Coachmark: Coachmark

CoachmarkR Documentation



Coach marks (Coachmark) are used to draw a person’s attention to parts of the UI and increase engagement with those elements. A teaching bubble appears on hover or selection of the coach mark.

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.





Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


  • ariaAlertText string
    Text to announce to screen reader / narrator when Coachmark is displayed

  • ariaDescribedBy string
    Defines the element id referencing the element containing the description for the Coachmark.

  • ariaDescribedByText string
    Defines the text content for the ariaDescribedBy element

  • ariaLabelledBy string
    Defines the element id referencing the element containing label text for Coachmark.

  • ariaLabelledByText string
    Defines the text content for the ariaLabelledBy element

  • beaconColorOne string
    Beacon color one.

  • beaconColorTwo string
    Beacon color two.

  • beakHeight number
    The height of the Beak component.

  • beakWidth number
    The width of the Beak component.

  • className string
    If provided, additional class name to provide on the root element.

  • collapsed boolean
    The starting collapsed state for the Coachmark. Use isCollapsed instead.

  • color string
    Color of the Coachmark/TeachingBubble.

  • componentRef ⁠IRefObject<ICoachmark>⁠
    Optional callback to access the ICoachmark interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.

  • delayBeforeCoachmarkAnimation number
    Delay in milliseconds before Coachmark animation appears.

  • delayBeforeMouseOpen number
    Delay before allowing mouse movements to open the Coachmark.

  • height number
    The height of the Coachmark.

  • isCollapsed boolean
    The starting collapsed state for the Coachmark.

  • isPositionForced boolean
    Whether or not to force the Coachmark/TeachingBubble content to fit within the window bounds.

  • mouseProximityOffset number
    The distance in pixels the mouse is located before opening up the Coachmark.

  • onAnimationOpenEnd ⁠() => void⁠
    Callback when the opening animation completes.

  • onAnimationOpenStart ⁠() => void⁠
    Callback when the opening animation begins.

  • onDismiss ⁠(ev?: any) => void⁠
    Callback when the Coachmark tries to close.

  • onMouseMove ⁠(e: MouseEvent) => void⁠
    Callback to run when the mouse moves.

  • persistentBeak boolean
    If true then the Coachmark beak (arrow pointing towards target) will always be visible as long as Coachmark is visible

  • positioningContainerProps IPositioningContainerProps
    Props to pass to the PositioningContainer component. Specify the directionalHint to indicate on which edge the Coachmark/TeachingBubble should be positioned.

  • preventDismissOnLostFocus boolean
    If true then the Coachmark will not dismiss when it loses focus

  • preventFocusOnMount boolean
    If true then focus will not be set to the Coachmark when it mounts. Useful in cases where focus on coachmark is causing other components in page to dismiss upon losing focus.

  • styles ⁠IStyleFunctionOrObject<ICoachmarkStyleProps, ICoachmarkStyles>⁠
    Call to provide customized styling that will layer on top of the variant rules

  • target HTMLElement | string | null
    The target that the Coachmark should try to position itself based on.

  • teachingBubbleRef ITeachingBubble
    Ref for TeachingBubble

  • theme ITheme
    Theme provided by higher order component.

  • width number
    The width of the Coachmark.

  • ariaDescribedBy string
    Defines the element id referencing the element containing the description for the positioningContainer.

  • ariaLabel string
    Accessible label text for positioningContainer.

  • ariaLabelledBy string
    Defines the element id referencing the element containing label text for positioningContainer.

  • backgroundColor string
    The background color of the positioningContainer in hex format ie. #ffffff.

  • bounds IRectangle
    The bounding rectangle for which the contextual menu can appear in.

  • className string
    CSS class to apply to the positioningContainer.

  • componentRef ⁠IRefObject<IPositioningContainer>⁠
    All props for your component are to be defined here.

  • coverTarget boolean
    If true the position returned will have the menu element cover the target. If false then it will position next to the target;

  • directionalHint DirectionalHint
    How the element should be positioned

  • directionalHintFixed boolean
    If true the position will not change sides in an attempt to fit the positioningContainer within bounds. It will still attempt to align it to whatever bounds are given.

  • directionalHintForRTL DirectionalHint
    How the element should be positioned in RTL layouts. If not specified, a mirror of directionalHint will be used instead

  • doNotLayer boolean
    If true do not render on a new layer. If false render on a new layer.

  • finalHeight number
    Specify the final height of the content. To be used when expanding the content dynamically so that positioningContainer can adjust its position.

  • minPagePadding number
    The minimum distance the positioningContainer will be away from the edge of the screen.

  • offsetFromTarget number
    The gap between the positioningContainer and the target

  • onDismiss ⁠(ev?: any) => void⁠
    Callback when the positioningContainer tries to close.

  • onLayerMounted ⁠() => void⁠
    Optional callback when the layer content has mounted.

  • onPositioned ⁠(positions?: IPositionedData) => void⁠
    Optional callback that is called once the positioningContainer has been correctly positioned.

  • positioningContainerMaxHeight number
    Set max height of positioningContainer When not set the positioningContainer will expand with contents up to the bottom of the screen

  • positioningContainerWidth number
    Custom width for positioningContainer including borders. If value is 0, no width is applied.

  • preventDismissOnScroll boolean
    If true then the onClose will not not dismiss on scroll

  • role string
    Aria role assigned to the positioningContainer (Eg. dialog, alertdialog).

  • setInitialFocus boolean
    If true then the positioningContainer will attempt to focus the first focusable element that it contains. If it doesn't find an element, no focus will be set and the method will return false. This means that it's the contents responsibility to either set focus or have focusable items.

  • target HTMLElement | string | MouseEvent | Point | null
    The target that the positioningContainer should try to position itself based on. It can be either an HTMLElement a querySelector string of a valid HTMLElement or a MouseEvent. If MouseEvent is given then the origin point of the event will be used.

  • targetPoint Point
    Point used to position the positioningContainer. Deprecated, use target instead.

  • useTargetPoint boolean
    If true use a point rather than rectangle to position the positioningContainer. For example it can be used to position based on a click.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.

Best practices


  • Only one coach mark and teaching bubble combo should be displayed at a time.

  • Coach marks can be standalone or sequential. Sequential coach marks should be used sparingly to walk through complex multistep interactions. It’s recommended that a sequence of coach marks doesn’t exceed three steps.

  • Coach marks are designed to only hold teaching bubbles.

  • Coach mark size, color, and animation shouldn’t be altered.



ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
      id = "target", text = "Toggle coachmark"

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns
    coachmarkVisible <- reactiveVal(FALSE)
    observeEvent(input$toggleCoachmark, coachmarkVisible(!coachmarkVisible()))
    observeEvent(input$hideCoachmark, coachmarkVisible(FALSE))
    output$coachmark <- renderUI({
      if (coachmarkVisible()) Coachmark(
        target = "#target",
          hasCloseButton = TRUE,
          onDismiss = triggerEvent(ns("hideCoachmark")),
          headline = "Example title",
          primaryButtonProps = list(text = "Try it"),
          secondaryButtonProps = list(text = "Try it again"),
          "Welcome to the land of coachmarks!"

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))

Appsilon/shiny.fluent documentation built on June 4, 2024, 7:02 p.m.