Man pages for AlexsLemonade/scpcaTools
Single cell data tools for ScPCA

add_cellhash_idsAdd cellhash sample information to altExperiment rowData
add_cell_mito_qcCalculate QC metrics for all reads and mitochondrial subset...
add_demux_hashedDropsAdd cellhash demultiplexing results using...
add_demux_seuratAdd cellhash demultiplexing results using Seurat::HTODemux()
add_demux_vireoAdd genetic demultiplexing results to a SCE object from Vireo
add_gene_symbolsAdd Gene symbols to a SingleCellExperiment from a GTF file
add_miQCAdd miQC model and probability compromised to a...
add_sample_metadataAdd data frame with sample metadata to an SCE object
build_sceBuild the SCE object from the counts matrix
calculate_ilisiCalculate iLISI (integration Local Inverse Simpson's Index)...
calculate_silhouette_widthCalculate silhouette width scores from a merged SCE object.
calculate_within_batch_ariCalculate within-batch ARI scores from a merged SCE object.
check_metadataHelper function to check that expected metadata fields are...
cluster_scePerform clustering on a SingleCellExperiment object
coldata_to_dfConvert colData from SingleCellExperiment to a data.frame
collapse_intron_countsMerge counts from intron reads with corresponding cDNA reads
downsample_pcsDownsample PCs for use in integration metric calculations
filter_countsFilter counts matrix using DropletUtils::emptyDropsCellRanger
filter_pcsRemove cells with NA batch label from PCs and label rownames
generate_qc_reportGenerate a QC report from a SingleCellExperiment object
get_altexp_attributesHelper function to check altExp compatibility
get_altexp_metadataHelper function to get altExp metadata from an SCE that may...
import_quant_dataImport Gene Expression Quantification Data for Single-Cell...
integrate_fastmnnIntegrate a list of SingleCellExperiment (SCE) objects using...
integrate_harmonyIntegrate a list of SingleCellExperiment (SCE) objects using...
integrate_scesIntegrate a merged set of SingleCellExperiment objects using...
merge_altexpAdd an alternative experiment to a SingleCellExperiment by...
merge_sce_listMerge a list of SCEs into one SCE object
metadata_to_coldataAdd sample metadata to colData of SCE object
prepare_altexp_for_mergePrepare an alternative experiment for merging
prepare_merged_metadataPrepare an updated list of metadata for the merged SCE
prepare_sce_for_mergeHelper function to prepare an SCE object for merging
read_alevinRead in counts data processed with Alevin or Alevin-fry
read_cellrangerRead in counts data processed with Cell Ranger
read_kallistoRead in counts data processed with Kallisto
read_tximportRead in counts data processed with Alevin or alevin-fry in...
rowdata_to_dfConvert rowData from SingleCellExperiment to a data.frame
sce_to_anndataConvert SingleCellExperiment objects to AnnData file stored...
sce_to_seuratConvert SingleCellExperiment object to Seurat object
scpcaTools-packagescpcaTools: Useful tools for analysis of single-cell RNA seq...
silhouette_width_from_pcsCalculate silhouette width scores using PCs from a merged SCE...
sim_sceCreate a random SingleCellExperiment object
within_batch_ari_from_pcsCalculate within-batch ARI using provided PCs for use in...
AlexsLemonade/scpcaTools documentation built on July 12, 2024, 8:34 a.m.