DetailsList | R Documentation |
A details list (DetailsList
) is a robust way to display an information-rich collection of items, and allow people to sort, group, and filter the content. Use a details list when information density is critical.
For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.
... |
Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section. |
onColumnDragEnd (props: { dropLocation?: ColumnDragEndLocation; }, event: MouseEvent) => void
Callback to notify the column dragEnd event to List Need this to check whether the dragEnd has happened on corresponding list or outside of the list
cellStyleProps ICellStyleProps
Custom styles for cell rendering.
column IColumn
The column definition for the component instance.
columnIndex number
The column index for the component instance.
componentRef () => void
A reference to the component instance.
dragDropHelper IDragDropHelper | null
The drag and drop helper for the component instance.
isDraggable boolean
Whether or not the column can be re-ordered via drag and drop.
isDropped boolean
Whether or not the column has been dropped via drag and drop.
onColumnClick (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, column: IColumn) => void
Callback fired when click event occurs.
onColumnContextMenu (column: IColumn, ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
Callback fired on contextual menu event to provide contextual menu UI.
onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip IRenderFunction<IDetailsColumnRenderTooltipProps>
Render function for providing a column header tooltip.
parentId string
Parent ID used for accessibility label(s).
setDraggedItemIndex (itemIndex: number) => void
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IDetailsColumnStyleProps, IDetailsColumnStyles>
The component styles to respect during render.
theme ITheme
The theme object to respect during render.
updateDragInfo (props: { itemIndex: number; }, event?: MouseEvent) => void
Callback on drag and drop event.
useFastIcons boolean
Whether to use fast icon and check components. The icons can't be targeted by customization but are still customizable via class names.
columns IColumn[]
Column metadata
selection ISelection
Selection from utilities
selectionMode SelectionMode
Selection mode
onRenderFooter IRenderFunction<IDetailsGroupDividerProps>
onRenderHeader IRenderFunction<IDetailsGroupDividerProps>
ariaLabel string
ariaLabel for the entire header
ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox string
ariaLabel for the header checkbox that selects or deselects everything
ariaLabelForSelectionColumn string
ariaLabel for the selection column
ariaLabelForToggleAllGroupsButton string
ariaLabel for expand/collapse group button
className string
Overriding class name
collapseAllVisibility CollapseAllVisibility
Whether to collapse for all visibility
columnReorderOptions IColumnReorderOptions
Column reordering options
columnReorderProps IColumnReorderHeaderProps
Column reordering options
componentRef IRefObject<IDetailsHeader>
Ref to the component itself
isAllCollapsed boolean
Whether or not all is collapsed
layoutMode DetailsListLayoutMode
Layout mode - fixedColumns or justified
minimumPixelsForDrag number
Minimum pixels to be moved before dragging is registered
onColumnAutoResized (column: IColumn, columnIndex: number) => void
Callback for when column is automatically resized
onColumnClick (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, column: IColumn) => void
Callback for when the column is clicked
onColumnContextMenu (column: IColumn, ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
Callback for when the column needs to show a context menu
onColumnIsSizingChanged (column: IColumn, isSizing: boolean) => void
Callback for when column sizing has changed
onColumnResized (column: IColumn, newWidth: number, columnIndex: number) => void
Callback for when column is resized
onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip IRenderFunction<IDetailsColumnRenderTooltipProps>
Callback to render a tooltip for the column header
onRenderDetailsCheckbox IRenderFunction<IDetailsCheckboxProps>
If provided, can be used to render a custom checkbox
onToggleCollapseAll (isAllCollapsed: boolean) => void
Callback for when collapse all is toggled
selectAllVisibility SelectAllVisibility
Select all button visibility
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IDetailsHeaderStyleProps, IDetailsHeaderStyles>
Call to provide customized styling that will layer on top of the variant rules.
theme ITheme
Theme from the Higher Order Component
useFastIcons boolean
Whether to use fast icon and check components. The icons can't be targeted by customization but are still customizable via class names.
columns IColumn[]
Column metadata
selection ISelection
Selection from utilities
selectionMode SelectionMode
Selection mode
cellStyleProps ICellStyleProps
Rules for rendering column cells.
checkboxVisibility CheckboxVisibility | undefined
Checkbox visibility
columns IColumn[]
Column metadata
groupNestingDepth number
Nesting depth of a grouping
indentWidth number | undefined
How much to indent
rowWidth number
Minimum width of the row.
selection ISelection | undefined
Selection from utilities
selectionMode SelectionMode | undefined
Selection mode
viewport IViewport | undefined
View port of the virtualized list
ariaLabel string
Accessible label describing or summarizing the list.
ariaLabelForGrid string
Accessible label for the grid within the list.
ariaLabelForListHeader string
Accessible label for the list header.
ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox string
Accessible label for the select all checkbox.
ariaLabelForSelectionColumn string
Accessible label for the name of the selection column.
cellStyleProps ICellStyleProps
Props impacting the render style of cells. Since these have an impact on calculated column widths, they are handled separately from normal theme styling, but they are passed to the styling system.
checkboxCellClassName string
Class name to add to the cell of a checkbox.
checkboxVisibility CheckboxVisibility
Controls the visibility of selection check box.
checkButtonAriaLabel string
Accessible label for the check button.
className string
Class name to add to the root element.
columnReorderOptions IColumnReorderOptions
Options for column reordering using drag and drop.
columns IColumn[]
column defitions. If none are provided, default columns will be created based on the items' properties.
compact boolean
Whether to render in compact mode.
componentRef IRefObject<IDetailsList>
Callback to access the IDetailsList interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.
constrainMode ConstrainMode
Controls how the list contrains overflow.
disableSelectionZone boolean
Whether to disable the built-in SelectionZone, so the host component can provide its own.
dragDropEvents IDragDropEvents
Map of callback functions related to row drag and drop functionality.
enableUpdateAnimations boolean
Whether to animate updates
enterModalSelectionOnTouch boolean
Whether the selection zone should enter modal state on touch.
getCellValueKey (item?: any, index?: number, column?: IColumn) => string
If provided, will be the "default" item column cell value return. A column's getValueKey
can override getCellValueKey
getGroupHeight IGroupedListProps['getGroupHeight']
Callback to override default group height calculation used by list virtualization.
getKey (item: any, index?: number) => string
Callback to get the item key, to be used in the selection and on render. Must be provided if sorting or filtering is enabled.
getRowAriaDescribedBy (item: any) => string
Callback to get the aria-describedby IDs (space-separated strings) of elements that describe the item.
getRowAriaLabel (item: any) => string
Callback to get the aria-label string for a given item.
groupProps IDetailsGroupRenderProps
Override properties to render groups.
groups IGroup[]
Grouping instructions.
indentWidth number
Override for the indent width used for group nesting.
initialFocusedIndex number
Default index to set focus to once the items have rendered and the index exists.
isHeaderVisible boolean
Controls the visibility of the header.
isPlaceholderData boolean
Set this to true to indicate that the items being displayed are placeholder data.
items any[]
The items to render.
layoutMode DetailsListLayoutMode
Controls how the columns are adjusted.
listProps IListProps
Properties to pass through to the List components being rendered.
minimumPixelsForDrag number
The minimum mouse move distance to interpret the action as drag event.
onActiveItemChanged (item?: any, index?: number, ev?: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
Callback for when an item in the list becomes active by clicking anywhere inside the row or navigating to it with the keyboard.
onColumnHeaderClick (ev?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, column?: IColumn) => void
Callback for when the user clicks on the column header.
onColumnHeaderContextMenu (column?: IColumn, ev?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
Callback for when the user asks for a contextual menu (usually via right click) from a column header.
onColumnResize (column?: IColumn, newWidth?: number, columnIndex?: number) => void
Callback fired on column resize
onDidUpdate (detailsList?: DetailsListBase) => void
Callback for when the list has been updated. Useful for telemetry tracking externally.
onItemContextMenu (item?: any, index?: number, ev?: Event) => void | boolean
Callback for when the context menu of an item has been accessed. If undefined or false is returned, ev.preventDefault()
will be called.
onItemInvoked (item?: any, index?: number, ev?: Event) => void
Callback for when a given row has been invoked (by pressing enter while it is selected.)
onRenderCheckbox IRenderFunction<IDetailsListCheckboxProps>
If provided, can be used to render a custom checkbox.
onRenderDetailsFooter IRenderFunction<IDetailsFooterProps>
An override to render the details footer.
onRenderDetailsHeader IRenderFunction<IDetailsHeaderProps>
An override to render the details header.
onRenderItemColumn (item?: any, index?: number, column?: IColumn) => React.ReactNode
If provided, will be the "default" item column renderer method. This affects cells within the rows, not the rows themselves. If a column definition provides its own onRender
method, that will be used instead of this.
onRenderMissingItem (index?: number, rowProps?: IDetailsRowProps) => React.ReactNode
Callback for what to render when the item is missing.
onRenderRow IRenderFunction<IDetailsRowProps>
Callback to override the default row rendering.
onRowDidMount (item?: any, index?: number) => void
Callback for when a given row has been mounted. Useful for identifying when a row has been rendered on the page.
onRowWillUnmount (item?: any, index?: number) => void
Callback for when a given row has been unmounted. Useful for identifying when a row has been removed from the page.
onShouldVirtualize (props: IListProps) => boolean
Callback to determine whether the list should be rendered in full, or virtualized.
Virtualization will add and remove pages of items as the user scrolls them into the visible range. This benefits larger list scenarios by reducing the DOM on the screen, but can negatively affect performance for smaller lists.
The default implementation will virtualize when this callback is not provided.
rowElementEventMap { eventName: string; callback: (context: IDragDropContext, event?: any) => void; }[]
Event names and corresponding callbacks that will be registered to rendered row elements.
selection ISelection
Selection model to track selection state.
selectionMode SelectionMode
Controls how/if the details list manages selection. Options include none, single, multiple
selectionPreservedOnEmptyClick boolean
By default, selection is cleared when clicking on an empty (non-focusable) section of the screen. Setting this value to true overrides that behavior and maintains selection.
selectionZoneProps ISelectionZoneProps
Additional props to pass through to the SelectionZone created by default.
setKey string
A key that uniquely identifies the given items. If provided, the selection will be reset when the key changes.
shouldApplyApplicationRole boolean
Whether the role application
should be applied to the list.
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IDetailsListStyleProps, IDetailsListStyles>
Custom overrides to the themed or default styles.
theme ITheme
Theme provided by a higher-order component.
useFastIcons boolean
Whether to use fast icon and check components. The icons can't be targeted by customization but are still customizable via class names.
usePageCache boolean
Whether to enable render page caching. This is an experimental performance optimization that is off by default.
useReducedRowRenderer boolean
Whether to re-render a row only when props changed. Might cause regression when depending on external updates.
viewport IViewport
Viewport info, provided by the withViewport
cellsByColumn { [columnKey: string]: React.ReactNode; }
Optional pre-rendered content per column. Preferred over onRender or onRenderItemColumn if provided.
checkboxCellClassName string
Class name for the checkbox cell
checkButtonAriaLabel string
Check button's aria label
className string
Overriding class name
collapseAllVisibility CollapseAllVisibility
Collapse all visibility
compact boolean
Whether to render in compact mode
componentRef IRefObject<IDetailsRow>
Ref of the component
dragDropEvents IDragDropEvents
Handling drag and drop events
dragDropHelper IDragDropHelper
Helper for the drag and drop
enableUpdateAnimations boolean
Whether to animate updates
eventsToRegister { eventName: string; callback: (item?: any, index?: number, event?: any) => void; }[]
A list of events to register
getRowAriaDescribedBy (item: any) => string
Callback for getting the row aria-describedby
getRowAriaLabel (item: any) => string
Callback for getting the row aria label
item any
Data source for this component
itemIndex number
Index of the collection of items of the DetailsList
onDidMount (row?: DetailsRowBase) => void
Callback for did mount for parent
onRenderCheck (props: IDetailsRowCheckProps) => JSX.Element
Callback for rendering a checkbox
onRenderDetailsCheckbox IRenderFunction<IDetailsCheckboxProps>
If provided, can be used to render a custom checkbox
onWillUnmount (row?: DetailsRowBase) => void
Callback for will mount for parent
rowFieldsAs React.ComponentType<IDetailsRowFieldsProps>
DOM element into which to render row field
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IDetailsRowStyleProps, IDetailsRowStyles>
Overriding styles to this row
theme ITheme
Theme provided by styled() function
useFastIcons boolean
Whether to use fast icon and check components. The icons can't be targeted by customization but are still customizable via class names.
useReducedRowRenderer boolean
Rerender DetailsRow only when props changed. Might cause regression when depending on external updates.
anySelected boolean
Is any selected - also true for isSelectionModal
canSelect boolean
Can this checkbox be selectable
checkClassName string
The classname to be passed down to Check component
className string
Optional className to attach to the slider root element.
compact boolean
Is this in compact mode?
isHeader boolean
Is the check part of the header in a DetailsList
isVisible boolean
Whether or not this checkbox is visible
onRenderDetailsCheckbox IRenderFunction<IDetailsCheckboxProps>
If provided, can be used to render a custom checkbox
selected boolean
Whether or not this check is selected
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IDetailsRowCheckStyleProps, IDetailsRowCheckStyles>
Style override
theme ITheme
Theme provided by High-Order Component.
useFastIcons boolean
Whether to use fast icon and check components. The icons can't be targeted by customization but are still customizable via class names.
cellStyleProps ICellStyleProps
Style properties to customize cell render output.
columns IColumn[]
Columns metadata
columnStartIndex number
Index to start for the column
compact boolean
whether to render as a compact field
enableUpdateAnimations boolean
item any
Data source for this component
itemIndex number
The item index of the collection for the DetailsList
rowClassNames { [k in keyof Pick<IDetailsRowStyles, 'isMultiline' | 'isRowHeader' | 'cell' | 'cellAnimation' | 'cellPadded' | 'cellUnpadded' | 'fields'>]: string; }
Subset of classnames currently generated in DetailsRow that are used within DetailsRowFields.
columns IColumn[]
Column metadata
selection ISelection
Selection from utilities
selectionMode SelectionMode
Selection mode
ariaLabelForShimmer string
Aria label for shimmer. Set on grid while shimmer is enabled.
detailsListStyles IDetailsListProps['styles']
DetailsList styles to pass through.
enableShimmer boolean
Boolean flag to control when to render placeholders vs real items. It's up to the consumer app to know when fetching of the data is done to toggle this prop.
onRenderCustomPlaceholder (rowProps: IDetailsRowProps, index?: number, defaultRender?: (props: IDetailsRowProps) => React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode
Custom placeholder renderer to be used when in need to override the default placeholder of a DetailsRow. rowProps
argument is passed to leverage the calculated column measurements done by DetailsList or you can use the optional arguments of item index
and defaultRender
to execute additional logic before rendering the default placeholder.
removeFadingOverlay boolean
Determines whether to remove a fading out to bottom overlay over the shimmering items used to further emphasize the unknown number of items that will be fetched.
shimmerLines number
Number of shimmer placeholder lines to render.
shimmerOverlayStyles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IShimmeredDetailsListStyleProps, IShimmeredDetailsListStyles>
Custom styles to override the styles specific to the ShimmeredDetailsList root area.
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IShimmeredDetailsListStyleProps, IShimmeredDetailsListStyles>
Custom styles to override the styles specific to the ShimmeredDetailsList root area.
skipViewportMeasures boolean
Whether or not to use ResizeObserver (if available) to detect and measure viewport on 'resize' events.
Falls back to window 'resize' event.
Object with shiny.tag
class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.
List items are composed of selection, icon, and name columns at minimum. You can include other columns, such as date modified, or any other metadata field associated with the collection.
Avoid using file type icon overlays to denote status of a file as it can make the entire icon unclear.
If there are multiple lines of text in a column, consider the variable row height variant.
Give columns ample default width to display information.
Use sentence-style capitalization for column headers—only capitalize the first word. For more info, see [Capitalization]
in the Microsoft Writing Style Guide.
Add the data-is-scrollable="true"
attribute to your scrollable element containing the DetailsList.
By default, the List used within DetailsList will use the body
element as the scrollable element. If you contain the List within a scrollable div
using overflow: auto
or scroll
, the List needs to listen for scroll events on that element instead. On initialization, the List will traverse up the DOM looking for the first element with the data-is-scrollable
attribute to know which element to listen to for knowing when to re-evaulate the visible window.
To determine if the List within DetailsList should re-render its contents, the component performs a referential equality check within its shouldComponentUpdate
method. This is done to minimize the performance overhead associated with re-rendering the virtualized List pages, as recommended by the React documentation.
As a result of this implementation, the inner List will not determine it should re-render if the array values are mutated.
To avoid this problem, we recommend re-creating the items array backing the DetailsList by using a method such as Array.prototype.concat
or ES6 spread syntax shown below:
public appendItems(): void { const { items } = this.state; this.setState({ items: [...items, ...['Foo', 'Bar']] }) } public render(): JSX.Element { const { items } = this.state; return <DetailsList items={items} />; }
By re-creating the items array without mutating the values, the inner List will correctly determine its contents have changed and it should then re-render with the new values.
# Example 1
items <- list(
list(key = "1", name = "Mark", surname = "Swanson"),
list(key = "2", name = "Josh", surname = "Johnson")
columns <- list(
list(key = "name", fieldName = "name", name = "Name"),
list(key = "surname", fieldName = "surname", name = "Surname")
ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
DetailsList(items = items, columns = columns)
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))
# Example 2
# Custom columns text alignment and formatting
items <- list(
key = "1",
name = "Mark",
number = "2"
key = "2",
name = "Josh",
number = "1"
columns <- list(
key = "name",
fieldName = "name",
name = "Name"
key = "number",
fieldName = "number",
name = "Number"
ui <- function(id) {
items = items,
columns = columns,
onRenderItemColumn = JS("(item, index, column) => {
const fieldContent = item[column.fieldName]
switch (column.key) {
case 'name':
return React.createElement(
style: { textAlign: 'right', width: '100%', display: 'block' }
case 'number':
return React.createElement(
style: { textAlign: 'left', width: '100%', display: 'block' }
return React.createElement('span', null, fieldContent);
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))
# Example 3
# Selecting rows in DetailsList
CustomComponents <- tags$script(HTML("(function() {
const React = jsmodule['react'];
const Fluent = jsmodule['@fluentui/react'];
const Shiny = jsmodule['@/shiny'];
const CustomComponents = jsmodule['CustomComponents'] ??= {};
function useSelection(inputId) {
const selection = React.useRef(new Fluent.Selection({
onSelectionChanged() {
const value = this.getSelectedIndices().map(i => i + 1); // R uses 1-based indexing.
Shiny.setInputValue(inputId, value);
return selection.current;
CustomComponents.DetailsList = function DetailsList({ inputId, }) {
const selection = useSelection(inputId);
return React.createElement(Fluent.DetailsList, { selection, });
DetailsList.shinyInput <- function(inputId, ...) {
module = "CustomComponents",
name = "DetailsList",
props = shiny.react::asProps(inputId = inputId, ...),
deps = shinyFluentDependency()
items <- list(
list(name = "Apple"),
list(name = "Banana"),
list(name = "Cherry")
ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
DetailsList.shinyInput(ns("selection"), items = items),
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
output$text <- renderText(paste(input$selection, collapse = ", "))
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.