
Defines functions windata_format isSpatial genetic_algorithm

Documented in genetic_algorithm isSpatial windata_format

#' @title Run a Genetic Algorithm to optimize a wind farm layout
#' @name genetic_algorithm
#' @description Run a Genetic Algorithm to optimize the layout of wind turbines
#'   on a given area. The algorithm works with a fixed amount of turbines, a
#'   fixed rotor radius and a mean wind speed value for every incoming wind
#'   direction.
#' @export
#' @param Polygon1 The considered area as SpatialPolygon, SimpleFeature Polygon
#'   or coordinates as matrix/data.frame
#' @param GridMethod Should the polygon be divided into rectangular or hexagonal
#'   grid cells? The default is "Rectangular" grid. Hexagonal grids
#'   are computed when assigning "h" or "hexagon" to this input variable.
#' @param Rotor The rotor radius in meter
#' @param n The amount of turbines
#' @param fcrR A numeric value used for grid spacing. Default is \code{5}
#' @param referenceHeight The height at which the incoming wind speeds were
#'   measured. Default is \code{RotorHeight}
#' @param RotorHeight The height of the turbine hub
#' @param SurfaceRoughness A surface roughness length in meters. 
#'   With the terrain effect model, a surface roughness is calculated for every 
#'   grid cell using the elevation and land cover data. Default is \code{0.3}
#' @param sourceCCL The path to the Corine Land Cover raster (.tif). Only
#'   required when the terrain effect model is activated.
#' @param sourceCCLRoughness The source to the adapted Corine Land Cover legend
#'   as .csv file. Only required when terrain effect model is activated. As
#'   default a .csv file within this package (\file{~/extdata}) is taken that
#'   was already adapted manually.
#' @param Proportionality A numeric value used for the grid calculation, as it 
#'   determines the percentage a grid cell must overlay the area. 
#'   Default is \code{1}
#' @param iteration The number of iterations. Default is \code{20}
#' @param mutr A numeric mutation rate. Default is \code{0.008}
#' @param vdirspe A data.frame containing the wind speeds, directions and 
#'   probabilities. See \code{\link{windata_format}}.
#' @param topograp Boolean value, which indicates if the terrain effect model
#'   should be enabled or not. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param elitism Boolean value, which indicates whether elitism should be
#'   activated or not. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param nelit If \code{elitism} is TRUE, this input determines the amount 
#'   of individuals in the elite group. Default is 7
#' @param selstate Determines which selection method is used, "FIX" selects a
#'   constant percentage and "VAR" selects a variable percentage, depending on
#'   the development of the fitness values. Default is "FIX"
#' @param crossPart1 Determines which crossover method is used, "EQU" divides
#'   the genetic code at equal intervals and "RAN" divides the genetic code at
#'   random locations. Default is \code{"EQU"}
#' @param trimForce If \code{TRUE} the algorithm will use a probabilistic 
#'   approach to correct the windfarms to the desired amount of turbines. 
#'   If \code{FALSE} the adjustment will be random. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param Projection A spatial reference system. Depending on your PROJ-version,
#'   it should either be a numeric `EPSG-code` or a `Proj4-string`.
#'   Default is \code{EPSG:3035}
#' @param weibull A boolean value that specifies whether to take Weibull
#'   parameters into account. If \code{TRUE}, the wind speed values 
#'   of \code{vdirspe} are ignored. The algorithm will calculate the mean
#'   wind speed for every wind turbine according to the Weibull parameters.
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param weibullsrc A list of Weibull parameter rasters, where the first list
#'   item must be the shape parameter raster `k` and the second item must be the
#'   scale parameter raster `a` of the Weibull distribution. If no list is given,
#'   then rasters included in the package are used instead, which currently only
#'   cover Austria. This variable is only used if \code{weibull = TRUE}.
#' @param Parallel A boolean value, indicating whether parallel processing should
#'   be used. The *parallel* and *doParallel* packages are used for parallel
#'   processing. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param numCluster If \code{Parallel} is TRUE, this variable defines the 
#'   number of clusters to be used. Default is \code{2}
#' @param verbose If TRUE it will print information for every generation.
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param plotit If TRUE it will plot the best windfarm of every generation. 
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @family Genetic Algorithm Functions
#' @return The result is a matrix with aggregated values per generation; the
#'   best individual regarding energy and efficiency per generation, some fuzzy
#'   control variables per generation, a list of all fitness values per
#'   generation, the amount of individuals after each process, a matrix of all
#'   energy, efficiency and fitness values per generation, the selection and
#'   crossover parameters, a matrix with the generational difference in maximum
#'   and mean energy output, a matrix with the given inputs, a dataframe with
#'   the wind information, the mutation rate per generation and a matrix with all
#'   tested wind farm layouts.
#' @details A terrain effect model can be included in the optimization process.
#'   Therefore, a digital elevation model will be downloaded automatically via the
#'   \code{elevatr::get_elev_raster} function. A land cover raster can also be 
#'   downloaded automatically from the EEA-website, or the path to a raster file 
#'   can be passed to \code{sourceCCL}. The algorithm uses an adapted version of the
#'   Raster legend ("clc_legend.csv"), which is stored in the package directory
#'   \file{~/inst/extdata}. To use other values for the land cover roughness
#'   lengths, insert a column named \strong{"Rauhigkeit_z"} to the .csv file,
#'   assign a surface roughness length to all land cover types. Be sure that all
#'   rows are filled with numeric values and save the file with \strong{";"}
#'   separation. Assign the path of the file to the input variable
#'   \code{sourceCCLRoughness} of this function.
#' @examples \donttest{
#' ## Create a random rectangular shapefile
#' library(sf)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482),
#'     c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272)))), 
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' ## Create a uniform and unidirectional wind data.frame and plot the
#' ## resulting wind rose
#' data.in <- data.frame(ws = 12, wd = 0)
#' windrosePlot <- plot_windrose(data = data.in, spd = data.in$ws,
#'                 dir = data.in$wd, dirres=10, spdmax=20)
#' ## Runs an optimization run for 20 iterations with the
#' ## given shapefile (Polygon1), the wind data.frame (data.in),
#' ## 12 turbines (n) with rotor radii of 30m (Rotor) and rotor height of 100m.
#' result <- genetic_algorithm(Polygon1 = Polygon1,
#'                   n = 12,
#'                   vdirspe = data.in,
#'                   Rotor = 30,
#'                   RotorHeight = 100)
#' plot_windfarmGA(result = result, Polygon1 = Polygon1)
genetic_algorithm <- function(Polygon1, GridMethod, Rotor, n, fcrR, referenceHeight,
                              RotorHeight, SurfaceRoughness, Proportionality,
                              iteration, mutr, vdirspe, topograp, elitism, nelit,
                              selstate, crossPart1, trimForce, Projection,
                              sourceCCL, sourceCCLRoughness, weibull, weibullsrc,
                              Parallel, numCluster, verbose = FALSE, plotit = FALSE){

  ## set Graphic Params ###############
  if (plotit) {
    oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    graphics::par(ask = FALSE)

  ## MISSING ARGUMENTS ###############
  if (missing(fcrR)) {
    fcrR <- 5
  if (missing(topograp)) {
    topograp <- FALSE
  if (missing(GridMethod)) {
    GridMethod <- "Rectangular"
  if (missing(Parallel)) {
    Parallel <- FALSE
  if (missing(numCluster)) {
    numCluster <- 2
  if (missing(weibull)) {
    weibull <- FALSE
  if (missing(selstate)) {
    selstate <- "FIX"
  if (missing(crossPart1)) {
    crossPart1 <- "EQU"
  if (missing(SurfaceRoughness)) {
    SurfaceRoughness <- 0.3
  if (missing(Proportionality)) {
    Proportionality <- 1
  if (missing(mutr)) {
    mutr <- 0.008
  if (missing(elitism)) {
    elitism <- TRUE
    if (missing(nelit)) {
      nelit <- 7
  if (missing(trimForce)) {
    trimForce <- FALSE
  if (missing(RotorHeight)) {
    stop("The variable 'RotorHeight' is not defined. Assign the turbine heights to 'RotorHeight'.")
  if (missing(referenceHeight)) {
    referenceHeight <- RotorHeight
  if (missing(iteration)) {
    iteration <- 20
  if (missing(Projection)) {
    if (utils::compareVersion(sf::sf_extSoftVersion()[[3]], "6") > 0) {
      ProjLAEA <- 3035
    } else {
      ProjLAEA <- "+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"
  } else {
    ProjLAEA <- Projection
  if (missing(vdirspe)) {
    stop("No Winddata is given.")
  if (missing(n)) {
    stop("The variable 'n' is not defined. Assign the number of turbines to 'n'.")
  if (missing(Rotor)) {
    stop("The variable 'Rotor' is not defined. Assign the rotor radius to 'Rotor'.")

  ## INIT VARIABLES 1 #################
  selstate <- toupper(selstate)
  crossPart1 <- toupper(crossPart1)

  ## Is the Polygon Spatial / SF / coordinates - It will transform to sf-Polygons
  Polygon1 <- isSpatial(Polygon1, ProjLAEA)
  if (is.na(st_crs(Polygon1))) {
    stop("The input area is not projected.")
  ## Grid size calculation
  resol2 <- fcrR * Rotor

  ## Max Amount of individuals in the Crossover-Method
  # CrossUpLimit <- 300
  CrossUpLimit <- getOption("windfarmGA.max_population")

  ## Start Parallel Cluster ###############
  ## Is Parallel processing activated? Check the max number of cores and set to max-1 if value exceeds.
  if (Parallel) {
    max_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    if (numCluster > max_cores) {
      warning("Maximum number of cores is: ", max_cores, "\n'numCluster' will be set to: ", max_cores-1)
      numCluster <- max_cores - 1
    type_cluster <- "PSOCK"  ## TODO - should this be available as option too?
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(numCluster, type = type_cluster)

  ## WEIBULL ###############
  ## Is Weibull activated? If no source is given, take values from package
  if (weibull) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("\nWeibull Distribution is used.")
    if (missing(weibullsrc)) {
      if (verbose) cat("\nWeibull Information from package is used.\n")

      if (!file.exists("k120_100m_Lambert.tif") && !file.exists("a120_100m_Lambert.tif")) {
                      destfile = "weibulldata.zip", 
                      method = "auto")
      k_weibull <- raster("k120_100m_Lambert.tif")
      a_weibull <- raster("a120_100m_Lambert.tif")
    } else {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("\nWeibull Information from input is used.\n")
      ## Project Shapefile to raster, Crop/Mask and project raster back
      k_weibull <- weibullsrc[[1]]
      a_weibull <- weibullsrc[[2]]
    ## Project Shapefile to raster proj, Crop/Mask and project raster back
    shape_project <- st_transform(Polygon1, crs = st_crs(a_weibull))
    k_par_crop <- raster::crop(x = k_weibull, y = raster::extent(shape_project))
    a_par_crop <- raster::crop(x = a_weibull, y = raster::extent(shape_project))
    weibl_k <- raster::mask(x = k_par_crop, mask = shape_project)
    weibl_a <- raster::mask(x = a_par_crop, mask = shape_project)
    estim_speed_raster <- weibl_a * (gamma(1 + (1 / weibl_k)))
    estim_speed_raster <- raster::projectRaster(estim_speed_raster,
                                                crs = raster::crs(Polygon1))
  } else {
    estim_speed_raster <- FALSE

  ## CHECK INPUTS ###############
  ## Check if Input Data is correct and prints it out.
  if  (crossPart1 != "EQU" & crossPart1 != "RAN") {
    crossPart1 <- readinteger()
  if  (selstate != "FIX" & selstate != "VAR") {
    selstate <- readintegerSel()
  inputData <- list(
    Input_Data = rbind("Rotorradius" = Rotor,
                       "Number of turbines" = n,
                       "Grid Shape Factor" = fcrR,
                       "Iterations" = iteration,
                       "Mutation Rate" = mutr,
                       "Percentage of Polygon" = Proportionality,
                       "Topographie" = topograp,
                       "Elitarism" = elitism,
                       "Selection Method" = selstate,
                       "Trim Force Method Used" = trimForce,
                       "Crossover Method Used" = crossPart1,
                       "Reference Height" = referenceHeight,
                       "Rotor Height" = RotorHeight,
                       "Resolution" = resol2,
                       "Parallel Processing" = Parallel,
                       "Number Clusters" = numCluster,
                       "Active Weibull" = weibull,
                       "Grid Method" = GridMethod,
                       "Projection" = ProjLAEA))

  inputWind <- list(Windspeed_Data = vdirspe)
  if (verbose) {

  ## Winddata Formatting #######################
  winddata <- windata_format(vdirspe)
  ## Project Polygon ###############
  if (utils::compareVersion(sf::sf_extSoftVersion()[[3]], "6") > 0) {
    if (suppressWarnings(!isTRUE( all.equal(st_crs(Polygon1), st_crs(ProjLAEA)) ))) {
      Polygon1 <- sf::st_transform(Polygon1, ProjLAEA)
  } else {
    if (as.character(raster::crs(Polygon1)) != ProjLAEA) {
      Polygon1 <- sf::st_transform(Polygon1, ProjLAEA)

  ## Make GRID ###############
  ## Calculate a Grid and an indexed data.frame with coordinates and grid cell Ids.
  GridMethod <- toupper(GridMethod)
  ## Decide if the space division should be rectangular or in hexagons.
  if (GridMethod != "HEXAGON" & GridMethod != "H") {
    # Calculate a Grid and an indexed data.frame with coordinates and grid cell Ids.
    Grid1 <- grid_area(Polygon1, resol2, Proportionality)
    Grid <- Grid1[[1]]
    grid_filtered <- Grid1[[2]]
  } else {
    # Calculate a Grid with hexagonal grid cells
    Grid1 <- hexa_area(Polygon1, resol2)
    Grid <- Grid1[[1]]
    grid_filtered <- Grid1[[2]]
  n_gridcells <- nrow(Grid)

  ## INIT VARIABLES 2 ###############
  ## Determine the amount of initial individuals and create initial population.
  nStart <- (n_gridcells * n) / iteration
  if (nStart < 100) {
    nStart <- 100
  if (nStart > 300) {
    nStart <- 300
  nStart <- ceiling(nStart)
  startsel <- init_population(Grid, n, nStart)
  ## Initialize all needed variables as list.
  maxParkwirkungsg <- 0
  allparkcoeff <- vector("list", iteration)
  bestPaEn <- vector("list", iteration)
  bestPaEf <- vector("list", iteration)
  fuzzycontr <- vector("list", iteration)
  fitnessValues <- vector("list", iteration)
  nindiv <- vector("list", iteration)
  clouddata <- vector("list", iteration)
  selcross <- vector("list", iteration)
  beorwor <- vector("list", iteration)
  mut_rate <- vector("list", iteration)
  allCoords <- vector("list", iteration)

  ## TERRAIN EFFECT MODEL ###############
  ## Checks if terrain effect model is activated, and makes necessary caluclations.
  if (!topograp) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Topography and orography are not taken into account.\n")
    srtm_crop <- ""
    cclRaster <- ""
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Topography and orography are taken into account.\n")
    if (plotit) {
      par(mfrow = c(3, 1))

    if (missing(sourceCCL)) {
      message("\nNo land cover raster ('sourceCCL') was given. It will be downloaded from ",
              "the EEA-website.\n")
      if (!file.exists("g100_06.tif")) {
        # "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/clc-2006-raster-3/clc-2006-100m/g100_06.zip/at_download/file"
                      destfile = "clc.zip", 
                      method = "auto")
      ccl <- raster::raster("g100_06.tif")
    } else {
      ccl <- raster::raster(sourceCCL)
    cclPoly <- raster::crop(ccl, Polygon1)
    cclPoly1 <- raster::mask(cclPoly, Polygon1)
    ## SRTM Daten
    Polygon_wgs84 <-  sf::st_transform(Polygon1, st_crs(4326))
    # extpol <- round(apply(matrix(st_bbox(Polygon1), ncol = 2), 1, mean))
    # srtm <- tryCatch(raster::getData("SRTM", lon = extpol[1], lat = extpol[2]),
    #                  error = function(e) {
    #                    stop("\nCould not download SRTM for the given Polygon.",
    #                         "Check the Projection of the Polygon.\n", call. = FALSE)
    #                  })
    srtm <- tryCatch(elevatr::get_elev_raster(verbose = verbose,
      locations = as(Polygon_wgs84, "Spatial"), z = 11),
      error = function(e) {
        stop("\nDownloading Elevation data failed for the given Polygon.\n",
             e, call. = FALSE)
    srtm_crop <- raster::crop(srtm, Polygon_wgs84)
    srtm_crop <- raster::mask(srtm_crop, Polygon_wgs84)

    srtm_crop <- raster::projectRaster(srtm_crop, crs = raster::crs(Polygon1))
    if (plotit) {
      raster::plot(srtm_crop, main = "Elevation Data")
      plot(Polygon1, add = TRUE, color = "transparent")
      plot(grid_filtered, add = TRUE)

    roughrast <- raster::terrain(srtm_crop, "roughness")
    if (all(is.na(raster::values(roughrast)))) {
      warning("Cannot calculate a surface roughness. \nMaybe the resolution or ",
              "the area is too small. Roughness values are set to 1.\n")
      raster::values(roughrast) <- 1
    srtm_crop <- list(
      strm_crop = srtm_crop,
      orogr1 = raster::calc(srtm_crop, function(x) {
        x / (raster::cellStats(srtm_crop, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
      roughness = roughrast

    # Include Corine Land Cover Raster to get an estimation of Surface Roughness
    if (missing(sourceCCLRoughness)) {
      path <- paste0(system.file(package = "windfarmGA"), "/extdata/")
      sourceCCLRoughness <- paste0(path, "clc_legend.csv")
    } else {
      if (verbose) {
        message("You are using your own Corine Land Cover legend.\n")

    rauhigkeitz <- utils::read.csv(sourceCCLRoughness,
                                   header = TRUE, sep = ";")
    cclRaster <- raster::reclassify(cclPoly1,
                                           ncol = 2))
    if (plotit) {
      raster::plot(cclRaster, main = "Surface Roughness from Corine Land Cover")

  ## GENETIC ALGORITHM #################
  if (verbose) {cat("\nStart Genetic Algorithm ...\n")}
  rbPal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("red", "green"))
  i <- 1
  while (i <= iteration) {
    if (!verbose) {
    ## FITNESS (+getRectV) ###############
    if (i == 1) {
      fit <- fitness(selection = startsel, referenceHeight = referenceHeight,
                     RotorHeight = RotorHeight,
                     SurfaceRoughness = SurfaceRoughness,
                     Polygon = Polygon1, resol1 = resol2, rot = Rotor,
                     dirspeed = winddata, srtm_crop = srtm_crop,
                     topograp = topograp, cclRaster = cclRaster,
                     weibull = estim_speed_raster,
                     Parallel = Parallel, numCluster = numCluster)
    } else {
      getRectV <- get_grids(mut1, Grid)
      fit <- fitness(selection = getRectV, referenceHeight = referenceHeight,
                     RotorHeight = RotorHeight,
                     SurfaceRoughness = SurfaceRoughness,
                     Polygon = Polygon1, resol1 = resol2, rot = Rotor,
                     dirspeed = winddata, srtm_crop = srtm_crop,
                     topograp = topograp, cclRaster = cclRaster,
                     weibull = estim_speed_raster,
                     Parallel = Parallel, numCluster = numCluster)

    ## Fitness Result Processing ###############
    allparks <- do.call("rbind", fit)
    allparksUni <- subset.matrix(allparks,
                                 subset = !duplicated(allparks[, "Run"]))

    allCoords[[i]] <- allparks
    maxparkfitness <-  round(max(allparksUni[, "Parkfitness"]), 4)
    meanparkfitness <- round(mean(allparksUni[, "Parkfitness"]), 3)
    minparkfitness <- round(min(allparksUni[, "Parkfitness"]), 3)
    MaxEnergyRedu <-  round(max(allparksUni[, "EnergyOverall"]), 2)
    MeanEnergyRedu <- round(mean(allparksUni[, "EnergyOverall"]), 2)
    MinEnergyRedu <- round(min(allparksUni[, "EnergyOverall"]), 2)
    maxParkwirkungsg <- round(max(allparksUni[, "EfficAllDir"]), 2)
    meanParkwirkungsg <- round(mean(allparksUni[, "EfficAllDir"]), 2)
    minParkwirkungsg <- round(min(allparksUni[, "EfficAllDir"]), 2)
    allparkcoeff[[i]] <- cbind(
      maxparkfitness, meanparkfitness, minparkfitness,
      MaxEnergyRedu, MeanEnergyRedu, MinEnergyRedu,
      maxParkwirkungsg, meanParkwirkungsg, minParkwirkungsg)

    clouddata[[i]] <- subset.matrix(allparksUni,
                                    select = c("EfficAllDir",

    if (verbose) {
      cat(c("\n\n", i, ": Round with coefficients ", allparkcoeff[[i]], "\n"))

    ## Highest Energy Output
    xd <- max(allparks[, "EnergyOverall"])
    ind <- allparks[, "EnergyOverall"] == xd
    bestPaEn[[i]] <- allparks[ind, ][1:n, ]
    ## Highest Efficiency
    xd1 <- max(allparks[, "EfficAllDir"])
    ind1 <- allparks[, "EfficAllDir"] == xd1
    bestPaEf[[i]] <- allparks[ind1, ][1:n, ]

    # Print out most relevant information on Generation i
    afvs <- allparks[allparks[, "EnergyOverall"] == max(
      allparks[, "EnergyOverall"]), ]
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("How many individuals exist: ",  length(fit) ), "\n")
      cat(paste("How many parks are in local Optimum: ",
                (length(afvs[, 1]) / n) ), "\n")
    nindivfit <- length(fit)

    if (plotit) {
      lebre <- length(unique(bestPaEn[[i]][, "AbschGesamt"]))
      if (lebre < 2) {
        Col <- "green"
      } else {
        Col <- rbPal(lebre)[as.numeric(cut(-bestPaEn[[i]][, "AbschGesamt"],
                                           breaks = lebre))]
      lebre2 <- length(unique(bestPaEf[[i]][, "AbschGesamt"]))
      if (lebre2 < 2) {
        Col1 <- "green"
      } else {
        Col1 <- rbPal(lebre2)[as.numeric(cut(-bestPaEf[[i]][, "AbschGesamt"],
                                             breaks = lebre2))]

    x <- round(bestPaEn[[i]][, "EnergyOverall"][[1]], 2)
    y <- round(bestPaEn[[i]][, "EfficAllDir"][[1]], 2)
    e <- bestPaEn[[i]][, "EfficAllDir"]
    x1 <- round(bestPaEf[[i]][, "EnergyOverall"][[1]], 2)
    y1 <- round(bestPaEf[[i]][, "EfficAllDir"][[1]], 2)
    e1 <- bestPaEf[[i]][, "EfficAllDir"]

    if (plotit) {
      graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
      plot(st_geometry(Polygon1), col="lightblue",
           main = paste(i, "Round \n Best Energy Output: ", x,
                        "W/h \n Efficiency: ", y, "%"),
           sub = paste("\n Number of turbines: ", length(e)))
      plot(grid_filtered, add=TRUE)
      graphics::points(bestPaEn[[i]][, "X"], bestPaEn[[i]][, "Y"],
                       col = Col, pch = 20, cex = 1.5)
      plot(st_geometry(Polygon1), col="lightblue",
           main = paste(i, "Round \n Best Efficiency Output: ",
                        x1, "W/h \n Efficiency: ", y1, "%"),
           sub = paste("\n Number of turbines: ", length(e1)))
      plot(grid_filtered, add = TRUE)
      graphics::points(bestPaEf[[i]][, "X"], bestPaEf[[i]][, "Y"],
                       col = Col1, pch = 20, cex = 1.5)

    ## Fuzzy Control ###############
    if (i > 20) {
      besPE <- do.call("rbind", lapply(bestPaEn[1:i], function(x) {
        max(x[, "EnergyOverall"])
      maxBisher <- max(besPE)
      WhichMaxBs <- which(besPE == max(besPE))

      if (length(WhichMaxBs) >= 2) {
        BestForNo <- bestPaEn[sample(WhichMaxBs, 2)]
        BestForNo[[1]][, "Run"] <- length(fit) + 1
        BestForNo[[2]][, "Run"] <- length(fit) + 2
      } else {
        BestForNo <- bestPaEn[WhichMaxBs]
        BestForNo <- append(BestForNo, BestForNo)
        BestForNo[[1]][, "Run"] <- length(fit) + 1
        BestForNo[[2]][, "Run"] <- length(fit) + 2

      last7 <- besPE[i:(i - 5)]
      if (!any(last7 == maxBisher)) {
        if (verbose) {
          cat(paste("Park with highest Fitness level to date ",
                    "is replaced in the list.", "\n\n"))
        fit <- append(fit, BestForNo)
    if (i == 1) {
      ## TODO I do have such a matrix already with that info or??
      t0 <- subset.matrix(allparks, !duplicated(allparks[, "Run"]))
      t0 <- t0[, "Parkfitness"]
      fitnessValues[[i]] <- t0
      rangeFitnessVt0 <- range(t0)
      maxt0 <- max(t0)
      meant0 <- mean(t0)
      allcoef0 <- c(rangeFitnessVt0, meant0)
      fuzzycontr[[i]] <- rbind(allcoef0)
      colnames(fuzzycontr[[i]]) <- c("Min", "Max", "Mean")
      teil <- 2
      if (selstate == "VAR") {
        teil <- 1.35
      u <- 1.1
      beorwor[[i]] <- cbind(0, 0)
    ## TODO - better fuzzy model and expose weights and values by options?
    if (i >= 2 && i <= iteration) {
      t0 <- subset.matrix(allparks, !duplicated(allparks[, "Run"]))
      t0 <- t0[, "Parkfitness"]
      fitnessValues[[i]] <- t0
      rangeFitnessVt0 <- range(t0)
      maxt0 <- max(t0)
      meant0 <- mean(t0)
      mint0 <- min(t0)
      t1 <- fitnessValues[[i - 1]]
      rangeFitnessVt1 <- range(t1)
      maxt1 <- max(t1)
      meant1 <- mean(t1)
      mint1 <- min(t1)
      maxDif <- maxt0 - maxt1
      meanDif <- meant0 - meant1
      minDif <- mint0 - mint1
      WeightDif <- c(0.80, 0.2, 0.0)
      maxunt <- (maxDif * WeightDif[1]) +
        (meanDif * WeightDif[2]) + (minDif * WeightDif[3])
      allcoef1 <- c(rangeFitnessVt0, meant0)
      allcoef2 <- c(rangeFitnessVt1, meant1)
      fuzzycontr[[i]] <- rbind(allcoef1, allcoef2)
      colnames(fuzzycontr[[i]]) <- c("Min", "Max", "Mean")

      if (maxunt < 0) {
        pri <- "deteriorated"
        teil <- teil - 0.02
        u <- u - 0.06
      } else if (maxunt == 0) {
        pri <- "not changed"
        teil <- teil; u <- u
      } else {
        pri <- "improved"
        teil <- teil + 0.017
        u <- u + 0.03

      if (teil > 5) {
        teil <- 5; u <- u + 0.09
        if (verbose) cat("Min 20% Selected"); cat(paste("CPR is increased! CPR:", u, "SP: ", teil, "\n"))
      if (trunc(u) < 0) {
        u <- 0.5;  teil <- teil - 0.4
        if (verbose) cat(paste("Min 1 CrossPoints. Selection decreased. CPR:",u, "SP: ", teil, "\n"))
      if (u >= 4) {
        u <- 4;  teil <- 4
        if (verbose) cat(paste("Max 5 CrossPoints. Select fittest 25%. SP: ", teil, "\n"))
      if (teil <= 4 / 3) {
        teil <- 4 / 3
        if (verbose) cat(paste("Max 75% selected. SP: ", teil, "\n"))
      if (length(fit) <= 20) {
        teil <- 1;  u <- u + 0.1
        if (verbose) cat(paste("Less than 20 individuals. Select all and increase ",
                               "Crossover-point rate. CPR: ", u, "SP: ", teil, "\n"))
      # if (length(fit) <= 10) {
      #   teil <- 1;  u <- u + 0.4
      #   if (verbose) cat(paste("Less than 10 individuals. Select all and increase ",
      #                          "Crossover-point rate. CPR: ", u, "SP: ", teil, "\n"))
      # }
      # if (teil > 5) {
      #   teil <- 5
      #   if (verbose) cat(paste("Teil is bigger than 5. Set to max 5. SP:", teil, "\n"))
      # }

      u <- round(u, 2)
      teil <- round(teil, 3)

      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste("Fitness of this population (", i,
                  "), compared to the prior,", pri,
                  "by", round(maxunt, 2), "W/h \n"))
      meanunt <- meant0 - meant1
      beorwor[[i]] <- cbind(maxunt, meanunt)

    ## SELECTION #################
    if (selstate == "FIX") {
      if (teil == 1) {
        teil <- 1
      } else {
        teil <- 2
    if (crossPart1 == "EQU") {
      u <- round(u, 2)

    ## How many are selected and how much crossover points are used?
    selcross[[i]] <- cbind(cross = trunc(u + 1), teil)
    selec6best <- selection(fit = fit, Grid = Grid, teil = teil,
                             elitism = elitism, nelit = nelit,
                             selstate = selstate, verbose = verbose)

    selec6best_bin <- selec6best[[1]]
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("Selection  -  Amount of Individuals: ",
                length(selec6best_bin[1, -1]), "\n"))
    nindivsel <- length(selec6best_bin[1, -1])

    ## CROSSOVER #################
    ## u determines the amount of crossover points,
    ## crossPart determines the method used (Equal/Random),
    ## uplimit is the maximum allowed permutations
    crossOut <- crossover(se6 = selec6best, u = u, uplimit = CrossUpLimit,
                           crossPart = crossPart1,
                           verbose = verbose, seed = NULL)
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("Crossover  -  Amount of Individuals: ",
                length(crossOut[1, ])))
    nindivcros <- length(crossOut[1, ])

    ## MUTATION #################
    ## Variable Mutation Rate is activated if more than 2 individuals
    ## represent the current best solution.
    loOp <- (length(afvs[, 1]) / n)
    if (loOp > 2) {
      mutrn <- round(runif(1, 0.03, 0.1), 2)
      t1 <- (loOp * 1.25) / 42
      mutrn <- mutrn * (1 + t1)
      mutrn <- round(mutrn + ((i) / (20 * iteration)), 5)
      mut <- mutation(a = crossOut, p = mutrn, seed = NULL)
      mut_rat <- mutrn
      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste("\nVariable Mutation Rate is", mutrn, "\n"))
    } else {
      mut <- mutation(a = crossOut, p = mutr, seed = NULL)
      mut_rat <- mutr
    mut_rate[[i]] <- mut_rat
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("\nMutation   -  Amount of Individuals: ", length(mut[1, ])))
    nindivmut <- length(mut[1, ])

    ## TRIMTON #################
    ## After Crossover and Mutation, the amount of turbines in a windpark
    ## change and have to be corrected to the required amount of turbines.
    mut1 <- trimton(mut = mut, nturb = n, allparks = allparks,
                    nGrids = n_gridcells, trimForce = trimForce,
                    seed = NULL)

    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("\nTrimToN    -  Amount of Individuals: ",
                length(mut1[1, ])))

    nindiv[[i]] <- cbind(nindivfit, nindivsel, nindivcros, nindivmut)
    if (maxParkwirkungsg == 100) {
      i <- iteration + 1
    } else {
      i <- i + 1

  ## Remove Parallel Cluster ###############
  if (Parallel) {
    # try(rm(cl), silent = TRUE)

  ## Reduce list, if algorithm didnt run all iterations. (Found Optimum) #################
  mut_rate <- mut_rate[lapply(mut_rate, length) != 0]
  beorwor <- beorwor[lapply(beorwor, length) != 0]
  selcross <- selcross[lapply(selcross, length) != 0]
  clouddata <- clouddata[lapply(clouddata, length) != 0]
  allparkcoeff <- allparkcoeff[lapply(allparkcoeff, length) != 0]
  bestPaEn <- bestPaEn[lapply(bestPaEn, length) != 0]
  bestPaEf <- bestPaEf[lapply(bestPaEf, length) != 0]
  fuzzycontr <- fuzzycontr[lapply(fuzzycontr, length) != 0]
  fitnessValues <- fitnessValues[lapply(fitnessValues, length) != 0]
  nindiv <- nindiv[lapply(nindiv, length) != 0]
  allCoords <- allCoords[lapply(allCoords, length) != 0]

  ## Bind the results together and Output them. #################
  alldata <- cbind(allparkcoeff, bestPaEn, bestPaEf,
                   fuzzycontr, fitnessValues, nindiv,
                   clouddata, selcross, beorwor,
                   inputData, inputWind, mut_rate, allCoords)


#' @title Transform to Simple Feature Polygons
#' @name isSpatial
#' @description Helper Function, which transforms SpatialPolygons or coordinates
#'   in matrix/data.frame - form to a Simple Feature Polygon
#' @export
#' @param shape An area as SpatialPolygon, SimpleFeature Polygon or coordinates
#'   as matrix/data.frame
#' @param proj Which Projection should be assigned to matrix / data.frame
#'   coordinates
#' @family Helper Functions
#' @return A Simple Feature Polygon
#' @details If the columns are named, it will look for common abbreviation to
#'   match x/y or long/lat columns. If the columns are not named, the first 2
#'   numeric columns are taken.
#' @examples \donttest{
#' library(sf)
#' df <- rbind(c(4498482, 2668272), c(4498482, 2669343),
#'             c(4499991, 2669343), c(4499991, 2668272))
#' isSpatial(df)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4498482, 4498482, 4499991, 4499991, 4498482),
#'     c(2668272, 2669343, 2669343, 2668272, 2668272)))),
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' isSpatial(st_coordinates(Polygon1), 3035)
isSpatial <- function(shape, proj) {
  if (inherits(shape, "Spatial")) {
    # shape <- as(shape, "Spatial")
    shape <- st_as_sf(shape)
    ## This is needed for grid_area. Attribute names must have same length
    shape$names <- "layer"
  } else if (class(shape)[1] == "data.frame" |
             class(shape)[1] == "matrix") {
    ## If coordinate names are found, take those columns, 
    ## otherwise take the first 2
    if (length(colnames(shape))) {
      accep_cols_x <- c("L*N", "X")
      accep_cols_y <- c("L*T", "Y", "BREITE")
      sum_col_match <- sum(sapply(c(accep_cols_x, accep_cols_y), grepl,
                                 toupper(colnames(shape)) ))
      if (sum_col_match >= 2) {
        x_col_match <- which(sapply(
          lapply(accep_cols_x, grepl, toupper(colnames(shape))),
        y_col_match <- which(sapply(
          lapply(accep_cols_y, grepl, toupper(colnames(shape))),

        x_col_index <- which(grepl(accep_cols_x[x_col_match],
        y_col_index <- which(grepl(accep_cols_y[y_col_match],

        pltm <- shape[, c(x_col_index[1], y_col_index[1])]
      } else {
        col_numeric <- which(sapply(shape[1, ], is.numeric))
        pltm <- shape[, col_numeric]
    } else {
      col_numeric <- which(sapply(shape[1, ], is.numeric))
      pltm <- shape[, col_numeric]
    colnames(pltm) <- c("x", "y")
    pltm <- data.frame(pltm)
    shape <- st_cast(st_combine(
      sf::st_as_sf(pltm, coords = c("x","y"))$geometry), "POLYGON")
    if (!missing(proj)) st_crs(shape) <- 3035

#' @title Transform Winddata
#' @name windata_format
#' @description Helper Function, which transforms winddata to an acceptable
#'   format
#' @export
#' @param df The wind data with speeds, direction and optionally a probability
#'   column. If not assigned, it will be calculated
#' @family Helper Functions
#' @return A list of windspeed and probabilities
#' @examples \donttest{
#' wind_df <- data.frame(ws = c(12, 30, 45), 
#'                       wd = c(0, 90, 150),
#'                       probab = 30:32)
#' windata_format(wind_df)
#' wind_df <- data.frame(speed = c(12, 30, 45), 
#'                       direction = c(90, 90, 150)
#'                       ,probab = c(10, 20, 60)
#' )
#' windata_format(wind_df)
#' wind_df <- data.frame(speed = c(12, 30, 45), 
#'                       direction = c(400, 90, 150)
#' )
#' windata_format(wind_df)
#' }
windata_format <- function(df) {
  wind_df <- data.frame(df)
  if (!all(colnames(wind_df) %in% c("ws", "wd"))) {
      # Assume that we've been given a wind_df frame. 
      # Lets find the correct columns
      if (length(colnames(wind_df)) && 
          all(!colnames(wind_df) %in% c("X1", "X2", "X3")) ) {
        accep_speed <- c("SPEED", "GESCH", "V", "WS")
        accep_direc <- c("DIR", "RICHT", "WD")
        accep_proba <- c("PRO", "WAHR")
        sum_col_match <- sum(sapply(c(accep_speed, accep_direc, accep_proba),
                                    grepl, toupper(colnames(wind_df)) ))
        if (sum_col_match >= 2) {
          speed_match <- which(sapply(
            lapply(accep_speed, grepl, toupper(colnames(wind_df))),
          direc_match <- which(sapply(
            lapply(accep_direc, grepl, toupper(colnames(wind_df))),
          probab_match <- which(sapply(
            lapply(accep_proba, grepl, toupper(colnames(wind_df))),
          speed_index <- which(grepl(accep_speed[speed_match],
          direc_index <- which(grepl(accep_direc[direc_match],
          if (length(probab_match) != 0) {
            probab_index <- which(grepl(accep_proba[probab_match],
            wind_df[, c(speed_index[1], direc_index[1], probab_index[1])]
            colnames(wind_df) <- c("ws", "wd", "probab")            
          } else {
            wind_df[, c(speed_index[1], direc_index[1])]
            colnames(wind_df) <- c("ws", "wd")            
        } else {
          col_numeric <- which(sapply(wind_df[1, ], is.numeric))
          wind_df <- wind_df[, col_numeric]
          colnames(wind_df) <- c("ws", "wd")
      } else {
        col_numeric <- which(sapply(wind_df[1, ], is.numeric))
        wind_df <- wind_df[, col_numeric]
        if (length(colnames(wind_df)) == 2) {
          colnames(wind_df) <- c("ws", "wd")        
        } else {
          colnames(wind_df) <- c("ws", "wd", "probab")
  wind_df$wd <- round(wind_df$wd, 0)
  wind_df$wd <-  round(wind_df$wd / 100, 1) * 100
  ## If no probabilites are given, assign uniform distributed ones.
  if (anyNA(colnames(wind_df))) {
    colnames(wind_df)[3] <- "probab"    
  if (any(names(wind_df) == "probab") == FALSE) {
    wind_df$probab <- 100 / nrow(wind_df)
  ## Checks if all the sum of possibility is  100
  if (sum(wind_df$probab) != 100) {
    wind_df$probab <- wind_df$probab * (100 / sum(wind_df$probab))
  ## Checks if duplicated wind directions are at hand
  if  (any(duplicated(wind_df$wd))) {
    for (i in 1:length(wind_df[duplicated(wind_df$wd) == FALSE, 1]) ) {
      ## Get duplicated direction rows
      temp <- wind_df[wind_df$wd ==  wind_df[duplicated(
        wind_df$wd) == FALSE, ][i, "wd"], ]
      ## Sum up speed and probability 
      temp$ws <- sum(temp$ws * (temp$probab / sum(temp$probab)))
      temp$probab <- sum(temp$probab * (temp$probab / sum(temp$probab)))
      ## Assign new/uniwue windspeed and probablity per direction
      wind_df[wind_df$wd ==  wind_df[duplicated(
        wind_df$wd) == FALSE, ][i, "wd"], ]$ws <- round(temp$ws, 2)[1]
      wind_df[wind_df$wd ==  wind_df[duplicated(
        wind_df$wd) == FALSE, ][i, "wd"], ]$probab <- round(temp$probab, 2)[1]
  ## Delete duplicated direction rows
  wind_df <- wind_df[!duplicated(wind_df$wd) == TRUE, ]
  ## Order by direction
  wind_df <- wind_df[with(wind_df, order(wd)), ]
  ## Sum up probabilites to 100% again
  if (sum(wind_df$probab) != 100) {
    wind_df$probab <- wind_df$probab * (100 / sum(wind_df$probab))
  probabDir <- wind_df$probab
  if (any(wind_df$wd > 360)) {
    wind_df[wind_df$wd > 360, "wd"] <- wind_df[wind_df$wd > 360, "wd"] - 360 
  wind_df <- as.matrix(wind_df)
  winddata <- list(wind_df, probabDir)

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windfarmGA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.