
Defines functions plot_preview sample_count_dist sample_count_wdim preview_count get_center preview_resist preview_circle preview_window preview_gd

Documented in preview_gd

#' Preview moving window and sample counts
#' Generate a preview of moving window size and sample counts based on the coordinates and
#' parameters to be supplied to \link[wingen]{window_gd}, \link[wingen]{circle_gd}, or  \link[wingen]{resist_gd}.
#' The method to be used should be specified with `method = "window"`, `"circle"`, or `"resist"`. For `method = "window"`,
#' `wdim` must be specified. For `method = "circle"` or `"resist"`, `maxdist` must be specified and
#' `distmat` can also optionally be specified.
#' @param lyr SpatRaster or RasterLayer to slide the window across (see Details for important information about projections). For `method = "resist"` this should also be the conductivity layer (see \link[wingen]{resist_gd})
#' @param method which method to use to create preview (`"window"` for \link[wingen]{window_gd}, `"circle"` for \link[wingen]{circle_gd}, or `"resist"` for \link[wingen]{resist_gd}; defaults to `"window"`)
#' @param sample_count whether to create plot of sample counts for each cell (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param wdim if `method = "window"`, dimensions (height x width) of window; if only one value is provided, a square window is created (defaults to 3 x 3 window)
#' @param distmat if `method = "circle"` or `method = "resist"`, an optional distance matrix to be used output from either \link[wingen]{get_geodist} or \link[wingen]{get_resdist}, respectively. If not provided, one will be automatically calculated.
#' @param maxdist if `method = "circle"` or `method = "resist`, the maximum geographic distance used to define the neighborhood; any samples further than this distance will not be included (see \link[wingen]{get_geodist} or \link[wingen]{get_resdist})
#' @param min_n minimum number of samples to use in calculations (any focal cell with a window containing less than this number of samples will be assigned a value of NA)
#' @param plot whether to plot results (default = TRUE)
#' @inheritParams window_gd
#' @details
#' Coordinates and rasters should be in a projected (planar) coordinate system such that raster cells are of equal sizes.
#' Therefore, spherical systems (including latitute-longitude coordinate systems) should be projected prior to use.
#' Transformation can be performed using \link[sf]{st_set_crs} for coordinates or \link[terra]{project} for rasters (see vignette for more details).
#' @return Plots preview of window and returns SpatRaster with sample counts layer (if sample_count = TRUE)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_mini_ex()
#' preview_gd(mini_lyr, mini_coords, wdim = 3, fact = 3, sample_count = TRUE, min_n = 2)
preview_gd <- function(lyr, coords, method = "window", wdim = 3, maxdist = NULL, distmat = NULL,
                       fact = 0, sample_count = TRUE, min_n = 0, plot = TRUE) {
  # convert to spat rast
  if (!inherits(lyr, "SpatRaster")) lyr <- terra::rast(lyr)
  if (fact != 0) lyr <- terra::aggregate(lyr, fact)

  # convert wdim to matrix if provided or set as NULL
  if (!is.null(wdim)) nmat <- wdim_to_mat(wdim) else nmat <- NULL

  if (method == "window") {
    # plot window preview
    if (plot) preview_window(lyr = lyr, nmat = nmat, coords = coords)
  } else {
    # convert coords if not in sf
    if (!inherits(coords, "sf")) coords <- coords_to_sf(coords)

    # check distmat
    if (!is.null(distmat)) if (terra::ncell(lyr) != ncol(distmat)) stop("Number of cells in raster layer and number of columns of distmat do not match")

    # check that maxdist is not null
    if (is.null(maxdist)) stop(paste0("If `method = '", method, "'`, `maxdist` must be provided"))

    # make distmat
    if (is.null(distmat) & method == "circle") distmat <- get_geodist(coords = coords, lyr = lyr)
    if (is.null(distmat) & method == "resist") distmat <- get_resdist(coords = coords, lyr = lyr)

    # plot preview
    if (method == "circle") preview_circle(lyr, maxdist, coords = coords)
    if (method == "resist") preview_resist(lyr, maxdist, coords = coords)

  # plot count preview and return count raster
  if (sample_count) {
    lyrc <- preview_count(lyr = lyr, coords = coords, nmat = nmat, distmat = distmat, maxdist = maxdist, min_n = min_n, plot = plot)

#' Plot preview of moving window
#' @param lyr RasterLayer
#' @param nmat neighborhood matrix
#' @param coords coordinates
#' @noRd
preview_window <- function(lyr, nmat, coords = NULL) {
  # get center of raster
  center <- get_center(lyr)

  # get adjacent cells to center cell
  adjc <- terra::adjacent(lyr, center, directions = nmat)
  # get list of indices of coords in that set of cells
  adjci <- purrr::map_dbl(adjc, 1, ~ seq(.x[1], .x[2]))

  # fill in window
  lyrw <- lyr * 0
  lyrw[adjci] <- 1
  lyrw[center] <- 2
  names(lyrw) <- "lyrw"

  # plot result
  plt <- plot_preview(lyrw, coords = coords)


#' Plot preview of circle moving window
#' @param lyr RasterLayer
#' @param maxdist maximum distance
#' @param coords coordinates
#' @noRd
preview_circle <- function(lyr, maxdist, coords = NULL) {
  # get center of raster
  center_xy <- get_center(lyr, xy = TRUE)
  center_i <- get_center(lyr, xy = FALSE)

  # make circle
  center_x <- center_xy[1]
  center_y <- center_xy[2]
  # angles for drawing points around the circle
  theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 200)

  # fill in window
  lyrw <- lyr * 0
  lyrw[center_i] <- 2
  names(lyrw) <- "lyrw"

  # plot window preview
  plt <- plot_preview(lyrw, coords = coords)
  # add circle
  plt <-
    plt +
      data = data.frame(
        x = maxdist * cos(theta) + center_x,
        y = maxdist * sin(theta) + center_y
      ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], col = "window"),
      fill = NA
    ) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = "#357BA2FF")


#' Plot preview of circle moving window
#' @param lyr RasterLayer
#' @param maxdist maximum distance
#' @param coords coordinates
#' @noRd
preview_resist <- function(lyr, maxdist, coords = NULL) {
  # get center of raster
  center_xy <- get_center(lyr, xy = TRUE)
  center_i <- get_center(lyr, xy = FALSE)

  # move "center" if the value is NA
  if (is.na(lyr[center_i]) & !all(is.na(terra::values(lyr)))) {
    new_center <-
      as.data.frame(lyr, xy = TRUE, cell = TRUE) %>%
      tidyr::drop_na() %>%
      dplyr::slice((dplyr::n() %/% 2) + 1)
    center_xy <- new_center[, c("x", "y")]
    center_i <- new_center[, c("cell")]

  # get resdist from center
  center_dist <- get_resdist(center_xy, lyr)

  # flatten so you get a vector of cell values
  center_dist <- c(center_dist)

  # fill in window
  lyrw <- lyr * 0
  # note: distmat is masked with distmat > maxdist <- NA, so this is the opposite
  lyrw[center_dist <= maxdist] <- 1
  lyrw[center_i] <- 2
  names(lyrw) <- "lyrw"

  # create plot of window
  plt1 <- plot_preview(lyrw, coords = coords)

  # create example plot of resistance distances
  example <- lyr
  example[] <- center_dist

  plt2 <- ggplot_gd(example, bkg = lyr, col = viridis::rocket(100, direction = -1)) +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Resistance preview") +
    ggplot2::geom_point(data = data.frame(center_xy), ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], col = "focal cell"), pch = 3, cex = 3, stroke = 1) +
    ggplot2::labs(fill = "Resistance distance\nfrom focal cell", col = "") +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = "blue")


#' Get center cell of a raster
#' @param x raster
#' @param xy whether to return as xy coordinates
#' @noRd
get_center <- function(x, xy = FALSE) {
  e <- as.vector(terra::ext(x))
  c <- c(mean(e[c(1, 2)]), mean(e[c(3, 4)]))
  center <- terra::cellFromXY(x, xy = matrix(c, ncol = 2))
  # because cell and xy will not perfectly align
  # you have to convert back from cell to get the xy center of the cell
  if (xy) {
    return(terra::xyFromCell(x, center))

#' Plot preview of sample count layer
#' @param lyr RasterLayer
#' @param coords coordinates
#' @param nmat neighborhood matrix
#' @param plot whether to plot resuls
#' @noRd
preview_count <- function(lyr, coords, nmat = NULL, distmat = NULL, maxdist = NULL, min_n = 2, plot = TRUE) {
  # get coord cells
  coord_cells <- terra::extract(lyr, coords, cell = TRUE)[, "cell"]

  # make copy of raster for counting
  lyrc <- lyr

  # get counts for each raster cell
  if (!is.null(nmat)) nc <- purrr::map_dbl(1:terra::ncell(lyr), sample_count_wdim, lyr, nmat, coord_cells)
  if (!is.null(distmat)) nc <- purrr::map_dbl(1:terra::ncell(lyr), sample_count_dist, t(distmat), maxdist)

  # assign values to raster
  lyrc <- terra::setValues(lyr, nc)

  # mask areas where counts are less than min value
  lyrc[lyrc < min_n] <- NA

  # set name
  names(lyrc) <- "sample_count"

  # plot results
  if (plot) {
    ggplot_count(lyrc, col = viridis::mako(100)) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("Sample count")


#' Count samples in rectangular window around focal cell
#' @param i focal cell index
#' @param lyr raster layer
#' @param nmat neighborhood matrix
#' @param coord_cells cell indexes of coordinates
#' @noRd
sample_count_wdim <- function(i, lyr, nmat, coord_cells) {
  sub <- get_adj(i, lyr, nmat, coord_cells)

#' Count samples in circle or resistance window around focal cell
#' @param i focal cell index
#' @param distmat distance matrix
#' @noRd
sample_count_dist <- function(i, distmat, maxdist) {
  sub <- get_dist_index(i, distmat, maxdist)

#' Create preview plot
#' @param lyrw raster layer where 1 indicates the window cells and 2 indidicates the focal cell
#' @param coords optional coordinates
#' @noRd
plot_preview <- function(lyrw, coords = NULL) {
  # convert to df
  lyrw_df <-
    terra::as.data.frame(lyrw, ID = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, xy = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value = dplyr::case_when(lyrw == 1 ~ "window", lyrw == 2 ~ "focal cell", TRUE ~ "raster layer")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value = factor(.data[["value"]], levels = c("raster layer", "focal cell", "window")))

  # create plot
  plt <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(lyrw_df) +
    ggplot2::geom_raster(ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], fill = .data[["value"]])) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("#DEF5E5FF", "#0B0405FF", "#357BA2FF")) +
    ggplot2::theme_void() +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Window preview") +
    ggplot2::labs(fill = "", col = "")

  # suppress irrelevant plot warnings
  if (!is.null(coords)) {
    coords <- coords_to_sf(coords)
    plt <- plt + ggplot2::geom_sf(data = coords, pch = 3, col = viridis::magma(1, begin = 0.7))


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wingen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.