ActivityItem: ActivityItem

ActivityItemR Documentation



An activity item (ActivityItem) represents a person's actions, such as making a comment, mentioning someone with an @mention, editing a document, or moving a file.

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.





Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


  • activityDescription React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode
    An element describing the activity that took place. If no activityDescription, activityDescriptionText, or onRenderActivityDescription are included, no description of the activity is shown.

  • activityDescriptionText string
    Text describing the activity that occurred and naming the people involved in it. Deprecated, use activityDescription instead.

  • activityIcon React.ReactNode
    An element containing an icon shown next to the activity item.

  • activityPersonas ⁠Array<IPersonaSharedProps>⁠
    If activityIcon is not set, then the persona props in this array will be used as the icon for this activity item.

  • animateBeaconSignal boolean
    Enables/Disables the beacon that radiates from the center of the center of the activity icon. Signals an activity has started.

  • beaconColorOne string
    Beacon color one

  • beaconColorTwo string
    Beacon color two

  • comments React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode
    An element containing the text of comments or \@mention messages. If no comments, commentText, or onRenderComments are included, no comments are shown.

  • commentText string
    Text of comments or \@mention messages. Deprecated, use comments instead.

  • isCompact boolean
    Indicated if the compact styling should be used.

  • onRenderActivityDescription ⁠IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>⁠
    A renderer for the description of the current activity.

  • onRenderComments ⁠IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>⁠
    A renderer that adds the text of a comment below the activity description.

  • onRenderIcon ⁠IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>⁠
    A renderer to create the icon next to the activity item.

  • onRenderTimeStamp ⁠IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>⁠
    A renderer adds a time stamp. If not included, timeStamp is shown as plain text below the activity.

  • styles IActivityItemStyles
    Optional styling for the elements within the Activity Item.

  • timeStamp string | React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode
    Element shown as a timestamp on this activity. If not included, no timestamp is shown.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.

Best practices


  • Use a list of multiple activity items to indicate a history of events relating to a single file, folder, person, or other entity. Alternatively, use a single activity item to indicate the most recent event on an entity.

  • Group multiple similar events occurring near the same time into a single activity item.



ui <- function(id) {
    activityDescription = tagList(
      Link(key = 1, "Philippe Lampros"),
      tags$span(key = 2, " commented")
    activityIcon = Icon(iconName = "Message"),
    comments = tagList(
      tags$span(key = 1, "Hello! I am making a comment.")
    timeStamp = "Just now"

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))

Appsilon/shiny.fluent documentation built on June 4, 2024, 7:02 p.m.