
# Project points on the graph -----------------------------------------------

#' Project a set of datapoints onto the nodes of principal graph
#' The function depends on a working JVM with the VDAOEngine.jar library in the libpath.
#' @param PrintGraph An elastic principal graph structure as returned from \code{link{computeElasticPrincipalGraph}}
#' @param Data A matrix containing a set of points with the correct number of dimensions. Each row represent a point
#' @param UseR A bolean indicating the use of R (TRUE) of the Java library to perform the projections 
#' @return A list. Each elements of the list represent the vertex of the principal graph and contains a vector reporting
#' the cells (as row number) that are associted with that particular vertex. The vector equal to NA indicates that no
#' cells are associated with that vertex;
#' @export
getTaxonMap <- function(Results, Data, UseR = TRUE){
    CurvePoints <- Results$Nodes
    # rownames(CurvePoints) <- paste("V_", 1:nrow(CurvePoints), sep='')
    SelDists <- fields::rdist(Data, CurvePoints)
    PointsNodesProjections <- apply(SelDists, 1, which.min)
    TaxonMap <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(Results$Nodes)) {
      Idxs <- which(PointsNodesProjections == i)
        TaxonMap[[i]] <- Idxs
      } else {
        TaxonMap[[i]] <- NA
  } else {
    Graph <- makeGraph(Results)
    NumberOfNodes <- Graph$Nodes$size()
    numpoints <- as.integer(nrow(Data))
    coordnum <- as.integer(ncol(Data))
    Dataset <- .jnew('vdaoengine/data/VDataSet')
    Dataset$massif <- .jarray(.jfloat(data.matrix(Data)),dispatch=T)
    Dataset$pointCount = numpoints
    Dataset$coordCount = coordnum
    Elo = .jnew(class = 'vdaoengine/analysis/grammars/ElasticEnergyOptimization', Dataset, Graph)
    TaxonMap <- list()
    for (i in 1:NumberOfNodes) {
      Tx <- Elo$taxons$get(as.integer(i-1))
      TaxonSize <- Tx$size()
      if(TaxonSize == 0){
        TaxonVect <- NA
      } else {
        TaxonVect <-NULL
        for (j in 1:TaxonSize) {
          TaxonVect[j] <- Tx$get(as.integer(j-1))+1
      TaxonMap[[i]] <- TaxonVect

#' Project Points on the edges of the graph
#' @param Results 
#' @param Data 
#' @param TaxonList 
#' @param UseR 
#' @param method 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
projectPoints <- function(Results, Data, TaxonList = NULL, UseR = TRUE, method = 'PCALin', Dims = NULL, Debug = FALSE){
    Dims <- ncol(Data)
    print("TaxonList will be computed. Consider doing that separetedly")
    TaxonList <- getTaxonMap(Results = Results, Data = Data, UseR = TRUE)
  if(min(Results$Edges) == 0){
    Results$Edges <- Results$Edges + 1
    if(method == 'PCALin'){
      DistsLists <- list()
      for(i in 1:nrow(Results$Edges)){
        # For each edge
        # Get the nodes connecting the edges and reduce their dimension using Dim
        Nd <- Results$Edges[i, ]
        C1 <- Results$Nodes[Nd[1],1:Dims]
        C2 <- Results$Nodes[Nd[2],1:Dims]
        # Select Only points associated with either C1 or C2
        # To do that I look at the association between points and nodes
        SelPoints <- c(TaxonList[[Nd[1]]], TaxonList[[Nd[2]]])
        SelPoints <- SelPoints[!is.na(SelPoints)]
        # This is probaly a terrible method, but it's rather quick and straightforward
        # Compute the PCA of the two nodes (All the variance will be explained by the 1st component)
        PCARet <- prcomp(rbind(C1, C2), retx = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE)
        P1Pos <- PCARet$x["C1","PC1"]
        P2Pos <- PCARet$x["C2","PC1"]
        if(P1Pos < P2Pos){
          SLen <- P2Pos-P1Pos
        } else {
          SLen <- P1Pos-P2Pos
          RestDataMap <- Data[SelPoints,1:Dims]
          # Use the rotation matrix obtained by the PCA to project the nodes.
            PointPosFull <- t(t(RestDataMap) - PCARet$center) %*% PCARet$rotation
          } else {
            PointPosFull <- t(RestDataMap - PCARet$center) %*% PCARet$rotation
          # The 1st component will allow me to hortogonally project the points on the lines
          # PointPos <- PointPosFull[,"PC1"]
          PointPos <- PointPosFull
          PointPos[, -1] <- 0
          # Get the position on the line by reversing the PCA
          # PrjPoints <- t(t(PointPos %*% t(PCARet$rotation[,1])))
          # t(t(pca$x %*% t(pca$rotation)) + pca$center)
          PrjPoints <- t(t(PointPos %*% t(PCARet$rotation)) + PCARet$center)
          # Plotting stuff to debug
          # plot(PrjPoints[,1:2])
          # Nodepoints <- t(t(PCARet$x[,"PC1"] %*% t(PCARet$rotation[,1])) + PCARet$center)
          # points(Nodepoints[,1:2], col='red')
          # scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(rbind(PrjPoints[,1:3], C1[1:3], C2[1:3]), color = c(rep("black", nrow(PrjPoints)), "red", "red"))
          # rgl::plot3d(rbind(PrjPoints[,1:3], C1[1:3], C2[1:3]), col = c(rep("black", nrow(PrjPoints)), "red", "red"))
          # plot(PrjPoints[,1], PrjPoints[,2], col='red')
          # points(x = PCARet$x[,1], y = PCARet$x[,2])
          # arrows(x0 = RestDataMap[,1], y0 = RestDataMap[,2], x1 = PrjPoints[,1], y1 = PrjPoints[,2], length = 0)
          # Due to the high dimensionality of the system some poits will project outside of the
          # segment joining the two nodes. In this case the points are associated with the nearest node.
            print(paste(P1Pos, P2Pos))
          if(P1Pos < P2Pos){
            PointPos <- (PointPos - P1Pos) / (P2Pos-P1Pos)
            PointPos[PointPos < 0] <- 0
            PointPos[PointPos > 1] <- 1
          } else {
            PointPos <- (PointPos - P2Pos) / (P1Pos-P2Pos)
            PointPos[PointPos < 0] <- 0
            PointPos[PointPos > 1] <- 1
            PointPos <- 1 - PointPos
          ElList <- list(Nodes = Nd,
                         PointsProjections = PointPos,
                         PointsIndices = SelPoints,
                         SegmentDist = SLen,
                         ProjectedCoords = PrjPoints)
        } else {
          ElList <- list(Nodes = Nd,
                         PointsProjections = NULL,
                         PointsIndices = NULL,
                         SegmentDist = SLen,
                         ProjectedCoords = NULL)
        DistsLists[[i]] <- ElList
      # Lets put all together
      # PosVect will contain the projections of the points on the edges
      PosVector <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(Data)*(Dims)), nrow = nrow(Data))
      # RelPosVector will contain the relative position on the edges, the nodes that control the edge,
      # the length of the distance between the projection and the point, and the point segment
      RelPosVector <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(Data)*5), nrow = nrow(Data))
      # SegLen will contain the length of the segment. This is restricted to the number of dimensions selected by Dims.
      # Therefore the length will change depending on Dim
      SegLen <- NULL
      # onEdge keeps track if the point has been projected on a node (0) or edge (1)
      onEdge <- rep(NA, nrow(Data))
      # Plotting for debugging purposes
      # plot(Data[,1:2], col="gray", ylim = c(-50, 50))
      # points(Results$Nodes[,1:2], col="black")
      for (i in 1:length(DistsLists)) {
        SegLen <- c(SegLen, DistsLists[[i]]$SegmentDist)
        Inside <- DistsLists[[i]]$PointsProjections > 0 & DistsLists[[i]]$PointsProjections < 1
        for (j in 1:length(DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices)) {
            # The point is inside a segment. I will compare distances anyway
              print(paste(j, Inside[j]))
            # Has the point been assigned before ?
            Assign <- TRUE
            NewDist <- sqrt(
                (DistsLists[[i]]$ProjectedCoords[j,] - Data[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j],1:Dims])^2
              # There is a previous assignement. I need to check distances
              # First of all I'm going to obtain the old distance
              OldDist <- sqrt(
                  (PosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] - Data[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j],1:Dims])^2
                # New distance is larger I will not reassign the point
                Assign <- FALSE
              } else{
                  print(paste("Updating projection of point", DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j]))
                NewDist <- OldDist
                print(paste("Point", DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], "assigned to edge", paste(DistsLists[[i]]$Nodes, collapse=' ')))
              onEdge[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j]] <- 1
              PosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] <- DistsLists[[i]]$ProjectedCoords[j,]
              RelPosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] <-
            # I'm done with this point. On to the next one
            # The point has not been projected on a segment.
            # It gets the coordinate of a node
              print(paste("Point", DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], "assigned to node", paste(DistsLists[[i]]$Nodes, collapse=' ')))
            # Has the point been assigned before ?
            Assign <- TRUE
            NewDist <- sqrt(
                (DistsLists[[i]]$ProjectedCoords[j,] - Data[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j],1:Dims])^2
              # There is a previous assignement. I need to check distances
              # First of all I'm going to obtain the old distance
              OldDist <- sqrt(
                  (PosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] - Data[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j],1:Dims])^2
                # New distance is larger I will not reassign the point
                Assign <- FALSE
              } else{
                  print(paste("Updating projection of point", DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j]))
                NewDist <- OldDist
            if(DistsLists[[i]]$PointsProjections[j] == 0){
                print("Node 0")
              onEdge[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j]] <- 0
              PosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] <- Results$Nodes[DistsLists[[i]]$Nodes[1],1:Dims]
            if(DistsLists[[i]]$PointsProjections[j] == 1){
                print("Node 1")
              onEdge[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j]] <- 0
              PosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] <- Results$Nodes[DistsLists[[i]]$Nodes[2],1:Dims]
            RelPosVector[DistsLists[[i]]$PointsIndices[j], ] <-
            # I'm done. On to the next point (not really needed, just for simmetry)
      # for (j in 1:nrow(PosVector)) {
      #   points(x=PosVector[j,2], y=PosVector[j,3], col='green', cex=0.5)
      # }
      return(list(Dims = Dims, PointsOnEdgesCoords = PosVector, OnEdge = onEdge, EdgeLength = SegLen, PointsOnEdgesDist = RelPosVector))
    if(method == 'Dist'){
      print("This method has not been implemented yet!")
      # FullMat <- rbind(Results$Nodes[,1:Dims], Data[,1:Dims])
      # DistMat <- as.matrix(dist(FullMat))
      # RedDistMat <- DistMat[1:nrow(Results$Nodes), -c(1:nrow(Results$Nodes))]
      # NodeDistMat <- DistMat[1:nrow(Results$Nodes), c(1:nrow(Results$Nodes))]
      # if(min(Results$Edges)==0){
      #   Results$Edges <- Results$Edges + 1
      # }
      # PosVector <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(Data)*(Dims+1)), nrow = nrow(Data))
      # RelPosVector <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(Data)*3), nrow = nrow(Data))
      # SegLen <- NULL
      # SortedNodes <- apply(RedDistMat, 2, sort, index.return=TRUE)
      # for (i in 1:length(SortedNodes)) {
      #   BaseNode <- SortedNodes[[i]]$ix[1]
      #   PossibleNodes <- unique(as.vector(Results$Edges[which(rowSums(Results$Edges == BaseNode)>0),]))
      #   PossibleNodes <- setdiff(PossibleNodes, BaseNode)
      #   SecondaryNodeIdx <- min(which(SortedNodes[[i]]$ix %in% PossibleNodes))
      #   SecondaryNode <- SortedNodes[[i]]$ix[SecondaryNodeIdx]
      #   EdgeId <- which(rowSums(matrix(Results$Edges %in% c(BaseNode, SecondaryNode), ncol = 2)) == 2)
      #   if(Results$Edges[EdgeId, 1] == BaseNode){
      #     PointDists <- SortedNodes[[i]]$x[c(1, SecondaryNodeIdx)]
      #     RelPosVector[i,] <- c(PointDists[1]/sum(PointDists), BaseNode, SecondaryNode)
      #     PosVector[i, ] <- c(1, RelPosVector[i,1]*Results$Nodes[BaseNode,1:Dims] +
      #                           (1-RelPosVector[i,1])*Results$Nodes[SecondaryNode,1:Dims])
      #   } else {
      #     PointDists <- SortedNodes[[i]]$x[c(1, SecondaryNodeIdx)]
      #     RelPosVector[i,] <- c(PointDists[2]/sum(PointDists), SecondaryNode, BaseNode)
      #     PosVector[i, ] <- c(1, RelPosVector[i,1]*Results$Nodes[SecondaryNode,1:Dims] +
      #                           (1-RelPosVector[i,1])*Results$Nodes[BaseNode,1:Dims])
      #   }
      #   SegLen <- c(SegLen, NodeDistMat[BaseNode, SecondaryNode])
      # }
      # return(list(PointsOnEdgesCoords = PosVector, EdgeLength = SegLen, PointsOnEdgesDist = RelPosVector))
    print("Method not supported")
  } else {
    print("Sorry. Not implemented yet ...")

# Order points on a path -----------------------------------------------

#' Title
#' @param PrinGraph 
#' @param Path 
#' @param PointProjections 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
OrderOnPath <- function(PrinGraph, Path, PointProjections){
  # Check that the path start from 1
    PrinGraph$Edges <- PrinGraph$Edges + 1
  # Trasverse the path
  Basedist <- 0
  PathLen <- 0
  PointPos <- rep(NA, length(PointProjections$OnEdge))
  PointDist <- rep(NA, length(PointProjections$OnEdge))
  Indices <- rep(NA, length(PointProjections$OnEdge))
  for(i in 2:length(Path)){
    EdgId <- which(unlist(lapply(apply(PrinGraph$Edges, 1, intersect, Path[c(i-1, i)]), length)) == 2)
    if(length(EdgId) != 1){
      stop("Path not found in the graph")
    IdPtOnEdge <- which(unlist(lapply(apply(PointProjections$PointsOnEdgesDist[,2:3], 1, intersect, Path[c(i-1, i)]), length))==2)
    print(paste(length(IdPtOnEdge), "points found on edge"))
      SubInfo <- PointProjections$PointsOnEdgesDist[IdPtOnEdge,]
      if(all(Path[c(i-1, i)] == PrinGraph$Edges[EdgId,])){
        # Path adn edge in the principla graph have the same direction 
        ToOrder <- SubInfo[,1]*SubInfo[,5]
      } else {
        # Path adn edge in the principla graph have the opposite direction 
        ToOrder <- (1-SubInfo[,1])*SubInfo[,5]
      SortData <- sort(ToOrder, index.return=TRUE)
      PointPos[IdPtOnEdge[SortData$ix]] <- SortData$x + sum(Basedist)
      PointDist[IdPtOnEdge[SortData$ix]] <- SubInfo[SortData$ix,4]
      SubInfo <- PointProjections$PointsOnEdgesDist[IdPtOnEdge,]
      if(all(Path[c(i-1, i)] == PrinGraph$Edges[EdgId,])){
        # Path adn edge in the principla graph have the same direction 
        PointPos[IdPtOnEdge] <- SubInfo[1]*SubInfo[5] + sum(Basedist)
      } else {
        # Path adn edge in the principla graph have the opposite direction 
        PointPos[IdPtOnEdge] <- (1-SubInfo[1])*SubInfo[5] + sum(Basedist)
      PointDist[IdPtOnEdge] <- SubInfo[4]

    Basedist <- c(Basedist, PointProjections$EdgeLength[EdgId])
  return(list(PositionOnPath = PointPos, DistanceFromPath = PointDist, PathLen = Basedist))

Albluca/rpgraph documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m.