#' Function reduceDF
#' Applies LASSO regression and returns a data.frame with the most important predictors.
#' @param data data.frame containing data.
#' @param output index or name of criterion in data.
#' @param y numeric vector.
#' @keywords preprocessing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data=data.frame(y=rnorm(100),x1=rnorm(100),x2=rnorm(100));
#' reduceDF(data,"y1")
reduceDF <- function (data, output = NULL, cutoff = 0.1, control = caret::trainControl(method = "boot",
number = 30))
data = data.frame(scale(data))
if (is.null(names(data)))
names(data) = 1:dim(data)[2]
if (is.numeric(output))
output = ifelse(output > dim(data)[2], 1, output)
if (is.character(output))
output = ifelse(length(grep(output, names(data))) ==
0, 1, which(names(data) == output)[1])
if (!is.null(output))
names(data)[output] = "output"
if (is.null(output))
names(data)[1] = "output"
data2 = data
cn2 = c(colnames(data), paste0(colnames(data[colnames(data) !=
"output"]), "Power2"))
for (i in 1:dim(data[colnames(data) != "output"])[2]) data2 = data.frame(data2,
scale(data[colnames(data) != "output"][, i] * data[colnames(data) !=
"output"][, i]))
colnames(data2) = cn2
lambda_max <- max(abs(colSums(as.matrix(scale(data2[, colnames(data2) !=
"output"])) * as.vector(scale(data2[, "output"])))))/dim(data2)[1]
epsilon <- 1e-04
K <- 100
lambdapath <- round(exp(seq(log(lambda_max), log(lambda_max *
epsilon), length.out = K)), digits = 10)
glmnet.lambdas = lambdapath
grid.glmnet0 = expand.grid(lambda = glmnet.lambdas, alpha = 1)
fit.glmnet0 = caret::train(output ~ ., data = data2, method = "glmnet",
preProc = c("center", "scale"), trControl = control,
tuneGrid = grid.glmnet0)
glmnet0 = glmnet(x = as.matrix(data2[names(data2) != "output"]),
y = data2[, "output"], lambda = glmnet.lambdas, alpha = fit.glmnet0$bestTune[,
optimal.coef0 = coef(glmnet0)[, glmnet0$lambda == fit.glmnet0$bestTune[,
optimal.coef1 = abs(optimal.coef0[2:dim(data)[2]]) + abs(optimal.coef0[(dim(data)[2] +
optimal.coef2 = abs(optimal.coef0[2:dim(data)[2]])
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
colors = rainbow(dim(data)[2] - 1)[order(optimal.coef1, decreasing = T)]
colors2 = apply(col2rgb(colors), 2, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,
x[2]/255, x[3]/255, 0.3))
optimal.coef2 = optimal.coef2[order(optimal.coef1, decreasing = T)]
optimal.coef1 = optimal.coef1[order(optimal.coef1, decreasing = T)]
quantqual::bp(optimal.coef1, col = colors2, main = "Linear and quadratic effects\nbased on LASSO-regression",
add.numbers = T)
title(sub = "Note: linear and quadratic effects separated by a horizontal line",
cex.sub = 0.7)
quantqual::bp(optimal.coef2, col = colors, add = T)
colors = rainbow(dim(data)[2] - 1)
colors2 = apply(col2rgb(colors), 2, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,
x[2]/255, x[3]/255, 0.3))
colors3 = c(colors, colors2)
plot(fit.glmnet0$finalModel, "lambda", label = TRUE, xlim = c(min(log(glmnet.lambdas)),
0 + abs(min(log(glmnet.lambdas)))/2), ylim = c(-1.5,
1.5), lwd = 2, col = colors3)
abline(h = 0)
abline(v = log(fit.glmnet0$finalModel$lambdaOpt), lty = 2)
rangeX = abs(abs(min(log(glmnet.lambdas)))/2 - min(log(glmnet.lambdas)))
rangeY = c(-1.5, 1.5)
xl = log(fit.glmnet0$finalModel$lambdaOpt)
legend("bottomleft", paste0("log(Lambda) = ", round(xl, 3),
"; Alpha =", fit.glmnet0$bestTune[, "alpha"]), box.col = NA,
bg = "white")
legend("topright", paste(1:length(names(data2)[-1]), ". ",
names(data2)[-1]), fill = colors3, cex = 0.7, bg = "white")
if (sum(optimal.coef1 <= cutoff) > 0)
message(paste("skipped:\n", paste(names(optimal.coef1[optimal.coef1 <=
cutoff]), collapse = ",")))
data = data.frame(data[, "output"], data[, names(optimal.coef1[optimal.coef1 >
names(data)[1] = "output"
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