
Defines functions getStandingKatzCurve getStandingKatzCurve_1p .plotStandingKatzSimple getStandingKatzData listStandingKatzCurves getStandingKatzMatrix extractCurveNumber getStandingKatzTpr getStandingKatzPpr getCurvesDigitized multiplotStandingKatz

Documented in getStandingKatzCurve getStandingKatzData getStandingKatzMatrix getStandingKatzTpr listStandingKatzCurves multiplotStandingKatz

#' Read file with readings from Standing-Katz chart, create data file and plot
#' Read a .txt file that was created from readings of the Standing-Katz chart,
#' then convert it to a .rda file and plot the curve for given Tpr. If no values
#' are supplied, the function will plot the SK curve at Tpr=1.30, low Ppr.
#' @param tpr Pseudo-reduced temperature curve in SK chart
#' @param pprRange Takes one of two values: "lp": low pressure, or "hp" for
#' high pressure
#' @param tolerance rounding tolerance to avoid rounding readings that are in
#' the middle of the grid. "tolerance" adds flexibility in deciding point closeness.
#' Default value is 0.01.
#' @param toSave set to FALSE to indicate if the .rda file will not be saved to disk
#' @param toPlot set to FALSE to indicate the dataset will not be plotted
#' @param toView set to FALSE to prevent visualizing the dataframe
#' @param ylim minimum (0.2) and maximum (1.2) limits for the y-scale
#' @importFrom graphics lines plot mtext
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get SK curve for low-pressure chart
#' getStandingKatzCurve()
#' # get SK curve for high-pressure chart
#' getStandingKatzCurve(tpr = 1.3, pprRange = 'hp', toView = FALSE, toSave = FALSE)
getStandingKatzCurve <- function(tpr = 1.3, pprRange = "lp", tolerance = 0.01,
                                 toView = FALSE, toSave = FALSE, toPlot = TRUE,
                                 ylim = c(0.2, 1.2)) {
    if (length(tpr) > 1) {
        tpr_vec <- tpr
        tpr_li <- lapply(tpr_vec, function(x)
            getStandingKatzCurve_1p(tpr = x, pprRange = pprRange,
                                    tolerance = tolerance, toPlot = toPlot,
                                    toSave = toSave, toView = toView, ylim = ylim))
        names(tpr_li) <- tpr_vec
    } else {
        tpr_1p <- getStandingKatzCurve_1p(tpr = tpr, pprRange = pprRange, tolerance = tolerance,
                                toView = toView, toSave = toSave, toPlot = toPlot,
                                ylim = ylim)

getStandingKatzCurve_1p <- function(tpr = 1.3, pprRange = "lp", tolerance = 0.01,
                                 toView = FALSE, toSave = FALSE, toPlot = TRUE,
                                 ylim = c(0.2, 1.2)) {
    # Read digitized data from Standing-Katz chart, plot it
    # and put it in a .rda file
      #       x: Ppr
      #       y: z
    # digitized data files (.txt) are under `extdata`
    extdata <- system.file("extdata", package = "zFactor")

    # isNear detect if the digitized Ppr is closed the 0.1 grid
    isNear <- function(n) abs(n - round(n, 1)) <= tolerance

    # stop if Tpr curve has not been recorded
    if (!tpr %in% getStandingKatzTpr(pprRange = "all"))
        stop(sprintf("Curve not available at Tpr =%5.2f", tpr))

    # stop if it is not `lp`` or `hp`` Ppr
    if (!pprRange %in% c("lp", "hp"))
        stop("Range unknown. It can be 'lp' or 'hp'")

    tpr_3dig <- format(round(tpr*100, 2), nsmall = 0)    # two decimals as string
    dfile <- paste(paste("sk", pprRange, "tpr", tpr_3dig, sep = "_"),
                   "txt", sep = ".")

    ds_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(dfile)
    ds_file <- paste(ds_name, "rda", sep = ".")
    .tpr <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(dfile)            # remove the extension

    # stop if no file is found
    data_file <- paste(extdata, dfile, sep = "/")
    if (!file.exists(data_file)) stop(sprintf("File %s does not exist", data_file))

    # "assign(.tpr, tpr_obj)" to store modified dataframe
    assign(.tpr, utils::read.table(data_file, header = TRUE))  # name same as file name
    tpr_obj <- get(.tpr)               # get the object from the string
    colnames(tpr_obj)<- c("Ppr", "z")              # assign column names
    tpr_obj <- tpr_obj[order(tpr_obj$Ppr),]        # sort Ppr
    tpr_obj$isNear <- isNear(tpr_obj$Ppr)          # round to nearest Ppr
    tpr_obj$Ppr_near <- ifelse(tpr_obj$isNear, round(tpr_obj$Ppr/.1)*.1, tpr_obj$Ppr)
    tpr_obj$diff <- tpr_obj$Ppr - tpr_obj$Ppr_near     # find the difference to nearest
    assign(.tpr, tpr_obj)

    if (toSave)  save(list = .tpr, file = ds_file) # save .rda with same name
    if (toPlot)  .plotStandingKatzSimple(tpr_obj, tpr, ylim)  # plot the object
    if (toView)  utils::View(tpr_obj, title = .tpr)     # view the object

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line geom_point coord_cartesian labs
.plotStandingKatzSimple <- function(tpr_obj, tpr, ylim) {
    Ppr <- NULL; z <- NULL; Tpr <- NULL
    tpr_s2d <- format(round(tpr, 2), nsmall = 2)
    title <- paste0("Tpr = ", tpr_s2d)
    subtitle <- "z vs Ppr, Standing-Katz chart"        # subtitle
    # plot(x = tpr_obj$Ppr, y = tpr_obj$z, ylim = c(0.2, 1.2),
    #      main = title, xlab = "Ppr", ylab = "z")
    # lines(x = tpr_obj$Ppr_near, y = tpr_obj$z, col = "blue")  # nearest rounded points
    # mtext("z vs Ppr, Standing-Katz chart")        # subtitle

    g <- ggplot(tpr_obj, aes(x=Ppr, y=z)) + geom_line() + geom_point() +
        labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = "Ppr", y = "z") +
        coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim)


#' Read a file with readings from Standing-Katz chart. Similar to
#' `getStandingKatzCurve` function but this gets only the data.
#' Read a .txt file that was created from readings of the Standing-Katz chart
#' and retrieve the points
#' @param tpr Pseudo-reduced temperature curve in SK chart. Default Tpr=1.30
#' @param pprRange Takes one of two values: "lp": low pressure, or "hp" for
#' high pressure. Default is "lp".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getStandingKatzData(tpr = 1.5, pprRange = 'lp')
#' # with a vector
#' #tpr <- c(1.05, 1.1, 1.2)
#' #getStandingKatzData(tpr, pprRange = 'lp')
getStandingKatzData <- function(tpr = 1.3, pprRange = "lp") {
    getStandingKatzCurve(tpr = tpr, pprRange = pprRange,
                         toView = FALSE, toSave = FALSE, toPlot = FALSE)


#' List all Standing-Katz curve files available at Low and High pressures
#' @param pprRange Takes one of three values: "lp": low pressure, or "hp" for
#' high pressure, or 'all' for all the curve text files. The text files reside
#' under extdata. High pressure is considered above a Ppr > 8.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listStandingKatzCurves(pprRange = 'all')  # list all curves
#' listStandingKatzCurves(pprRange = 'lp')   # list all the Tpr for low-pressure
#' #' listStandingKatzCurves(pprRange = 'hp')   # list all the Tpr for high-pressure
listStandingKatzCurves <- function(pprRange = "lp") {
    range_valid <- c("lp", "hp", "all")
    # stop if it is not 'lp' or 'hp' or 'all'
    if (!pprRange %in% range_valid)
        stop("Ppr range unknown. It can be 'lp' or 'hp' or 'all'")

    extdata <- system.file("extdata", package = "zFactor")  # files are in extdata
    # regex patterns that identify Tpr curves
    if (pprRange == "lp") pat  <- "sk_[l]p_tpr_[1,2,3][0-9][0,5].*\\.txt"
    if (pprRange == "hp") pat  <- "sk_[h]p_tpr_[1,2,3][0-9][0,5].*\\.txt"
    if (pprRange == "all") pat <- "sk_[lh]p_tpr_[1,2,3][0-9][0,5].*\\.txt"

    list.files(path = extdata, pattern = pat)

#' Generate a matrix of Standing-Katz pseudo-reduced pressure and tenperature
#' by giving vector values
#' @param ppr_vector a vector of pseudo-reduced pressure
#' @param tpr_vector a vector of pseudo-reduced temperatures
#' @param pprRange Takes one of two values: "lp": low pressure, or "hp" for
#' high pressure. Default: "lp"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # if we want to know all digitized values of Ppr at a Tpr curve
#' tpr_vec <- c(2.0)
#' getStandingKatzMatrix(tpr_vector = tpr_vec,
#'                        pprRange = "lp")
#' # or to extract at a Ppr=1.5
#' getStandingKatzMatrix(tpr_vector = tpr_vec, pprRange = "lp")[1, "1.5"]
#' # for two vectors
#' ppr <- c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5)
#' tpr <- c(1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2)
#' sk <- getStandingKatzMatrix(ppr_vector = ppr, tpr_vector = tpr)
#' print(sk)
getStandingKatzMatrix <- function(ppr_vector = NULL,
                                  tpr_vector = NULL,
                                  pprRange = "lp") {
    # create a `z` table (matrix) for a set of Tpr and Ppr
    range_valid <- c("lp", "hp")
    if (is.null(tpr_vector)) stop("a Tpr vector must be supplied")
    if (!pprRange %in% range_valid)
        stop("Ppr range keyword not valid")
    if (!all(tpr_vector %in% getStandingKatzTpr(pprRange)))
        stop("One of the Tpr curves is not available")

    # get a list of dataframes at all given Tpr
    res_li <- lapply(tpr_vector, getStandingKatzData, pprRange)
    tpr_vec_str <- format(round(tpr_vector, 2), nsmall = 2)   # all Tpr with 2 decimals
    # add Tpr names to the dataframes in the list
    names(res_li) <- tpr_vec_str

    # initialize matrix with `Tpr` rows and 0 columns
    tbl_mx <- matrix(nrow = length(tpr_vector), ncol = 0)

    if (missing(ppr_vector)) {
        tbl <- data.frame()
        z_vec <- vector("numeric")     # initialize `z` vector
        for (tpr_str in tpr_vec_str) {   # iterate through Tpr string vector
            df <- res_li[[tpr_str]]      # extract a dataframe from the Tpr list
            cols2 <- df[c("z", "Ppr_near")]
            cols2$Tpr <- tpr_str
            tbl <- rbind(tbl, cols2) # add the Ppr column-vector to the matrix
        sp <- tidyr::spread(tbl, key = "Tpr", value = z)
        am <- as.matrix(sp)
        rownames(am) <- am[, "Ppr_near"]
        am <- am[, c(2:ncol(am))]
    } else {
        for (ppr in ppr_vector) {          # iterate through Ppr numeric vector
            z_vec <- vector("numeric")     # initialize `z` vector
            for (tpr_str in tpr_vec_str) {   # iterate through Tpr string vector
                df <- res_li[[tpr_str]]      # extract a dataframe from the Tpr list
                z <- df[which(df["Ppr_near"] == ppr), "z"] # get `z` value for the Ppr
                z_vec <- c(z_vec, z)     # add a new `z` row to the bottom of vector `z_vec`
                z_mx <- matrix(z_vec)    # convert the vector to a matrix
            colnames(z_mx) <- ppr           # add the column name to the column-vector Ppr
            if (dim(z_mx)[1] == 0)      stop("Ppr values may not be digitized at this Tpr")
            tbl_mx <- cbind(tbl_mx, z_mx) # add the Ppr column-vector to the matrix
        rownames(tbl_mx) <- tpr_vec_str   # add Tpr names to the matrix

# extract the curve number from a digitized file
extractCurveNumber <- function(str) {
    # numbers WITHOUT including the dot and comma
    ul <- unlist(regmatches(str, gregexpr('\\(?[0-9]+', str)))
    curv_num <- as.numeric(ul) / 100

#' Get a numeric vector of the digitized curves available for Pseudo Reduced
#' Temperature
#' @param pprRange Takes one of 4 values: "lp": low pressure, or "hp" for
#' high pressure; "all": all curves; "common": only curves that are common to hp
#' and lp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getStandingKatzTpr(pprRange = "lp")
#' getStandingKatzTpr(pprRange = "common")
getStandingKatzTpr <- function(pprRange = NULL) {
    range_valid <- c("lp", "hp", "all", "common")
    msg <- "one of these values must be supplied:"
    msg_stop <- paste(msg, paste(range_valid, collapse = ", "), sep = "\n > ")

    if (is.null(pprRange)) stop(msg_stop)
    if (!pprRange %in% range_valid) stop("Ppr range keyword not valid")

    if (pprRange == "common") {
        lp_digit <- listStandingKatzCurves(pprRange = "lp")
        hp_digit <- listStandingKatzCurves(pprRange = "hp")
        lp_vec <- sapply(lp_digit, extractCurveNumber)
        hp_vec <- sapply(hp_digit, extractCurveNumber)
        sort(intersect(lp_vec, hp_vec))
    } else {
        curves_digitized <- listStandingKatzCurves(pprRange = pprRange)
        curves_vec <- sapply(curves_digitized, extractCurveNumber)
        names(curves_vec) <- NULL
        sort(unique(curves_vec))   # only unique values if `all`. intersection of lp and hp

getStandingKatzPpr <- function(interval = "coarse") {
    if (interval == "coarse")
        ppr <- c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5)
    else if (interval == "fine")
        ppr <- c(0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0)
        stop("wrong `interval` specified")

getCurvesDigitized <- function(pprRange) {
    .Deprecated("getStandingKatzTpr", package = "zFactor")
    getStandingKatzTpr(pprRange = pprRange)

#' Plot multiple Tpr isotherm curves in one figure
#' Plot shows the digitized isotherm of the Standing-Katz chart
#' @param tpr a vector of one of multiple Pseudo-reduced temperatures
#' @param pprRange Takes one of two values: "lp": low pressure, or "hp".
#' Default: "lp"
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @rdname multiplotStandingKatz
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line geom_point
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # plot Standing-Katz curves for Tpr=1.1 and 2.0
#' multiplotStandingKatz(c(1.1, 2))
#' # plot SK curves for the lowest range of Tpr
#' multiplotStandingKatz(c(1.05, 1.1, 1.2))
multiplotStandingKatz <- function(tpr = NULL, pprRange = "lp", ...) {
    if (is.null(tpr)) stop("a vector of one or multiple Tpr must be entered")
    Ppr <- NULL; z <- NULL; Tpr <- NULL      # dummy variables to prevent error
    if (length(tpr) > 1)
        tpr_li <- getStandingKatzData(tpr, pprRange = pprRange)
        tpr_li <- list(getStandingKatzData(tpr, pprRange = pprRange))

    # join the dataframes with rbindlist adding an identifier column
    tpr_df <- data.table::rbindlist(tpr_li, idcol = TRUE)
    colnames(tpr_df)[1] <- "Tpr"    # name the identifier as Tpr

    g <- ggplot(tpr_df, aes(x=Ppr, y=z, group=Tpr, color=Tpr)) +
        geom_line() +

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