
Defines functions distributionH

Documented in distributionH

# Constructor
#' Wrapper function distributionH
#' A histogram object can be created also with the function \code{distributionH(...)}, the costructor function for creating an object containing the description of
#' a histogram.
#' @name distributionH
#' @rdname distributionH-class
#' @export
#' @return A \code{distributionH} object
#' @examples
#' # or using
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3), p = c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' @import methods
distributionH <- function(x = numeric(0), p = numeric(0)) {
  object <- new("distributionH", x = x, p = p)

# Get methods -----

#' Method \code{get.m}: the mean of a distribution
#' @name get.m
#' @rdname get.m-methods
#' @exportMethod get.m
setGeneric("get.m", function(object) standardGeneric("get.m"))
#' @rdname get.m-methods
#' @aliases get.m,distributionH-method
#' @description This functon return the mean of a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return A numeric value
#' @examples
#' D <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.6, 1))
#' get.m(D) # returns the mean of D
  "get.m", "distributionH",
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object)) {
    } else {

#' Method \code{get.s}: the standard deviation of a distribution
#' @name get.s
#' @rdname get.s-methods
#' @exportMethod get.s
setGeneric("get.s", function(object) standardGeneric("get.s"))

#' @rdname get.s-methods
#' @aliases get.s,distributionH-method
#' @description This functon return the standard deviation of a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @return A numeric positive value, the standard deviation.
#' @examples
#' D <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.6, 1))
#' get.s(D) # returns the standard deviation of D
  "get.s", "distributionH",
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object)) {
    } else {
#' Method \code{get.distr}: show the distribution
#' @name get.distr
#' @rdname get.distr-methods
#' @exportMethod get.distr
setGeneric("get.distr", function(object) standardGeneric("get.distr"))

#' @rdname get.distr-methods
#' @aliases get.distr,distributionH-method
#' @description This functon return the cumulative distribution function of a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @return A data frame: the first column contains the domain the second the CDF values.
#' @examples
#' D <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.6, 1))
#' get.distr(D) # a data.frame describing the CDF of D
  "get.distr", "distributionH",
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object)) {
      MAT <- cbind(object@x, object@p)
      colnames(MAT) <- c("x", "p")
      return(MAT = as.data.frame(MAT))
    } else {
#' Method \code{get.histo}: show the distribution with bins
#' @name get.histo
#' @rdname get.histo-methods
#' @exportMethod get.histo
setGeneric("get.histo", function(object) standardGeneric("get.histo"))

# Get the distribution of a histogram
#' @rdname get.histo-methods
#' @aliases get.histo,distributionH-method
#' @description This functon return a data.frame describing the histogram of a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @return A matrix: the two columns contains the bounds of the histogram the third contains the probablity (or the relative frequency) of the bin.
#' @examples
#' D <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.6, 1))
#' get.histo(D) # returns the histogram representation of D by a data.frame
  "get.histo", "distributionH",
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object)) {
      M <- get.distr(object)
      MAT <- cbind(
        M$x[1:(length(M$x) - 1)],
        M$p[2:length(M$p)] - M$p[1:(length(M$p) - 1)]
      colnames(MAT) <- c("min.x", "max.x", "p")
      return(MAT = as.data.frame(MAT))
    } else {

# Basic statistics of distributions --------
#' Method \code{meanH}: computes the mean of a distribution
#' @name meanH
#' @rdname meanH-methods
#' @exportMethod meanH
setGeneric("meanH", function(object) standardGeneric("meanH"))
#' Method \code{stdH}: computes the standard deviation of a distribution
#' @name stdH
#' @rdname stdH-methods
#' @exportMethod stdH
setGeneric("stdH", function(object) standardGeneric("stdH"))
#' Method \code{skewH}: computes the skewness of a distribution
#' @name skewH
#' @rdname skewH-methods
#' @exportMethod skewH
setGeneric("skewH", function(object) standardGeneric("skewH"))
#' Method \code{kurtH}: computes the kurthosis of a distribution
#' @name kurtH
#' @rdname kurtH-methods
#' @exportMethod kurtH
setGeneric("kurtH", function(object) standardGeneric("kurtH"))
#' Method \code{crwtransform}: returns the centers and the radii of bins of a distribution
#' @name crwtransform
#' @rdname crwtransform-methods
#' @exportMethod crwtransform
setGeneric("crwtransform", function(object) standardGeneric("crwtransform"))

#' @rdname meanH-methods
#' @aliases meanH,distributionH-method
#' @description Mean of a histogram (First moment of the distribution)
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return the mean of the distribution
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the mean of mydist ----
#' meanH(mydist) #---> 4.4
  "meanH", "distributionH", # Mean of a distr --------
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object@x) || !is.null(object@p)) {
      m <- M_STD_H(object)
      # resu=crwtransform(object)
      # c=resu[[1]]
      # w=resu[[3]]
      # m=t(w)%*%c
      # m=as.numeric(m)
    } else {
      stop("Something wrong, null domain or cdf")
#' @rdname stdH-methods
#' @aliases stdH,distributionH-method
#' @description Standard deviation of a histogram (i.e., the square root of the centered
#' second moment)
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return A value for the standard deviation
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the standard deviation of mydist ----
#' stdH(mydist) #---> 2.563851
  "stdH", "distributionH", # Std of a distr --------
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object@x) || !is.null(object@p)) {
      m <- M_STD_H(object)
      #   #resu=crwtransform(object)
      #   c=0.5*(object@x[2:length(object@x)]+object@x[1:(length(object@x)-1)])
      #   r=0.5*(object@x[2:length(object@x)]-object@x[1:(length(object@x)-1)]) # resu[[2]]
      #   w=(object@p[2:length(object@p)]-object@p[1:(length(object@p)-1)])#resu[[3]]
      #   std=sqrt(abs(sum(w*c^2+1/3*w*r^2)-(sum(w*c))^2))
      # #  std=as.numeric(std)
    } else {
      stop("Something wrong, null domain or cdf")
#' @rdname skewH-methods
#' @aliases skewH,distributionH-method
#' @description Skewness of a histogram (using the third standardized moment)
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return A value for the skewness index
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the skewness of mydist ----
#' skewH(mydist) #---> -1.186017
  "skewH", "distributionH", # skewness of a distr --------
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object@x) || !is.null(object@p)) {
      resu <- crwtransform(object)
      cs <- (resu[[1]] - object@m) / (object@s)
      rs <- resu[[2]] / (object@s)
      w <- resu[[3]]
      sk <- t(w) %*% (cs * (rs^2 + cs^2))
      sk <- as.numeric(sk)
    } else {
      stop("Something wrong, null domain or cdf")
#' @rdname kurtH-methods
#' @aliases kurtH,distributionH-method
#' @description Kurtosis of a histogram (using the fourth standardized moment)
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return A value for the kurtosis index, 3 is the kurtosis of a Gaussian
#' distribution
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the kurtosis of mydist ----
#' kurtH(mydist) #---> 1.473242
  "kurtH", "distributionH", # Kurtosis of a distr --------
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object@x) || !is.null(object@p)) {
      resu <- crwtransform(object)
      cs <- (resu[[1]] - object@m) / (object@s)
      rs <- resu[[2]] / (object@s)
      w <- resu[[3]]
      ku <- 0.2 * t(w) %*% (5 * cs^4 + 10 * (cs^2) * rs^2 + rs^4)
      ku <- as.numeric(ku)
    } else {
      stop("Something wrong, null domain or cdf")
#' @rdname crwtransform-methods
#' @aliases crwtransform,distributionH-method
#' @description Centers and ranges calculation for bins of a histogram. It is useful for a
#' very fast computation of statistics and methods based on the L2 Wassertein
#' distance between histograms.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return A list containing \item{$Centers }{The midpoints of the bins of the
#' histogram} \item{$Radii }{The half-lenghts of the bins of the histogram}
#' \item{$Weights }{The relative frequencies or the probailities associated with
#' each bin (the sum is equal to 1)}
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references Irpino, A., Verde, R., Lechevallier, Y. (2006) \emph{Dynamic
#' clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric}, In: Proceedings of
#' COMPSTAT 2006, Physica-Verlag, 869-876
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the cfd value for q=5 (not observed) ----
#' crwtransform(mydist)
  "crwtransform", "distributionH", # crw transform -----
  function(object) {
    if (!is.null(object@x) || !is.null(object@p)) {
      nv <- length(object@x)
      c <- (object@x[2:nv] + object@x[1:(nv - 1)]) / 2
      r <- (object@x[2:nv] - object@x[1:(nv - 1)]) / 2
      w <- object@p[2:nv] - object@p[1:(nv - 1)]
      resu <- list(Centers = c, Radii = r, Weights = w)
    } else {
      stop("Something wrong, null domain or cdf")
# Overloading of the sum of two distribution according to the L2 w --------
#' Method +
#' @name +
#' @aliases +,distributionH,distributionH-method
#' @description the sum of two distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
#' @param e1 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @param e2 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @return a \code{distributionH} object
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plus-methods
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    if (!identical(e1@p, e2@p)) {
      tmp <- register(e1, e2)
      x <- callGeneric(tmp[[1]]@x, tmp[[2]]@x)
      e1@p <- tmp[[1]]@p
    } else {
      x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)

    e1@x <- x

    e1@m <- e1@m + e2@m
    e1@s <- stdH(e1)
    #            OBJ_NEW=new("distributionH",x,tmp[[1]]@p,(tmp[[1]]@m+tmp[[2]]@m))
#' Method +
#' @name +
#' @aliases +,numeric,distributionH-method
#' @description the sum of a number and a distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plus-methods

  signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    x <- callGeneric(rep(e1, length(e2@x)), e2@x)
    OBJ_NEW <- new("distributionH", x, e2@p, (e1 + e2@m), e2@s)
#' Method +
#' @name +
#' @aliases +,distributionH,numeric-method
#' @description the sum of adistribution and a number according to the L2 Wasssertein
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plus-methods
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "numeric"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    x <- callGeneric(rep(e2, length(e1@x)), e1@x)
    OBJ_NEW <- new("distributionH", x, e1@p, (e2 + e1@m), e1@s)
# Overloading of the difference of two distributions according to the L2 wasserstein --------
#' Method -
#' @name minus
#' @aliases -,distributionH,distributionH-method
#' @description the difference of two distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
#' @export
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    if (!identical(e1@p, e2@p)) {
      tmp <- register(e1, e2)
      x <- callGeneric(tmp[[1]]@x, tmp[[2]]@x)
      e1@p <- tmp[[1]]@p
    } else {
      x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)
    x <- callGeneric(tmp[[1]]@x, tmp[[2]]@x)
    OBJ_NEW <- new("distributionH", x, e1@p)
#' Method -
#' @name minus
#' @aliases -,numeric,distributionH-method
#' @param e1 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @param e2 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @description the difference of a number and a distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
  signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    x <- callGeneric(rep(e1, length(e2@x)), e2@x)
    OBJ_NEW <- new("distributionH", x, e2@p)
#' Method -
#' @name minus
#' @aliases -,distributionH,numeric-method
#' @description the difference of a distribution and a number according to the L2 Wasssertein
#' @note it may not works properly if the difference is not a distribution
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "numeric"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    x <- callGeneric(e1@x, rep(e2, length(e1@x)))
    OBJ_NEW <- new("distributionH", x, e1@p, (e1@m - e2), e1@s)

# Overloading of the product of a number by a distribution according to the L2 w --------
#' Method *
#' @name *-methods
#' @aliases *,distributionH,distributionH-method
#' @description the product of a number and a distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
#' @param e1 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @param e2 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @export
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    stop("please use dotpW function product between distributions")
#' Method *
#' @name *-methods
#' @aliases *,numeric,distributionH-method
#' @description the product of a number and a distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
  signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    x <- callGeneric(rep(e1, length(e2@x)), e2@x)

    e2@x <- x
    e2@p <- e2@p
    e2@m <- e1 * e2@m
    e2@s <- abs(e1) * e2@s
#' Method *
#' @name *-methods
#' @aliases *,distributionH,numeric-method
#' @description the product of a number and a distribution according to the L2 Wasssertein
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "numeric"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    x <- callGeneric(rep(e2, length(e1@x)), e1@x)
    e1@x <- x
    e1@p <- e1@p
    e1@m <- e2 * e1@m
    e1@s <- abs(e2) * e1@s

# Utilities for single or couples of distributionH --------------------------------
#' Method \code{checkEmptyBins}
#' @name checkEmptyBins
#' @rdname checkEmptyBins-methods
#' @exportMethod checkEmptyBins
setGeneric("checkEmptyBins", function(object) standardGeneric("checkEmptyBins"))
#' Method \code{compQ}
#' @name compQ
#' @rdname compQ-methods
#' @exportMethod compQ
setGeneric("compQ", function(object, p) standardGeneric("compQ"))
#' Method \code{compP}
#' @name compP
#' @rdname compP-methods
#' @exportMethod compP
setGeneric("compP", function(object, q) standardGeneric("compP"))
#' Method \code{register}
#' @name register
#' @rdname register-methods
#' @exportMethod register
setGeneric("register", function(object1, object2) standardGeneric("register"))

#' @rdname register-methods
#' @aliases register,distributionH-method
#' @description Given two \code{distributionH} objects, it returns two equivalent distributions such that
#' they share the same cdf values. This function is useful for computing basic statistics.
#' @param object1 A \code{distributionH} object
#' @param object2 A \code{distributionH} object
#' @return The two \code{distributionH} objects in input sharing the same cdf (the \code{p}
#' slot)
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references Irpino, A., Lechevallier, Y. and Verde, R. (2006): \emph{Dynamic
#' clustering of histograms using Wasserstein metric} In: Rizzi, A., Vichi, M.
#' (eds.) COMPSTAT 2006. Physica-Verlag, Berlin, 869-876.\cr Irpino, A.,Verde,
#' R. (2006): \emph{A new Wasserstein based distance for the hierarchical
#' clustering of histogram symbolic data} In: Batanjeli, V., Bock, H.H.,
#' Ferligoj, A., Ziberna, A. (eds.) Data Science and Classification, IFCS 2006.
#' Springer, Berlin, 185-192.
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- initialize two distributionH objects mydist1 and mydist2
#' mydist1 <- distributionH(c(1, 2, 3), c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' mydist2 <- distributionH(c(7, 8, 10, 15), c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' ## register the two distributions
#' regDist <- register(mydist1, mydist2)
#' ## OUTPUT:
#' ## regDist$[[1]]
#' ## An object of class "distributionH"
#' ## Slot "x": [1] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
#' ## Slot "p": [1] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.0
#' ## ...
#' ## regDist$[[2]]
#' ## An object of class "distributionH"
#' ## Slot "x": [1] 7.0 8.0 8.8 10.0 15.0
#' ## Slot "p": [1] 0.0 0.2 0.4  0.7  1.0
#' ## ...
#' # The REGISTER function ----
  f = "register", signature = c(object1 = "distributionH", object2 = "distributionH"),
  function(object1, object2) {
    res <- REGISTER2(object1, object2)
    # DIG=14
    # #if (!identical(object1@p,object2@p)){
    #   #object1@p=round(object1@p,digits = DIG)
    #   if (min(
    #       object1@p[2:length(object1@p)]-object1@p[1:(length(object1@p)-1)]
    #       )<((1e-1)^DIG)
    #       ){
    #     diffs=object1@p[2:length(object1@p)]-object1@p[1:(length(object1@p)-1)]
    #     diffs[which(diffs<((1e-1)^DIG))]=(1e-1)^DIG
    #     p=c(0,cumsum(diffs))/sum(diffs)
    #     object1@p=p
    #   }
    #   #object2@p=round(object2@p,digits = DIG)
    #   if (
    #     min(
    #       object2@p[2:length(object2@p)]-object2@p[1:(length(object2@p)-1)]
    #     )<((1e-1)^DIG)
    #   ){
    #    # browser()
    #     diffs=object2@p[2:length(object2@p)]-object2@p[1:(length(object2@p)-1)]
    #     diffs[which(diffs<((1e-1)^DIG))]=(1e-1)^DIG
    #     p=c(0,cumsum(diffs))/sum(diffs)
    #     object2@p=p
    #   }
    #   commoncdf=sort(unique(c(object1@p,object2@p)))
    #   nr=length(commoncdf)
    #   commoncdf[1]=0
    #   commoncdf[nr]=1
    #   tmp00=setdiff(commoncdf,object1@p)
    #   if (length(tmp00)>0){
    #     tmp1=compQ_vect(object1,vp=tmp00)
    #     object1@x=sort(c(object1@x,tmp1))
    #   }
    #   tmp01=setdiff(commoncdf,object2@p)
    #   if (length(tmp01)>0){
    #     tmp2=compQ_vect(object2,vp=tmp01)
    #   object2@x=sort(c(object2@x,tmp2))
    #   }
    #  # if(length(object1@x)!=length(object2@x)){browser()}
    #   object1@p=commoncdf
    #   object2@p=commoncdf
    #   return(c(object1,object2))
    # # }
    # # else{
    # #   return(c(object1,object2))
    # # }
#' @rdname checkEmptyBins-methods
#' @aliases checkEmptyBins,distributionH-method
#' @description The method checking for empty bins in a distribution, i.e. if two cdf consecutive
#' values are equal. In that case a probability value of \code{1e-7} is
#' assigned to the empty bin and the cdf is recomputed. This methods is useful
#' for numerical reasons.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @return A \code{distributionH} object without empty bins
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution with an empty bin i.e. two consecutive values of p are equal----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Checks for empty byns and returns the newdist object without empty bins ----
#' newdist <- checkEmptyBins(mydist)
  f = "checkEmptyBins", signature = "distributionH",
  function(object) {
    w <- diff(object@p)
    TOL <- 1e-14
    if (length(which(w <= TOL))) {
      w[which(w < TOL)] <- 10 * TOL
      object@p <- c(0, cumsum(w)) / sum(w)
#' @rdname compQ-methods
#' @aliases compQ,distributionH-method
#' @description Compute the quantile value of a histogram for a given probability.
#' @param object an object of \env{distributionH} class
#' @param p a number between 0 and 1
#' @return \deqn{y= F^{-1}(p)=Q(p)} A number that is the quantile of the passed
#' histogram \env{object} at level \env{p}.
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the quantile of mydist for different values of p ----
#' y <- compQ(mydist, 0.5) # the median
#' y <- compQ(mydist, 0) # the minimum
#' y <- compQ(mydist, 1) # the maximum
#' y <- compQ(mydist, 0.25) # the first quartile
#' y <- compQ(mydist, 0.9) # the ninth decile
  f = "compQ", signature = c(object = "distributionH", p = "numeric"),
  function(object, p) {
    # %Computes the p-th quantile p=[0,1] of the distribution o1
    # %INPUT  - p  a value in [0,1]
    # %           - o1 a distribution
    # %OUTPUT-  res the computed quantile
    # %example:q=compQ(o1,0.5) returns the median of the
    # % distribution o1

    # Check for errors
    if (p < 0 || p > 1) stop("p must be a value between 0 and 1")

    if (p <= 0) {
      return(q = object@x[1])
    if (p >= 1) {
      return(q = object@x[length(object@x)])

    #            ini=max(object@x[object@p<=p])
    pos1 <- which.max(object@x[object@p <= p])
    ini <- object@x[pos1]
    fin <- object@x[pos1 + 1]
    if (ini == fin) {
      q <- ini
    else {
      q <- ini + (fin - ini) * (p - object@p[pos1]) / (object@p[pos1 + 1] - object@p[pos1])
#' @rdname compP-methods
#' @aliases compP,distributionH-method
#' @description Compute the cdf probability at a given value for a histogram
#' @param object is an object of \env{distributionH} class
#' @param q is a numeric value
#' @return Returns a value between 0 and 1.
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- A mydist distribution ----
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' ## ---- Compute the cfd value for q=5 (not observed) ----
#' p <- compP(mydist, 5)
  f = "compP", signature = c(object = "distributionH", q = "numeric"),
  function(object, q) {
    domain <- object@x
    cumul <- object@p
    if (q <= domain[1]) {
      return(p = 0)
    if (q >= domain[length(domain)]) {
      return(p = 1)

    ini <- max(cumul[domain <= q])
    pos1 <- which.max(cumul[domain <= q])
    pos2 <- pos1 + 1
    fin <- cumul[pos2]

    if (ini == fin) {
      p <- fin
    else {
      p <- ini + (cumul[pos2] - cumul[pos1]) * (q - domain[pos1]) / (domain[pos2] - domain[pos1])
# L2 Wasserstein distance between two distributions and related results ----
#' Method \code{WassSqDistH}
#' @name WassSqDistH
#' @rdname WassSqDistH-methods
#' @exportMethod WassSqDistH
setGeneric("WassSqDistH", function(object1, object2, ...) standardGeneric("WassSqDistH")) # Wasserstein distance between two distributions
#' Method \code{rQQ}
#' @name rQQ
#' @rdname rQQ-methods
#' @exportMethod rQQ
setGeneric("rQQ", function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("rQQ")) # Quantile-Quantile correlation between twi distributions

#' @rdname WassSqDistH-methods
#' @aliases WassSqDistH,distributionH-method
#' @description Computes the squared L2 Wasserstein distance between two \code{distributionH} objects.
#' @param object1 is an object of \env{distributionH} class
#' @param object2 is an object of \env{distributionH} class
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @param details (optional, default=FALSE) is a logical value, if TRUE returns the decomposition of the distance
#' @return
#' If \code{details=FALSE}, the function returns the squared L2 Wasserstein distance.\cr
#' If \code{details=TRUE}, the function returns list containing the squared distance, its
#' decomposition in three parts (position, size and shape) and the correlation coefficient between the quantile functions.
#' @references
#' Irpino, A. and Romano, E. (2007): \emph{Optimal histogram representation of large data sets:
#' Fisher vs piecewise linear approximations}. RNTI E-9, 99-110.\cr
#' Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## ---- create two distributionH objects ----
#' mydist1 <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3), p = c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' mydist2 <- distributionH(x = c(7, 8, 10, 15), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' # -- compute the squared L2 Waaserstein distance
#' WassSqDistH(mydist1, mydist2)
#' # -- compute the squared L2 Waaserstein distance with details
#' WassSqDistH(mydist1, mydist2, details = TRUE)
  f = "WassSqDistH", signature = c(object1 = "distributionH", object2 = "distributionH"),
  # Computes the L2 Wasserstein squared distance between two distributions
  # INPUT: object1 and object2 - two distributionH objects
  # OUTPUT: A list containing the distance and its decomposition in three parts (position, size and shape)
  function(object1 = object1, object2 = object2, details = FALSE) {
    cp <- c_dotpW(object1, object2)
    x2 <- object1@s^2 + object1@m^2
    y2 <- object2@s^2 + object2@m^2
    D <- x2 + y2 - 2 * cp

    if (details) {
      DC <- (object1@m - object2@m)^2
      DS <- (object1@s - object2@s)^2

      DR <- ifelse(abs(D - DC - DS) < 1e-30, yes = 0, no = abs(D - DC - DS))
      rho <- (cp - object1@m * object2@m) / (object1@s * object2@s)
      if (rho < 0) rho <- 0
      resu <- c(D, DC, DS, DR, rho)
      names(resu) <- c("SQ_W_dist", "POSITION", "SIZE", "SHAPE", "rQQ")
    else {

#' Method \code{dotpW}
#' @name dotpW
#' @rdname dotpW-methods
#' @exportMethod dotpW
setGeneric("dotpW", function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("dotpW")) # dotproduct from L2 Wasserstein
#' @rdname dotpW-methods
#' @aliases dotpW,distributionH-method
#' @description The dot product of two distributions inducing the L2 Wasserstein metric
#' @param e1 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @param e2 a \code{distributionH} object or a number
#' @return A numeric value
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references  Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' ## let's define two distributionH objects
#' mydist1 <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3, 10), p = c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 1))
#' mydist2 <- distributionH(x = c(5, 7, 15), p = c(0, 0.7, 1))
#' ## the dot product between the distributions
#' dotpW(mydist1, mydist2) #---> 39.51429
#' ## the dot product between a distribution and a numeric
#' dotpW(mydist1, 3) #---> 13.2
#' dotpW(3, mydist1) #---> 13.2
#' # DOTPW method -----
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "distributionH"),
  definition = function(e1, e2) {
    return(c_dotpW(e1, e2))
#' @rdname dotpW-methods
#' @aliases dotpW,distributionH-method
#' @description The dot product of a number (considered as an impulse distribution function) and a distribution
  signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "distributionH"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    dprod <- e1 * e2@m
#' @rdname dotpW-methods
#' @aliases dotpW,distributionH-method
#' @description The dot product of a distribution and a number (considered as an impulse distribution function).
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "numeric"),
  function(e1, e2) {
    dprod <- e2 * e1@m
#' @rdname rQQ-methods
#' @aliases rQQ,distributionH-method
#' @description Quantile-Quantile correlation between two distributions
#' @param e1  A \code{distributionH} object
#' @param e2  A \code{distributionH} object
#' @return Pearson correlation index between quantiles
#' @author Antonio Irpino
#' @references  Irpino, A., Verde, R. (2015) \emph{Basic
#' statistics for distributional symbolic variables: a new metric-based
#' approach} Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, DOI 10.1007/s11634-014-0176-4
#' @examples
#' ## ---- initialize two distributionH object mydist1 and mydist2
#' mydist1 <- distributionH(x = c(1, 2, 3), p = c(0, 0.4, 1))
#' mydist2 <- distributionH(x = c(7, 8, 10, 15), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' ## computes the rQQ
#' rQQ(mydist1, mydist2)
#' ## OUTPUT 0.916894
#' @export rQQ
  signature(e1 = "distributionH", e2 = "distributionH"),
  definition = function(e1, e2) {
    rQQ <- (dotpW(e1, e2) - e1@m * e2@m) / (e1@s * e2@s)
## ---- Show overridding for distributionH and MatH ----
#' Method show for distributionH
#' @name show
#' @rdname show-distributionH-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases show,distributionH-method
#' @description An overriding show function for a \code{distributionH} object. The function returns a representation
#' of the histogram, if the number of bins is high the central part of the histogram is truncated.
#' @param object a \code{distributionH} object
#' @examples
#' ## ---- initialize a distributionH
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(7, 8, 10, 15), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' # show the histogram
#' mydist
  signature(object = "distributionH"),
  definition = function(object) {
    if (length(object@p) > 1) {
      mymat <- matrix(0, length(object@p) - 1, 2)
      if (length(object@p) > 11) {
        cat("Output shows the first five and the last five bins due to eccesive length \n")
        mymat <- matrix(0, 12, 2)
        mymat[1, 1] <- "X"
        mymat[1, 2] <- "p"
        count <- 0
        for (i in 2:6) {
          count <- count + 1
          mymat[count + 1, 1] <- paste("[", format(object@x[(i - 1)], digits = 5), "-", format(object@x[i], digits = 5), ")", sep = "")
          mymat[count + 1, 2] <- paste(format(object@p[i] - object@p[i - 1], digits = 4))
        count <- count + 1
        mymat[count + 1, 1] <- paste("...")
        mymat[count + 1, 2] <- paste("...")
        for (i in (length(object@p) - 4):length(object@p)) {
          count <- count + 1
          mymat[count + 1, 1] <- paste("[", format(object@x[(i - 1)], digits = 5), " ; ", format(object@x[i], digits = 5), ")", sep = "")
          mymat[count + 1, 2] <- paste(format(object@p[i] - object@p[i - 1], digits = 4))
        rownames(mymat) <- c(
          "", paste("Bin", 1:5, sep = "_"), "...",
          paste("Bin", (length(object@p) - 5):(length(object@p) - 1), sep = "_")
        write.table(format(mymat, justify = "right", digits = 5),
          row.names = T, col.names = F, quote = F
      else {
        mymat <- matrix(0, length(object@p), 2)
        mymat[1, 1] <- "X"
        mymat[1, 2] <- "p"
        if (length(object@p) > 2) {
          for (i in 2:(length(object@p) - 1)) {
            mymat[i, 1] <- paste("[ ", format(object@x[(i - 1)], digits = 5), " ; ", format(object@x[i], digits = 5), " )", sep = "")
            mymat[i, 2] <- paste(format(object@p[i] - object@p[i - 1], digits = 4))
        mymat[length(object@p), 1] <- paste("[ ", format(object@x[(length(object@p) - 1)], digits = 5),
          " ; ", format(object@x[length(object@p)], digits = 5), " ]",
          sep = ""
        mymat[length(object@p), 2] <- paste(format(object@p[length(object@p)] - object@p[length(object@p) - 1], digits = 4))

        rownames(mymat) <- c(" ", paste("Bin", 1:(length(object@p) - 1), sep = "_"))
        write.table(format(mymat, justify = "right"),
          row.names = T, col.names = F, quote = F
      cat(paste("\n mean = ", object@m, "  std  = ", object@s, "\n "))
    } else {
      (cat("Empty distributionH\n"))

## --- Plot  for distributionH  ----
#' plot for a distributionH object
#' @name plot-distributionH
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases plot,distributionH-method
#' @description A plot function for a \code{distributionH} object. The function returns a representation
#' of the histogram.
#' @param x  a \code{distributionH} object
#' @param type (optional) a string describing the type of plot, default="HISTO".\cr Other allowed types are
#' \cr"CDF"=Cumulative distribution function, \cr"QF"= quantile function, \cr"DENS"=a density approximation,
#' \cr"HBOXPLOT"=horizontal boxplot, \cr"VBOXPLOT"= vertical boxplot,
#' @param col (optional) a string the color of the plot, default="green".
#' @param border (optional) a string the color of the border of the plot, default="black".
#' @examples
#' ## ---- initialize a distributionH
#' mydist <- distributionH(x = c(7, 8, 10, 15), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
#' # show the histogram
#' plot(mydist) # plots mydist
#' plot(mydist, type = "HISTO", col = "red", border = "blue") # plots mydist
#' plot(mydist, type = "DENS", col = "red", border = "blue") # plots a density approximation for mydist
#' plot(mydist, type = "HBOXPLOT") # plots a horizontal boxplot for mydist
#' plot(mydist, type = "VBOXPLOT") # plots a vertical boxplot for mydist
#' plot(mydist, type = "CDF") # plots the cumulative distribution function of mydist
#' plot(mydist, type = "QF") # plots the quantile function of mydist
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
  signature(x = "distributionH"),
  function(x, type = "HISTO", col = "green", border = "black") {
    plot.gg(x, type = type, col = col, border = border)
Airpino/HistDAWass documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 7:53 p.m.