#' Developer function for summarizing new metrics
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `metric_summarizer()` has been soft-deprecated as of yardstick 1.2.0. Please
#' switch to use [class_metric_summarizer()], [numeric_metric_summarizer()],
#' [prob_metric_summarizer()], or [curve_metric_summarizer()].
#' @param metric_nm A single character representing the name of the metric to
#' use in the `tibble` output. This will be modified to include the type
#' of averaging if appropriate.
#' @param metric_fn The vector version of your custom metric function. It
#' generally takes `truth`, `estimate`, `na_rm`, and any other extra arguments
#' needed to calculate the metric.
#' @param data The data frame with `truth` and `estimate` columns passed
#' in from the data frame version of your metric function that called
#' `metric_summarizer()`.
#' @param truth The unquoted column name corresponding to the `truth` column.
#' @param estimate Generally, the unquoted column name corresponding to
#' the `estimate` column. For metrics that take multiple columns through `...`
#' like class probability metrics, this is a result of [dots_to_estimate()].
#' @param estimator For numeric metrics, this is left as `NULL` so averaging
#' is not passed on to the metric function implementation. For classification
#' metrics, this can either be `NULL` for the default auto-selection of
#' averaging (`"binary"` or `"macro"`), or a single character to pass along
#' to the metric implementation describing the kind of averaging to use.
#' @param na_rm A `logical` value indicating whether `NA` values should be
#' stripped before the computation proceeds. The removal is executed in
#' `metric_vec_template()`.
#' @param event_level For numeric metrics, this is left as `NULL` to prevent
#' it from being passed on to the metric function implementation. For
#' classification metrics, this can either be `NULL` to use the default
#' `event_level` value of the `metric_fn` or a single string of either
#' `"first"` or `"second"` to pass along describing which level should be
#' considered the "event".
#' @param case_weights For metrics supporting case weights, an unquoted
#' column name corresponding to case weights can be passed here. If not `NULL`,
#' the case weights will be passed on to `metric_fn` as the named argument
#' `case_weights`.
#' @param ... Currently not used. Metric specific options are passed in
#' through `metric_fn_options`.
#' @param metric_fn_options A named list of metric specific options. These
#' are spliced into the metric function call using `!!!` from `rlang`. The
#' default results in nothing being spliced into the call.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
metric_summarizer <- function(metric_nm,
estimator = NULL,
na_rm = TRUE,
event_level = NULL,
case_weights = NULL,
metric_fn_options = list()) {
when = "1.2.0",
what = "metric_summarizer()",
with = I(
"`numeric_metric_summarizer()`, `class_metric_summarizer()`,",
"`prob_metric_summarizer()`, or `curve_metric_summarizer()`"
truth <- enquo(truth)
estimate <- enquo(estimate)
case_weights <- enquo(case_weights)
validate_not_missing(truth, "truth")
validate_not_missing(estimate, "estimate")
# Explicit handling of length 1 character vectors as column names
nms <- colnames(data)
truth <- handle_chr_names(truth, nms)
estimate <- handle_chr_names(estimate, nms)
finalize_estimator_expr <- expr(
finalize_estimator(!!truth, estimator, metric_nm)
metric_tbl <- dplyr::summarise(
.metric = metric_nm,
.estimator = eval_tidy(finalize_estimator_expr),
.estimate = metric_fn(
truth = !!truth,
estimate = !!estimate,
!!!spliceable_argument(estimator, "estimator"),
na_rm = na_rm,
!!!spliceable_argument(event_level, "event_level"),
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utilities
validate_not_missing <- function(x, nm) {
if (quo_is_missing(x)) {
"`", nm, "` ",
"is missing and must be supplied."
handle_chr_names <- function(x, nms) {
x_expr <- get_expr(x)
# Replace character with bare name
if (is.character(x_expr) && length(x_expr) == 1) {
# Only replace if it is actually a column name in `data`
if (x_expr %in% nms) {
# Replace the quosure with just the name
# Don't replace the quosure expression, this
# breaks with dplyr and R <= 3.4.4
x <-
spliceable_case_weights <- function(case_weights) {
if (quo_is_null(case_weights)) {
list(case_weights = case_weights)
#' Developer function for calling new metrics
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `metric_vec_template()` has been soft-deprecated as of yardstick 1.2.0.
#' Please switch to use [check_metric] and [yardstick_remove_missing] functions.
#' @param metric_impl The core implementation function of your custom metric.
#' This core implementation function is generally defined inside the vector
#' method of your metric function.
#' @param truth The realized vector of `truth`. This is either a factor
#' or a numeric.
#' @param estimate The realized `estimate` result. This is either a numeric
#' vector, a factor vector, or a numeric matrix (in the case of multiple
#' class probability columns) depending on your metric function.
#' @param na_rm A `logical` value indicating whether `NA` values should be
#' stripped before the computation proceeds. `NA` values are removed
#' before getting to your core implementation function so you do not have to
#' worry about handling them yourself. If `na_rm=FALSE` and any `NA` values
#' exist, then `NA` is automatically returned.
#' @param cls A character vector of length 1 or 2 corresponding to the
#' class that `truth` and `estimate` should be, respectively. If `truth` and
#' `estimate` are of the same class, just supply a vector of length 1. If
#' they are different, supply a vector of length 2. For matrices, it is best
#' to supply `"numeric"` as the class to check here.
#' @param estimator The type of averaging to use. By this point, the averaging
#' type should be finalized, so this should be a character vector of length 1\.
#' By default, this character value is required to be one of: `"binary"`,
#' `"macro"`, `"micro"`, or `"macro_weighted"`. If your metric allows more
#' or less averaging methods, override this with `averaging_override`.
#' @param case_weights Optionally, the realized case weights, as a numeric
#' vector. This must be the same length as `truth`, and will be considered in
#' the `na_rm` checks. If supplied, this will be passed on to `metric_impl` as
#' the named argument `case_weights`.
#' @param ... Extra arguments to your core metric function, `metric_impl`, can
#' technically be passed here, but generally the extra args are added through
#' R's scoping rules because the core metric function is created on the fly
#' when the vector method is called.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
metric_vec_template <- function(metric_impl,
na_rm = TRUE,
cls = "numeric",
estimator = NULL,
case_weights = NULL,
...) {
when = "1.2.0",
what = "metric_vec_template()",
with = I(
"`check_numeric_metric()`, `check_class_metric()`,",
"`check_class_metric()`, `yardstick_remove_missing()`, and `yardstick_any_missing()`"
estimate <- as_factor_from_class_pred(estimate)
validate_truth_estimate_checks(truth, estimate, cls, estimator)
validate_case_weights(case_weights, size = length(truth))
has_case_weights <- !is.null(case_weights)
if (na_rm) {
complete_cases <- stats::complete.cases(truth, estimate, case_weights)
truth <- truth[complete_cases]
if (is.matrix(estimate)) {
estimate <- estimate[complete_cases, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
estimate <- estimate[complete_cases]
if (has_case_weights) {
case_weights <- case_weights[complete_cases]
} else {
any_na <-
anyNA(truth) ||
anyNA(estimate) ||
(has_case_weights && anyNA(case_weights))
# return NA if any NA
if (any_na) {
if (has_case_weights) {
metric_impl(truth = truth, estimate = estimate, case_weights = case_weights, ...)
} else {
# Assume signature doesn't have `case_weights =`
metric_impl(truth = truth, estimate = estimate, ...)
validate_truth_estimate_types <- function(truth, estimate, estimator) {
validate_truth_estimate_types.default <- function(truth, estimate, estimator) {
cls <- class(truth)[[1]]
"`truth` class `", cls, "` is unknown. ",
"`truth` must be a numeric or a factor."
# factor / ?
validate_truth_estimate_types.factor <- function(truth, estimate, estimator) {
"binary" = binary_checks(truth, estimate),
# otherwise multiclass checks
multiclass_checks(truth, estimate)
# numeric / numeric
validate_truth_estimate_types.numeric <- function(truth, estimate, estimator) {
if (!is.numeric(estimate)) {
cls <- class(estimate)[[1]]
"`estimate` should be a numeric, not a `", cls, "`."
if (is.matrix(estimate)) {
"`estimate` should be a numeric vector, not a numeric matrix."
if (is.matrix(truth)) {
"`truth` should be a numeric vector, not a numeric matrix."
# double dispatch
# truth = factor
# estimate = ?
binary_checks <- function(truth, estimate) {
UseMethod("binary_checks", estimate)
# factor / unknown
binary_checks.default <- function(truth, estimate) {
cls <- class(estimate)[[1]]
"A binary metric was chosen but",
"`estimate` class `", cls, "` is unknown."
# factor / factor
binary_checks.factor <- function(truth, estimate) {
lvls_t <- levels(truth)
lvls_e <- levels(estimate)
if (!identical(lvls_t, lvls_e)) {
lvls_t <- paste0(lvls_t, collapse = ", ")
lvls_e <- paste0(lvls_e, collapse = ", ")
"`truth` and `estimate` levels must be equivalent.\n",
"`truth`: ", lvls_t, "\n",
"`estimate`: ", lvls_e, "\n"
lvls <- levels(truth)
if (length(lvls) != 2) {
"`estimator` is binary, only two class `truth` factors are allowed. ",
"A factor with ", length(lvls), " levels was provided."
# factor / numeric
binary_checks.numeric <- function(truth, estimate) {
# nothing to check here, all good
# factor / matrix
binary_checks.matrix <- function(truth, estimate) {
"You are using a `binary` metric but have passed multiple columns to `...`"
# truth = factor
# estimate = ?
multiclass_checks <- function(truth, estimate) {
UseMethod("multiclass_checks", estimate)
# factor / unknown
multiclass_checks.default <- function(truth, estimate) {
cls <- class(estimate)[[1]]
abort(paste0("`estimate` class `", cls, "` is unknown."))
# factor / factor, >2 classes each
multiclass_checks.factor <- function(truth, estimate) {
lvls_t <- levels(truth)
lvls_e <- levels(estimate)
if (!identical(lvls_t, lvls_e)) {
lvls_t <- paste0(lvls_t, collapse = ", ")
lvls_e <- paste0(lvls_e, collapse = ", ")
"`truth` and `estimate` levels must be equivalent.\n",
"`truth`: ", lvls_t, "\n",
"`estimate`: ", lvls_e, "\n"
# factor / numeric, but should be matrix
# (any probs function, if user went from binary->macro, they need to supply
# all cols)
multiclass_checks.numeric <- function(truth, estimate) {
# this is bad, but we want to be consistent in erorr messages
# with the factor / matrix check below
multiclass_checks.matrix(truth, as.matrix(estimate))
# factor / matrix (any probs functions)
multiclass_checks.matrix <- function(truth, estimate) {
n_lvls <- length(levels(truth))
n_cols <- ncol(estimate)
if (n_lvls != n_cols) {
"The number of levels in `truth` (", n_lvls, ") ",
"must match the number of columns supplied in `...` (", n_cols, ")."
validate_truth_estimate_lengths <- function(truth, estimate) {
n_truth <- length(truth)
if (is.matrix(estimate)) {
n_estimate <- nrow(estimate)
} else {
n_estimate <- length(estimate)
if (n_truth != n_estimate) {
"Length of `truth` (", n_truth, ") ",
"and `estimate` (", n_estimate, ") must match."
validate_class <- function(x, nm, cls) {
# cls is always known to have a `is.cls()` function
is_cls <- get(paste0("is.", cls))
if (!is_cls(x)) {
cls_real <- class(x)[[1]]
"`", nm, "` ",
"should be a ", cls, " ",
"but a ", cls_real, " was supplied."
validate_truth_estimate_checks <- function(truth, estimate,
cls = "numeric",
estimator) {
if (length(cls) == 1) {
cls <- c(cls, cls)
validate_class(truth, "truth", cls[1])
validate_class(estimate, "estimate", cls[2])
validate_truth_estimate_types(truth, estimate, estimator)
validate_truth_estimate_lengths(truth, estimate)
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