
Defines functions .levIndex .colorByPvalue .sampNoDeMArrayLM VolcanoPlotW

Documented in .colorByPvalue .levIndex .sampNoDeMArrayLM VolcanoPlotW

#' Volcano-Plot (Statistical Test Outcome versus Relative Change)
#' This type of plot is very common in high-throughput biology, see \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano_plot_(statistics)}{Volcano-plot}.
#' Basically, this plot allows comparing the outcome of a statistical test to the relative change (ie log fold-change, M-value).
#' In high-throughput biology data are typically already transformed to log2 and thus, the 'M'-values (obtained by subtrating two group means) represent a relative change.
#' Output from statistical testing by \code{\link[wrMisc]{moderTest2grp}} or \code{\link[wrMisc]{moderTestXgrp}} can be directly read to produce Volcano plots for diagnostic reasons.
#' Please note, that plotting a very high number of points (eg >10000) in transparency may take several seconds.
#' @param Mvalue (MArrayLM-object, numeric or matrix) data to plot; M-values are typically calculated as difference of log2-abundance values and 'pValue' the mean of log2-abundance values;
#'   M-values and p-values may be given as 2 columsn of a matrix, in this case the argument \code{pValue} should remain NULL.
#'  One may also furnish MArrayLM-objects created bpackage wrProteo or limma.
#' @param pValue (numeric, list or data.frame) if \code{NULL} it is assumed that 2nd column of 'Mvalue' contains the p-values to be used
#' @param useComp (integer, length=1) choice of which of multiple comparisons to present in \code{Mvalue} (if generated using \code{moderTestXgrp()})
#' @param filtFin (matrix or logical) The data may get filtered before plotting: If \code{FALSE} no filtering will get applied; if matrix of \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE} it will be used as optional custom filter, otherwise (if \code{Mvalue} if an \code{MArrayLM}-object eg from limma) a default filtering based on the \code{filtFin} element will be applied
#' @param ProjNa (character) custom title
#' @param FCthrs (numeric) Fold-Change threshold (display as line) give as Fold-change and NOT log2(FC), default at 1.5, set to \code{NA} for omitting
#' @param FdrList (numeric) FDR data or name of list-element
#' @param FdrThrs (numeric) FDR threshold (display as line), default at 0.05, set to \code{NA} for omitting
#' @param FdrType (character) FDR-type to extract if \code{Mvalue} is 'MArrayLM'-object (eg produced by from \code{moderTest2grp} etc);
#'   if \code{NULL} it will search for suitable fields/values in this order : 'FDR','BH','lfdr' and 'BY'
#' @param subTxt (character) custom sub-title
#' @param grayIncrem (logical) if \code{TRUE}, display overlay of points  (not exceeding thresholds) as increased shades of gray
#' @param col (character) custom color(s) for points of plot (see also \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param pch (integer) type of symbol(s) to plot (default=16) (see also \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param compNa (character) names of groups compared
#' @param batchFig (logical) if \code{TRUE} figure title and axes legends will be kept shorter for display on fewer splace
#' @param cexMa (numeric) font-size of title, as expansion factor (see also \code{cex} in \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param cexLa (numeric) size of axis-labels, as expansion factor (see also \code{cex} in \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param limM (numeric, length=2) range of axis M-values
#' @param limp (numeric, length=2) range of axis FDR / p-values
#' @param annotColumn (character) column names of annotation to be extracted (only if \code{Mvalue} is \code{MArrayLM}-object containing matrix $annot).
#'   The first entry (typically 'SpecType') is used for different symbols in figure, the second (typically 'GeneName') is used as prefered text for annotating the best points (if \code{namesNBest} allows to do so.)
#' @param annColor (character or integer) colors for specific groups of annotation (only if \code{Mvalue} is \code{MArrayLM}-object containing matrix $annot)
#' @param expFCarrow (logical, character or numeric) optional adding arrow for expected fold-change; if \code{TRUE} the expected ratio will be extracted from numeric concentration-indications from sample-names
#'  if \code{numeric} an arrow will be drawn (M-value as 1st position, color of 2nd position of vector).
#' @param cexPt (numeric) size of points, as expansion factor (see also \code{cex} in \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param cexSub (numeric) size of subtitle, as expansion factor (see also \code{cex} in \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param cexTxLab (numeric) size of text-labels for points, as expansion factor (see also \code{cex} in \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param namesNBest (integer or character) for display of labels to points in figure: if 'pass','passThr' or 'signif' all points passing thresholds; if numeric (length=1) this number of best points will get labels
#'   if the initial object \code{Mvalue} contains a list-element called 'annot' the second of the column specified in argument \code{annotColumn} will be used as text
#' @param NbestCol (character or integer) colors for text-labels of best points, also used for arrow
#' @param sortLeg (character) sorting of 'SpecType' annotation either ascending ('ascend') or descending ('descend'), no sorting if \code{NULL}
#' @param NaSpecTypeAsContam (logical) consider lines/proteins with \code{NA} in Mvalue$annot[,"SpecType"] as contaminants (if a 'SpecType' for contaminants already exits)
#' @param useMar (numeric,length=4) custom margings (see also \code{\link[graphics]{par}})
#' @param returnData (logical) optional returning data.frame with (ID, Mvalue, pValue, FDRvalue, passFilt)
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @param debug (logical) additional messages for debugging
#' @return This function simply plots an MA-plot (to the current graphical device), if \code{returnData=TRUE} an optional data.frame with (ID, Mvalue, pValue, FDRvalue, passFilt) can be returned
#' @seealso (for PCA) \code{\link{plotPCAw}})
#' @examples
#' library(wrMisc)
#' set.seed(2005); mat <- matrix(round(runif(900),2), ncol=9)
#' rownames(mat) <- paste0(rep(letters[1:25], each=4), rep(letters[2:26],4))
#' mat[1:50,4:6] <- mat[1:50,4:6] + rep(c(-1,1)*0.1,25)
#' mat[3:7,4:9] <- mat[3:7,4:9] + 0.7
#' mat[11:15,1:6] <- mat[11:15,1:6] - 0.7
#' ## assume 2 groups with 3 samples each
#' gr3 <- gl(3, 3, labels=c("C","A","B"))
#' tRes2 <- moderTest2grp(mat[,1:6], gl(2,3), addResults = c("FDR","means"))
#' # Note: due to the small number of lines only FDR chosen to calculate
#' VolcanoPlotW(tRes2)
#' ## Add names of points passing custom filters
#' VolcanoPlotW(tRes2, FCth=1.3, FdrThrs=0.2, namesNBest="passThr")
#' ## assume 3 groups with 3 samples each
#' tRes <- moderTestXgrp(mat, gr3, addResults = c("FDR","means"))
#' # Note: due to the small number of lines only FDR chosen to calculate
#' VolcanoPlotW(tRes)
#' VolcanoPlotW(tRes, FCth=1.3, FdrThrs=0.2)
#' VolcanoPlotW(tRes, FCth=1.3, FdrThrs=0.2, useComp=2)
#' @export
VolcanoPlotW <- function(Mvalue, pValue=NULL, useComp=1, filtFin=NULL, ProjNa=NULL, FCthrs=NULL, FdrList=NULL, FdrThrs=NULL, FdrType=NULL,
  subTxt=NULL, grayIncrem=TRUE, col=NULL, pch=16, compNa=NULL, batchFig=FALSE, cexMa=1.8, cexLa=1.1, limM=NULL, limp=NULL,
  annotColumn=c("SpecType","GeneName","EntryName","Accession","Species","Contam"), annColor=NULL, expFCarrow=FALSE,cexPt=NULL, cexSub=NULL,
  cexTxLab=0.7, namesNBest=NULL, NbestCol=1, sortLeg="descend", NaSpecTypeAsContam=TRUE, useMar=c(6.2,4,4,2), returnData=FALSE, callFrom=NULL, silent=FALSE,debug=FALSE) {
  ## MA plot
  ## optional arguments for explicit title in batch-mode
  fxNa <- wrMisc::.composeCallName(callFrom, newNa="VolcanoPlotW")
  opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  opar2 <- opar[-which(names(opar) %in% c("fig","fin","font","mfcol","mfg","mfrow","oma","omd","omi"))]    #
  on.exit(graphics::par(opar2))     # progression ok
  plotByFdr <- TRUE        #
  namesIn <- c(deparse(substitute(Mvalue)), deparse(substitute(pValue)), deparse(substitute(filtFin)))
  basRGB <- c(0.3,0.3,0.3)           # grey
  fcRGB <- c(1,0,0)                  # red        for points passing  FC filt line
  splNa <- annot <- ptType <- colPass <- ptBg <- grpMeans <- pcol <- FDRvalue <- NULL      # initialize
  multiComp <- TRUE      # initialize
  if(debug) silent <- FALSE
  if(length(Mvalue) <1) message(fxNa,"Nothing to do, 'Mvalue' seems to be empty !") else  {
    ## data seem valid to make MAplot
    if(length(cexTxLab) <0) cexTxLab <- 0.7
    if(inherits(Mvalue, "MArrayLM")) {
      ## try working based on MArrayLM-object (Mvalue)
      ## initial check of  useComp
      if(length(useComp) >1) { useComp <- wrMisc::naOmit(useComp)[1]
        if(!silent) message(fxNa," argument 'useComp' should be integer of length=1; using only 1st entry") }
      if(length(useComp) <1) { useComp <- 1
        if(!silent) message(fxNa," argument 'useComp' invalid, setting to 1") }
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW2")}
      if(length(pValue) <1) {
        ## no spearate pValues provided : extract from MArrayLM-object (Mvalue)
        pcol <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(c("p.value","pvalue","pval","p"), tolower(names(Mvalue))))
        if(length(pcol) >0) pValue <- Mvalue[[pcol[1]]] else stop("can't find suitable element for p-Values from MArrayLM-object")
        if(length(dim(pValue)) >0) if(colnames(pValue)[1] =="(Intercept)" & ncol(pValue) >1) {
          ## extract 2nd col if result from wrMisc::moderTest2grp()
          pNa <- rownames(pValue)
          pValue <- as.numeric(pValue[,2])
          names(pValue) <- pNa
          multiComp <- FALSE
        } else {
          ## select corresponding of multiple comparisons
          if(useComp > ncol(pValue)) { useComp <- 1
            if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Argument 'useComp' for pValues invalid or too high; reset to 1") }
          names(useComp) <- colnames(pValue)[useComp]
          pNa <- rownames(pValue)
          pValue <- as.numeric(pValue[,useComp])
          if(length(pNa) >0) names(pValue) <- pNa }
      }  ## .. otherwise spearate pValue was provided
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW3")}
      ## look for M-values (need to create if not available - using useComp checked when extracting pValue)
      Melem <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(c("mvalues","mvalue","m"), tolower(names(Mvalue))))      # which list-element
      Fcol <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(if(length(FdrType) <1) c("fdr","bh","lfdr","by","p.value") else tolower(FdrType), tolower(names(Mvalue))))    # needed for matching means to pair-wise names and for extracting FDR values
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"Fcol : ",wrMisc::pasteC(Fcol),"    VPW4")}

      if(length(Fcol) <1) stop("Can't find elment suitable for statistical values", if(length(FdrType)==1) c(" to '",FdrType,"'")) else Fcol <- Fcol[1]
      if(!silent & length(FdrType) <1) message(fxNa,"Using element '",names(Mvalue)[Fcol],"' as FDR-values for plot")
      if("lfdr" %in% names(Mvalue)[Fcol]) {   # switch from directly plotting FDR-values to uncorrected p-values
        plotByFdr <- FALSE }

      ## look for group-means & identify column association to current question/pairwise comparison
      if("means" %in% names(Mvalue)) {
        ## identify sammple-groups to comparsison(s) - needed lateron
        pairwCol <- wrMisc::sampNoDeMArrayLM(Mvalue, useComp, lstMeans="means", lstP=Fcol, callFrom=fxNa, silent=silent)
        grpMeans <- cbind(mean1=Mvalue$means[,pairwCol[1]], mean2=Mvalue$means[,pairwCol[2]])
        ## are all group-means needed (for exporting) ??
      } else {grpMeans <- NULL; warning(fxNa,"Could not find suitable field '$means' in '",namesIn[1],"'")    }

      if(length(Melem) >0) {            ## M-values are available
        Mvalue$Mval <- Mvalue[[Melem]]
        if(length(dim(Mvalue$Mval)) >0) if(ncol(Mvalue$Mval) >1) {
          if(useComp[1] > ncol(Mvalue$Mval)) { if(!silent) message(fxNa," 'useComp' is too high, set to 1"); useComp <- 1 }
          Mvalue$Mval <- Mvalue$Mval[,useComp]}
      } else {                               # need to construct M-values based on means
        if("means" %in% names(Mvalue)) {
          ## construct Mvalue based on means (only one/current pairwise comparison needed)
          Mvalue$Mval <- grpMeans[,2] - grpMeans[,1]
          Melem <- which(names(Mvalue) =="Mval")                # update
        } else stop("Can't construct M-values since suitable field '$means' missing in '",namesIn[1],"' !")
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW4b")}
      ## now one can check if 'pValue' & Mvalue match
      chPM <- length(pValue) >0 && length(as.numeric(pValue)) == length(as.numeric(Mvalue[[Melem]]))
      if(!chPM) {
        if(length(pcol) >0) {            # pVal avilable in Mvalue
          if(length(as.numeric(Mvalue[[pcol[1]]][,useComp])) ==length(as.numeric(Mvalue[[Melem]]))) {  # pVal from Mvalue seems to fit => use
             pValue <- as.numeric(Mvalue[[pcol[1]]][,useComp])
          } else stop("'pValue' & 'Mvalue' don't match")
        } else stop("'pValue' & 'Mvalue' don't match (no field in MArrayLM-object available)")
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"Fcol : ",wrMisc::pasteC(Fcol),"    VPW5"); VPW5 <- list(FdrList=FdrList,Mvalue=Mvalue,Fcol=Fcol,Melem=Melem,FdrType=FdrType,plotByFdr=plotByFdr,pValue=pValue,useComp=useComp,pairwCol=pairwCol,grpMeans=grpMeans)}
      ## extract FDR from MArrayLM-object
      if(length(FdrList) <1) {
        ## no explicit pValue, try to extract from MArrayLM-object (Mvalue)
        if(length(Fcol) >0) { FDRvalue <- Mvalue[[Fcol[1]]]
          ## extract 2nd col if result from wrMisc::moderTest2grp()
          if(length(dim(FDRvalue)) >0) if(colnames(FDRvalue)[1] =="(Intercept)" && ncol(FDRvalue) >1) {
            pNa <- rownames(FDRvalue)
            FDRvalue <- as.numeric(FDRvalue[,2])
            names(FDRvalue) <- pNa
            multiComp <- FALSE } #else FDRvalue <- as.numeric(FDRvalue[,useComp])
        } else {
          FDRvalue <- stats::p.adjust(pValue)
          if(!silent) message(fxNa,"No FDR data found, generating BH-FDR")}
        ## need to find corresponding of multiple comparisons
        if(length(dim(FDRvalue)) >0) {
          pNa <- rownames(FDRvalue)
          if(ncol(FDRvalue) >1) { if(useComp > ncol(FDRvalue)) { useComp <- 1
            if(!silent) message(fxNa," argument 'useComp' for FDRvalues invalid or too high; reset to 1") }
          FDRvalue <- as.numeric(FDRvalue[,useComp])
          if(length(pNa) >0) names(FDRvalue) <- pNa }}
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW6")}
      ## recuperate filtering - if present, but only when no custom filtering provided
      if(length(filtFin) <1 || isFALSE(filtFin)) {
        Fcol <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(c("filtfin","filter","filt","finfilt"), tolower(names(Mvalue))))
        filtFin <- if(length(Fcol) >0) Mvalue[[Fcol[1]]] else rep(TRUE,length(pValue))
        if(length(dim(filtFin)) >1) filtFin <- filtFin[,useComp]
      ## recuperate $annot if present and use for symbol
      if("annot" %in% names(Mvalue)) {
        useAnnCol <- match(annotColumn, colnames(Mvalue$annot))
        if(!is.na(useAnnCol[1])) {                         # annotation (for multiple groups) exists
          ptType <- Mvalue$annot[,useAnnCol[1]]            # SpecType
          chNA <- is.na(ptType)
          ## associate NAs from 'SpecType' in ptType with conta ?
          if(NaSpecTypeAsContam) {
            chConta <- tolower(ptType) %in% c("contaminant","contam","conta","cont")
            if(any(chConta)) ptType[which(is.na(ptType))] <- unique(ptType[which(chConta)])[1]}
          if(any(is.na(ptType))) ptType[which(chNA)] <- "NA"
          if(length(pch) < length(pValue) && length(unique(wrMisc::naOmit(ptType))) >1) {
            if(length(pch) >1 && !silent) message(fxNa," (invalid pch) using default 'pch' oriented by $annot and starting from 15")
            pch <- 14 + as.integer(as.factor(ptType))
          useAnnCol <- wrMisc::naOmit(useAnnCol)
          annot <- Mvalue$annot[,useAnnCol]
          if(annotColumn[1] %in% colnames(annot)) annot[,annotColumn[1]] <- ptType
      } }
      if(length(pch)==1) pch <- rep(as.integer(pch), length(pValue))
      if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW7")}

      ## recuperate M values (& dismiss rest of MArrayLM-object)
      Mvalue <- Mvalue$Mval
      if(length(dim(Mvalue)) >1) { MNa <- rownames(Mvalue)
        Mvalue <- as.numeric(Mvalue)
        if(length(MNa) >0) names(Mvalue) <- MNa }
      ## additional check for length
      chpM <- length(Mvalue)==length(pValue)
      if(!chpM & !silent) message(fxNa,"Trouble ahead ? p- and M- values have different length !!  (M=",length(Mvalue)," vs p=",length(pValue),")")

      ## done with extracing MArrayLM-object
      if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Successfully extracted  ",length(Mvalue)," Mvalues and  ",length(pValue)," pValues", if(length(annot) >0) c(" plus anotation"))
    } else {
      ## thus argument 'Mvalue' is not 'MArrayLM'-object
      ## ... case of explicit pValue argument
      if(length(pValue) <1) stop("Argument 'pValue' is required (if 'Mvalue' not 'MArrayLM'-type object) !")
      if(length(dim(pValue)) >1) if(ncol(pValue) >1) {
        if(!silent) message(fxNa," Note, ",namesIn[2]," has ",ncol(pValue)," columns, using last column")
        pNa <- rownames(pValue)
        pValue <- as.numeric(pValue[,ncol(pValue)] )
        names(pValue) <- pNa}
      FDRvalue <- if(length(FdrList) <1) NULL else FdrList
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW8")}

    ## need to introduce -log10 to pValue
    chNA <- is.na(pValue)
    if(all(chNA)) stop(fxNa," All p-values are NA, nothing to draw !")
    if(any(pValue <0, na.rm=TRUE)) warning(fxNa,"Some p-values are negative, this should not be !  Maybe log values were given by error ?")
    pValue <- -log10(pValue)
    ## check for (same) order, adjust Mvalue & pValue according to names
    chNa <- list(MNa=if(length(dim(Mvalue)) >1) rownames(Mvalue) else names(Mvalue),
      pNa=if(length(dim(pValue)) >1) rownames(pValue) else names(pValue))
    nIni <- c(M=length(Mvalue),p=length(pValue))
    if(length(chNa$MNa) >0 && length(chNa$pNa) >0) {        # ie both have names, so one can match names
      if(!all(chNa$MNa==chNa$pNa, na.rm=TRUE)) {
        matchNa <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(chNa$MNa, chNa$pNa))
        if(length(matchNa) <1) stop("Both 'Mvalue' and 'pValue' have names, but none of them match !!")
        if(!all(matchNa, 1:length(pValue), na.rm=TRUE)) {
          pValue <- pValue[matchNa]
          Mvalue <- wrMisc::naOmit(Mvalue[match(names(pValue), names(Mvalue))]) }
    } else {
      if(length(Mvalue) != length(pValue)) stop("p- and M- values have different length, but no names to match !!  (M=",length(Mvalue)," vs p=",length(pValue),")")
    if(length(grpMeans) <1) grpMeans <- matrix(rep(NA,2*length(Mvalue)), ncol=2, dimnames=list(names(Mvalue),c("mean1","mean2")))
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW9"); VPW9 <- list(FdrList=FdrList,Mvalue=Mvalue,FdrType=FdrType,FDRvalue=FDRvalue,plotByFdr=plotByFdr,pValue=pValue,useComp=useComp,pairwCol=pairwCol,grpMeans=grpMeans, filtFin=filtFin,annotColumn=annotColumn,annot=annot, pch=pch,sortLeg=sortLeg,batchFig=batchFig)}

    ## prepare/integrate FILTERING
    if(length(filtFin) >0) {
      ## if filtFin is matrix use each line with min 1 instance of TRUE,
      if(length(dim(filtFin)) >1) filtFin <- as.logical(as.matrix(filtFin)[,useComp])    # use rows with >= 1 TRUE
      if(length(names(filtFin)) >0) {
        matchNa <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(rownames(pValue), names(filtFin)))
        if(length(matchNa)==length(pValue)) filtFin <- as.logical(filtFin[matchNa])
    } else filtFin <- rep(TRUE, nrow(merg))

    ## start creating merged data for plot (& export)
    merg <- if(length(annot) >0) data.frame(ID=NA, grpMeans, Mvalue=Mvalue, pValue=pValue,
      FDR=if(length(FDRvalue) >0) as.numeric(FDRvalue) else rep(NA,length(pValue)),
      filtFin=filtFin, annot, pch=pch, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) else {
        data.frame(ID=NA, grpMeans, Mvalue=Mvalue, pValue=pValue, FDR=if(length(FDRvalue) >0) as.numeric(FDRvalue) else rep(NA,length(pValue)),
        filtFin=filtFin, pch=pch, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) }
    if(length(names(Mvalue)) >0) merg[,1] <- names(Mvalue) else {if(length(names(pValue)) >0) merg[,1] <- names(pValue)}
    ## replace NA in 'SpecType' by 'NA'

    if(annotColumn[1] %in% colnames(merg)) { chNa <- is.na(merg[,annotColumn[1]])     # replace NAs in col "SpecType" by "NA"
      if(any(chNa)) merg[which(chNa),annotColumn[1]] <- "NA"
    } else { merg <- cbind(merg, rep(1,nrow(merg)))            # add colum for 'SpecType'
      colnames(merg)[ncol(merg)] <- annotColumn[1] }
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW10")}

    ## adjust col & pch
    if(!any(c(1,length(Mvalue)) %in% length(pch))) {
      if(!silent) message(fxNa,"argument 'pch' should be either length=1 or correspond to length of data, reset to default=16")
      pch <- 16 }
    if(length(col) >1 && length(col) <length(Mvalue)) {
      if(!silent) message(fxNa,"argument 'col' should be either length=1 or correspond to length of data, reset to default=NULL")
      col <- NULL }
    if(debug) message(fxNa," ++ DONE extracting columns : ",wrMisc::pasteC(colnames(merg),quo="'"))

    ## apply filtering
    msg <- " data provided in 'Mvalue' and 'pValue' "
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW10")}

    if(!silent && nrow(merg) < round(length(Mvalue)/10)) message(fxNa," .. note : less than 10% of",msg," were matched") else {
      if(!silent && nrow(merg) < length(Mvalue)/2) message(fxNa," .. NOTE : less than 50% of",msg," were matched !!")}
    if(debug) message(fxNa,msg," were matched to ",nrow(merg)," common entries")
    ## apply filtering (keep all lines where at least one condition passes)
    if(length(filtFin) >0 && any(isFALSE(filtFin), na.rm=TRUE)) {                         #  use filtering provided
      if(sum(filtFin) >0 && sum(filtFin) < nrow(merg)) {
        whFilt <- which(merg$filtFin)
        if(length(pch) >1) pch <- pch[whFilt]
        if(length(col) >1) col <- col[whFilt]
        merg <- merg[whFilt,]
        if(!silent) message(fxNa," filtered (based on 'filtFin') from ",length(filtFin)," to  ",nrow(merg)," lines")
    } else filtFin <- rep(TRUE, nrow(merg))
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW11")}

    ## sort merg, so that legend always gets constructed the same order, ascending ('ascend') or descending ('descend')
    sortLeg <- if(identical(sortLeg,"ascend")) FALSE else {if(identical(sortLeg,"descend")) TRUE else NULL}
    if(length(sortLeg) ==1 && annotColumn[1] %in% colnames(merg)) merg <- merg[order(merg[,annotColumn[1]], decreasing=sortLeg),]

    ## update ..
    nIDco <- sum(c("ID","nredID","uniqID") %in% colnames(merg))                   #  number of heading columns in 'merg'
    Mvalue <- as.numeric(if("Mvalue" %in% colnames(merg)) merg[,"Mvalue"] else merg[,nIDco+1])
    pValue <- as.numeric(if("pValue" %in% colnames(merg)) merg[,"pValue"] else {
      if(length(dim(Mvalue)) >0) merg[,ncol(Mvalue) +nIDco +1] else merg[,nIDco+2]})
    if("Lfdr" %in% colnames(merg)) FdrList <- merg[,"Lfdr"] else {
      if("lfdr" %in% colnames(merg)) FdrList <- merg[,"lfdr"]}
    pch <- merg[,"pch"]            # update
    ptType <- if(annotColumn[1] %in% colnames(merg)) merg[,annotColumn[1]] else rep(1,nrow(merg))     # update "SpecType"
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW12"); VPW12 <- list(merg=merg,Mvalue=Mvalue,filtFin=filtFin)}

    ## prepare for  plotting
    if(is.null(cexSub)) cexSub <- cexLa +0.05
    xLab <- "M-value (log2 fold-change)"
    tit1 <- paste(c(if(!batchFig) c(ProjNa, if(!is.null(ProjNa)) ": ","Volcano-Plot"),
      if(!is.null(compNa)) c(compNa[1]," vs ",compNa[2])), collapse=" ")    # but what title if batchFig=NULL & compNa=NULL -> only "Volcano-plot"
    if(length(FCthrs) <1) FCthrs <- 1.5
    if(length(FdrThrs) <1) FdrThrs <- 0.05
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW12b")}

    ## count no of passing
    passFC <- if(length(FCthrs) ==1 && !any(is.na(FCthrs))) abs(merg[,"Mvalue"]) >= log2(FCthrs) else merg[,"filtFin"]      ## convert FCthrs to log2
    passFdr <- if(length(FdrThrs) ==1 && !any(is.na(FdrThrs)) && "FDR" %in% colnames(merg)) {merg[,"FDR"] <= FdrThrs} else merg[,"filtFin"]
    passAll <- merg[,"filtFin"] & passFC & passFdr
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW12c")}

    chNA <- is.na(passAll)                              # passFdr may contain NAs
    if(any(chNA)) passAll[which(chNA)] <- FALSE
    if(debug) message(fxNa,"  ",sum(passFC,na.rm=TRUE)," passing FCthrs ; ",sum(passFdr,na.rm=TRUE)," passing FdrThrs ; combined ",sum(passAll,na.rm=TRUE))
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW13")}

    ## color for points passing filter
    if(length(col) >0) if(length(col) != nrow(merg)) { col <- NULL
      if(!silent) message(fxNa," invalid entry for 'col', should be of length=",nrow(merg),", resetting to default")}
    if(length(col) <1) {
      alph <- sort(c(0.14, round(0.6/log10(length(Mvalue)),2), 0.8))[2]       # alph <- round(12/sqrt(nrow(eBayesLst$pValue)),2)
      alph2 <- sort(c(round(7/(5 +sum(passAll)^0.7),2), alph,0.9))[2]                   # for points passing thresholds
      useCol <- if(grayIncrem) grDevices::rgb(0.35,0.35,0.35,alph) else grDevices::rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7)  # basic color
      useCex <- if(length(cexPt) >0) cexPt else max(round(0.8 + 2/(1 +sum(filtFin, na.rm=TRUE))^0.28,2), 1.1)
      chCol <- unique(merg[, annotColumn[1]])      # check how many different colors may be needed
      chNaC <- is.na(chCol)
      if(any(chNaC)) chCol[which(chNaC)] <- "NA"
      if(length(annColor) >0) {colPass <- annColor} else if(length(chCol) >4) {
        colPass <- cbind(red=c(141,72,90,171, 220,253,244,255), green=c(129,153,194,221, 216,174,109,0), blue=c(194,203,185,164, 83,97,67,0))
        colPass <- grDevices::rgb(red=colPass[,1], green=colPass[,2], blue=colPass[,3], alph2, maxColorValue=255)
        if(length(chCol) >8) { colPass <- c(colPass, rep(colPass[8], length(chCol) -8))
          if(!silent) message(fxNa," > 8 different groups found, using 8th color after 7th group")}
      } else colPass <- grDevices::rgb(c(0.95,0.2,0,0.75), c(0.15,0.2,0.9,0.35), c(0.15,0.95,0,0.8), alph2)    # red, blue, green, purple (luminosity adjusted)
      useCol <- rep(useCol[1], nrow(merg))         # fuse basic gray to colors for different types

      ## integrate names of annColor as order of colPass
      if(length(names(annColor)) >0) {
        uniTy <- unique(merg[which(passAll), annotColumn[1]])
        colPass <- colPass[match(names(annColor), uniTy)]

      ## assign color for those passing
      useCol[which(passAll)] <- if(any(passAll, na.rm=TRUE)) colPass[if(length(unique(merg[which(passAll),annotColumn[1]])) >1) wrMisc::levIndex(merg[which(passAll),annotColumn[1]]) else rep(1,sum(passAll))]  # assign colors for those passing
    } else useCol <- col
    ## adjust fill color for open symbols
    chPch <- pch %in% c(21:25)
    if(any(chPch)) { ptBg <- useCol
      ptBg[which(chPch)] <- useCol[which(chPch)]    # background color for filled symbols
      useCol[which(chPch)] <- 1                     # contour as black

  ## main graphics
  if(length(Mvalue) >0) {
    pl1 <- try(graphics::par(mar=if(length(useMar)==4) useMar else c(6.5,4,4,2), cex.main=cexMa, las=1), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(pl1, "try-error")) {Mvalue <- NULL; message("UNABLE TO SET PLOT MARGINS !!  check plotting device ...")}
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW14")}  }

  if(length(Mvalue) >0) {
    ## rather directly plot FDR
    if(!"FDR" %in% colnames(merg)) plotByFdr <- FALSE
    pl1 <- try(graphics::plot(Mvalue, if(plotByFdr) -1*log10(merg[,"FDR"]) else merg[,"pValue"], pch=pch, cex=useCex, main=tit1,
      ylab=if(plotByFdr) "- log10 FDR" else "- log10 p-value (uncorrected)", col=useCol, xlab=xLab, cex.lab=cexLa, xlim=limM,ylim=limp, pt.bg=ptBg), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(pl1, "try-error")) {Mvalue <- NULL; message("UNABLE TO PLOT !!  check plotting device ...")} }

  if(length(Mvalue) >0) {
    sTxt <- if(length(subTxt) ==1) subTxt else { if(multiComp) paste0(if(length(names(useComp)) >0) names(useComp) else c("useComp=",useComp),"; ",collapse="")}
    sTxt <- paste0(sTxt,"n=",length(Mvalue),
      if(!all(is.na(c(FCthrs,FdrThrs)))) paste(";",sum(passAll, na.rm=TRUE),"(color) points passing",
        if(!is.na(FCthrs)) paste0("(FCthr=", as.character(FCthrs),", ") else " (", paste0("FdrThrs=",as.character(FdrThrs),")")))
    if(!all(is.na(c(FCthrs,FdrThrs)))) {
      if(debug) message(fxNa," n=",length(Mvalue),"  FCthrs=",as.character(FCthrs),"  filt.ini=", sum(filtFin, na.rm=TRUE),
        "  passAll=",sum(passAll,na.rm=TRUE)," ; range Mva ",wrMisc::pasteC(signif(range(Mvalue,na.rm=TRUE),3))," ;  alph=",alph,"  useCex=",useCex,"  alph2=",alph2)
      graphics::abline(v=c(-1,1)*(log2(FCthrs) + diff(graphics::par("usr")[1:2])/500), col=grDevices::rgb(0.87,0.72,0.72), lty=2) }
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW15"); VPW15 <- list(merg=merg,Mvalue=Mvalue,filtFin=filtFin,FCthrs=FCthrs,FdrThrs=FdrThrs,passFdr=passFdr,annotColumn=annotColumn,xLab=xLab,tit1=tit1,col=col,useCol=useCol,assAll=passAll,grayIncrem=grayIncrem,cexPt=cexPt,annColor=annColor,plotByFdr=plotByFdr,limM=limM,limp=limp,ptBg=ptBg,cexLa=cexLa)}
    if(sum(passFdr, na.rm=TRUE) >0) {
      if(plotByFdr) {
        graphics::abline(h=-1*log10(max(merg[passAll,"FDR"], na.rm=TRUE)) -diff(graphics::par("usr")[3:4])/400, col=grDevices::rgb(0.87,0.72,0.72), lty=2)
      } else {
        graphics::mtext("Note, that FDR and p-value may not correlate perfectly, thus points may appear at good p-value but finally don't get retained",line=-1.4,cex=0.7)
        pRa <- range(merg[which(passFdr),"pValue"], na.rm=TRUE)
        graphics::abline(h=pRa[1] +diff(graphics::par("usr")[3:4])/400, col=grDevices::rgb(0.87,0.72,0.72), lty=2) }}

    ## add names to best points
    if(length(namesNBest) >0) {
      if(any(sapply( c("pass","passThr","passFDR","signif"), identical, namesNBest))) namesNBest <- sum(passAll)
      if(!is.integer(namesNBest)) namesNBest <- try(as.integer(namesNBest), silent=TRUE)
      if(inherits(namesNBest, "try-error")) { namesNBest <- NULL
        message(fxNa,"Unable to understand argument 'namesNBest', must be integer or 'pass','passThr','passFDR' or 'signif' (for display of labels to points in figure)") }
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW16")}
    if(length(namesNBest) >0) {
      if(namesNBest >0 && any(passAll)) {
        useLi <- if(any(!passAll)) which(passAll) else 1:nrow(merg)
        tmP <- as.numeric(merg[useLi,"pValue"])
        names(tmP) <- rownames(merg)[useLi]
        ## look for more informative names to display
        if(length(annot) >0) {
          proNa <- annot[match(names(tmP), rownames(annot)), annotColumn[2]]   # normally 'Description'
          chNa <- is.na(proNa)
          if(!all(chNa)) names(tmP)[which(!chNa)] <- proNa[which(!chNa)]
        useL2 <- order(tmP, decreasing=TRUE)[1:min(namesNBest,sum(passAll))]
        xOffs <- signif(diff(graphics::par("usr")[1:2])/170,3)
        yOffs <- signif(diff(graphics::par("usr")[3:4])/90,3)
        noNa <- if(is.null(names(tmP[useL2]))) 1:length(tmP) else which(is.na(names(tmP)[useL2]))
        if(length(noNa) >0 && all(annotColumn %in% colnames(merg))) names(tmP)[useL2[noNa]] <- merg[useLi[useL2[noNa]], wrMisc::naOmit(match(annotColumn[-1], colnames(merg)))[1]]
        if(length(NbestCol) <1) NbestCol <- 1
        if(is.null(names(tmP[useL2]))) {if(!silent) message(fxNa,"No names available for displaying names of best in plot")
        } else { displTx <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(annotColumn[2:4], colnames(merg)))
          displTx <- if(length(displTx) >0) cbind(merg[useLi[useL2], displTx], rownames(merg)[useLi[useL2]]) else as.matrix(useLi[useL2])
          chNa <- rowSums(!is.na(displTx)) >0
          if(any(chNa)) displTx[which(chNa),1] <- "unknown"
          displTx <- apply(displTx,1, function(x) wrMisc::naOmit(x)[1])
          graphics::text(Mvalue[useLi[useL2]] +xOffs, yOffs -1*log10(merg[useLi[useL2], if(plotByFdr) "FDR" else "pValue"]),
          names(tmP)[useL2], cex=cexTxLab, col=NbestCol, adj=0) }
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW17")}

    ## legend (if multiple symbols)
    pch[which(is.na(pch))] <- -2
    ch1 <- unique(pch)
    if(length(ch1) >1 && sum(passAll) >0) {
      legInd <- which(!duplicated(merg[which(passAll), annotColumn[1]], fromLast=FALSE))
      if(length(legInd) <1 && !silent) message(fxNa,"Trouble ahead : Can't find non-duplicated ",annotColumn[1]," for ",sum(passAll)," points passing thresholds ! (ie as 'legInd')")
      legPch <- pch[which(passAll)[legInd]]
      legCol <- useCol[which(passAll)[legInd]]
      legBg <- ptBg[which(passAll)[legInd]]
      if(alph2 <1) {legCol <- substr(legCol,1,7); legBg <- substr(legBg,1,7)}  # reset to no transparency
      legLab <- merg[which(passAll)[legInd], annotColumn[1]]
      chNa <- is.na(legLab)
      if(any(chNa)) legLab[chNa] <- "NA"
      legOr <- if(length(legLab) >1) order(legLab) else 1   # not used so far
      legLoc <- checkForLegLoc(cbind(Mvalue, pValue), sampleGrp=legLab, showLegend=FALSE)
      legCex <- stats::median(c(useCex, cexTxLab, 1.2), na.rm=TRUE)
      if(length(legLab) >0) { chLeg <- try(graphics::legend(legLoc$loc, legend=legLab, col=legCol, text.col=1, pch=legPch,
        if(length(ptBg) >0) pt.bg=ptBg, cex=legCex, pt.cex=1.2*legCex, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5), silent=TRUE)  # as points
        if(inherits(chLeg, "try-error") && !silent) message(fxNa,"Note: Failed to add legend .. ",chLeg) }
    } else legCol <- NULL
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW18")}
    ## arrow for expected ratio
      ## how to extract in smartest way ??

    drawArrow <- if(length(expFCarrow) >0) {isTRUE(as.logical(expFCarrow[1])) || grepl("^[[:digit:]]+$", expFCarrow[1])} else FALSE

    if(drawArrow) {
      regStr <-"[[:space:]]*[[:alpha:]]+[[:punct:]]*[[:alpha:]]*"
      if(isTRUE(expFCarrow)) {
        ## automatic extraction of FC
        if(debug) message(fxNa," .. ",names(useComp),"  -> ",paste(unlist(strsplit(names(useComp), "-")), collapse=" "),"\n")
        expM <- sub(paste0("^",regStr),"", sub(paste0(regStr,"$"), "", unlist(strsplit(names(useComp), "-"))))    # assume '-' separator from pairwise comparison
        arrCol <- 1
        chN2 <- try(as.numeric(expM), silent=TRUE)
        if(inherits(chN2, "try-error")) { drawArrow <- FALSE #expM <- arrCol <- NA
        } else {
          expM <- log2(chN2[2] / chN2[1]); arrCol <- 1          # transform automatic extracted to ratio   # expFCarrow <- c(expM, 1)
        msg <- "Argument 'expFCarrow' was set to TRUE; "
        if(!silent) message(fxNa, msg, if(drawArrow) "Extract concentration values of group-names for calculating ratios" else "Failed automatic extraction of FC-values (possibly no numeric values in setup)")
      } else {
        expM <- try(as.numeric(expFCarrow[1]), silent=TRUE)
        if(inherits(expM, "try-error")) {
          if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Argument 'expFCarrow' was given, but no numeric content in 1st place found,  can't draw FC-arrow")     #understand 1st value of'expFCarrow' (should be numeric-like)
          drawArrow <- FALSE
        } else arrCol <- if(length(expFCarrow) >1) expFCarrow[2] else 1
      if(length(expFCarrow) >1) {arrCol <- expFCarrow[2]            # 2nd value of expFCarrow for color
      } else arrCol <- 1       # autom : use 3rd if possible

    if(drawArrow) {
      if(is.finite(expM)) {
        figCo <- graphics::par("usr")                         #  c(x1, x2, y1, y2)
        figRa <- diff(range(figCo[1:2]))*0.1
        if(expM > figCo[2] +figRa || expM < figCo[1] -figRa) {if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Can't draw arrow, ",round(expM,2)," is too far outside the plotting frame")
          expM <- NA }
      if(is.finite(expM)) {
        arr <- c(0.019,0.14)                                  # start- and end-points of arrow (as relative to entire plot)
        graphics::arrows(expM, figCo[3] + arr[1]*(figCo[4] -figCo[3]), expM, figCo[3] + arr[2]*(figCo[4] -figCo[3]),
          col=arrCol, lwd=1, length=0.1)
        graphics::mtext(paste("expect at",signif(expM,3)), at=expM, side=1, adj=0.5, col=arrCol, cex=cexLa*0.7, line=-0.9)
      } else { if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Unable to draw arrow for expexted M-value)") }
    if(debug) {message(fxNa,"VPW19")}
    tmp <- try(graphics::par(mar=opar$mar, cex.main=opar$cex.main, las=opar$las), silent=TRUE)  # resetto previous

    ## export data used for plotting
    if(returnData) {
      merg <- merg[,-1*c(1,ncol(merg))]        # remove col 'ID' 'redundant' & 'pch'
      annCo <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(annotColumn, colnames(merg)))
      if(length(annCo) >0) cbind(merg[,annCo],  merg[,-annCo]) else merg }
  } }

#' Locate sample index from index or name of pair-wise comparisons
#' This function helps locating sample index from index or name of pair-wise comparisons
#' @param MArrayObj (MArray type objct) main input
#' @param useComp (matrix) types of pair-wise comparisons to be performed
#' @param groupSep (character) separator used with pair-wise grouping
#' @param lstMeans (character) type of summarization, default is 'means'
#' @param lstP (character) type of multiple testing correction data to choose from \code{MArrayObj}
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param debug (logical) supplemental messages for debugging
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @return This function returns a integer vector of indexes
#' @seealso (for PCA) \code{\link{plotPCAw}})
#' @examples
#' aa <- 1:5
#' @export
.sampNoDeMArrayLM <- function(MArrayObj, useComp, groupSep="-", lstMeans="means", lstP="BH", silent=FALSE, debug=FALSE, callFrom=NULL) {
  ## old version,not used any more
  ## locate sample index from index or name of pair-wise comparisons in list or MArrayLM-object
  fxNa <- wrMisc::.composeCallName(callFrom, newNa=".sampNoDeMArrayLM")
  if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
  if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE

  errMsg <- c("Argument 'MArrayObj' is ","empty","doesn't contain the list-element needed  ('",lstMeans,"') !")
  if(length(MArrayObj) <1) stop(errMsg[1:2])
  if(length(MArrayObj[[lstMeans]]) <1) stop(errMsg[-2])
  if(length(colnames(MArrayObj[[lstMeans]])) <1) stop(" Problem with 'MArrayObj$lstMeans' (does not contain matrix of means)")
  if(ncol(MArrayObj[[lstMeans]]) ==2) {             # only 2 mean-values, no other choice, don't need to try matching anything
    if(!identical(as.character(useComp),"1") && !silent) message(fxNa,"Only 2 columns of mean-values available, can't interpret properly 'useComp=",useComp,"'")
    out <- 1:2
  } else {
    if(length(lstP) <0) stop(" 'lstP' is empty !")
    if(length(colnames(MArrayObj[[lstP]])) <1)  stop(" Problem with 'MArrayObj' (does not contain matrix of p-values)")
    ## convert/locate names to index
    if(is.character(useComp) && length(grep("[[:alpha:]]",useComp)) >0) useComp <- wrMisc::naOmit(match(useComp, MArrayObj[[lstP]] ))
    if(length(useComp) <1) stop("Argument 'useComp' is empty or can't locate in comparison-names")
    if(length(useComp) >1) { useComp <- useComp[1]; message(fxNa,"Using only 1st instance of argument 'useComp'")}
    if(useComp > ncol(MArrayObj[[lstP]])) {useComp <- 1; message(fxNa,"Argument 'useComp' is too high (max ",ncol(MArrayObj[[lstP]]),"), resetting to 1")}
    ## main
    out <- if(ncol(MArrayObj[[lstP]])==2 && colnames(MArrayObj[[lstP]])[1] =="(Intercept)") 1:2 else {
      wrMisc::matchSampToPairw(grpNa=colnames(MArrayObj[[lstMeans]]), pairwNa=colnames(MArrayObj[[lstP]])[useComp], sep=groupSep,silent=silent,callFrom=fxNa)}
    if(length(useComp)==1) out <- as.integer(out)}
  out }

#' Colors based on p-Values
#' This function helps defining color-gradient based on p-Values.
#' This fuction requires package RColorBrewer being installed
#' @param x (numeric) p-values (main input)
#' @param br (numeric) custom breaks (used with cut)
#' @param col custom colors (must be of length(br) -1)
#' @param asIndex (logical) custom breaks (used with cut)
#' @param silent (logical) suppress messages
#' @param callFrom (character) allow easier tracking of messages produced
#' @param debug (logical) supplemental messages for debugging
#' @return This function retruns a color-gradient based on p-Values
#' @seealso (for PCA) \code{\link{plotPCAw}})
#' @examples
#' .colorByPvalue((1:10)/10)
#' @export
.colorByPvalue <- function(x, br=NULL, col=NULL, asIndex=FALSE, silent=FALSE, debug=FALSE, callFrom=NULL) {
  ## this function should ultimately get incormporated to wtMisc::colorAccording2 as option "pValue" or "FDR"
  ## colors significant (***,**,*) as red-tones, 0.05-0.075 as pale orange, others as blue-tones
  ## 'br' .. custom breaks (used with cut)
  ## 'col' .. custom colors (must be of length(br) -1)
  ## 'asIndex' .. optional returning of index to \code{col} instead of final color designation
  fxNa <- ".colorByPvalue"
  if(!isTRUE(silent)) silent <- FALSE
  if(isTRUE(debug)) silent <- FALSE else debug <- FALSE
  if(length(br) >0) br <- sort(unique(wrMisc::naOmit(br)))
  if(length(col) != length(br) -1 && length(br) >0) { br <- col <- NULL
    if(!silent) message(fxNa, "Entries for 'col' and 'br' don't match, ignoring") }

  if(length(col) <1) {
    hasDep <- requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly=TRUE)
    col <- if(hasDep) grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=7, name="RdYlBu"))( 22 )[c(2:4,7,17:20)] else {
      grDevices::heat.colors(n=length(unique(x)) +2)
      if(!silent) message(fxNa,"Please install first from CRAN the package 'RColorBrewer'")
    if(length(col) != length(br)) br <- sort(c(1e-20,10^(-3:0), 0.05,0.075,0.2,0.3))
  out <- if(asIndex) as.numeric(cut(x, br)) else col[as.numeric(cut(x, br))]
  if(asIndex) out <- as.numeric(cut(x, br)) else {
    out <- col[as.numeric(cut(x, br))]
    chNa <- is.na(x)
    if(any(chNa)) out[which(chNa)] <- grDevices::grey(0.4) }
  out }

#' Transform levels into index
#' This function transforms levels into index. This function has been depreciated, please use wrMisc::levIndex() insted.
#' @param dat (numeric) initial levels (main input)
#' @param asSortedLevNa (logical) 
#' @return This function retruns a color-gradient based on p-Values
#' @seealso (for PCA) \code{\link{plotPCAw}})
#' @examples
#' library(wrMisc)
#' @export
.levIndex <- function(dat, asSortedLevNa=FALSE) {
  ## transform levels into index; should get integrated to wrMisc
  ## depreciated, please use wrMisc::levIndex() instead
  fxNa <- ".levIndex"
  .Deprecated("levIndex()", package="wrMisc", msg="The function .levIndex() has been depreciated, please use wrMisc::levIndex() instead")
  if(asSortedLevNa) out <- as.integer(as.factor(dat)) else {
    out <- dat
    levU <- wrMisc::naOmit(unique(out))     # levels in orig order (non-alpahbetical)
    for(i in 1:length(levU)) out[which(out==levU[i])] <- i
    out <- as.integer(out)}
  out }

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wrGraph documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:47 a.m.