
Defines functions file_create string_replace templates_get pkgdetails_get description_get yaml_get examples_get tags_get pkgnm_get

Documented in description_get examples_get file_create pkgdetails_get pkgnm_get string_replace tags_get templates_get yaml_get

#' @name pkgnm_get
#' @title Determine R package name
#' @description Determine R package name from file path
#' @param flpth Path to module
#' @return character(1)
#' @family utils
pkgnm_get <- function(flpth) {
  info <- devtools::as.package(x = flpth)

#' @name tags_get
#' @title Determine tags
#' @description Determine module Docker tags
#' @param flpth Path to module
#' @return character
#' @family utils
tags_get <- function(flpth) {
  list.files(file.path(flpth, 'inst', 'dockerfiles'))

#' @name examples_get
#' @title Determine examples
#' @description Determine example files for a module
#' @param flpth Path to module
#' @return character
#' @family utils
examples_get <- function(flpth) {
  flpth <- file.path(flpth, 'examples')
  file.path(flpth, list.files(flpth))

#' @name yaml_get
#' @title Return om.yml
#' @description Return contents of om.yml
#' @param flpth Path to module
#' @return list
#' @family utils
yaml_get <- function(flpth) {
  yaml::read_yaml(file.path(flpth, 'inst', 'om.yml'))

#' @name description_get
#' @title Return DESCRIPTION
#' @description Return contents of DESCRIPTION
#' @param flpth Path to module
#' @return named list
#' @family utils
description_get <- function(flpth) {
  flpth <- file.path(flpth, 'DESCRIPTION')
  if (!file.exists(flpth)) {
    stop('Invalid R package path provided: No DESCRIPTION', call. = FALSE)
  lines <- readLines(con = flpth)
  lines <- strsplit(x = lines, split = ':')
  pull <- vapply(X = lines, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) == 2
  lines <- lines[pull]
  nms <- vapply(X = lines, FUN = '[[', FUN.VALUE = character(1), 1)
  nms <- trimws(nms)
  vals <- vapply(X = lines, FUN = '[[', FUN.VALUE = character(1), 2)
  vals <- trimws(vals)
  names(vals) <- nms

#' @name pkgdetails_get
#' @title Read the details of module's R package
#' @description Return a list of all package details based on a package's
#' DESCRIPTION file plus its \code{om.yml}.
#' @param flpth Path to package
#' @return list
#' @family utils
pkgdetails_get <- function(flpth) {
  res <- list()
  res[['description']] <- as.list(description_get(flpth = flpth))
  res[['yaml']] <- yaml_get(flpth = flpth)
  res[['tags']] <- tags_get(flpth = flpth)

#' @name templates_get
#' @title Retrieve template files
#' @description Return template files for an outsider module.
#' @return character vector
#' @family utils
templates_get <- function() {
  fls <- list.files(path = system.file("extdata",
                                       package = "outsider.devtools"),
                    pattern = 'template_')
  templates <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(fls))
  destpths <- sub(pattern = 'template_', replacement = '', x = fls)
  destpths <- gsub(pattern = '_', replacement = .Platform$file.sep,
                   x = destpths)
  for (i in seq_along(fls)) {
    flpth <- system.file("extdata", fls[[i]], package = "outsider.devtools")
    templates[[i]] <- paste0(readLines(con = flpth), collapse = '\n')
  names(templates) <- destpths

#' @name string_replace
#' @title Replace patterns in a string
#' @description For a given character string, replace patterns with values.
#' @return character
#' @param string Text
#' @param patterns Patterns to replace with values
#' @param values Values to be put in place
#' @family utils
string_replace <- function(string, patterns, values) {
  for (i in seq_along(values)) {
    string <- gsub(pattern = patterns[[i]], replacement = values[[i]],
                   x = string)

#' @name file_create
#' @title Create file
#' @description Write x to a filepath. Forces creation of directories.
#' @param x Text for writing to file
#' @param flpth File path to be created
#' @param overwrite Overwrite pre-existing file? Logical.
#' @return NULL
#' @family utils
file_create <- function(x, flpth, overwrite) {
  basefl <- basename(path = flpth)
  dirpth <- sub(pattern = basefl, replacement = '', x = flpth)
  suppressWarnings(dir.create(path = dirpth, recursive = TRUE))
  if (overwrite) {
    usethis::write_over(lines = x, path = flpth, quiet = FALSE)
  } else {
    write(x = x, file = flpth)

# Defunct ----
# @name fnames_get
# @title Function names for module
# @description Return function names of all available functions for an
# installed outsider modules
# @param repo Module repo
# @return character vector
# @family private
# fnames_get <- function(repo) {
#   pkgnm <- outsider:::pkgnm_guess(repo = repo)
#   ns <- suppressMessages(loadNamespace(pkgnm))
#   ls(ns)
# }
AntonelliLab/outsider.devtools documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:36 a.m.