Facepile: Facepile

FacepileR Documentation



A face pile (Facepile) displays a list of personas. Each circle represents a person and contains their image or initials. Often this control is used when sharing who has access to a specific view or file, or when assigning someone a task within a workflow.

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.





Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


  • addButtonProps IButtonProps
    Button properties for the add face button

  • ariaDescription string
    ARIA label for persona list

  • ariaLabel string
    Defines the aria label that the screen readers use when focus goes on a list of personas.

  • chevronButtonProps IButtonProps
    Deprecated at v0.70, use overflowButtonProps instead.

  • className string
    Additional css class to apply to the Facepile

  • componentRef ⁠IRefObject<IFacepile>⁠
    Optional callback to access the IFacepile interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.

  • getPersonaProps ⁠(persona: IFacepilePersona) => IPersonaSharedProps⁠
    Method to access properties on the underlying Persona control

  • maxDisplayablePersonas number
    Maximum number of personas to show

  • onRenderPersona ⁠IRenderFunction<IFacepilePersona>⁠
    Optional custom renderer for the persona, gets called when there is one persona in personas array

  • onRenderPersonaCoin ⁠IRenderFunction<IFacepilePersona>⁠
    Optional custom renderer for the persona coins, gets called when there are multiple persona in personas array

  • overflowButtonProps IButtonProps
    Properties for the overflow icon

  • overflowButtonType OverflowButtonType
    Type of overflow icon to use

  • overflowPersonas IFacepilePersona[]
    Personas to place in the overflow

  • personas IFacepilePersona[]
    Array of IPersonaProps that define each Persona.

  • personaSize PersonaSize
    Size to display the personas

  • showAddButton boolean
    Show add person button

  • styles ⁠IStyleFunctionOrObject<IFacepileStyleProps, IFacepileStyles>⁠
    Call to provide customized styling that will layer on top of the variant rules.

  • theme ITheme
    Theme provided by High-Order Component.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.

Best practices


  • The face pile empty state should only include an "Add" button. Another variant is to use an input field with placeholder text instructing people to add a person. See the people picker component for the menu used to add people to the face pile list.

  • When there is only one person in the face pile, consider using their name next to the face or initials.

  • When there is a need to show the face pile expanded into a vertical list, include a downward chevron button. Selecting the chevron opens a standard list view of people.

  • When the face pile exceeds a max number of 5 people, show a button at the end of the list indicating how many are not being shown. Clicking or tapping on the overflow would open a standard list view of people.

  • The component can include an "Add" button which can be used for quickly adding a person to the list.

  • When hovering over a person in the face pile, include a tooltip or people card that offers more information about that person.



personas <- list(
  list(personaName = "Adams Baker"),
  list(personaName = "Clark Davis"),
  list(personaName = "Evans Frank")

ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
  Facepile(personas = personas)

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))

Appsilon/shiny.fluent documentation built on June 4, 2024, 7:02 p.m.