#' Get the EPA monitoring day from a date
#' Returns the corresponding day in the EPA's 12-day sampling schedule for the
#' given date.
#' The EPA collects some samples every 3, 6, or 12 days. It provides a recurring
#' 12-day schedule for these samples. This function represents the schedule with
#' the integers 1 to 12. A sample taken every 3 days should be collected on days
#' 3, 6, 9, and 12. A sample on the 6-day schedule should be collected on days 6
#' and 12, and a sample on the 12-day schedule should be collected on day 12.
#' @param d A date.
#' @return An integer from 1 to 12 representing the day in the EPA's 12-day
#' monitoring schedule.
#' @examples
#' epa_schedule(as.Date('2020-01-01'))
#' @seealso \url{https://www.epa.gov/amtic/sampling-schedule-calendar},
#' \url{https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/amtic/calendar.html}
#' @export
epa_schedule = function(d) as.integer(d - as.Date('2020-01-05')) %% 12 + 1
# combine state, county, and site numbers into an AQS site ID string (makes
# subsetting by site easier)
format_aqs_site = function(state, county, site) {
paste(formatC(state, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"),
formatC(county, width = 3, format = "d", flag = "0"),
formatC(site, width = 4, format = "d", flag = "0"), sep = '-')
# Download a set of AQS bulk download (zipped csv) files. See the available
# files at https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/download_files.html.
download_aqs = function(name, years, destdir, overwrite = FALSE) {
aqsweb = 'https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/'
zips = paste0('https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/', name, '_', years, '.zip')
for (z in zips) {
dest_path = file.path(destdir, basename(z))
if (overwrite || !file.exists(dest_path)) download.file(z, dest_path)
# Efficiently subset large AQS zipped csv's by site, without using large amounts
# of RAM
subset_zipped_csv = function(z, f, sites, ...) {
# Strategy: read chunks from zipped file, apply strsplit with `fixed` which is
# very fast, and also startsWith instead of grep (also really fast)
zfile = unz(z, f, 'rb')
site_txt = paste0('"', gsub('-', '","', sites), '"')
contains_site = function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
any(startsWith(x, site_txt))
} else {
rowSums(sapply(site_txt, function(y) startsWith(x, y))) > 0
mb100 = 20 * 2 ^ 20 # 20MB. No particular reason
# `readChar`, unlike `readLines`, does not require file seeking, which the unz
# connection can't do
chunk = readChar(zfile, mb100, useBytes = TRUE)
last_line = ''
res = list()
i = 1
while(length(chunk)) {
lines = strsplit(chunk, '\n', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
# get the header
if (i == 1) {
res[[1]] = lines[1]
i = 2
# piece together the new first line, adding the ending line fragment from
# the previous chunk
lines[1] = paste0(last_line, lines[1])
last_line = tail(lines, 1)
lines = head(lines, -1)
res[[i]] = lines[contains_site(lines)]
i = i + 1
chunk = readChar(zfile, mb100, useBytes = TRUE)
if (contains_site(last_line)) res[[i]] = last_line
read.csv(text = unlist(res), check.names = FALSE)
# Some of the zipped datasets are very large. In order to read them into memory,
# they need to be subsetted one year at a time while loading. (The dataset name
# is the file name without including the year.)
subset_aqs_dataset = function(name, sites, datadir, years = NULL) {
zips = list.files(datadir, paste0(name, '.*\\.zip'), full.names = TRUE)
if (!is.null(years)) {
zip_years = as.integer(gsub('.*_|\\.zip', '', zips))
zips = zips[zip_years %in% years]
dat_list = lapply(zips, function(x) {
csv = basename(sub('\\.zip$', '.csv', x))
subset_zipped_csv(x, csv, sites)
do.call(rbind, dat_list)
# Make a param x year matrix of AQS data availability. Availability is
# determined using the yearly summary data, as suggested at
# https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/data_api.html#tips.
aqs_availability_matrix = function(site, years, datadir) {
download_aqs('annual_conc_by_monitor', years, datadir, overwrite = FALSE)
annual = subset_aqs_dataset('annual_conc_by_monitor', site, datadir, years)
long = aggregate(`Observation Count` ~ `Parameter Code` + Year, data = annual,
FUN = sum)
wide = reshape(long, v.names = 'Observation Count',
timevar = 'Parameter Code', idvar = 'Year', direction = 'wide')
mat = as.matrix(wide[, -1])
colnames(mat) = sub('Observation Count\\.', '', colnames(mat))
row.names(mat) = wide$Year
!is.na(mat) & mat > 0
# get all available samples for the given parameters, site, and years
#' @export
aqs_bulk_samples = function(params, datasets, site, years, datadir, email,
key) {
# add 'hourly' to the front because these are sample datasets
datasets = paste0('hourly_', datasets)
avail_mat = aqs_availability_matrix(params, site, years, email, key)
years_avail = as.integer(row.names(avail_mat)[rowSums(avail_mat) > 0])
if (!all(years %in% years_avail)) {
years_str = paste(setdiff(years, years_avail), collapse = ', ')
warning('Some years are missing data: ', years_str)
years = years_avail
params_avail = colnames(avail_mat)[colSums(avail_mat) > 0]
if (!all(params %in% params_avail)) {
params_str = paste(setdiff(params, params_avail), collapse = ', ')
warning('Some params are missing data: ', params_str)
params = intersect(params, params_avail)
# for each dataset, extract the contained parameters
res = list()
for (ds in unique(datasets)) {
message('Getting ', ds, ' samples')
ds_params = params[datasets == ds]
ds_avail = avail_mat[, ds_params, drop = FALSE]
ds_years = row.names(ds_avail)[rowSums(ds_avail) > 0]
download_aqs(ds, ds_years, datadir, overwrite = FALSE)
res[[ds]] = subset_aqs_dataset(ds, site, datadir, ds_years)
do.call(rbind, unname(res))
# kind of a silly workaround to put 5 seconds between the *end* of a request and
# the beginning of the next
aqs_env = new.env()
aqs_env$aqs_5sec = Sys.time() - as.difftime(5, units = 'secs')
aqs_wait_5sec = function() {
wait_time = aqs_env$aqs_5sec + as.difftime(5, units = 'secs') - Sys.time()
if (wait_time > 0) Sys.sleep(as.numeric(wait_time, units='secs'))
aqs_restart_5sec = function() assign('aqs_5sec', Sys.time(), aqs_env)
.aqs_request = function(x) {
url = paste0('https://aqs.epa.gov/data/api/', URLencode(x))
res = jsonlite::fromJSON(url)
# send a request to the AQS data mart, following the API terms:
# https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/data_api.html#terms
# and caching results to avoid needlessly repeating requests
aqs_request =
ratelimitr::limit_rate(.aqs_request, ratelimitr::rate(n = 10, period = 60))
# get a year of samples for up to 5 parameters
.get_year_samples = function(param, site, year, email, key) {
login_str = paste0('email=', email, '&key=', key)
site_str = paste0('state=', substr(site, 1, 2), '&county=',
substr(site, 4, 6), '&site=', substr(site, 8, 11))
year_str = paste0('bdate=', year, '0101&edate=', year, '1231')
params_str = paste0('param=', paste(param, collapse = ','))
url_params = paste(login_str, site_str, year_str, params_str, sep = '&')
query = paste0('sampleData/bySite?', url_params)
res = aqs_request(query)
if (!res$Header$rows) {
} else {
get_year_samples = function(params, site, year, email, key) {
groups = (1:length(params) - 1) %/% 5 # split params into groups of 5
res = by(params, groups, .get_year_samples, site, year, email, key)
do.call(rbind, res)
# get all available samples for the given parameters and years
#' @export
aqs_api_samples = function(params, site, years, email, key) {
message('Checking data availability...')
avail_mat = aqs_availability_matrix(params, site, years, email, key)
params_avail = params %in% colnames(avail_mat)
if (!all(params_avail)) {
params_str = paste(params[!params_avail], collapse = ', ')
warning('Some params are missing data: ', params_str)
params = params[params_avail]
years_avail = as.character(years) %in% row.names(avail_mat)
if (!all(years_avail)) {
years_str = paste(years[!years_avail], collapse = ', ')
warning('Some years are missing data: ', years_str)
years = years[years_avail]
# for each year, get the available parameters
res = list()
for (y in years) {
message('Getting ', y, ' samples...')
year_str = as.character(y)
y_params = colnames(avail_mat)[avail_mat[year_str, ] > 0]
res[[year_str]] = get_year_samples(y_params, site, y, email, key)
do.call(rbind, res)
.aqs_year_availability = function(param, site, year, email, key) {
login_str = paste0('email=', email, '&key=', key)
site_str = paste0('state=', substr(site, 1, 2), '&county=',
substr(site, 4, 6), '&site=', substr(site, 8, 11))
year_str = paste0('bdate=', year, '0101&edate=', year, '1231')
params_str = paste0('param=', paste(param, collapse = ','))
url_params = paste(login_str, site_str, year_str, params_str, sep = '&')
url = paste0('annualData/bySite?', url_params)
res = aqs_request(url)
if (!res$Header$rows) {
} else {
aqs_year_availability = function(params, site, year, email, key) {
groups = (1:length(params) - 1) %/% 5 # split params into groups of 5
res = by(params, groups, .aqs_year_availability, site, year, email, key)
do.call(rbind, res)
# Make a param x year matrix of AQS data availability. Availability is
# determined using the yearly summary data, as suggested at
# https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/data_api.html#tips.
aqs_availability_matrix = function(params, site, years, email, key) {
res = lapply(years, function(x) aqs_year_availability(params, site, x, email, key))
annual = do.call(rbind, res)
if (!nrow(annual)) return(data.frame())
long = aggregate(observation_count ~ parameter_code + year, data = annual,
FUN = sum)
wide = reshape(long, v.names = 'observation_count', timevar = 'parameter_code',
idvar = 'year', direction = 'wide')
mat = as.matrix(wide[, -1])
colnames(mat) = sub('observation_count.', '', colnames(mat), fixed = TRUE)
row.names(mat) = wide$year
mat[is.na(mat)] = 0
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