
Defines functions xpose.VPC

Documented in xpose.VPC

# Xpose 4
# An R-based population pharmacokinetic/
# pharmacodynamic model building aid for NONMEM.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2004 E. Niclas Jonsson and Mats Karlsson.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Andrew C. Hooker, Justin J. Wilkins, 
# Mats O. Karlsson and E. Niclas Jonsson.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andrew C. Hooker, Mats O. Karlsson and 
# E. Niclas Jonsson.

# This file is a part of Xpose 4.
# Xpose 4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  A copy can be cound in the R installation
# directory under \share\licenses. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#' Visual Predictive Check (VPC) using XPOSE
#' This Function is used to create a VPC in xpose using the output from the 
#' \code{vpc} command in Pearl Speaks NONMEM (PsN).  The function reads in the 
#' output files created by PsN and creates a plot from the data.  The dependent 
#' variable, independent variable and conditioning variable are automatically 
#' determined from the PsN files.
#' @inheritParams xpose.panel.default
#' @param vpc.info The results file from the \code{vpc} command in PsN. for 
#'   example \file{vpc_results.csv}, or if the file is in a separate directory 
#'   \file{./vpc_dir1/vpc_results.csv}.
#' @param vpctab The \file{vpctab} from the \code{vpc} command in PsN.  For 
#'   example \file{vpctab5}, or if the file is in a separate directory 
#'   \file{./vpc_dir1/vpctab5}.  Can be \code{NULL}.  The default looks in the 
#'   current working directory and takes the first file that starts with 
#'   \file{vpctab} that it finds.  Note that this default can result in the 
#'   wrong files being read if there are multiple \file{vpctab} files in the 
#'   directory. One of \code{object} or \code{vpctab} is required.  If both are 
#'   present then the information from the \code{vpctab} will over-ride the 
#'   xpose data object \code{object} (i.e. the values from the vpctab will 
#'   replace any matching values in the \code{object\@Data} portion of the xpose
#'   data object).
#' @param object An xpose data object. Created from \code{\link{xpose.data}}. 
#'   One of \code{object} or \code{vpctab} is required.  If both are present 
#'   then the information from the \code{vpctab} will over-ride the xpose data 
#'   object \code{object} (i.e. the values from the vpctab will replace any 
#'   matching values in the \code{object\@Data} portion of the xpose data 
#'   object).
#' @param ids A logical value indicating whether text ID labels should be used 
#'   as plotting symbols (the variable used for these symbols indicated by the 
#'   \code{idlab} xpose data variable). Can be \code{FALSE} or \code{TRUE}.
#' @param type Character string describing the way the points in the plot will 
#'   be displayed. For more details, see \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}. Use 
#'   \code{type="n"} if you don't want observations in the plot.
#' @param by A string or a vector of strings with the name(s) of the 
#'   conditioning variables. For example \code{by = c("SEX","WT")}.  Because the
#'   function automatically determines the conditioning variable from the PsN 
#'   input file specified in \code{vpc.info}, the \code{by} command can control 
#'   if separate plots are created for each condition (\code{by=NULL}), or if a 
#'   conditioning plot should be created (\code{by="WT"} for example).  If the 
#'   \code{vpc.info} file has a conditioning variable then \code{by} must match 
#'   that variable.  If there is no conditioning variable in \code{vpc.info} 
#'   then the \code{PI} for each conditioned plot will be the \code{PI} for the 
#'   entire data set (not only for the conditioning subset).
#' @param PI Either "lines", "area" or "both" specifying whether prediction 
#'   intervals (as lines, a shaded area or both) should be added to the plot. 
#'   \code{NULL} means no prediction interval.
#' @param PI.ci Plot the confidence interval for the simulated data's
#'   percentiles for each bin (for each simulated data set compute the
#'   percentiles for each bin, then, from all of the percentiles from all of the
#'   simulated datasets compute the 95\% CI of these percentiles). Values can be
#'   \code{"both"}, \code{"area"} or \code{"lines"}. These CIs can be used to
#'   asses the \code{PI.real} values for model misspecification. Note that with
#'   few observations per bin the CIs will be approximate because the 
#'   percentiles in each bin will be approximate. For example, the 95th 
#'   percentile of 4 data points will always be the largest of the 4 data 
#'   points.
#' @param PI.real Plot the percentiles of the real data in the various bins. 
#'   values can be NULL or TRUE.  Note that for a bin with few actual 
#'   observations the percentiles will be approximate.  For example, the 95th 
#'   percentile of 4 data points will always be the largest of the 4 data 
#'   points.
# @param PI.ci.med.arcol The color of the median \code{PI.ci}.
#' @param force.x.continuous Logical value indicating whether x-values should be
#'   converted to continuous variables, even if they are defined as factors.
#' @param funy String of function to apply to Y data. For example "abs"
#' @param logy Logical value indicating whether the y-axis should be 
#'   logarithmic, base 10.
#' @param ylb Label for the y-axis
#' @param subset A string giving the subset expression to be applied to the data
#'   before plotting. See \code{\link{xsubset}}.
#' @param main A string giving the plot title or \code{NULL} if none. 
#'   \code{"Default"} creates a default title.
#' @param main.sub Used for names above each plot when using multiple plots. 
#'   Should be a vector \code{c("Group 1","Group 2")}
#' @param main.sub.cex The size of the \code{main.sub} titles.
#' @param inclZeroWRES Logical value indicating whether rows with WRES=0 is 
#'   included in the plot.
#' @param verbose Should warning messages and other diagnostic information be 
#'   passed to screen? (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param \dots Other arguments passed to \code{\link{xpose.panel.default}}, 
#'   \code{\link{xpose.plot.default}} and others. Please see these functions for
#'   more descriptions of what you can do.
#' @return A plot or a list of plots.
#' @section Additional arguments:
#'   Below are some of the additional arguments that can control the look and 
#'   feel of the VPC.  See 
#'   \code{\link{xpose.panel.default}} for all potential options.
#'   \strong{Additional graphical elements available in the VPC plots.\cr}
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{ PI.mirror = NULL, TRUE or AN.INTEGER.VALUE}{Plot the percentiles of 
#'   one simulated data set in each bin. \code{TRUE} takes the first mirror from
#'   \file{vpc_results.csv} and \code{AN.INTEGER.VALUE} can be \code{1, 2, 
#'   \dots{} n} where \code{n} is the number of mirror's output in the 
#'   \file{vpc_results.csv} file.} 
#'   \item{ PI.limits = c(0.025, 0.975)}{A vector of two 
#'   values that describe the limits of the prediction interval that should be 
#'   displayed.  These limits should be found in the \file{vpc_results.csv} 
#'   file. These limits are also used as the percentages for the \code{PI.real, 
#'   PI.mirror} and \code{PI.ci}.  However, the confidence interval in 
#'   \code{PI.ci} is always the one defined in the \file{vpc_results.csv} file.}
#'   }
#'   \strong{Additional options to control the look and feel of the \code{PI}. 
#'   See See \code{\link[grid]{grid.polygon}} and \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} 
#'   for more details.\cr}
#'   \describe{ \item{ PI.arcol}{The color of the \code{PI} area} \item{ 
#'   PI.up.lty}{The upper line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} \item{ 
#'   PI.up.type}{The upper type used for plotting.  Defaults to a line.} \item{ 
#'   PI.up.col}{The upper line color} \item{ PI.up.lwd}{The upper line width} 
#'   \item{ PI.down.lty}{The lower line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.}
#'   \item{ PI.down.type}{The lower type used for plotting. Defaults to a line.}
#'   \item{ PI.down.col}{The lower line color} \item{ PI.down.lwd}{The lower 
#'   line width} \item{ PI.med.lty}{The median line type. can be "dotted" or 
#'   "dashed", etc.} \item{ PI.med.type}{The median type used for plotting. 
#'   Defaults to a line.} \item{ PI.med.col}{The median line color} \item{ 
#'   PI.med.lwd}{The median line width} }
#'   \strong{Additional options to control the look and feel of the 
#'   \code{PI.ci}. See See \code{\link[grid]{grid.polygon}} and 
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} for more details.\cr}
#'   \describe{ \item{ PI.ci.up.arcol}{The color of the upper \code{PI.ci}.} 
#'   \item{ PI.ci.med.arcol}{The color of the median \code{PI.ci}.} \item{ 
#'   PI.ci.down.arcol}{The color of the lower \code{PI.ci}.} \item{ 
#'   PI.ci.up.lty}{The upper line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} 
#'   \item{ PI.ci.up.type}{The upper type used for plotting.  Defaults to a 
#'   line.} \item{ PI.ci.up.col}{The upper line color} \item{ PI.ci.up.lwd}{The 
#'   upper line width} \item{ PI.ci.down.lty}{The lower line type. can be 
#'   "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} \item{ PI.ci.down.type}{The lower type used for
#'   plotting.  Defaults to a line.} \item{ PI.ci.down.col}{The lower line 
#'   color} \item{ PI.ci.down.lwd}{The lower line width} \item{ 
#'   PI.ci.med.lty}{The median line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} 
#'   \item{ PI.ci.med.type}{The median type used for plotting.  Defaults to a 
#'   line.} \item{ PI.ci.med.col}{The median line color} \item{ 
#'   PI.ci.med.lwd}{The median line width} \item{PI.ci.area.smooth}{Should the 
#'   "area" for \code{PI.ci} be smoothed to match the "lines" argument? Allowed 
#'   values are \code{TRUE/FALSE}. The "area" is set by default to show the bins
#'   used in the \code{PI.ci} computation.  By smoothing, information is lost 
#'   and, in general, the confidence intervals will be smaller than they are in 
#'   reality.} }
#'   \strong{Additional options to control the look and feel of the 
#'   \code{PI.real}. See See \code{\link[grid]{grid.polygon}} and 
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} for more details.\cr}
#'   \describe{ \item{ PI.real.up.lty}{The upper line type. can be "dotted" or 
#'   "dashed", etc.} \item{ PI.real.up.type}{The upper type used for plotting. 
#'   Defaults to a line.} \item{ PI.real.up.col}{The upper line color} \item{ 
#'   PI.real.up.lwd}{The upper line width} \item{ PI.real.down.lty}{The lower 
#'   line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} \item{ PI.real.down.type}{The
#'   lower type used for plotting.  Defaults to a line.} \item{ 
#'   PI.real.down.col}{The lower line color} \item{ PI.real.down.lwd}{The lower 
#'   line width} \item{ PI.real.med.lty}{The median line type. can be "dotted" 
#'   or "dashed", etc.} \item{ PI.real.med.type}{The median type used for 
#'   plotting.  Defaults to a line.} \item{ PI.real.med.col}{The median line 
#'   color} \item{ PI.real.med.lwd}{The median line width} }
#'   \strong{Additional options to control the look and feel of the 
#'   \code{PI.mirror}. See See \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} for more 
#'   details.\cr}
#'   \describe{ \item{PI.mirror.up.lty}{The upper line type. can be "dotted" or 
#'   "dashed", etc.} \item{ PI.mirror.up.type}{The upper type used for plotting.
#'   Defaults to a line.} \item{ PI.mirror.up.col}{The upper line color} \item{ 
#'   PI.mirror.up.lwd}{The upper line width} \item{ PI.mirror.down.lty}{The 
#'   lower line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} \item{ 
#'   PI.mirror.down.type}{The lower type used for plotting.  Defaults to a 
#'   line.} \item{ PI.mirror.down.col}{The lower line color} \item{ 
#'   PI.mirror.down.lwd}{The lower line width} \item{ PI.mirror.med.lty}{The 
#'   median line type. can be "dotted" or "dashed", etc.} \item{ 
#'   PI.mirror.med.type}{The median type used for plotting.  Defaults to a 
#'   line.} \item{ PI.mirror.med.col}{The median line color} \item{ 
#'   PI.mirror.med.lwd}{The median line width} }
#' @author Andrew Hooker
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.vpctab}} \code{\link{read.npc.vpc.results}} 
#'   \code{\link{xpose.panel.default}} \code{\link{xpose.plot.default}}
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(xpose4)
#' xpose.VPC()
#' ## to be more clear about which files should be read in
#' vpc.file <- "vpc_results.csv"
#' vpctab <- "vpctab5"
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.info=vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab)
#' ## with lines and a shaded area for the prediction intervals
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,PI="both")
#' ## with the percentages of the real data
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,PI.real=T)
#' ## with mirrors (if supplied in 'vpc.file')
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,PI.real=T,PI.mirror=5)
#' ## with CIs
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,PI.real=T,PI.ci="area")
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,PI.real=T,PI.ci="area",PI=NULL)
#' ## stratification (if 'vpc.file' is stratified)
#' cond.var <- "WT"
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab)
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,by=cond.var)
#' xpose.VPC(vpctab=vpctab,vpc.info=vpc.file,PI="both",by=cond.var,type="n")
#' ## with no data points in the plot
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab,by=cond.var,PI.real=T,PI.ci="area",PI=NULL,type="n")
#' ## with different DV and IDV, just read in new files and plot
#' vpc.file <- "vpc_results.csv"
#' vpctab <- "vpctab5"
#' cond.var <- "WT"
#' xpose.VPC(vpctab=vpctab,vpc.info=vpc.file,PI="both",by=cond.var)
#' xpose.VPC(vpctab=vpctab,vpc.info=vpc.file,PI="both")
#' ## to use an xpose data object instead of vpctab
#' ##
#' ## In this example
#' ## we expect to find the required NONMEM run and table files for run
#' ## 5 in the current working directory
#' runnumber <- 5
#' xpdb <- xpose.data(runnumber)
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.file,object=xpdb)
#' ## to read files in a directory different than the current working directory 
#' vpc.file <- "./vpc_strat_WT_4_mirror_5/vpc_results.csv"
#' vpctab <- "./vpc_strat_WT_4_mirror_5/vpctab5"
#' xpose.VPC(vpc.info=vpc.file,vpctab=vpctab)
#' ## to rearrange order of factors in VPC plot
#' xpdb@Data$SEX <- factor(xpdb@Data$SEX,levels=c("2","1"))
#' xpose.VPC(by="SEX",object=xpdb)
#' }
#' @export xpose.VPC
#' @family PsN functions
#' @family specific functions
xpose.VPC <-
  function(vpc.info="vpc_results.csv",  #name of PSN file to use
           vpctab = dir(pattern="^vpctab")[1],
           object = NULL,
           PI.ci.area.smooth = FALSE,
           main.sub=NULL,  # used for names above each plot when using multiple plots
                                        #Should be a vector c("","")
           main.sub.cex=0.85, # size of main.sub 
           ylb = "Default",
           PI.x.median = TRUE,
           PI.rug = "Default",
           PI.identify.outliers = TRUE,
           ...) {

    ## for testing
    ##object <- xpdb
    ##inclZeroWRES <- FALSE
    ## Make sure we have the necessary variables defined
    if(is.null(object) & is.null(vpctab)){
      cat(paste("Both the arguments object and vpctab are NULL\n"))
      cat(paste("At least one of these must be defined\n"))
      tmp <- FALSE
      if(is.null(object)) tmp <- TRUE
      object <- read.vpctab(vpctab=vpctab,
      if(tmp==TRUE) inclZeroWRES=TRUE

    file.info <- read.npc.vpc.results(vpc.results=vpc.info,verbose=verbose,...)
    num.tables <- file.info$num.tables
    dv.var <- file.info$dv.var
    idv.var <- file.info$idv.var
    ##bin.table <- file.info$result.tables

    tmp <- c()
    if(is.null(object@Data[[dv.var]])) tmp <- c(tmp,dv.var)
    if(is.null(object@Data[[idv.var]])) tmp <- c(tmp,idv.var)
    if (!is.null(tmp)){
      cat("\n-----------Variable(s) not defined!-------------\n",
          tmp, "is/are not defined in the current database\n",
          "and must be defined for this command to work!\n",
      change.cat.cont(object) <- c(dv.var)
        change.cat.cont(object) <- c(idv.var)

    ## decide on the conditioning
    if (is.null(by) && num.tables!=1){
      ## get conditioning veriable name
      # for future use to automatically start conditioning
      #for (i in 1:num.tables){
      #  tmp.strata <- strata.names[i]
      #  strata.loc <- regexpr(strata.start.pat,strata.line)+7
      #  strata.names <- c(strata.names,substring(strata.line,strata.loc))

      ## use subsetting to get things working
      if(!is.null(subset)){ # this can be fixed below
        if(verbose) cat(paste("Overwriting the subset expression to handle multiple STRATA\n"))

      plotList <- vector("list",num.tables)
      plot.num <- 0 # initialize plot number

      ## this can be updated as in npc.coverage.R
      for (i in 1:num.tables){ 
        ##subset <- file.info$result.tables[[num.tables+1]][i] # this can be fixed to aviod overwriting subsets
        subset <- file.info$strata.names[i] # this can be fixed to aviod overwriting subsets 
        final.bin.table <- file.info$result.tables[[i]]
        } else {

        } else if(ylb != "Default"){
        } else {
          tmp.label <- xpose.create.label(dv.var,
          if(file.info$pred.corr && !file.info$var.corr){
            tmp.label <- paste(tmp.label,"\n(Pred Corr)")
          if(file.info$pred.corr && file.info$var.corr){
            tmp.label <- paste(tmp.label,"\n(Pred and Var Corr)")

        ## make the VPC
        xplot <- xpose.plot.default(idv.var,#xvardef("idv",object),
                                    ylb = ylb,
                                    PI.x.median = PI.x.median,
                                    PI.rug = PI.rug,
                                    PI.identify.outliers = PI.identify.outliers,
        plot.num <- plot.num+1
        plotList[[plot.num]] <- xplot
      default.plot.title <- "Visual Predictive Check\n"
      if(file.info$pred.corr && !file.info$var.corr){
        default.plot.title <- "Visual Predictive Check\n (Prediction Corrected)\n"
      if(file.info$pred.corr && file.info$var.corr){
        default.plot.title <- "Visual Predictive Check\n (Prediction and Variance Corrected)\n"

      default.plot.title <- paste(default.plot.title,
      plotTitle <- xpose.multiple.plot.title(object=object,
                                             plot.text = default.plot.title,

#      if(!dont.plot){
#        xpose.multiple.plot.default(plotList,plotTitle=plotTitle,...)
#      }
      obj <- xpose.multiple.plot(plotList,plotTitle,...)
#      return(invisible(plotList))
    } else { ## either plot stratification with by or only one strata 
      ## check structure of stratification variable
      if(!is.null(by) && num.tables!=1){
          ## categorical variable
          if(!is.factor(object@Data[[by]])) change.cat.cont(object) <- by
        } else {
          ## continuous variable
          if(is.factor(object@Data[[by]])) change.cat.cont(object) <- by

      default.plot.title <- "Visual Predictive Check\n"
      if(file.info$pred.corr && !file.info$var.corr){
        default.plot.title <- "Visual Predictive Check\n (Prediction Corrected)\n"
      if(file.info$pred.corr && file.info$var.corr){
        default.plot.title <- "Visual Predictive Check\n (Prediction and Variance Corrected)\n"
      default.plot.title <- paste(default.plot.title,
      plotTitle <- xpose.multiple.plot.title(object=object,
                                             plot.text = default.plot.title,

      } else if(ylb != "Default"){
      } else {
        tmp.label <- xpose.create.label(dv.var,
        if(file.info$pred.corr && !file.info$var.corr){
          tmp.label <- paste(tmp.label,"\n(Pred Corr)")
        if(file.info$pred.corr && file.info$var.corr){
          tmp.label <- paste(tmp.label,"\n(Pred and Var Corr)")

      ## make the VPC
      xplot <- xpose.plot.default(idv.var,#xvardef("idv",object),
                                  ylb = ylb,#tmp.label,
                                  PI.x.median = PI.x.median,
                                  PI.rug = PI.rug,
                                  PI.identify.outliers = PI.identify.outliers,

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