GroupedList | R Documentation |
A grouped list (GroupedList
) allows you to render a set of items as multiple lists with various grouping properties.
For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.
... |
Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section. |
className string
Custom className
compact boolean
Boolean value to indicate if the component should render in compact mode. Set to false by default
componentRef IRefObject<{}>
expandButtonProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
Props for expand/collapse button
footerText string
Text to display for the group footer.
group IGroup
The group to be rendered by the header.
groupIndex number
The index of the group.
groupLevel number
The indent level of the group.
groups IGroup[]
Stores parent group's children.
indentWidth number
Width corresponding to a single level. This is multiplied by the groupLevel to get the full spacer width for the group.
isCollapsedGroupSelectVisible boolean
Determines if the group selection check box is shown for collapsed groups.
isGroupLoading (group: IGroup) => boolean
Callback to determine if a group has missing items and needs to load them from the server.
isSelected boolean
Deprecated at v.65.1 and will be removed by v 1.0. Use selected
loadingText string
Text shown on group headers to indicate the group is being loaded.
onGroupHeaderClick (group: IGroup) => void
Callback for when the group header is clicked.
onRenderTitle IRenderFunction<IGroupHeaderProps>
Override which allows the caller to provider a custom renderer for the GroupHeader title.
onToggleCollapse (group: IGroup) => void
Callback for when the group is expanded or collapsed.
onToggleSelectGroup (group: IGroup) => void
Callback for when the group is selected.
onToggleSummarize (group: IGroup) => void
Callback for when the group "Show All" link is clicked
selected boolean
If all items in the group are selected.
selectionMode SelectionMode
The selection mode of the list the group lives within.
showAllLinkText string
Text to display for the group "Show All" link.
theme ITheme
Theme provided by the Higher Order Component
viewport IViewport
A reference to the viewport in which the header is rendered.
className string
Optional class name to add to the root element.
compact boolean
Boolean value to indicate if the component should render in compact mode. Set to false by default
componentRef IRefObject<IGroupedList>
Optional callback to access the IGroupedList interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.
dragDropEvents IDragDropEvents
Map of callback functions related to drag and drop functionality.
dragDropHelper IDragDropHelper
helper to manage drag/drop across item and groups
eventsToRegister { eventName: string; callback: (context: IDragDropContext, event?: any) => void; }[]
Event names and corresponding callbacks that will be registered to groups and rendered elements
focusZoneProps IFocusZoneProps
Optional properties to pass through to the FocusZone.
getGroupHeight (group: IGroup, groupIndex: number) => number
Optional function to override default group height calculation used by list virtualization.
groupProps IGroupRenderProps
Optional override properties to render groups.
groups IGroup[]
Optional grouping instructions.
items any[]
List of items to render.
listProps IListProps
Optional properties to pass through to the list components being rendered.
onGroupExpandStateChanged (isSomeGroupExpanded: boolean) => void
Optional callback when the group expand state changes between all collapsed and at least one group is expanded.
onRenderCell (nestingDepth?: number, item?: any, index?: number) => React.ReactNode
Rendering callback to render the group items.
onShouldVirtualize (props: IListProps) => boolean
Optional callback to determine whether the list should be rendered in full, or virtualized. Virtualization will add and remove pages of items as the user scrolls them into the visible range. This benefits larger list scenarios by reducing the DOM on the screen, but can negatively affect performance for smaller lists. The default implementation will virtualize when this callback is not provided.
selection ISelection
Optional selection model to track selection state.
selectionMode SelectionMode
Controls how/if the list manages selection.
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IGroupedListStyleProps, IGroupedListStyles>
Style function to be passed in to override the themed or default styles
theme ITheme
Theme that is passed in from Higher Order Component
usePageCache boolean
boolean to control if pages containing unchanged items should be cached, this is a perf optimization The same property in List.Props
viewport IViewport
Optional Viewport, provided by the parent component.
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IGroupFooterStyleProps, IGroupFooterStyles>
Style function to be passed in to override the themed or default styles
checked boolean
theme ITheme
ariaPosInSet number
Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems
ariaSetSize number
Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems
expandButtonIcon string
Defines the name of a custom icon to be used for group headers. If not set, the default icon will be used
expandButtonProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
Native props for the GroupHeader expand and collapse button
groupedListId string
GroupedList id for aria-controls
onRenderGroupHeaderCheckbox IRenderFunction<IGroupHeaderCheckboxProps>
If provided, can be used to render a custom checkbox
selectAllButtonProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
Native props for the GroupHeader select all button
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IGroupHeaderStyleProps, IGroupHeaderStyles>
Style function to be passed in to override the themed or default styles
useFastIcons boolean
Whether to use fast icon and check components. The icons can't be targeted by customization but are still customizable via class names.
collapseAllVisibility CollapseAllVisibility
Flag to indicate whether to ignore the collapsing icon on header.
footerProps IGroupFooterProps
Information to pass in to the group footer.
getGroupItemLimit (group: IGroup) => number
Grouping item limit.
headerProps IGroupHeaderProps
Information to pass in to the group header.
isAllGroupsCollapsed boolean
Boolean indicating if all groups are in collapsed state.
onRenderFooter IRenderFunction<IGroupFooterProps>
Override which allows the caller to provide a custom footer.
onRenderHeader IRenderFunction<IGroupHeaderProps>
Override which allows the caller to provide a custom header.
onRenderShowAll IRenderFunction<IGroupShowAllProps>
Override which allows the caller to provide a custom Show All link.
onToggleCollapseAll (isAllCollapsed: boolean) => void
Callback for when all groups are expanded or collapsed.
role string
Override which allows the caller to provide a custom aria role
showAllProps IGroupShowAllProps
Information to pass in to the group Show all footer.
showEmptyGroups boolean
Boolean indicating if empty groups are shown
showAllLinkText string
The Show All link text.
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IGroupShowAllStyleProps, IGroupShowAllStyles>
Style function to be passed in to override the themed or default styles
count number
Count of spacer(s)
indentWidth number
How much to indent
styles IStyleFunctionOrObject<IGroupSpacerStyleProps, IGroupSpacerStyles>
Style function to be passed in to override the themed or default styles
theme ITheme
Theme from Higher Order Component
Object with shiny.tag
class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.
To determine if the list within the grouped list should re-render its contents, the component performs a referential equality check within its shouldComponentUpdate
This is done to minimize the performance overhead associating with re-rendering the virtualized List pages, as recommended by the React documentation.
As a result of this implementation, the inner list will not determine it should re-render if the array values are mutated.
To avoid this problem, we recommend re-creating the items array backing the grouped list by using a method such as Array.prototype.concat
or ES6 spread syntax shown below:
public appendItems(): void { const { items } = this.state; this.setState({ items: [...items, ...['Foo', 'Bar']] }) } public render(): JSX.Element { const { items } = this.state; return <GroupedList items={items} />; }
By re-creating the items array without mutating the values, the inner List will correctly determine its contents have changed and then it should re-render with the new values.
# Example 1
ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
items = list("Item A", "Item B", "Item C", "Item D", "Item E"),
groups = list(
list(key = "g1", name = "Some items", startIndex = 0, count = 2),
list(key = "g2", name = "More items", startIndex = 2, count = 3)
selectionMode = 0,
onRenderCell = JS("(depth, item) => (
jsmodule['react'].createElement('span', { style: { paddingLeft: 49 } }, item)
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))
# Example 2
ui <- function(id) {
items = list("Item A", "Item B", "Item C", "Item D", "Item E"),
groups = list(
list(key = "g1", name = "Some items", startIndex = 0, count = 2),
list(key = "g2", name = "More items", startIndex = 2, count = 3)
selectionMode = 0,
onRenderCell = JS(
"(depth, item) => (
jsmodule['react'].createElement('span', { style: { paddingLeft: 50 } }, item)
groupProps = list(
onRenderHeader = JS(
"(props) => (
{ ...props, styles: { headerCount: { display: 'none' } } },
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.