), collapse = "/")
      paste0("an R6 object of class <", klass, ">")
    } else {
        "an S3 object of class <", paste(class(x), collapse = "/"), ">, ",
  } else {
    paste0("an S4 object of class <", class(x), ">")

friendly_type <- function(type) {
    logical = "a logical vector",
    integer = "an integer vector",
    numeric = ,
    double = "a double vector",
    complex = "a complex vector",
    character = "a character vector",
    raw = "a raw vector",
    string = "a string",
    list = "a list",

    NULL = "NULL",
    environment = "an environment",
    externalptr = "a pointer",
    weakref = "a weak reference",
    S4 = "an S4 object",

    name = ,
    symbol = "a symbol",
    language = "a call",
    pairlist = "a pairlist node",
    expression = "an expression vector",
    quosure = "a quosure",
    formula = "a formula",

    char = "an internal string",
    promise = "an internal promise",
    ... = "an internal dots object",
    any = "an internal `any` object",
    bytecode = "an internal bytecode object",

    primitive = ,
    builtin = ,
    special = "a primitive function",
    closure = "a function",


short_val <- function(x) {
  if (is.object(x) || !is_atomic(x)) {

  if (is.character(x)) {
    x <- encodeString(x, quote = "'")

  if (length(x) > 5) {
    x <- c(x[1:5], "...")

  paste0(" (", paste0(x, collapse = ", "), ")")

attrs <- function(x, ignore) {
  out <- attributes(x)
  names <- setdiff(names2(out), ignore)

  first <- intersect(c("class", "names", "dim"), names)
  rest <- sort(setdiff(names, first))
  out[c(first, rest)]

is_numeric <- function(x) is_integer(x) || is_double(x)

in_ci <- function() {
  isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "FALSE")))

if (getRversion() < "3.3.0") {
  strrep <- function(x, times) {
      function(n) paste(rep(x, n), collapse = ""),
      FUN.VALUE = character(1)

fansi_align <- function(x, width = NULL, justify = c("left", "right")) {
  justify <- arg_match(justify)

  nchar <- fansi::nchar_ctl(x)
  width <- width %||% max(nchar)
  padding <- strrep(" ", pmax(0, width - nchar))

    left = paste0(x, padding),
    right = paste0(padding, x)

split_by_line <- function(x) {
  trailing_nl <- grepl("\n$", x)

  x <- strsplit(x, "\n")
  x[trailing_nl] <- lapply(x[trailing_nl], c, "")

multiline <- function(x) any(grepl("\n", x))

default_tol <- function() .Machine$double.eps^0.5

merge_lists <- function(...) {
  all <- compact(list(...))
  Reduce(utils::modifyList, all, init = list())

compact <- function(x) {
  is_null <- vapply(x, is.null, logical(1))

as_map <- function(x) {
  # Remove nulls
  is_null <- vapply(x, is.null, logical(1))
  x <- x[!is_null]

  # Sort named components, preserving positions of unnamed
  nx <- names2(x)
  is_named <- nx != ""
  if (any(is_named)) {
    idx <- seq_along(x)
    idx[is_named] <- idx[is_named][order(nx[is_named])]
    x <- x[idx]


scrub_environment <- function(x) {
  gsub("<env:0x[0-9a-f]+>", "<env: 0x********>", x)

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waldo documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:39 p.m.